Use word sky sentence

Examples of how to use the word “sky” in a sentence. How to connect “sky” with other words to make correct English sentences.

sky (n): the area above the earth, in which clouds, the sun, etc. can be seen

Use “sky” in a sentence

We saw a strange object in the sky.
The sky is full of stars.
I couldn’t see any stars in the sky.
Do you know why the sky is blue?
Sirius is the brightest star in the sky.

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word sky, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use sky in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «sky».

Sky in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word sky in a sentence.

  1. The sky had been enlivened ..

  2. Many are being found by sky surveys.

  3. We searched the sky with apprehension.

  4. Against the blue sky they opened a saw.

  5. None of them knew the color of the sky.

  6. Five doves fly into the sky to Mao’s right.

  7. The club colours have not always been sky blue.

  8. Apus is a small constellation in the southern sky.

  9. Hence he made a «table» in the sky under the clouds.

  10. Also, visible in the sky, a huge Dalek ship interior.

  11. Phoenix is a minor constellation in the southern sky.

  12. A hang glider in the sky references «Learning to Fly».

  13. Its tail may have stretched 60 degrees across the sky.

  14. Eta Carinae is the brightest source in the night sky at mid-infrared wavelengths.

  15. No matter where its seed falls, it makes a tree which struggles to reach the sky.

  16. In Egyptian tradition, the world includes the earth, the sky, and the underworld.

  17. Hanging on in each other’s arms, the pair travel through the cloudy, moonlit sky.

  18. It glows bright red against the light, especially when the sun is low in the sky.

  19. Four Chinese constellations are contained in the area of the sky identified with Perseus in the West.

  20. Epsilon Coronae Australis is the brightest example of a W Ursae Majoris variable in the southern sky.

  21. The brightest star in the night sky, Sirius is recorded in some of the earliest astronomical records.

  22. The scene is framed against an expansive and foreboding sky with a view of Jerusalem in the distance.

  23. By sound or by guessing, isolating the firing region to about one fifth of the sky might be possible.

  24. After its perihelion passage, it reappeared in the morning sky, and developed an extremely long tail.

  25. He provides Vincent’s Road Scene and Cottage as being typical of his work, with its «ultramarine sky.

  26. Most animal species are extinct, regions of the planet are radioactive, and the sky is hidden by dust.

  27. Later Zeus set them in the sky, but their tails grew long from being swung up into the sky by the god.

  28. Perseus is a constellation in the northern sky, being named after the Greek mythological hero Perseus.

  29. Ten sky boxes were built adjacent the press box; by 1989, the number of sky boxes had increased to 18.

  30. Estimates of the total number of Jupiter trojans are based on deep surveys of limited areas of the sky.

  31. She supposedly created the first rainbow by melting stones of 5 or 7 different colors to patch the sky.

  32. When the Sun is low in the sky, atmospheric scattering renders the Sun yellow, red, orange, or magenta.

  33. These instruments swept across the sky as the rockets rotated, producing a map of closely spaced scans.

  34. The casinos are connected via a sky bridge that allows pedestrian access between the hotels without crossing the highway.

  35. Like neighboring 47 Tucanae, NGC 362 is a Shapley class III cluster and among the brightest globular clusters in the sky.

  36. Traveling by airship, the team gets ambushed by Shuigang’s sky battalion and they crash into a river leading to Shang Tu.

  37. The gift, which arrives the following morning, is a «Star Projector», a device for viewing images flashed across the sky.

  38. In the sky, Perseus lies near the constellations Andromeda, Cepheus, Cassiopeia (Andromeda’s mother), Cetus, and Pegasus.

  39. For a finale, to the close the Games, the lights were extinguished and a 20-minute fireworks display lit up the night sky.

  40. Park rangers host public stargazing events and evening programs on astronomy, nocturnal animals, and night sky protection.

  41. The people of the Marshall Islands featured Auriga in the myth of Dümur, which tells the story of the creation of the sky.

  42. The study of galaxies in their environment can be done only with large areas of the sky, larger than a half square degree.

  43. These flocks were frequently described as being so dense that they blackened the sky and as having no sign of subdivisions.

  44. While one beam scanned the sky for new targets, others were formed to examine the threat tubes and generate high-quality tracking information very early in the engagement.

  45. The club colours, reflected in their crest and kit, are sky blue and white, with sky blue shirts, white shorts and sky blue socks being the club’s traditional kit colours.

  46. Breen stands transfixed and is eventually consumed by the energies from the craft as it slowly melts away and an image of a Martian «devil» floats in the sky above London.

  47. The palette suggests that this cow was also linked with the sky, as were several goddesses from later times who were represented in this form: Hathor, Mehet-Weret, and Nut.

  48. It covers an area about 2.6 arcminutes on a side, about one 24-millionth of the whole sky, which is equivalent in angular size to a tennis ball at a distance of 100 metres.

Synonyms for sky

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word sky has the following synonyms: flip, toss and pitch.

General information about «sky» example sentences

The example sentences for the word sky that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «sky» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «sky».

All sentences (with pause)

Used with adjectives:

«We looked up at the big sky.«
(big, vast, wide, open, empty)

«The sky is clear today.«
(clear, bright, cloudless, sunny, hazy, smoggy, cloudy, overcast)

«I love camping under the starry sky.«
(starry, starlit, moonlit, dark, black)

«He’s photographing the morning sky.«
(morning, night, blue, desert, northern, wintry)

Used with verbs:

«Stars illuminated the sky.«
(illuminated, lit up, filled)

«The military scanned the sky.«
(scanned, watched, patrolled)

«Hopefully, the sky will clear up.«
(clear up, clear)

«The sky darkened before the storm.«
(darkened, turned gray, clouded over, opened up)

Used with prepositions:

«We could see fireworks across the sky.«

«They slept under the sky.«
(under, underneath, beneath)

«A spaceship fell out of the sky.«
(out of, from)

«The bird flew through the sky.«
(through, over)

Use ‘sky’ in a sentence | ‘sky’ example sentences

1- It is here where clear sunny skies begin.

2- That big old blue sky is every where.

3- Every tree has ” sky holes”.

4- The sky is 80 percent cloud covered.

5- Sunday brought sunny skies and warmer temperatures.

6- The sky around earth is divided into 12 equal parts.

7- The sky is torn in lonely streaks.

8- The sky is full of tears tonight.

9- We experienced little rain and generally bright clear skies .

10- A long purple streak spreads across the sky .

11- I had resisted attending the sky burial.

12- There are countless constellations filling our sky .

13- Law enforcement aircraft were patrolling the skies .

14- The sky is blue and snow is cold.

15- I remember the sky was very blue.

16- But nobody said the sky must fall.

17- The sky overhead looked dark and dreary.

18- The southern skies are beautifully arranged with exuberant constellations.

19- What a glorious sight under crystal clear blue dry skies !

20- The sky is a huge blue oval.

21- And off we sailed towards western evening sky .

22- The source guarantees good sky info quite far north.

23- Just house was upside down and payments were sky high.

24- The sky is really the limit today.

25- sky + functionality requires two satellite feeds.

26- The second stride is the visible sky .

27- The night sky between the stars is perfectly black.

28- The skies are clear to partly cloudy.

29- While searching the sky another explosion occurred.

30- His face seemed pressed against the sky .

31- The oval map covers the whole sky .

32- Her face was turned upwards towards the night sky .

33- The weather that evening was clear skies .

34- sky map circle is rotated depending on device compass.

35- Support your nearest dark sky state park!

36- But the doctors cautioned against blue skies forever.

37- The sky was getting properly light now.

38- These days electrical energy prices are touching the sky limits .

39- The jet approached the runway under clear skies .

40- No wonder our staff losses are sky high . Birds fly in the sky.

41- Look at the clear sky.

42- He looked up at the sky.

43- She looked up at the sky.

44- He was looking at the sky.

45- Going sky-diving was a total rush!They looked up at the sky.

46- The moon is low in the sky.

47- He stood looking at the sky.

48- Stars shine above in the sky.

49- Stars are shining in the sky.

50- The sky above was a deep blue.

More Sentences: 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 –
Related Words:
skullduggeries – skullduggery – skulls – skunk – skunked – skunking – skunks – sky – skycap – skycaps – skydive – skydived – skydiver – skydivers – skydives –

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The Fjordane army skied across plains of old ice, pulling heavy sleds and carrying wooden poles with iron hooks for pulling men from cracks

The army skied in a long single line in the middle-part of the glacier

As the battle approached, and the Fjordane army skied through dim forest, Venn thought of Torvald and wondered how his parents had reacted to the news

They skied as fast as they could down to Vail Village, where a limousine filled with hot chocolate was waiting for them

They walked up a steep grass incline overlooking the grey skied

We had skied in our

A choir of laughter skied their eyes to the horizon of their imagination

they spread a blanket that we skied down on

He told us he skied here

But he still skied here through it all,

You know, he has skied here his last time—

We Skied The Big One

I’ve always skied free, I never could see me

I Skied This Way Alone

But, when I skied down this evenin’,

And the steepest lines she’d ever skied

We skied the lines

And I’ve always skied as good

snow that he’s kissed,» «kissed» being like «skied,» refers to

the honor of the millions of turns he ain’t skied;

skiing, we have the sneaky suspicion he skied only with hard-core

I knew it was a mismatch, but I skied

party about April 21, with the lifts running, and I skied in my

never skied with me

are something almost no one enjoys, but they can be skied with

The only real skiers who’ve ever skied there

not to be skied per-se, but they can «stick their big toe in it» and

skied with and hung out with quite a few real extreme skiers, in-

Bud Ridenour, skied with me most of the day

Well, she skied so low that I couldn’t say no;

He skied with Balance in Motion,

one can tell in his fresh tracks where no man has skied

Yes, Ahmed and I skied together

«Well,» insisted Elisha, «you have skied with the

gather, has only skied with the best, as it is his way and

they spread a blanket that we skied

ment from the ski business as we know it, and I skied

«I am reminded of a family I once skied with for a

While the other two got lazy and skied

skied comfortable all day long in the knowledge that

ing him his money’s worth—so again he skied in des-

last we heard was: he skied out of bounds in a perpet-

tell me where he’s gone? He skied with a lot of people—you

hardly ever skied a day in his life

life and they’ve skied with much greater skiers more

have skied with thousands more students

ple; heck, some PSIA examiners haven’t skied with

The last day I skied with him, he

check it out?’ He skied straight to it and, with a perfect

“I was flying when I skied over that big jump yesterday,” said Max

“You remember that time Jill had to go through Salt Lake City on her way back from Atlanta, and while they were just waiting there at the gate, she took one look at all the snow in the mountains and said, ‘Screw it, I’m outta here!’ She hopped off the plane, rented a car, and skied Snowbird for the day

Catherine Hartley and Fiona Thornewill (both UK) skied to the North Pole – with resupplies – in a time of 55 days from 11 March to 5 May 2001, after setting out from Ward Hunt Island in the Northwest Territories, Canada

Hannah McKeand (UK) skied to the South Pole from the Hercules Inlet at the edge of the Antarctic continent in 39 days 9 hr 33 min, from 19 November to 28 December 2006

Looking through the skeleton of the building, he could see dark clouds approaching in the distance; but where Travis was standing, there was still sun and blue skies

the heaving skies settled down to their endless game of birth and erosion

Skies billowed and poured acid rain into fissures in those rocks, fissures that

washed his hands in the ethereal mists of space and willed the skies to peace

Herndon had never seen the skies from the deep basins of this planet, but he had seen pictures

The sky here, everywhere he had been, looked like New Earth while the skies in deep regions looked more like the sky of another planet than the sky of Mars

that spreads the world out flat beyond these Luton skies

that draws the skin of land toward blue hazed skies

breathing in the space of blue hazed skies

Rain showers the water-hungry land, falling from gunning skies

pinks and fire skies burnished with galleon gold,

but curse fair winds and skies for nothing will grow at all

an hour or two in the sloth of heavy skies

with light in the skies and a view of safe square

blue flash and the skies of Jodechi were once again clear

wrapped in feathers that spin up into bright skies

summer skies of blue run into the sands

As I told the others, go to the heights and scan the skies

offerings left to the crows and to the wide open winter skies

They covered the skies at night, looking for the slightest movement

Daniel and Kate mounted Jake and they took to the skies

Now all that remained was the battle in the skies

closing the sun dappled skies,

He scanned the skies and advised it was safe for the moment

Lady Ashley leaped on to Daowyn as he was taking to the skies

Jake and the others took to the skies and joined him and they turned and headed back towards Dragons Hill

He then bid the White well, and the Blue Dragons took to the skies to face their fate

Ever since the tree had first raised its huge crown to the skies the rooks had made it their home, passing their history and their grandeur down through every generation until the present day, so that the bird city teemed with life and every resident rook knew that he or she was a true aristocrat

The blooms of spring and summer were long gone from his garden and faced with the late flowering of honeysuckle women, Tom found that he was too set in his ways to flap his wings and fly up into the Indian Summer skies to greet them

name, but still he felt the emptiness of the skies

Ever since the tree had first raised its huge crown to the skies the

wings and fly up into the Indian Summer skies to greet them

Strange lights in the skies

Chrissie drifted back to sleep and dreamed of birds flying through sunny skies

the skies overcast even on a so-called nice day, and blowing its cold breath as a

To his right, there was nothing but bright blue skies

There was more money, genetics was invented, there were high speed vehicles that glided on tracks all around the world, huge mechanical floaters in the skies and maybe even ships that were able to leave the world entirely

When the skies are blue,

Home to honey-coloured limestone architecture, clear skies and blue sea – find historic palaces, cathedrals and forts

The multicolored aurora of the now almost constant solar flares rippled silently across the skies

The next thing she noticed was the uncanny light in the skies

She stopped walking for a while, took a sip of water and looked, once again, at the swirling mass of color that ebbed and flowed across the skies

«Someone with big telescopes can watch the skies and find out,» Desa said

throats up to the skies, shouting their great victory

There in the bright assemblies of the skies

The next day dawned as a typical Babylonian morning, blue skies and no wind

The skies were painted almost completely grey, casting a dark, depressing aura over the city of Ravenwey Burrows

Every night I would crawl out of that pesky bed, dressed in a patient’s gown and an IV plugged into my arm, and sit outside the hospital, on a bench, under skies just like these

I remember thinking that the skies looked so sad, as if they were crying in my name

But now… now I just don’t care… the skies can cry as much as they want

Yes indeed! Away with everyday traffic jams, be gone tiresome railway waiting rooms and congested bus terminals, with DOCTOR GLORIA PLANKTON’s new flying course it’s Hello Blue Skies as you soar gracefully through the heavens like something that soars gracefully through the heavens quite a lot

The skies of the whole planet would be illuminated with his happy, holographic face

Ben was oblivious to the dark winds and stormy skies swirling above

While Sebastian sat there, watching the puffy clouds in the skies below him, his mind kept replaying the moment when Aspen had been sucked out of his reach by the tornado

While on the Onward, a heavy squall arrived, and the Hawes family had to wait until the skies cleared and the rain stopped before returning to their ship

Their journey through the Palace was one of mixed feelings of nervousness and awe at the wonders that lay sprawled wall to wall – paintings of battles and ceremonies of kings, queens, heroes, and legends; tapestries; polished armour standing with spears or swords resting at an angle; mirrors as tall as the thirty-feet-high plaster ceilings worked with golden cornices of grapes and vines or paintings of angels flying through blue skies with white clouds; large chests bound in brass or steel or gold; polished furniture of oak, pine, or redwood; tables; stands; dressers and cabinets; ornaments; artefacts; statues of red-and-blue marble or white stone or gold-and-silver, including dragons and other mythical beasts – all arranged in perfect order and all glistening and gleaming as a result of meticulous dusting and polishing from the hundreds of servants in black livery slashed with red and gold or red and blue who walked busily about the hallways amongst the guards, soldiers, and Guardians who stood at every corner and staircase

This far north, summer evenings are glorious sensory treats: the clear blue afternoon skies give way to pink-and-gold sunsets, flecked with red in bad fire years

what was he doing here? It was impossible! Hundreds of korodo soared through the skies, sweeping down over the demon army as the dragons breathed long thick streams of golden-orange fire through their ranks

Now they are banished to the South Lands where they can walk in the daylight due to the dark clouds that cover the skies from the eruptions of Kerak’Otozi

„Wine of the Dreamers,» „Ballroom of the Skies,» and „The Girl, the Gold Watch, and Everything

In the Eastlands, the dark skies nearly held back all tree and plant life and stunted those that could survive the harsh conditions

In the Southlands, where vampires roamed, the clouded skies were intermittent; giving vampires the ability to walk outside during the day if the clouds were thick enough

skies in the Bering Strait

Two more of the coloured birds landed on either of his shoulders when Hayley asked, “Where did you learn that? Have you been receiving lessons from the Dremelden?” Wil didn’t give her an answer, other than to make another bird sound which sent the birds flying back into the skies

Carl didn’t need to know the skies were clear of clouds to be certain the lightning had been cast by female wielders

The moon was near full tonight, though Carl didn’t glance up once to see if any vampires were circling the skies above him

“Tanriel also commands the skies and the earth

It was an extreme example of a desire for an alternative to overcast winter skies

searchlights were lighting up the skies over Vancouver

Seas can be evaporated and living creatures are struck with an enormous power, greater than the lightening from the skies, and shrivelled to ashes in seconds

The rains had restarted, and miasma hung over the valley like a heavy pall, but toward evening the misty curtain was suddenly drawn aside, the skies turned blue as if by magic, and a most glorious panorama lay revealed to our wondering gaze

«Yes,» said Downy Woodpecker, «and didn’t he sing? All about blue skies, and sunshine and happy days, with his

danced about the table, and exalted Master Peter Cratchit to the skies,

church grounds and under the black skies, I took the long train off the dress before we went to the reception

The room was dimly lit and the blue curtains were drawn, shutting out the faint light from the stormy skies outside

We told stories and laughed, but the best was when we sang songs beneath the starlit skies enveloped by the cool night air

The rain was falling even harder and the skies had become dark and thunderous

The thunder rumbling as it approaches? Look how the lightning flashes upon the southern skies! See how the clouds roil on the western horizon! The northern lands are anxious, and the isles of the east are unsettled!

In the skies high above Fire Rock, the storm seethed and boiled around itself as lightning painted sizzling images on a backdrop of black clouds

He felt like he would grow gills and scales, and swim the oceans of the world if the skies suddenly opened and poured all the water of the world and the earth was covered in it

As nightfall approached, the skies had gradually cleared and the wet mist had dissipated

The skies hinted at the approaching evening, as the Sun started to set

The leaden skies and the softly-swishing traffic foretold a long, damp and dismal winter in this city

When the unearthly voice had spoken and its echoes had died out, intense light seemed to blossom from a part of the city, as if a small sun had been brought down and was struggling to find its place among the skies again

The trip would be different now that there was a threat of bandits on the roadway and dragons in the skies

And then they suddenly heard a thin, rising wail that rapidly cascaded into a shrieking cacophony that seemed to pierce the skies

Therefore they made a free interpretation of the narrative and end in this confusing idea of solid skies and fixed stars in the firmament, beyond the abode of God and the angels that would be a theme rather focused on the philosophical

12 And he made darkness pavilions round about him, dark waters, and thick clouds of the skies

Blue skies reflected in clear water, with birdsong all about

To each other, and to the skies that joined the worlds

11 He made darkness his secret place; his pavilion round about him were dark waters and thick clouds of the skies

With its lights in the Skies,

For the skies of dream

Hearing voice of skies,

Evenings, when stars on the skies

Jokingly threw it to skies,

The overcast skies provided a brownish-gray tint to the river below

And were the skies of parchment made,

Flies through the Skies, with a Bird on a wing

To ride the skies and hear what I may, I go

His heart sinks as he hears the firework whistle off into the sky

The thunder came from something glowing, flaming, and falling from the sky, something coming in far too fast and coming right at him

It was years too soon, he thought, but he hadn’t paid enough attention had he? Or was he just too drunk at the time? No one else seemed to think it was imminent, but there was no denying that it was something huge falling from the sky and it looked like it was aimed straight at the camp

She snapped herself out of this, took her eyes from Sol in the sky and paid some attention to the substitute for coffee we have here

Her eye reached the top of the bluff and saw a figure against the bright sky of the impending noon

Chunks of wall flew into the sky

In reality some looming shadows against the starry sky were all she could see in the dark

She wished she could have seen the real thing, not just the dimly-lit base of the tunnel rim and the hewn rock disappearing into the blacker black of the mountainside against the black but star-strewn sky above

‘ All she could see was the black shadow of the cliff face against the star-studded night sky

But each morning, when the sun rose in the sky and lit up the Earth, he would feel his father’s penance pounding upon his eyes and in his head

He wrapped himself around her shoulders and imagined the warmth of his mate, the way they gripped each other in the warm sky

I am familiar with the sky, even here

«What time does the sky say it is?»

» His ship had left Earth a few months before she went into crystal, she had seen the flare of its burner in the sky while she was still in flesh on Earth

The sky was a blueish grey, bright purple in the east

«Have you gone back to him, or is this just an ‘old times sake?'» the sister in the sky asked

Eddie treaded water, smiling at the sky

shadows started to creep across the sun loungers, with the sky still a brilliant blue,

Under the same star spangled sky that gave the lovers such simple satisfaction

Above, the sky is filled with thousands of stars and a nearby swirling spiral galaxy

A beat as they admire the sky

John walks under the starry sky, the waves crashing to shore just to his left

Both moons are high in the sky now as Dave staggers along the beach staring at them with his mouth agape

Two moons, more stars in the sky

As Dave finishes speaking, one of the moons and many of the stars fade from the sky

Dave looks at the sky in shock, then at John

Slowly, the rest of the stars and the moon fade until the sky is pitch dark, the waves stop

jump into the sky like a fly

John is capturing water in a bowl and pouring it into a container as Dave watches the sky, tries to keep the small boat

He points up at the sky

Workman 2 looks up at the sky

had dipped below the tree line and then bathed the sky in reflected golds and pinks

It flew almost over them in the sky, only a few thousand feet above, blasting wind they could feel even down here

They flew a few miles into the sky before she could appreciate how many islands Ava had, as long as Japan

With the night sky calling forth the

John drifts silently through the sky beneath a big white parachute

Fire climbs into the night sky, illuminating the shanty town as it burns

The rain seemed to be easing off, although the sky remained low and smothering

Under a damp and billowing sky he towered over the accountant, hands on

The low greyness of the sky blotted out the stars, but as Lucy headed up the

tarmacadamed floor amongst the grasses and the starry sky

She saw the shuttlecraft re-enter, it did come in on this orbit, it was already committed when it came over the horizon, heat-shields glowing in the northwestern sky

«This is?» He pointed at the sky

» She knew what he meant, they were above the planet in its sky, so the planet was below us

The sky is streaked a beautiful deep red colour across the horizon, the clouds tinted pink and red as they reflect the sun

The reflection of the red sky glows on the paintwork of the wall … yes, a very good omen for the future

The amphitheater was fully open to the sky to view God’s handiwork

As it was he got a hard look and thunder rumbled ominously in the sky, echoing off the distant mountains for seconds

I just wonder at the worth of all this,» he waved his arm at the harem, the fine carvings, the fountains, the sky and fields in the distance

What Jordo and the Lancers saw projected in their helmets was a tiny patch of sky where the stars looked too fat, too bright

In those terrifying moments when he could see though the ship and his own flesh like it was made of nothing at all, the sphere of roiling hellfire filled the sky

He raised a rifle in the air, an ancient Kalishnakov from the days of the founders, and threw his head back and rattled the whole clip into the sky

Countless machines hovering above them, covering the sky

«Who has access to the diagnostic channels?» God asked in a voice that made the whole sky rumble and crack

«Silence!» the sky cracked

Again the rope went up till it disappeared in the sky, again he swung and twisted in the wind

The sky was without cloud, the heat was blazing

The young man seeks to escape running along Nereid street, but he is someone else now: I am the man! A plump lady with blond plaits, who resembles my grandma Alice at a young age, appears as a spirit on the sky and declares that “the world of matter is appealing to everybody”

Of all the nights that I had spent sleeping under the English sky, this was, I think, the most relaxing

Another crack and flash split the sky

He paused long enough for everyone to remember the crucible of the all the heroic martyr attacks that were projected on the sky behind him

Afternoonday was just beginning, the sun was more than halfway across the sky and his native staff were bustling about in the kitchen

A short while after our evening meal, with the sky black and cold beyond the strip of window left unblocked in our room, we heard footsteps outside our door

» She said the words like she was afraid they would cause dactyls to swarm from the sky

Menachem looked up at the thin strip of night sky that we could see

The sky here, everywhere he had been, looked like New Earth while the skies in deep regions looked more like the sky of another planet than the sky of Mars

With the night sky calling forth the hunter in her soul, she opened the curtains, stepped out onto the balcony and gazed down the dusty little lane that ran towards the local coastal strip, with its bright lights, its noise and its scurrying human possibilities

I could barely tell how much time had elapsed, when the cosmic vortex began to set in the crimson sky

If you see a bright star falling from the sky, your career will be stunning but it won’t last; it could also signify the death of a relative

Ra was the sun god; swallowed every night by the sky goddess Nut, and reborn every morning

The low greyness of the sky blotted out the stars, but as Lucy headed up the road towards Waitrose and the uphill walk towards Chesterton, past the old hospital and the mouldering bones of the old Roman amphitheatre, she felt sure that some astral guardian would bring the boy to her arms and to her digs soon enough

The sky weighed upon her shoulders as if she was walking into the maw of a deeply black and ebonised catafalque

On the wall, half way along and to her right a security light shone weakly from behind its cage, singing a song of light as plaintive as the lark held captive beneath a towering sky

She felt the magic in the air begin to waver around her head, revealing glimpses of stone cold wall and hard, puddled tarmacadamed floor amongst the grasses and the starry sky

I watch how the light plays miles into the sky

We can sing a song and sail along the silver sky

We’ll search the sky for a star to guide us

The sun was hanging low in the sky above the gently rolling surface of the sea, casting deep shadows on the grass

«The Kassikan is not like that, the Great Pyramid is out in the mid-open and all crystal to the sky except for some plants on the balconies

raised its head foot by foot into the sky until it towered above him

She stared out into the clear night — the stars shining brightly and the moon sailing high in the sky above the luminous horizon far in the distance

The sky was bright enough to see the ships, their lanterns were brighter than the stars that lit the water

In dreaming of a peacock sky on some far distant world, Smith allowed a feather to fall upon the barren rocks of our world

higher and higher into the sky

As the wind blew, the ashes and dust were blown into the sky

«We’ve gone thru most of Afternoonday haven’t we?» She asked him rhetorically, since it was obvious that Kortrax was more than halfway down the sky

portents appear in the cloud-covered sky

The sun sweeps the sky,

By now the remainder of the crew had heard it and were scanning the sky

And now there weren’t just noises in the sky, there were lights

How such a thing could ever take to the sky was impossible

into the limp gray cloud of a damp, cold sky on another hopeful Tuesday

as the dragon gave a little run and lifted it self towards the sky

that towered into your sky

Then the huge thing pulled it’s legs from the bottom and rose into the sky

Kara stared at the sky in front of her, the blue of daytime now streaked pink and scarlet and orange … it was second nature to her to conceal that part of her life … but … but if she couldn’t do that, she’d have to face up to what she had lost …

’ She said, as the sky slowly lost its sunset colours and turned the deeper blue of twilight

It comes from the sky

Thick dark hair, watching the sky through nervous eyes,

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