Use word influence sentence

Synonym: affect, induce, move, persuade, prejudice, sway. Similar words: influential, sequence, eloquence, consequence, in consequence, inflation, frequency, fence. Meaning: [‘ɪnflʊəns]  n. 1. a power to affect persons or events especially power based on prestige etc 2. causing something without any direct or apparent effort 3. a cognitive factor that tends to have an effect on what you do 4. the effect of one thing (or person) on another 5. one having power to influence another. v. 1. have and exert influence or effect 2. shape or influence; give direction to 3. induce into action by using one’s charm. 

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1. I believe that fame and celebrity, influence and power, success and failure, reality and illusion are all somehow neatly woven into a seamless fabric we laughingly call reality. 

2. His wife has had a civilizing influence on him.

3. Only love influence, and can realize born inspiration.

4. A retrospective influence pervaded the whole performance.

5. Helen’s a bad/good influence on him.

6. Foreign domination had a malign influence on local politics.

7. Freudian theory has had a great influence on psychology.

8. The family never quite regained its former influence.

9. France has greatly extended its influence in world affairs.

10. The town grew under the influence of colonialism.

11. He denies exerting any political influence over them.

12. Her influence made me a better person.

13. The ideology has great influence in the world.

14. Newspapers influence the current of thought.

15. There is no doubt that Bohr’s influence was immense.

16. The media has a powerful influence on public opinion.

17. My teacher’s influence made me study science at college.

18. Andrea was a great civilizing influence on her husband.

19. They exerted considerable influence within the school.

20. He had a profound influence on modern poets.

21. What exactly is the influence of television on children?

22. What may be done to reduce the influence of intractable opponents?

23. My profession had an important influence in the formation of my character and temperament.

24. If you were to exert your influence they might change their decision.

25. This country extends its power and influence into neighbouring countries.

26. Men of privilege without power are waste material(,( Men of enlighten-ment without influence are the poorest kind of rubbish. 

27. No one can degrade us except ourselves; that if we are worthy, no influence can defeat us. 

28. A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops. 

29. He accused foreign nations of having a hidden agenda to harm French influence.

30. It is ludicrous to suggest that I was driving under the influence of alcohol.

More similar words: influential, sequence, eloquence, consequence, in consequence, inflation, frequency, fence, hence, essence, commence, science, patience, sentence, evidence, reference, residence, experience, abstinence, experienced, difference, preference, conference, convenience, acquiescence, make a difference, commencement, independence, fluid, clue. 

English Collocation

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Used with adjectives:

«He has a strong influence on his son.«
(strong, big, great, significant, tremendous, powerful, profound, major, calming)

«She has had growing influence on me.«
(growing, increasing)

«My teacher had a lasting influence on my life.«
(lasting, positive)

«Alcohol had a destructive influence on his marriage.«
(destructive, negative)

«Their actions had a direct influence on his life.«
(direct, indirect)

«The religious group avoided all outside influences.«
(outside, external, worldly, secular)

Used with verbs:

«He has a calming influence on everyone.«

«Her position gave her influence over everyone.«

«He used his influence to find her a job at his company.«
(used, asserted, exercised, exerted)

«The wealthy people extended their influences throughout the city.«
(extended, increased, expanded)

«He tried to escape the influence of his father.«
(escape, avoid, resist)

«His political influence was growing.«
(be + growing, be + waning, be + weakening)

Used with prepositions:

«He was under the influence of drugs.«

«He had no influence from the outside.«

«She had a major influence on his decision.«

«I have absolutely no influence over him.«

«He used his influence with the police.«

«She has a lot of influence in her company.«

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Used with adverbs:

«She was profoundly influenced by her pastor.«
(profoundly, deeply, greatly, powerfully, dramatically, considerably)

«His attitude was highly influenced by his mother.«
(highly, mainly, primarily, largely)

«He was clearly influenced by money.«
(clearly, obviously, undoubtedly, directly, indirectly, increasingly)

Used with verbs:

«We did not try to influence his plans.«
(try, want, attempt, seek)

«Nothing seems to influence her actions.«
(seems to, appears to, could)

Used with prepositions:

«Her friends tried to influence her into smoking.«

Used with nouns:

«Nothing could influence his decision.«
(decision, behavior, attitude, choice, direction, thinking, performance)

«They tried to influence the outcome.«
(outcome, situation, voters)

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  1. Crisis on her support of selfishness and free markets, particularly through her,


    ,on Alan Greenspan. For example, Mother Jones remarked that» Rand’s particular
  2. A reciprocal or circular causality as a relation of mutual dependence or,


    ,of course upon effect). Moreover, Aristotle indicated that the same thing can
  3. Earlier stages: Chinese alchemy, centered in China and its zone of cultural,


    ,; Indian alchemy, centered around the Indian subcontinent; and Western alchemy
  4. Generally confident that the work has come down to us relatively intact. As the,


    ,of the Falstaff grew in the West, in part due to Gerard of Cremona’s
  5. Thought before the first works of Aristotle reached the West. His major,


    ,on alchemy was his belief that Platonic universals did not have a separate
  6. After his experiences with the NKVD, and what he saw of the results of the,


    ,of Communist policy (» ceaseless arrests, censored newspapers, prowling hordes
  7. True issues are not being addressed by the political process because of the,


    ,of lobbyists, of the true powerful entities,» he said, speaking at the
  8. Structures in language and symbolism. ) Malinowski and Radcliffe-Brown’s,


    ,stemmed from the fact that they, like Boas, actively trained students and
  9. Projects in all areas of the country where Anarchists exercised some degree of,


    , Perhaps the best-known effort in this field was Francisco Ferrer’s Modern
  10. The labels» conservative» and» libertarian,» Rand has had continuing,


    ,on right-wing politics and libertarianism. Jim Powell, a senior fellow at the
  11. His contributions to the scientific method. Despite these achievements,the,


    ,of Aristotle’s errors is considered by some to have held back science
  12. Today and the screenplay Concentrate followed in 1958 and 1959. An important,


    ,on Tchaikovsky was the film director Gregory Chukchi, who was teaching at the
  13. Stance as a pro-choice atheist, the political figures who cite Rand as an,


    ,are most often conservative or libertarian members of the United States
  14. Systematic form. «. Henry David Thoreau (1817–1862) was an important early,


    ,in individualist anarchist thought in the United States and Europe. Thoreau was
  15. To» autistic withdrawal of the patient to his fantasies, against which any,


    ,from outside becomes an intolerable disturbance «. The word autism first took
  16. Helped institutionalize anthropology in France. Along with the enormous,


    ,that his theory of structuralism exerted across multiple disciplines
  17. Copies distributed for free by the Ayn Rand Institute. ) Although Rand’s,


    ,has been greatest in the United States, there has been international interest
  18. Books, organizations,and conferences generated by their students continue to,


    ,popular applications of alchemy as a new age medicinal practice. Nuclear
  19. Aristotle as» the greatest philosopher in history» and cited him as a major,


    ,on her thinking. More recently, Alasdair MacIntyre has attempted to reform what
  20. Itself. I hate it because it deprives our republican example of its just,


    ,in the world …» In late 1854,Lincoln ran as a Whig for the U. S. Senate
  21. And neither included subsidies in their analysis, but noted that subsidies also,


    ,the cost of agriculture to society. Both focused on purely fiscal impacts. The
  22. He may regain his honor. As the battle turned against the Greeks, thanks to the,


    ,of Zeus, Nestor declared that the Trojans were winning because Agamemnon had
  23. Colonists found the city of Troy. However, this story may reflect a cultural,


    ,which had the reverse direction: Hittite cuneiform texts mention a Minor Asian
  24. The BAFTA Award for Best Foreign Language Film to The Sacrifice. Under the,


    ,of Glasnost and Perestroika, Tarkovsky was finally recognized in the Soviet
  25. Of the Haggard Tunnel. *Emma Chalmers, Kip Chalmers’s mother, gains some,


    ,after his death. Known as» Kip’s Ma,» she starts a soybean-growing project
  26. Of his original writings are lost to us, but his teachings still have strong,


    ,on traditional Indian medicine (Ayurveda) to this day. Chinese alchemy
  27. The author’s methodology, cultural,gender and racial positioning, and their,


    ,on his or her ethnographic analysis. This was part of a more general trend of
  28. Inspiration in Friedrich Nietzsche, and scholars have found indications of his,


    ,in early notes from Rand’s journals, in passages from the first edition of We
  29. Of their quest for scientific objectivity, cultural relativism, which has an,


    ,on all the subfields of anthropology. This is the notion that particular
  30. And the book’s the most important antagonist. Haggard is an expert,


    ,peddler who is, however,incapable of making operational decisions on his own.
  31. And epigenetic factors which do not change DNA but are heritable and,


    ,gene expression. Studies of twins suggest that heritability is 0.7 for autism
  32. Lincoln also presided over the expansion of the federal government’s economic,


    ,in several other areas. The creation of the system of national banks by the
  33. Into modern formal logic. In metaphysics, Aristotelianism had a profound,


    ,on philosophical and theological thinking in the Islamic and Jewish traditions
  34. In the Islamic and Jewish traditions in the Middle Ages, and it continues to,


    ,Christian theology, especially the scholastic tradition of the Catholic Church.
  35. Adaptation of the book of the same name, won several awards. Political,


    ,Although she rejected the labels» conservative» and» libertarian,» Rand has
  36. Have been


    d by her. Other artists who have cited Rand as an important,


    ,on their lives and thought include comic book artist Steve Ditto and musician
  37. Esoteric interpretations of alchemy remains strong to this day, and continue to,


    ,both the public and academic perceptions of the history of alchemy. Today
  38. Trade union Union Indicate Italian» grew to 800,000 members and the,


    ,of the Italian Anarchist Union (20,000 members plus Humanity Nova, its daily
  39. S Modern School (Estela Moderna),a project which exercised a considerable,


    ,on Catalan education and on experimental techniques of teaching generally. » La
  40. Reconstructions also came to seem increasingly speculative. Under the,


    ,of several younger scholars, a new approach came to predominate among British
  41. The spacecraft. They had been the first people ever to leave the gravitational,


    ,of the Earth and orbit another celestial body. They had survived a mission that
  42. On the physical sciences profoundly shaped medieval scholarship, and their,


    ,extended well into the Renaissance, although they were ultimately replaced by
  43. Fountainhead, Rand had turned against Nietzsche’s ideas, and the extent of his,


    ,on her even during her early years is disputed. Among the philosophers Rand
  44. Among the Olympic deities, Apollo had two cult sites that had widespread,


    ,: Demos and Delphi. In cult practice, Delian Apollo and Pythias Apollo (the
  45. Alchemist believed himself to be a wizard capable of summoning spirits. His,


    ,was negligible, but like Flame, he produced writings which were referred to by
  46. And psychology, researchers included a term for the operator-effect,the,


    ,of a particular person on measurements, according to Stephen Stigler’s
  47. On alchemy and its psychological meaning. Jung’s work exercised a great,


    ,on the mainstream perception of alchemy, his approach becoming a stock element
  48. Literature as» romantic realism «. Rand acknowledged Aristotle as her greatest,


    ,and remarked that in the history of philosophy she could only recommend» three
  49. Around the turn of the 21st century, anarchism grew in popularity and,


    ,as part of the anti-war, anti-capitalist,and anti-globalisation movements.
  50. Republican Congressmen and conservative pundits have acknowledged her,


    ,on their lives and recommended her novels. The late-2000s financial crisis

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Eriberto Do Nascimento has Ph.D. in Speech Intelligibility and Artificial Intelligence and is the founder of English Phonetics Academy

Examples of how to use the word “influence” in a sentence. How to connect “influence” with other words to make correct English sentences.

influence (n, v): the power to have an effect on people or things, or a person or thing that is ableto do this; to affect or change how someone or something develops, behaves, or thinks

Use “influence” in a sentence

Such toys have a bad influence on children.
She is under the influence of drugs.
I was greatly influenced by my parents.
Many TV programs have a bad influence on children.

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influence — перевод на русский


What did I tell you? Lieutenant, have you any influence with the police?

Лейтенант, у тебя есть влияние в полиции?

He’s got money and influence and I’ll go to him.

У него есть деньги и влияние.

You saw it. I look like a wash woman, but i’ve got family and influence, and all she’s got are two generations of money.

пойми это может я и похожа на простушку но у меня есть семья и влияние и все эти деньги я имею всего за два поколения

Dr. Turner, you might use your influence… to benefit these men for once and tell them to get out of here.

Доктор Тернер, можете использовать свое влияние… хотя бы раз на пользу этим людям и велеть им убираться отсюда.

Tohata may have a lot of influence, but

У Тохаты большое влияние, но

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Another modern discovery which we owe to the hydrangea concerns the influence of air drainage upon plant climate.

Цветку гортензии мы обязаны еще одним недавним открытием. Оказывается, что ветер, стекающий по склону, заметно влияет на фитоклимат.

He thinks he’s so cool, but he’s a bad influence on her.

Он же просто тощий стиляга, хотя сам он считает себя клёвым чуваком. И он плохо на неё влияет.

She’s a bad influence to him, you know.

Знаешь, она плохо на него влияет.

They imagined it to influence our daily lives.

Они воображали, что оно влияет на нашу повседневную жизнь.

-It’s a bad influence on children.

— Это дурно влияет на детей.

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Mr. Peabody, then I wonder… if you could use your influence with Mrs. Random, that would be nice.

Мистер Пибоди, тогда… если бы Вы могли повлиять на решение миссис Рэндом, это было бы замечательно.

It was testified here yesterday that you were paid… $200,000 in cash to, uh, influence the election.

Есть свидетельство того, что вчера Вы заплатили… $200,000 наличными, чтобы повлиять на выборы.

One final point. The fact that the accused is a priest under holy orders should not influence your verdict, one way or the other.

Тот факт, что обвиняемый является священником и принадлежит к церкви, ни коим образом не должен повлиять на ваш вердикт.

Your observations will influence public opinion.

Ваши наблюдения могут повлиять на общественное мнение.

Influence you.

Повлиять на вас.

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I was just wondering if it might not be different if when you wrote, you weren’t always under the influence.

» еще € задавалась вопросом, может, было бы лучше, если… вы когда писали, не всегда находились… под воздействием…

Perhaps someone under the influence of Devil’s Breath.

Возможно, кто-то под воздействием «Дыхания дьявола.»

You were under the influence of an alien technology.

Вы были под воздействием инопланетного устройства, полковник.

And you still didn’t know she was under the influence… when you asked her into your room?

— Но вы по-прежнему не понимали, что она находится под воздействием… — … когда звали её в свою комнату?

Are you now under the influence of alcohol….

Находитесь ли вы под воздействием алкоголя….

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He’s sure to have influence.

Несомненно влиятельный человек.

But he does have influence, or so they say. He certainly isn’t sticking up for the examining magistrate. And god knows my case is prejudiced enough already…

Но он человек влиятельный, так говорят, и со следователем накоротке, а против меня и так все предубеждены.

Look, you’re a man of position and influence.

Послушайте, вы — важный и влиятельный человек.

He is a friend, a man of great influence.

Он друг, очень влиятельный человек.

There’s a man, with lots of influence, who’s very worried about this thing, because he’s going to lose a lot of money.

Там какой-то человек.. влиятельный, который очень обеспокоен этим делом, потому что собирается потерять много денег.

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Here, the fortunate ones, through money or influence or luck might obtain exit visas and scurry to Lisbon. And from Lisbon to the New World.

Здесь деньги, связи или просто везение помогали счастливчикам получить выездные визы и бежать в Лиссабон, а из Лиссабона в Новый Свет.

I used every bit of influence my brother and I had to keep it out of the American papers.

Я сделал все что мог, использовал все связи моего брата, чтобы не допустить попадание этой истории в американские газеты.

Well, that cost quite a bit of influence et d’argent… to hush up, I can tell you.

Ну, пришлось применить связи и средства… чтобы замять это, признаюсь вам.

I am not without influence, I shall complain.

У меня есть связи, я буду жаловаться.

— I can bring influence to bear at Cabinet level.

— У меня есть связи на уровне Кабинета Министров.

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Even if Santa Rosalia… you should not influence the will of the voter.

— Но это моя жена! — Да хоть сама Святая Розалия… ты не должен оказывать влияние на волеизъявление.

Athena was formed by powerful people who needed to maintain their influence in the energy market.

Организация была создана сильными мира сего… для того чтобы оказывать влияние и управлять рынком энергоресурсов.

You’re a woman with influence, Dorothy, though you may not realise it.

Вы женщина, способная оказывать влияние, Дороти, хотя вы можете этого не осознавать.

He wants someone he can influence.

Он хочет кого-то, на кого он может оказывать влияние.

It will expand, evolve, influence…

Оно будет расширяться, развиваться, оказывать влияние…

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And you’ll achieve that sense of stature As your influence expands To the high financial strata

И ощутив процентов этих перспективу, вес и власть, станешь сам ты важным сэром, и собой гордиться сможешь всласть.

But I say that the lies remain, among those whom you know well, those who feel a threat to their social influence patriotism.

Но ложь всё ещё звучит из уст тех, кто трясётся за свою власть … патриотизм.

— My dear brother, I know you think yourself agnostic, but surely you must agree that Christianity has been and continues to be the dominant influence — on our civilization.

Дорогой братец, я знаю, что ты агностик, но ты должен согласиться, что христианство имеет господствующую власть над нашей цивилизацией.

— But I can influence the future.

Его власть.

Why don’t you use that newly acquired scintilla of power and influence to get Summer here to write an article about your man Robredo?

… Употребите свою вновь обретённую власть и закажите Саммер статью про Вашего Робредо.

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Miss Kalomi is strictly your concern, but should you talk to her while she’s still under the influence of the spores?

Мисс Каломи — это ваше дело, но стоит ли говорить с ней, пока она под действием спор?

You don’t remember stealing the money because you were under the influence of these magic mushrooms, right?

Потому что находились под действием волшебных грибов?

Captain, this man’s under the influence

Капитан, этот человек под действием

Mr. Branch was under the influence of narcotics.

Мистер Бранч находился под действием наркотиков.

But I believe it was the behaviour of a person under the influence of a drug, not alcohol.

Но я уверена, что это было поведение человека под действием наркотика, а не алкоголя.

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[ slurring ] Why ask that as if you could influence my decision?

Зачем спрашивать, если вы не сможете воздействовать на мое решение?

The story that I heard was that he was adamant that he could prove that the mind could influence matter.

Насколько я слышал, он был твёрдо уверен, что может доказать, что разум может воздействовать на материю.

Push him toward what? We might be able to influence him to become visible.

— Мы можем воздействовать на него

Personally, I admire someone who could work the system, influence the masses, execute a vision.

Лично я восхищаюсь тем, кто смог создать систему, воздействовать на массы, нести своё видение.

Maybe someone tried to influence the jury.

Возможно, кто-то пытался воздействовать на присяжных.

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