Using the word already in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word already, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use already in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «already».

Already in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word already in a sentence.

  1. More than ten have already left.

  2. But Eliezer is already destroyed.

  3. It has already been a long journey.

  4. He is already at loggerheads with Dr.

  5. Most of them had already taken sides.

  6. Our brethren are already in the field!

  7. Marine life is already being affected.

  8. He had already begun work on a speech.

  9. The Mint had already consulted artists.

  10. We’ve already signed those, haven’t we?

  11. When the message arrived, Trier had already fallen.

  12. Hergé already had experience creating comic strips.

  13. The wheels have already been set for Janet Jackson.

  14. The Argentinians had already repaired three craters.

  15. She has already ruined him in money and jewels …».

  16. He was surprised to be told that Lat was already working within his organisation.

  17. Kruger was already an accomplished frontiersman, horseman, and guerrilla fighter.

  18. Anne, already in ill health, felt used and harassed and was desperate for escape.

  19. He taught those who had already been baptised, and preached to those who weren’t.

  20. Paysandú, the last Brazilian target, was already under blockade by Pereira Pinto.

  21. It has already been extirpated from the lake, and is threatened by habitat loss and invasive species.

  22. By the time Valckenier received the reply, van Imhoff was already on his way back to the Netherlands.

  23. Most of his predictions had already been fulfilled by the first time he reported the visions in 1956.

  24. More than 3,900 FEMA personnel were deployed or already in the state to assist with recovery efforts.

  25. In addition, Auerbach had already used his territorial pick to acquire talented forward Tom Heinsohn.

  26. As required by the Statute of Westminster, all the Dominions had already consented to the abdication.

  27. Anne, however, had already acquiesced to the new line of succession created by the Act of Settlement.

  28. Moor stated that there are few writers besides Brumm, mostly animators already working on the series.

  29. Mills had already been briefed by O’Reilly on the quarter matter, and responded to Moore on April 11.

  30. Vlachos asserts that Alcibiades had already conceived a broader plan: the conquest of the whole West.

  31. Manuel had already agreed with Conrad on a joint invasion and partition of southern Italy and Sicily.

  32. Many of these impacts are already felt at the current level of warming, which is about 1.2 °C (2 °F).

  33. Charles’s vicar in Albania, Hugh of Sully, had already laid siege to the Byzantine fortress of Berat.

  34. Such mass mortalities would have further jeopardised a species already in danger of becoming extinct.

  35. Rusa also destroyed large areas of crops in the country already affected by ongoing famine conditions.

  36. USC extended its streak of Pac-10 titles to six in a row, having already broken the record the previous season with five.

  37. The maintenance of roads passed to local authorities in 1888, although by then most turnpike trusts had already declined.

  38. The next day, Truman authorized air and naval operations north of the 38th parallel, which MacArthur had already ordered.

  39. If the king is already married at the time of his coronation, a joint coronation of both king and queen may be performed.

  40. Before the show’s premiere, The WB already decided to cancel it, feeling it would not connect with a younger demographic.

  41. Bakshi was approached by Mick Jagger, who wanted to play Frodo, but at the time the roles were already cast and recorded.

  42. Herbert Spencer had already incorporated Lamarckism into his popular philosophy of progressive free market human society.

  43. With the Yankees, already successful, it was a desire to «rebuild», with the Mets, it was a desire to build from nothing.

  44. Hurlingham was already on the scene, and the passengers and crew threw lifebuoys and buoyancy aids to those in the water.

  45. But the king was already beginning to receive reports telling him that he had been hoodwinked into «selling his country».

  46. By early 16th century, the Javanese already locally-producing large guns, some of them still survived until the present day and dubbed as «sacred cannon» or «holy cannon».

  47. On February 2, 1425, Bartolomeo Valori and Cosimo de’ Medici requested 400 of the 800 florins that had been deposited with the Calimala, likely for work already completed.

  48. Delius’s parents were born in Bielefeld, Westphalia, and Julius’s family had already lived for several generations in German lands near the Rhine but was originally Dutch.

  49. Preston lived across the border in Yorkshire, so she was sent for trial at York Assizes; the others were sent to Lancaster Gaol, to join the four already imprisoned there.

  50. On 13 July, the Ustaše ordered the arrest of all Serbian Orthodox priests in the district and the confiscation of their property, but Đujić was already beyond their reach.

General information about «already» example sentences

The example sentences for the word already that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «already» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «already».

ALREADY is usually found in mid-position (before normal verbs, after special verbs: modals and auxiliaries) but we can put it at the end for emphasis.  YET always goes at the end

  — I’m already tired
— She has arrived already!
— I’m not tired yet
— She hasn’t arrived yet

ALREADY is used in affirmative sentences and YET in negative sentences

— I have already finished
— I haven’t finished yet

ALREADY / YET in questions

We can use both in questions, but the meaning is a bit different. YET simply asks if something has happened or we still have to wait. ALREADY knows that something has happened, it simply expresses surprise because it happened sooner than expected. If we put ALREADY at the end, we are emphasizing our surprise.

— Has the doctor arrived yet?  — No, not yet, but you can wait for him, he will arrive in a few minutes.
— Your father is here already?! I thought the train arrived at 10:30 and it’s only 9:45!

— have you finished yet?  (come on, I’m waiting!)
— have you already finished?  (wow, you’re so fast!) -vs- have you finished already!? (oh wow, I can’t believe it!!)

for ADVANCED learners  We also use ALREADY when we suppose (but don’t know for sure) that something has happened. In this case there is no surprise, simply a guess, and it always goes in mid-position, never at the end.

— Have you met Doctor Sullivan yet?  (I don’t know, I’m asking)
— Have you already met Doctor Sullivan?  (probably I don’t know but I think you have)

Note for Spanish Speakers



  En las afirmativas usamos el «already» en mid-position. En las negativas usamos «anymore» en posición final, y en interrogativas usamos el «yet» en posición final o el «already» en mid-position si mostramos sorpresa:

 (+) I have already finished = Ya he terminado
(-) I don’t want it any more = Ya no lo quiero  (también en preguntas: ¿ya no vives aquí? = You don’t live here any more?
(?) Has he arrived yet? = ¿Ya ha llegado?   /   Is he already here? = ¿Pero ya llegó?, ¡qué pronto!

Still, yet and already are adverbs of time.

Let’s look at the different meanings and uses of each adverb.


Still can refer to a situation that continues because it hasn’t finished or stopped.
Sometimes this situation has continued longer than expected or the situation can be surprising.
Still can refer to something that is ongoing.

Example sentences using STILL:

  • It is still
    (It continues right now. It hasn’t stopped)
  • I still live in London.
    (Maybe you expected me to be living somewhere else now)
  • They have been married for 30 years and are still in love.
    (Their love continues until now)
  • I can’t go right now because I am still very busy at work.
    (I haven’t finished work. I am here longer than expected.)
  • Will you still love me when I’m old?
    (Will you continue to love me?)

Still can refer to an action that was not expected because of something else.
It happened despite what has just been said.

Example sentences using STILL:

  • He was sick but he still went to work.
    (It was not expected because he could make other people sick at work)
  • I studied a lot though I still didn’t pass the test.
    (I didn’t expect to fail it)

Position of STILL in a sentence

Still is used before a verb or adjective

Be + still + adjective

  • The baby is still asleep.
  • I’m still tired.

Still + main verb

  • I still want to go.
  • Does he still live with his parents?

Auxiliary + still + main verb

If the verb has two parts, still goes in the middle between the auxiliary and the verb.

  • We are still trying to finish the assignment.
  • Are you still waiting for him?

BUT if the sentence is negative, still goes before the negative auxiliary verb.

  • He still hasn’t quit his job despite complaining about it every day.
  • My phone still isn’t working after I dropped it.

STILL - Word order of still in English sentences - Grammar Lesson


Yet is used in questions and negative sentences.
Yet = now, up to the time of speaking

When YET is used in a question, it is to ask if something (expected) has happened.
Example questions using YET:

  • Have the test results arrived yet?
    (I expect that they have arrived, I am asking to confirm.)
  • We have to go. Are you ready yet?
    (I expect that you are ready.)
  • Have you had lunch yet?
    (Have you had lunch up to now?)

Yet can refer to an action that is expected (but has not happened). Notice how in this case YET is used at the end of negative sentences.

Example sentences using YET:

  • I haven’t done my homework yet.
  • It’s almost midday and Steve hasn’t woken up yet.
  • My boss hasn’t paid me yet.

Position of YET in a sentence

Verb + (object) + yet

  • She hasn’t finished yet. (verb + yet)
  • She hasn’t finished her meal yet. (verb + object + yet)
  • Have you been to Spain yet?

Adjective + yet

  • Fortunately, they aren’t bored yet.
  • Is your friend ready yet?

You can see that YET mostly comes at the end of sentence or question. But there is an exception:

YET is sometimes used in affirmative sentences in formal English though it is not common to hear it. In this case, it is not placed at the end of the sentence but after the verb to be.
We have included this use in case you come across it.

  • We are yet to find a solution.

YET - Word order of yet in English - Grammar Lesson


Already is used in affirmative sentences, mostly in a perfect tense* or present simple tense.
Already can refer to an action that has happened (sooner than expected).
Already can be used to say that something was completed before something else.

* You may hear/read already used in the Past Simple tense by American English speakers. (More about this difference later)

Example sentences using ALREADY:

  • I have just finished lunch but I’m already hungry again. (I didn’t expect to be hungry so soon)
  • I think Simon already knows about the surprise party.
  • We’ve already seen that movie. Let’s watch another one.
  • There are already fifty people lined up outside the door.

Position of ALREADY in a sentence

Already is used before a verb or adjective.

Be + already

  • After only 15 minutes, he is already frustrated.
  • We are already at the restaurant.

In spoken English, already can be at the end of a sentence for greater emphasis (or to show surprise)

  • Has he finished? (No surprise)
  • Has he finished already? (I’m surprised)

Now, following word order for YET depends on whether American English or British English is used.

already + main verb

In American English, the word order is already + main verb. This main verb is in the Past simple tense.

  • I already ate.
  • He already finished the task.

auxiliary verb + already + verb

In British English, the word order is auxiliary verb + already + verb. This verb is a past participle in a Perfect tense.

  • I have already eaten.
  • He has already finished the task.

ALREADY - Word Order of Already in English

Let’s look at this difference a little more…

American English vs. British English

While Yet and Already have the same meaning in American English and British English, you should know that they can be used with different tenses.

In American English, the Past Simple tense is preferred.
In British English, the Present Perfect tense is preferred.

  • Did the letter arrive yet? (American English)
  • Has the letter arrived yet? (British English)
  • Did you already eat your sandwich? (American English)
  • Have you already eaten your sandwich? (British English)

Still – Yet – Already

Compare these adverbs in three similar sentences:

  • The baby is still asleep.
  • The baby is already asleep. (I expected the baby to be awake, the baby fell asleep sooner than I expected)
  • The baby isn’t asleep yet. (The baby continues to be awake right now)

Still = continues longer than expected.
Already = sooner than expected.
Yet = it is expected but has not happened.

Summary Chart

Still Yet Already Difference in English - Grammar lesson

Lesson tags: Adverbs, Adverbs of Time, Already, Still, Yet
Back to: English Course > Perfect Tense

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1 Her body was already starting to decay.

2 The American Embassy has already complained.

3 His son is a giant of 6 feet already.

4 Insurance companies are already overburdened with similar claims.

5 He’d already started construction on a hunting lodge.

6 The empty desk suggested she had already gone home.

7 John is already a writer of some notoriety.

8 She’d already gone when we got there.

9 We got there early but Mike had already left.

10 She seems fairly settled in her new job already.

11 The sun was already up when they set off.

12 The project is already well underway .

13 The prison service is already under considerable strain.

14 I’ve heard enough about it already.

15 ‘He’s already left,(’ she informed us.

16 When he returned, she and Simon had already gone.

17 Some companies have already voluntarily disclosed similar information .

18 I’ve already looked there-it must be somewhere else.

19 My carefully laid plans had already gone awry.

20 It has become dark outside already.

21 according to my watch, it is already 2 o’clock.

22 ‘Lunch?’ ‘No thanks, I’ve already eaten.’

23 A crane was already unloading crates and pallets.

24 We have already advised you by cable.

25 The text had already been marked up with corrections.

26 Have you had your dinner already?

27 The wintry sun was already low in the sky.

28 Attempts to resurrect the ceasefire have already failed once.

29 I’ve spent all my money already.

30 Don’t step on him; he’s already acknowledged his faults.

More similar words: already in, get ready, steady, read, reader, thread, readily, spread out, widespread, lead, head, plead, head up, leader, head for, head on, deadly, lead to, ahead of, forehead, go ahead, get ahead, leading, headline, lead up to, deadline, steadily, area, instead of, head office. 

В этой статье мы поможем разобраться в том, в каких случаях употребляются наречия just (только что), already (уже), yet (уже, еще), still (до сих пор) и как они связаны с Present Perfect (настоящим совершенным временем).

Наречия just, already, yet и still

Зная, как правильно использовать наречия just, already, yet и still, вы сможете грамотно построить свою речь, а при чтении или просмотре видео на английском языке — лучше ориентироваться во временных рамках событий. В качестве видеопримеров покажем отрывки из «Гарри Поттера».


Чаще всего just выступает словом-маркером времени Present Perfect и переводится как «только что». В основном его используют в утверждениях и ставят перед смысловым глаголом:

I have just woken up. — Я только что проснулся.
Tony has just booked the ticket. — Тони только что заказал билет.
Look! We have just fixed your camera. — Смотри! Мы только что починили твой фотоаппарат.
I’ve just seen him around. — Я его только что видел поблизости.

Just может использоваться в качестве синонима only, в таком случае just будет иметь значение «только», «лишь», «всего лишь». Если в предложении есть глагол to be, just следует сразу после него:

This cough medicine costs just 100 roubles. — Это лекарство от кашля стоит всего лишь сто рублей.
He is just a kid. — Он всего лишь ребенок.
We are just watching. — Мы только лишь смотрим.

Также just может встречаться как синоним слова exactly. В этом случае just будет переводиться как «точно», «точь-в-точь».

You act just like your father! — Ты ведешь себя точно как твой отец!

Just может выступать в качестве синонима словам simply (просто), absolutely (абсолютно), чтобы сделать акцент на утверждении:

It is just perfect! — Это просто идеально!

Можно использовать just, чтобы сделать повелительное наклонение более резким:

Just shut up! — Замолчи!

Также just можем использовать, чтобы сделать просьбу чуть более вежливой:

Could you just give me a piece of advice? — Не могли бы вы дать мне совет?


Слово already чаще всего выступает маркером времени Present Perfect. В этом случае оно переводится как «уже» и стоит между вспомогательным и смысловым глаголами. Already обычно используется в утвердительных предложениях.

I’ve already seen this film. — Я уже видел этот фильм.
Debbie has already settled down in NY. — Дэбби уже обосновалась в Нью-Йорке.
They have already checked out. — Они уже выехали из отеля.

Already может означать «раньше, чем ожидалось». Употребляется в утвердительных и вопросительных предложениях.

Timmy is only 18 but he is already a head of the company. — Тимми всего лишь 18, а он уже глава компании.
Are they already here? — Они уже здесь?
Look! I can already ride a bicycle! — Смотри! Я уже умею ездить на велосипеде!

Чтобы выразить удивление, ставим already в конец предложения.

Are you moving to US already? — Ты уже переезжаешь в Соединенные Штаты?


Yet часто выступает маркером времени Present Perfect и стоит в конце предложения. В отрицательном предложении yet переводится как «еще», а в вопросительном — «уже». Давайте посмотрим на примеры английских предложений со словом yet:

Have you fed the dog yet? — Ты уже покормил собаку?
Has he cleaned up his room yet? — Он уже убрался в своей комнате?

Eddy hasn’t told me anything yet. — Эдди мне еще ничего не рассказал.
They haven’t come back yet. — Они еще не вернулись.

Yet может означать, что что-то еще не произошло, но мы ожидаем, что это произойдет в будущем. В этих случаях yet можно перевести как «пока что», «все еще».

This service is not yet available. — Эта услуга пока что недоступна.
The situation is really dangerous, but help can yet come. — Ситуация действительно опасная, но помощь все еще может прийти.

Yet встречается в утвердительных предложениях вместе с прилагательным превосходной степени и переводится как «на данный момент», «на текущее время»:

This is his best song yet! — Это его лучшая песня на данный момент!

Также yet можно перевести как «но», «однако», «несмотря на». В этом случае yet стоит в начале или середине предложения:

Yet it is terrible weather outside, we have decided to go for a walk. — Несмотря на ужасную погоду, мы решили пойти на прогулку.
Our Xbox is broken, yet we are having much fun. — Наш Xbox сломался, но мы продолжаем веселиться.

Yet может использоваться, чтобы сделать на чем-то акцент, выразить удивление или негодование. Вместе со словами more (еще), another (еще один) и again (снова) значение yet близко к even (даже, еще более).

We’ll need yet more chocolate. — Нам потребуется еще больше шоколада.
The teacher gave us yet another task! — Учитель дал нам еще одно задание!
This proves yet again that she was right. — Это еще раз доказывает, что она была права.


Still означает, что нечто осталось неизменным. Это наречие используется в ситуациях, когда что-то происходит дольше, чем ожидалось. На русский чаще всего переводится как «до сих пор», «все еще».

It still drives people crazy. — Это все еще сводит людей с ума.

В этом же значении still можно встретить после модального и вспомогательного глаголов или после глагола to be.

I can still see you. — Я все еще тебя вижу.
She looked around, and they were still looking at her. — Она оглянулась, но они все еще смотрели на нее.
They are still happy. — Они по-прежнему счастливы.

С помощью still можно выразить недовольство сложившейся ситуацией, если поставить его после подлежащего в отрицательном предложении:

You still don’t understand this grammar rule! — Ты до сих пор не понимаешь это грамматическое правило!

Мы можем использовать still, когда что-то произошло, несмотря на какие-либо обстоятельства. В этом случае оно выступает синонимом фразы on the other hand (с другой стороны) и наречия nevertheless (но все же):

Marcus had overslept but still he got to the meeting on time. — Маркус проспал, но все же добрался на встречу вовремя.
I hate jogging. Still I have to do it to keep fit. — Ненавижу бегать. Но все же мне приходится это делать, чтобы держать себя в форме.

В чем же разница между still и yet? Чтобы ответить на этот вопрос, обратимся к примерам:

He is still hungry. — Он до сих пор голоден.
He hasn’t eaten yet. — Он еще не ел.

She is still crying. — Она по-прежнему плачет.
She hasn’t stopped crying yet. — Она еще не перестала плакать.

Still указывает на продолжительность действия и на то, что действие еще не закончилось. Yet же говорит о том, что ожидаемое действие еще не произошло.

Надеемся, что статья была полезной, а употребление already, just, yet и still больше не вызовет затруднений.

Предлагаем пройти небольшой тест, чтобы закрепить полученные знания.

Тест по теме «Наречия just, already, yet и still»

Если вы хотите больше упражнений на already, just, yet и still, записывайтесь на курс практической грамматики.

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