Use word whisper sentence

as a soft and sultry summer night’s whisper

«Where?» His voice was almost a whisper

«What’s the connection Mirielle?» His voice was a whisper

What the hell is going on here?» My voice was a choked whisper

She spoke in a whisper

My voice was a whisper

None of the four of them was able to say a word, it was Jaseem who dialed their voice outputs down to a whisper that went unheard

Menachem unfolded the paper and started to read in a low and soft whisper

He was glad she didn’t just whisper something to one of them like ‘ask daddy about the enemy starship,’ but she was sensitive enough to his wishes to refrain from doing that

and whisper thin strands of celestial Sellotape

thick and matted, whisper through

and so, the voice lifted, became soft, a whisper,

a whisper of seeding dandelion heads on hard brick

His voice was low, a whisper,

Her voice was a throaty whisper

(pause) It will be done (almost a whisper) now… (a desperate scream) Now! (holds the gun to his own head and pulls the trigger

and the words whisper away into shadows

From behind her was heard a low whisper, “there goes the party dudes!”

Mateo made us laugh when in a stage whisper he said, ‘Who was that girl? Why did she sit at our table? Anybody know who she was?’

Even as he spoke the great politician became aware of a whisper circulating around the chamber

But first, we must find English donkeys,’ he sucked the brandy from his moustache, his otter eyes fluttered closed and his voice fell to a whisper

“I know how hard it was for you to come here, my Lord,” Denair said in a faint whisper,

“I feel it,” she answered without thinking in a sultry whisper, “Oh God how I feel it

She tells me in an excited whisper that Gary turned up half an hour early with some flowers for Sally and that this had thrown her mum into a right old state

Subtlety A whisper can be more powerful than a shout

Bending her head she said in a whisper, “They almost took him from me Kai

“Is there nothing left?” Alistair asked in a hushed whisper

Hopeful comics rehearse jokes, careful not to say anything above a whisper in case one of the enemy nicks a punch line

whisper, confirming Tom’s view

“Do they really breathe fire?” Alistair asked in a hushed whisper

“What is the effect of this?” Jorma asked her in a whisper when the Gnome looked away, holding up the cup

She continues to whisper sweet nothings to her daughter

“It better,” Ava’s whisper was almost fierce

He speaks in a whisper, one finger up against his lips

Alex moves up behind him and bends down so that he can whisper in Ted’s ear

He can smell damp soil, but he manages to summon-up the last flickering embers of his youthful vigour to whisper, «Kitchen

“On your own!” Kaitlyn’s awe-struck ‘wow’ was just gasped as in a whisper of reverence

Kaitlyn’s voice, a full whisper at first, rose to harmony and then into counterpoint with the music

his voice to a low whisper

Several of the congregation surreptitiously watch them and whisper – the joy of living in a village! Fortunately, Anna remains totally oblivious to this; she’s so terribly shy that being the centre of attention would be hell for her

The faintest whisper of Leona waves to the two of them from the back of one of the police cars in the lane

‘Not a whisper about any incident down in the

the others and tried to keep his voice to a quiet whisper

‘Heard what?’ Abi asked in a whisper

barely above a whisper, managed to convey a considerable

whisper in the distant void below

It was more like a whisper that sent chills down her spine, because of his closeness

but escaped from her lips in a whisper

» her voice dropped to a hushed whisper, sending chills up and down Emma’s back, Jim held tightly to her hand that was trembling

That burst a dam, thru the spread fingers of her hands came the hoarsest whisper

behind the Dean’s desk to confer in a whisper with

His family and friends were in such a state of sudden and complete awe at being present for this unexpected display of unprecedented passion from their Harry, that not a whisper of sound came from the assembled audience

It hung suspended in space; Desa almost turned back to the microphone, like she was going to whisper to it

» he stooped down to whisper into her ear

We had to whisper on account of her

She was heard to whisper

» The raspy voice was a mere whisper

Somehow, she managed to vent her rage through a whisper instead

«You know what happens if they take you back to Lock Core?» She said, her lips trembling though still keeping her voice to a whisper

Holmes’s voice had sunk to an almost inaudible whisper

explained – barely raising her soft voice above a whisper

It began as a whisper from somewhere down the line, then

«Where?» he asked in a whisper

‘But is there?’ he persisted, in his quietest whisper

It would whisper until one cool night the gum hardened and fell away allowing the poster to flip flop and continue whispering to any official Post Office notice it came across

Her blades moved invisible, their presence marked only by a faint whisper as they sliced through the air, lopping off her enemies black limbs and wolf helms

Through the pain, Adros managed to collect his thoughts, and managed a whisper

A whisper of a sigh, modesty

“Hello,” I said in a whisper, hanging my head down, and at that,

whisper, and that made me happy

“Will you shut up?” he beat his old loudest whisper record

” She spoke in a whisper, as we walked through the terrace doors and down the stairs

The statues would whisper to her, as did the rolling green hills DRAFTChapter 5 71

Her eyes fluttered open for a moment and he barely heard her whisper, “I love you, too

count down will begin but the clock face may still whisper

The teachers notice and whisper to each

The dragons gave a whisper from their place in front of the cold stone walls

A whisper went through those in attendance

” Who are you? ” He asked softly, almost in a whisper

His usually strident voice trailed off to little more than a whisper

in their adult years anyway — had always done so amid a harsh whisper

The wind died to a whisper

Ravena’s voice was barely a whisper now, “Elenir’s niece was crewing that ship, the Wayfarer, as that First Mate, and on that run she was essentially taking orders from the Commandant only regarding the cadets

It was like a soft voice in the back of her mind, a whisper in her ears

Now that you laughed over my tears I shall whisper your name

Now that you have step over my fears I shall whisper your name

“So why aren’t you eating, my love?” he asked in a whisper

” Her voice trailed off into a whisper, cracking with sorrow

And the mere whisper of the Elf’s name would be enough to send them scurrying to cover

” and she stepped forward, took a deep breath and before even letting a whisper of air escape, she flicked a finger over the candles and they went out at once

«Take me home, Papa, please!» she pleaded, but her voice wasn’t above a whisper

I thought she was done, but in the silence, her voice wavered from a whisper and bloomed into the most beautiful thing I’d ever heard

My words barely made it over a whisper

He thought he heard a whisper in his right ear

For instance, suppose it were nine o’clock in the morning, just time to begin lessons: you’d only have to whisper a hint to Time, and round goes the clock in a twinkling! Half-past one, time for dinner!’

(‘I only wish it was,’ the March Hare said to itself in a whisper

“Fine,” she answered in a whisper

As Elizabeth spoke in a whisper, Kurt could see her body stiffen

‘Please,’ Raiya said, in not much more than a whisper

She giggled and whispered to him the whole time

I noticed that the volume of noise in the adjoining seats had lowered and eventually I whispered “Do you

“Hello?” he practically whispered to the door

“Hello, I found it,” Henry whispered again, clutching several pieces of paper in his hand as he knocked again

“Hey! Check these out!” He whispered, opening a red bin

“Whatever you do, don’t say anything about the pimples,” he whispered to her

“Brandon,” the man whispered

” a sultry voice whispered inside his head

“Oh, yes,” he whispered to his love

covered hands in his, and to her he whispered that simple phrase that brings life to the

whispered and shook their heads

She whispered into his ear

She leaned over to the tall pink-faced plain looking Englishman next to her, Nigel Grimsby and whispered into his ear

She whispered her secrets to the bald felt mouse over by

«Excuse me, I have to go urinate in a cup,» he whispered to them, then turned

‘Knew what?’ I half whispered horrified, knowing the answer, but dreading it all the same

«I only recently added this effect,» Ava whispered to Glenelle, «I hadn’t heard of this stuff in 2275

piercing of his canines within her flesh, she whispered one last question

‘They keep a butler?’ I whispered in awe as we make our way along a corridor leading towards the back of the house

’ I whispered, trying to keep at least half my mind on the conversation

’ Stephen’s voice whispered

unknown reason, I started to hear like that big tree whispered

“Life is a brief and ugly thing”, he whispered to himself, grimacing

Act 2 starts with Jim and Molly in a clinch which, Andy informs me in a whispered aside, he is looking forward to rehearsing

“You’re worth something,” I whispered

«Love is my greatest desire,» she whispered and ran the palm of her hand up the bottom of his chin

«Do it,» Jordo whispered

‘I can see that I’ll have to drag you back under that mistletoe …’ Nick whispered as I blow my nose

‘Happy, Kate?’ he whispered as the chimes start and everyone starts counting

” He whispered softly, but with steel edges in his voice

She whispered her secrets to the bald felt mouse over by the pot stand

‘You’re an Errdian … aren’t you?’ she almost whispered, the hope audible in her voice

As Lucy felt the waters of the wolf rising above her head, entombing her in his flesh, as she watched, fascinated by the bending of his neck and felt the first exquisite piercing of his canines within her flesh, she whispered one last question

As Son came closer to the throne the king whispered into

‘That’s him!’ she whispered to Iain, waving at the man in question now busy scanning the crowds

«I think now is a thrilling time,» he whispered to her lips just before he covered them with his

As he lowered his gaze, preparing for the last dance with the mistress of his fate, MacKenzie whispered, “It looks like your nightmares have come true, old friend”

Then leaned and whispered in his ear

She bent over me and whispered in my ear; “Use your mind Daniel, answer me with your mind

“That’s ok” Lardyme whispered back, “I will come home with you

“Is anybody here?” He whispered, as his throat was dry

“Oh we will” whispered Cosmicblasto

“Thanks,” he whispered in a raspy voice

“Have you got it” whispered Catwhiskers to Fred and Joe

‘Have you told him yet?’ I whispered to Gilla as Caderl chivalrously gets off his mount to open a gate for us

He held her to him in gratitude and whispered in her ear, “Kate, this is what making love is about, this is the pleasure you give to each other

’ Joris whispered loudly

They were moving in slowly and deliberately, heads low, claws high, making the whispered shriek

“Are you from the otherside” he whispered

“I have no more money”, I whispered and he laughed the crowds away

’ Joris whispered jubilantly as they reach us

He glanced and smiled at the sleeping Pandora and whispered to me, ‘The sleep of the innocents

He whispered that he loved me and would never, ever, ever cheat me again and I think I felt him sob

Then he whispered, ‘Let’s go back to the water’s edge and you push me in and I will go under

“Are there anymore?” Kate whispered

He still hadn’t put a shirt on, so there was good skin-on-skin contact between him and her breasts and some whispered endearments about them

A quiet self-assurance returned as the moment whispered him a truth — it was time to log off, close down and unplug

The director of the live television special whispered into his microphone and the cameras panned in on the hangman, on the judge and on the soldier

He spread them in front of me and whispered something unintelligible and winked, giving another leery, dirty laugh

It was no good keeping this thing locked up I leaned across to Alessandra and whispered, ‘So sorry Alessandra, but can I have a quick word? You see the man with Mercouri? I didn’t like to say in front of everyone earlier, but someone crept into the house at siesta and opened the door to my room

‘Should I ask him what he wants?’ Omi whispered to me

He seemed dazed and didn’t react at all when I whispered his name

Unable to accept the things she’d said I sat rigid, appalled, and whispered, ‘Didn’t you try to help him?’

“But where…where will I go, what will I do?” Annie whispered, feeling as though she were being sucked down into a whirlpool

‘That’s an awful lot of paraphernalia you’ve got there, Alexi,’ I whispered, indicating all the pieces on the little altar

“You dear old rascal”, she whispered as they rocked gently back and forth with the giggles and with the wide eyed sharing of new best friends

‘Student, I take tuitions,’ I whispered to satisfy his curiosity lest he gave up

” She leaned close and whispered, “I believe that Lord Tarak is quite taken with you

Leaning close she whispered, “Now tell me, who is the handsome man with you, a lover or a friend? He is very distinguished looking and my Queen has asked of him

Altera slipped into the room and went over to Naria and whispered in her ear

‘We are late,’ Ish whispered, but loud enough for Mama and Pandit-ji to hear

his co-conspirators and whispered, “Pass the word on, Harry, we’re

“And,” he held up his large finger and whispered in a low voice, “there is one known case of one hunting down and attacking a Scather raiding party that landed in its territory

‘That is Steve Waugh, the Australian captain,’ Ish whispered in my ear

They hummed and whispered over racks of chintz and lace,

“Good grief”, whispered the old soldier as he set about wiping

“Sir, Alexei,” she whispered in his ear piece and he felt it throughout his body; “be calm my friend, I am with you

“Do you hear that Tara,” he whispered

“You would do that for me,” she whispered, surprised

‘What’s so funny?’ he whispered into my ear, he sounds amused himself

I won’t,’ I whispered in Ish’s ear

wife and whispered conspiratorially, “It’s not natural

” Tevid bowed at the waist and Tarak bent close and whispered, “She is one of us Tevid; and has agreed to be my mate

” Placing his hand on Rayne’s shoulder he felt her slowly relax, he whispered to her, “Ease down my little warrior, there is no need to sully K’nada with their blood

“Really?” whispered a knowing Kai

‘Is she here?’ he whispered, as I reach out to touch his shoulder

‘What is it?’ he whispered urgently

‘Is she okay?’ Gary whispered

“You are full of surprises Tar,” she leaned closer and whispered, “and not just in the bedroom

“Please signal First Altera that they have entered the forest,” whispered Sonia to her communications man

whispered into his microphone and the cameras panned in on the

He went down in a heap laughing and she whispered in his ear, “but not that well

whispered, “My name is on the card

“I shouldn’t be doing this,” Yellelle whispered as they snuck thru the narrow door, “especially after the way you treated me in your universe

“You have courage boy; this is good, you’re going to need it!” He laughed and then whispered in Alexei’s ear, “You are also the first she has shown any interest in… treat her well and with honor

She took his hand in hers, lowered her head and took a deep breath; squeezing his hand tightly to her breast she whispered thru clenched teeth,

“But where…where will I go, what will I do?” Annie whispered,

“Mmmm” whispered great-aunt Edith, with a smile on her lips

“You dear old rascal”, she whispered as they rocked gently back

stopped whispering the letters of his name

that tree in the corner, whispering me to come up here and

The skeletal child vanishes along the beach whispering

Danton bowed his head slightly before whispering, “We were friends once

All thru it the crew sat and watched, the men of the council all had their pistols out and kept an especially sharp eye out for whispering among the rank and file

She placed her hands on Stu’s eyelids and gently closed them while whispering sweet incantations

The windows of the bus, set higher than in a car, had offered excellent views of both the land and the houses and Kara had taken advantage of having a companion, whispering puzzled queries to Angie as they passed things she didn’t immediately understand

and whispering sweet nothings in the dark

There was much whispering among the students

‘ Then in a faint whispering voice he began to sing Tipperary, the old love song from the First World War and although I could hardly hear his words, his sadness was almost overwhelming

I introduce them … aware that Katie is whispering to Abi

My mind was off on unguarded scary rambles and I had to reel it in before the boulders started glowing or whispering to each other — or to me

No-one said a word to me but it was obvious that they all knew I’d moved in with you and there was a lot of whispering going on which was pretty unpleasant – Louise said as much after you left us together

There’s silence at the end of the phone, I can hear whispering

When I woke, Cordra was stretched out on top of me, whispering in my ear

«Fuck», is all that he says, repeating the word again and again, whispering it so as not to disturb the boys and girls beneath his feet

He left Helen down in the darkness for an hour after the Cascarino boys departed and memories of the other boy have unnerved her, even though Shaun was far more talkative and comprehensible in his urgent whispering of escape plans

Whispering, I’d told Alastair that Anna was away for a couple of days, visiting Simon in Bournemouth

It wound thru real forest, beautiful, pleasant and shady, with whispering breezes above

” Granddad thought he was whispering but he wasn’t

His hold on her arm was extremely tight, and she noticed that he seem to be whispering under his breath

» she found she was whispering too, «Here it could be the 1800’s

» whispering, she turned to look up at him

While whispering, «It’s just me»

bowels of his stomach, begging to be let out, whispering ideas into his mind

Myanfingaa’s thoughts were more vocal, voices whispering questions

Students would start talking to him in a normal voice then they would start talking to him in a very loud voice and then they would start whispering to him and then they would actually just start mouthing the words and saying nothing

He’ll still be whispering, but he’ll be down to the pads soon now that Lurain and Fmaya have started

beast by feeding her apples and whispering reassuringly

So named because early explorers having braved the tempests of the plateau and thus sated their appetite for all further adventuring, by the time they reached the coast they sat still awhile, before whispering into their cups a single word

It would whisper until one cool night the gum hardened and fell away allowing the poster to flip flop and continue whispering to any official Post Office notice it came across

had wasted no time in whispering loudly in the ears of Tanker

in my arms and we resumed our soft whispering

People had stopped whispering fearing that any sound

«The VIP services,» he said in a weak voice, almost whispering

With that, both men stood hushed, the wind whispering by them

They were no longer whispering

dread, whispering appeals to the Divines for strength

A buzz of whispering could be heard as they all waited for the king and queen to arrive

His only companions were the whispering wind, and a double-decker bus waiting on the road

I’ve been told that some in the Legion have already started whispering

The young farmer wouldn’t have left Ayrim had it not been for the guards sent by the Baron to vouch for the child’s safety (and everyone in the Whispering Wind vouched for the guards), but that assurance had come, and so he was without his son that morning

When Aspen and Sebastian led their group in through the front doors of Temple, heads turned around the room and Arrows pointed, whispering urgently to each other

his voice so low, he was almost whispering

The sound was merely a murmur, like a group of children whispering

“This time it will be different believe me and do you know what?” He tapped the side of his nose whispering

Beth kissed me as she left Rosie’s room whispering

Nobody knew what he said; nobody had lived to share that tale, but the public imagined him whispering judgement upon his victims

Terese was leaning over her to brush her damp, matted hair from her brow, whispering to her that she was safe

Her sisters and cousins stood nearby whispering and giggling as Wil tried to find out more about the girl

Lydia and Elmira sat on cushioned sofas within the same large tent, both of them whispering about Adem and Jean

The journalists were writing notes, whispering and shaking their heads at Raven

He walked slowly through the crowds, who turned to watch him pass, whispering to one another in hushed tones, keeping a respectful distance

‘Leeeave this realm,’ they said in a whispering voice – or so he imagined them to have said

But why settle for being a lieutenant when you could be an empress? A seat next to the most powerful man in the empire, whispering in his ear, influencing him, having everything you ever dreamed of

Felicity sat next to me, and put her mouth next to my ear, whispering, “She’s a man

Then she saw them—standing right at the bow of the ship, holding each other tightly, and whispering words of love and support in each other’s ears

They said their good-nights in the long, first floor corridor, whispering and laughing like a couple of naughty children from a Lewis Carol novel

The other children followed, whispering and peeping, but the

Pirate heard them whispering but could not understand a word they said

of pride in the two brave lads now whispering together in secret

The whispering echoes of claws on the hard surface accompanied him, causing Darkburst to constantly stop and look back over his shoulder, ready to run at a moments notice, convinced that something might well be following him

Sitting at the water’s edge she patted the cold dark surface, whispering her cub’s name over and over, lost in a grief which threatened to crush her

Broshee began whispering it as she walked along, in a kind of chant

One or two badgers began whispering excitedly but quickly settled down when a guard approached them

“Helen, is Kate with you?” Paul was whispering into his cell phone

I heard Uncle Hobart whispering to pig-boy and lent forward, trying to overhear what he was saying

in a whispering tone

As they sat whispering, intent on using their ears for all their might, Nadir noted again that it wasn’t completely dark

One, a tiny Ladino woman with curly hair and wide eyes had moved in and was whispering in Mike’s ear while reaching a hand between the buttons of his shirt and Mike, the bastard, couldn’t have looked any more smug

� Jonathan Smith-Hughes showed a little emotion after his lawyer made that statement by leaning over and whispering some message into his ear

He stared at his friend a long while before whispering that there was a way out for both of them

There was whispering at the end of the table

The whispering Rowan trees told of an advanced hunting party; six heavily armed Humans looking, searching for deer

I listened to the whispering; the trees were growing concerned

I couldn’t understand why the Witch was doing this, but the whispering trees were upset

No one knew why the Witch was eradicating the Yellow-bells but everyone shared the same concern as the whispering trees

A flunky nipped into the breach, whispering into the ear of the Emperor

A night watchman would be alone and carry a flashlight, not cower, whispering behind a bunch of barrels

The whispering trees would recognize the sound and ensure that the whole forest could hear it

The whispering trees shook and their trunks started to creak, making a familiar sound

The whispering trees guided the Fairies through the forest, helping them arrive quickly

The whispering trees had conveyed the urgency, taking note of the approaching army

The whispering trees had saved the day

Now, there was heated whispering

The whispering trees tried to help, to coordinate the sweep of the forest

The whispering trees had seen them far away, on the edge of the forest

Ranger received messages from the whispering trees; the Witch and the Black Fox remained far away

As they approached the central part of the forest, the whispering trees disappeared

The Whispering Trees had been instructed and the Fairies had been dispatched to the far edges of the forest

“I don’t know what words to use,” I said, whispering as not to break the stillness of the afterglow

Again, the wind brought just the suggestion of a voice, a voice whispering now, a suppliant voice, begging for mercy

Then he started to focus on what was more important, to keep Jay in his thoughts and continued whispering those words

She was whispering, forcing calm into her voice that I could not see in her face

were whispering as they went

Her sister was beside her quietly whispering advice, “Tell them that all will go well, that’s all they wish to hear

Colling placed his arm around her shoulders, whispering to her, “Shhh

Nicole placed her hand on her mouth, and sobbed quietly, respectfully, before whispering, “Oh, God… Andy…”

How much could Ebira just figure out like that? Then Ebira’s low whispering continued and Enilia breathed again

She ran both hands through her hair and sighed deeply before she discovered that Ebira’s whispering had stopped

Judge Al Nafa whispers behind his hand to a court employee, smiles, then turns his attention to John

Mimis —> before falling into a deep sleep, hear the whispers

in the agony of the young woman Dante whispers softly

I swore in whispers as I moved, damning to hell the bastards who had brought me to this state and place

Fighting for air I could only manage the faintest of whispers in reply to his question

Leaning over, she whispers ever so slightly in his ear Apollo can barely make out the words, «I can do anything you want me to do

Apollo feels her warmth and he whispers to her, «I love you

he whispers it in crow call

as he whispers sweet nothings to himself, and as he does so,

(There is commotion, noise and whispers in the courtroom

a subject made clear by Chinese whispers

with drowsy whispers, lying safe in each others’ arms

of frozen tears, she whispers

And then, in complete contrast to our whispers, he raised his voice and with a stumpy finger that had lost its tip, he pointed to the sky and sang, ‘We make this drink from the sun and once you taste the fire, you will never leave

There is a collective gasp at the statement that the Elements have been retrieved from Earth, followed by a susurration of whispers as those present chew over the news, not to mention a certain amount of nudging and nodding in my direction as people identify me

But conscience is a funny thing, it whispers from inside

He repeated the words in slow whispers, one after the other, until he grasped the full weight and meaning of each one, then his mouth fell open

They spoke in reverent whispers, only falling silent upon entering the church

By way of answer, he puts his arms around me and whispers into my neck, ‘Yes, I do

‘Is it a bomb?’ a man spoke to the other in whispers

Ben immediately goes to her side and whispers to her

A voice whispers in my ear, ‘I think we could be happy here, Jo

whispers and furtive glances

He has to bend forward to hear Ted, who speaks in whispers

He leans forward and whispers in Ted’s ear

As he makes a mental note of his immediate locale he whispers to himself, «Arbnor, my friend, where are you hiding?»

She whispers into Bex’s ear, «What do you think? Yours looks like a laugh

Alex whispers the name of his sister once, and, ignoring the imprecations pouring out of the blue van, he glides the car smoothly up to the roundabout and across the old bridge that leads into the heart of Barnstaple

Alex leans forward and whispers

A few fingers pointed in our direction and whispers went in and out of ears

She whispers her answer softly

«Hold me?» she whispers

«Come here», he whispers to Helen, who crouches low as she manoeuvres around the foot of the bed

He turns slightly towards her and whispers, «Remember

“But I must bring it home, or my mother will die!” Li-en looked alarmed, and a flurry of whispers arose in the room

«Fuck me», he whispers, and holds his breath

Davie clears his throat and whispers, «Take care, Billy»

’ She whispers with a sigh

‘It IS Jo, mum,’ a voice whispers from along the path

Bex whispers once but Carol shakes her head and leans forward

‘About ten,’ he whispers into my hair

Soft whispers, of innuendos, and snide remarks, when they didn’t think she was listening

voices spoke in quiet whispers around the boat

their shoes, and the whispers of voices into earpieces

At first there were only the voices, disembodied, three childlike whispers echoing one another from amidst the darkness of the room

Brice sensed the mages rousing behind him and could hear whispers running through the crowd of students

This time in whispers

Yet the sad whispers about his young niece and his heartbroken sister chilled her to the core

Whispers and gasps were heard among the crowd as they saw Lunarey grab the microphone away from the head principal and take the spotlight to herself

Her ‘partners’ commented in whispers, “

As he sat observing the harbor, the tones of surly sailors and cynical merchants rode the breeze as strangely reso-nant whispers

Whispers started as Cupid paused

whispers became a cacophony of sound hitting our eardrums like drum sticks

into the cafeteria walls in a medley of moans, groans, hisses, whispers and growls as five of the most

over his sharp little teeth, in a menagerie of moans, groans, hisses, whispers and growls that

How far would that woman go to keep them apart? Jean spoke in whispers to the girls close to her own age, all dark of hair and eyes, slender and pale skinned; all of them quite pretty too

The hall was full of gasps, whispers and excited murmuring

The hushed whispers and gasps told Raven that Alexia was still alive

“What happened?” came from his lips in creaky whispers

He had a quick mind and it had been chancy calling him, but if anyone outside of Area 7 were to have any hint of whispers regarding what was happening at the AspByte project, it would be him

whispers, as they passed on the way to the laundry

Ignoring the usher’s urgent whispers to wait within the antechamber, Brock pushed the small badger aside and made directly for the exit tunnel

And with this thought held firmly in mind, he pushed onwards along the tunnel, the eerie whispers following him lending an extra urgency to his movements

When the voice first made itself known to him, Brock had thought it a symptom of the yellow cough, but no matter how hard he had tried, he couldn’t rid himself of the annoying whispers

For the present the voice had faded but Brock knew the compelling whispers would soon return

The Preceptor’s hoarse whispers floated up to Brokin in the air vent and he shifted uneasily, aware that he had to do something to stop this evil badger before it was too late

favorite girl” staring straight in her eyes he whispers “Damn! That was

“I love you Margarette” he whispers tightly holding her hand and never

Mason had been sceptical at first, but all the whispers he’d tracked down regarding the enterprise had convinced him about the authenticity of their claims

They sat close, in matching wicker chairs with the softness of yellow lamplight casting a warm glow over their faces, and spoke in conspiratorial whispers while an endless selection of salsa music, blended with the static of another far-off station, played over the speakers

We can read the whispers from the ancient Rowan

What could it be? Over there, movement among the shadows of a cluster of barrels! Then, barely discernable, muted voices and the hiss of whispers

With the engine cut, excited whispers could be heard from the threesome down amid the barrels, and they began moving in the direction of the pier where their comrades had just arrived

They had turned and looked with astonishment; their croaks and hawkish, almost unintelligible cries had been choked in concert, replaced with whispers of amazement and gasps of wonder

Leans over and whispers something into her ear

Charles whispers in Anne’s ear, «That’s Barbara Windsor

“Be brave, Tris,” he whispers

She leans over to Peter, who stands beside her, and whispers something in his ear

The woman touches one Abnegation child on the shoulder and whispers something to him, and a few seconds later a small group of children run down the hallway, dodging Amity feet and yelling, “I touched you! You’re it!” “No, that was my sleeve!”

“Where are the others?” whispers Susan

The whispers, “Thank you for your honesty

One of the boys leans close to Tobias, whose back is to them, and whispers, “Coward,” as he passes

A voice whispers in my head

“Do me a favor,” she whispers into my ear, “and never have pure motives again

Amar, my initiation instructor, taught us that our fear landscapes were always in flux, shifting with our moods and changing with the little whispers of our nightmares

Whispers and anxious hushes floated in the air

“Tobias,” she whispers, “I hate to say this, but

When they are done having sex, Pierre gently whispers in Audrey’s

I have seen you, sometimes, and there is a great black cloud around you that whispers and calls to you

There were whispers of a strange and mysterious branch of science and history that had led the old professor into madness

As she was looking back at the gate, she heard some sweet, melodic whispers

The Blackness whispers through the Veil

loose but hearsay, whispers and rumours had already established

Corey told me,” Grandpa whispers

Whispers and rumours circulated that they

“I knew you couldn’t be trusted,” she whispers in that harsh voice

The freshman whispers in a scared and terrified voice, “Aliens are looking at us

Harry was led handcuffed into the courtroom to whispers and gasps of everyone seated

Examples of how to use the word “whisper” in a sentence. How to connect “whisper” with other words to make correct English sentences.

whisper (v, n): to speak very quietly, using the breath but not the voice, so that only the person close to you can hear you; a way of speaking very quietly, using the breath but not the voice, so that only the person close to you can hear you

Use “whisper” in a sentence

He whispered something in her ear.
“I’ll be right back,” she whispered.
What did she whisper to you?
I heard whispers downstairs.

Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”


whisper — перевод на русский


On to your Waterloo Whispers my heart

На вашем Ватерлоо Мое сердце шепчет,

He whispered he’d been in there all the time, writing.

Шепчет мол, засиделся там за своей писаниной и пришел свечу отдать.

I’m only sorry that no one will ever whisper sweet lies to me again.

Я ничего не начинаю. Просто мне грустно оттого, что уже никто не шепчет мне на ухо лживые сладкие слова.

(WHISPERING) Two of ’em.

[Шепчет] Двое.


[Скалис шепчет] Великолепно.

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Please, Becky, I’ll whisper.

Пожалуйста, Бекки, скажем это шёпотом.

(WHISPERS) Mr. Wilson’s suit.

(ШЕПОТОМ): Костюм Мр. Уилсона.

(WHISPERS) See who that is.

(ШЕПОТОМ) Посмотри, кто это.

Try to whisper it then.

Ну попробуй сказать шепотом тогда.

I want to whisper this.

Я скажу шепотом.

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Meanwhile, they whispered behind my back… «Know why the boy’s not dead?»

Между тем, у меня за спиной шептались: «Знайте, почему мальчик не умер?»

Now they’re hoping to hear spoken aloud what was only whispered before.

Теперь есть надежда, что все заговорят вслух о том о чем недавно только шептались.

— What, did they never whisper?

— Они шептались? — Нет, мой господин.

— You were whispering.

Официант сказал, вы шептались.

some shadows swarmed and were whispered on the angles.

Какие-то тени копошились и шептались по углам.

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What did Smiley whisper into that phony tin trumpet?

Что там прошептал Смайли в фальшивые оловянные уши?

He whispered…

Он прошептал…

What did he whisper to you?

— Что он прошептал тебе?

Banished-for the third time, he whispered.

Изгоняемый в третий раз, он прошептал…

He whispered my name.

Он прошептал мое имя.

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She’d whisper in my ear Tonight she really was mine

Моя девочка шепнула, что будет моей.

It’s whispered to me that you’re wonderful, beautiful, heavenly — and that you’re…

Она мне шепнула, что ты замечателен, красив, божественен и что ты…

It’s whispered to me that you’re wonderful, beautiful, heavenly… and that you’re mine, dear.

Она мне шепнула, что ты замечателен, красив, божественен и что ты мой суженый, дорогой.

You whispered it to me.

Это же ты мне его шепнула.

Laura kissed me and she whispered the name of the killer in my ear.

Лора поцеловала меня и шепнула на ухо имя убийцы.

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Just to whisper my words of wisdom to his ear when needed.

Чтобы в случае необходимости нашептывать ему мудрые советы.

Someone who can whisper in your ear who could warn you about governmental policies you might bump into.

Тот, кто будет нашёптывать вам на ушко, кто будет предупреждать вас, на какие политические грабли вы можете наступить.

So these are thoughts that we can impose on ourselves, or actually the power of darkness can, as it were, whisper them in our ear.

В общем, это те мысли, которые мы может нести внутри себя, или которые силы тьмы могут нам нашёптывать на ухо.

When he slept, I could whisper in him.

Когда он спал, я мог нашептывать ему.

They can only whisper in our ears, but a single word can give you courage or turn your favorite pleasure into your worst nightmare.

Они могут лишь нашептывать нам на ухо, но даже одно слово может придать тебе мужества или превратить любимое удовольствие в худший кошмар.

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It was whispered in the bazaar that two sahibs… had crossed the Russian border into our land in search of knowledge.

На базаре пошли слухи, что два сагиба… пересекли российскую границу в поисках знаний о нашей стране.

Uh, the whispers are about that you will tell a never-ending story… Oh, yes… — how did I get myself involved in this?

ќ, слухи о том, что вы расскажете непрекращающуюс€ историю… ј, да… и как мен€ угораздило в это вв€затьс€?

Most of my information consists of little more than hints and whispers, but whoever learns the secret of the Dominion, whatever it may be, will learn the secret of the Gamma Quadrant.

В основном моя информация состоит из немного большего, чем намеки и слухи, но кто бы ни изучал тайну Доминиона, независимо от того, что это может быть, изучит и тайну Гамма квадранта.

It was widely whispered that for the Princess to conceive, Longshanks would have to do the honours himself.

Повсюду ходили слухи, что Длинноногий лично приложил усилия, чтобы принцесса зачала.

At around that time, I heard whispered rumors of a legendary man who was undefeated in a thousand duels.

А в это время, до меня дошли слухи о легендарном человеке, который оставался непобежденным в тысяче битв.

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Just tell him I was whispering sweet nothings in your ear.

Просто скажи, что я нашептал несколько пустячков в твоё ушко.

And when George is in prison, someone whispers to him:

Когда Джордж был в тюрьме, кто-то нашептал ему:

No, I’m sure it was whispered to her by the wind.

Конечно нет. Уверена, это ей ветер нашептал.

It was like somebody was whispering to me, you know.

Как-будто кто-то нашептал мне об этом, знаете? Гималайские йоги.

Or did Brian whisper in his ear,

Или Брайан нашептал ему в ухо…

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Ruth Putnam has informed me that there is a black man whispering in your ear at this very instant.

Рут Путнэм сообщила мне что на мгновение появился черный человек, шепчущий Вам на ухо.

A whispering breeze

Шепчущий ветер

For my song is a whispering wind

Для моей песни шепчущий ветер

The voice whispering in her ear had gone quiet, giving her a respite, a gap between two questions, two distractions.

Голос, шепчущий ей на ухо, угомонился, давая ей отсрочку, передышку между двумя вопросами, двумя очередными заблуждениями.

And on the way there I heard this voice whispering

И по пути туда я услышала голос, шепчущий

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I can’t be doing with all the whispering and the stares or the having to explain.

Я не выдержу все эти перешёптывания и взгляды и не хочу никому ничего объяснять.

I can just hear the whispers now. «Did you see the bride?

Я прямо слышу перешёптывания «Вы видели невесту?

People connected only by the slightest of events… like whispers in the night… in that place that never forgets, even when those people do.

Вроде перешептывания, которое забудется раньше, чем утихнет его звук.

The God of men From the evil of the whisperings of the slinking

Господь от зла перешептывания.

Only,instead of hiding,I dealt with all the whispering and all the looks.

Только вместо того, чтобы скрываться, я терпел все эти перешептывания и взгляды.

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Synonym: mumble, murmur, mutter. Antonym: shout. Similar words: Hispanic, dispute, display, on display, whip, whither, which, while. Meaning: [‘hwɪspə(r) /’w-]  n. 1. speaking softly without vibration of the vocal cords 2. the light noise like the noise of silk clothing or leaves blowing in the wind. v. speak softly; in a low voice. 

1, I spoke to him in a whisper.

2, She spoke in a fierce whisper.

3, Their voices were very quiet, hardly above a whisper.

4, Did she whisper in your ear at the meeting?

5, His voice sank to a whisper.

6, Don’t you know it’s rude to whisper?

7, Their voices fell to a whisper.

8, You don’t have to whisper, no one can hear us.

9, He was having to whisper in order to avoid being overheard by their nosy neighbours.

10, She dropped her voice to a whisper.

11, She said it in a whisper.

12, Her voice dropped to a whisper.

13, But don’t whisper a word of that.

14, I’ve heard a whisper that they’re heading for divorce.

15, His voice sank into a confidential whisper.

16, James leaned over to whisper something to Michael.

17, ‘Come quickly,(’ she said in a husky whisper.

18, His voice died away in a whisper.

19, He could only whisper in reply.

20, His voice dropped to a whisper.

21, His voice had sunk to a conspiratorial whisper.

22, She spoke in a husky whisper.

23, It is bad manners to whisper in company .

24, ‘Where are we going?’ he asked in a whisper.

25, His voice faded to a whisper .

26, Hussain drew me aside to whisper in my ear.

27, light in my heart the evening star of rest and then let the night whisper to me of love.

28, There little thoughts are the rustle of leaves; they have their whisper of joy in my mind.

29, «So what do you think?» she said in a hoarse whisper.

30, ‘I knew this would happen,’ he said in a stage whisper «.

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word whisper, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use whisper in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «whisper».

Whisper in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word whisper in a sentence.

  1. By then, his voice was a soft whisper with a very low, raspy tone.

  2. To the far right, young maidens fashion a garland of fresh flowers and joyfully whisper to one another.

  3. Anderson) and Laura Palmer speak to him in a jarring and disjointed manner, before Laura leans over to whisper in his ear.

  4. But it will be an interesting test, today, to go up behind people and whisper ‘clip-clop’, to find out whether they saw The Woman in Black last night.

  5. York Membery, the Liberal journal’s interviewer, found Thorpe able to communicate only in a barely audible whisper, but with his brain power unimpaired.

  6. She was able to vary her voice considerably: an obituary remarked that she «could soar like an opera singer, but she could also whisper, roar, hiss, growl and shout.

  7. The New York Times noted that on some tracks, «he gulps for breath, his voice quivers with anxiety or drops to a desperate whisper, hissing through clenched teeth» and he had a «wretched tone».

  8. After several minutes, medical attendants arrived and lifted Kennedy onto a stretcher, prompting him to whisper, «Don’t lift me», which were his last words, as he lost consciousness shortly after.

  9. Reminded that Nixon, in his inaugural address, had called for the lowering of voices in political discourse, Agnew commented, «When a fire takes place, a man doesn’t run into the room and whisper ..

  10. In the film’s concluding sequence in which Bob and Charlotte make their final goodbyes, Coppola reported being unhappy with the dialogue she had scripted, so Murray improvised the whisper in Johansson’s ear.

Synonyms for whisper

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word whisper has the following synonyms: rustle, rustling, whispering, susurration and voicelessness.

General information about «whisper» example sentences

The example sentences for the word whisper that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «whisper» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «whisper».

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