Using the word diversity

разнообразие, многообразие, различие, разнородность, разновидность, несходство


- разнообразие; многообразие
- отличие, различие; несходство; своеобразие

diversity of tastes — своеобразие вкусов

- разновидность
- физ. фактор разнообразности

Мои примеры


the richness and diversity of the Amazonian rainforests — богатство и разнообразие амазонских джунглей  
racial diversity — расовое многообразие  
antibody diversity — разнообразие антител  
germline diversity — гаметное разнообразие  
key diversity — разнообразие ключей; общий объем ключей  
diversity effect — эффект разнесения  
functional diversity — функциональное разнообразие  
index of diversity — показатель разнообразия  
diversity antenna — антенна разнесенная  
frequency-diversity reception — прием с частотным разнесением  
diversity of raw materials — разнообразие сырья  

Примеры с переводом

The city is known for its cultural diversity.

Город известен своим культурным многообразием.

He was impressed by the range and diversity of the collection.

Он был впечатлён широтой и разнообразием данной коллекции.

The school aims for diversity in its student population.

Школа стремится к этническому разнообразию в отношении студенческого контингента.

The primal theme of the essay is toleration of religious diversity.

Основной темой сочинения является терпимость к религиозному разнообразию.

The island has more diversity in plant life than other islands nearby.

Растительная жизнь на этом острове более разнообразна, чем на других близлежащих островах.

Greater cultural diversity has led to a more cosmopolitan attitude among the town’s younger generations.

Более сильное культурное разнообразие привело к более космополитичным отношениям в среде городской молодёжи.

The increasing racial diversity of the US is reflected in the latest census statistics.

Увеличение расового разнообразия в США отражается в статистике последней переписи населения.

Возможные однокоренные слова

biodiversity  — биоразнообразие, биологическое разнообразие, биологическая вариативность

diversity — перевод на русский


The geometric method gains firm understanding of a few principles but is incapable of understanding the diversity all around us.

Геометрический метод дает твердое понимание некоторых принципов, но неспособен понять разнообразие всего вокруг нас.

What a marvelous diversity in the images various cultures saw in this particular constellation.

Какое дивное разнообразие изображений различные культуры видели в одном и том же сочетании звезд.

The diversity of the phenomena of nature is so great and the treasures hidden in the heavens so rich precisely in order that the human mind shall never be lacking in fresh nourishment.»

Столь велико разнообразие природных явлений, и столь богаты сокровища, которые хранит небо в совершенном порядке, что человеческий ум никогда не будет испытывать недостатка в пище.»

Anyway, we’re off to celebrate Craggy Island’s ethnic diversity.

Ладно. Мы пошли праздновать этническое разнообразие острова Крагги.

Well, I believe in diversity on my staff.

Ну, я верю в разнообразие в моем штате.

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Diversity and opportunity.

Многообразие и возможности.

Well, Lewis and Sharon said it-— diversity and opportunity and freedom and freedom.

Что ж, Льюис и Шэрон сказали… многообразие и возможности и свобода и свобода.

I’ve championed diversity on NBC.

Я всегда защищал этническое многообразие на NBC.

It’s just… diversity is in our DNA, right?

Многообразие заложено в нашей ДНК.

It means that in a world of excellence, old and unexceptional qualifies as diversity.

В мире совершенства старость и ординарность сойдут за многообразие.

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You know, looking over the names on this list, I’m not sensing a lot of ethnic diversity.

Глядя на этот список имён, я не вижу этнического разнообразия.

As I was trying to say the other day, this company has a long-standing commitment to diversity and inclusiveness.

И как я пытался сказать вчера, в этой компании существует давняя традция этнического разнообразия и взаимодействия.

He heads our diversity and hiring initiative.

Он возглавляет отдел этнического разнообразия и прием на работу.

You were told about this lack of diversity in a staff memo two years ago, and you’ve done nothing.

Вам говорили об этой нехватке этнического разнообразия в служебной записке два года назад, и вы не сделали ничего.

Look, to be honest, there’s no diversity in the food world.

В кулинарных шоу нет этнического разнообразия.

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Oh, hey, well, diversity, everybody. Let’s do it.

Ну что ж, толерантность, все, покажем им.

At Diversity Today, our philosophy is about honesty and positive expectations.

Философия нашей компании «Толерантность сегодня» включает в себя честность и положительные ожидания.

Well, here I am thinking that you actually cared about diversity training.

Я-то решил, что вас действительно волнует толерантность.

Diversity… is the cornerstone of progress, as I’ve always said.

Толерантность — краеугольный камень прогресса, как я всегда говорил.

I… it’s diversity day, Jim.

У нас день толерантности, Джим.

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What in the hell’s diversity?

Что такое равноправие?

Well, I could be wrong, but I believe diversity is an old, old wooden ship that was used during the Civil War era.

Если я не ошибаюсь, равноправие — это старинный деревянный корабль, который использовался во время Гражданской Войны.

Diversity means that times are changing, and with that in mind…

Равноправие значит, что времена меняются, и помня об этом…

A lot of you have been hearing the affiliates complaining about a lack of diversity on the news team.

Многие из вас слышали жалобы об отсутствии равноправия в команде новостей.

So they can pass themselves off as equal opportunity employers. So they can claim to be about diversity.

Чтобы сойти за политкорректных нанимателей, за приверженцев равноправия.

Uh, instead, we need to celebrate our diversity.

Вместо этого надо радоваться нашим различиям.

Come on! Let’s celebrate diversity, right?

Радуемся различиям!

Greendale’s Oktoberfest has never drawn huge crowds, probably due to our diversity.

Октоберфест Гриндэйла никогда не собирал толпы народа, возможно, из-за наших различий.

The Church can’t be seen to be getting involved in matters of diversity.

Церковь не мοжет быть вοвлечена в вοпрοсы всяких различий.

I don’t need a lecture on diversity right now.

Мне сейчас не нужна лекция о различиях.

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That said I would never consider diversity in matters of art.

Это значит, что я никогда не стал бы учитывать разнообразие в вопросах искусства.

Wonderful to see such diversity in a place.

Очень здорово, когда в одном месте можно найти такое разнообразие.

Intelligent people celebrate differences and diversity.

Признак умных людей в том, что они празднуют различия и многообразие.

Orkla aims for a workplace characterised by diversity and anti-discrimination.

Orkla стремится к созданию таких рабочих мест, где будет царить многообразие и не будет места для дискриминации.

Establish a viable population with sufficient genetic diversity.

Цель состоит в том, чтобы увеличить численность популяции с достаточным генетическим разнообразием.

We celebrate diversity at that table.

Сегодня мы стремимся к разнообразию на нашем столе.

Fishes in romantic relationships seek deep and strong feelings than diversity.

Рыбы в романтических отношениях ищут глубоких и сильных чувств, а не разнообразия.

Cultural and racial diversity is largely temporary.

Культурное и расовое разнообразие в значительной степени носит временный характер.

They do spiritual practices to help them see unity in diversity.

Они занимаются духовными практиками для того, чтобы это помогало им видеть единство в многообразии.

Our international mobility programme supports this diversity.

На поддержание данного разнообразия направлена наша программа международной мобильности.

Common issues and multiple views-listening to diversity, 2.

Общие вопросы и многочисленные мнения — прислушиваясь к многообразию, 2.

It follows that any realistic approach to well-being has to begin by accepting and valuing diversity.

Это предполагает, что любой реалистичный подход к здоровью должен начинаться с того, что нужно признавать и ценить разнообразие.

Hypertherm embraces diversity and is committed to providing equal opportunity to employees and applicants.

Компания Hypertherm уважает культурное разнообразие и действует в соответствии с принципом предоставления равных возможностей сотрудникам и соискателям работы.

MUM is a multi-cultural environment where we celebrate diversity.

«MUM — это мультикультурная среда, в которой мы празднуем разнообразие.

One of the central-and currently controversial-aspects of the Cambrian Explosion concerns diversity and disparity.

Один из центральных — и в настоящее время спорных — аспектов «кембрийского взрыва» касается разнообразия и разнородности.

Employees feel good about diversity that occurs naturally, instead of forcing diversity into the workplace.

Сотрудники чувствуют себя хорошо в отношении разнообразия, которое происходит естественным путем, вместо того, чтобы навязывать разнообразие на рабочем месте.

It includes ecosystem diversity, species diversity and genetic diversity.

We spoke of the importance of diversity, but political diversity was never considered.

Invasive species are spreading widely, sometimes pushing up local diversity even while regional diversity may be falling.

Инвазивные виды широко распространяются, иногда увеличивая местное разнообразие, даже если региональное разнообразие может сокращаться.

The beauty of nature lies in its diversity, and this diversity must be supported by man.

Красота природы заключается в ее разнообразии, и это разнообразие должно поддерживаться человеком.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат diversity

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Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200


noun существительное

















  1. разнообразие

    low genetic diversity
    низкое генетическое разнообразие

    diversity of climatic conditions
    разнообразие климатических условий

    diversity of marine life
    разнообразие морской жизни

    cultural diversity
    культурное многообразие

    great diversity
    большая разнообразность

    ethnic diversity
    этническая пестрота

  2. разнородность

  3. различие

    respect for diversity
    уважение различий

  4. многогранность

  5. диверсификация

    economic diversity
    диверсификация экономики

  6. неодинаковость

  7. разнесение

  8. своеобразие

  9. разброс

  10. многообразность

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений diversity на 1 миллион слов: 21.

Примеры предложений

Globalization destroys the diversity of languages.
Глобализация уничтожает языковое многообразие.

The diversity of flowers in this area is astounding.
Разнообразие цветов в этом месте поражает.

So let’s be friends and enjoy our very cooperative community as well as the richness and diversity of languages ​​and their cultures!
Итак, давайте будем друзьями и будем наслаждаться нашим очень слаженным сообществом, равно как и богатством и разнообразием языков и культур!

This forest is full of diversity.
Это лес полон разнообразия.

Existing legislation does not take diversity of races into account.
Действующее законодательство не принимает в расчет расовое многообразие.

Using Esperanto for international communication is the solution for preserving linguistic diversity.
Использование эсперанто для международного общения — это способ, позволяющий сохранить языковое разнообразие.

Many Eastern religions teach that there is a unity behind the diversity of phenomena.
Многие восточные религии учат, что за множеством явлений существует единство.

I despise linguistic diversity.
Я презираю языковое разнообразие.

I am an advocate of linguistic diversity.
Я защитник языкового многообразия.

Unity in diversity.
Единство в разнообразии.

I like the diversity.
Мне нравится разнообразие.


: the condition of having or being composed of differing elements : variety


: the inclusion of people of different races (see race entry 1 sense 1a), cultures, etc. in a group or organization

programs intended to promote diversity in schools


: an instance of being composed of differing elements or qualities : an instance of being diverse


Example Sentences

Another factor in Burns’ rise has been the strength and depth of Xerox’s commitment to diversity. One-third of Xerox’s 3,819 executives are women and 22% are minorities.

Nanette Byrnes et al., Business Week, 8 June 2009

Jim, a lanky, bearded 35-year-old, knows a lot about heirloom fruits and vegetables. He works with the Southern Seed Legacy in Athens, Georgia, an organization devoted to preserving the seeds of heirloom plants in order to restore some of the genetic diversity that industrial agriculture has eroded over the years.

Gary Paul Nabhan, Saveur, October 2009

Even more eccentric is the treatment of the British Empire. Stretching over three centuries and six continents, you might have expected that its extent, duration, and diversity would have made it immune to facile interpretation.

David Gilmour, New York Review, 2 Nov. 2006

The media flood the nation’s editorial markets with testimonies to the piebald character of the American democracy jumbled together from a wonderful diversity of colors, creeds, and cultural dispensations, which is a swell story, but in the United States Senate not one visible to the naked eye.

Lewis H. Lapham, Harper’s, March 2005

The handsome creatures have hooked the interest of evolutionists and ecologists because of their dazzling diversity of shapes, behaviors, and feeding habits, which include nibbling the fins and scales of other fish.

Science, 26 Nov. 2004

The island has more diversity in plant life than other islands nearby.

The city is known for its cultural diversity.

The school aims for diversity in its student population.

See More

Recent Examples on the Web

Earlier this month, Fortune spoke with Truist’s chief inclusion and diversity officer, Dominica Groom, about how DEI practitioners can keep the momentum of their work despite an economic downturn.

Paige Mcglauflin, Fortune, 30 Mar. 2023

Screenwriter diversity also stagnated.

Wendy Lee, Los Angeles Times, 30 Mar. 2023

The bank is holding other events, too, with employee support during April. 3 unique leaders, 3 important missions In her latest role, Coleman serves as PNC’s chief diversity officer.

Carol Cain, Detroit Free Press, 30 Mar. 2023

The practice figures to save Levi’s money and offers representation, but is a diversity initiative that takes jobs from real people of color really diverse? Got a tip, comment, question?

Fifth & Mission Podcast, San Francisco Chronicle, 30 Mar. 2023

In fact, the diversity efforts proudly practiced at New College were inherent to a quality education.

Sophia Brown, CNN, 28 Mar. 2023

Naturally, none of that was true: SVB’s failure was the result of high interest rates, depositor growth, and an old-fashioned bank run, not diversity measures.

Alex Shephard, The New Republic, 28 Mar. 2023

Oscar diversity requirements approved in 2020 go into effect this season and stipulate that best picture candidates meet inclusion thresholds by meeting two of four standards, with women considered an underrepresented group.

Diane Garrett, Variety, 28 Mar. 2023

Weighing not just financial risks and data, but also metrics such as climate risk and board diversity creates a much clearer picture of a potential investment.

Peter Krull, Forbes, 27 Mar. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘diversity.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History


Middle English dyversite «difference, separateness, variety,» borrowed from Anglo-French & Latin; Anglo-French diverseté, diversité, borrowed from Latin dīversitāt-, dīversitās «separateness, condition of being different, difference of opinion,» from dīversus «turned in different directions, situated apart, differing» + -itāt-, -itās -ity — more at diverse

First Known Use

14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1

Time Traveler

The first known use of diversity was
in the 14th century

Dictionary Entries Near diversity

Cite this Entry

“Diversity.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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Last Updated:
2 Apr 2023
— Updated example sentences

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Merriam-Webster unabridged

Diversity is a word we hear a lot. Like many words that we hear regularly, many of us don’t stop to really think about what it means. As children, we infer a lot of the meanings of words by how the adults around us use them, and unless we are given the task of defining the word, many of us rarely look the words up. 

Words just go on meaning what we’ve decided they mean, but it can be a valuable experience to really look into a word like diversity and discover its meaning(s). Just like we need diversity in other parts of our lives, we need diversity in our vocabulary as well. Learning the meaning of words and the origins of those words can help us truly value the words we already think mean so much like diversity.

What Does Diversity Mean? 

Diversity is a noun. Diversity (n.) has two definitions. Here are the definitions of diversity.

  1. The condition of containing or being composed of elements that differ from each other. This definition applies especially to the inclusion of people of different races, genders, sexual orientations, physical abilities/disabilities, and more.
  2. An instance of being diverse or being comprised of differing elements or qualities.

The word diversity is pronounced di-ver-si-ty and heard as də-ˈvər-sə-tē.

Here are some examples of diversity in a sentence. 

  • Abby hopes that the school’s diversity efforts will ensure she’s included like everyone else.
  • Workplace diversity really helps provide a better working environment.

What Is the Origin of the Word Diversity? 

Diversity comes from a Middle English word diversite and from an Old French word diversité. Before that, the word can be traced to Latin dīversitās.Diversitas is from Latin diversus and Latin divertere. Diverus meant diverse, and divertere meant turn aside.

Examples of How Diversity Is Used Today

Diversity is an important word today, and there are numerous articles about its importance.

One key area that diversity is emphasized and valued is in the workplace. According to Alliant International University, there are four types of diversity that can be examined. The four types of diversity are:

  • Internal Diversity
  • External Diversity
  • Organizational Diversity
  • Worldview Diversity

To further understand how we look at diversity, it may be helpful to look at each type of diversity individually.

Internal Diversity

With internal diversity, situations a person is born into can shape their characteristics in different ways from those born into other situations. Here are some examples of internal diversity.

  • Age
  • Race
  • Ethnicity
  • Physical ability
  • Mental ability
  • Sexual orientation
  • Gender identity
  • Assigned sex
  • National origin

External Diversity

External diversity has more to do with influencing elements of a person that are not characteristics they were born with. Here are some examples of external diversity.

  • Education
  • Appearance
  • Personal interests
  • Familial status
  • Marital status
  • Socioeconomic status
  • Parental status
  • Life experiences

Organizational Diversity

Organizational diversity is sometimes called functional diversity. This type of diversity has to do with characteristics assigned to a person by the organization they work for. Here are some examples of organizational diversity.

  • Employment status
  • Job function
  • Place of work
  • Seniority
  • Work experiences

Worldview Diversity

Lastly, worldview diversity is typically just referred to as worldview. A lot of factors come together to create a person’s worldview. There are so many different factors that it can be difficult to find any two people with the exact same worldview. Here are some of the factors that contribute to worldview.

  • Outlook on life
  • Political beliefs
  • Religious beliefs
  • Moral compass

Offering employees an inclusive environment in the workplace promotes creativity. Diverse teams can draw from and appreciate each person’s point of view. To achieve a diverse workforce, here are some steps to try:

  • Implement racial equality programs
  • Emphasize the importance of diversity
  • New recruiting techniques
  • Examine retention efforts

Another aspect of diversity is that companies can reach a broader segment of the market by offering different products and services. Some companies do better focusing on one product or service and being the best at that, but for many companies, offering product diversity allows them to make more sales and increase their profitability. This is called the point of difference. 

Diversity in the Classroom

Many classrooms teach the importance of diversity. Teachers encourage students to see the rich dimensions of diversity. This is meant to go beyond simple tolerance and give every student a sense of belonging. These lessons are meant to make a brighter and richer future for students that is free from prejudice.

Diversity can exist in many different ways. Outside of business and school, diversity exists all around us. Ecosystems rely on the diversity of species to avoid overpopulation, direct competition, extinction, etc.

We tend to apply the definition to humans, but you can find diversity everywhere.

What Are Synonyms for Diversity? 

Synonyms provide us an opportunity to diversify our vocabulary, and we can incorporate other ways of saying what we mean to be more succinct, more direct, and more intentional in our expression of thought. Here are some synonyms for diversity.

  • Assortment
  • Heterogeneousness
  • Miscellaneousness
  • Multifariousness
  • Variety
  • Variousness
  • Multiplicity

What Are Antonyms for Diversity?

While diversity is important in our lives, occasionally, we need to organize things in a way that would not be considered diverse. To express the opposite mean of diversity, you need an antonym for diversity. Here are examples of antonyms for diversity.

  • Uniformity
  • Consistency
  • Similitude
  • Identicalness
  • Fewness
  • Homogeneousness
  • Stagnation

Examples of Diversity

  • The diversity in my portfolio helped to increase its profitability.
  • The company prides itself on maintaining diversity in the workplace.
  • The diversity of our team helped promote creativity and spawn new ideas.
  • I’m thankful for diversity because it would be boring if we were all the same.
  • To truly embrace diversity, we must work to include everyone.

Now, you know the types of diversity, what the word means, and how you can teach diversity in your workplace, school, or daily life!


  1. What Are the 4 Types of Diversity? | Alliant 
  2. The Importance of Diversity & Cultural Awareness in the Classroom | Drexel 
  3. Diversity in the Workplace: Insights and Strategies for 2021 and Beyond | DeVry 


Kevin Miller is a growth marketer with an extensive background in Search Engine Optimization, paid acquisition and email marketing. He is also an online editor and writer based out of Los Angeles, CA. He studied at Georgetown University, worked at Google and became infatuated with English Grammar and for years has been diving into the language, demystifying the do’s and don’ts for all who share the same passion! He can be found online here.

  1. разнохарактерность
  2. разнородность
  3. разнопринципность
  4. разнообразие
  5. разновременность
  6. разнесение
  7. несходство
  8. неодинаковость

Метод борьбы с замираниями, основанный на организации нескольких каналов для приема сигналов с одной и той же информацией. См. angle ~, antenna ~, directivity ~, explicit ~, frequency — geometric-, implicit-, тасrodiversity, microdiversity, orbital-, order of~, orthogonaltransmit-, path-, polarization- selection- selective transmit ~, space ~, time ~.
[Л.М. Невдяев. Телекоммуникационные технологии. Англо-русский толковый словарь-справочник. Под редакцией Ю.М. Горностаева. Москва, 2002]


  • электросвязь, основные понятия


  • diversity


[Я.Н.Лугинский, М.С.Фези-Жилинская, Ю.С.Кабиров. Англо-русский словарь по электротехнике и электроэнергетике, Москва, 1999 г.]


  • электротехника, основные понятия


  • diversity

3.5 разнообразие (diversity): Наличие двух или более резервных систем или резервных элементов для выполнения одной определенной функции, при котором разные системы или элементы наделяются различными признаками таким образом, чтобы уменьшалась возможность отказа по общей причине, включая общий отказ.

(Глоссарий МАГАТЭ по вопросам безопасности:2007)

Примечание — В МЭК 60880 дано следующее определение для термина «разнообразие»: Наличие двух или более путей или средств достижения установленной цели. Разнообразие специально создается как защита от отказа по общей причине. Оно может быть достигнуто наличием систем, которые физически отличаются одна от другой, или с помощью функционального разнообразия, если аналогичные системы достигают установленной цели различными путями.

Источник: ГОСТ Р МЭК 61226-2011: Атомные станции. Системы контроля и управления, важные для безопасности. Классификация функций контроля и управления оригинал документа

3.16 разнообразие (diversity): Наличие двух или более путей или средств достижения установленной цели. Разнообразие специально создается как защита от отказа по общей причине. Оно может быть достигнуто наличием систем, которые физически отличаются одна от другой, или с помощью функционального разнообразия, если аналогичные системы достигают установленной цели различными путями.

[МЭК 60880-2, пункт 3.6]

Примечание 1 — См. также «функциональное разнообразие».

Примечание 2 — Это определение шире, чем использованное в МАГАТЭ 50-C-D: «существование избыточных компонентов или систем с целью выполнения определенной функции, когда такие компоненты или системы совместно несут в себе одну или более различных характеристик. Например, такие характеристики, как различные условия работы, размеры оборудования, производители, принципы функционирования и типы оборудования, использующие различные физические методы».

Источник: ГОСТ Р МЭК 61513-2011: Атомные станции. Системы контроля и управления, важные для безопасности. Общие требования оригинал документа

When the multiculturalists use the word diversity they assume that immigrants will somehow maintain their traditional culture within the Western way of life and the Western value system, like an exotic exhibit of primitive carving in a smart new museum. ❋ Ayaan Hirsi Ali (2010)

The term diversity became popular in American culture during the 70s when the grandchildren of immigrants wanted to learn about their ethnic heritage. ❋ Unknown (2010)

How can we define the term diversity for our library? ❋ Unknown (2009)

But this diversity is a phenomenon that developed slowly and over time. ❋ Unknown (2008)

The two differ in everything from their fashion preferences to their backgrounds to their personalities, but for these two edgy mothers, their diversity is their blessing and advantage in making a provocative shopping experience, the Popsy experience. ❋ Unknown (2006)

Howard goes, Man, now that’s what I call diversity, right? ❋ Unknown (2006)

Moreover, this papers over the real problem for our long-term diversity, which is the very poor education many minority groups receive in the inner cities. ❋ Unknown (2003)

When we hear the word diversity, we typically think of racial and gender differences. ❋ Sean Covey (1998)

Canadian society allows for diversity, and in the evolution of our national aims this diversity is a central feature. ❋ Unknown (1965)

Yet this diversity is a source of physical enrichment, and a source of pride to us who belong to that Empire. ❋ Unknown (1930)

At the beginning of what we call diversity work, which I’d say was maybe 20 or 30 years ago, it seemed to be pretty quirky, you know, potluck suppers, and gospel choir concerts, things like that. ❋ Claire Sanderson (2010)

A decade ago, the phrase «diversity of tactics» allowed a range of actions from strict nonviolence to «fucking shit up,» as certain anarchist factions used to say. ❋ Tom Hayden (2011)

They are a fun target for the right, sometimes deservingly so, but «diversity» is more a principle (which you may still question, of course) than a program with dollars attached. ❋ Unknown (2006)

Person 1: [The dean] says our [campus] needs diversity.
Person 2: Oh, [you mean] less white males? ❋ Andrew Parker (2008)

There have been complaints from the [authorities] about a [lack] of diversity in [the News] Room. ❋ Mr. Incredible (2005)

Champ: [What in the hell] is diversity?
Ron: I could be wrong, but I believe its an old, old [wooden] ship that was used during [the Civil War] era. ❋ Frankdatank811 (2008)

We are promoting [diversity] in our company!
We are only looking for females and [blacks].
[Diversity] means that a standard has been [lowered] ❋ Chauncee Irving (2005)

“I have to [move to] [Brooklyn]! They have cool coffee shops and the area is so full of diversity!”
Translation: «I have to move to Brooklyn. It’s full of gays and [little brown] people! I’ll look so cool! ❋ CynicalSuburbanite (2010)

[brian fantana]: [what in the hell’z] diversity?
[ron burgundy]: I could be wrong, but i believe that diversity is an old, old wooden ship from the civil war era. ❋ People Know Me (2005)

Genuine diversity would imply that someone from [Greenland] or New Zealand would be a welcome addition to increase the diversity of a university culture. Instead, administrators believe their university somehow becomes more diverse by adding one more black from down the road, increasing black % enrollment from 7.23% to 7.24%. Odd how administrators never seem to notice that blacks don’t really contribute to diversity anyway since blacks usually [restrict] their company to that of other blacks in [the student] union, classroom, fraternity, university clubs, etc. ❋ FigurinOutLife (2005)

«To serve our users well, we need a diverse workforce that’s representative of the users we serve. That’s why we lie on our marketing material to make it look like we are 90% African American and women.» — Google
«We know intuitively that diversity matters.» — [McKinsey] & Company
» YouTube illegally used [quotas] as recently as last year in an attempt to hire more black, Latinx, and female engineers.» -Wired Magazine
«Welcome to the tour! My coworkers are super diverse! Over here in the lunch area, all the Asians eat together. And over there, all the Latinos. And over there, all the non-binary [trans-racial] [zir’s].» ❋ Zuck Le Cuck (2019)

America really needs to be more culturally diversity. We really need to embrace a little more cannibalism, and definitely a [salve] labor society like the one they have in China. I hear that there is female genital [mutilation] in the Middle East. Oh [goody]… we need some of that here too! ❋ The Remnant (2019)

[The planet] has a [natural] diversity of animal and [plant] life. ❋ Zos12345 (2013)

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