Using the word allowed

1 : to make a possibility : admit —used with of evidence that allows of only one conclusion. 2 : to give consideration to circumstances or contingencies —used with for a plan that allows for expansion. 3 : to give an opportunity : permit She worked on the project here and there as time allowed.


  • 1 How do you use allowed?
  • 2 Which means the same as allowed is?
  • 3 What is a root word for allowed?
  • 4 Are not allowed meaning?
  • 5 What kind of verb is allowed?
  • 6 What type of noun is allowed?
  • 7 Which parts of speech is allowed?
  • 8 Was were allowed to examples?
  • 9 What word means not allowed according to rules?
  • 10 What’s another way to say not allowed?
  • 11 Are we allow or allowed?
  • 12 Is allow or allowed?
  • 13 How do you use the word allow in a sentence?
  • 14 What is difference between aloud and allowed?
  • 15 Why do people say aloud instead of allowed?
  • 16 How do you use allowed and aloud in the same sentence?
  • 17 What does Allowed mean in a sentence?
  • 18 What is a sentence for had allowed?
  • 19 How do you use not allowed?
  • 20 Do not allowed or are not allowed?

How do you use allowed?

allow somebody/something to do something His parents won‘t allow him to stay out late. He allowed his mind to wander. The law allowed companies to dismiss workers without any reason. be allowed to do something He is not allowed to stay out late.

Which means the same as allowed is?

the word from the advertisement which means the same as allowed is permitted.

What is a root word for allowed?

The word comes from allow, with its root allouen, “to praise, approve of, or be pleased with,” with the Latin prefix dis in front, here meaning “do the opposite of.”

Are not allowed meaning?

When something is prohibited, it’s not allowed. If you see the sign “Swimming is prohibited,” stay out of the water. Whether used as a verb (“You prohibited your friend from entering”) or an adjective (“The prohibited word escaped your lips”), prohibited means something was forbidden — a no-no.

What kind of verb is allowed?

As detailed above, ‘allowed’ is a verb.

What type of noun is allowed?

The state of being allowable; legitimacy; permissibleness.

Which parts of speech is allowed?

ALOUD (adverb) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

Was were allowed to examples?

We were allowed no pool gear whatsoever. We were allowed to roam as we wanted. “I’m still surprised we were allowed,” he smiles. “It’s time we were allowed to run our own affairs”.

What word means not allowed according to rules?

illegitimate. adjective. formal not allowed by the rules or laws.

What’s another way to say not allowed?

What is another word for not allowed?

banned proscribed
prohibited forbidden
unacceptable inadmissible
impermissible vetoed
ruled out verboten

Are we allow or allowed?

Use “allow” in present, or future, tense and “allowed” in the past tense. If someone says they are “allowed” to do something, they are referring to permission that was granted to them in the past.

Is allow or allowed?

If someone is allowed to do something, it is all right for them to do it and they will not get into trouble. If you are allowed something, you are given permission to have it or are given it. If you allow something to happen, you do not prevent it.

How do you use the word allow in a sentence?

[ + -ing verb ] You should allow for the plane being delayed. We have to allow for the possibility that we might not finish on schedule. You have to allow for a time lag between order and delivery. Our range of children’s clothing is generously sized to allow for shrinkage.

What is difference between aloud and allowed?

ALOUD means out loud. Remember that this spelling ends in LOUD. “I’m just thinking ALOUD.” ALLOWED means permitted.

Why do people say aloud instead of allowed?

Aloud is an adverb that means spoken or read in full voice. Allowed can be either an adjective, where it means permitted or sanctioned, or the past tense of the verb allow, which means to permit something or to concede a point.In conclusion, aloud is an adverb. Allowed is sometimes a verb and sometimes an adjective.

How do you use allowed and aloud in the same sentence?

If you think Grandma allowed the kids to eat too much ice cream, you’d better not say so aloud, or her feelings will be hurt. “Aloud” means “out loud” and refers to sounds (most often speech) that can be heard by others. But this word is often misused when people mean “allowed,” meaning “permitted.”

What does Allowed mean in a sentence?

1 : to permit (something) : to regard or treat (something) as acceptable a religion that does not allow divorce They don’t allow smoking in this hotel. I want to change my schedule, but my boss won’t allow it. 2 : to permit (someone) to have or do something He allowed her to leave.

What is a sentence for had allowed?

Sentence examples for had allowed from inspiring English sources. Suppose Dom had allowed that journey. Many companies had allowed much more. Sure, we had allowed a goal.

How do you use not allowed?

During enslavement, Gullahs and Geechees were not allowed to write or read. As individuals people want space but as dancers in classical ballet they are not allowed space.

Do not allowed or are not allowed?

We are not allowed smoking” isn’t grammatically incorrect, but it’s odd. “We do not allowed smoking” is incorrect. More commonly, we’d say one of these: We do not allow smoking.



- дозволенный; разрешенный

Мои примеры


a proposal whereby EU citizens would be allowed to reside anywhere in the EU — предложение, согласно которому гражданам ЕС будет разрешено проживать в любом месте на его территории  
an easygoing teacher who allowed extra time for assignments — добродушный учитель, который разрешал брать дополнительное время для выполнения заданий  
request to be allowed to leave — просьба о позволении уехать  
discount allowed — допустимая скидка  
allowed level — допустимый уровень  
allowed membership — разрешенное членство  
admissible [allowed] risk — допустимый риск  
allowed risk — допустимый риск  
appeal allowed — удовлетворенная апелляция  
allowed state — разрешенное состояние  
length of time allowed for filing a claim — исковая давность  
allowed lateness — допустимая задержка  

Примеры с переводом

This is allowed by the law.

Это разрешается законом.

He allowed himself no meat.

Он не позволял себе мяса.

Smoking is not allowed.

Курить воспрещается.

It had been allowed for law.

Это было признано законом.

How much time are we allowed?

Сколько нам отвели времени?

We were allowed two tries each.

Каждому из нас было дано две попытки.

No refunds or exchanges are allowed.

Возврат или обмен не допускаются.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The school is not allowed to discriminate.

The dogs are allowed to roam around.

Bicycles are not allowed on the sidewalk.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

allow  — позволять, допускать, разрешать, предоставлять, давать, учитывать
allowable  — допустимый, приемлемый, дозволенный, законный, позволительный, дозволительный
allowedly  — дозволенным образом, по общему признанию
unallowed  — запрещенный, неразрешенный
allowing  — позволяющий

allowed — перевод на русский

«Please allow me to introduce myself.»

Позвольте мне представиться.

Señor, allow me to escort you to the diet.

Сетор, позвольте проводить вас на сцену.

Oh, no, allow me.

О, нет, позвольте мне.

Allow us to introduce ourselves, sir.

Позвольте представиться.

Allow us, sir.

Позвольте нам, сэр.

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The hotel owner allowed us to sleep in the stable.

Хорошо, что хозяйка отеля позволяет нам спать в конюшне.

I’m not allowed near them.

Мне не позволяет трогать.

The faith allows the believer, once in life, to place … piety above duty.

Один раз в жизни, только один, пророк… позволяет поставить сострадание выше долга.

But your sense of inner divinity wouldn’t allow that.

Твоё чувство божественного не позволяет.

Frank never allows anybody to help him. He’s like an old mother hen with his bills and rents and taxes.

Фрэнк никому не позволяет себе помогать.

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Allow me, sir.

Разрешите мне, сэр.

Would you allow me?


Is it allowed…?


Allow me to introduce myself.

Разрешите представиться…

Allow me?

Разрешите? Спасибо.

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Robots aren’t allowed in here!

Роботам нельзя здесь находиться!

I can, but I’m not allowed to leave the horse.

Но мне нельзя оставить коня.

He ain’t allowed to take dough.

Ему нельзя брать деньги на стороне.

We’re not allowed to touch it.

— Нам нельзя прикасаться к ней.

That’s not allowed!

Все ровно, нельзя.

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Nick, they haven’t allowed us to play on the soccer pitch all year.

Ник, они не разрешают нам играть на футбольном поле круглый год.

I believe your hotel allows pets, sir.

По-моему, в вашем отеле разрешают держать животных.

We are not allowed to speak to people in the elevators.

Нам не разрешают разговаривать в лифтах.

I didn’t know pilots were allowed to do things like that.

Я не знала, что пилотам разрешают так делать.

They don’t allow…

Не разрешают…

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And you must not allow these ideas to grow within you.

И вы не должны допустить чтобы эти идеи зачахли внутри вас.

I can’t allow you to experiment with…

Я не могу допустить, чтобы вы экспериментировали.

— I cannot allow it.

— Я не могу допустить этого.

And this we simply cannot allow.

А этого мы допустить не можем.

Don’t wash ifyou don’t want to’ but we can’t allow a dirty vest.

Не хочешь, не купайся, но грязную жилетку допустить не можем.

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Aren’t we even allowed to visit her?

Нам что, даже не позволено навестить её?

How long are you allowed to stay out tonight?

Сколько тебе позволено сегодня?

The finely carved altarpiece was also allowed to stay put as long as it was of a general nature.

Прекрасно вырезанному запрестольному образу также было позволено остаться, но только если изображённое на нём было общехристианского характера.

I’m not allowed to go to the theater except to the classics, I’m forbidden to read the serials in Papa’s newspapers,

В театр мне позволено ходить только на классику, нельзя читать романы, которые отец публикует…

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Allow him to adjust himself.

Дайте ему опомниться.

Allow me to be surprised…

…дайте мне немного собраться с мыслями.

Mademoiselle, allow me.

Дайте я, мадемуазель.

Your Honor: Allow me to leave these chambers with Mrs. Wormser.

Вам остается одно, дайте мне и мадам Вормсер уйти.

You might at least allow him to pass away in dignity…

Дайте ему хотя бы умереть спокойно!

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– It’s not allowed.

– Это запрещено.

— No one’s allowed to leave the theater.

— Выходить из театра запрещено.

He ain’t allowed to contract men without a license.

Запрещено нанимать людей без лицензии.

Is it true that these poor men are not allowed to bathe here?

что беднягам запрещено купаться здесь?

She is not to be allowed in the casino anymore.

Ей запрещено входить в казино.

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You know you’re allowed to bid.

Вам ведь разрешено торговаться.

You’ve got more charm than the law allows.

В вас больше шарма, чем разрешено законом.

Passengers are allowed to go out during the stopover but are asked not to stray too far and to come back aboard at the first siren call.

На время остановки пассажирам разрешено покинуть корабль, но просим не уходить далеко и вернуться на борт при первом же гудке сирены.

You see, they’re not allowed to speak to me.

Понимаете, им не разрешено говорить со мной.

And now, for the first time, the cameras of the BBC have been allowed inside the cavern itself.

И сейчас, в первый раз, камерам Би-Би-Си было разрешено появится в пещере.

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If English is your second language, and you tend to often get confused between similar sounding words or «homophones», the uncertainty you get caught up in now and again is understandable to a degree. If you’re a native English speaker, however, using homophones interchangeably is outright silly and unacceptable. Unfortunately, with words such as «aloud» and «allowed», such confusions or glaring mistakes are not rare.

«Aloud» is an adverb meaning «out loud». The verb «allowed», on the other hand, is the past participle of «allow». The two terms sound the same but have dissimilar spellings and even more disparate meanings. Therefore, remember the two words’ meanings, and you’ll know when and how to use them in texts.

If you’d like to learn a bit more about using the two terms in varied writing contexts and want some example sentences to boot, alongside a host of other useful information about them, read on.

aloud word in the dictionary

«Aloud» and «Allowed» – Comparing the Two Terms

As mentioned above, the words «aloud» and «allowed» have a similar sound. However, their meanings are in stark contrast to each other.

Aloud – Definition

The adverb «aloud» denotes things spoken «out loud» or at a reasonably audible volume or in a distinct tone. People usually talk «aloud» inadvertently, expressing their thoughts without any filter or curation.

A more archaic meaning or alternate phrase for the word is «speak loudly». The term «aloud» also sounds quite a bit like the expression «out loud». It goes without saying that the word «aloud» means the complete opposite of «speaking in one’s head» or «speaking quietly».

Allowed – Definition

The verb «allowed» means «gave permission» or «permitted» or having «acknowledged the acceptability or truth of something». «Allowed» also means permitting someone to have something. For example, «A grandmother allowed her grandkids to eat multiple cups of ice cream.»

The word «allowed» is the past participle and simple past tense of the verb «allow». Although «allowed» and «permitted» are synonymous, the former is less formal and, therefore, more commonly used in writings and oral communication.

Differentiating «Aloud» and «Allowed» from Each Other

Unlike most homophones, «aloud» and «allowed» do not have extremely similar spellings. Remembering how to spell them, therefore, should not be an issue for most people. And the unalike spellings could also help with remembering the respective meanings of the words.

Since «aloud» borrows letters from the phrase «out loud», remembering its meaning should not be an issue. Similarly, as «allowed» is the past tense of «allow», almost none with basic English knowledge will struggle remembering what the word means.

The suffix «-ed» at the end of the word «allowed» is also an easy way to remember the two words’ spellings. Also, remember that «aloud» is an adverb, and «allowed» is a verb. An adverb rarely ends with «-ed». The suffix «-ed» is quite commonly used to construct verbs.

However, the confusion between the two words usually arises in speech, as both words sound identical when pronounced.

To mitigate the confusion, look at the context in which the two words are being used. Since you already know the meanings of the two words, linking it with the sentence it is likely to be used in should be a clear giveaway.

Using the Word «Aloud» in Sentences

The word «aloud» is usually employed to replace «out loud». It functions as an adverb, which means saying something vocally.

  • She reads the sentences aloud, and then she immediately cuts to reading the next set of texts silently in her head.

«Out loud» is not an archaic phrase by any stretch of the imagination, but it could sound a tad unpolished, making «aloud» a solid substitute. Not to mention, both the phrases are fully established and can be used interchangeably often.

Compared to «out loud», «aloud» is a much older word – believed to be around as a valid term since the 13th century. For «out loud» to be perceived as «archaic,» especially with «aloud» being the older term, is kind of peculiar.

In specific scenarios, however, «out loud» is preferred over «aloud». Those include in phrases such as «laughing out loud» and «for crying out loud«. If you use «aloud» instead of «out loud» in the two phrases, it won’t be incorrect, but the flow may not be the best.

  • And the very first time the audience laughed out loud at my jokes, it felt exhilarating.
  • And the very first time the audience laughed aloud at my jokes, it felt exhilarating.

The first sentence with «out loud» clearly reads much better than the sentence right below it.

«Out loud» usually pairs well with «laugh» or variations of the word than «aloud». But then, it’s up to the writer or what they choose between the two.

Despite the preferential treatment «out loud» gets in certain contexts, the usage of the term «aloud» is increasing. One of the reasons for the same is believed to be the «colloquialism» tag that some language commenters (incorrectly) attach to «out loud».

«Out loud» is believed to be a more conversational phrase and, as a result, not widely used in formal writings. And those who are particular about succinctness, they too tend to go with «aloud» mostly.

However, current usage of the two terms indicates «out loud» isn’t colloquialism—although «aloud» is more likely to be used in formal or solemn writing—the two terms can be interchangeably used in general.

man speaks loudly letters flow around

Here are a few sentences illustrating «out loud» is not colloquial after all:

  • For most people, one of their vivid childhood memories is listening to their mom reading a book or narrating a story out loud.
  • The whole idea of retirement feels vaguely embarrassing or shameful. Within my circles, the word «retirement» is seldom spoken out loud.

If you are confused between using «aloud» and «allowed» in your sentence, try using the phrase «out loud» instead. If it fits in, «aloud» is the correct term. If not, «allowed» or some other term should be used. For example:

  • Read the paragraph aloud. (Correct)
  • Read the paragraph out loud. (Also correct)

If the word «allowed» is used in place of «aloud» or «out loud» above, the sentence will be wrong.

Example Sentences with the Word «Aloud»

The following sentences should give you a clear idea of the multiple contexts in which the word «aloud» is used:

  • She read the essay aloud for the entire class to hear.
  • They laughed aloud, seeing the man falling over.
  • I am just thinking aloud.
  • He read the paragraphs aloud, and she snorted.
  • The two were laughing aloud.
  • He laughed aloud at her reaction, only to cover his mouth right after when he realized other diners glanced his way.
  • The birds chirping aloud made the morning even more beautiful.
  • The team members talked aloud during the meeting, which didn’t go down well with the manager.
  • When we were in primary school, the teacher always read aloud to us.
  • Reading aloud when learning a language could help a bit with remembering the words and their pronunciations.
  • The teacher asked her to read the poem aloud.
  • She immediately turned flippant, secretly, not aloud.
  • «What will I do now?» he wondered aloud.
  • She cried aloud during the protest.

Using the Word «Allowed» in Sentences

As mentioned before, the word «allowed» is a verb. It can, however, also work as an adjective (albeit rarely) in certain writing scenarios.

In this sentence, «Skiing is allowed», the verb «allowed» is used in a passive voice context. It doesn’t look like it has been used as an adjective still. But if you try to make a case for it, «allowed» could seem like a predicate adjective.

Another word for «allowed» is «legal», which means the above sentence can also be written as «Skiing is legal». Since «legal» is an adjective, «allowed», the replacement term for it in the above sentence, can also be considered an adjective.

Kindly note, if the subject is an individual, the word «allowed» will never be an adjective. For example:

  • She is allowed three proper meals a day.
  • She is legal three proper meals a day. (Incorrect)

Example Sentences with the Word «Allowed»

Here is a list of sentences using the verb «allowed»:

  • She is not allowed to carry scissors in her bag.
  • They allowed her an hour to prepare for the test.
  • The money she earned last month allowed her to purchase a new laptop.
  • Mobile phones were not allowed in the classroom.
  • Driving fast is not allowed in this area.
  • People are not allowed to smoke in most pubs in England.
  • Is swimming allowed here?
  • They were allowed dessert only if they finished their vegetables.

allow word in dictionary


Like a true homophone, «aloud» and «allowed» sound quite similar when pronounced. However, unlike most homophones, the spellings of the two terms are quite different. And the meanings are even more diverse. Remembering the spellings of these two words or their definitions should, therefore, not be difficult.

However, you may have trouble discerning one from the other when you’re just listening to the words when spoken out. As mentioned above, in such scenarios, look at the context of the sentences in which the two words appear. Noting the tone and volume of the other person’s voice would also offer important clues.

Shawn Manaher

Shawn Manaher is the founder and CEO of The Content Authority. He’s one part content manager, one part writing ninja organizer, and two parts leader of top content creators. You don’t even want to know what he calls pancakes.

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Collocations for «allowed»

Common phrases and expressions where native English speakers use the word «allowed» in context.

WordReference English Collocations © 2023


Most examples are given in US English. We have labeled exceptions as UK.


  1. allow for easy [access, connection, registration]
  2. allowing for [easier, greater, some]
  3. allowing for [inflation, delays, latecomers]
  4. allow [an hour, a few minutes, some time] for
  5. allow yourself [a good, at least, around] [10 minutes] (to)
  6. allow up to [100 pounds, 25 people]
  7. allow to [cool, dry, stand] for [one hour]
  8. allow [complete, partial, full] access (to)
  9. allow [the public, users, students, your children] to
  10. allowing them [more, greater] freedom
  11. [should, would, will] (not) allow
  12. [won’t, wouldn’t, would never, cannot] allow
  13. is (not) allowed to [speak, park, play]
  14. is only (ever) allowed [in, during, if, on]
  15. allowed to [be, have, use, take, make]
  16. (not) allowed in [public, school, work]
  17. allowed [as evidence, in court]

allowed‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):

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