Used a banned word

Запретные слова на Twitch

Twitch известен своими строгими правилами к определенным выражениям и словам, поэтому если вам нужен полный список запрещенных слов на твиче без цензуры, их есть у меня — произнесенное или написанное запрещенное слово из этого списка, даже без оскорбительного контекста, может привести к бану на твиче. Я уже публиковал такие подборки в 2021 и в 2022 годах, и стоит заметить, что новых банвордов в 2023 году пока не появлялось, однако мы продолжаем держать руку на пульсе.

Запретки на Твиче в 2023 году

Данный список будет дополняться по мере появления информации о новых запретах.

  • nigger, nigga, naga, ниггер, нига, нага
  • faggot, пидор, пидорас, педик, гомик, петух (если не подразумевается птица)
  • хохол, хач, жид
  • хиджаб (в негативном контексте)
  • даун, аутист, дебил, retard
  • virgin, simp, incel, девственник, cимп, инцел
  • cunt, пизда (по отношению к девушке)
  • куколд
  • белый, натурал, гетеросексуал (запрещено использовать для тегов)

В двух словах, причиной бана в таком случае станет нарушение соглашения пользователя Twitch, в котором есть есть такой запрет: «Запрещены высказывания ненависти и иного вида домогательства, любые виды контента, который пропагандирует или поощряет дискриминацию, домогательство, насилие основанные на расе, этнической или гендерной принадлежности, сексуальной ориентации, возрасте, религии или национальности.»

Черный список для Твича

Также вы можете скачать файл с списком слов, включающий помимо списка банвордов Twitch, так же и матерные слова на английском и русском языках, который можно использовать «как есть», или как основу для своего черного списка слов, который можно использовать, например, для настройки ботов, таких как Nightbot и т.д.

За что еще банят на Твиче

  • Оскорблять и унижать сексуальные меньшинства и ЛГБТ (вообще, оскорбления и унижения в любом случае караются баном на Twitch).
  • Негативно высказываться в сторону других наций и рас. Не стоит даже про цвет кожи говорить. По отношению к человеку слово «чёрный» тоже нельзя употреблять.
  • Не стоит обсуждать религию, так как это может оскорбить религиозные чувства какого-нибудь из зрителей и после жалобы от него прилетит блокировка.
  • Нельзя обсуждать запрещённые организации, такие как ИГИЛ, Гидра, Талибан.
  • Стоит отметить, что черезмерный негатив и мат не приветствуется на твиче, за это тоже можно получить бан.
  • Склонять к суициду. Крайне жёстко караются даже шутки, связанные с этим.
  • Трансляция контента который фокусируется на эктримальном насилии или крови и насилии.
  • Запрещается запугивать, оскорблять и раскрывать персональную информацию зрителей, игроков или других третьих лиц.
  • За демонстрацию порно или половых органов (явно или случайно или арт с ними) так же дадут бан.
  • Несоответствие по возрасту. Стримеру должно быть от 13 лет и выше. Если ему от 13 до 18 лет, его страница привязывается к профилю совершеннолетнего пользователя.
  • Чрезмерное применение ботов и накруток.
  • Использование взрослого контента. На сайте запрещается ретрансляция или стрим игр с порнографическим содержанием.
  • Стрим игр до их официального выхода. Забанить на твиче могут за трансляцию альфа или бета версий. Обязательно наличие разрешений со стороны разработчика.
  • Нарушение международных законов, а также законодательства на государственном или региональном уровне.
  • Дискриминация по любому из признаков.
  • Слишком открытая одежда. К примеру, мужчинам и женщинам нельзя стримить без футболки. При этом женское декольте разрешено.
  • Попытки обхода ограничений на сайте, в том числе стрим с нового аккаунта, после бана основного.
  • Выдавать себя за другое лицо, с большой вероятностью окончится баном на Twitch.
  • Обсуждать и делится пиратским ПО или играми.
  • Нарушение авторских прав в вопросе музыки, игр и любого другого контента, правами на который вы не обладаете.

Обсценная лексика (мат)

Twitch так же часто банит за длинные, продолжительные матерные тирады. Если же мат проскакивает периодически во время общения (за исключением запрещенных слов), на это никто не обратит особого внимания, тем более для этого существует специальный фильтр «контент для взрослых», которую вы можете выбрать в настройках, если все же планируете пользоваться обсценной лексикой.

Крайне полезно будет также изучить официальные правила сообщества Twitch.

Если у вас есть сомнения, вопрос или предложение с обновлениями — оставляйте в комментариях! И присоединяйтесь на сервер Discord, где так же можем обсудить стримерские вопросы и нюансы:

Affiliate disclosure: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. All opinions remain my own. You can learn more about our editorial policies here.

Twitch is one of the most popular streaming platforms in the world, and with good reason. It’s a great platform for streaming your favorite games live and chatting with other gamers while you’re playing. However, there are a number of banned words on Twitch, and it’s important to be aware of them in order to avoid saying them yourself.

This article goes over the banned words and topics in detail, along with instructions on how to configure AutoMod to help you avoid swearing in chat. If you hear someone using a banned word on Twitch and don’t know what it is, don’t hesitate to let us know!

Banned Words and Topics You Can’t Say on Twitch

When streaming on Twitch, it’s important to be aware of the rules. This includes knowing the banned words and topics that you’re not allowed to talk about. Some of these words and topics include politics, violence, and pornography.

Banned Words and Topics on Twitch

If you break any chat guidelines, you could be in for a nasty surprise – including a ban from Twitch. Following these simple guidelines will help you avoid any drama and stay safe while streaming. Take care when discussing personal experiences or opinions as these could lead to bans too.

Racial, Homophobic and Gender Identity Slurs

There is no place for hate speech or racism on Twitch. Since Twitch is a streaming platform where gamers from all around the world come together to chat, watch videos and games, and compete, it’s important that everyone stays respectful towards one another. This includes not using any slurs – whether related to race or sexuality.

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If you do so, you may find yourself in trouble with Twitch admins. If you’ve never streamed before and are worried about what might happen if your streamer uses a slur, there’s no need to be! Simply follow these guidelines: be aware of your surroundings at all times; use common sense; don’t insult other people unnecessarily; and most importantly – have fun while streaming!

Violence and Threats

When it comes to violence and threats, Twitch is very strict in terms of policy. If you ever find yourself in a situation where either of these words are used, it is important to immediately report the matter to Twitch Support.

To make your streaming environment safe for both you and your viewers, follow these guidelines:

– Keep all chat channels open so that viewers can see what’s happening even when you’re not broadcasting. This will help keep everyone informed about your stream status at all times.

– Always be aware of the words that are banned on twitch – they include violence, threats and racism among other things. Make sure that everything you say in chat stays within bounds!

Last but not least – remember: don’t let anger or stress get the better of you while streaming! Keeping an emotional balance during live broadcasts is crucial for keeping everyone entertained and happy without any disruptions or incidents taking place on stream.

Sharing or Discussing Private Information

When it comes to discussing or sharing private information, it is essential to be aware of the Twitch guidelines. This platform strictly prohibits users from talking about certain sensitive topics such as personal information and drug abuse. In addition, chatters are not allowed to mention any of the banned words in chat.

It is important for viewers to familiarize themselves with these rules so that they don’t run into any trouble while watching streams on this site. Doing so will also help keep them informed about all the latest gaming news and events!

Scams and Spamming

When it comes to avoiding scams and spamming on Twitch, you need to be very careful. Both of these activities are big issues and can get you banned for sure. Make sure all your messaging is clear, concise, and honest.

Avoid using any inflammatory or offensive language – this will help avoid scammers from confusing your viewers with their false messages. Furthermore, make sure that the links in your broadcasts are clickable so that people can easily find information they’re looking for. Above all else, stay safe while streaming!

How to Ban Certain Words in Your Chat

Keeping your chat clean and free of vulgar words is essential for a healthy and enjoyable gaming experience. Whether you’re playing single-player or multiplayer games, it’s important to know how to ban certain words in order to maintain a civil environment. Twitch has a forgiving policy so don’t worry if you happen to say one of the banned words! In addition, there are some simple steps that you can take in order to ban certain words from your chat to create a personal Twitch banned words list:

1) Log into Twitch and go to Settings -> Chat -> Filters. Here, you will be able (under ‘Enabled filters’)to specify which terms should be blocked in chat.

2) If any of these terms are used by someone on your stream, they will appear as bolded text next time they get mentioned on stream – making it easier for moderators/streamers alike to deal with the issue swiftly.

3) You can also moderate specific words and phrases using these filtering settings; this way, inappropriate content won’t reach viewers easily anymore.

Gray Area

When streaming on Twitch, it’s important to be aware of the gray area. This includes avoiding any profanity or sexually explicit language. As a streamer, it’s also important to be aware of the Twitch Community Guidelines.

This document contains information on streamer etiquette, streamer rights and streamer responsibilities. It’s also a good idea to stick to general chat when possible, as this is a more friendly environment for viewers. And lastly, make sure to have a backup plan in case of any unexpected situations that might arise.

What happens if you’re caught using one of the banned words on Twitch?

Twitch is a popular platform for gamers of all levels to stream their gameplay and interact with their viewers. While it’s a fun and engaging experience, it’s also home to some words that are strictly forbidden.

Banned Words and Topics on Twitch

If you’re caught using one of these words, you’ll likely end up on the receiving end of a punishment from the moderation team. This could range from a warning to expulsion from the platform altogether. So, it’s important to be aware of the words that are banned on Twitch, and to avoid using them at all costs. Some examples of inappropriate words are “n-word”, “slant”, and “thot”. If you’re ever in doubt about whether or not a word is banned, just message the moderation team of specific groups for clarification on Twitch terms that would create unwanted messages.

What should you do if you hear someone say one of the banned words on Twitch?

Twitch is a great platform for gamers of all levels of experience and interest. However, it’s important to be aware of the terms of service and be respectful of others. If you hear anyone say one of the banned words on Twitch, it’s important to take action.

How To Report Users Using banned words on Twitch

You can do this by clicking the “Report Abuse” button on their channel page or message board post, or by sending a message to their streamer. Reporting such words will help prevent future incidents from Twitch streamers and ensure that the channel and users are respectful and avoid racial slurs, gender identify discriminations and blocked terms against other users. Don’t let anything get in the way of your fun – be sure to take a stand against hate speech!

Additional Tips for A Safe Twitch Environment

Below are additional tips to keep in mind for a safe and fun Twitch experience:

Tips for A Safe Twitch Environment

-Be respectful of others in the chat – this includes not using any slurs or discriminatory language.

-Don’t spam the chat with Emotes or Caps Lock.

-Don’t ask for personal information from anyone in the chat.

-If you’re ever feeling

Words Like “Simp” Banned On Twitch

Twitch is a streaming platform where individuals from all over the world come to watch live streams of video games and other activities. It’s a great place to hang out and chat with friends, and of course, to watch some great streaming content. However, like any other public space, Twitch has rules in place that must be followed in order to maintain a respectful and positive stream environment.

Some words that are banned on Twitch include simp, virgin, and incel along with terms that could be derogatory to one’s sexual orientation. If you happen to say one of these words during your stream, be sure to apologize and move on as quickly as possible. Additionally, be aware that these words can have a negative impact on streamers and their viewers, so it’s important to be mindful of how they’re being used.

Make Sure Discord Friends Follow Twitch Rules

When it comes to streaming on Twitch, it’s important to be aware of the Twitch rules. These regulations govern what streamers can and cannot talk about, how they promote their channel, and how much swearing they’re allowed to do.

It’s also important to make sure your friends are following the same guidelines – if they’re not, ask them to change their behavior before broadcasting with them. If you’re caught breaking the rules, you could find yourself banned from streaming on Twitch. So, it’s best to avoid anything controversial or illegal while streaming on Discord mobile. Just make sure your streams are entertaining and compliant with all the Twitch rules!

Don’t Play Copyrighted Music or Movies on Twitch or Mixer

Playing copyrighted music or movies on Twitch or Mixer is a big no-no – streamers and viewers alike have been warned. Not only will streaming services take your account down, but you could also face legal action from the rights holder.

In addition, playing copyrighted music or movies can result in a copyright strike, which is a suspension of your account. While it’s not always possible to know whether something is licensed for public consumption, it’s always safer to err on the side of caution and avoid it. This way, you keep your stream running smoothly and avoid any legal issues in the future.

Don’t Spam Members With unwanted Messages

Spamming members of a Twitch chat with unwanted messages is not only rude, but it’s also against the site’s rules. If you’re caught doing this, you could be banned from the site.

To avoid being banned, make sure to only send messages that are relevant to the conversation and that add value for other members of the chat. Additionally, avoid sending multiple messages in a row – this is considered spamming or harassment and can result in a ban. So, take your time and make sure your message is worth sending before hitting that enter key!

What is AutoMod?

Twitch is a great platform for gamers of all levels to stream their gameplay and chat with their fans. However, as with anything, there are rules and regulations in place to make sure the streamer and the viewers are both safe and comfortable.

One of these rules is AutoMod. AutoMod is a feature on Twitch that allows viewers to submit commands for broadcasters to use during their live streams. Some of these commands can be harmful and offensive, so it’s important to be aware of them.

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For example, AutoMod allows viewers to control the speed of the streamer, which could lead to them being rushed and making mistakes on-screen. To avoid any potential problems, make sure to disable AutoMod before your stream starts.

Using Twitch AutoMod to Automatically Block Twitch Ban Words on Chat

Twitch is a great platform for streaming your gaming exploits to the world. However, there are some words that you don’t want to say on chat. That’s where Twitch AutoMod comes in! This handy tool helps you automatically ban words from your chat stream. Just be sure to use it when streaming live so that no one says any of the banned words!

AutoMod to Automatically Block Twitch Ban Words

Now that you know how to use Twitch AutoMod, you can keep your chat clean and respectful. Just be sure to use it sparingly, as it can sometimes ban words that you don’t want it to depending on the specific context. With a little bit of practice, you’ll be a pro at using AutoMod in no time!

How to Setup and Configure AutoMod

There is no need to worry about the chat becoming dirty or controversial – AutoMod takes care of that. This amazing tool helps streamers keep their chat clean and free from words that might offend others. To get started, simply follow these simple steps:

Under “AutoMod features,” make sure “Enable AutoMOD” is checked. Next, in Twitch TV mode, click on the Gear icon in the top right corner of your screen and select “AutoMode.” Finally, choose which words you want to banned from your chat box by checking or unchecking the boxes next to them.

Configuring AutoMod further

Twitch is a great platform for streamers of all levels of experience. However, there are certain words and phrases that are banned on the platform, and streamers need to be aware of this in order to keep their channels clean.

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By configuring AutoMod correctly, you can get ahead of any potential banning offenses and keep your stream clean and error-free. There are various settings that vary depending on your account and the type of streamer you are, so be sure to read through the instructions carefully.

Additionally, configuring AutoMod to further blocks banned words is a great way to avoid saying them on Twitch. AutoMod is a valuable tool that can help improve your Twitch streaming experience overall.


Twitch is a great platform for streamers to share their creative content with the world. However, due to the sensitive nature of some of the words that are banned, streamers need to be careful about how they use them. One solution is to use Nightbot, a free program that filters out and can moderate chat for most of the inappropriate language from your chat stream.

This way, viewers can chat in a clean and polite environment, avoid harassment and focus on watching the other streamers . If you need to add a nightbot to your stream, it’s easy to do so by following these simple steps:

First, open Nightbot, and then sign in. Next, select the stream you want to add the nightbot to, and click on ‘Add Nightbot.’ Finally, enter the stream’s chat ID and you’re good to go! Make sure to use Nightbot during live streams so that viewers can enjoy a safe and clean chat stream.

Are there any exceptions to the ban on the banned words?

Twitch is a popular platform for streamers, and for good reason. It’s a great way to connect with other gamers and watch live streams in real time. However, there are a few words that are strictly off limits on the platform. If you’re caught saying one of these words on your stream or profile, you could be in for some trouble. Generally speaking, these words will result in an account suspension or ban. However, there are a few exceptions to this rule. So, make sure you’re aware of the words that are currently banned, and avoid using them at all costs.

What should you do if you hear someone using a banned word on Twitch and you don’t know what it is

When it comes to Twitch, there are certain words that are strictly off limits. If you hear someone using one of these words on stream, the best thing to do is to remain calm. Ask them what it is and get their clarification. If they continue using the word, you can politely inform them that it’s not allowed on Twitch and request that they stop. If they do not stop, report them to a moderator or administrator.

Here is a list of some of the most commonly banned words on Twitch, most are pretty obvious:


-Homophobic slurs


-Hate speech




Sometimes people use words inadvertently, so don’t take it personally if they don’t know how to spell it. If things start to heat up, remember that Twitch is a platform designed for entertainment purposes only!

Conclusion of Twitch Banned Words List

There you have it, a complete list of Twitch banned words. Be sure to avoid using these words on your stream or profile, as they can result in an account suspension or ban. As always, make sure to follow the rules and regulations set forth by Twitch in order to maintain a safe and clean environment for all users. Thanks for reading and happy streaming!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it okay to curse while streaming on Twitch?

Yes, as long as you use clean language and avoid offensive words according to If you cuss a lot, it is a good idea to mark your channel content as mature.

How do I avoid saying any of the banned words on Twitch?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the streamer’s Twitch chat policy may vary. However, a good rule of thumb is to avoid using any slurs or hate speech.

What are the consequences of using Twitch banned words?

If you use any of the banned words on Twitch, you could be subject to a suspension or ban from the platform.

This might be frustrating but let me share the words you can’t say on Twitch in 2022.

You must avoid these words as you may get banned and also because it keeps the community and streams safe.

Now, this is important to know if you are an experienced or either a beginner streamer on Twitch.

In this article, I will share the exact banned words on twitch and categories as well.

List of twitch banned words that are considered as harmful slurs and you can’t say are

  • SIMP

These are the list of words that are restricted both for streamers and viewers to use on Twitch as of December 16, 2020. 

According to Twitch, negative words like a virgin, simp, and incel are used to insult someone in the chat in terms of someone’s sexual practice.

You can also not use terms and commands of !blind during the gameplay.

Along with these words, related emotes will be also banned. If you are a streamer you must be also aware of banned games on Twitch to avoid a ban.

SIMP – This is one of the negative words becoming popular on Twitch. Simp is used in the chat for the people who are desperate for the female’s attention in the chat.

Using these words for anyone in the chat can really embarrass an individual.

INCEL – Incel is another word used in twitch chat mostly for men.

The word is used with an intention to describe a man who blames others for his failure.

For example, a man who never had sex but blames women for this.

VIRGIN – Now as these entire 3 twitch banned words are against twitch T&C and this can really hurt someone in reference to sexual practice.

Though Twitch decided to not use these words or any related emote.

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What kind of words you can’t say on Twitch

Twitch has clearly mentioned avoiding all offensive and discrimination words falling in categories like

  • Religious and Political beliefs
  • Ethnicity or Race
  • Bullying, Sexism, and Homophobia
  • Gender and Gender orientation

You must be aware that any words coming under this category would be against Twitch T&C.

Twitch clearly says you must respect all religions, races, and gender.

So making any negative content or discussion under these categories is strictly prohibited.

There are still many racial slurs (nigger) used by the people against racism and I think there should be some strict action or rules to totally ban such discrimination words.

Words to ban on Twitch

Words to ban on Twitch

Religious & Political beliefs

On twitch stream, viewers can be from different religions and may have different political beliefs.

I have a question here?

We come on twitch to enjoy streams related to games and music, so why do we start these out of the topic discussions.

Let me tell you that there have been many cases where people even tried to suicide just because of harassment.

Love your religion and beliefs but also respect others.

Ethnicity or Race

This is another category where twitch asks you to keep ethnicity or race out of the discussion.

Avoid asking someone about religion and race both from streamer or any viewers.

This becomes really painful when someone is enjoying the stream and suddenly a discussion is diverted towards racism or any other kind of discrimination.

Any discussions under these categories are the words that you can’t say on twitch.

Sexism or Homophobia

Twitch is a platform that welcomes streamers from different religions, races, and sex.

Streamers work hard to grow on twitch by showing their skills.

Recently many streamers got some abusive messages and hate raids just because of their sex and orientation.

This is the reason twitch recently banned words like simp, incel, and virgin.

You are not allowed to have such a discussion with any streamer or viewers.

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How to Ban these words on Twitch

Now being a streamer when you focus on your gameplay rather than on chat you are not aware of where your audience is from and the kind of mindset they have.

Just because of them you might get banned even if you are not responsible.

So it’s better to ban these words

Follow the below steps to ban these words on Twitch.

  1. Open the Twitch website and log in with your account.
  2. Click on the profile picture located at the very right-hand top and choose “Creator Dashboard” from the suggestions drop-down.
  3. From the Creator dashboard, left-hand menu options click on Settings and then from the drop-down click on Moderation.
    How to ban words on twitch
    How to ban words on twitch
  4. Now on the top, you will find “Blocked terms and Phrases” click on it.
  5. Here in the box of “Search for a term to block” type the words that you want to block.

Additional tips on words to avoid on Twitch

  • Also, add words that are similar and misspelled or any slanged words.
  • Make a list of banned words to assure you have not left any.
  • Always set rules for your twitch chat to want viewers creating those discussions.
  • Use Auto Mod and other moderators to keep an eye on your chat.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What words should I ban on Twitch?

If you want to know or wish to add more words to the twitch banned list then you can add words like

  • Heretic
  • Dialect
  • Pollyanna
  • Bam

And many more related to the above categories and explained above. You better work on it and make a list of banned words and then add them to the twitch blacklist.

How do I see banned words on twitch?

Go to creator dashboard on Twitch and from the left-hand menu options click on Settings and then on Moderation.

Here you will find Blocked terms and phrases, click on them and check the words.

Final Words

So hopefully you know now about the words you cant say on Twitch in 2022 and why to avoid these words.

Viewers avoid these words as you may get banned and more important this can be really painful for others.

Streamers better create a list of these blacklisted words and add in the banned words of Twitch.

Let me know if you still have any doubts in the comment section.

Shahbaz Ahmad

Dear Readers my name is Shahbaz
I am a blogger and a gamer. I have around 8 years of experience working as a Tech Geek.
So I know how technical things work and I am very much active on Discord, Twitch, and in Gaming. I help people on Twitch and Discord by solving their problems related to twitch streaming and twitch tutorials.
Feel free to connect me on my Social accounts or contact me through the contact form.

Every streamer has words that they are ok with in their chat and words that they are not ok with. In this article I go over how to ban words on Twitch and how to see words that you or your mods have already banned on Twitch.

To ban a word on Twitch:

  1. Click on your profile icon and then go to your “Creator Dashboard”
  2. Now on the left side click on “Settings” and then click “Moderation”
  3. Under “AutoMod Controls” click on “Blocked terms and phrases”
  4. In the box that says “Enter words or phrases” type in the word or phrase you want banned
  5. Click “Add”

Once you do this the word or phrase that you typed in will be added to your list of words and phrases that are banned from being used in your Twitch chat. I’ll show you how to view this list further down.

If you don’t want your mods to see the word or phrase you have banned, maybe you want to ban your personal info for example, then set the banned word to “Private” before adding it so that way only you can view it.

Here are some screen shots to help give some more detail on how to ban a word.

Click on your profile icon and then go to your “Creator Dashboard”

Profile Icon And Creative Dashboard

Now on the left side click on “Settings” and then click “Moderation”. Under “AutoMod Controls” click on “Blocked terms and phrases”.

Settings > Moderation > Blocked Terms And Phrases

In the box that says “Enter words or phrases” type in the word or phrase you want banned. Click “Add”.

Typed In Word And Add Button

Now what I recommend doing is adding all the words you do not want in your Twitch chat to this list. It’s a one time thing, but it makes moderating your chat a lot easier.

For example, I am a family friendly streamer and so I went in one day and added all the cuss words, racial slurs and banned Twitch words that I could think of to this list.

It took a few minutes to do, but now Twitch will automatically block these words from appearing in my Twitch chat and so neither myself nor my mods have to worry about them anymore.

And if you do decide to allow lots of freedom in regards to what is said on your stream then I suggest you label your stream as mature content. I go over how to do that in the video below if you are curious.

Also, I suggest that you don’t add any of your personal information to the list of banned words.

In theory this seems like a good idea right? If someone discovers your address or phone number this would prevent them from spamming it out in your chat right?

Well yes, but you must also consider that if someone types in your phone number in chat, and that phone number is a banned word, then you just confirmed to them that this is indeed your actual phone number.

In my opinion if that ever happens it is best to just play it off and then secretly ban the user from your stream. This way no attention is called to the user and you remove the nuisance without completely giving away your personal info.

Again, that is just my personal opinion but I think you should at least consider it before you outright ban some of your personal info from being seen in chat.

Now if you want to see your list of banned words this is how you would do it.

How To See Your List Of Banned Words On Twitch

  1. Click on your profile icon and then go to your “Creator Dashboard”
  2. Now on the left side click on “Settings” and then click “Moderation”
  3. Under “AutoMod Controls” click on “Blocked terms and phrases”
  4. Scroll down and you will see your list of banned words and phrases

This is what it will look like:

Click on your profile icon and then go to your “Creator Dashboard”

Profile Icon And Creator Dashboard

Now on the left side click on “Settings” and then click “Moderation”. Under “AutoMod Controls” click on “Blocked terms and phrases”

Settings > Moderation > Blocked Terms And Phrases

Scroll down and you will see your list of banned words and phrases

My List Of Banned Words

As you can see I have blocked some of the things that people have spammed in my stream, and then below that are some naughty words I have blocked out to keep it clean up in here.

If you want to edit a banned word or phrase all you have to do is click on the pencil icon located to the right of the banned word or phrase and then adjust it accordingly.

When you edit a word or phrase you can also choose who can see the banned word. “Public” means your moderators can see the banned word, “Private” means only you can see the banned word or phrase.

To remove a banned word or phrase from your list just click on the trashcan icon to the right of the banned word or phrase and the banned word or phrase will be deleted.

Now constantly having to add and remove words from your banned words list can be cumbersome. Luckily, Twitch has an automod feature to help you moderate chat and to censor words you may have forgot to ban.

How To Enable AutoMod On Twitch

  1. Click on your profile icon and then go to your “Creator Dashboard”
  2. Now on the left side click on “Settings” and then click “Moderation”
  3. Under “AutoMod Controls” click on “AutoMod Rulesets”
  4. Now adjust your settings and then click save in the bottom left

Here are some screen shots that go into more detail:

Click on your profile icon and then go to your “Creator Dashboard”

Profile Icon And Creator Dashboard

Now on the left side click on “Settings” and then click “Moderation”. Under “AutoMod Controls” click on “AutoMod Rulesets”

Settings > Moderation > AutoMod Rulesets

Now adjust your settings and then click save in the bottom left

My AutoMod Settings

The way the automod works is that any time a users types something in chat that may be offensive it will be flagged and it will be up to a mod or the streamer to decide if the word or phrase will be allowed.

And the higher up you have the filters turned the more words and phrases the automod will flag for you to review.

For example, since I have the “Swearing” filter turned up to “Maximum filtering” it flags all kinds of words, even words such as “fart” or “butt”.

However, once my mod or I approve the word to be used in chat it is moved to the approved words list and the automod will no longer flag that word when it appears in chat.

Again you can scale the filter up or down depending on how intense you want the automod to be. Like I said previously I tend to stream family friendly and so I have my automod filters dialed fairly high.

Can You See The List Of Banned Words For Other Twitch Streamers?

You can’t see the list of banned words on other channels unless you are a mod for that channel. Streamers will typically set broad rules for what type of language they are comfortable with on their streams, but almost none go into specifics.

However, these broad guidelines that streamers set forth for their streams are typically pretty easy to follow.

If a streamer has a rule stating, “No Racism” it is pretty clear what type of language is acceptable in their stream. Or if a streamer says “No Profanity”, again, pretty obvious right?

If you need help setting up the chat rules for your stream then check out my video below.

How To Ban Profanity On Twitch

To ban profanity on Twitch go into the chat settings by clicking on the cog wheel at the bottom of chat. Click “Chat Filters” and then click “Enable filtering in chat” at the top. Now toggle on “Profanity” and any profanity will now be filtered from your Twitch chat.

Cog Wheel And Chat Filters
Enable Filtering In Chat

Keep in mind that turning on the chat filter will not catch every bad word, especially if someone spells a bad word in a different way, but it will definitely filter out most bad words.

You can also adjust the chat filter to filter out words or phrases that are sexually explicit, hostile or discriminatory.

But keep in mind that filtering the chat for profane or otherwise inappropriate language will not change what is being said by the streamer. The filter only effects the chat itself.

Now if you are a streamer and want to ban profanity or other types of language from your chat then just follow everything that has been talked about above regarding banning words and automodding on Twitch.

How To Remove The Profanity Filter On Twitch

To remove the profanity filter on Twitch go into the chat settings by clicking on the cog wheel at the bottom of chat. Click “Chat Filters” and then turn off “Enable filtering in chat” at the top. If you keep the chat filter enabled just toggle off “Profanity”.

Toggle Off Profanity

Like was already mentioned, you can choose what type of language you want to see in Twitch chat by adjusting the filters. The filters aren’t perfect, but they are better than nothing.

If you want to know how to ban words on streaming softwares such as Streamlabs or OBS then check out my article here.

If you need help deciding on chat rules for your own stream then check out my article here.


Eric streams 3 days a week on Twitch and uploads weekly to Youtube under the moniker, StreamersPlaybook. He loves gaming, PCs, and anything else related to tech. He’s the founder of the website StreamersPlaybook and loves helping people answer their streaming, gaming, and PC questions.

I see many streamers getting Suspended due to Racial words and other Words. I got very confused and looked at Twitch’s rules of Conduct.

Hate Speech and Other Harassment Any content that promotes or encourages discrimination, harassment, or violence based on race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, religion, or nationality is prohibited.

Last modified on 11/20/2015

Some Streamers play songs or Videos with the word «Nigga» in them, sometimes «Nigger» But they do not get banned or Suspended or get any kind of warning. Recently After Watching A famous Streamer here on Twitch, He got Suspended due to a high volume of Words Users Sneakily Put in videos. the word of course was «nigger»

Although it was 100% Fair when in those videos some of the audio said «I hate Niggers» Which is a Violation of the Rule such as Racial Hate and Hate Speech,discrimination.

Although scientifically and according to the English Language (and Dictionary)

The word «Nigger» Means a contemptuous (Disrespectful) Term for a Black Person.

The word «Faggot» In British Means a bundle of sticks bound together as fuel, or a ball or roll of seasoned chopped liver, baked or fried. Also an unpleasant or contemptible woman. in America its a Term for a Homosexual Man.

Both These Words (from what i have heard from Streamers) Are banned on Twitch. Saying them (as i heard) is even prohibited.

Its a Fact that both these words on Their Own mean Nothing, They are Simply words that have descriptions. They are Just words, its the Context and How the User Uses those words that Makes them bad, Words are meaningless unless acted upon. — George Carlin

So i have a question, If i start A Stream, and say both of these words, just randomly, out of thin air. do these words go against the Twitch’s Rules? Because those words do not encourage discrimination, harassment, or violence based on race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, religion, or nationality. They are Simple words without context.

As an Example

1- (Against the Rules) «gosh i hate all these gay faggots and these black niggers, they are not as good as us whites»

2 — (Not against the Rules)
«Im thinking of a word Starting with an «N» » «hmm. Nigger!» «correct!» «Now im thinking of a word with an » F » » «faggot?» «yeah! good job, you’re good at guessing words!»

Even Upon mentioning these Points, Are these words still not allowed to be used on a twitch stream even though they will not be used in the context to promote Hate, discrimination, harassment, or violence based on race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, religion, or nationality?

An Article on BigThink

Has Said that no Word Should be Banned, No Matter how Offensive people find them, Because they are just words. and if any word is banned, its Against Freedom Of speech.

Thank you for Taking your time on reading and Answering my question, i’v very curious to know how these rules are enforced and id like to know in Great Detail on why (or if) these words are banned. Twitch takes Their Rules Very Seriously and Strictly. But, if its unfair (which it seems if words get banned) I would like an answer so i do not get suspended for using a word that is Banned. Thank you.

I would love to hear all Opinions and Remember. Question everything.

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