Use word perhaps sentence

perhaps — перевод на русский


Meanwhile, as we try to discuss lighter matters during recreation, perhaps I may ask Nurse Franklin the purpose of her manicure?

А пока, раз наша беседа носит такой непринуждённый характер, возможно, я могу поинтересоваться, какова цель маникюра сестры Франклин?

Perhaps that’s the gentleman in question. Telephoning to apologise.

Возможно, это джентльмен звонит принести извинения.

Then perhaps she could stay with you for the night?

Тогда, возможно, она могла бы остаться на ночь у тебя?

Perhaps we could share a martini cocktail.

Возможно, мы могли бы выпить по мартини.

Perhaps Constable Higgins could accompany me home?

Возможно констебль Хиггинс сможет проводить меня до дома?

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Only I’ve been making things without sleeves and I thought perhaps I ought to get knitting?

Я всегда делала ей вещи без рукавов. Может, пора всё надвязывать?

Or perhaps he’s just out of control, irrational, paranoid and reactionary.

А может просто запаниковал, вышел из-под контроля. Повёл себя, как параноик.

Perhaps the countess can give me some information about the whereabouts of Lt. Armand de Foix?

Может ли госпожа графиня сообщить мне где сейчас пребывает лейтенант Арман де Фуа?

Perhaps you can get leave soon.

Может, скоро тебе дадут отпуск.

Perhaps you’ve forgotten you’re engaged to Muriel.

Может ты просто забыл, что помолвлен с Мьюриел?

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Perhaps on Guy Fawkes Night.

Может быть, в Ночь Гая Фокса?

He was a criminal with many warrants so perhaps it was a dangerous experiment?

Он был преступником и подлежал аресту может быть, это бьIл опасный эксперимент?

Perhaps around 3:00 or 3:30.

Может быть, около 3:00 или 3:30.

Perhaps you’ll go to the convalescent home… in Klosterberg among the villagers.

Может быть, ты попадешь в санаторий… в Клостерберге, где кругом виллы.

Perhaps I can suggest a better title.

Может быть, я смогу предложить лучшее название.

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Oh, then, perhaps you’d like me to stay and amuse the children till you get back.

Ага, наверное, мне уместно с детьми побыть, отвлечь их, пока вернешься?

Well, perhaps it’s the foreigner in you.

Ну, наверное, это потому, что Вы иностранец.

Your Highness perhaps does not care for dancing?

Вашему Высочеству, наверное, неинтересны танцы?

Perhaps we should—

Наверное, мы должны…

Perhaps it is.

Наверное, да.

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Perhaps some will say… that you should not be allowed to go yet… that you are too young, that you have homes, mothers, fathers… that you should not be torn away.

Вероятно, некоторые скажут… что вам пока нельзя позволять идти… что вы слишком молоды, что у вас есть семьи, матери, отцы… что вас нельзя у них отнимать.

Perhaps I’d better see them.

Вероятно, мне лучше с ними встретиться.

Then perhaps we should talk about the young lady who came to your house this evening?

Тогда, вероятно, вы говорите о молодой девушке, которая остановилась в вашем доме сегодня вечером?

Perhaps you’re interested in how a man undresses.

Вероятно, тебе интересно как раздевается мужчина.

Too sheltered, perhaps.

Вероятно, слишком уединенную.

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Until recent times that was a world known only to holy men, to saints, or perhaps to the insane.

ƒо недавних времен этот мир был известен только мистикам, св€тым и, пожалуй, сумасшедшим.

Perhaps you’re right.

Пожалуй, ты права.


Пожалуй, я могу дерзнуть представиться, мисс, э?


Пожалуй, я могу желать видеть его терзания.

Perhaps you’re right.

Пожалуй, вы правы.

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Perhaps I’d better leave.

— Мне, наверно, лучше выйти.

Yes, I think perhaps I did.

Да, наверно, скорее всего, внесла.

Oh, well, perhaps Jeeves knows best.

Ну и ладно… Наверно, Дживс знает, что делает.

Perhaps it was my dancing, darling.

Наверно, потому что это был мой танец, дорогая.

Perhaps we should start over again.

Наверно, лучше начать ещё раз.

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Perhaps we’d better sit down.

Нам лучше присесть.

Perhaps we’d better call it a day.

Будет лучше поставить точку.

Perhaps this one.

Так-то лучше.

Perhaps it’s best if one goes home to bed.

Лучше вернусь домой, и спать.

Perhaps I should say we were.

Лучше сказать, были друзьями.

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I thought I might, perhaps, navigate for one of the civilian pilots.

Я мог бы быть штурманом у одного из гражданских пилотов.

Now perhaps we can discuss your plans for the kermis ball.

А теперь, быть может, обсудим твои планы относительно бала.

It’s God who perhaps… well…

Это должно быть Бог… Наконец…

Do you understand it perhaps?

Теперь-то ты, должно быть, понимаешь?

Sir, if I should accomplish this mission, I mean, might I perhaps win my wings?

Сэр, для того, чтобы я мог достойно справиться с заданием, может быть, мне дадут крылья?

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Well, perhaps later.

Что ж, тогда попозже.

Perhaps then I should have learned some tricks to hold you with when you begin to get tired of me.

Тогда бы разучила некоторые уловочки, чтоб удерживать тебя, Когда начнешь уставать от меня.

Then perhaps you wouldn’t mind signing this waiver now.

Тогда подпишите отказ от претензий.

Then perhaps you’ll donate it to our church. And we can raffle it off over there all over again.

Тогда ты сможешь пожертвовать его нашей церкви, и тогда мы тоже устроим лотерею.

Escape is impossible, but if I can get to the other side of the island, perhaps…

Убежать невозможно. Но если я сумею перебраться на ту сторону острова… тогда…

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Can I start a sentence with perhaps?

Perhaps is slightly more formal. Both perhaps and maybe can go at the beginning of a sentence. Maybe she will come. OR Perhaps she will come.

How do you use the word perhaps in a sentence?

Perhaps sentence example

  1. Perhaps it was a foolish thing to do.
  2. Perhaps we could help you to work it out.
  3. But perhaps they may do it!
  4. Perhaps he will do well with you.
  5. Perhaps I’ll move further east and see if the plucking is better when the weather is cooler.
  6. Perhaps it’s enough to put me to sleep.

How do you end a sentence with perhaps?

Answer to your question: She’ll reach by tonight, perhaps. One may use perhaps in the end when one has made a statement & realises in the end or during making the sentence that what he is about say could be not true or there are chances that it’ll be false. However, it is recommended to use “perhaps” in prior.

When can I use perhaps?

We use them when we think something is possible, but we are not certain. We use maybe mostly in front or end position whereas perhaps is used in front, mid and end position: A: Have you seen my glasses?

Is perhaps a question?

“Maybe” and “perhaps” do not typically take question marks, but you can add one if you want to change a sentence into a question. This can be useful for informal writing or dialogue.

How do you punctuate perhaps?

There are times when, yes, you would put a comma after the word “perhaps.” However, many times, you may choose NOT to use a comma because perhaps you don’t need so much emphasis. On the other hand, you might want to, perhaps, emphasise a certain idea.

Does a comma come after perhaps?

“Perhaps” at the beginning of a sentence You might assume that “perhaps” should have a comma after it at the beginning of a sentence because it is an introductory word. You don’t need a comma after “perhaps” in this sentence unless you want to indicate that there is a slight pause for some reason after saying the word.

What is the difference between perhaps and probably?

Different meanings Use “probably” to say that something has a high chance of happening – 50% or greater. Use “possibly” to say that something has a low chance of happening – 50% or less. Use either “maybe” or “perhaps” to say that something has an equal chance of happening or not happening.

What does perhaps mean?

Perhaps means about the same thing as maybe: things that perhaps could happen might happen, or they might not. When someone asks if you want to do something and you say “Perhaps” — you haven’t committed. It’s another way of saying “I don’t know” or “It’s possible.

What is the best definition of perhaps?

Perhaps is defined as possibly or maybe, or as a polite way to give advice or make a suggestion. When someone asks if you are going to attend a party and you are not yet sure, this is an example of a time when you might say “perhaps I will go.”

What is apparently mean?

: it seems apparent —used to describe something that appears to be true based on what is known an apparently happy marriageThe window had apparently been forced open.

Where is apparently used?

You use apparently to indicate that the information you are giving is something that you have heard, but you are not certain that it is true. Oil prices fell this week, apparently because of over-production. You use apparently to refer to something that seems to be true, although you are not sure whether it is or not.

Is it rude to say apparently?

Apparently, this is strictly prohibited, because it is always “offensive and rude.” I hate to be rude, but no it isn’t.

What does literally mean?

1 : in a literal sense or manner: such as. a : in a way that uses the ordinary or primary meaning of a term or expression He took the remark literally. a word that can be used both literally and figuratively.

What can I say instead of literally?

other words for literally

  • actually.
  • completely.
  • directly.
  • plainly.
  • precisely.
  • really.
  • simply.
  • truly.

What does Doleance literally mean?

English Translation. complaint. More meanings for doléances. grievance noun. grief, tort, sujet de plainte, condoléances.

Why is literally used so much?

It’s a way to place emphasis on what they’re trying to say. It becomes a figure of speech, and often what follows is not meant to be taken literally.

Why do Americans keep saying literally?

The word literally is often used when exaggerating, to try and make a statement sound more emphatic. This is unfortunate, because the intent of the word “literally” is to say that you aren’t exaggerating. Of course, since the whole point of exaggeration is to lie for effect, there’s not much we can do about it.

How do I stop saying literally and like?

How to: Stop Saying “Like” and Immediately Sound Smarter

  1. Learn how to use “like” correctly.
  2. Pause when you would say “like.”
  3. Ask others to help you.
  4. Record yourself.
  5. Replace “like” with another word.
  6. Know the most common ways “like” is misused.
  7. Learn new words.
  8. Challenge yourself.

When should you use literally?

The adverb literally means “actually,” and we use it when we want others to know we’re serious, not exaggerating or being metaphorical.

What is the difference between literally and actually?

As adverbs the difference between literally and actually is that literally is (speech act) word for word; not figuratively; not as an idiom or metaphor while actually is (modal) in act or in fact; really; in truth; positively.

Why do Millennials say literally so much?

Literally has become an increasingly popular word with millennials in recent years. Saying literally means “this actually happened” so adding this word to your speech should only occur when you are relaying the events of something that actually occurred.

Are literally and actually the same?

The difference between Actually and Literally When used as adverbs, actually means in act or in fact, whereas literally means word for word. In act or in fact; really; in truth; positively.

What is it called when you say something but don’t mean it literally?


How do you use literally in a sentence?

Literally sentence example

  1. Well, not literally , but close.
  2. By blow up, do you mean literally or figuratively?
  3. She’d never thought he meant she’d literally help revive the planet.
  4. A mouse she could handle – literally , but a snake was something different.

What is a literal meaning example?

Literal language is used to mean exactly what is written. For example: “It was raining a lot, so I rode the bus.” In this example of literal language, the writer means to explain exactly what is written: that he or she chose to ride the bus because of the heavy rain. It was raining cats and dogs, so I rode the bus.

How do you write literally?

When to Use Literally Literally is an adjective that means “actually, without exaggeration.” In best usage, it should only be used when you are speaking about something in an exact sense. For example, I made a literal translation of this essay. I told him to go jump off a cliff; I hope he didn’t take me literally.

Is literally a formal word?

So that people avoid becoming the butt of jokes, Collins English Dictionary advises against using literally as an intensifier in formal or written contexts.

Where is literally word used?

In its standard use literally means ‘in a literal sense, as opposed to a non-literal or exaggerated sense’, for example: I told him I never wanted to see him again, but I didn’t expect him to take it literally. They bought the car and literally ran it into the ground.

Asked by: Elwin Carter

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Perhaps is used to suggest that he was not certain about something. He was perhaps drunk. (I am not sure, but I have got this feeling that he was drunk.) She is perhaps not interested in the offer.

When can I use perhaps?

You use perhaps to express uncertainty, for example, when you do not know that something is definitely true, or when you are mentioning something that may possibly happen in the future in the way you describe. Millson regarded her thoughtfully. Perhaps she was right. In the end they lose millions, perhaps billions.

How do you use perhaps in the middle of a sentence?

“Perhaps” in the middle of a sentence

Here’s an example: They are perhaps a little too eager to convince us that they won’t damage the car. As is the case with “perhaps” at the beginning of a sentence, you would only use a comma around “perhaps” in the middle of a sentence if you needed to emphasize it for some reason.

What is difference between maybe and perhaps?

Perhaps is a synonym to maybe. Perhaps is more formal and maybe is more casual—but the difference in tone is smaller than the difference between, say, «deceased» and «pushing up daisies.» Perhaps is common in academic writing. Maybe is common in conversation.

How do you use maybe in a sentence?

Maybe sentence example

  1. Maybe he should see a doctor. …
  2. Maybe he thought she would change her mind, but it wasn’t going to happen. …
  3. Maybe something was wrong all along. …
  4. But maybe as a civilization, we have to talk out loud to figure out where we stand, to make progress. …
  5. Maybe they knew what kind of bait to throw out.

24 related questions found

What does could be mean?

adjective. attributive. Able to be or become; possible.

What is the difference between maybe and might be?

‘Maybe’ specifies what is happening in the present. ‘Might’ is used to expressing a formal request or to take permission. It is often used to propose. This intimates that something will possibly happen or hold in the future or a particular situation, but you cannot be certain.

What type of word is perhaps?

The word ‘perhaps’ functions as an adverb. This means that it’s used to describe or to modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs.

Do you perhaps know meaning?

1 adv You use perhaps to express uncertainty, for example, when you do not know that something is definitely true, or when you are mentioning something that may possibly happen in the future in the way you describe.

What does perhaps not mean?

expression meaning that one should not criticize someone else for a mistake that he/she also makes or a flaw that he/she also has. out of whack exp.

Is perhaps in commas?

The word perhaps is never followed by a comma, except in the rare case that it should follow a parenthetical element.

Where is apparently used?

You use apparently to indicate that the information you are giving is something that you have heard, but you are not certain that it is true. Oil prices fell this week, apparently because of over-production. You use apparently to refer to something that seems to be true, although you are not sure whether it is or not.

Is there a comma after possibly?

Without possibly, no comma is required: We have the option to provide notifications via telephone and email. Possibly, when present, forms a weak interruption in the sentence, which can be acknowledged thus: We have the option to provide notifications via telephone and, possibly, email.

Can perhaps be an answer?

Perhaps is often used in polite replies when you do not completely agree with what has been said.

What is the difference between perhaps and probably?

Use «probably» to say that something has a high chance of happening — 50% or greater. Use «possibly» to say that something has a low chance of happening — 50% or less. Use either «maybe» or «perhaps» to say that something has an equal chance of happening or not happening.

What is d meaning of perhaps?

: possibly but not certainly : maybe. perhaps. noun. Definition of perhaps (Entry 2 of 2) : something open to doubt or conjecture.

What is perhaps in Ilonggo?

Hiligaynon. Perhaps, may be, mayhap, possibly, by chance.

What is perhaps part of speech?

Perhaps can be used in the following ways: as a sentence adverb (making a comment on the whole sentence or clause): Perhaps we’ve met before. as an ordinary adverb (before a number): He was perhaps 95. used for saying that you are not certain about something, or that something may or may not be true.

Is perhaps a yes or a no?

Actually, the answer here is very simple: there’s no difference in meaning! Both adverbs maybe and perhaps mean the same; they convey uncertainty, a possibility. You can use either when you are not sure, when you want to say “possibly”. However, perhaps is probably a little more formal.

When we use can and could?

Can, like could and would, is used to ask a polite question, but can is only used to ask permission to do or say something («Can I borrow your car?» «Can I get you something to drink?»). Could is the past tense of can, but it also has uses apart from that—and that is where the confusion lies.

Where we use would and should?

Would is used to talk about a possible or imagined situation, and is often used when that possible situation is not going to happen. Should is used to say that something is the proper or best thing to do, or to say that someone ought to do something or must do something.

Where do we use might in a sentence?

‘Might’ is used mostly to express possibility. English speakers use ‘might’ to make suggestions or requests, although this is more common in British English and could be seen as extremely formal. ‘Might’ is also used in conditional sentences. Possibility: Your phone might be in the kitchen.

Could is past or present?

Could is used as the past tense of can when it means that someone had the ability to do something, or that something was possible: The Roman army could march 30 miles in a day.

(1) Politics is perhaps the only profession for which no preparation is thought necessary. 

(2) Perhaps you can’t control your job, but you may be able to make other changes in your life. 

(3) Perhaps I’ve just led a really sheltered life.

(4) Perhaps the weather will change this evening.

(5) Perhaps I have not expressed myself very well.

(6) Perhaps the letter will come today.

(7) Perhaps the flowers were sent by a secret admirer!

(8) When you’re done, perhaps I can say something.

(9) Perhaps you should adopt a more conciliatory approach.

(10) Many, perhaps all, Internet stocks are hugely overvalued.

(11) Millson regarded her thoughtfully. Perhaps she was right.

(12) Perhaps you shouldn’t brush the idea aside too hastily.

(13) Perhaps we should invite them to dinner .

(14) Perhaps they are already there by now.

(15) Perhaps I’ll stop by the hospital.

(16) Perhaps we will have a good summer this year.

(17) Perhaps you have made a mistake in your calculation.

(18) Perhaps I shall come across him in France.

(19) Perhaps the wind.Let acid[],suddenly burst into tears.

(20) He hasn’t written to me recently — perhaps he’s lost my address.

(21) Perhaps, when you’ve heard me out, you’ll appreciate the reason for secrecy.

(22) Miracle, is not on the way to easy to bloom.Perhaps, in all, there is no behind trying to choose, there will be not seen, not design the unknown.

(23) Thomas made a little grimace, perhaps he thought the wine was sour.

(24) Perhaps the fact that the car was tailgating him made him accelerate.

(25) A solitary man, it was perhaps fitting that he should have died alone.

(26) The village had been hurriedly deserted, perhaps because terrorists were in the area.

(27) Perhaps, true success is the way,as he likes to spend your life.

(28) British weather is perhaps at its most variable in the spring.

(29) If you are good I shall perhaps take you for a walk this afternoon.

(30) If traipsing around shops does not appeal to you, perhaps using a catalogue will.

Examples of how to use the word “perhaps” in a sentence. How to connect “perhaps” with other words to make correct English sentences.

perhaps (adv): used to show that something is possible or that you are not certain about something

Use “perhaps” in a sentence

‘Are you going to come?’ ‘Perhaps.
Perhaps you’re right.
Perhaps we overlooked something.

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