Using or conditional formatting excel

The IF function allows you to make a logical comparison between a value and what you expect by testing for a condition and returning a result if that condition is True or False.

  • =IF(Something is True, then do something, otherwise do something else)

But what if you need to test multiple conditions, where let’s say all conditions need to be True or False (AND), or only one condition needs to be True or False (OR), or if you want to check if a condition does NOT meet your criteria? All 3 functions can be used on their own, but it’s much more common to see them paired with IF functions.

Use the IF function along with AND, OR and NOT to perform multiple evaluations if conditions are True or False.


  • IF(AND()) — IF(AND(logical1, [logical2], …), value_if_true, [value_if_false]))

  • IF(OR()) — IF(OR(logical1, [logical2], …), value_if_true, [value_if_false]))

  • IF(NOT()) — IF(NOT(logical1), value_if_true, [value_if_false]))

Argument name


logical_test (required)

The condition you want to test.

value_if_true (required)

The value that you want returned if the result of logical_test is TRUE.

value_if_false (optional)

The value that you want returned if the result of logical_test is FALSE.

Here are overviews of how to structure AND, OR and NOT functions individually. When you combine each one of them with an IF statement, they read like this:

  • AND – =IF(AND(Something is True, Something else is True), Value if True, Value if False)

  • OR – =IF(OR(Something is True, Something else is True), Value if True, Value if False)

  • NOT – =IF(NOT(Something is True), Value if True, Value if False)


Following are examples of some common nested IF(AND()), IF(OR()) and IF(NOT()) statements. The AND and OR functions can support up to 255 individual conditions, but it’s not good practice to use more than a few because complex, nested formulas can get very difficult to build, test and maintain. The NOT function only takes one condition.

Examples of using IF with AND, OR and NOT to evaluate numeric values and text

Here are the formulas spelled out according to their logic:



=IF(AND(A2>0,B2<100),TRUE, FALSE)

IF A2 (25) is greater than 0, AND B2 (75) is less than 100, then return TRUE, otherwise return FALSE. In this case both conditions are true, so TRUE is returned.


If A3 (“Blue”) = “Red”, AND B3 (“Green”) equals “Green” then return TRUE, otherwise return FALSE. In this case only the first condition is true, so FALSE is returned.

=IF(OR(A4>0,B4<50),TRUE, FALSE)

IF A4 (25) is greater than 0, OR B4 (75) is less than 50, then return TRUE, otherwise return FALSE. In this case, only the first condition is TRUE, but since OR only requires one argument to be true the formula returns TRUE.


IF A5 (“Blue”) equals “Red”, OR B5 (“Green”) equals “Green” then return TRUE, otherwise return FALSE. In this case, the second argument is True, so the formula returns TRUE.


IF A6 (25) is NOT greater than 50, then return TRUE, otherwise return FALSE. In this case 25 is not greater than 50, so the formula returns TRUE.


IF A7 (“Blue”) is NOT equal to “Red”, then return TRUE, otherwise return FALSE.

Note that all of the examples have a closing parenthesis after their respective conditions are entered. The remaining True/False arguments are then left as part of the outer IF statement. You can also substitute Text or Numeric values for the TRUE/FALSE values to be returned in the examples.

Here are some examples of using AND, OR and NOT to evaluate dates.

Examples of using IF with AND, OR and NOT to evaluate dates

Here are the formulas spelled out according to their logic:




IF A2 is greater than B2, return TRUE, otherwise return FALSE. 03/12/14 is greater than 01/01/14, so the formula returns TRUE.


IF A3 is greater than B2 AND A3 is less than C2, return TRUE, otherwise return FALSE. In this case both arguments are true, so the formula returns TRUE.


IF A4 is greater than B2 OR A4 is less than B2 + 60, return TRUE, otherwise return FALSE. In this case the first argument is true, but the second is false. Since OR only needs one of the arguments to be true, the formula returns TRUE. If you use the Evaluate Formula Wizard from the Formula tab you’ll see how Excel evaluates the formula.


IF A5 is not greater than B2, then return TRUE, otherwise return FALSE. In this case, A5 is greater than B2, so the formula returns FALSE.

Example of the Evaluate Formula Wizard

Using AND, OR and NOT with Conditional Formatting

You can also use AND, OR and NOT to set Conditional Formatting criteria with the formula option. When you do this you can omit the IF function and use AND, OR and NOT on their own.

From the Home tab, click Conditional Formatting > New Rule. Next, select the “Use a formula to determine which cells to format” option, enter your formula and apply the format of your choice.

Conditional Formatting > Edit Rule dialog showing the Formula method

Using the earlier Dates example, here is what the formulas would be.

Example of using AND, OR and NOT as Conditional Formatting tests




If A2 is greater than B2, format the cell, otherwise do nothing.


If A3 is greater than B2 AND A3 is less than C2, format the cell, otherwise do nothing.


If A4 is greater than B2 OR A4 is less than B2 plus 60 (days), then format the cell, otherwise do nothing.


If A5 is NOT greater than B2, format the cell, otherwise do nothing. In this case A5 is greater than B2, so the result will return FALSE. If you were to change the formula to =NOT(B2>A5) it would return TRUE and the cell would be formatted.

Note: A common error is to enter your formula into Conditional Formatting without the equals sign (=). If you do this you’ll see that the Conditional Formatting dialog will add the equals sign and quotes to the formula — =»OR(A4>B2,A4<B2+60)», so you’ll need to remove the quotes before the formula will respond properly.

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Learn how to use nested functions in a formula

IF function

AND function

OR function

NOT function

Overview of formulas in Excel

How to avoid broken formulas

Detect errors in formulas

Keyboard shortcuts in Excel

Logical functions (reference)

Excel functions (alphabetical)

Excel functions (by category)

Conditional Formatting is an excellent way to visualize the data based on certain criteria. OR function in the Conditional Formatting highlights the data in the table if at least one of the defined conditions is met. This step by step tutorial will assist all levels of Excel users in creating a Conditional Formatting OR formula rule.

Figure 1. Final result

Syntax of the OR formula

=OR(logical1,[logical2], …)

The parameters of the OR function are:

  • Logical1, logical2 – the conditions that we want to test

The output of the formula is value TRUE if just one condition is met. If neither of the conditions is met formula result will be FALSE

Highlight cell values using OR function

To mark the rows in the table based on the certain criteria we can use formula rules in the Conditional Formatting. In our example, we want to emphasize the rows in the table where Net Margin is over 8% or Sales are over 600. For this purpose, we will use OR function since it’s enough that only one condition is met.

Figure 2. Highlight rows where Net Margin is over 8% or Sales is over 600

Create an OR formula rule in the Conditional Formatting

To create a Conditional Formatting rule based on the formula we should follow the steps below:

  • Select the cell, cell range or table in Excel where we what to apply the Conditional Formatting

Figure 3. Select a cell range for the Conditional Formatting

  • Find Conditional Formatting button tab and choose New Rule

Figure 4. Create a new rule in the Conditional Formatting

  • Choose Use a formula to determine which cells to format

Figure 5. Create a formula rule in Conditional Formatting

  • Enter formula rule under the section Format values where this formula is true


Figure 6. OR function in Conditional Formatting

The formula above highlights the rows in the example table where Net Margin is over 8% or Sales is over 600. OR function checks if at least one condition is met and returns the value TRUE. This value triggers the Conditional Formatting rule.

In our OR formula example there are two logical tests:

  • Logical1 is $C3>8% – checks if Net Margin is over 8%
  • Logical2 is $D3>600 – examines if Sales is over 600
  • Under the Format tab, we can define the visual appearance of the cells if the OR formula output is TRUE

Figure 7. Create a custom format in Conditional Formatting

  • In Fill tab choose the background color (here you can also choose pattern style and color)

Figure 8. Define a Background Color of the cells

  • In the Font tab we can define font style and Bold cell text

Figure 9. Choose a Font style of the cells

  • After choosing the format in section Preview we can see how Conditional Formatting cells will look like if the rule is met

Figure 10. Conditional Formatting rule Preview

  • Rows in the table are highlighted whenever the Net Margin is over 8% or Sales is over 600. Product F in the table is the only product that meets neither Net Margin nor Sales condition.

Figure 11. Conditional Formatting OR formula rule- Net Margin over 8% or Sales over 600

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Conditional Formatting in Excel provides a great way to highlight certain cells that may be more important than others.

When combined with the OR criterion, you get added flexibility to your formatting condition options.

In this tutorial, we will see how to use conditional formatting, specifically with the OR criteria.

Conditional formatting allows you to apply particular formatting to only those cells that satisfy the given criteria.

Most often it is to apply color-based formatting to highlight, emphasize, or differentiate among data and information stored in a spreadsheet.

The great thing about conditional formatting is that it lets you specify the condition or criteria for formatting in a multitude of ways. You can use it to format:

  • Cells that contain duplicate or unique values
  • Cells that contain a particular value
  • Cells that contain a particular range of values
  • Cells that return true for a particular formula

…and more.

In this tutorial, we will be applying conditional formatting using a formula. This means that Excel will decide which cells to format based on the result of a formula.

What are Logical Functions in Excel?

Logical functions like OR, AND and NOT let you carry out more than one comparison, or test multiple conditions. The function returns a logical value based on the set of conditions, which can be either TRUE or FALSE.

The OR function returns a TRUE if any of the conditions operated on is TRUE. So, you can have an OR function with the following syntax:


where condition1, condition2, etc. are conditions with comparison operators like =, <, <=, >, or <=. The OR function will return TRUE even if one of the conditions is true.

Example to Explain How to Use Conditional Formatting with OR Criteria

Now let us see how to combine the two concepts discussed – Conditional Formatting with OR Criteria. To explain this, we will use a sample problem.

Using Conditional Formatting with OR Criteria

When you include an OR function in a conditional formatting rule, you can highlight cells in the table that satisfy at least one of the conditions defined in the OR function.

Let us say you have a set of Employee Names, Departments, and Sales values as shown in the screenshot below:

Dataset for Conditional Formatting

If you want to highlight all the rows where an employee is from department B or has Sales of more than $5000, you can use Conditional Formatting with OR criteria as follows:

  1. Select all the cells where you want to apply cell formatting. In our case, we select the range A2:C7.
  2. Under the Home tab, click on the Conditional Formatting button (in the Styles group).Click on Home and Then on Conditional formatting
  3. This will display a drop-down menu with different conditional formatting options. Select ‘New Rule’.Click on New Rule
  4. This will open the ‘New Formatting Rule’ dialog box.
  5. From the options under ‘Select a Rule Type’, click on the option ‘Use a formula to determine which cells to format’.Click on Use formula to determine which cells to format
  6. This will open a new section below to edit the rule description. In the input box below ‘Format values where this formula is true’, type the formula: =OR($B2=”B”,$C2>5000)Enter the OR formula
  7. Next, you need to specify what formatting you want to apply to the row if its values return TRUE for the above formula. Click on the Format button.Click on Format
  8. This will open the ‘Format Cells’ dialog box from where you can apply whatever formatting you want to apply to the selected rows.
  9. We just want to highlight the rows with a yellow fill color, so we can select the ‘Fill’ tab and select the Yellow color from the Background color options shown.Select the color for formatting
  10. Click OK to close the Format Cells dialog box.Click on OK
  11. Click OK again to close the New Formatting Rule dialog box.Click on OK again
  12. All the rows that satisfy the condition (have either the department as B or Sales more than $5000) will be highlighted with a yellow background color.Rows highlighted based on the OR formula

You can apply this method with as many conditions and as many types of conditions as you need to. You can also follow the same technique with other comparison functions like AND and NOT.

In this tutorial, I showed you step by step how to use conditional formatting with OR criteria to highlight data in a table if at least one of the given conditions is met.

I hope you can use the method explained in this tutorial for your own data and applications, to get your required formatting results.

Other Excel tutorials you may also like:

  • How to Find Duplicates in Excel (Conditional Formatting/ Count If/ Filter)
  • How to Highlight Every Other Row in Excel (Conditional Formatting & VBA)
  • Highlight Cell If Value Exists in Another Column in Excel
  • How to Hide Rows based on Cell Value in Excel (2 Easy Methods)
  • How to Copy Formatting In Excel (4 Easy Ways)

Let’s take a look at the current example. You are traveling the world and there is a list of expenses you made. Each expense is divided into categories. You want to highlight only two categories: Entertainment and Food. One of the few ways you can do it is to use a formula in a conditional formatting rule.

  1. Highlight cells from C2 to C9 to choose all
    dates in the category header.
  2. Navigate to Home
    >> Styles >> Conditional Formatting >> New Rule
  3. Click “Use formula to determine which cells
    to format”.
  4. Inside “Format values where this formula is
    true”, type this formula: =OR(c2=”food”,c2=”entertainment”)

When you compare values using the comparison operator, you
don’t have to pay attention to capitalization.

  1. Click the Format button.
  2. From a new window, click the Fill tab and choose a color. Click OK to confirm.
  3. Click OK to apply the new rule.

The table is formatted and the “Food” and “Entertainment” categories are highlighted.

Post Views: 376

Conditional Formatting is one of the most simple yet powerful features in Excel Spreadsheets.

As the name suggests, you can use conditional formatting in Excel when you want to highlight cells that meet a specified condition.

It gives you the ability to quickly add a visual analysis layer over your data set. You can create heat maps, show increasing/decreasing icons, Harvey bubbles, and a lot more using conditional formatting in Excel.

Using Conditional Formatting in Excel (Examples)

In this tutorial, I’ll show you seven amazing examples of using conditional formatting in Excel:

  • Quickly Identify Duplicates using Conditional Formatting in Excel.
  • Highlight Cells with Value Greater/Less than a Number in a Dataset.
  • Highlighting Top/Bottom 10 (or 10%) values in a Dataset.
  • Highlighting Errors/Blanks using Conditional Formatting in Excel.
  • Creating Heat Maps using Conditional Formatting in Excel.
  • Highlight Every Nth Row/Column using Conditional Formatting.
  • Search and Highlight using Conditional Formatting in Excel.
1. Quickly Identify Duplicates

Conditional formatting in Excel can be used to identify duplicates in a dataset.

Here is how you can do this:

This would instantly highlight all the cells that have a duplicate in the selected data set. Your dataset can be in a single column, multiple columns, or in a non-contiguous range of cells.

Conditional Formatting in Excel - Single Multiple Columns

See Also: The Ultimate Guide to Find and Remove Duplicates in Excel.
2. Highlight Cells with Value Greater/Less than a Number

You can use conditional formatting in Excel to quickly highlight cells that contain values greater/less than a specified value. For example, highlighting all cells with sales value less than 100 million, or highlighting cells with marks less than the passing threshold.

Here are the steps to do this:

This would instantly highlight all the cells with values greater than 5 in a dataset.Conditional Formatting in Excel - greater than 5 highlightedNote: If you wish to highlight values greater than equal to 5, you should apply conditional formatting again with the criteria “Equal To”.

The same process can be followed to highlight cells with a value less than a specified values.

3. Highlighting Top/Bottom 10 (or 10%)

Conditional formatting in Excel can quickly identify top 10 items or top 10% from a data set. This could be helpful in situations where you want to quickly see the top candidates by scores or top deal values in the sales data.

Similarly, you can also quickly identify the bottom 10 items or bottom 10% in a dataset.

Here are the steps to do this:

This would instantly highlight the top 10 items in the selected dataset. Note that this works only for cells that have a numeric value in it.

Also, if you have less than 10 cells in the dataset, and you select the options to highlight Top 10 items/Bottom 10 Items, then all the cells would get highlighted.

Here are some examples of how the conditional formatting would work:

Conditional Formatting in Excel - Top bottom example

4. Highlighting Errors/Blanks

If you work with a lot of numerical data and calculations in Excel, you’d know the importance of identifying and treating cells that have errors or are blank. If these cells are used in further calculations, it could lead to erroneous results.

Conditional Formatting in Excel can help you quickly identify and highlight cells that have errors or are blank.

Suppose we have a dataset as shown below:

Conditional Formatting in Excel - Error dataset

This data set has a blank cell (A4) and errors (A5 and A6).

Here are steps to highlight the cells that are empty or have errors in it:

This would instantly highlight all the cells that are either blank or have errors in it.

Conditional Formatting in Excel - errors highlightedNote: You don’t need to use the entire range A1:A7 in the formula in conditional formatting. The above-mentioned formula only uses A1. When you apply this formula to the entire range, excel checks one cell at a time and adjusts the reference. For example, when it checks A1, it uses the formula =OR(ISBLANK(A1),ISERROR(A1)). When it checks cell A2, it then uses the formula =OR(ISBLANK(A2),ISERROR(A2)). It automatically adjusts the reference (as these are relative references) depending on which cell is being analyzed. So you need not write a separate formula for each cell. Excel is smart enough to change the cell reference all by itself 🙂

See Also: Using IFERROR and ISERROR to handle errors in excel.
5. Creating Heat Maps

A heat map is a visual representation of data where the color represents the value in a cell. For example, you can create a heat map where a cell with the highest value is colored green and there is a shift towards red color as the value decreases. 

Something as shown below:

Conditional Formatting in Excel - heatmap

The above data set has values between 1 and 100. Cells are highlighted based on the value in it. 100 gets the green color, 1 gets the red color.

Here are the steps to create heat maps using conditional formatting in Excel.

  • Select the data set.
  • Go to Home –> Conditional Formatting –> Color Scales, and choose one of the color schemes.Conditional Formatting in Excel - heatmap colors

As soon as you click on the heatmap icon, it would apply the formatting to the dataset. There are multiple color gradients that you can choose from. If you are not satisfied with the existing color options, you can select more rules and specify the color that you want.

Note: In a similar way, you can also apply Data Bard and Icon sets.

6. Highlight Every Other Row/Column

You may want to highlight alternate rows to increase the readability of the data.

These are called the zebra lines and could be especially helpful if you are printing the data.

Now there are two ways to create these zebra lines. The fastest way is to convert your tabular data into an Excel Table. It automatically applied a color to alternate rows. You can read more about it here.

Another way is using conditional formatting.

Suppose you have a dataset as shown below:

Conditional Formatting in Excel - Alternate Data

Here are the steps to highlight alternate rows using conditional formatting in Excel.

That’s it! The alternate rows in the data set will get highlighted.

Conditional Formatting in Excel - Alternate rows final

You can use the same technique in many cases. All you need to do is use the relevant formula in the conditional formatting. Here are some examples:

  • Highlight alternate even rows: =ISEVEN(ROW())
  • Highlight alternate add rows: =ISODD(ROW())
  • Highlight every 3rd row: =MOD(ROW(),3)=0
7. Search and Highlight Data using Conditional Formatting

This one is a bit advanced use of conditional formatting. It would make you look like an Excel rockstar.

Suppose you have a dataset as shown below, with Products Name, Sales Rep, and Geography. The idea is to type a string in cell C2, and if it matches with the data in any cell(s), then that should get highlighted. Something as shown below:

Conditional formatting in Excel - search and highlight demo

Here are the steps to create this Search and Highlight functionality:

That’s it! Now when you enter anything in cell C2 and hit enter, it will highlight all the matching cells.

How does this work?

The formula used in conditional formatting evaluates all the cells in the dataset. Let’s say you enter Japan in cell C2. Now Excel would evaluate the formula for each cell.

The formula would return TRUE for a cell when two conditions are met:

  • Cell C2 is not empty.
  • The content of cell C2 exactly matches the content of the cell in the dataset.

Hence, all the cells that contain the text Japan get highlighted.

Download the Example File
Download File

You can use the same logic, to create variations such as:

  • Highlight the entire row instead of a cell.
  • Highlight even when there is a partial match.
  • Highlight the cells/rows as you type (dynamic) [You are going to love this trick :)].

How to Remove Conditional Formatting in Excel

Once applied, conditional formatting remains in place unless you remove it manually. As a best practice, keep the conditional formatting applied only to those cells where you need it.

Since it’s volatile, it may lead to a slow Excel workbook.

To remove conditional formatting:

  • Select the cells from which you want to remove conditional formatting.
  • Go to Home –> Conditional Formatting –> Clear Rules –> Clear Rules from Selected Cells.
    • If you want to remove conditional formatting from the entire worksheet, select Clear Rules from Entire Sheet.Conditional Formatting in Excel - Clear Rules
Important things to know about Conditional Formatting in Excel
  • Conditional formatting in volatile. It can lead to a slow workbook. Use it only when needed.
  • When you copy paste cells that contain conditional formatting, conditional formatting also gets copied.
  • If you apply multiple rules on the same set of cells, all rules remain active. In the case of any overlap, the rule applied last is given preference. You can, however, change the order by changing the order from the Manage Rules dialogue box.

You May Also Like the Following Excel Tutorials:

  • The Right Way to Apply Conditional Formatting in Pivot Table
  • Find and Remove Duplicates in Excel
  • The Ultimate Guide to Using Conditional Formatting in Google Sheets
  • How to Highlight Weekend Dates in Excel?

Spreadsheets are the go-to information hub for individuals, teams, and organizations of all sizes to store data. However, large data sets can make it difficult to identify trends, pick out key pieces of information, and track deadlines. Luckily, Microsoft Excel has a feature called conditional formatting that alleviates some of these challenges. 

Conditional formatting enables you to apply special formatting to cells in your spreadsheet that meet certain criteria. Excel has a sizable library of preset conditions that you can apply fairly simply, or you can create your own conditional formatting rules using Excel formulas. This guide will provide in-depth step-by-step examples of the most popular conditional formatting functions for basic and advanced users in Excel 2016. Then, we’ll show you how to perform the same functions in another spreadsheet application, Smartsheet.

What Is Conditional Formatting?

Conditional formatting is a feature of many spreadsheet applications that allows you to apply special formatting to cells that meet certain criteria. It is most often used to highlight, emphasize, or differentiate among data and information stored in a spreadsheet. 

Conditional formatting enables spreadsheet users to do a number of things. First and foremost, it calls attention to important data points such as deadlines, at-risk tasks, or budget items. It can also make large data sets more digestible by breaking up the wall of numbers with a visual organizational component. Finally, conditional formatting can transform your spreadsheet (that previously only stored data) into a dependable “alert” system that highlights key information and keeps you on top of your workload. 

Originally a powerful feature of Excel, other spreadsheet applications have also adopted this functionality. 

Conditional Formatting Basics

Conditional formatting consists of four main components: if-then commands, preset conditions, custom conditions, and applying multiple conditions. We’ve outlined how to use these commands and conditions to create and apply rules to your Excel spreadsheets below:

  • If-Then Logic: All conditional formatting rules are based on simple if-then logic: if X criteria is true, then Y formatting will be applied (this is often written as p → q, or if p is true, then apply q). You won’t have to hard-code any logic, though — Excel and other spreadsheet apps have built-in parameters so you can simply select the conditions you want the rules to meet. Advanced users can also apply the program’s built-in formulas to logic rules.
  • Preset Conditions: Excel has a huge library of preset rules encompassing nearly all functions that beginner users will want to apply. We’ll familiarize you with several of the most popular ones in the next section. 
  • Custom Conditions: For situations where you want to manipulate a preset condition, you can create your own rules. If appropriate, you can use Excel formulas in the rules you write.
  • Applying Multiple Conditions: You can apply multiple rules to a single cell or range of cells. However, be aware of rule hierarchy and precedence — we’ll show you how to manage stacked rules in the walkthrough.

Overall, applying conditional formatting is an easy way to keep you and your team members up to date with your data — calling visual attention to important dates and deadlines, tasks and assignments, budget constraints, and anything else you might want to highlight. When applied correctly, conditional formatting will make you more productive by reducing time spent manually combing data and making it easier to identify trends, so you can focus on the big decisions.

How to Apply Basic Conditional Formatting in Excel

You can apply conditional formatting to your Excel spreadsheets using various tools and features found within the program. This step-by-step walkthrough shows you how to apply the most commonly used formatting for highlighting, data bars, color scales, and more.

Step 1: Apply Highlight Rules to Your Excel Spreadsheet

Highlight rules apply color formatting to cells that meet specific criteria that you define. They are the most basic type of conditional formatting rule, and Excel provides a variety of preset highlight functions. 

  1. Open an existing spreadsheet in Excel, or start from scratch and manually enter new data. In this example, we’re using an inventory list that tracks the number of each item currently in stock, as well as some additional information about each product. 

  2. To apply highlight rules, select the range of values you want to apply a rule to. For this example, we want to highlight any product that’s quantity is less than 100 units. So, select the values in the Qty. column (C4:C26). 
  3. From the Home tab, click Conditional Formatting on the right side of the toolbar, and click Highlight Cells Rules from the dropdown menu. Click Less than

    Conditional formatting highlight cells rules Excel

  4. A box will appear. Type 100 in the empty field. Click OK

  5. Your spreadsheet will now reflect this highlight rule, with the quantities less than 100 highlighted red with red text. 

    Tip: You can change the color of the highlighted cell by clicking on the Format with: dropdown menu and selecting on another option.

    Conditional formatting first rule highlight Excel

  6. To highlight text cells, repeat step 2. This time, we want to highlight certain model types (M compatible), so we’ll select the cells in the Item name column.
  7. Click Conditional Formatting > Highlight Cells Rules > Text that Contains…

  8. ​Type M compatible in the text box. To differentiate from our previous highlight rule, select green fill with dark green text from the Format with: dropdown menu. Click OK

    Conditional formatting M compatible Excel

  9. Now, cells containing the text M compatible are highlighted.

    Conditional formatting changes updated Excel

Using these same steps and menu options, you can apply highlight rules to find Duplicate Values, Dates, or values that are Greater than…, Equal to…, or Between… values that you select. All of these possibilities are available through the menu options. 

Step 2: Create Top/Bottom Rules

Step 3: Apply Data Bars

Data bars apply a visual bar within each cell. The length of the bar relates the value of the cell to other cell values in the selected range. 

  1. We’ll apply data bars to the Qty. column so we can easily assess the ratios of items in stock. Click the top of the Qty. column to select this range of cells. 
  2. Click Conditional Formatting > Data Bars. You’ll see two options — one for Gradient Fill and one for Solid Fill. They function identically; just select the option and color you prefer. 

    Conditional formatting choose data bars Excel

  3. Your sheet will now reflect the added rule. 

    Conditional formatting data bars highlighted updates Excel

Step 4: Apply Color Scales

Color scales are similar to data bars in that they relate a cell’s values in a selected range. However, instead of representing this relationship by the length of a bar, color scales do so with color gradients. One color is assigned the “lowest” value and another the “highest,” with a range of colors in between. 

  1. We’ll apply color scales to our Selling price column. Click the top of column D to select this range. 
  2. Click Conditional Formatting > Color Scales. You’ll see a variety of different color ranges; select the one you want.

    Conditional formatting color scales Excel

  3. Your spreadsheet now shows the selling prices by color — red cells are the most expensive, and green cells are the least expensive. 

    Conditional formatting prices by color Excel

Step 5: Apply Icon Sets

Icon sets apply colorful icons to data. They are simply another way to call attention to important data, and relate cells to one another. 

  1. We’ll apply icon sets to the Purchase price column to show low, middle, and high priced items. Click the top of the Purchase price column to select the range of values. 
  2. Click Conditional Formatting > Icon Sets. You’ll see a variety of options for Directional, Shapes, Indicators, and Ratings icons. You can choose any of these to fit the needs of your data. In this example, we’ll choose the first Directional option: red, yellow, and green arrows that indicate high, middle, or low priced items. 

    Conditional formatting icon sets Excel

  3. Your sheet reflects this new formatting rule.

    Conditional formatting icon sets rule highlight Excel

Step 6: Edit and Delete Conditional Formatting Rules

Now you’ve learned the most common conditional formatting presets in Excel, your spreadsheet provides a lot of information at a glance. However, you might want to edit some of these rules later on, or delete them completely. 

  1. Click Conditional Formatting and select Manage Rules… from the dropdown list. 

    Conditional formatting manage rules Excel

  2. The Manage Rules box will appear. Click the dropdown menu at the top of the box and click This Sheet to list the conditional formatting rules you have applied to the current sheet. 

    Conditional formatting manage rules this sheet Excel

  3. To edit a rule, click the rule you want to change. In this example, we want to highlight the bottom ten values in the Total value of stock column, rather than the bottom five that we currently have highlighted. Click the Bottom 5 row. Then, click Edit Rule… at the bottom of the box. 

    Conditional formatting edit rule Excel

  4. A new box opens where you can adjust the conditions of the rule. Type 10 in the number field and click OK

    Conditional formatting edit formatting rule Excel

  5. Excel will bring you back to the Manage Rules box. You must click OK to save the changes you made to the original rule. 

    Conditional formatting rule changing highlight Excel

  6. To delete a rule, return to the Manage Rules box and choose This Sheet. Click the rule you want to delete — in this case, the color grading on Selling price. Click the — symbol (next to Edit Rule…) in the lower left hand corner. Click OK

    Conditional formatting delete rule Excel

  7. The conditional formatting on the Selling price column is now deleted. 

    Conditional formatting delete rule changes highlight Excel

You now have everything need to create basic conditional formatting using presets in Excel 2016. For more advanced functionality such as creating a new rule, using Excel formulas, and creating rules dependent on another cell, see the “Advanced” section below. 

First, we’ll look at how we can apply the same conditional formatting rules we learned in Excel to another spreadsheet program, Smartsheet. 

How to Apply Basic Conditional Formatting in Smartsheet

Use conditional formatting in Smartsheet to apply many of the same rules and effects available in Excel. We’ll guide you through every function described in the previous section, with some modifications that better align with Smartsheet features.

You can create spreadsheets in Smartsheet two ways: by manually entering data into Smartsheet, or by importing an existing spreadsheet from programs like Excel and MS Project. For this tutorial, we’ll use the same data set from the Excel tutorial, so we’ll import the original version (with no conditional formatting) from Excel. 

Step 1: Open Your Existing Excel Spreadsheet in Smartsheet

Step 2: Apply Highlight Rules

  1. ​​​​​​To highlight a cell, click the conditional formatting icon on the toolbar. 
  2. A box will appear where you can set conditional formatting rules. Click Add New Rule in the top left corner. The if-then logic is already written into the new rule, so you can simply create the conditions. 

    Conditional Formatting Window

  3. Click set condition. Just like in the Excel example, we want to highlight any items that are stocked below 100 units. Select Qty. from the column list on the left, select is less than from the center dropdown list, and then type 100 in the field on the right. Click OK

    Set Quantity Condition

  4. Now we need to apply the formatting. Click this format and a dropdown menu with formatting options appears. For this example, we’ll use a paint fill. Click the paint bucket icon and select red. 

    Add Quantity Condition

  5. Specify which cells should get this formatting. Smartsheet will default to format the entire row, but we only want to highlight the cells in the Qty. column. Click entire row and click Qty. from the dropdown list. Click OK

    Set Quantity Condition Entire Row

  6. Your conditional formatting rule is now reflected in your spreadsheet.

    Quantity Conditional Formatting Smartsheet

  7. To highlight text cells, repeat steps 1 and 2. Click set condition. Now, we want to highlight any M compatible items. Select Item name from the left-most list, contains from the center list, and type M compatible in the right field. Click OK

    Item Name Conditioning Formatting

  8. Click this format and click the paint bucket item. Select green. For this rule, we want to highlight the entire row. (Again, Smartsheet defaults to this option.) Click OK

    Set Item Name Conditional Formatting

  9. Your second rule is now reflected in your data set. 

    Item Name Conditional Formatting Smartsheet

Step 3: Apply Progress Bars (Data Bars)

In place of Excel’s Data Bars preset, you can create Progress Bars in Smartsheet. Progress Bars are a symbol that you can apply to cells to show and compare the level of completeness. In this example, we’ll apply progress bars to denote current inventory levels (from zero to 100 percent). 

  1. To create Progress Bars in Smartsheet, you first need to create a new Symbols column. Cells in a Symbols column will only hold special characters, such as progress bars. 
  2. To create a new column, right-click the Qty. column and click Insert Column Right.

    Insert Column Right

  3. A box will open. We’ll name this column Inventory Level, and select Symbols… from the list of column-types. In the right-hand field, scroll down and select the progress bar icon. Click OK.

    Add Progress Bar

  4. Click into cells in the new Inventory Level column and select the appropriate level of inventory: Empty, Quarter, Half, Three Quarter, or Full. This progress bar relates the current level (from the Qty. column) to level you need. 

    Set Progress Bars

  5. Here’s what your sheet will look like when all progress bars are filled in. 

    Progress Bars in Smartsheet

Tip: You can also type Empty, Quarter, Half, Three Quarter, or Full into each cell, and Smartsheet will autofill with the appropriate progress bar. 

Manually Enter Progress Status

Tip: You can also automate progress bars by using an if-then formula in Smartsheet. For more information on how to do this, check out this resource on symbol formulas.

Step 4: Apply Icon Sets

To apply icon sets in Smartsheet with conditional formatting, you’ll have to use formulas (we’ll get into that in the “Advanced” section). Instead, you can add informative icons to your data by creating a special Symbols column. 

  1. Right-click the Qty. column and click Insert Column Right

    Insert New Column

  2. In the box that opens, type Qty. Status in the name field. Click Symbols from the dropdown menu and choose from the library of available symbols (Flag, Priority, Decision, Status, Direction, and Measure icons). In this example, we’ll choose RYG balls in the Status section. Click OK

    Add Progress Symbols

  3. Now, you can update your sheet with the appropriate color status ball by adding conditional formatting as shown above. 

    Progress Symbols in Smartsheet

Step 5: Edit and Delete Conditional Formatting Rules

Editing and deleting conditional formatting rules in Smartsheet is extremely easy. 

  1. To edit a rule, click the Conditional Formatting icon on the toolbar to open the list of rules. Click the condition you wish to change and edit the information in the box that opens. Click OK

    Edit Conditional Formatting

  2. To delete a rule, click the carrot on the left side of each rule. Click Delete Rule from the dropdown menu. Click OK

    Delete Conditional Formatting

Tip: You can also disable a rule by clicking Disable Rule from the dropdown menu and then clicking OK. This will put the rule on “hold” without deleting it, in case you want to re-enable it later on. 

Now you know how to use conditional formatting and other colors and symbols to add formatting to your sheet in Smartsheet. In the following sections, we’ll walk you through more advanced conditional formatting functions in Excel and Smartsheet.

Advanced Conditional Formatting Functions in Excel

Once you have mastered the basics, Excel includes some additional advanced conditional formatting functions. We’ll guide you through applying stop-if-true rules, using the AND formula, setting rule hierarchies and precedence, and other unique situational formatting conditions below.

Step 1: Create a New Rule and Apply Stop if true Rule

In some instances, you might want to stop a certain condition, without deleting the entire rule. The Stop if true rule in Excel enables you to do so. 

  1. In our example, we applied an icon set of three directional arrows to the Purchase price column to indicate low, medium, and high price ranges. However, we might actually only want to call attention to the lowest cost items, as three icons can clutter the sheet (and provide more information than actually needed). 
  2. First, create a separate condition on this column. Click the Purchase price column to select these values. 
  3. Click Conditional Formatting > Manage Rules… to open the Manage Rules box. Keep the default Show formatting rules for: Current Selection from the dropdown menu, because we are only adjusting the rule on this column. 

    Conditional formatting current selection Excel

  4. Click the + in the bottom left corner to create a new rule. A new box opens where you can  assign conditions to the new rule. 
  5. From the Style menu, select Classic
  6. Instead of applying a different icon to bottom, middle, and top price ranges (as we currently have), we only want to show the bottom 50 percent. So, select Top from the left dropdown menu, type 50 in the middle field, and check the Percent box. 

    Conditional formatting percent selection excel

  7. To apply color formatting, Select Custom format from the Format with dropdown menu, and a new formatting box opens. Click the Fill tab, and click No Color.

    Conditional formatting no fill color Excel

  8. Next, click the Font tab, and select black text. Click OK

    Conditional formatting choose font color Excel

  9. Click OK again in the original New Formatting Rule box. 
  10. You’ll return to the Manage Rules box, where you now have two rules applied to the Purchase price column. Click the Stop if true box to the right of the new rule you just created. Click OK

    Conditional formatting stop if true Excel

  11. Your sheet will now only show the icon sets for the items with a purchase price in the bottom 50 percent. 

    Conditional formatting stop if true updates Excel

Step 2: Apply Multiple Conditions to a Rule with AND Formula

Adding Excel’s formulas to your conditional formatting rules is one way to elevate your logical rules. The  AND formula is one of the most popular, easy-to-use formulas. It lets you add multiple conditions within a single rule, rather than writing out each rule separately. To format cells they must meet both conditions.

  1. We’ll create a new rule to highlight any cell in the Item # column that contains both a B and an L. Click the top of the Item # column to select this range of cells. 
  2. Click Conditional Formatting > New Rule
  3. In the dialogue box, select Classic from the top dropdown list. Select Use a formula to determine which cells to format, since we’re using a formula. 
  4. We want to search cells in the Item # column for a B and L, and highlight that cell when both conditions are true. To do this, we’ll use Excel’s ISNUMBER and SEARCH formulas, with the AND formula, to look for the B and L values. 

    Conditional formatting edit formatting rule classic Excel

  6. Click OK. Your sheet will highlight all cells in Item # that meet both of these conditions. 

    Conditional formatting both conditions met Excel

Tip: Understanding the formula: 

  • We use AND at the beginning of the formula to show that both of the following conditions must be met in order to apply the conditional formatting.
  • The basic syntax of the nested formula is ISNUMBER(SEARCH(“substring”,text)) where “substring” is the character(s) you are looking for, and “text” is the cell(s) you want to search. 
  • We are searching for two separate conditions, so we write the ISNUMBER(SEARCH(“substring”,text)) formula twice, separated by a comma. 

This example is just one of hundreds of different formulas you could enter with the AND function. For more information on using Excel formulas with conditional formatting, click here.

Step 3: Conditional Formatting Based on Another Cell

You can also create rules to highlight certain cells based on the value of another cell. 

  1. In this example, we’ll create a “quantity threshold” — items with inventory level below this threshold will be considered “at risk.” We already have a rule that highlights cells in the Qty. column under 100. However, that threshold might change over time, depending on manufacturing or selling rates. So, we want to create a highlight rule that is dependent upon a threshold that we set.
  2. To the right of your data, create a box for Quantity Threshold and choose an amount. In this example, we use 200. (Note the cell you type the amount in. Here, it’s I5.)

    Conditional formatting quantity threshold Excel

  3. Create a new rule by clicking Conditional Formatting > New Rule
  4. In the dialogue box, click Classic and Use a formula to determine which cells to format from the dropdown menus. 
  5. In the formula field, type =C4<$I$5 and keep the default formatting. Click OK

    Conditional formatting edit formatting rule edit formula Excel

  6. Numbers in the Qty. column that are less than the Quantity Threshold in I5 (200) will now be highlighted. 
  7. Now, you’ve created a dynamic rule. This means that as your threshold changes, the rule will still be applied to the Qty. column and the formatting will adjust as appropriate. 

Tip: Understanding the formula:

  • In this formula, we are simply testing whether or not values in column C are less than the value in I5. 
  • Start with “=C4” to tell Excel where we want to start evaluating values from. 
  • Use ‘$’ symbol around I because it’s an absolute value — we are only evaluating cells in column C against this single cell. 

Step 4: Data Validation and Dropdown Lists

While data validation is not technically monitored through conditional formatting rules, you can use it to a similar effect: controlling the formatting of your sheet. You can apply data validation to ensure that any cell-type only allows certain entries (text or numbers only, text length, etc.). In this example, we’ll show you how to create a dropdown list and validate data only from that dropdown list. 

  1. We’ll create an additional column of which employee last updated the sheet, and create a dropdown list to choose from. First, click where you want to add the column on the sheet. Create a new column by clicking Insert > Insert Sheet Columns from the ribbon on the Home tab. 

    Conditional formatting insert_sheet_column

  2. We’ll name this column Updated By
  3. Now we need to make a list of employees, that the dropdown list will later pull from. Create a second sheet (in the same Excel workbook) by clicking the + sign on the tab at the bottom of the spreadsheet, and write a list of employee names in column B.

    Conditional formatting second sheet Excel

  4. Select the range of data (all the names) you want to include in your list. Make this list into a table by clicking the Insert tab > Table
  5. The dialogue box will show the range of data you selected for the table. Click My table has headers, since we began the list with Employees. Click OK.

    Conditional formatting create table Excel

  6. Now we have to name this list so that Sheet 1 can pull from it. Click Formulas tab  > Define Name on the ribbon. 

    Conditional formatting verify name Excel

  7. In the dialogue box, type the name of the list. We’ll call it Employees. Double check that the selected range is still correct. Click OK

    Conditional formatting verify name Excel

  8. Go back to Sheet 1. Now, we have to make the Updated By column into a dropdown list. We’ll use the data validation function to do this. 
  9. Select the Updated By column to apply data validation to this range of cells.
  10. Click the Data tab on the ribbon and click Data Validation > Data Validation…

    Conditional formatting data validation Excel

  11. In the dialogue box, choose List from the dropdown menu to restrict data entered in this range to a list. Type =Employees in the Source field, since we’re pulling from the list we just created (in Sheet 2). Click OK.

    Conditional formatting data validation source Excel

  12. There is now a dropdown list in the Updated By column. Your sheet will only accept data in this column that comes from the Employees list on Sheet 2. 

    Conditional formatting choose value for updated by column Excel

  13. You can now fill in the column by selecting a name from the dropdown list. 

    Conditional formatting updated by column highlight Excel

Step 5: Rule Hierarchy and Precedence

As you accumulate conditional formatting rules, watch out for rule hierarchy. Since you can apply multiple conditions to a cell (or row), they occasionally conflict. When this happens, Excel has default precedence rules that may cause one rule to override another, so you can lose your formatting. To combat this, you can change the hierarchy of the rules. 

Adjusting rule hierarchy in Excel is straightforward, but you should also understand the logic behind rule precedence:

  • Newer rules will always assume precedence over older rules. This means that the precedence of your rules will be in the reverse order of how you created them.
  • When multiple rules evaluate as true to a cell, they may or may not conflict. Applying multiple rules to a cell does not necessarily mean that they will interfere. 
  • Rules don’t conflict if they are changing different things about the cell. For instance, if one rule changes text color and another changes fill color both rules should co-exist in the cell. 
  • Rules conflict when the outcomes are the same. For instance, if one rule changes a font color to green and another changes the font color to blue the newer rule takes precedence.

To adjust rule hierarchy in Excel, follow these steps:

  1. All rule hierarchy is controlled through the Rule Manager in Excel. 
  2. From the Home tab, click Conditional Formatting > Manage Rules… to open the Rule Manager. 
  3. Select This Sheet from the top dropdown list to pull up all lists applied to the current sheet. 
  4. To change the order (hierarchy) of rules, select a rule and click the up and down arrows in the top right corner to move it. Click OK. Remember the rule closest to the top will take precedence.

    Conditional formatting change rules hierarchy Excel

Advanced Conditional Formatting in Smartsheet

Many advanced Excel conditional formatting options are available to Smartsheet users, as well. We’ll teach you how to apply stop-if-true rules, create rules with multiple conditions, create formatting rules based on other cells, and set rule hierarchies and precedence.

Step 1: Add New Rule and Apply Stop If True Function

Adding a new rule in Smartsheet is easy (you already learned how in the “Basic” section). Now, we’ll apply the same “stop if true” logic from Excel in Smartsheet. 

  1. Add a new rule by clicking the conditional formatting icon on the toolbar. Click Add New Rule and click Set condition.
  2. For this rule, we want to call attention to the shipment order dates that are after 06/20/30. The easiest way to do this is to apply the same logic as “stop if true” in Excel. 
  3. Click Shipment Order Date in the left field to set a condition in this column. 
  4. Instead of defining criteria (as we have been doing), click select from a list. The list of values in the Shipment Order Date column appear. 

    If True Function


  5. Click 06/20/30. Then, because we want to highlight all the dates that are not this date, check the Apply format when this condition is NOT met box. (This functions just like the “stop if true” box in Excel.) Click OK

    Apply Format When Condition Not Met

  6. Click this format and apply whatever format you want. We’ll make the text bold. 
  7. Click entire row and select the Shipment Order Date column. Click OK

    Shipment Order Date Condition


  8. Now, all dates other than 07/01/15 will be bolded in the Shipment Order Date column.

    If Then Shipment Order Date

Step 2: Add Multiple Conditions to a Rule

Just like in Excel, you can use Smartsheet’s built-in formulas when creating conditional formatting rules. However, Smartsheet makes it easy to perform some of the simple functions that basic Excel formulas provide, so you don’t have to worry about remembering complicated formula syntax. To perform the AND function, you can simply click to add multiple conditions to any conditional formatting rule.

  1. Click the conditional formatting icon on the toolbar and click Add New Rule
  2. Click set condition. We want to highlight cells in the Item # list that contain both a ‘B’ and an ‘L.’ Click Item # from the dropdown list on the left.  
  3. For the conditions, select contains and type B. Click into the second prompted condition and type L to create the second condition. (This will perform the AND function.) Click OK.

    Multiple Conditions Rule

  4. Apply the formatting to your rule. We’ll use a yellow fill. 
  5. Change entire row to Item #. Click OK

    Item Number Multiple Conditions

  6. Your sheet will now highlight those values in Item # that contain both a B and an L.

    Multiple Conditions Smartsheet

You can still use formulas with conditional formatting, if you’d like. For an introduction on how to use formulas, check out this resource.

Step 3: Conditional Formatting Based on Another Cell

Smartsheet also makes it easy to apply conditional formatting based on another cell. Instead of using complicated formulas to reference different cells, you can simply control which cells to pull from and format with a few clicks. 

  1. In this example, we want to highlight the Item Name column if the status bar is red, to call attention to at-risk items. To do this, we’ll create a rule that pulls from the Qty. Status column, but applies formatting to the Item Name column. 
  2. Click the conditional formatting icon on the toolbar and click Add New Rule > set condition.
  3. Click Qty. Status from the drop down list and click Red. Click OK.

    Quantity Status Red

  4. Apply a light red paint fill to format with.
  5. Click entire row and select Item name. This will apply formatting to cells in the Item name column, even though we’re pulling information from the Qty. Status column. 

    Quantity Status Item Name

  6. Click your new rule and drag it to the top of your rules list. Since we have multiple highlighting rules, this will ensure that this rule takes precedence over others.

    Drag Rule to Top


  7. Cells in Item Name will now be highlighted if the Qty. Status ball is red. 

    Conditional Formatting Hierarcy

Tip: To eliminate visual redundancy, you can hide the Qty. Status column in your sheet. Simply right-click the column and click Hide column. Your sheet will retain its formatting based on that column, but it will look cleaner. 

Hide Column Smartsheet

Step 4: Rule Hierarchy and Precedence

Managing rule hierarchy is quite simple in Smartsheet. The rules also interact the same way as Excel (you can apply multiple rules to a single cell, but only one will show up if there’s a conflict). However, the default precedence is a little different:

  1. Click on the conditional formatting icon to bring up the rules. 
  2. In Smartsheet, rules higher on this list have precedence. So, the rules have descending hierarchy from the top to bottom of the list. 
  3. To change hierarchy, simply click on a rule and drag it up or down.

    conditional formatting rule precedence Smartsheet

Frequently Asked Questions About Conditional Formatting

The most commonly asked questions about conditional formatting include queries about who can make changes, where to learn about using formulas, and how to copy conditional formatting rules between sheets. We’ve answered these and other frequently asked questions below: 

Will conditional formatting change the values in my cells?

No. Conditional formatting only applies formatting to your cells. However, you can use conditional formatting to manipulate the values in your cells by using formulas, or by creating rules that change the value of a cell based on another cell.  

Can anyone change or apply conditional formatting to the spreadsheets?

Only one person can update conditional formatting rules in Excel at a time. In Smartsheet, any collaborator with Admin permissions can create or edit conditional formatting, but editors and viewers cannot. Click the Sharing button to adjust permissions.

Does the Office 365 (cloud) version of Excel support conditional formatting?

Users can only view conditional formatting in the cloud version of Excel. To add or edit rules, download the Office 365 desktop version. Be careful of version control issues when working with Office 365. 

I’m not comfortable using Excel formulas. Where can I learn more?

Here is a list of common questions for using Excel formulas with conditional formatting. For a comprehensive list of all Excel formulas, click here. For help with using formulas with conditional formatting in Smartsheet, check out these tips. 

How do I add conditional formatting to a new document in Excel?

To copy conditional formatting to a new workbook or sheet, select the cells you want to copy conditional formatting from, and click the Format Paint icon. Drag your cursor over the column, rows, or document to apply the rules. 

Here’s a walkthrough of this function.

Keep Your Team in Sync with Real Time Conditional Formatting in Smartsheet

Empower your people to go above and beyond with a flexible platform designed to match the needs of your team — and adapt as those needs change. 

The Smartsheet platform makes it easy to plan, capture, manage, and report on work from anywhere, helping your team be more effective and get more done. Report on key metrics and get real-time visibility into work as it happens with roll-up reports, dashboards, and automated workflows built to keep your team connected and informed. 

When teams have clarity into the work getting done, there’s no telling how much more they can accomplish in the same amount of time. Try Smartsheet for free, today.

Highlight Cells Rules | Clear Rules | Top/Bottom | Conditional Formatting with Formulas

Conditional formatting in Excel enables you to highlight cells with a certain color, depending on the cell’s value.

Highlight Cells Rules

To highlight cells that are greater than a value, execute the following steps.

1. Select the range A1:A10.

Conditional Formatting Example

2. On the Home tab, in the Styles group, click Conditional Formatting.

Click Conditional Formatting

3. Click Highlight Cells Rules, Greater Than.

Highlight Cells Rules

4. Enter the value 80 and select a formatting style.

Greater Than

5. Click OK.

Result. Excel highlights the cells that are greater than 80.

Greater Than Result

6. Change the value of cell A1 to 81.

Result. Excel changes the format of cell A1 automatically.

Conditional Formatting in Excel

Note: you can also use this category (see step 3) to highlight cells that are less than a value, between two values, equal to a value, cells that contain specific text, dates (today, last week, next month, etc.), duplicates or unique values.

Clear Rules

To clear a conditional formatting rule, execute the following steps.

1. Select the range A1:A10.

Select Cells

2. On the Home tab, in the Styles group, click Conditional Formatting.

Click Conditional Formatting

3. Click Clear Rules, Clear Rules from Selected Cells.

Clear Rules


To highlight cells that are above average, execute the following steps.

1. Select the range A1:A10.

Top/Bottom Rules Example

2. On the Home tab, in the Styles group, click Conditional Formatting.

Click Conditional Formatting

3. Click Top/Bottom Rules, Above Average.

Top/Bottom Rules

4. Select a formatting style.

Above Average

5. Click OK.

Result. Excel calculates the average (42.5) and formats the cells that are above this average.

Above Average Result

Note: you can also use this category (see step 3) to highlight the top n items, the top n percent, the bottom n items, the bottom n percent or cells that are below average.

Conditional Formatting with Formulas

Take your Excel skills to the next level and use a formula to determine which cells to format. Formulas that apply conditional formatting must evaluate to TRUE or FALSE.

1. Select the range A1:E5.

Cells to Format

2. On the Home tab, in the Styles group, click Conditional Formatting.

Click Conditional Formatting

3. Click New Rule.

Click New Rule

4. Select ‘Use a formula to determine which cells to format’.

5. Enter the formula =ISODD(A1)

6. Select a formatting style and click OK.

Use a formula to determine which cells to format

Result. Excel highlights all odd numbers.

Odd Numbers

Explanation: always write the formula for the upper-left cell in the selected range. Excel automatically copies the formula to the other cells. Thus, cell A2 contains the formula =ISODD(A2), cell A3 contains the formula =ISODD(A3), etc.

Here’s another example.

7. Select the range A2:D7.

Select Range

8. Repeat steps 2-4 above.

9. Enter the formula =$C2=»USA»

10. Select a formatting style and click OK.

Format values where this formula is true

Result. Excel highlights all USA orders.

Conditional Formatting with a Formula

Explanation: we fixed the reference to column C by placing a $ symbol in front of the column letter ($C2). As a result, cell B2, C2 and cell D2 also contain the formula =$C2=»USA», cell A3, B3, C3 and D3 contain the formula =$C3=»USA», etc.

Conditional formatting is a fantastic way to quickly visualize data in a spreadsheet. With conditional formatting, you can do things like highlight dates in the next 30 days, flag data entry problems, highlight rows that contain top customers, show duplicates, and more.

Excel ships with a large number of «presets» that make it easy to create new rules without formulas. However, you can also create rules with your own custom formulas. By using your own formula, you take over the condition that triggers a rule and can apply exactly the logic you need. Formulas give you maximum power and flexibility.

For example, using the «Equal to» preset, it’s easy to highlight cells equal to «apple».

But what if you want to highlight cells equal to «apple» or «kiwi» or «lime»? Sure, you can create a rule for each value, but that’s a lot of trouble. Instead, you can simply use one rule based on a formula with the OR function:

A rule to highlight x, y, or z

Here’s the result of the rule applied to the range B4:F8 in this spreadsheet:

Conditional formatting with the OR function

Here’s the exact formula used:


Quick start

You can create a formula-based conditional formatting rule in four easy steps:

1. Select the cells you want to format.

Select the cells to format

2. Create a conditional formatting rule, and select the Formula option

Select the formula option

3. Enter a formula that returns TRUE or FALSE.

Enter the formula relative to the active cell

4. Set formatting options and save the rule.

Set formatting options

The ISODD function only returns TRUE for odd numbers, triggering the rule:

The ISODD function returns TRUE for odd numbers, triggering the rule

Video: How to apply conditional formatting with a formula

Formula logic

Formulas that apply conditional formatting must return TRUE or FALSE, or numeric equivalents. Here are some examples:


The above formulas all return TRUE or FALSE, so they work perfectly as a trigger for conditional formatting.

When conditional formatting is applied to a range of cells, enter cell references with respect to the first row and column in the selection (i.e. the upper-left cell). The trick to understanding how conditional formatting formulas work is to visualize the same formula being applied to each cell in the selection, with cell references updated as usual. Imagine that you entered the formula in the upper-left cell of the selection, and then copied the formula across the entire selection. If you struggle with this, see the section on Dummy Formulas below.

Formula Examples

Below are examples of custom formulas you can use to apply conditional formatting. Some of these examples can be created using Excel’s built-in presets for highlighting cells, but custom formulas can go far beyond presets, as you can see below.

Highlight orders from Texas

To highlight rows that represent orders from Texas (abbreviated TX), use a formula that locks the reference to column F:


Use a formula to highlight rows where state = "TX"

For more details, see this article: Highlight rows with conditional formatting.

Video: How to highlight rows with conditional formatting

Highlight dates in the next 30 days 

To highlight dates occurring in the next 30 days, we need a formula that (1) makes sure dates are in the future and (2) makes sure dates are 30 days or less from today. One way to do this is to use the AND function together with the NOW function like this:


With a current date of August 18, 2016, the conditional formatting highlights dates as follows:

Conditional formatting to highlight dates in the next 30 days

The NOW function returns the current date and time. For details about how this formula, works, see this article: Highlight dates in the next N days.

Highlight column differences 

Given two columns that contain similar information, you can use conditional formatting to spot subtle differences. The formula used to trigger the formatting below is:


Conditional formatting to compare columns

See also: a version of this formula that uses the EXACT function to do a case-sensitive comparison.

Highlight missing values

To highlight values in one list that are missing from another, you can use a formula based on the COUNTIF function:


Highlight missing values with conditional formatting

This formula simply checks each value in List A against values in the named range «list» (D5:D10). When the count is zero, the formula returns TRUE and triggers the rule, which highlights values in List A that are missing from List B.

Video: How to find missing values with COUNTIF

Highlight properties with 3+ bedrooms under $350k

To find properties in this list that have at least 3 bedrooms but are less than $300,000, you can use a formula based on the AND function:


The dollar signs ($) lock the reference to columns C and D, and the AND function is used to make sure both conditions are TRUE. In rows where the AND function returns TRUE, the conditional formatting is applied:

Conditional formatting to highlight property listings

Highlight top values (dynamic example)

Although Excel has presets for «top values», this example shows how to do the same thing with a formula, and how formulas can be more flexible. By using a formula, we can make the worksheet interactive — when the value in F2 is updated, the rule instantly responds and highlights new values.

Dynamic conditional formatting for top values

The formula used for this rule is:


Where «data» is the named range  B4:G11, and «input» is the named range F2.  This page has details and a full explanation.

Gantt charts

Believe it or not, you can even use formulas to create simple Gantt charts with conditional formatting like this:

Using conditional formatting to create a Gantt chart

This worksheet uses two rules, one for the bars, and one for the weekend shading:

=AND(D$4>=$B5,D$4<=$C5) // bars
=WEEKDAY(D$4,2)>5 // weekends

This article explains the formula for bars, and this article explains the formula for weekend shading.

Simple search box

One cool trick you can do with conditional formatting is to build a simple search box. In this example, a rule highlights cells in column B that contain text typed in cell F2:

Conditional formatting search box

The formula used is:


For more details and a full explanation, see:

  • Article: How to highlight cells that contain specific text
  • Article: How to highlight rows that contain specific text
  • Video: How to build a search box to highlight data


If you can’t get your conditional formatting rules to fire correctly, there’s most likely a problem with your formula. First, make sure you started the formula with an equals sign (=). If you forget this step, Excel will silently convert your entire formula to text, rendering it useless. To fix, just remove the double quotes Excel added at either side and make sure the formula begins with equals (=).

If your formula is entered correctly but is not triggering the rule, you may have to dig a little deeper. Normally, you can use the F9 key to check results in a formula or use the Evaluate feature to step through a formula. Unfortunately, you can’t use these tools with conditional formatting formulas, but you can use a technique called «dummy formulas».

Dummy Formulas

Dummy formulas are a way to test your conditional formatting formulas directly on the worksheet, so you can see what they’re actually doing. This can be a big time-saver when you’re struggling to get cell references working correctly.

In a nutshell, you enter the same formula across a range of cells that matches the shape of your data. This lets you see the values returned by each formula, and it’s a great way to visualize and understand how formula-based conditional formatting works. For a detailed explanation, see this article.

Use dummy formulas to check conditional formatting formulas

Video: Test conditional formatting with dummy formulas


There are some limitations that come with formula-based conditional formatting:

  1. You can’t apply icons, color scales, or data bars with a custom formula. You are limited to standard cell formatting, including number formats, font, fill color and border options.
  2. You can’t use certain formula constructs like unions, intersections, or array constants for conditional formatting criteria.
  3. You can’t reference other workbooks in a conditional formatting formula.

You can sometimes work around #2 and #3. You may be able to move the logic of the formula into a cell in the worksheet, then refer to that cell in the formula instead. If you are trying to use an array constant, try created a named range instead.

More CF formula resources

  • More than 30 conditional formatting formulas examples
  • Video training with practice worksheets

How to Use Conditional Formatting in Excel

Conditional formatting is one of my favorite features in both Excel and Google Sheets. I love the way it can make a boring hard-to-interpret spreadsheet more interesting and easier to use.

Conditional formatting is mostly used for data analysis, such as adding color scales, highlighting high and low values, identifying duplicates, and marking outliers. Conditional formatting can be also used for graphical interface elements such as progress bars, graying out completed tasks, changing number formats, or displaying a gantt chart.

In this article, I’ll show over 20 different ways that you can use conditional formatting, starting with some basics and presenting some advanced techniques as well. Many of the examples come from templates that you can download and experiment with.

Download the Example File (ConditionalFormatting.xlsx)

This Article (bookmarks):

  • What is Conditional Formatting?
    • How to Highlight Duplicates
    • How to add Color Scales
    • How to add Data Bars in Excel
    • Highlight Overdue Dates
    • How to add Icon Sets in Excel
  • How to View and Edit Conditional Formatting Rules
  • Rule Order Matters
  • How to create an In-Cell Progress Bar
  • How to Highlight Every Other Row
  • Conditional Formatting Based on Another Cell
  • How to create a Formula Rule
    • How to Highlight an Entire Row
    • How to Highlight Based on a Range
    • How to Highlight Values NOT in a Range
  • Create a Gantt Chart
  • Use Data Bars to Compare Two Groups
  • Control Scaling by Linking Min/Max to Cells
  • Change Number Formatting with CF Rules
    • Change Date Formats to d/m/yyyy
    • Hide Zero Values
    • Automatic Indenting
    • Display 23K, 23M, 23B Based on Value
    • Display Custom Icons
  • How to Copy Conditional Formatting
  • Conditional Formatting is Volatile

What is Conditional Formatting?

How to Apply Conditional Formatting in Excel

Conditional Formatting in a spreadsheet allows you to change the format of a cell (font color, background color, border, etc.) based on the value in a cell or range of cells, or based on whether a formula rule returns TRUE.

To Apply Conditional Formatting in Excel: First, select the cells you want to format. Then, go to Home > Conditional Formatting and select an option from the built in menu, or click on Manage Rules.

To Apply Conditional Formatting in Google Sheets: First, select the cells you want to format. Then, go to Format > Conditional Formatting and click on «Add another rule» in the side panel.

NOTE Google Sheets currently provides fewer conditional formatting options and controls than Excel (for example, no data bars or icon sets). The focus of this article will be on how to use conditional formatting in Excel, but many of the techniques will apply just as readily to Google Sheets.

Here are a few things you can do with the built-in options in Excel:

1. How to Highlight Duplicates

Conditional Formatting Example: Highlight Duplicates

Select your range of cells, then go to Home > Conditional Formatting > Highlight Cells Rules > Duplicates.

After viewing the duplicates, you can decide whether you need to remove them manually or use the built-in tool via Data > Data Tools > Remove Duplicates.

Highlighting duplicates in Google Sheets requires using a custom formula rule such as =COUNTIF(A:A,A1)>1 to highlight the duplicates in column A.

2. How to add Color Scales

Conditional Formatting Example: Color Scales

Select your range of cells, then go to Home > Conditional Formatting > Color Scales and pick the color range that makes sense (usually, green=good and red=bad).

Color Scales are very useful for seeing high and low values within a large data set. Color Scales can also be used to create heat maps, like this Calendar Heat Map Chart:

Calendar Heat Map Chart

3. How to add Data Bars in Excel

Conditional Formatting Example: Data Bars

Select your range of cells, then go to Home > Conditional Formatting > Data Bars and select the style you want.

Data Bars let you create horizontal bar charts and progress bars directly within a group of cells. In the example on the right, I’m using data bars to show a histogram of class grades.

The default settings for Data Bars scale the bars automatically based on the values in the Applies To range. You can control the scale used for the bars by editing the rule’s settings. I’ll be showing a couple examples of that later in this article.

4. How to Highlight Overdue Dates

Conditionally Format Overdue Dates - Calibration Log Example

To highlight overdue dates:

  1. Select the range of dates and go to Home > Conditional Formatting > Highlight Cells Rules > Less Than…
  2. Enter =TODAY()+30 to highlight dates earlier than 30 days from now. Enter =TODAY() to highlight dates earlier than today.
  3. Choose a format option from the drop-down box, then click on OK.

Conditional Formatting to Highlight Overdue Dates

Examples of this technique can be found in the Equipment Calibration Log and To Do List templates.

5. How to Add Icon Sets in Excel

Conditional Formatting Example: Icon Sets

To add Icon Sets, select your data and then go to Home > Conditional Formatting > Icon Sets > and choose one of the options. You will amost always have to customize the settings for Icon Sets.

This example, based on the Checkbook Register Template, uses a green circle icon () to show when an account balance is >=$500, yellow/orange () when it is less than $500, and red () when the balance is negative.

After selecting the icon set from the built-in menu, you need to edit the rule to define these different values. To do that, select one of the cells in the Balance column, go to Home > Conditional Formatting > Rules Manager and click on Edit Rule. The image below shows the settings used in this example:

Icon Sets - Account Balance Example Settings

TIP: One of the best ways to learn how Icon Sets work is to play with all of the different drop-down options in the rule settings.

For examples of other Icon Sets, check out the Feature Comparison Template:

Feature Comparison Template - Examples of Icon Sets

How to View/Edit Conditional Formatting Rules

Vertex42 has many templates that use both simple and advanced conditional formatting techniques. If you are using a template and want to figure out how the conditional formatting works, or want to delete or change rules, you will need to know a couple of things:

1) To view the rules for selected cells, go to Home > Conditional Formatting > Rules Manager

2) To view ALL the rules in the entire worksheet, select «This Worksheet» from the drop-down at the top of the Rules Manager window.

Conditional Formatting Rules Manager

The image above shows the 5 rules used in the Task Checklist Template. The first rule changes tasks to gray strike-through when the Done column has a check mark. The next 3 rules highlight specific text in the Priority column. The last rule adds a Progress Bar in the % Complete column.

Conditional Formatting - Task Checklist Example

I will be using this template to demonstrate some techniques and key facts about conditional formatting, so I would recommend that you download it and experiment with it as you continue to read.

Rule Order Matters

The Task Checklist Template mentioned above demonstrates two key points about rule order or heirarchy.

Key Points

  1. Conditional formatting rules are evaluated one at a time starting with the rule listed at the top.
  2. A later rule cannot override the formatting already modified by a preceding rule.

Here is the list of rules again:

The 5 Rules Used in the Task Checklist Template

Key Point #2 means that if the first rule has already changed the font color to gray, the following rules cannot change the font color to green, yellow, or red. It’s first come, first serve.

In Excel, the font color and fill color (and border, and font style, and …) can be affected independently by different rules. This means that you can have one rule that changes a font to gray, a different rule that changes the cell color to red, and a different rule that adds a data bar.

Why do I need to check the Stop-If-True box?

With the Stop-If-True box checked, none of the following rules will be evaluated if the condition of that first rule is met.

That is why the first task row doesn’t show a Data Bar in the %Complete column and why the Priority «HIGH» is not highlighted red.

What would happen if I didn’t check the Stop-If-True box? Go ahead and try it … or look at the next image.

Conditional Format Example, Stop-if-True Not CheckedResult when Stop-if-True is Not Checked

Notice how the red fill color is applied to the HIGH cell. The first rule does not define a fill color, but it does change the font color. That means that the 4th rule can change the fill color to light red, but it can’t override the font color.

Excel vs. Google Sheets: In Excel, the Number Format, Font Color, Font Style, Font Underline, Font Effects, Fill Color, Fill Effects, Border Color, Border Style, Data Bars, and Icon Sets can be affected independently by different rules. That isn’t the case in Google Sheets. In Google Sheets, conditional formatting behaves as though all rules are Stop-If-True. Excel is much more flexible and powerful in that respect.

How to Create an In-Cell Progress Bar

Create a Progress Bar Using Conditional Formatting

You’ve already seen how to add a Data Bar, so using a Data Bar for showing progress based on a percentage is as simple as making a few changes to the Data Bar settings.

To see how it works in the Task Checklist template, go to Home > Conditional Formatting > Manage Rules, click on the Data Bar rule, then click on the Edit Rule button.

Conditional Format Settings for a Progress Bar in Excel

The progress should be a value between 0% and 100%. When you create a progress bar, you need to change the Minimum value to Type:Number & Value:0, and change the Maximum to Type:Number & Value:1.

NOTE Google Sheets currently doesn’t provide an in-cell data bar option. But, you can mimic the effect using the formula =REPT(«█»,ROUND(percent*10,0)).

I’ve attempted to figure out a way to change the color of the data bars conditionally, but the best I’ve been able to come up with instead is to use a 3-color scale in addition to a gray data bar. This can help if you want to use the color to signal an incomplete task.

Conditional Data Bars Using 3-Color Scale

How to Highlight Every Other Row Using a Formula

Conditional Format Example To Highlight Every Other Row

Highlighting every other row can help make tables more readable like in the expense tracking example. To do this in Excel (without needing the Tables feature), you can create a formula-based conditional formatting rule.

Highlight Every Other Row Using Conditional Formatting

  1. Select the cells you want to format (except the header).
  2. Go to Home > Conditional Formatting > New Rule.
  3. Select «Use a formula to determine which cells to format.»
  4. Enter the formula =MOD(ROW(),2)=0.
  5. Click on Format then select a color in the Fill tab.

Likewise, to highlight every other column, you could use the formula =MOD(COLUMN(),2)=0.

This technique allows you to insert and copy/paste rows without having to update the background colors manually, but it has one major drawback: conditional formatting overrides manual formatting.

Key Point: Conditional formatting overrides manual formatting.

This means that if you want to change the fill color of a cell in your table, but the conditional formatting rule is already changing the fill color, you won’t see the change that you are making. You ARE editing the fill color, but you won’t see the change because conditional formatting is overriding your format.

If you want to manually change the fill colors in your table AND highlight every other row, you may need to use the Format as a Table feature in Excel.

NOTE Google Sheets has a feature listed right underneath Conditional Formatting called Alternate Colors. This works separate from conditional formatting and DOES NOT override custom formatting! I LOVE that!

Conditional Formatting Based on Another Cell

To change the format of a cell based on another cell, or based on a range of cells, use a formula rule to determine which cells to format. Formulas can be simple or very complex. You can use most of the standard spreadsheet functions such as IF(), AND(), MATCH(), SEARCH(), COUNTIF(), SUMIF(), etc.

How to Create a Formula Rule

How to Create a Formula-Based Conditional Formatting Rule in Excel

To create a formula rule, select «Use a formula to determine which cells to format» after clicking on New Rule from the Conditional Formatting menu or from within the Rule Manager.

A formula rule is activated when the formula returns TRUE.

For example, =G27<TODAY() will apply the format when the date in cell G27 is overdue (less than today’s date).

To format based on multiple conditions, use the AND() function in your formula. For example, =AND(A1>10,A1<20) will apply a format when cell A1 is between 10 and 20.

Formula Rules can be very tricky! When using relative references (references without dollar signs in front of the column letter or row number), you need to write your formula based on the top-left cell in the Applies To range. When you are creating the rule for the first time, write your formula based on the top-left cell that you have selected.

IMPORTANT: Always write the formula based on the top-left cell in the Applies To range!

How to Highlight an Entire Row

The Work Breakdown Structure template shows an example of highlighting an entire row when the value in the Level column is equal to 1.

How to Highlight an Entire Row Based on One Cell

The formula we are using is =($B6=1), and this applies to all the cells in the range $B$6:$G$30. One formula to rule them all! But how does it work?

Behind the scenes, Excel is essentially copying this formula to each of the cells in the Applies To range. When a formula is copied, relative references (no dollar sign) will change. This means that for cell C15, the formula would become =($B15=1). Column B stays the same (because of the dollar sign in front of the B), but the row changes.

Key Point: In Conditional Formatting Rules, absolute references stay the same ($B$1) and relative references (A1) change as Excel applies the formula to each cell in the Applies To range.

If you aren’t familiar with how absolute and relative references work, you may want to learn more about that. It’s absolutely critical for understanding formula-based conditional formatting.

How to Highlight Cells Based on a Range

You can use the MATCH() function within a conditional formatting formula rule to highlight cells whose values are found in another range or list.

For example, in the Yearly Event Calendar, dates are highlighted in the calendar if the date is found in the list of holidays, as shown in the image below.

Conditional Formatting Based on a Range of Dates

The formula is =MATCH(this_date,date_range,0) where this_date is A10 (a relative reference to the top-left cell in the Applies To range), and date_range is $Y$9:$Y$300 (an absolute reference to the list of holidays in column Y).

The MATCH formula only returns TRUE if it finds this_date within date_range. (See VLOOKUP and INDEX-MATCH Examples to learn about lookup formulas).

How to Highlight Values NOT in a Range

In some spreadsheets, I use conditional formatting to highlight values that are NOT within another range. Along with Data Validation, this can help with error checking.

The formula for the rule is =ISERROR(MATCH(this_cell,other_range,0)). This returns TRUE when MATCH does not find this_cell within other_range.

I’ve used this technique in my original Money Management Template to verify budget categories.

How to Use Conditional Formatting to Create a Gantt Chart

Watch the new Video Series: How to Make a Gantt Chart in Excel!

Most of my Gantt Chart Templates use a combination of many conditional formatting rules. The example below (from the Simple Gantt Chart) demonstrates (1) how to create the bars that show the date range for each task and (2) how to show the current date using a red border.

How to Use Conditional Formatting to Create a Gantt Chart

Rule 1 uses the formula =AND(task_end>=G$5,task_start<G$5+1) where task_end is a relative named range defined as $D7 and task_start is a relative named range defined as $C7. Using named ranges isn’t necessary. The formula could be written as =AND($D7>=G$5,$C7<G$5+1)

Rule 2 can use the same formula, with today’s date in place of both task_end and task_start. Or, the rule could be as simple as =G$5=TODAY().

The proper use of absolute and relative ranges is absolutely critical here. So, pay special attention to the placement of the dollar signs.

Note You may notice that row 7 is hidden in the screenshot. The reason for hiding the first row of the gantt chart is so that if a person inserts a row above row 8, it will use the formatting from row 7 rather than the formatting from row 6.

Using a «No-Format Stop» Rule

In some of my Gantt charts, such as the Construction Schedule, the user can pick the color of each bar. Each different color requires a separate conditional formatting rule.

One way to do this would be to add the color condition to each rule like this: =AND($D7=»red»,task_end>=G$5,task_start<G$5+1).

However, I often prefer to use what I call a «No-Format Stop» Rule. Instead of saying where you want the color to be applied, this rule defines where the color should NOT be, and stops if true.

Using a No-Format Rule for Advanced Conditional Formatting Logic

This No-Format Stop rule can be as simple as adding NOT() around the main gantt chart rule like this =NOT(AND(task_end>=G$5,task_start<G$5+1)). It’s called a «No-Format» rule because no formatting is applied. Its only purpose is to prevent the rules that come after it from being applied.

The following rules then need to only check for what color to assign. In the example, the color is entered in column D. When cell D7 is blank, the bar will be gray. When D7=»B», the bar will be blue … and so on.

Use Data Bars to Compare Two Groups

Charts like the population example below are popular for comparing two different groups.

Data Bars for Comparing Male and Female Population

The trick to creating a chart like this with Data Bars is to use two different columns. The settings for the Male column use the «Right-to-Left» direction as shown in the image below.

Settings for Data Bar Comparisons

!!! The column widths and the Min/Max values need to be identical for both columns of data, or the visual display will misrepresent the numbers. In this case, the Minimum is 0 and the Maximum is 25 for both the blue data bars and the red data bars.

You could argue that this type of graph is not ideal for making exact comparisons between the Male and Female population. For example, if the numbers weren’t included in the chart, could you tell that for Age 40 to 49 there were more females (20.48 vs. 20.14)? No, you couldn’t. The bars look like they are the same length.

Our brains make better length comparisons when two things are aligned and parallel. The next chart uses Data Bars arranged a little differently. Now you CAN see the difference between the Male and Female population.

Data Bars for Comparing Male and Female Population - Better

Control Scaling by Linking Min/Max to Cells

A great solution for controlling the scaling for Data Bars and Color Scales is to link the Minimum and Maximum values to cells that you can edit. Using this approach, you can have different rules using the same Min/Max values. Here’s an example:

Animation - Data Bars Scale Linked to Cells

To do this, edit the rule settings with cell references like this:

Data Bars Minimum and Maximum Linked to Cells

The green data bar and blue data bars in this example are separate rules, but both rules use Min/Max values linked to cells C139 and D139.

Change Number Formats via Conditional Formatting

Some tricks I like to use in my templates involve changing the custom number format via conditional formatting based on user-selected options. If you aren’t already familiar with how to create custom number formats, I would encourage you to read the article Custom Number Formats in Excel.

Suffice it to say for now that you assign custom number formats by going to the Number tab when editing the Format for a conditional formatting rule.

Custom Number Formats via Conditional Formatting

Change Date Formats to d/m/yyyy

If you are sharing a file with people from different countries, you may want a simple way to switch the display of dates from m/d/y to d/m/y. I use this technique in Gantt Chart Template Pro.

Changing Date Formats using Conditional Formatting

The date in cell F131 displays a date as m/d/yyyy by default, but when the user selects «dmy» in cell D131, the CF rule changes the format to d/m/yyyy.

You could set up similar options to switch time formats between standard and 24-hour time, or change the display of numbers from decimal to fractions.

Note Developers: To avoid having to switch between date formats, use the built-in date formats marked with the asterisk (*) when you can. From Excel: «Date formats that begin with an asterisk (*) respond to changes in regional date and time settings that are specified for the operating system.»

Hide Zero Values

This example shows 3 different ways to hide zero values using conditional formatting.

How to Hide Zero Values using Conditional Formatting

  • The 2nd column hides the zero values by changing the font color to white.
  • The 3rd column changes the custom number format to » — «.
  • The 3rd column changes the custom number format to » «.

I personally prefer replacing zeros with a dash because otherwise the cell looks blank, and cells that look blank tend to be deleted or overwritten because you think they are empty.

Automatic Indenting

A custom number format will allow you to add text characters before or after the number, so you can simulate indenting by adding a number of spaces before your text using the format code » «@.

I use this technique in both the free Work Breakdown Structure template, and the premium Gantt Chart Template.

Automatic Indenting via Conditional Formatting

In this example, the formula is counting the number of decimal points in the WBS number. One rule adds 3 spaces before the text if it finds 1 decimal point. A second rule adds 6 spaces before the text if it finds 2 decimal points. See the article Text Manipulation Formulas to learn how this formula counts decimal places.

Display 23K, 23M, or 23B Based on the Value

Displaying large numbers as thousands, millions, or billions is VERY common, but how do you automatically display «K» or «M» or «B» depending on the value of the number? Using 3 different CF rules with the custom format codes 0.0K, 0.0M, and 0.0B.

Display Thousands, Millions, or Billions using CF Rules

Display Custom Icons

Excel has a limited number of icons available for Icon Sets. However, if you use unicode symbols and emojis, you can create your own icons using multiple CF rules. The format codes in this example are simply 0* X where X is the unicode character. To place the icon on the left with the number on the right, you could use X* 0.00 instead.

Custom Icons Using Emojis in CF Rules

Check out the Moon Phase Calendar to see how it uses conditional formatting to replace dates in a calendar with moon phase unicode characters.

Using Conditional Formatting to Display Moon Phases

How to Copy Conditional Formatting

The simple answer is that unless you tell Excel or Google Sheets NOT to, conditional formatting will be copied whenever other formatting is copied. For example, when you copy/paste cells, when you use the format painter tool, and when you insert rows and columns.

Copying conditional formatting may not always behave the way you expect it to. Sometimes that may not matter, but in other cases it may cause significant errors in how the data is interpreted. So, it’s always a good idea to check your conditional formatting rules after copying/pasting.

One of the main problems I’ve seen occurs when copying a row and inserting the copied row. Rules may be split, resulting in separate rules for different ranges when you expect there to be only one rule for the entire range. This can cause problems with color scales and data bars, especially.

To avoid the problem of splitting CF rules, when pasting you can use Paste Special and choose the «All Merging Conditional Formats» option.

Conditional Formatting is Volatile

If you use a lot of conditional formatting in your worksheet, or the rules involve inefficient formulas, you may notice Excel appear to slow down. That is because Conditional Formatting is volatile — meaning that the rules are evaluated every time the display refreshes.

To experiment with this concept, I built the following example. The fire in the display will flicker every time rules are evaluated, allowing you to test actions that cause the display to refresh.

Conditional Formatting is Volatile

Download the Example File (VolatileCF.xlsx)

Wrap Up and Final Tips

If you like this article, or use some of these ideas, please share the link to this article via your website and social media!

I didn’t talk about all the possible uses for conditional formatting, and not even some of the most common uses, such as making negative values red and highlighting based on specific text values. That is partly because many of these techniques are extremely easy to implement using the built-in options.

If you have questions, please go ahead and submit a comment below.

If you’d like to try some geeky fun, check out the Mine Blaster 1000 game. It makes use of multiple overlapping conditional formatting rules to create a game something roughly like Minesweeper (without any VBA).

Mine Blaster 1000 - Using Conditional Formatting

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