Use word struck sentences

We found 10 ‘word struck’ sentence examples to help you understand how to use word struck in a sentence.

  • The first thing that struck me was his descriptions and word choices.
  • He struck out the wrong word and put in the right one.
  • The short passages struck true to the word.
  • Self aborbed, color struck, ignorant Freda thinks the word revolves around her.
  • A legend of a later age tells how, just before his death, he was struck dumb for preventing the preaching of the word of God.
  • I’ve been reading these comments and am struck by the fact that no one has mentioned the f word.
  • I was awe struck and did not actually say a word although I was within 2 feet of the boys.
  • And struck out unequivocally, drawing not even a word from either of their targets.
  • A poor harlot was struck down by the word.
  • As an aside, I was struck by the description of her word usage.

Other Words: Working Dog, Work Off, Word Your, Word Group, Word Culminated, Worktop, Work It, Word Slinger, World Ruling, Word Of Mouth, Workbenches, Worldconnect, Wordsman, World Grasping, Worse Governed, Word Stress, Worral, Worf, World Applauded, Worst Printed

пораженный, ударенный


- закрытый из-за забастовки

a struck factory — фабрика, остановленная в связи с забастовкой
a struck employer — предприниматель, рабочие которого бастуют

- past и p. p. от strike


- past и p. p. от strike

Мои примеры


a law that was later struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court as unconstitutional — закон, который впоследствии был отменён Верховным судом США как неконституционный  
to struck a gun from someone’s hand — выбить пистолет из чьей-л. руки  
the orchestra struck up — оркестр заиграл  
struck / knocked all of a heap разг. — сраженный, ошеломленный  
she struck her elbow against the door — она ударилась локтем о дверь  
he struck me by his knowledge — он поразил меня своими знаниями  
a thought has struck me — мне пришла (в голову) мысль  
the idea struck that — мне пришла в голову идея, что…  
to be struck on smb. — быть влюбленным в кого-л.  
struck with disease — поражённый болезнью  
struck guitar — джазовая гитара; электрогитара  

Примеры с переводом

An idea suddenly struck me.

Меня внезапно осенила мысль.

Your hour has struck.

Твой час пробил.

The car struck the tree.

Автомобиль врезался в дерево.

She had now struck sixty.

Ей стукнуло 60.

It has just struck four.

Только что пробило четыре.

The storm struck without warning.

Шторм ударил без предупреждения.

The clock struck twelve.

Часы пробили двенадцать.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The bullet struck him in the leg.

Peg struck a match and lit the candle.

He struck out the first batter he faced.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

Use ‘struck’ in a sentence | ‘struck’ example sentences

1- The occasional auto accidents where vehicles struck houses became commonplace.

2- He struck another fine finish three minutes later.

3- Nine different hydroelectric power plants were struck .

4- They too struck against intolerable conditions”.

5- The long dreaded blow was thus struck at last.

6- The boat struck the bank full tilt.

7- Lee is struck down and knocked unconscious.

8- A grievous blow has struck the ghetto.

9- They are struck on high speed presses using tools called dies.

10- That kept the economy growingÔÇôuntil crisis struck .

11- The three remaining clauses were struck down as unconstitutional.

12- He struck out ten while allowing five hits.

13- It has been struck by enemy ground fire.

14- Rooney struck home again through a crashing volley.

15- No commemorative coins were struck between 1939 and 1945.

16- The rebellion had been struck a crippling blow.

17- The home team struck 18 from three overs.

18- He struck out 210 batters while allowing 44 walks.

19- The remaining coins were struck in silver.

20- The real quake struck only weeks before filming was completed.

21- It was eight months before he struck again.

22- Eight primary and five secondary targets were struck .

23- The last gold coins were struck in 1895.

24- He was 30 years old before he struck lucky.

25- But disaster struck again after 57 minutes.

26- He never struck out 150 batters again .

27- He struck out seven while walking none.

28- Sheppard was struck again and lost consciousness.

29- Several coins were struck in various metals.

30- They parted without a bargain being struck .

31- The area struck is usually the face.

32- This judicial review claim is struck out.

33- Disaster has also struck public health care.

34- The struck clouds began to pour down rain.

35- The deal joins recent distribution agreements Frequency has struck .

36- I’m suddenly struck stone faced here.

37- Initially, nearby lymph nodes are struck early.

38- An interim agreement was struck last November.

39- So once more he struck off its head.

40- It was struck down by a federal appeals court ruling. The absurdity of my situation finally struck home in 1987.

41- He struck a match.

42- The clock struck ten.

43- A good idea struck me.

44- A good idea struck her.

45- Their ship struck a rock.

46- The ship struck northward.

47- He struck me in a passion.

48- He was struck off the list.

49- Lightning struck the tower.

50- He struck at me with a stick.

More Sentences: 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 –
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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word struck, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use struck in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «struck».

Struck in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word struck in a sentence.

  1. The first struck near the No.

  2. Lewis, struck over wage cuts.

  3. Over 220 million were struck.

  4. Morgan, was struck by the Mint.

  5. Barber, and first struck in 1892.

  6. None of the Tallboys struck Tirpitz.

  7. Type I Bicentennial, struck in 1975.

  8. As before, the Hokies struck quickly.

  9. Type II Bicentennial, struck 1975–76.

  10. The first florins were struck in 1849.

  11. A 5–3 majority of the Supreme Court struck it down.

  12. The inning ended when Alexander struck out Shocker.

  13. It is not known which gold dollar was first struck.

  14. Rita struck near the border of Louisiana and Texas.

  15. He then struck 108 against Middlesex in a tour match.

  16. Thus, the florin ceased to be struck for circulation after the 1967-dated pieces.

  17. They were shipped from the Philadelphia Mint, where they were struck, on July 20.

  18. Moreno was struck on 1 October 1956 and was towed to Japan in 1957 for scrapping.

  19. Anthony dollar, struck beginning in 1979, but that coin also failed to circulate.

  20. The ship struck the sea bottom outside Cuxhaven, though no major damage was done.

  21. Some hours later the frigate struck a hidden reef and grounded, sustaining severe damage to her hull.

  22. On the evening of 25/26 August, France struck an uncharted rock while entering Quiberon Bay at 00:57.

  23. They struck the Uppland Regiment in their left flank, as they were committing to the frontal assault.

  24. He was struck by the melancholic lyrics and decided to write a «sad story or stage play» based on it.

  25. Across the Northeastern United States, many areas were in drought conditions before the storm struck.

  26. Pursuant to this authorization, over seven million silver Peace dollars were struck in 1934 and 1935.

  27. The value of these pieces was larger than that of all other silver coins struck by the mints in 1852.

  28. The gold coins are of uncertain use but may have been struck to be used as alms or for gifts to Rome.

  29. The regular issue gold dollar was last struck in 1889; the following year, Congress ended the series.

  30. After peaking, Hary weakened due to land interaction, and it struck Madagascar southeast of Antalaha.

  31. The White Court had, in 1918, struck down an attempt by Congress to regulate child labor in Hammer v.

  32. The half dime was originally struck from 1794 until 1805, though none were dated 1798, 1799, or 1804.

  33. Meanwhile, Ganino and Stillwell struck up a friendship and began to develop ideas for other episodes.

  34. No half dollars were struck at Denver in 1955 and 1956 due to a lack of demand for additional pieces.

  35. The ship was struck twice by bombs and suffered damage to the stern, the engine room and boiler room.

  36. Just above the rooftops of the Rue de Provence the balloon’s gas was exhausted, and the craft struck the roof of a house.

  37. The initials of Cooper and Menna, and the mint mark of the facility where the coin was struck also appear on the obverse.

  38. On 15 July 1958, Julia Lennon was struck and killed by a car while she was walking home after visiting the Smiths’ house.

  39. If a man struck a man’s daughter and brought about a miscarriage, he was to pay 10 shekels of silver for her miscarriage.

  40. Mars is located closer to the asteroid belt, so it has an increased chance of being struck by materials from that source.

  41. In November, the extratropical remnants of Delta struck the Canary Islands, causing 7 fatalities, with 12 people missing.

  42. Of coins struck for circulation, Yeoman’s highest listings are for the 1868, at $11,000 in near pristine MS-66 condition.

  43. In March 1942, a seven-inch (17 cm) shell struck the 37th floor of the building but caused little damage and no injuries.

  44. During the game, New York Giants pitcher Carl Hubbell struck out Ruth and four other future Hall-of-Famers consecutively.

  45. Bombs that struck the ordnance area set off stockpiles of 105 mm artillery shells, MILAN missiles and 81 mm mortar bombs.

  46. The modern-day Britannia coinage, bullion pieces struck by the Royal Mint for investors and collectors, has a reverse that strongly resembles that of the Edwardian florin.

  47. The 1,250 tonnes of «cartwheels» struck at Soho between 1797 and 1799 (all pieces were dated 1797) exceeded the total copper coinage by the Royal Mint in the 18th century.

  48. That amendment required that the coins be struck at only one mint, that they only be issued for a year and bear the date of authorization (1936) regardless of when coined.

  49. When the two brothers-in-law rode together, accompanied by soldiers, the heretic suddenly struck Jovan with a sword at a mountain pass named Derven, but could not cut him.

  50. An American contractor travelling on an Australian C-130 in Iraq was killed on 27 June 2004 when the aircraft was struck by gunfire shortly after it took off from Baghdad.

Synonyms for struck

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word struck has the following synonyms: smitten, stricken and affected.

General information about «struck» example sentences

The example sentences for the word struck that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «struck» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «struck».

Learn how to use word struck in a sentence and make better sentences with `word struck` by reading word struck sentence examples.

  • Word comes that a plague has struck Boston.
  • Gabriel frowned, appeared pensive then struck off again without another word.
  • I don’t want to throw this word carelessly but it struck me as an unhygienic sort of place.
  • He struck me as a genuine mensch, a full grown man whose word could be trusted.
  • If he goes back on a word, or no deal is struck, guess what the Republicans will be blamed.
  • Though it struck me as funny with every word for the first chapter or so.
  • Every word and every nuance of thought struck me as authentic and informed with experience.
  • The Times’ use of the word, Stupid, struck me as well.

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