Use word journey in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word journey, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use journey in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «journey».

Journey in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word journey in a sentence.

  1. Good journey eastwards, 10 deg.

  2. The entire journey took 98 days.

  3. The journey to Perth had taken No.

  4. She decides to journey to save him.

  5. It has already been a long journey.

  6. The return journey took 70 minutes.

  7. The return journey took 105 minutes.

  8. This journey was conceived by Wilson.

  9. But it wasn’t always an easy journey.

  10. One ill-fated journey, that of the S.S.

  11. The cancelled journey was the beginning of the end.

  12. Grahame-White was the first to attempt the journey.

  13. He began the long journey with his regiment in June.

  14. Hagen calls it «a journey of discovery and rebirth».

  15. During the journey, they encountered a dangerous gale.

  16. They were lucky, and reached Nantucket, Massachusetts, after a difficult journey.

  17. After burying Mertz and marking his grave, Mawson prepared for the journey ahead.

  18. The journey from Africa to Fernando de Noronha would take approximately 139 days.

  19. The group set out on the return journey to Cape Evans, arriving there on 1 August.

  20. Davenport chronicled this journey in his 1908 book, My Quest of the Arabian Horse.

  21. Between 2 and 11 April they remained in Valparaiso, which marked the furthest point of their journey.

  22. This journey was made by boat, indicating that the Setibre was not adjacent to Neferirkare’s pyramid.

  23. The journey then enters a second tunnel; Harry, Ron, and Hermione appear again in the train corridor.

  24. Scott’s five-man team reached the same point 33 days later, and perished during their return journey.

  25. During the journey, he fell from one of the carriages, and died from his injuries shortly afterwards.

  26. The European journey scenes and songs were mainly filmed in Saanen, Montbovon and Gstaad, Switzerland.

  27. For many the final leg of the journey involved travel down the lower Columbia River to Fort Vancouver.

  28. The party was divided into two teams, and the journey began on 24 January, in an atmosphere of muddle.

  29. The birds would not in any case have survived such a journey if they refused to eat anything but seeds.

  30. At stops along the journey, the trekkers made improvised classrooms, marking them with reeds and grass.

  31. As they crossed the first glacier on their return journey Mertz became sick, making progress difficult.

  32. For the rest of the southward journey and the whole of the return trip they had to rely on man-hauling.

  33. During their journey, Hindman’s second daughter, Sallie, died of an illness near Meridian, Mississippi.

  34. On the afternoon of 13 November, Tanaka and the 11 transports resumed their journey toward Guadalcanal.

  35. The 1881 year-end retrospective of the Pacific Commercial Advertiser was focused on Kalākaua’s journey.

  36. That April, Ezra, Eliza Jane, Oliver, and Marion Meeker set out to journey to Oregon, some 2,000 miles (3,200 km) in all.

  37. The General is preparing for his journey towards the port of Cartagena de Indias, intending to leave Colombia for Europe.

  38. After Mackintosh insisted, over Joyce’s urgent protests, on taking the dogs all the way to 80°S, all died on the journey.

  39. The unstable condition of the sea ice in McMurdo Sound prevented them from completing the journey to the Cape Evans base.

  40. Following Roe Highway, the freeway continues its journey south, between the residential areas of South Lake and Jandakot.

  41. After the return of Cook’s expedition, there was disagreement about who should write the official account of the journey.

  42. The team regather at Democratus and journey to Limbus, where they meet creatures of the same race as the Grand Mysterium.

  43. They were then returned to Earth, and the buried artifact is one of the ships that had crashed at the end of its journey.

  44. Before she heard the news of her husband’s death, Kathleen Scott conceded that Amundsen’s journey «was a very fine feat ..

  45. They had a shallow draft, allowing them to journey up smaller tributaries, and were very well suited for river operations.

  46. Due to a long overnight journey, the CCC members from the Tensleep District of Bighorn National Forest did not commence response to the fire until after noon on August 21.

  47. Passengers using single journey cards are charged ₱15 for travelling 0 to 4.00 kilometers; ₱20 for 4.01 to 9.00 kilometers; or ₱30 for distances more than 9.00 kilometers.

  48. During the journey he was entrusted to the care of his paternal aunt Eleanor, an Anglican nun who was the head of the Poona Convent of the Community of St Mary the Virgin.

  49. They then sailed across the Persian Gulf, a journey which Sennacherib’s inscriptions indicate was difficult since repeated sacrifices were made to Ea, the god of the deep.

  50. Meeker wanted the new half dollars struck as quickly as possible; he was planning another journey west on the Trail, and wanted to be able to sell the coins along the way.

Synonyms for journey

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word journey has the following synonyms: journeying and travel.

General information about «journey» example sentences

The example sentences for the word journey that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «journey» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «journey».

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


The longest journey is the journey inwards.

The outer journey stopped when you started meditating, and now the inner journey is also complete.

Путешествие наружу остановилось, когда вы начали медитировать, и теперь внутреннее путешествие тоже подошло к концу.

Namibia instead of continuing their journey.

Некоторые из них поселились в Намибии вместо того, чтобы продолжить их поездку.

We keep you informed and involved throughout their journey.

Мы для того, чтобы вы чувствовали себя полностью информированными и вовлеченными на протяжении всего вашего путешествия.

Your were chosen for this journey.

Тем не менее, не зря именно вы были выбраны для данного путешествия.

In these cases, the planned journey is defined by journey information, which describes all aspects of the journey.

Use the TFL journey planner to plan your journey.

Нажмите на кнопку планировщика поездок организации TfL справа, чтобы спланировать свои поездки.

His journey is an ordeal but it is also a journey of individual redemption, a journey into self-knowledge and knowledge of other peoples.

Его путешествие — это тяжелое испытание, но также путь личного искупления, путь к самопознанию и познанию других народов.

Sometimes return journey becomes the last journey for many labourers.

Иногда возвращение поездки становится последним путешествием для многих рабочих.

The journey to find ourselves (the first journey) is the process of individuation.

Every project becomes a journey which we share with our investors, and the goal is to make the journey worthwhile.

Каждый проект становится путешествием, которое мы разделяем с нашими инвесторами, и цель состоит в том, чтобы сделать путешествие стоящим.

If you pay for the journey yourself, bear in mind that you must have valid documents for travel when booking your journey.

Если вы оплачиваете поездку самостоятельно, имейте в виду, что при бронировании поездки у вас должны быть действительные проездные документы.

At the heart of the spiritual journey is the understanding that it is a journey.

But the journey to ready that talent for the task ahead, like my own journey, is far too long.

Но путь подготовки этого таланта для выполнения вышеупомянутой задачи, как и моё путешествие, слишком длинный.

Now, think about my journey here today, and let it inspire your journey.

Beginning a journey towards achieving personal excellence requires courage, while continuing that journey is even more difficult.

Начало пути к достижению личного совершенства требует мужества, а продолжать это путешествие еще труднее.

Along the journey he gathers different misfits who join his journey.

По пути он встречает различных попутчиков, которые присоединяются к его путешествию.

Our faith journey is indeed a journey.

Part of the startup journey is to understand it is a journey.

Lead them on a journey, the most wonderful journey of all time.

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Examples of how to use the word “journey” in a sentence. How to connect “journey” with other words to make correct English sentences.

journey (n): the act of travelling from one place to another, especially in a vehicle

Use “journey” in a sentence

Happiness is a journey, not a destination.
What’s important is not the destination, but the journey.
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
The journey has just begun.
Are you ready to start your journey?
It’s a lonely journey.

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путешествие, поездка, рейс, вояж, прогулка, путешествовать, совершать путешествие


- поездка; путешествие (преим. сухопутное)

the journey from childhood [from birth] to maturity [to death] — образн. путь от детства [от рождения] к зрелости [к смерти]
a journey of three days, a three days’ journey — трёхдневная поездка, трёхдневное путешествие
three days’ journey from here — три дня пути отсюда
a journey by rail — путешествие по железной дороге
a journey on foot — поход, пешее путешествие /-ая экскурсия/
journey to London [into the country] — поездка /экскурсия/ в Лондон [за город]

- рейс

to go ten journeys a day — делать /совершать/ десять рейсов в день

- горн. состав вагонеток

to cheat the journey — убивать дорожную скуку
to reach one’s journey’s end — достичь конца пути, прожить жизнь


- путешествовать, совершать путешествие, поездку, рейс

Мои примеры


a long journey across the country — длительное путешествие по стране  
his epic journey to South America — его грандиозное путешествие по Южной Америке  
a pictorial record of their journey — иллюстрированный отчёт об их путешествии  
a parlous journey on stormy seas — опасное путешествие по бурным морям  
duty journey — служебная поездка, командировка  
safe journey — безопасное путешествие  
sentimental journey — сентиментальное путешествие  
tiring journey — утомительное путешествие  
long road / journey — дальняя дорога  
perilous journey — опасное путешествие  
to scrape money for a journey — скопить денег на путешествие  
fix on a date for a journey — выбрать день отъезда  

Примеры с переводом

I wish you both a very good journey.

Приятного вам обоим путешествия.

Have a safe journey.

Счастливого пути. / Удачно доехать.

I had a sod of a journey.

Поездка была ужасной.

The journey time to Glasgow is 8.34 h.

Время в пути до Глазго составляет 8 часов 34 минуты.

I may wish boon fortune to the journey.

Желаю удачного путешествия.

Journey time: 25 mins 14 secs.

Время в пути: 25 минут 14 секунд.

Allow extra time for your journey.

Выделяйте на поездку время с запасом.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The journey was mercifully brief.

Undaunted, they continued on their journey.

Only the hardiest pilgrims made the journey.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: journey
he/she/it: journeys
ing ф. (present participle): journeying
2-я ф. (past tense): journeyed
3-я ф. (past participle): journeyed

ед. ч.(singular): journey
мн. ч.(plural): journeys

journey — перевод на русский


Oh… I had a feeling from the start that my journey this time around would be auspicious somewhere along the way.

Исимода Гэки моё имя. на этот раз моё путешествие обязательно окажется успешным.

A dose smaller than a grain of salt precipitates a hazardous mental journey into a universe of hallucination, intense emotion and, some believe, mystical revelation.

ѕорци€, значительно меньша€ по размеру крупицы соли, отправл€ет в рискованное ментальное путешествие — во вселенную галлюцинаций, глубочайших духовных волнений, и, дл€ некоторых, мистических откровений.

I hope my lady had a pleasant journey from London?

Надеюсь, миледи, путешествие из Лондона было приятным.

Some other time, or perhaps you would break your journey…

В следующий раз, или, может быть, вы приостановите свое путешествие.

I, your Wizard per ardua ad alta am about to embark upon a hazardous and technically unexplainable journey into the outer stratosphere!

Я ваш волшебник на все времена — хочу прямо сейчас отправиться в загадочное и необычайное путешествие в иные миры!

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You’ll be tired after your long journey. I’m not.

Ты ведь устала, путь был неблизкий.

And your journey down to the plains, tied to the back of the pack animals… will not be as uncomfortable as the questions you’ll be called to answer… concerning the evidence in here.

Вы отправитесь в путь вниз, в долину, будучи привязанными к вашим лошадям… но это будет маленьким неудобством по сравнению с тем, что будет… когда я представлю доказательство и вам придётся ответить на некоторые вопросы.

For me, the journey ends here.

Мой путь окончится здесь.

They started their journey home pulled by the lively little horse

В путь тронулись тем же порядком, как и накануне, и маленькая лошадка снова пустилась бежать бойкой рысью.

Forced continue our journey on foot.

Вынуждены продолжать путь пешком.

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I thought that awful journey was never going to end.

Думала, эта ужасная поездка никогда не закончится.

M. Tiercelin, for certain reasons… my wife and I have come to wonder… if this little journey isn’t hiding certain… young peoples’ secrets.

По некоторым причинам мы с моей женой задаемся вопросом,не скрывает ли эта поездка какие-то секреты молодых людей.

Be warned that it’s gonna be a long journey.

— Предупреждаю, поездка будет долгой.

What a comfortable journey!

— Что удобная поездка ?

— Delightful journey.

— Прекрасная поездка.

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These fell in the storm, I thought you’d like them for the journey.

Их посбивало ветром. Я думала, раз вы собрались в дорогу, это будет кстати.

Mother gave me food for the journey

Мать дала мне еды на дорогу.

Edith, take the girl inside and get some food for their journey.

Эдит, возьми девушку внутрь и дай немного еды им в дорогу.

Journeys make me ill.

— Я плохо переношу дорогу.

And should you need any money for your journey…

И денег, ежели вам нужно на дорогу.

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It’s no longer safe to journey anywhere.

Уже нигде небезопасно путешествовать.

Journeying has become even more difficult.

Путешествовать стало еще трудней.

Be they a lifelong wish or a stated intention of journeying for self…

Будь они желанием всей жизни или намерением путешествовать…

Captain, we both want very much to be a part of your journey.

Капитан, мы оба очень хотим путешествовать с вами.

Anyway, that was how I came to set out on my journey accompanied by these two men, Mugen and Jin.

Что же, таким образом, я стала путешествовать с ними — Мугеном и Джином. Конец.

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This is our journey, our own adventure, our own beginning.

Это наш полет, наше приключение, наше начало.

Today, the journey is not only possible but easy.

Теперь полет не только возможен, но и прост.

We offer you a journey through the sky and beyond the sky.

Мы предлагаем вам полет в небеса и выше небес.

— He even paid for my journey.

— Он даже заплатил за мой полет.

— To head the first journey.

— Чтобы вести первый полет.

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Jose’s Journey.


Soon you will step down to embark on a spiritual journey, to explore your «pagh» or whatever.

Вскоре после этого вы сложите свои полномочия, чтобы отправиться в духовные странствия для изучения пагх или что-нибудь в этом духе.

Felipe and I will continue our own journey.

Мы с Филипе продолжим свои странствия.

And the redemption of his spiritual journey.

За начало странствия его души.

Many people undertook the arduous journey to see the lion.

Многие люди пускались в странствия, чтобы увидеть его.

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Our leader is here to take us on our journey!

Наш вождь пришёл, чтобы повести нас в поход!

Thirteen months to the day since Gandalf sent us on our long journey… we found ourselves looking upon a familiar sight.

Спустя тринадцать месяцев с того дня, когда Гэндальф снарядил нас в долгий поход мы вновь оказались в знакомых краях.

On August 16th 1519 Hernan Cortes begins his journey to Mexico joined by his allies, the Totonacas who hate the emperor, Montezuma.

16 августа 1516 года Эрнан Кортес начинает поход в Мексику на Теночтитлан вместе с союзниками — тотонаками, которые ненавидели императора Монтесуму.

Your journey does not end well.

Твой поход плохо кончится.

Either journey with your brother and the Knights Elite, or you can face banishment from the kingdom.

Или идёшь в поход с братоми и элитными рыцарями, или будешь изгнан из королевства.

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Through it you will journey to Palm Beach… and rub elbows with the idle rich… and members of the international set.

Мы отправимся в Палм Бич якшаться с богатыми бездельниками и членами международных организаций

My child, shall we journey to your home?

Дитя мое, отправимся к твоему дому?

One day we shall journey to Thorn Valley just as Nicodemus wanted… but not now.

Однажды мы отправимся в Долину, как завещал Никодимус… Но не теперь.

Friends… tonight we journey to Thorn Valley.

Друзья… Сегодня мы отправимся в Терновую Долину.

If we journey back through time, the universe shrinks, galaxies disappear and the stars evaporate into gas.

Если мы отправимся назад во времени: Вселенная уменьшится, галактики продадут, и звёзды превратятся в газ.

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-Good journey, darling? -Lovely, George.

Хорошо доехала, дорогая?

How was your journey?

Как ты доехала?

How was your journey?

Как доехала?

— A pleasant journey?

Нормально доехала? Да.

How was your journey, Nina?

Как ты доехала, Нина?

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