Using the word actually

Video Transcript
Section 1
This lesson is sponsored by The Ladies’ Project, a unique online community for women learning English as a second language. We help women to transform their relationship to English, to become more comfortable, more courageous English speakers. Enrolments are open now but they’re closing soon. Membership costs just $34.99 a month and the link is in the description if you want to find out more.

Well hey there I’m Emma from mmmEnglish! I hope you’ve been having an awesome day so far! Today’s English lesson is going to be short and sweet. I’ll go over four different ways that you can use a very common, very useful word. Actually.

We’ll also practise the pronunciation to help you sound more natural and relaxed when you use this word.

‘Actually’ is one of those English words that has several different meanings and it can be used in a few different ways but it can also be placed in different positions within an English sentence as well so that can make it seem a little confusing and with many of my students, if you know, they’re a little confused about a word or a little unsure about how to use it correctly, they tend to avoid it but we don’t want to do that. There is no need this avoid this word. It’s an incredibly useful word. Check it out.

We can use ‘actually’ to emphasise a fact, to express surprise, to correct someone politely or to change topics in a conversation. It is a very, very handy word to know.

Now let’s start with the pronunciation ‘actually’. Technically there are four syllables in this word. But when spoken by a native English speaker and they say it naturally, the word reduces down to three syllables. So the stress is on the first syllable, it’s the strongest sound. And in the second syllable, the vowel sound reduces down to the schwa, you can hear it with the consonant sound. And then the last syllable is a short sound. The schwa sound is the secret here to natural pronunciation. It’s not ac-choo-ly, but actually. It’s a really relaxed sound.

Actually, check out my lesson about the schwa sound right here for some extra practice. You’ll get lots more pronunciation practice if you practise with me out loud during this lesson. There’s going to be lots of examples so get ready to speak out loud.

actually #1 – to emphasise a fact

So there are four different ways that you can use the word ‘actually’ in English sentences and number one is to emphasise a fact or something that happened.

It actually takes longer to fly from Melbourne to Perth than it takes to fly from Perth to Melbourne.

So I’m using ‘actually’ here to emphasise a fact. It’s true. The wind direction has quite a significant influence on the flight time so it’s much faster to fly from Perth to Melbourne.

I’ve heard so many different versions of this story, I wish I knew what he actually said.
You know I want the truth, I want to know what he really said at the time. I’ve only heard from others.

Do you know Paul?

We’ve spoken over the phone but we’ve never actually met.

Have you got an example that you can share in the comments below?

I want you to write a sentence, if you can, where you’re using ‘actually’ to emphasise a fact.

actually #2 – to show surprise

Number two, you can use ‘actually’ to show surprise at something unexpected.

It looks like my brother actually arrived on time. I’m a little surprised, he’s usually late.
I was so tired I actually fell asleep in the back of the taxi.
Did you hear that they actually sold their house? It’s been on the market for ages.

actually #3 – to correct someone politely

Now ‘actually’ can also be used to correct someone politely.

I don’t work for the government. I’m self-employed, actually.
We’re late. The meeting starts at twelve. Actually, think it starts after lunch.
How long has she been living in Sydney? Actually, she lives in Singapore now.

Now you can actually use ‘actually’ to correct yourself which is cool when you make a mistake or you’re unsure.

I’m meeting with them on Thursday. Actually, it might be Friday.

Can you think of your own example to correct someone politely? If you can, add it to the comments below so I can check it out soon.

actually #4 – to introduce a new topic or add information

And finally, we can use ‘actually’ to introduce a new topic or to add some extra information.

Actually, I need to ask you about something before you leave.
I’ve been meaning to talk about that with you, actually.

So notice how in both of these examples, when we use ‘actually’ at the end or at the start of a sentence, we use a comma and this is really important for your writing but also when you’re speaking. It also signals a little pause.

So that was the four ways that you can use ‘actually’ but I’ve got a couple of extra tips that I want to share with you to actually make sure that you’re using ‘actually’ correctly because some of my students get a little confused between ‘actually’ and ‘currently’.

Now in English, these are not synonyms. ‘They actually moved to Tokyo.’ is not the same as ‘They currently moved to Tokyo.’
In fact, that sentence is completely incorrect.

‘Actually’ and ‘currently‘ are different. And the last thing that I want to share is ‘actually’ and ‘actual’, they have very similar meanings. ‘Actually’ is an adverb, ‘actual’ is an adjective. Their meanings are similar. ‘Actual’ means real or factual and it can also be used for emphasis but they are used in different positions within a sentence.

So usually the adjective ‘actual’ is found before the noun.

This is the actual spot where we met.
This is the actual spot where I teach you.

Now the adverb ‘actually’ is usually used at the beginning or the end of a sentence or before the verb.

Actually, this is where I film my videos.
I actually film them right here.
This is where I film my videos actually.

So I hope you actually learned something this lesson and that you actually start using this word a little more frequently in your English sentences.

Make it a challenge for this week. How many times can you use the word ‘actually’? Keep it top of mind.

Give this lesson a like and if you’re thinking ‘Actually, I’ve got a friend who should really watch this video.’ well, make sure you share it with them.

Here are a couple more lessons to keep you busy. I think that you’ll actually like this one right here. I’ll see you in there!

mmmEnglish Video Lessons are a series of video lessons created to build confidence in English learners and focus on English in daily life. Download them and watch them anywhere! Subscribe to my YouTube Channel to be the first to get my new videos, and come and say hi on my Facebook page!!

There are many words in English with multiple uses, but one of the more common ones is the word “actually.“ This adverb can occupy several sentence positions and can be used to emphasize a fact, express surprise, correct someone politely, or change topics in a conversation.


  1. When speaking slowly, we pronounce actually with four syllables:

    /ˈæk tʃu ə ˌli/ (ack choo uh lee).

  2. When speaking quickly and naturally, however, we only use three syllables and drop the /u/ sound:

    /ˈæk tʃə ˌli/ (ack chuh lee).


1. To emphasize a fact or something that happened

  • The interest on a credit card is actually higher than on a line of credit.
  • Stop listening to gossip. I’ll tell you what he actually said.
  • I was so tired that I actually fell asleep in class.
  • Did you actually see the accident?

2. To show surprise at something unexpected

  • She actually apologized. She’s never apologized to me before!
  • I was putting off booking our trip, but the flights were way cheaper than I expected, actually!
  • I was going to cancel our hike, but he told me that he actually doesn’t mind the rain.
  • They actually sold their house? It’s been on the market for ages!

3. To correct someone politely

  • A: The meeting starts at 2:00. B: Actually, I think the meeting starts at 3:00, not 2:00.
  • A: You can get tickets online. B: The tickets are sold out, actually.
  • A: How long have you been married? B: Actually, I’m divorced now.
  • A: Turn left at the light. B: I’m pretty sure we need to turn right, actually.

4. To introduce a new topic or add information

  • I actually need to ask you something before you go.
  • Actually, before class is dismissed, I want to go over the new schedule.
  • There’s a lot of research to support this, actually.
  • Actually, I’ve been meaning to talk to you about that.


While actually can mean “currently” in some languages, this usage is not common in North American English.

  • They currently live in Florida.
  • They actually live in Florida.

Actually Vs. Actual

Actually is an adverb and actual is an adjective. While their meanings are similar (actual means real or factual and it can be used for emphasis), they take different positions in a sentence.

The adjective actual is usually found before a noun.

  • The movie was inspired by actual events.
  • This is the actual spot where he proposed.

The adverb actually is usually at the beginning or end of a sentence or before a verb.

  • Actually, I can’t make it tonight after all.
  • I can’t make it tonight, actually.
  • I can’t believe she actually said that.


  • 7 Adverb Patterns
  • Adverbs of Manner
  • Adverbs of Frequency
  • Adverb Clauses of Time
  • Adverb Clauses of Contrast
  • Adverbs with Two Forms
  • However: 7 Sentence Positions & 2 Uses

I think I love you actuallyActually имеет несколько значений в английском языке, особенно это словечко любят употреблять (и злоупотреблять им) в разговорной речи. Как мы увидим далее, очень важно запомнить правила употребления этого слова, потому что оно позволит вам поменять свое мнение по поводу того, что вы сказали.

Употребление actually в значении «thinking again»

Не совсем понятно, о чем идет речь? Все очень просто. Actually употребляется тогда, когда вы сказали то, что на самом деле не хотели говорить, и хотите взять свои слова назад. Или же в случае, когда хотите подкорректировать то, что было вами сказано. Просто нужно поставить actually в начале предложения, и все будет хорошо.

Do you have a pen I could borrow? У Вас нет лишней ручки?
No I don’t. Wait! Actually I have one right here. Нет, нету. Погодите. Одна есть.

Употребление actually в значении “in fact”

То есть в таком случае actually используется для обозначения чего-то неожиданного.

Are you American? Ты американец?
Actually, I’m Australian. Вообще-то, я австралиец.

Употребление actually в значении “really”

Во многих случаях употребление actually равнозначно really. Оно используется, чтобы подчеркнуть, что кто-то сделал или сказал что-то удивительное, неожиданное.

Did you hear what Mary said to Joe at the party last weekend? Ты слышал, что Мэри сказала Джо на вечеринке в прошлые выходные?
I can’t believe she actually said that, that was really mean.
Не могу поверить, что она действительно это сказала, это было очень жестоко.


Если вы делитесь с кем-то неприятной или нежелательной информацией, actually как бы смягчает удар, который вы им наносите (при переводе на русский такое смягчение может быть незаметным).

Are you coming to the party next week? Приедешь на вечеринку в следующие выходные?
No, I have to work actually. Нет, на самом деле, мне надо работать.

Как я уже говорила, многие любят употреблять actually часто и даже там, где это не нужно. Это уже своего рода слово-паразит, который портит английскую речь. Поэтому советую вам прислушаться к написанному и употреблять actually разумно и не злоупотреблять этим словечком.

actuallyАнглийское слово actually используется чаще в разговорной речи, чем вы думаете. Существует несколько способов использовать его – об этом мы и собираемся поговорить. Что означает actually? Чтобы не загружать вас ненужной и скучной теорией, перейдем непосредственно к практике.

1. Мы используем actually в качестве синонима фразы in fact – фактически, т.е. чтобы указать на какой-либо факт, являющийся актуальным.

  • This actually (in fact) happened due to negligence of workers – фактически, это случилось из-за халатности рабочих.

2. Чтобы указать на реальную действительность

  • None of those people actually saw the falling star – на самом деле, никто из этих людей не видел падающую звезду
  • We dreamt of being married for so long time, that when we actually married it wasn’t like in our dreams – мы так долго мечтали пожениться, что когда мы действительно поженились, это не выглядело как в наших мечтах.

3. Чаще всего actually используется в разговорной речи если необходимо обратить внимание собеседника на какую-то ситуацию, факт или новость – в данном случае мы переведем actually как «кстати, надо сказать,  между прочим».

  • He he didn’t actually like the cake that I baked for him – между прочим, ему не понравился торт, который я испекла для него.
  • That way of introducing yourself is actually a good one – этот способ представиться, между прочим, неплохой.

4. Мы можем использовать actually чтобы уточнить правильность чьего-то высказывания, поведения, намерения. Это звучит как извинение.

  • I didn’t actually want to offend you – на самом деле, я не хотел вас обидеть

5. Когда actually используется в разговоре, это слово часто употребляется, чтобы чем-то заполнить неловкую паузу, в этом случае мы часто видим рядом well – well, actually… В данном случае actually не несет никакой смысловой нагрузки, и перевести мы его можем привычным «ну…»

  • Well… actually… yes, you are right – ну… да, ты прав.

Предлагаем вам еще несколько примеров с actually


prosba avtora

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


I actually think triathlon found me.

Word-of-mouth marketing is effective only if people actually talk.

Маркетинг «из уст в уста» результативен только тогда, когда люди на самом деле говорят.

Most costs arise after a company actually licenses the software.

Можно заметить, что большая часть этих расходов возникает уже после того, как организация фактически лицензировала это программное обеспечение.

He is actually saying cranberry sauce.

Фактически он говорит «клюквенный соус»(«cranberry sauce»).

Gather proof that the content is actually yours.

И еще: вам необходимо иметь достаточные доказательства того, что используемый контент действительно ваш.

What matters is actually between those lines.

И что действительно имеет значение, так это то, что между этими линиями.

It’s actually slightly quicker anyway.

What seemed nonsensical was actually brilliant.

Но то, что казалось бессмысленным, было на самом деле блестящим.

These people are actually 50+.

Таких избирателей, на самом деле, бывает до 50 и более.

Things that actually add value to clients.

Разумеется, продукты, которые на самом деле создают дополнительную ценность для ваших клиентов.

Here are ten ways recycling actually hurts the environment.

Ниже представлены десять примеров того, как повторная переработка отходов на самом деле приносит вред окружающей среде.

Probably pretty often actually, especially this year.

Да, его действительно играют очень часто, в том числе в этом году.

Invent something that people actually need.

Хочется создавать то, в чём люди на самом деле нуждаются.

Cholesterol is actually something your body needs.

Холестерин — это то, в чём на самом деле ваш организм нуждается.

We have no idea what users actually want.

Они, как правило, не имеют понятия о том, что пользователям действительно нужно.

What looked like hell was actually promotion.

То, что выглядело как похищение, на самом деле оказалось попыткой спасения.

Sometimes diabetes diagnosed during pregnancy is actually type 2.

В ряде случаев диабет, диагностированный во время беременности, на самом деле является диабетом 2 типа.

Many real estate crowdfunding platforms actually mediate loans.

Многие краудфандинговые платформы, специализирующиеся на недвижимости, на самом деле являются посредниками в предоставлении займов.

Start meeting investors before you actually need investment.

Начать работу с инвесторами раньше, чем тебе на самом деле понадобится следующий этап инвестиций.

Find someone who actually knows about breastfeeding.

Обратитесь за помощью к тому, кто действительно разбирается в вопросах грудного вскармливания.

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