Use word soonest sentence

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

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Asked by: Tara Goldner

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(25 votes)

Soonest sentence example

That’s the soonest I could get a flight. January 1st of each year is the soonest you can send in your application for the following school year. Paul waved and announced something about leaving tomorrow, the soonest they could get an airline booking from Montrose.

How do you use soonest possible?

Senior Member. Where I live, the phrase «soonest possible» is used. This phrase is used in addition to «as soon as possible». The phrase means sooner than «as soon as possible».

Is soonest a proper word?

Re: Proper use of soonest

It is a fairly common contraction for » at the soonest convenient moment to yourself«.

What does soonest mean?

adverb. the superlative of soon. as soon as possible; urgently; without delaysend money soonest.

What the difference between soon and soonest?

As adjectives the difference between soon and soonest

is that soon is occurring within a short time, or quickly while soonest is (soon).

35 related questions found

What is the opposite of soonest?

Opposite of superlative for within a short time. latest. slowliest. most belatedly.

Is see you soonest correct?

ansonguy Is it grammatically correct to say «see you soonest»? No, but it’s commonly said and heard in informal messages and casual conversation. It means ‘as soon as possible’, or ‘ASAP’.

Is soonest an adjective?

Soonest can be an adjective or an adverb.

Is it soonest or most soon?


  • superlative form of soon: most soon.
  • (informal) Very soon; urgently; without delay. Send money soonest. I don’t know for sure, the soonest I can know is later this evening.

What is the synonym of soonest?

Superlative for within a short time. fastest. earliest.

Is Please advise soonest grammatically correct?

In the end, there’s nothing grammatically wrong with “please advise.” It’s just a question of usage and style. Some people don’t like it because it can be interpreted as rude or demanding. Other people think it’s redundant: just ask your question and call it a day.

Is soonest the same as as soon as possible?

Where I live, the phrase «soonest possible» is used. This phrase is used in addition to «as soon as possible». The phrase means sooner than «as soon as possible».

Will revert to you soonest?

It means «Please wait and we will get back to you as soon as possible regarding your schedule«. The use of «soonest» here sounds quite old-fashioned.

How do you write as soon as possible in a polite way?

Consider these alternatives:

  1. As soon as possible, or _____. Use this to say that something’s urgent, but can wait until a specific deadline if necessary. …
  2. Promptly. This one can serve as a nudge by suggesting the recipient has been less than prompt. …
  3. At your earliest convenience. …
  4. Whenever you’re able.

How many hours is soon?

Soon is defined as in a short time, in the near future or quickly. An example of soon is arriving in five minutes from now, as in arriving soon.

What does ASAP mean?

What exactly does “ASAP” mean? Ok yes, it means as soon as possible, but in terms of actual time, it means nothing. There’s no specification to this term.

What is considered a short time?

/ˌʃɔːrt ˈtaɪm/ uk. /ˌʃɔːt ˈtaɪm/ (also reduced time) a situation in which the people who work at a factory or in an office work fewer days or hours than usual for less money because there is not much work to do: He’s been put on short time because business is so quiet.

Is get well the soonest correct?

I think «get well» implies that the person is not well now and needs to become well, whereas «be well» implies that the person is well and can continue being well. I personally would most likely say, «(I) Hope you feel better» or simply «Feel better.» This is entirely a personal choice. Get well soon.

What do you reply for see you later?

1. Okay, see you! 2. Okay, see you later!

How do you say see you next week?

«(I’ll) see you next week» is a direct substitute for «goodbye» («I’m saying goodbye to you»).

What is the closest word to synonym?


  • approximate,
  • close,
  • immediate,
  • near,
  • nearby,
  • nearest,
  • next-door,
  • nigh.

Which would be the closest synonym for the word promptly?


  • directly.
  • expeditiously.
  • hastily.
  • instantly.
  • quickly.
  • rapidly.
  • speedily.
  • swiftly.

What does soon mean in poetry?

Soonadverb. readily; willingly; — in this sense used with would, or some other word expressing will. Etymology: [OE. sone, AS.

Use ‘soonest’ in a sentence | ‘soonest’ example sentences

1- Will return soonest and recommend to others.

2- Same goes for that meaningless word ‘ soonest ‘.

3- Least said was soonest mended where grown-ups were concerned.

4- We thought that least said was soonest mended in such a matter.

5- There is a saying, least said, soonest mind-set.

6- I bellieve I will hear from you soonest .

7- Shockingly 80 bannister of soonest incensed persons socialize constitutional symptoms.

8- What’s the way I can do it soonest ?

9- They fall the least, recover the soonest and gain the most.

10- You’ll soonest buy icky wilmington in a jar.

11- Hope to receive your soonest reply.

12- I want to see the regime disappear in the soonest time possible.

13- Otherwise, he would pursue those objectives that would end the war soonest .

14- Hope to hear from you soonest .

15- Who could offer one the soonest ?

16- I believe they will settle amicably for the nation ‘s betterment soonest .

17- I’m gonna grab a copy the soonest it hits the magazine stands here.

18- Sawok said she pray for her friends and classmates to be freed soonest .

19- Instead I hope they find ANY possible defects the soonest possible and fix them .

20- The soonest the new owner realistically can vacate the stadium lease would be 2020.

21- Manko said investigation was still ongoing with a view to arresting the fleeing suspects soonest .

22- Well, soonest done soonest mended, as her mother used to say.

23- Well, soonest done soonest mended, as her mother used to say.

24- If the answer is no, adopting kittens soonest would not be a problem.

25- Strongly advise that you come soonest .

26- It means identifying potential issues and acting upon those most likely to need our attention soonest .

27- All the detail s attained from the psychology of eating at the soonest possible time.

28- I await your mail soonest .

29- We ask Congress, however, to pass this bill in the soonest possible time.

30- If I get it in today, what’s the soonest it can start?

31- I really hope that the ladies in this issue experience their epiphany the soonest time possible.

32- I call another repair company to find out when the soonest they could see me is.

33- But the ornament whose merit soonest fades, is the hermitage, or scene adapted to contemplation.

34- Make use of the coupon codes that can expire soonest , or complete these to buddies.

35- I enjoyed it and want ti learn more cos I wish to becone a professinal trader soonest .

36- Its been going on for a while now and i really need to get a solution soonest .

37- Thus, you could easily and instantly get back to these prospective customers the soonest time possible.

38- The plan under consideration would be completed by 2015 at the soonest , but more likely by 2020.

39- In 1958, he was selected for the U.S. Air Force’s Man In Space soonest program. Least said, soonest mended.

40- Man In Space soonest (MISS) was a United States Air Force (USAF) program to put a man into outer space before the Soviet Union did.

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How do you use soonest in a sentence?

Soonest sentence example

  1. That’s the soonest I could get a flight.
  2. January 1st of each year is the soonest you can send in your application for the following school year.
  3. Games at the top of your queue will be shipped the soonest .

What does the word soonest mean?

as soon as possible

How do you spell soonest?

Correct spelling for the English word “soonest” is [sˈuːnəst], [sˈuːnəst], [s_ˈuː_n_ə_s_t] (IPA phonetic alphabet)….100 words made out of letters SOONEST

  1. not,
  2. sen,
  3. eon,
  4. toe,
  5. est,
  6. one,
  7. net,
  8. ten,

What the difference between soon and soonest?

is that “soon” is short in length of time from the present and “soonest” is superlative form of soon: most soon.

What is another word for soonest?

Soonest Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for soonest?

fastest earliest
most hastily most punctually
most rapidly most snappily
most summarily most briskly
most fleetly most seasonably

What is another word for ASAP?

What is another word for ASAP?

as soon as possible soon
promptly fast
quick hastily
pronto lickety-split
quickly hot

How do you politely say ASAP?

Consider these alternatives:

  1. As soon as possible, or _____. Use this to say that something’s urgent, but can wait until a specific deadline if necessary.
  2. Promptly. This one can serve as a nudge by suggesting the recipient has been less than prompt.
  3. At your earliest convenience.
  4. Whenever you’re able.

What is ASAP stand for?

As soon as possible

What does BTW stand for?

By the way

What did BTS stand for?

Bangtan Boys

What is BTS first song?

No More Dream

How many songs does BTS have till now?

How many songs does BTS have? BTS has a total of 230 songs that contains 155 songs on 9 studio albums and one on the soundtrack album, also 2 reissues, and 2 compilation albums. There are 6 episodes, 1 single album,33 non-album releases, and 43 on the mixtape.

What song made BTS famous?

They got recognition overseas during ‘Boy In Luv’ in 2014 and gained fans there after and then their fame was finally felt when they won 1st place at a music show for ‘I Need U’ on May 5, 2015. If you think about the time they actually went big, I would say it is during ‘I Need U’ in 2015.

Who is the main guy in BTS?

Kim Namjoon

Who was the first person to join BTS?

Who is who in BTS?

From Korea, the seven piece band – consisting of RM, Jin, Suga, J-Hope, Jimin, V and Jungkook – are fast becoming a household name the world over thanks to their amazing choreography and unique sound.

Who in BTS has tattoos?

Only 2 members, Jungkook and Jimin have tattooed.

Are Jungkook and V married?

Jungkook & Taehyung are a happily married couple now for 2 yrs.

Who almost got kicked out of BTS?


Does V have a tattoo on his neck?

V appeared in the unique fake tattoos on his right cheek and left neck. The tattoo under his right eye read, ‘THE SHADOW LIKE ME,’ and the tattoo on his left neck seemed to have cracked his neck. V replied by leaving comments to the fan. He said, “It’s just something that I wanted to do for this concept.

Does V have a tattoo 2020?

As of now, V doesn’t have any tattoos.

What is Jungkook face shape?

Taehyung and Jungkook. They have the round, borderlining a heart-shaped, face shape. This kind of face appears equal in length and width, with a rounded jawline and hairline.

Does Kim Taehyung have a girlfriend 2020?

Currently, V officially is single — at least, that’s what V’s managers have indicated in the past. So in terms of the “straight” story, it seems like he’s very much on the market. But some fans had wondered in the past if he might instead be dating a BTS fan named Hi. So, it looks like V isn’t in a relationship at all.

Ahmed soon appeared at his shoulder, «Shunt all the non-officers back to their dwellings on a blink and do it soonest, military order

They who are soonest in a condition

“Call the runner up will you Sergeant Wallace and we will let the Battalion know we have found a supply of ‘Adams Ale’ and they can send the mules with the water cans soonest it will certainly be good news they will appreciate

So, the soonest that anything can be found wrong is when the next bank statement arrives, and that won’t be for at least thirty days, but I’m going to do even better for you: when it arrives, I’ll lose it

“The lawyer said the soonest he could have all the papers in order won’t be until Friday

Are soonest bended, as the hardest iron,

When’s the soonest you can meet with us?”

If you have been injured, one of the best ways to recover faster is to exercise the soonest time that it is possible

The last set out the soonest did arrive

Have plaintiff pre-pay for quick delivery of the verdict to both parties within 2 days from the decision (which is made in 1 day), and if guilty, follow that with the soonest appointment with the sheriff for physical eviction no sooner than 10 days (counting weekends) from the date of the decision

� I want a list of deficiencies in men and materiel done and then submitted to me soonest

, ring me soonest

It is the city where evil of every kind is most rapidly conceived, sown, ripened, and brought to maturity,- It is the city where the young man, leaving home, and launching into life, becomes soonest hardened, and conscience-seared by daily familiarity with the sight of sin

Nagraj said, ’I want the white beauty first at soonest

Her painted red lips wore a decent smile while Nafizah’s pretty face was nervously awaiting the meeting should over at soonest

It didn’t mean that she was late, but they couldn’t wait a little now and they wanted to finish the project at soonest

He sees that the only way to be released from this suffering lies only in the soonest realization of his goal — to win the heart of his chosen one by any means

Especially the boys would come and ask me to phone Sisi and tell her she was badly missed at Dekhela and would she come the soonest possible

that they would relocate just above the waist, and yes they were ready to cut at the soonest

Who has done his day’s work? who will soonest be through with his supper?

They will begin by sending out into the country all the inhabitants of the city who are more than ten years old, and will take possession of their children, who will be unaffected by the habits of their parents; these they will train in their own habits and laws, I mean in the laws which we have given them: and in this way the State and constitution of which we were speaking will soonest and most easily attain happiness, and the nation which has such a constitution will gain most

At length Uncas, whose activity had enabled him to achieve his portion of the task the soonest, raked the earth across the turbid little rill which ran from the spring, and diverted its course into another channel

It was only Sunday, and I couldn’t go home till Wednesday—or Tuesday the soonest

unnatural, and his pain perhaps great, he will yet have the better of his fellow; not only because he will be arrived at the Celestial City soonest, but because he will escape many miseries that the other will meet with in the rest of his journey

countries and kingdoms), where the wares of this fair are soonest to be found

The resolution was taken, not because everybody agreed upon it, but because the president, who had been summing up at such length, omitted to say what he always said on such occasions, that the answer might be, “Yes, guilty, but without the intent of taking life;” because the colonel had related the story of his brother-in-law’s wife at such great length; because Nekhludoff was too excited to notice that the proviso “without intent to take life” had been omitted, and thought that the words “without intent” nullified the conviction; because Peter Gerasimovitch had retired from the room while the questions and answers were being read, and chiefly because, being tired, and wishing to get away as soon as possible, all were ready to agree with the decision which would bring matters to an end soonest

Definition of Soonest

as soon as possible

Examples of Soonest in a sentence

The soonest that we can get a flight out of Dallas is nine p.m. since the other flights are overbooked.


Although the doctor had no appointments this week, the receptionist put the patient down from the soonest slot available.


The cable provider’s soonest date for afternoon service hookup is next Wednesday.


If we leave for the beach at noon, the soonest we could get there is five o’clock.


With classrooms still flooded, predictors suggest the soonest school could resume is Monday of next week.


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