Use word similarly sentence

Asked by: Martine Kihn

Score: 4.7/5
(75 votes)

You use similarly to say that something is similar to something else. Most of the men who now gathered around him again were similarly dressed. You use similarly when mentioning a fact or situation that is similar to the one you have just mentioned.

How do you use similarly in a sentence?

Similarly sentence example

  1. Geertruidenberg, Heusden, Ravestein and Grave are all similarly situated. …
  2. Similarly , our agricultural processes aren’t so hot. …
  3. Present Italian aspirations are similarly directed. …
  4. So if a battle today were similarly costly, the proportional number of casualties would be 230,000.

Can you say similarly to?

Similar may be followed by a comma, and similarly to may be perfectly grammatical. For example: The train runs clockwise, similarly to a clock. Similar, but not the same, are trains that run counterclockwise.

How do you use similarly as an adverb?


  1. It is a little cheaper than other similarly sized cars.
  2. He has a similarly impressive record in the sport.
  3. Husband and wife were similarly successful in their chosen careers.
  4. The different groups of women in the study responded similarly.
  5. All sections of society were similarly affected by the war.

What does similarly placed mean?

: having the corresponding sides parallel and directed in the same sense.

30 related questions found

What does Similary mean?

1 : having characteristics in common : strictly comparable. 2 : alike in substance or essentials : corresponding no two animal habitats are exactly similar— W. H. Dowdeswell. 3 : not differing in shape but only in size or position similar triangles similar polygons.

What is similar example?

The definition of similar is two things that have characteristics that resemble each other but are not exactly alike. An example of similar is a cream skirt and a white skirt.

Is similarly a transition word?

A transition between paragraphs can be a word or two (however, for example, similarly), a phrase, or a sentence. Transitions can be at the end of the first paragraph, at the beginning of the second paragraph, or in both places.

What are the examples of adverb?

: a word that describes a verb, an adjective, another adverb, or a sentence and that is often used to show time, manner, place, or degree In «arrived early,» «runs slowly,» «stayed home,» and «works hard» the words «early,» «slowly,» «home,» and «hard» are adverbs.

How do you use in the same way?

You use in the same way to introduce a situation that you are comparing with one that you have just mentioned, because there is a strong similarity between them. My parents are together and, if anything, closer than ever. In the same way, I also feel closer to both of them.

What is the difference between similar and similarly?

Therefore, “Similar to protein A” is modifying the entire principal clause. However, “similar” is an adjective, so it should modify a noun. … “Similarly” (note the -ly ending) is an adverb, so it can modify an entire clause.

What is another word for just like?

just like; like; as well as; equally; and also; just as; as much; such as; as.

What comes after similarly?

again, also, and, as well as, besides, for one thing, further, furthermore, in addition to, last, likewise, more, moreover, next, similarly, too. To Illustrate or Explain an Idea. for example, for instance, in other words, in particular, namely, specifically, such as, that is, thus, to illustrate.

What’s the meaning of identically?

Meaning of identically in English

in a way that is exactly the same, or very similar: The two sisters were always dressed identically. They were treated identically.

How do you start a sentence with similarly?

«Similarly» should only be at the beginning if the sentence is parallel in meaning to the previous sentence. You haven’t described a similar observation between two other cases in the previous sentence, so you should not put «Similarly» at the beginning.

How do you use for example in a sentence?

You use for example to introduce and emphasize something that shows that something is true. Take, for example, the simple sentence: «The man climbed up the hill.»

What is adverb of time with examples?

An adverb of time is just what you might expect it to be – a word that describes when, for how long, or how often a certain action happened. … Adverbs of time often work best when placed at the end of sentences. For example: Robin Hood swindled the Sheriff of Nottingham yesterday.

What are adverb give 10 examples?


  • He swims well.
  • He ran quickly.
  • She spoke softly.
  • James coughed loudly to attract her attention.
  • He plays the flute beautifully. ( after the direct object)
  • He ate the chocolate cake greedily. ( after the direct object)

What are 20 adverbs?

abnormally absentmindedly accidentally actually adventurously afterwards almost always annually anxiously arrogantly awkwardly bashfully beautifully bitterly bleakly blindly blissfully boastfully boldly bravely briefly brightly briskly broadly busily calmly carefully carelessly cautiously certainly cheerfully clearly …

What are the 5 examples of transitions?

Transitional Devices

  • Of addition. Examples: also, besides, furthermore, moreover, etc. …
  • Of contrast. Examples: however, still, nevertheless, conversely, nonetheless, instead, etc. …
  • Of comparison. Examples: similarly, likewise. …
  • Of result. Examples: therefore, hence, thus, consequently, etc. …
  • Of time. Examples:

What is a good transition sentence?

What are the components of good transition sentences? They make an explicit connection between ideas, sentences, and paragraphs. Good transitions use specific words. Try to avoid using pronouns like “this” to refer to an entire idea because it is not always clear who or what “this” refers to.

Is the same as in a sentence?

Sentences Mobile

He kept things the same as far as our system goes. But it never will be the same as before the stabbing. But wine in literature is not the same as wine literature. His voting record on choice is the same as Jesse Helms.

What is similar shape?

Two figures are said to be similar if they are the same shape. In more mathematical language, two figures are similar if their corresponding angles are congruent , and the ratios of the lengths of their corresponding sides are equal.

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Study Vocabulary Words similarly
in almost the same way

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Used with verbs:

«The shoes are priced similarly.«
(priced, displayed)

«Tom and John behave similarly.«
(behave, act, laugh, smile, cry)

«The girls are expected to dress similarly.«

«All students respond similarly.«
(respond, answer, talk)

Used with adjectives:

«These tables are similarly shaped.«

«The houses are similarly large.«
(large, impressive, small)

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Next Word by Letter: simple

Previous Word by Frequency: regularly

Next Word by Frequency: spirit

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Similarly for good health, we have to avoid harmful diet, drinks and consumption

Similarly they should praise within limits and definitely not in such a way that the child stops believing you

I smoked three or four cigarettes in short order, the last of the packet, and dreamed of being able to offer them around to other similarly dishevelled men

The room revealed was about the size of Joris’s office at Abery, and similarly laid out with shelving around the walls and a table set in the middle

Similarly, if we think that we are somehow accountable only to those that are pastors or of the same spiritual quality as we, then those who were babes in the faith will stand up and condemn us

The Aegean offering a breathtaking chance of an irresistible morning swim, laying calm down between an old brown tailor’s shop with its bizarre array of postcards, newspapers and magazines, and a similarly modest one-story taverna — the perfect local

The shrubs and bushes are similarly smitten, the fruits shrivelled on the branches

Shivering under my blanket, I squelch after him, my boots slipping and sliding on the boggy ground to where Berndt is standing, similarly wrapped up

thousands upon thousands of similarly confused and worried men

At the top of the stairs he has installed a wrought iron garden gate, which is six foot tall and secured against a similarly heavy metal door frame with a padlock

Similarly, to hold the crossing open for their own

is to secure his release, they’re similarly despised

But no matter their shape, each tower was similarly outfitted with defenses

companions, who were similarly amazed

The other four cottages were similarly uninteresting and it was only when they entered the Tudor mansion that things started to look up

Its head moved clockwise around his lips and dipped into his mouth, similarly to how a child tests the water with their toes before diving in

His tone softened and drifted with each word, signaling a similarly drifting mind

Similarly, the experience of unconditional happiness is difficult to communicate

Similarly, one may have a calling (not as conspicuously Divine, but Divine, nonetheless) to become a dancer or writer

Similarly Love and Hate are different shades of Life

Similarly the word ‘coincidence’ or ‘chance’ is a poor substitution for fate or life’s plan

Similarly, turtles too have been reported landing on beaches not of their usual destination, to lay their eggs

But now her colleague’s image was shifting about in a distorted way as if from some kind of interference, and his voice similarly until she could no longer understand a word

First, a tall, obviously black woman in a tan jump suit stepped onto the tarmac, followed closely by a shorter black woman similarly dressed

The temperature was now no longer high enough to create new proton-antiproton pairs (similarly for neutrons–antineutrons), so a mass annihilation immediately followed, leaving just one in 1010 of the original protons and neutrons, and none of their antiparticles

On the perfectly round island stood another, similarly shaped bowl-like

Similarly, ustedes can be abbreviated to Uds or Vds

And similarly, whenever hands touched him, they caused him pain

The young man was similarly dressed

Out of the bottom of her eye, she saw her comrades similarly flattened

At the turn of the present century, many Whites were similarly threatened by predacious White Gangs living in their own communities

Years later, President Bush (1988) would similarly disappoint them, although his breach with Conservatives was not entirely unforeseen by politically astute individuals suspicious of Mr

His lifestyle was similarly nemesis

Other countries have similarly restrictive rules, so be careful

Liberals and (some) Moderate Republicans voicing their opposition over the outsourcing of jobs overseas and its dampening effect on the United States economy should give equal expression (as well) to Illegal Immigration that has similarly produced dire

Similarly, on March 11, 2004, when in my home of Los Angeles, my American friends offered me theirs for my lovely Spain where I had the privilege of being born

Similarly, it became also clear after the elections that Ángel Acebes, Minister of the Interior, had made public all the information that the government possessed at the same time as it was receiving it

“The other men are dressed similarly but not as fancy

That one simple move would abolish the astronomical profit and, for that alone, criminals would abandon the trade, exactly as when similarly prohibitive liquor laws were repealed

Step2: Similarly lengthen the switch wires also by adding some more wire to it

” Gordon had his doubts, but he restrained himself; the previous report which someone had deemed important enough to warrant a report similarly delivered in person had been of a barroom brawl

Edgar’s bloodied journal and Raul’s similarly stained laundry added fire to the sensation

Similarly, we see about us the prosaic detail of life,

Amonas, who was sitting beside him was similarly in the best of shapes, feeling well beyond normalcy

through the medium of water? Similarly, how could a human being look at the

Similarly, it is easier for computers to

And similarly, if you don’t confess and your buddy does, you get five years in the slammer, while he is out in a couple of months

Similarly, he used to take a bath every time he passed stools

Similarly a visitor whose offspring did not survive, had thriving issues

Many others will be similarly affected

Similarly, the same questions might be asked about the Berger theft and possible

Similarly, in some other

When someone verbally abuses us, for example, we could muse: «I wouldn’t be suffering this harm now, if I hadn’t abused someone similarly in the past

Like you converted string to number, similarly you can convert number to string using the STR

Similarly, while appearance may not be a crucial factor in their professional success, it is in their best interest to follow a proper dress code and a neatly manicured appearance to maintain credibility

Similarly, the Buddha stated:[164]

Similarly, in case of beings, the process of coming into life and being conditioned in a particular way is caused by karmic forces

through a similarly comprehensive checklist

Similarly, the Iyehyeh, after Grandfather had defeated them and the plagues had ravished them, had coalesced to a small area along the middle Sewee River

Others rode all around him, similarly weary, and dressed in the blood-spattered, dirt-ravaged clothing of desperate men

In case of documents, it’s a normal practice for organizations to update the versioning and naming convention in Header/Footer of document and similarly the revision details in the document’s first few pages or in last page, with details on what is revised and when

Similarly when it comes to software industry, if we want to know, out of 2 given projects which one is having better productivity, we need ask the effort as well as the size of product they produced

Similarly in a bar chart of value spanning to 1 to 100, if we show only 80 to 90 in an enlarged scale, the chart will look completely different

Similarly the organizational process assets like sample plans repository, estimation repository, risk repository, etc can be demonstrated by SQA to project to make them aware and use them

How a tool expert guides the user on how to go about tool and what features are useful when, similarly SQA should be able to explain the process and what is appropriate when

Similarly the less repetitiveness/uniqueness of projects is to be considered

Similarly when a process is changed for improvement the results can be tested using hypothesis test to prove that statistically the new results are significant enough to claim the improvement

An altogether different patient was sitting in his room reading the FT while keeping a watchful eye out for a similarly sized oaf

Similarly the film The Ice Storm allows, Hibbs says, “the banality of evil to find its finest contemporary expression

Similarly the good news

Similarly, the realized man is egoless; he has lost the capacity of

The Tea Parties are about as subversive as they could be to the policies and future intent evident in this radicalized White House and its similarly ultra left supporting Congress

7 And as every soul of man is according to number, similarly beasts will not perish, nor all souls of beasts which the Lord created, till the great judgment, and they will accuse man, if he feed them ill

Similarly, one must know that the real exists and is of the

Similarly, only those

Similarly, suffering warns us that the

Similarly, the speed at which electrons are spinning around the nucleus creates an impenetrable

more astounding is that this assertion similarly applies to our concept of the idea of time

Similarly, a car moving at 60 mph that

Similarly, we were told about

Similarly, the ‘I am’ in movement creates the world

150 Celia Green’s 1968 study similarly found 34% of her survey respondents had

Similarly, King Louis XVII provided during his final moments

Similarly, break the mind from within by investigation and ex-

Similarly, without awareness there would be no conscious-

270 Similarly, if people were cognizant of their

other items that are similarly rated

Similarly, his poems have always

Similarly, from time to

Similarly, travelers have within reach many other possibilities: golf, tennis in the seventeen public courts in the capital’s “Parque Central”, or join an excursion into the scenic foot-paths of the Yunque Rain Forest

I accept with pleasure and anticipation your invitation to a rendezvous “at the shores of the Tormes River or in the proximity of the Cúa…” I similarly admit as sincere your explanation of the possible cause that has led me to misinterpret your genuine intention and true meaning of your article that “appeared

Similarly for that reason, I cannot conceive that, in the real world of an exalted global terrorism that seeks death as a prize and swears to kill whoever opposes its rule, “utopian spirit” can ever become the protective force of our liberty

Similarly, all other scientific research involves a loss of information; otherwise, it would be impossible to get anything done

The days leading up to the class were similarly painful

Similarly, silk as well as the

Similarly, there is evidence everywhere of all kinds of up-to date technology and industries and numerous skyscrapers recently built or still in construction

Similarly, it is dangerous to eat from food stands in the streets

Similarly worthy of a visit is the Temple of Heaven

Similarly, a historic museum in Anyang attracts the attention of tourists

  • Use the word Similarly in a sentences

Sentence Examples

He forged a winning partnership in the 1920s with Lon Chaney, the famous «Man of a Thousand Faces», who was similarly drawn to themes of mutilation and disability.

similarly the holy monasteries, with all their wealth, will make their contribution.

similarly he thought…] [… the larger he made the candidate the more people would vote for him.]

And kept one part. similarly the second crop was of 400.

similarly, but in their case deliberately, the last gold diggers shun organization and security.

The deciding factor was when we learned your country was working similarly… and we were afraid of a doomsday gap!

The FLN is similarly organized.

similarly, in India… coupled organs, male and female, formed an integral part of the altar.

The size and age of this planet makes it highly improbable that it would evolve similarly to Earth.

similarly, the reference to Buzz Aldrin, the astronaut, was the product of a disordered mind and should not be construed as having any other significance.

similarly… students must fight ordinary professors… who are also soldiers of imperialism.

Let us presuppose that, just as the blood in our veins is a mixture of black bile, yellow bile, phlegm and blood, where blood, prevailing in quantity, gives the mixture its name, similarly, the air we breathe is a mixture of water, earth and air,

In any case, if one presupposes the opposite, the conclusion, similarly, could only be to the contrary.

All parts of the Midwest are similarly affected… and no relief is expected for at least the next four to six days.

A journalist close to that same Left, who has since achieved a certain notoriety by invoking «freedom of the press» in order to defend his publication of an implausibly faked document, exhibited a similarly clumsy falsification by insinuating that I failed to attack the bureaucrats of Beijing as sharply as the other ruling classes.

Another sophist of similarly limited mental capacity presents a contrary argument: By publicly denouncing the spectacle, am I not thereby entering the spectacle?

similarly, the stamp on the wrapper would also be the same, since all our banking is handled by one bank, International Trust.

similarly, step fast, balance body

A fat german investigator called Housing used the same machine to do similarly electrical things to small, suspended boys.

I’m so inexplicably close to the feeling of this existence, that if a leaf falls, you’re can think only of autumn being around the corner. similarly I’m forgetting the magistrate work which is waiting for me in Milan, which you can imagine, I do not like.

I would imagine if the roles had been reversed that we would have acted similarly.

similarly, Some stay away from the World.

It is not generally known in Washington in the present time, whether the evacuation order indicates the entire population of Moscow or whether other major Soviet cities have been similarly affected by the evacuation order.

«A little rest,» she said, «among those similarly ‘off-centre’ in Colwyn Bay. «

All Russian personnel are similarly ordered to evacuate American territory.

We feel things so similarly so much of the time,… ..and that’s so rare.

Yourfather similarly asked me..

similarly, there are dealers for foreign coins, too.

Were dinosaurs similarly cold-blooded?

similarly, Queens Junior College is the best for girls.

Apparently Count Olenski takes a similarly modern view.

And that over the past 1 0 years,you have similarly confounded yourself… with a number ofbitches of your own household… and with two ewes… the property of your neighbor Deschauffeur.

It’s similarly long, I guess.

Well, when Alex told me what you said, I was sort of taken aback at first… but then I realized… that I have always felt similarly toward you.

similarly, this old body cannot function properly, then change the new body.

similarly, when he became concerned that he was being lobotomized by Dr. Link-

Nathan and Paul’s difference allows them to act similarly.

similarly, Paul explores the pains of breaking up and Bob, the joys of seducing.

All Vulcans have similarly shaped ears.

similarly, he did with Ijon Pacific, injuring him severely in the «Peace on Earth».

Even the rooms should be arranged similarly for as they were that night a year ago.

Now Absalom is similarly favored.

similarly, you hung out at Barnabas’, knowing how shameful that was for me, and hoping to profit from it;

similarly, may our relationship also last for seven lives!

People who deal in content that’s on the edges you do, often times live a life that’s similarly on an edge, and a lot of those people go off the rails, and we lose them, and their talent, and you’ve been able to not do that, and been able to pull it back in, and…

Curious, isn’t it, that most women aren’t similarly afflicted.

But not you personally, but someone with similarly low socioeconomic prospects?

Use ‘similarly’ in a sentence | ‘similarly’ example sentences

51- The ISPs are now similarly criticizing the OECD’s findings on broadband.

52- He also noted similarly to Beane that the talent is on the pitchers’ side.

53- If you come across any similarly interesting videos, we’d love to see them!

54- Researchers were hoping for a similarly beneficial impact from liraglutide.

55- The answer comes in looking at the bacteria’s similarly stable surroundings.

56- similarly to the last exercise, this will help stretch out your hip flexors.

57- similarly, coast guard officers were flown in to steer the vessel to safety.

58- 165834CNN’s national security analyst Peter Bergen was similarly skeptical.

59- I’m building a plugin, and I wanted my main server to update users similarly.

60- Slumping oil prices similarly will offer benefits and disadvantages, May said.

61- similarly, one hurricane can wipe out the GDP of an entire country three fold.

62- similarly, the 2004 Madrid train bombings killed 191 people and injured 2,050.

63- And the exact relationship between crime and the economy is similarly unclear.

64- A Fox News poll taken similarly after the debate showed Trump with 39% support.

65- He has similarly gained in other national polls amid increased terrorism fears.

66- Photographs the group releases are similarly crafted to draw in young Westerners.

67- similarly, the great flu epidemic of 1918 affected the men at Niagara-on-the Lake.

68- similarly, snow levels will dip to 1,500 feet or so in the northern Sierra Nevada.

69- similarly Nepal and Bhutan, both traditionally part of India’s sphere of influence.

70- Kuwait, Qatar, Iraq, Bahrain and UAE have similarly fossil fuel-dependent economies.

71- similarly, high alcohol and drug arrests may signal more usage, or more enforcement.

72- Kokott said the EU was similarly correct in introducing restrictions on e-cigarettes.

73- similarly, Ellen Gartner Phillips, 32, came to Indiana University as a music teacher.

74- similarly, they have no investment banking or other financial relationships with them.

75- There were no indications that the suspect in Moore’s shooting was similarly motivated.

76- The Sun’s front-page plug is similarly ambiguous, reading: “We’ve had a mammary lapse.”

77- Views are similarly positive about the local housing market; 64 percent say it is good.

78- Obama made a similarly robust public case the last time that Obamacare was on the line.

79- similarly, NBCC announced it was closing its main campus due to the major power outage.

80- Unsurprisingly, the company wants yo offer similarly targeted services to desktop users.

81- And you probably can’t expect a similarly speedy transition in other parts of the world.

82- similarly, Alexander warned convenience stores stocking the drug to get out of her ward.

83- similarly, the lawsuit claims, the athletic director should have prevented their actions.

84- During the previous meeting with victims, he similarly vowed to hold bishops accountable.

85- There’s also a homegrown version of a social network that functions similarly to Facebook.

86- similarly, the Assad regime opposes migration because it further undermines its legitimacy.

87- Costa’s vehicle is outfitted similarly to a police cruiser, but Costa doesn’t wear a badge.

88- A similarly international experience can be found in the sunny Alpine resort of St. Moritz.

89- similarly, Taylor also recognized that the internet and advertising are constantly evolving.

90- Best Buy is offering a similarly spec’d Asus for $140, but equipped with Windows 10 instead.

91- Right off the bat, the service is more than double the price of similarly priced competitors.

92- A similarly makeshift church caters to Christians in the African-dominated sector of the camp.

93- Chappie is no Her, but its attempts to ask similarly big questions are what make it memorable.

94- similarly, De Gea’s dazzling reflexes to frustrate the Saints captain kept United in the lead.

95- similarly, claims were about cheap trips and vacation packages when one becomes a member of WV.

96- In March, the New Yorker similarly reported on the possibility of a book about the Rev. Maxwell.

97- Several argued that Democrats were not asked similarly tough questions in the recent CNN debate.

98- Drummer Matthias looks at it similarly: “I don’t have a band right now, and this is really fun.”

More Sentences: 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 –
Related Words:
silverwares – silvery – simian – simians – similar – similarities – similarity – similarly – simile – similes – similitude – similitudes – simmer – simmered – simmering –

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