Using the word argument in a sentence

The word (


), is the


most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Which to her reveal Kurosawa» privileging» these samurai,» support the,


    ,voiced by several Japanese critics that Kurosawa was an elitist … Kurosawa
  2. And substituted meters, adapting the rhythms to the requirements of serious,


    , In an anapestic passage in The Frogs, for instance, the character Aeschylus
  3. Cowards, and base things sire base» ( IV,2) to reinforce his hereditarian,


    , On the question of eugenics, Schopenhauer wrote: With our knowledge of the
  4. The conditional premise. Examples One way to demonstrate the invalidity of this,


    ,form is with a counterexample with true premises but an obviously false
  5. Committed by reasoning in the form: #If P, then Q. #Q. #Therefore, P. An,


    ,of this form is invalid, i. e., the conclusion can be false even when
  6. In its favor are hard to refute «. Reich:» … Turing’s informal,


    ,in favor of his thesis justifies a stronger thesis: every algorithm can be
  7. Libertarian philosopher Robert Notice, who argued that her meta-ethical,


    ,is unsound and fails to solve the is–ought problem posed by David Hume. Some
  8. Notice that the faces of the pigs have begun changing. During a poker match,an,


    ,breaks out between Napoleon and Mr Pilkington when they both play the Ace of
  9. Theme, that of cannibalism and the eating of babies as well as the same final,


    , that» human depravity is such that men will attempt to justify their own
  10. The jury on the law applicable to the case, permitting seriously improper,


    ,by an attorney, admitting or excluding evidence improperly, acting outside the
  11. About meromorphic functions inside and on a closed contour *Mathematical,


    , a quantity that serves to relate functions and variables using a common
  12. Representing themselves) of the legal reasons why they should prevail *Closing,


    , in law, the concluding statement of each party’s counsel reiterating the
  13. Petitions for ending slavery from 1835 to 1844,while Manifest Destiny became an,


    ,for gaining new territories, where slavery could expand. The acquisition of
  14. To a new trial. In the United States, a lawyer traditionally starts an oral,


    ,to any appellate court with the words» May it please the court. » After an
  15. Countries and regions planned for future content. In philosophy and logic,an,


    ,is an attempt to persuade someone of something, or give evidence or reasons for
  16. One is used. Moreover, the fact that all three are equivalent is a very strong,


    ,for the correctness of anyone. » (Roster 1939:225–6) Rosser’s footnote #5
  17. Pest resistance warrants the development of a new pesticide. An alternative,


    ,is that the way to ‘save the environment’ and prevent famine is by using
  18. In constructive set theory from the assumption of the axiom of choice. Another,


    ,against the axiom of choice is that it implies the existence of
  19. Hummel points out Hayek’s solution in Prices and Production to Krugman’s,


    , but then argues that it is unsatisfactory. Hayek argues that the decrease in
  20. Trial court. Hence, such an appellate court will not consider an appellant’s,


    ,if it is based on a theory that is raised for the first time in the appeal. In
  21. To other axioms of set theory. The decision must be made on other grounds. One,


    ,given in favor of using the axiom of choice is that it is convenient to use it
  22. Simple living in natural surroundings, and his essay, Civil Disobedience,an,


    ,for individual resistance to civil government in moral opposition to an unjust
  23. Phrase that appears in a syntactic relationship with the verb in a clause *Oral,


    , in US law, a spoken presentation to a judge or appellate court by a lawyer (
  24. Elliptic integral form MAPLE to Mathematical, one should replace the second,


    ,to its square, see; dealing with complex values, this may cause problems. *
  25. Of another function, The first function is assumed, if the expression in the,


    ,contains more characters ~t~ or ~tau~, than characters ~omega~, and the
  26. For a free falling observer the rules of special relativity must apply. This,


    ,is called the Equivalence principle. In the same article, Einstein also
  27. Became confused about the gauge invariance in the theory. He formulated an,


    ,that led him to conclude that a general relativistic field theory is impossible
  28. Possible. The emphasis shifted away from Lincoln-the-emancipator to an,


    ,that blacks had freed themselves from slavery, or at least were responsible for
  29. When such a relationship would be difficult to explicate with an equation *An,


    ,of a function, also known as an independent variable Language and rhetoric
  30. Even its norm int | f (x)|^2 x) depend on the character used to denote its,


    , If the Greek letter is used, it is assumed to be a Fourier transform of
  31. Effects such as the deflection of light by massive bodies were predicted. Hole,


    ,and Century theory While developing general relativity, Einstein became
  32. As Irish policy in general. Details Swift goes to great lengths to support his,


    , including a list of possible preparation styles for the children, and
  33. Notations. Usually, the conversion to another notation requires scaling the,


    ,and/or the resulting value; sometimes, the same name of the function is used
  34. In other words so long as they do so without force). According to this,


    , the free market is simply the natural situation that would result from people
  35. Real numbers, even though all its coefficients (1 and 0) are real. The same,


    ,proves that no subfield of the real field is algebraically closed; in
  36. Democratic leader Stephen A. Douglas’ Freeport Doctrine. This doctrine was an,


    ,for thwarting the Died Scott decision that, along with Douglas’ defeat of the
  37. Showing the financial benefits of his suggestion. He uses methods of,


    ,throughout his essay which lampoon then-prominent William Petty and the social
  38. An oscillator is equal to hf, to half the energy spacing between levels. This,


    , which was made in 1913 in collaboration with Otto Stern, was based on the
  39. The science of mathematics. These theories were built on a coherent building of,


    ,from assumed or accepted beginnings. Etymology The earliest attested name is
  40. Einstein abandoned the theory in November 1915 after realizing that the hole,


    ,was mistaken. Cosmology In 1917,Einstein applied the General theory of
  41. The message, Speer burst out,» The Führer can kiss my ass! » After a lengthy,


    , Milch persuaded Speer to withdraw his offer of resignation, on the condition
  42. Characters (typically in anapestic rhythm); **excited dialogue or heated,


    ,(typically trochaic rhythm, the same as in early tragedy); **long speeches
  43. Is in us, remains both the material and the limit of our consideration. The,


    ,that Buddhism affected Schopenhauer’s philosophy more than any other Dharma
  44. That copyrights are in some situations compatible with a free society. His,


    ,is that when a copyright notice is on a piece of literary work this is a signal
  45. With this machine he could analyze a» syllogism or any other simple logical,


    ,». This machine he displayed in 1870 before the Fellows of the Royal Society.
  46. Economy during recessions. Jeffery Hummel offers some solutions to Krugman’s,


    , but then reasons that none are satisfactory. First Hummel points out Hayek’s
  47. Most catastrophic events, and a Christian hope is granted to all. Paneloux’s,


    ,is based on the theology of St. Augustine, on which he is an expert, and it is
  48. Those


    s are presented in written briefs and sometimes in oral,


    ,to the court at a hearing. At such hearings each party is allowed a brief
  49. A gap between the narrator’s meaning and the text’s, and that a moral-political,


    ,is being carried out by means of parody «. While Swift’s proposal is obviously
  50. Are rarely or never well-defined, and are presented in the context of a larger,


    ,that invites a conclusion. For example,» You could do with a new automobile.

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word argument, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use argument in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «argument».

Argument in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word argument in a sentence.

  1. The form of the argument is as follows.

  2. Perrot and Penington lost the argument.

  3. This seemed to dispose of all argument.

  4. Gregg’s argument depicts her reign as:.

  5. This angle is called the argument of z.

  6. Tara and Shiv get into a heated argument.

  7. Byers also presents the following argument.

  8. Something like this kills a lot of argument.

  9. He could not recall which argument prevailed.

  10. Scalia responded to this argument in two ways.

  11. Ruth retired on June 2 after an argument with Fuchs.

  12. Not all historians agree with this argument, however.

  13. They lost the argument and the tanks were redesigned.

  14. This time the argument won with ten votes against two.

  15. Oral argument in Bakke took place on October 12, 1977.

  16. Henry was unimpressed by this argument, for it impinged on his royal prerogative.

  17. The argument that destruction and terror are part of revolution I do not dispute.

  18. Much of the argument for Al-Kateb centred on the fact that he was a stateless man.

  19. Dawn tells Tara she is glad that Tara and Willow have made up after their argument.

  20. And he uses the hour allocated for argument to bludgeon his brethren into agreement.

  21. Several researchers rejected the argument that suppressing the pair’s names was an act of censorship.

  22. He’d hear an argument in the dressing room and he’d throw a bit of wood on the fire to keep it going.

  23. A greater range of values existed for the argument of perihelion and longitude of the ascending node.

  24. After a brief argument, Varitek pushed his glove into Rodriguez’ face, causing a bench-clearing brawl.

  25. For example, one can take the argument for indispensability described above and adjust it as follows:.

  26. It also adopts a hybrid tone that combines rational argument with the fervent rhetoric of sensibility.

  27. Crittenden argued that the slaying was self-defense, and Clay delivered a passionate closing argument.

  28. Stefani creates an argument between lyrical personas by alternating her vocal range and point of view.

  29. After the argument, Freedman goes to King’s office and weeps when he sees the aftermath of her assault.

  30. The government now advanced the argument that «technical data» was not protected by the First Amendment.

  31. Huxley summarized his argument in his highly influential 1863 book Evidence as to Man’s Place in Nature.

  32. There was praise for its sincerity and artistry, and some expressed sympathy with Hall’s moral argument.

  33. The SCC rejected that argument and decided, on March 4, 1987, that the promissory notes were securities.

  34. McGurrin, counsel for Armando Schmerber, during oral argument at the Supreme Court of the United States.

  35. Truthiness is tearing apart our country, and I don’t mean the argument over who came up with the word …

  36. Bradman missed the first Test at Sydney, worn out by constant cricket and the ongoing argument with the Board of Control.

  37. His argument is fundamental in the solution of the Halting problem and the proof of Gödel’s first incompleteness theorem.

  38. In fact, other travel works published at the time made the argument that Napoleon was responsible for Italian unification.

  39. After an argument breaks out, the witch-finders and Pike decide that the rest of the trial should be conducted in private.

  40. However, the argument has not been found persuasive, and few historians harbour doubts about the authenticity of the work.

  41. After hearing Smith’s argument in favour of Rhodesian independence, Salazar privately pledged Portugal’s complete support.

  42. His argument was based around concerns the Western Hockey League intended to operate in the near future as a major league.

  43. For example, Oppy says arguing for naturalism is an argument for atheism since naturalism and theism «cannot both be true».

  44. They were going to lessen the commitment laws, you could basically get into an argument with somebody and be sent up there.

  45. However, the business man argument was new, though he had hinted at it in an interview he gave at the Republican convention.

  46. Intelligent design (ID) is a pseudoscientific argument for the existence of God, presented by its proponents as «an evidence-based scientific theory about life’s origins».

  47. He also applied this argument to the natural cast, regarding it as incertae sedis (with uncertain relationships) among theropods rather than as Podokesaurus or Coelophysis.

  48. In building up the artillery plan, Herring brought to bear the same thorough, relentless logic and attention to detail with which he had so often built up a legal argument.

  49. The claim of the improbability of a life-supporting universe has also been criticized as an argument by lack of imagination for assuming no other forms of life are possible.

  50. Sidharta suggests that the novel was written as an argument that the illegitimate children of njais would be able to develop as any other person, given the proper education.

Synonyms for argument

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word argument has the following synonyms: argumentation, debate, controversy, contention, contestation, disputation, disceptation, tilt, arguin, literary argument and statement.

General information about «argument» example sentences

The example sentences for the word argument that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «argument» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «argument».

When you disagree with someone, do you refer to it as an argument or arguement? One of these spellings is correct, and the other is not. By this argument vs argument article’s end, you will quickly know the correct spelling.

An argument is a fact or statement that supports a reason or proposition. It refers to the process of reasoning featuring a series of organized propositions with an intended conclusion. This noun also refers to a verbal dispute or a quarrel. In contrast, arguement is a misspelling of argument.

The only difference between argument and arguement is the «e» in the second spelling. However, in English spelling, one letter can make a significant difference. Read on to determine what difference this letter has in this case, and much more.

orange woman

Argument Vs Argument: Similarities In Relation To The Word «Argue»

Apart from their nearly exact spelling, another similarity between these words is that they come from the root verb «argue.» In English spellings, you can form a noun from a verb by adding the suffix «-ment» at the end of the verb. Therefore, the best way to understand the nouns formed from root verbs is to define the root verbs first. It is because their definitions are usually related.

To argue means «to present reasons that support or are against a thing or a subject.»

Another definition of «argue» is «to contend with someone in an oral dispute, a quarrel, or dispute.»

This verb also means «to persuade or drive by reasoning.» For example, «to argue someone out of a project.»

Another meaning is «to maintain in reasoning.» For example, «to argue that the report is incorrect.»

A simple meaning of ‘argue» is «to show, prove, or indicate.» For example, «Mark’s statements argue illiteracy.»

Definitions Of Argument And Argument

The term argument has multiple definitions that apply in different contexts or subjects. This section will cover all these definitions, plus the definitions of arguement.

Definitions Of Argument

An argument is a verbal disagreement, opposition, quarrel, or contention.

Another source defines an argument as «a series of propositions organized to create a logical flow towards a conclusion.» An argument is usually the premise of a conclusion or a final proposition.» An argument is also «a series of reasons» or «the process of reasoning.»

Another definition of an argument is «a discussion featuring different points of view,» like a debate. An argument is also «a matter being questioned,» like a business that engages in counterfeits.

In literature, an argument is «a composition in writing intended to persuade the reader.» It may also be the subject matter or theme of a piece of writing, like an article. In poetry or creative writing, an argument is an abstract containing the significant points in the piece of writing.

In mathematics, the word argument has several definitions:

  • A function’s independent variable
  • The angle a specific vector makes with the reference axis (the amplitude)
  • The corresponding angle to a point denoting a specific complex number in polar coordinates

In computer programming, an argument is a variable in a comp program to which a value is assigned when running the program. The argument is usually given in parentheses after the function name. It also comes in handy when calculating the function.

In programming, an argument is an equal parameter as opposed to a formal parameter. In astronomy, an argument is a quantity on which another measure in a table depends.

The archaic definitions of an argument are:

  • An evidence
  • A subject of contention or quarrel

Definitions Of Arguement

Arguement is an obsolete spelling of argument. Other sources refer to this word as simply a misspelling of the word argument.

How To Properly Use Argument And Argument In A Sentence

Most people learn new words so they can enhance their vocabulary. Improving your vocabulary means using the words you learn in writing and verbal conversations. Below are some practical guidelines for how you can use the subject words of this article in sentences:

How To Use The Word Argument

Use this noun in a sentence to mean:

  • An exchange of opposite points of view (in an argument or confrontation)
  • A respectful exchange of diverging points of view (in a general or neutral conversation)
  • A summary of a published material’s theme or subject matter
  • A forceful statement of a belief about a fact
  • Reasons that support an idea
  • An objection about a trivial or important matter
  • A field in computer programming or computing
  • Evidence used in reporting
  • An idea submitted for consideration

Argument is both a countable and an uncountable noun. Therefore, when using it in general contexts, refer to it as an uncountable noun without a plural form. On the other hand, when using it in specific contexts, like when referring to types or collections of arguments, you can use the plural form.

How To Use The Word Arguement

Since this is an incorrect spelling and is not in any dictionary, you should not use it in sentences. Instead, use the correct spelling above.

Argument And Argument: The Differences

The content above explains that argument and arguement are not similar words. They neither have the same meaning nor are their meanings related. Below are some key differences between these words:

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The Spelling

The primary difference between these words is the «e» in the second spelling. This spelling is understandable because the root verb for these words is «argue.» Therefore, most people assume that it is correct to add the noun forming suffix «-ment» immediately after the word «argue» without omitting any letter.

While this may apply to some English words like amaze (amazement) and commence (commencement), it does not apply to the word argue. There is no specific explanation for why this is so because the rules for spelling and grammar in English have several exceptions.

The Origin

Also, the word argument comes from the old French word «arguement.» This explains why some sources refer to arguement as an archaic spelling of argument. In fact, the spelling «arguement» was popular and accepted in the 13th century in French.

In contrast, the first recorded use of the word argument was in the early 14th century. This word has Latin roots from the word «argumentum» and «arguer,» meaning «a logical argument, evidence, or to make clear or prove.»

List Of Examples Of Argument And Argument Use In Sentences

With the guidelines and definitions above, you can easily form sentences with the word argument. However, we saw it fit to give you some samples. Here are some excellent examples:

Example sentences of the word argument

  1. The students had a compelling argument on why they should attend the gala without chaperones.
  2. Mrs. Jones disapproved of the argument printed in the newspaper about her book.
  3. The argument between the Smith brothers forced their parents to move them out of the family’s primary residence.
  4. The argument between the sisters went on for hours because none of them would back down.
  5. The argument he presented to the court to defend his conduct got him in more hot water.

Example sentences of the word argument

  1. The arguement was not as clear as the poet thought. (INCORRECT)
  2. Jim and John could not stay in one room without an arguement erupting. (INCORRECT)
  3. The arguement erupted as soon as the opposing candidates took to the stage. (INCORRECT)
  4. The arguement would have become violent if the teacher had not intervened. (INCORRECT)
  5. The professor’s arguement is not convincing. (INCORRECT)

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Argument is the correct spelling, while arguement is an obsolete spelling. Therefore, you should only use «argument» in sentences. Now that you know this, feel free to construct sentences with this word.

Shawn Manaher

Shawn Manaher is the founder and CEO of The Content Authority. He’s one part content manager, one part writing ninja organizer, and two parts leader of top content creators. You don’t even want to know what he calls pancakes.

Synonym: arguing, argumentation, contention, contestation, controversy, debate, disceptation, disputation, literary argument, statement, tilt. Similar words: argumentation, monument, document, instrument, documentary, argue, acumen, commencement. Meaning: [‘ɑːgjʊmənt]  n. 1. a fact or assertion offered as evidence that something is true 2. a contentious speech act; a dispute where there is strong disagreement 3. a discussion in which reasons are advanced for and against some proposition or proposal 4. a summary of the subject or plot of a literary work or play or movie 5. a variable in a logical or mathematical expression whose value determines the dependent variable; if f(x)=y, x is the independent variable. 

Random good picture Not show

1 Never go to bed on an argument

2 A wager is a fool’s argument

3 I found his argument pretty convincing.

4 He found himself drawn, willy-nilly, into the argument.

5 She rightly points to the inadequacy of the argument.

6 He enforced his argument by adding details.

7 The argument seemed to have considerable merit.

8 She loves to win an argument.

9 This chapter contains the meat of the writer’s argument.

10 You can’t settle every argument by duking it out.

11 You must acknowledge the truth of her argument.

12 Josie can hold her own in any argument.

13 She got into an argument with the teacher.

14 Their argument was too metaphysical for me to follow.

15 Students need the ability to construct a logical argument.

16 No argument can justify a war.

17 We appealed to reason to win our argument.

18 He illustrated his argument with quotations from Pasternak.

19 We agreed without much further argument.

20 Suddenly the argument developed into a real fight.

21 Her article brilliantly demolishes his argument.

22 Some historians have been dismissive of this argument.

23 The environmental argument was a deciding factor.

24 He lost the thread of his argument.

25 That was the pith of his argument.

26 The argument estranged him from his brother.

27 He presented the figures to underpin his argument.

28 His examples fitted in well with his argument.

29 She is neutral in this argument.

30 It is impossible to defeat an ignorant man in argument

More similar words: argumentation, monument, document, instrument, documentary, argue, acumen, commencement, amendment, entailment, entertainment, sentiment, mental, mentor, comment, moment, element, segment, mention, payment, ailment, raiment, mentally, amusement, momentum, fragment, comment on, shipment, movement, basement. 

In a single-paragraph essay or similar short-answer format, you only have the space to make one claim. You back up this claim with an argument. When creating arguments for single-paragraph essays, you need to make your argument clear and concise. You do not have nearly the room you have in other types of essays. So, to make your short answers pop, you need to 1. understand the argument and 2. make that argument as short as possible! Keep on reading for the definition of argument, types, and more.

Argument Definition

An argument is not your claim. Rather, it supports your claim.

An argument is a reason to believe a given claim.

Say that the following is your claim.

The United States should return to the gold standard.

You would then support this claim with several arguments, such as these:

The gold standard is superior to the current system in the United States.

The gold standard is feasible.

The gold standard would be strong into the future.

Arguments, in turn, require evidence or other logical support. For instance, you might use studies and examples of history to support your arguments.

The more factual an argument is, the stronger it is. The factual nature of an argument is predicated upon its evidence or other logical support.

In a single-paragraph essay, you’ll only have 1-2 arguments in support of your claim.

Argument. Gold bars. StudySmarter.Fig. 1 — You’ll be golden if your arguments are logical.

Argument in a Sentence

After reading the prior definition, you might be wondering, «Gosh, have I been using the term argument wrong my whole life?»

No, you haven’t been. «Argument» is one of those words that can mean different things depending on the level of formality. The above definition of «argument» is the most formal definition, which pertains to the study of logic. «Argument» has many definitions, though, and you can use it in many ways in sentences.

I had an argument with my dad last night.

This example uses «argument» to mean a «fight.»

My argument is that red is the best color, and I’m sticking to it.

This example uses «argument» to mean «claim.» This definition is confusing because the formal definition of «argument» makes it distinct from the claim.

Use context clues to determine whether someone is using «argument» in a more or less formal manner.

My claim is that red is the best color. My arguments are as follows: red catches the eye and is great for advertising, my favorite football team is primarily red, and fire trucks are red and awesome.

In this final example, the sentence beginning with «my argument» uses argument in the formal sense of the word.

On a side note, none of the above arguments are particularly good because the claim is an opinion, as are most of the arguments. Remember, the more factual an argument is, the better!

Argument in Writing

Now it is time to write arguments for the one-paragraph essay. To do this, choose a good argument and make that argument clear.

Choosing Your Argument

In a longer essay, you can afford to spend time and space on multiple arguments. If you only have space for one or two arguments in a single paragraph, you need to make sure you pick your absolute best arguments.

But what makes a better argument?

Choose an Emphatic Argument

In basic terms, a strong argument shows that your claim must be true. This is superior to an argument that shows your claim might be true.

For instance, let’s say that your claim is, «The state needs to enact drought relief policies.» To show this, it would be better to prove the negative impact of no policy than to prove the positive impact of a policy. Proving the negative impact shows that «change must be made,» while proving a positive impact only shows that «change should be made.»

If we don’t enact policy, 60% of the state’s crops will become unsustainable.

If we enact policy, we will make our crops more sustainable.

The first example is far more emphatic.

Given your limited time and space, you should always go for the most emphatic argument.

Choose an Argument with Evidence

Second, you want to choose an argument that has strong evidence to support it. For instance, in the above example, the emphatic argument, «If we don’t enact policy, 60% of the state’s crops will become unsustainable» requires evidence to support the statistic of 60%.

An emphatic argument is worthless if its evidence is not true or not well-researched.

If you connect your argument to solid evidence, you will have a good shot at creating a great short answer or single-paragraph essay.

Argument. Sprout. StudySmarter.Fig. 2 — Good arguments sprout from strong evidence.

Clarity of Your Argument

So you’ve picked your best argument. Now you need to make that argument as clear as possible. This is important because you only have so much space. You need to pack that space with meaning!

To create clarity in your response, work on your coherence and conciseness.

Clarity in Coherence

Coherence is key to your short answer.

Something is coherent if it is easy and natural to follow.

You simply don’t have the space to use a whole paragraph to help someone understand half your point. Coherency means people will more easily follow your line of reasoning.

One way to achieve coherence is by using transitions.

A transition is any device that bridges two ideas.

Here’s an example.

Without change, 60% of the state’s crops will become unsustainable. For that reason, the state needs to step in and enact drought relief policies.

In the above example, «for that reason» is a transition. It helps guide the reader along.

There are many levels of coherence, including coherence between sentences and coherence within sentences.

Clarity in Conciseness

The shorter your sentences are, the more likely it is people will understand them. For that reason, especially in a short answer format, limit yourself to simpler sentences.

Here are three other ways to create clarity in your argument.

  1. Try to combine sentences and ideas! Look for similar ideas and sentences and see what you can blend together or get rid of entirely.
  2. Don’t repeat yourself. Repetition isn’t needed in a short answer or single-paragraph essay.
  3. Avoid the semi-colon and dashes. You want to create sentences that no one can confuse.

Before you get writing a single-paragraph essay, try to diagram using these tips! This way, you won’t have to erase anything as you go along.

Argument Example

The following is an example of a long-winded argument. Using what you’ve learned about picking a strong argument and making it clear, try to turn this into a strong argument!

It’s unacceptable that people’s jobs are at stake. Jobs are important, even critical to our continued success as a country and supplier to the world. If job growth doesn’t turn around, dozens of business could go under; this is a massive problem. If too many businesses go under, the market will sink to a new low and we’ll lose our spot at the top—and losing our spot at the top means a weaker economy into the future. It could even result in rampant inflation.

Here is one way you might have fixed this argument.

If job growth doesn’t turn around, the country will lose its stake in the global market, resulting in rampant inflation.

This version focuses on the strong argument that without job growth, rampant inflation will hit the economy. It also cuts out the semi-colon, the dash, the repetition, and it combines many ideas. Most importantly, it leaves plenty of room to cite evidence.

Types of Argument

There are many arguments, but the two main types are deductive and inductive. Whether an argument is deductive or inductive depends on the kind of evidence it uses. Here is information about each and how to tailor the arguments to the one-paragraph essay.

Deductive Argument

The deductive argument is the strongest form of argument. It uses deduction, also called deductive reasoning.

Deduction narrows general facts into specific conclusions.

Here is a deductive argument.

In the first paragraph, Mana says she thinks of friendship as barter.

In the second paragraph, the narrator says that Mana means what she says.

Therefore, Mana truly thinks of friendship as barter.

This argument uses two general pieces of evidence to draw a tight conclusion about the way Mana truly thinks.

Argument, An example of barter, StudySmarter.Fig. 3 — Use deduction to explain what characters do and say.

How to Write Brief Deductive Arguments

When looking to make short deductive arguments, focus on the line of reasoning. Try to turn your argument into three steps like the example above.

Your goal is to understand your own logic. If you can say one thing (in step one), add another thing (in step two), and draw a conclusion (in step three), then you can explain that line of reasoning clearly to your audience.

Knowing your deductive argument front to back is the key to making it strong and concise.

Inductive Argument

Inductive arguments are not as strong as deductive arguments because they rely on sample size.

Induction uses specific examples to draw a more general conclusion.

Here is an inductive argument.

Mana discusses friendship 3 times in the short story.

In 2 of those cases, she describes it as a barter relationship.

Therefore, there’s a strong chance she thinks of friendship as barter.

Induction tries to use the power of instances to prove a point. The more something occurs, the more it indicates that result.

Think of the randomness of a coin flip. The more times you flip a coin, the better you can prove that a coin flip is random (50-50). If you flip a coin too few times, your results might be inaccurate. For instance, say you flip a coin 3 times, and it lands on tails 3 times. This result wouldn’t help indicate a coin’s randomness. 10,000 trials would be much better! So, beware weak inductive arguments. Don’t cite a few examples of something; instead, cite large studies and many examples. But do so succinctly!

How to Write Brief Inductive Arguments

To make your inductive argument brief for a single-paragraph essay, analyze how strong it is.

If your inductive argument is strong, it shouldn’t take you long to explain it. If your inductive argument is weak, you will need more time to explain your reasoning.

If your inductive argument requires more than three sentences to explain, it is probably too weak to be included in your single-paragraph essay. Try to come up with a deductive line of reasoning that is stronger and shorter!

Argument — Key Takeaways

  • An argument is a reason to believe a given claim. It requires evidence or logical support.
  • When choosing an argument for a single-paragraph essay, choose one that shows your claim must be true, not might be true.
  • Choose an argument that has strong evidence.
  • To make your argument coherent, use transitions to bridge your ideas. Follow a line of reasoning.
  • To make your argument concise, combine sentences, don’t repeat yourself, and avoid complex punctuation.

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