Using the word constitute in a sentence

Synonym: compose, establish, form, organize, set up. Similar words: constitution, constitutional, institution, institutional, constant, construct, constraint, consist in. Meaning: [‘kɒnstɪtjuːt]  v. 1. form or compose 2. create and charge with a task or function 3. to compose or represent:»This wall forms the background of the stage setting» 4. set up or lay the groundwork for. 

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1. Women constitute about 10% of Parliament.

2. A whole consists of parts, the parts constitute the whole.

3. Testing patients without their consent would constitute a professional and legal offence.

4. Four quarts constitute a gallon.

5. Twelve months constitute a year.

5. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.

6. Does such an activity constitute a criminal offence?

7. The universities constitute a reservoir of expert knowledge.

8. The company will constitute you captain of the ship.

9. The under-18s constitute nearly 25% of the town’s population.

10. These small nations constitute an important grouping within the EU.

11. Listening, speaking, reading, then writing constitute the fundamental order in language learning.

12. The long — term unemployed now constitute a sort of underclass.

13. Volunteers constitute more than 95% of The Center’s work force.

14. Lack of experience does not constitute a major hindrance to progress.

15. Flying pests also constitute a health hazard.

16. The report should constitute an action plan.

17. These seven strategies constitute the course of treatment.

18. The three provincial assemblies together constitute the Territorial Congress.

19. These, however, constitute only 2 percent of average earnings.

20. It would not constitute an insurmountable problem.

21. Lethal and severe defects together constitute major congenital abnormalities.

22. The calcium waves spreading through glial cells may constitute a long-range signalling network acting in concert with conventional neuronal networks.

23. The focus is upon clues which together constitute a text ready for reading and interpretation.

24. Such statutes however constitute a complicating factor and emphasize the need for long-term solutions through international understanding.

25. The House of Commons and the House of Lords comprise / compose / constitute the British Parliament.

26. A move in chess that directly attacks an opponent’s king but does not constitute a checkmate.

27. Ten thousand birds and an equal number of chicks constitute an enormous quantity of meat.

28. These occasional chance encounters could not in any way be said to constitute a satisfactory emotional life.

29. Fuel cells, which provide electricity generated by a chemical reaction between hydrogen and oxygen, constitute one part of that research.

30. Did the women of the locality — and/or the imagination — constitute a perennial problem?

More similar words: constitution, constitutional, institution, institutional, constant, construct, constraint, consist in, construction, constructing, statute, non-stop, monster, instinct, contribute, contribute to, CONS, demonstrate, demonstration, consent, consult, consist, consume, consider, consumer, consist of, consensus, consultant, consequence, conditions. 

Definition of Constitute

to be equal to something

Examples of Constitute in a sentence

While Greg is a key player, he does not constitute the entire football team.


The salary I earn as a delivery driver is so small it does not constitute my full income.


When the soccer coach looked on the field, he saw twenty talented young men who could easily constitute the best team in the school’s history.


It only takes four quarters to constitute the value of a dollar bill.


If four out of five members are available to vote on the budget proposal, then their presence will constitute a quorum.


Does John’s nod constitute his agreement to our plan?


Since Allison was drunk when she responded to your text, it is safe to say her words did not constitute her true feelings about you.


In today’s world, many people believe money and power constitute happiness.


By signing this document, you constitute your agreement to the rental contract.


This year, twenty-eight students will constitute my homeroom class.


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Asked by: Clotilde Kunde

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(4 votes)

1 : to form the whole of Twelve months constitute a year.

How do you use constitute in a sentence?

  1. Women constitute about 10% of Parliament.
  2. A whole consists of parts, the parts constitute the whole.
  3. Testing patients without their consent would constitute a professional and legal offence.
  4. Twelve months constitute a year.
  5. The company will constitute you captain of the ship.

What is an example of Constitute?

The definition of constitute means to set up or to have the pieces of something. An example of constitute is for a one room schoolhouse to be made up of students of all different ages.

When to Use constitute and constitutes?

Here, «constitute» relates to «dependencies». It should be able to handle dependencies between A and B, which constitutes an important class of problems. Here, «constitutes» relates to «to handle». A good technique for this is to try to condense the sentence down into less words.

How do you use constitute as a verb?

verb (used with object), con·sti·tut·ed, con·sti·tut·ing. to compose; form: mortar constituted of lime and sand. to appoint to an office or function; make or create: He was constituted treasurer.

15 related questions found

What is the noun of Constitute?

constitution. The act, or process of setting something up, or establishing something; the composition or structure of such a thing; its makeup. (government) The formal or informal system of primary principles and laws that regulates a government or other institutions.

What is the adjective of Constitute?

constitutive. having the power or authority to constitute, establish or enact something.

What does not constitute mean?

2. linking verb if something constitutes something else, it is considered to be that thing. This letter does not constitute an offer of employment. The invasion constitutes a clear violation of our sovereignty.

What does constitutes mean in law?

to set up (an assembly, proceedings, etc.) in a legal or official form. 3. to give a certain office or function to; appoint. our officially constituted spokesperson.

What does so constituted mean?

The «so constituted» is referencing those who have not lost the urge to learn, in order to make his point. Hope this clears it up; thanks!

How do you use constitute?

make up something (somewhat informal) to be the parts or people that form something:Women make up 56% of the student body. constitute to be the parts or people that form something:People under the age of 40 constitute the majority of the work force.

How do you use facilitate in a sentence?

Facilitate sentence example

  1. This will facilitate learning. …
  2. The facts will help facilitate group discussion. …
  3. It will help facilitate the sharing of information.

What constitute means?

: to make up or form something. : to be the same as something : to be equivalent to something. : to establish or create (an organization, a government, etc.)

What constitutes a good definition?

morally excellent; virtuous; righteous; pious: a good man. satisfactory in quality, quantity, or degree: a good teacher; good health. of high quality; excellent.

How do you use conventional in a sentence?

rigidly formal or bound by convention.

  1. She’s very conventional in her views.
  2. Months are a conventional subdivision of the year.
  3. The chairman made a few conventional remarks.
  4. She’s so conventional in her views.
  5. Mine was a conventional family upbringing.
  6. The disease is totally unresponsive to conventional treatment.

What does to establish mean?

1 : to bring into being : found They established a colony. 2 : to put beyond doubt : prove She established her innocence. establish. transitive verb. es·​tab·​lish.

What are synonyms for the word constitute?

synonyms for constitute

  • create.
  • establish.
  • aggregate.
  • complete.
  • compose.
  • develop.
  • incorporate.
  • make.

What does constituent mean in government?

1 : serving to form, compose, or make up a unit or whole : component constituent parts. 2 : having the power to create a government or frame or amend a constitution a constituent assembly.

What constitutes an abuse of power?

A simple definition of the abuse of power is the misuse of a position of power to take unjust advantage of individuals, organizations, or governments.

Is constitute an adverb?

Pertaining to one’s bodily constitution; physically, physiologically. In accordance with a political constitution.

What does constitute mean psychology?

[kon″stĭ-too´shun] 1. the make-up or functional habit of the body, determined by the genetic, biochemical, and physiologic endowment of the individual, and modified in great measure by environmental factors. 2.

What is an antonym for constitute?

Antonyms for constitute. close (down), phase out, shut (up)

Does constitutional mean poop?

Its a euphemism for a bowel movement.

What is this word contemptuously?

: manifesting, feeling, or expressing deep hatred or disapproval : feeling or showing contempt.

Why is a walk called a constitutional?

A long time ago individuals going out for a walk, especially to get fresh air and exercise, often referred to the activity as «taking a constitutional walk.» The word «constitutional» refers to one’s constitution or physical makeup, so a constitutional walk was considered beneficial to one’s overall wellbeing.

Table of Contents

  1. What is the definition of constitutes?
  2. Is constituted of meaning?
  3. What is constituent chemistry?
  4. What is the synonym of upon?
  5. What is the antonym of excited?
  6. What is a word for scared and excited?
  7. Is happy and excited the same thing?
  8. Is excited an emotion?

Constitute in a Sentence 🔉

  1. While Greg is a key player, he does not constitute the entire football team. …
  2. The salary I earn as a delivery driver is so small it does not constitute my full income.

What is the definition of constitutes?

: to make up or form something. : to be the same as something : to be equivalent to something. : to establish or create (an organization, a government, etc.)

Is constituted of meaning?

verb (used with object), con·sti·tut·ed, con·sti·tut·ing. to compose; form: mortar constituted of lime and sand. to appoint to an office or function; make or create: He was constituted treasurer. to establish (laws, an institution, etc.). to give legal form to (an assembly, court, etc.).

What is constituent chemistry?

the constituents of a chemical compound ingredient applies to any of the substances which when combined form a particular mixture.

What is the synonym of upon?

In this page you can discover 32 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for upon, like: above, affixed to, superimposed, next-to, simultaneous, in, consequent to, beginning with, onto, located at and against. Trending topics.

What is the antonym of excited?

uninterested, unworried, cool, unenthused, uninspired, averse, coolheaded, incurious, undisturbed, nonchalant, languid, uneager, insouciant, unenthusiastic, unwilling, disinclined, detached, apathetic, calm, easy-going, sober, hesitant, disinterested, unperturbed, serene, loath, tranquil, lukewarm, untroubled, tamed, …

What is a word for scared and excited?

frisson Add to list Share. A frisson is a thrilling shiver. Some people love roller coasters so much that they feel a frisson of excitement just looking at one. You’re just as likely to feel a frisson whether you’re scared or excited; its meaning lies directly between thrill and fear.

Is happy and excited the same thing?

Happy is smiling just because you feel good, smiling at everyone, being in a good mood generally. Excited is jumping around and screaming aloud because you’re looking forward to something. So being excited is a more extreme form of happiness.

Is excited an emotion?

Excitement begins in the brain just like any other emotion. Emotions, however, have strong physiological responses. Many people are familiar with the experience of stomach sensations (“butterflies in the stomach”), trembling, weakness, and sweaty palms in response to a state of fear or excitement.

As such, redistributing this book without the copyright owner’s permission can constitute copyright infringement

These thoughts will constitute my part of the book:

» The question is: When does the Bible account of an action constitute and example? I am commanded to observe the Lord’s supper (I Corinthians 11:24,25

» The question is: When does the Bible account of an action constitute and example? I am commanded to observe the Lord’s supper (I Corinthians

That does not necessarily constitute that I have faith in the chair

It does not constitute maturity, but instead constitutes dependency

Is our freedom constituted in that our death serves an ultimate purpose of God? Can we die in such a way as to express a mystery? Revelation 12:11 says that they loved not their lives even unto death

what constituted wild and inflammatory protest, and so it was that

It seems to have constituted almost the whole circulation of that country; for though the circulation of the Bank of Scotland, which had then no rival, was considerable, it seems to have made but a very small part of the whole

The promissory notes of those banking companies constituted, at that time, the far greater part of the currency of Scotland, which this uncertainty of payment necessarily degraded below value of gold and silver money

Those deposits of coin, or those deposits which the bank was bound to restore in coin, constituted the original capital of the bank, or the whole value of what was represented by what is called bank money

What he imagined constituted his soul had awoken, in one piece, within the body of a large moth-eaten black Labrador dog

These, however, together with a pretty large lizard, called the ivana or iguana, constituted the principal part of the animal food which the land afforded

In the republics of ancient Greece and Rome, during the whole period of their existence, and under the feudal govermnents, for a considerable time after their first establishment, the trade of a soldier was not a separate, distinct trade, which constituted the sole or principal occupation of a particular class of citizens; every subject of the state, whatever might be the ordinary trade or occupation by which he gained his livelihood, considered himself, upon all ordinary occasions, as fit likewise to exercise the trade of a soldier, and, upon many extraordinary occasions, as bound to exercise it

As long as such presents, as long as the emoluments of justice, or what may be called the fees of court, constituted, in this manner, the whole ordinary revenue which the sovereign derived from his sovereignty, it could not well be expected, it could not even decently be proposed, that he should give them up altogether

At least it would be a quick death, rather than a gradual ebbing away of whatever it is that now constituted life

In ancient times, they constituted, in every part of Europe, one of the principal branches of the revenue of the crown

These men constituted the nucleus of the force which Waddell needed to organize and recruit at the place

These guns constituted their battery of firepower along with two twelve pounders, aft, which were already in position when the

Those arrests were for dubious political issues and probably were more of a desperate attempt by the Nationalists to curry favour with the ANC, for the generals constituted no threat to anyone…except the Nationalists because of their knowledge of the dirty action campaigns that they, the Nationalists had ordered

The English speaking white South Africans were never supporters of Apartheid and also never constituted a threat for even a pooled English vote would not have stopped the Afrikaners at the polls

argues this war constituted genocide

William had saved a small amount of cash that he kept under the bread box near the small sink that constituted the presence of a kitchen in his room

constituted an infringement of that individual‘s Civil Liberties

8 million inhabitants is constituted along the following lines of various ethnic groups of diverse cultures: 77% Chinese, 14% Malaysian, 7

But to claim that any of the violence that happened constituted anything close to genocide against whites is false

He sprang into action suddenly, trying to find something among the ruin that constituted his library, in essence various piles of books and so on

establishment of this plant in South Carolina rather than Washington shows “animus” and constituted

Generation of Income for Totality of the People, Organizations and Countries in any country that is acting to turn them autosustainable, competent and generative of immense wealth without there is owner of those monetary resources and material goods, without the eternal conflict to exist among constituted powers

( user03) d) Economic Agents are all corporations that adhere to the Project as agreed organization, constituted network, non-profit corporation and collaborating corporation that turn available its organizational resources, as well as its products and services for total usufruct so that that wealth circulates freely in the Coordenational Structure

All its actuation occurs without using the deposited physical money that will stay under the guard of the Central Bank of the Country in that is juridically constituted, this avoids that there are deviations, robberies or fraudulent action

of constituted Bank3Sectors by Country

2 million); 1 Virtual Central Bank of the Third Sector will be constituted at another intercontinental country, for instance it can be any country in the Asian continent and 1 Virtual World Bank that will be constituted in another continent, for instance any country in Latin America

This triangular action supplies the involved countries of resources with sufficiency and it makes possible that all the services rendering activities and production happen, without interruption wherever exists a Virtual Bank or constituted Bank3Sector

Bank3Sector will be constituted by the partners in the middle

constituted of 18 and at the most of 42 teams with

the subventions that are received directly from the constituted

Its amount can be constituted in a

norms in the country where Bank3Sector is constituted;

23 Brotherly love being so sympathetically constituted, the seven brethren had a more sympathetic mutual harmony

These “unassailable” findings, moreover, are not to be subject to public challenge or discussion by non-scientists on moral or ethical grounds, even by democratically constituted government

Levi exhaled deeply, digging his hand out of the trench that constituted my grip, turning his back to me and crouching with his hands resting on his knees in a bent position, like an exhausted marathon competitor

6 miles long and 9 miles at the widest point of the country, which is constituted in its entirety by its capital Oranjestad

pension constituted a breach of trust”

and insurance plans constituted a fundamental breach of trust between the

He was quite a talkative boy and argued over what constituted the baked salad—the Italian vegetable, Artichoke—with a friend of his while walking back from a hotel they had visited earlier

He and Macmillan magnanimously offered to let me become Bill’s assistant, remaining a -13, step 4! This abomination and cold hearted de facto firing constituted “some thanks for my yeoman work the previous 3 1/2 years as the SupShip Counsel, doing singlehandedly the work of two contracts lawyers

Between them, they concocted a BS story that my work for EB constituted a COI because GD also owned Bath Iron Works

Judging from critical remarks by my superiors, this constituted a form of “sexual harassment

The Niagara Movement, as it had been constituted, had attributes considered fatal to those wise great powers

The delegation of unicorns was followed by over five hundred selkies, and they by almost three hundred gargoyles, as those two races, like the dragons and unicorns, each constituted a single nation

The animal protection associations legally constituted have legitimacy to require

Sunrunner was moored at the end of a floating dock, one of seven docks that constituted the local marina

23 Brotherly love being so sympathetically constituted the seven brethren had a more sympathetic mutual harmony

We five constituted the size of group that I AM prefers, according to the Keys of Enoch, and 8 had said before that he wanted to form the Five Star group, so our number seemed completely appropriate

The 1980-91 period constituted a challenging period for the United States and the Coast Guard, whose duties were and are inevitably influenced and expanded by domestic and international events

It was a fraud to pretend otherwise, so it constituted a “theft

The state funeral for Herod Machinma had constituted constant

Since warriors on fyrd were paid two pennies per day, this constituted a respectable bribe—or would it be considered a tip in this culture? Payment of a landing fee was postponed, in part because Sheila’s status as warrior or woman couldn’t be settled

It constituted a critical lapse in judgment and a personal failure on

But survival constituted the immediate problem, and as far as he could see, Swann and Manaea and the other fighters must assure that

‘Not a David,’ I constituted, looking down at her

game of chance that constituted the economy

me as it meant a body of citizens who constituted a social

-Heeereetiiics, Get Out! – So she was saying lengthening the syllables in ancient English that no one has heard of and the peasants who constituted her only public acclaimed with effusiveness her sardonic declamations

the flickering light that constituted its “face”, they directed their eyes and their questions

they would have felt the wrath of turbulence and stray matter that really constituted the asteroids

All told, this constituted half of the Slicer

This, and other such pearls of good news, constituted Zelena‘s

There was an irritated shuffling of papers and impatient intakes of breath before the three businesses that constituted the Osbairne empire were announced

stand around the World-Teacher must be constituted

‘sub’, which constituted a loan on the upcoming weeks wages

These Jewish religious leaders were acting directly under orders from the Sanhedrin at Jerusalem, and they constituted the orthodox vanguard which had come to inaugurate open warfare on Jesus and his disciples

These two weeks at Chorazin constituted a veritable baptism of adversity for the twelve evangelists in that it was the most difficult and unproductive period in their careers up to this time

Only Conan seemed unaware what a monstrous dislocating and uprooting of accepted thought and action their invasion constituted, what an unprecedented violation of tradition

Since Jesus was equal with the Father, and since this Son had achieved the manifestation of personality to his earth children, such a phenomenon constituted proof of the fact, and demonstration of the possibility, of the possession of personality by all three of the Godheads and forever settled the question regarding the ability of God to communicate with man and the possibility of man’s communicating with God

He did not find it easy to think any of the dogs beneath his feet constituted a menace to him

In the cold, loveless and altogether hideous life of the Tecuhltli his admiration and affection for the invaders from the outer world formed a warm, human oasis, constituted a tie that connected him with a more natural humanity that was totally lacking in his fellows, whose only emotions were hate, lust and the urge of sadistic cruelty

30, that the Sanhedrin, as then constituted, officially and unanimously voted to impose the death sentence upon both Jesus and Lazarus

tant customer arriving in his office within the next hour constituted such an emer-

The mushy stuff that constituted for his brain started to churn, giving off sparks

‘’Malmstrom, like two more missile bases in Minot, North Dakota, and in Warren, Wyoming, constituted priority targets for anyone attacking the United States and who wished to avoid nuclear retaliation

That relationship was helped in no small part by the fact that they constituted the regular crew of the scoutship TEEN TEAM, an aptly chosen ship’s name in this case

The water, lime, sand, gravel and steel utilized in the construction constituted huge resources; we can’t ignore those who lost their lives building the dam

However, the student’s inevitable failure to accept (any one of) the teacher’s claims, such as I did with cruelty, made it clear that my fidelity to her knowledge was only a second-hand conviction: I could agree with her assessments of my behavior, but I did not know what to do about constantly forgetting to act differently, because I did not recognize the (seemingly minor) elements that constituted the camouflage of cruelty

The scoutship had been following and studying discreetly for four months via remote-controlled spy probes a small group of Neanderthal humans as it traveled around the forested, snow covered hills and valleys of the Dordogne region, following the herds of reindeers and buffalos that constituted its main source of food

Alerted by a radio message from the ANGEL OF MERCY, Farah Tolkonen ‘A’ was present when the scoutship entered its hangar, after cycling through the main ship airlock of the huge cylindrical structure that constituted the secret main base of the Time Patrol

they constituted a direct attack on British governance

The two big armored turrets that constituted the main armament of the fort, each one housing two huge fourteen inch guns, then started pivoting to point their barrels at the three intruders

� Without wanting to confess it openly, Browning felt a near fatherly affection towards Ingrid and would not have hesitated to adopt her if not for the fact that it would have clearly constituted an act of fraternization with the enemy, a crime punishable by death in time of war

Hence this life of yours which you are living is not merely a piece of the entire existence, but is in a certain sense the whole; only this whole is not so constituted that it can be surveyed in one single glance

If you believe that your work has been used in a manner that constitutes copyright infringement, please follow our Notice and Procedure for Making Claims of Copyright Infringement as seen in our Terms of Service here:

That in itself constitutes that we should gain the wisdom of God and learn to hear that Spirit so that when/if the moment should come we can give answer

It does not constitute maturity, but instead constitutes dependency

differing opinions on what constitutes pretty

This portion, or, what comes to the same thing, the price of this portion, constitutes the rent of land, and in the price of the greater part of commodities, makes a third component part

One of them, and frequently the largest, is, in the first place, destined for replacing a capital, or for renewing the provisions, materials, and finished work, which had been withdrawn from a capital ; the other for constituting a revenue either to the owner of this capital, as the profit of his stock, or to some other person, as the rent of his land

That which is immediately destined for constituting a revenue, either as profit or as rent, may maintain indifferently either productive or unproductive hands

Unproductive labourers, and those who do not labour at all, are all maintained by revenue; either, first, by that part of the annual produce which is originally destined for constituting a revenue to some particular persons, either as the rent of land, or as the profits of stock ; or, secondly, by that part which, though originally destined for replacing a capital, and for maintaining productive labourers only, yet when it comes into their hands, whatever part of it is over and above their necessary subsistence, may be employed in maintaining indifferently either productive or unproductive hands

The proportion, therefore, between the productive and unproductive hands, depends very much in every country upon the proportion between that part of the annual produce, which, as soon as it comes either from the ground, or from the hands of the productive labourers, is destined for replacing a capital, and that which is destined for constituting a revenue, either as rent or as profit

That part of the annual produce, therefore, which, as soon as it comes either from the ground, or from the hands of the productive labourers, is destined for replacing a capital, is not only much greater in rich than in poor countries, but bears a much greater proportion to that which is immediately destined for constituting a revenue either as rent or as profit

(the latter constituting a lower form of friendship, however), while former friends move on with their lives…or grow apart… in search of more suitable arrangements although once maturer relationships suddenly flourish, will (ultimately) reveal that it isn‘t the quantity of friends that matter the most, however, but the level of intimacy among those counted as friends

engagement, whose violation(s) are otherwise construed by the Community of Nations as constituting Crimes against Humanity

In this manner, its members are integrated parts constituting a common whole in the manner each part is considered one with that body

Then you, with Dilimon as your best man, the two of you constituting the immediate party of the groom, will walk down the aisle and take your places to Theramin’s right on the second tier of the podium

Then Talia, with Nemia and I as her parents and Alilia as her maid of honor, and thus constituting the immediate party of the bride, will walk the aisle and take our places to Theramin’s left on the second tier

Think of the seventy or so previous pages as constituting the greatest hits package

values of the following lines constituting the Ichimoku which are the lines of median prices in a

scriptures as constituting the aura of the Lord; and when in 1885 it was

6 Although this perfect life which he lived in the likeness of mortal flesh may not have received the unqualified and universal approval of his fellow mortals, those who chanced to be his contemporaries on earth, still, the life which Jesus of Nazareth lived in the flesh and on Urantia did receive full and unqualified acceptance by the Universal Father as constituting at one and the same time, and in one and the same personality-life, the fullness of the revelation of the eternal God to mortal man and the presentation of perfected human personality to the satisfaction of the Infinite Creator

And it is this supreme law of love for God and for man that I also declare to you as constituting the whole duty of man

women and children constituting 90 percent of the victims

tions, each constituting separate and independent works in themselves, which to-

constituting the motions or currents within what physicists call “heterotic superstring

constituting it, without any possibility of splitting atoms and causing a destructive

are the basic units constituting the motions or currents within what physicists call

There was a scant kilometer separating Edson’s frontal positions from the divisional command post, which was itself only 600 meters from Ingrid’s unit lines and the open plain constituting Fighter One strip

Of all women aged 65-75 in this country, a quarter of them report Social Security as their primary income, constituting 90% of what they have to live on from month to month

a written statement of the essential facts constituting the offense

constituting the shadow—reveals that they have an emotional nature, a kind of autonomy, and accordingly an obsessive or, better, possessive

complex synthesis of influences constituting what is often called

She is the mother of ―Unified Consciousness,‖ constituting a oneness of perception; or awareness of something shared by a group

―Etheric Body,‖ and state that it is the innermost layer of several, constituting the ―aura

Once fully operational and launched on polar or highly inclined orbits, space planes would be able on demand and on short notice to photograph in detail about any spot on the planet, thus constituting an invaluable strategic reconnaissance asset in times of crisis

* a Goa Liberation Army constituting all political parties was formed to liberate Goa

For this purpose, it would be useful to have a Labour Consultative Workshop between unions and employer representatives that could sponsor a Labour Advisory Council constituting representatives of both parties

The first of three sounds constituting the sacred syllable OM

The millions and millions of animals come and go, a few years constituting their span of life

are blocked off several days before the festivities constituting further the sense this

It is separate from the shareholders constituting it

The twelve tables constituting thefirst written compilation of Roman Law, said by Livy and others to

This is, a state constituting the attainment of what is “Eternal, the Self, Bliss, and the Pure”

constituting one of those parts

The District constituting the seat of Government of the United States shall appoint in such manner as the Congress may direct: A number of electors of President and Vice President equal to the whole number of Senators and Representatives in Congress to which the District would be entitled if it were a State, but in no event more than the least populous State; they shall be in addition to those appointed by the States, but they shall be considered, for the purposes of the election of President and Vice President, to be electors appointed by a State; and they shall meet in the District and perform such duties as provided by the twelfth article of amendment

The District constituting the seat of Government of the United States shall appoint in such manner as Congress may direct:

After all, hang it, they had their eleven and more humdrum months of it and merited a radical change of venueafter the grind of city life in the summertime for choice when dame Nature is at her spectacular best constituting nothing short of a new lease of life

shipboard: its properties for cleansing, quenching thirst and fire, nourishing vegetation: its infallibility as paradigm and paragon: its metamorphoses as vapour, mist, cloud, rain, sleet, snow, hail: its strength in rigid hydrants: its variety of forms in loughs and bays and gulfs and bights and guts and lagoons and atolls and archipelagos and sounds and fjords and minches and tidal estuaries and arms of sea: its solidity in glaciers, icebergs, icefloes: its docility in working hydraulic millwheels, turbines, dynamos, electric power stations, bleachworks, tanneries, scutchmills: its utility in canals, rivers, if navigable, floating and graving docks: its potentiality derivable from harnessed tides or watercourses falling from level to level: its submarine fauna and flora (anacoustic, photophobe), numerically, if not literally, the inhabitants of the globe: its ubiquity as constituting 90 percent of the human body: the noxiousness of its effluvia in lacustrine marshes, pestilential fens, faded flowerwater, stagnant pools in the waning moon

The interest return is divided into two components, the first constituting “pure interest”—i

These lows had in turn undercut the April lows, constituting a shakeout that faked out short-sellers as the market turned and began to rally

Stockholders are far from constituting a monolithic group, and among them there are varied and sometimes conflicting interests concerning cash distributions

Civilization, unfortunately, represented at this epoch rather by an aggregation of interests than by a group of principles, was or thought itself, in peril; it set up the cry of alarm; each, constituting himself a centre, defended it, succored it, and protected it with his own head; and the first comer took it upon himself to save society

(2010) show that many anomalies—including value and momentum—are concentrated on the subset of stocks with high credit risk (ratings below investment grade, constituting less than 10% of market cap)

We can infer higher implied correlation when index option volatility rises faster than the average volatility of single-stock options constituting the index

The initial set of underlying assets available to create option combinations includes all stocks constituting the S&P 500 index

More sophisticated approaches to estimating the steadiness should express numerically the sensitivity of optimization space (for example, by calculating the variability of coordinates of nodes constituting the optimal areas)

As a result, all variants constituting the initial set are ordered according to their quality indicators

) At the expiration date the total profit or loss of the 50 combinations selected by the criterion and those constituting the control group are calculated

Consequently, the average profit of combinations (expressed as a percentage of margin requirements) constituting subset K will be a straight and intuitively understandable indicator of the criterion effectiveness

The practical application of the Pareto method is often hampered by the small quantity of elements constituting the Pareto optimal set

For one of two criteria constituting a certain pair, we calculate average profit for n best combinations

2 shows the relationship between the percentage of coincidences (expressed as the number of combinations included in both optimal sets normalized by the total number of combinations constituting these sets) and the number of Pareto layers

This relationship is caused by the fact that as the number of layers increases, the total number of combinations constituting the optimal set also increases (see Figure 7

MGM, or Metro, as it was known by the cognoscenti, was the jewel in the crown of the studios constituting the motion picture industry of the day

They were 468 feet long and 35 feet wide, constituting a new type of extreme length as compared with their width

She presents the curious anomaly of the most solid masonry joining with oak and hemp in constituting the completed ship

But these precepts, far from constituting the whole of Christ’s teaching and exhausting it, are simply stages on the way to perfection

Constituting thyself of thyself,

From the land side to the tops of the piles stretched transverse beams, two and three yards apart; more beams lower down, constituting stays against the piles buckling; the whole a giant scaffolding embedded in the bowels of the earth

In other words, can they create a body politic and corporate, not constituting a part of the Government, nor otherwise responsible to it but by forfeiture of charter, and bestow on its members privileges, immunities, and exemptions not recognized by the laws of the States, nor enjoyed by the citizens generally? It cannot be doubted but that Congress may pass all necessary and proper laws for carrying into execution the powers specifically granted to the Government, or to any department or officer thereof; but, in doing so, the means must be suited and subordinate to the end

The proportion of the political weight of each sovereign State, constituting this Union, depends upon the number of the States which have a voice under the compact

Sulphate of Barytes—in the same place, constituting the immediate walls of the vein

He observed that you had expressed an opinion, that an attentive examination of all the strata constituting the walls of the artificial avenue or drift at the Southampton mines, would bring facts to knowledge, which might, in some degree, subserve the cause of geological science

These high and regal prerogatives, constituting some of the most obvious characteristics which distinguish an absolute monarchy from the constitution of a free State, are confided to the discretionary exercise of a Governor, who is neither chosen by, nor responsible to, the people

And its character is, that it belongs not to the body, but the individual members constituting the body

The only difference in the accommodation in each case is that, in the “flat,” the rooms are accessible to one another without the use of stairs, while in the “tower” six flights of stairs in all are used, constituting in the aggregate a ladder, as it were, of about a hundred steps; also in the fact that in the “tower” the owner has to manage his own heating, ventilating and hot-water supply apparatus, while in the “flat” this work is done for him; that in the “tower” wooden staircases and no elevators are used, while in the “flat” fireproof staircases enclosing elevators are provided; that in the “tower” the main partitions are often of wood while in the flat they are of brick a foot thick and each “flat” is separated from its neighbor by a brick wall a foot thick and all the floors are completely deadened against the transmission of sound; and finally that in the “tower” no external fire-escape is provided, while the “flat” has convenient external fire-escapes of iron

having been reserved from the wages of the seamen on board private armed vessels, for the avowed and declared purpose of constituting a fund for pensions to the wounded, this bill now merely indicated the mode of carrying this provision into effect

  • Use the word CONSTITUTE in a sentences

Sentence Examples

It’s the opinion of this court, and the good, law-abiding citizens… that you constitute a menace to this community… and we hereby order you to leave town. And not to return till you can prove that you’re respectable and married.

In her own way, she may constitute an entire second front.

Didn’t I voluntarily constitute myself their guardian?

They constitute a very bad industrial hazard.

Brother Leone, lamb of our good Lord, even were we able to speak the language of the angels and know the secrets of the heart, even that would not constitute perfect happiness.

The squatters constitute a cloud on the title ofthe Furies.

Because in court your statement would constitute grants declaring you legally -dead if you don’t return, in say even 2 years.

If you refuse, we are determined to invoke the privilege accorded the nobles of this colony… by His Most Catholic Majesty, Charles V… to depose his viceroy of the New Indies and constitute a provisional government.

Mrs. Garrison’s daughters have not, and they constitute a majority.

You have often spoken nostalgically of wishing to retire there, and I feel it would constitute a new lease of Life, as it were.

So, if a client forces himself upon us, does that constitute an infringement of our basic human rights?

There being present a quorum of the total number of directors as of this date, an affirmative vote delivered four times shall constitute an elective majority.

Broken bones constitute evidence that I, as tutor, refuse to admit.

Together with Sergeant Craig and me, you will constitute the operational team.

In the event of our death, this report, together with the recording of the saucer sounds on this tape, constitute all the data we have.

Does the alien in any way constitute a menace to our society?

the problem is to electrify a whole district, which will constitute the base of operations for the conquest of those frozen wastes.

I’d better not. It would constitute a bribe.

I wish it understood that my presence here does not constitute an endorsement of the methods employed by the characters in the play.

Simple murders and atrocities do not constitute… the gravamen of the charges in this indictment.

His learning, liis memory, these inter-reacting constitute liis personality, his philosophy, capability and attitude.

Henceforth… the 2 brothers slept for eternity… believing the brain, in decay… functioned beyond death… and its dreams… are what constitute Paradise.

As for the businesses that constitute Patricia’s dowry, …your father will take over.

All my thinking could be summed up with these words: Since corrupt people unite among themselves to constitute a force, honest people must do the same.

The treaty, set by subspace radio, established this neutral zone, entry into which, by either side, would constitute an act of war.

Don’t they constitute a risk of contamination to you and to Lee?

These things constitute a drain on our resources.

Since poetry consists in creating, one should take from the human soul the states, the rays of light of absolute purity, so that well-recited and well-emphasized, they constitute the jewels of man:

But does our involvement here also constitute a violation of the Prime Directive?

The film didn’t want to, cannot want to explain cinema, nor constitute its object.

Listen, Love Love, even for the dumbest cop that would constitute a proof.

They constitute the hard core of our problem and I’m going to crush them once and for all!

We, reposing a special trust and confidence in your loyalty, courage and good conduct, constitute and appoint you to be an officer in our land forces with the rank of 2nd Lieutenant.

TANNOY: «Less than 500 souls inhabit the three quaint streets and the few narrow bylanes, and the scattered farmsteads that constitute this small, decaying watering-place.»

Through this method of questioning, answering… questioning, answering… we seek to develop in you the ability to analyze… that vast complex of facts that constitute… the relationships of members within a given society.

These interviews constitute the core of our film.

The submarines would constitute the true naval threat.

It is then that political economy comes… to constitute the dominant science and the science of domination.

Thus, the time which is officially affirmed across… the entire expanse of the globe as the general time of society, signifying only the specialized interests which constitute it, is merely one particular time.

You constitute social danger.

Well, every day, five days a week for 15 years… I’ve been sitting behind that desk, the dispassionate pundit… reporting with seemly detachment… the daily parade of lunacies that constitute the news.

One petrified piece of pork chop and an aging piece of brown celery doesn’t constitute payment.

If Wainwright received it, it would constitute an injustice to others who have done far more.

and those who believe that Stalinist bureaucrats constitute the party… of the proletariat will see these as fine working-class mugs.

It’s made of four different parts, called nucleotides which constitute the four letters of the genetic code the language of heredity.

Incidentally, Miss Lelache, this will constitute a record to your people that my Augmentor does not loosen toenails, or harden arteries, or blow your mind, or have any ill effects whatsoever.

You constitute what is without doubt the most powerful athletic force ever to leave these shores.

so incredibly sensitive to the deep strains of decency, which constitute the lapping tidewaters of our heritage?

Comrade Chairman, I move that we immediately constitute ourselves as the bona fide Communist party, and that we call ourselves the Communist Labor Party of America.

Comrade Chairman, I’d like to call that question, please. The motion has been made and seconded that we immediately constitute ourselves as the bona fide Communist party and that we call ourselves the Communist Labor Party of America.

 Meanings and Examples of CONSTITUTE


 v.  make up; form something

Classic Sentence: (133 in 9 pages)

1  The walls were white, the tables were black; these two mourning colors constitute the only variety in convents.

Les Misérables (V2) By Victor Hugo
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 6: CHAPTER V—DISTRACTIONS

2  His tendency, and we say it with the proper amount of regret, would not constitute classic taste.

Les Misérables (V3) By Victor Hugo

3  The elements which constitute the consideration of the gamins for each other are very various.

Les Misérables (V3) By Victor Hugo

4  They constitute two different orders of facts which correspond to each other, which are always interlaced, and which often bring forth results.

Les Misérables (V4) By Victor Hugo
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 7: CHAPTER I—ORIGIN

5  This agony and this immortality are about to join and constitute our death.

Les Misérables (V5) By Victor Hugo

6  A platoon of the National Guard would constitute itself on its own authority a private council of war, and judge and execute a captured insurgent in five minutes.

Les Misérables (V5) By Victor Hugo

7  In the meanwhile, how disheartening to see the woman one loves long for those thousands of nothings which constitute a woman’s happiness, and be unable to give her those thousands of nothings.

The Three Musketeers By Alexandre Dumas
Context  Highlight   In 11 IN WHICH THE PLOT THICKENS

8  He would not have believed that two sentiments so opposite could dwell in the same heart, and by their union constitute a passion so strange, and as it were, diabolical.

The Three Musketeers By Alexandre Dumas
Context  Highlight   In 35 A GASCON A MATCH FOR CUPID

9  But the meal did not constitute by any means the best of which Chichikov had ever partaken, seeing that some of the dishes were overcooked, and others were scarcely cooked at all.

Dead Souls By Nikolai Gogol
Context  Highlight   In PART 1: CHAPTER IV

10  Also, such crowds of feminine shoppers began to repair to the Bazaar as almost to constitute a crush, and something like a procession of carriages ensued, so long grew the rank of vehicles.

Dead Souls By Nikolai Gogol
Context  Highlight   In PART 1: CHAPTER VIII

11  Every one of them had made up her mind to use upon him her every weapon, and to exhibit whatsoever might chance to constitute her best point.

Dead Souls By Nikolai Gogol
Context  Highlight   In PART 1: CHAPTER VIII

12  At the present moment the master of the house was engaged in giving the cook orders for what, under the guise of an early breakfast, promised to constitute a veritable dinner.

Dead Souls By Nikolai Gogol
Context  Highlight   In PART 2: CHAPTER III

13  My whole idea is that if vicious people are united and constitute a power, then honest folk must do the same.

War and Peace(V6) By Leo Tolstoy
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 16: CHAPTER XVI

14  These are things which may swell your strength but do not constitute it, being in themselves null and of no avail without an army on which you can depend.

Discourses on the First Decade of Titus Livius By Niccolo Machiavelli
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 2: CHAPTER X.

15  Once more, therefore, I repeat that not gold but good soldiers constitute the sinews of war.

Discourses on the First Decade of Titus Livius By Niccolo Machiavelli
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 2: CHAPTER X.

Example Sentence: (48 in 4 pages)

16  The president has promised a new constitution and the creation of democratic power structures.

17  These rights are established in the federal constitution.

18  The courts struck down local segregation laws because they violated the federal constitution.

19  The nation’s constitution provided a model that other countries followed.

20  The movement to change the union’s constitution is slowly gathering momentum.

21  Brazil’s constitution forbids the military use of nuclear energy.

22  Its constitution allows it to publish contracts and practice notes only where these have been approved unanimously by the constituent bodies.

23  Any reform will destroy and pervert our constitution.

24  Until the constitution is amended, the power to appoint ministers will remain with the president.

25  When he is sworn into office he will have to pledge his allegiance to the republican constitution.

26  He has a steely stare, a brassy attitude and an iron constitution.

27  This compact is the constitution, and a constitution is not a thing in name only, but in fact.

28  President Putin said Britain knew Russia’s constitution prohibits such an extradition.

29  What we should not allow this moment to undermine, is our commitment to South Africa, to the constitution and the reconstruction.

30  We shouldn’t be changing our constitution to suit a short-term whim or agenda.

What is an example of Constitute?

The definition of constitute means to set up or to have the pieces of something. An example of constitute is for a one room schoolhouse to be made up of students of all different ages.

When to Use constitute and constitutes?

Here, “constitute” relates to “dependencies”. It should be able to handle dependencies between A and B, which constitutes an important class of problems. Here, “constitutes” relates to “to handle”.

Does constitute mean represent?

form, constitute, makeverb. to compose or represent:”This wall forms the background of the stage setting”

What constitutes a good life?

So when we say someone is living well or that they have lived a good life, we may simply mean that they are a good person, someone who is courageous, honest, trustworthy, kind, selfless, generous, helpful, loyal, principled, and so on. They possess and practice many of the most important virtues.

What does it mean to constitute yourself?

Definition of self-constituted

: constituted or appointed by oneself to something (such as a function or position) a self-constituted leader But the old gentleman, his self-constituted companion, did not allow him to recede from the invitation …— Sir Walter Scott.

What constitutes a word?

In linguistics, a word of a spoken language can be defined as the smallest sequence of phonemes that can be uttered in isolation with objective or practical meaning.

What does constitutes a family mean?

Family: A family is a group of two or more persons related by birth, marriage, or adoption who live together; all such related persons are considered as members of one family.

What is a person’s self?

Self-concept is how we perceive our behaviors, abilities, and unique characteristics. 1 For example, beliefs such as “I am a good friend” or “I am a kind person” are part of an overall self-concept.

What does not constitute mean?

2. linking verb if something constitutes something else, it is considered to be that thing. This letter does not constitute an offer of employment. The invasion constitutes a clear violation of our sovereignty. Collocations and examples.

What do you mean by pragmatics?

pragmatics, In linguistics and philosophy, the study of the use of natural language in communication; more generally, the study of the relations between languages and their users.

Why do we need to define a word?

But why is a definition so important? Because definitions enable us to have a common understanding of a word or subject; they allow us to all be on the same page when discussing or reading about an issue.

What is a constituent in government?

noun. a constituent element, material, etc.; component. a person who authorizes another to act in his or her behalf, as a voter in a district represented by an elected official.

What does constitute mean psychology?

[kon″stĭ-too´shun] 1. the make-up or functional habit of the body, determined by the genetic, biochemical, and physiologic endowment of the individual, and modified in great measure by environmental factors.

What dies it mean to dissent?

Definition of dissent

(Entry 1 of 2) intransitive verb. 1 : to withhold assent or approval. 2 : to differ in opinion Three of the justices dissented from the majority opinion.

What is an example of constituency?

The definition of a constituency is the body of people who are eligible to vote and elect a leader, or a group of supporters or potential supporters. The people in a given geographic area who elect a congressman are an example of a constituency.

What is a constituent in a sentence?

Constituent: “a syntactic unit that functions as part of a larger unit within a sentence” (Finegan and Besnier: 525) 1. Single words are constituents. ( exceptions: certain contractions, certain possessives) Complete sentences are constituents.

What is called constituency?

A constituency is all of the constituents of a representative. Constituents also have the power to remove their representative from the position to which they have appointed him or her. All of the constituents who are registered to vote are called the electorate.

What is a constituent person?

A constituent is someone who lives in a particular constituency, especially someone who is able to vote in an election. He told his constituents that he would continue to represent them to the best of his ability. countable noun.

What is a constituent structure?

Definition of constituent structure

: a formal representation of the grammatical structure of a sentence in terms of its individual constituents also : the structure which such a representation describes.

What purpose are constituencies constituted?

The main task of the commission is redrawing the boundaries of the various assembly and Lok Sabha constituencies based on a recent census. The representation from each State is not changed during this exercise. However, the number of SC and ST seats in a state are changed in accordance with the census.

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  • Using the word conclusion in a sentence
  • Using the word concept in a sentence
  • Using the word comprise in a sentence
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