Use word honest in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word honest, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use honest in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «honest».

Honest in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word honest in a sentence.

  1. But, whatever else, one must be honest.

  2. To be honest, we are rather unprepared.

  3. An honest politician is a national calamity.

  4. But I liked how honest he became about himself.

  5. We have been an honest nation and brave soldiers.

  6. There is no substitute for hard and honest work».

  7. To be honest, we did not intend on making one then.

  8. He was loyal, honest; just a solid-gold individual.

  9. Dhanens describes him as having an honest expression.

  10. But to be perfectly honest with you, I don’t care a lot.

  11. But we must not allow a single honest Bolshevik to be harmed.

  12. As a result, several hundred thousand honest people perished.

  13. You just have to be honest in a conventional way after that.».

  14. He’s a guy that’s a good, honest, hard player to play against.

  15. No honest player wanted to meet the same fate as Buck Weaver ..

  16. Gardner believed the Wright family to be honest and respectable.

  17. We wanted to have an honest conversation with them», Jarrow said.

  18. Under such conditions it quite obviously did not pay to be honest.

  19. Rather than being considered a liar, Münchhausen was seen as an honest man.

  20. The craze of wanting to support oneself and one’s family in an honest manner!

  21. Rubin returned the script with pages of honest and sometimes sarcastic notes.

  22. To be completely honest, my favorite photos of her were from Jonathan Mannion.

  23. But her constant benchmarks were honest ingredients and uncomplicated cooking.

  24. She had found him recently confused, but otherwise an honest and admirable lodger.

  25. He also said that the «incident’s not the fault of the teams, to be honest with you».

  26. Kinney told Rolling Stone in 1996, «Nobody was being honest with each other back then.

  27. History will adjudge him to have been single-hearted and honest in his political creed.

  28. Grant by nature was honest, trusting, gullible, and extremely loyal to his chosen friends.

  29. The press corps also voted him the most honest congressman, and the fifth most intelligent.

  30. They were fresh, and they were honest, and they had what I thought was a sort of presence ..

  31. Now, I felt, they were ready for a large bowl of plebeian but honest corned beef and cabbage’.

  32. After Landis’ unforgiving treatment of the popular and basically honest Weaver they dared not to.

  33. He wished to go down to his final fate as a brave man, an honest man, and as an open-hearted man.

  34. She went through with it, anyway, after her husband Paul Du Feu advised her to be honest about it.

  35. Estraven describes him as the nearest thing to an honest person among the politicians of Orgoreyn.

  36. Editor Nick Levene claimed: «We’ll be honest — we’re more than partial to a proper movie theme tune.

  37. I think if we’re totally honest, DRS has affected the game slightly more than we thought it would.».

  38. Gierek was believed to be an honest and well-intentioned man, and his promises bought him some time.

  39. With time, he matured, eventually being regarded by his peers as a very reasonable and honest person.

  40. In the interest of preserving his reputation as an honest governor, Combs canceled the proposed deal.

  41. Falstaff laughs at him; he leaves, vowing only to go drinking with honest, sober companions in future.

  42. To be perfectly honest, I find it so hard to believe that songs from 13 years ago are loved this much.

  43. Outspoken, spirited, emotional, and honest with her feelings, she speaks her mind without reservation.

  44. Dennett, writing in 1933, deemed the book Hay’s honest effort to set forth a problem he could not solve.

  45. The last hallucination took place while Jack was imprisoned on the Dutchman, where his honest streak won.

  46. They, and others, conclude that as a person Victoria was emotional, obstinate, honest, and straight-talking.

  47. We tried to overcome the thirty thousand majority by honest methods, which was a mathematical impossibility.

  48. Maria Leopoldina, unlike his mistress, was popular, honest and loved him without expecting anything in return.

  49. He was unaffected and honest, and showed his emotions readily, easily being moved to tears by religious sermons.

  50. Dan Preston of Godculture Magazine called the film «a hands-on, grimy, honest, explorative piece of journalism».

Synonyms for honest

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word honest has the following synonyms: dependable, reliable, TRUE, trustworthy, trusty, guileless, artless, honorable, downright, direct, genuine, echt, honourable, ingenuous, sincere, straight, square, true, truthful, unpretentious and veracious.

General information about «honest» example sentences

The example sentences for the word honest that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «honest» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «honest».

Synonym: fair, frank, genuine, open, pure, sincere, truthful, upright. Antonym: dishonest. Similar words: honestly, chondrogenesis, nest, soonest, amnesty, earnest, earnestly, anesthetic. Meaning: [‘ɑnɪst /’ɒnɪst]  adj. 1. not disposed to cheat or defraud; not deceptive or fraudulent 2. without dissimulation; frank 3. worthy of being depended on 4. free from guile 5. without pretensions 6. habitually speaking the truth 7. marked by truth. 

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1. He is wise that is honest

2. An honest look covereth many faults. 

3. Honest men marry soon, wise men not at all. 

4. One honest word is better than two oaths. 

5. A ragged coat may cover an honest man. 

6. The honest penny is better than the stolen dollar. 

7. An honest God is the noblest work of man. 

7. try its best to gather and make good sentences.

8. He is the wise man who is the honest man. 

9. Be honest rather clever.

10. When rogues (or thieves) fall out, honest men come by their own. 

11. Poor but honest.

12. An honest man’s word is as good as his bond. 

13. Truth is honest, truth is sure; Truth is strong and must endure. 

14. I don’t think you’ve been altogether honest with me.

15. This money wasn’t earned by honest means.

16. Sometimes I wonder if he is honest.

17. He has always earned an honest living.

18. I believe my sister to be honest.

19. Do you like my dress? Please be honest!

20. Thank you for being so honest with me.

21. They live by honest labor.

22. I’m being honest with you.

23. He impressed me as an honest person.

24. An honest person has a lot of friends.

25. Are you being completely honest about your feelings?

26. Give me your honest opinion.

27. An honest man doesn’t do anything underhand.

28. The judge was too honest to be bribed.

29. We know her to be honest.

30. People need to know one another to be at their honest best. 

More similar words: honestly, chondrogenesis, nest, soonest, amnesty, earnest, earnestly, anesthetic, kinesthetic, inestimable, manifest destiny, honor, phone, honour, phony, dishonor, catch on, touch on, homophone, siphon off, telephone, switch on, cell phone, telephony, microphone, cacophony, mobile phone, euphonious, lines, on one’s own. 

Examples of how to use the word “honest” in a sentence. How to connect “honest” with other words to make correct English sentences.

honest (adj): telling the truth or able to be trusted and not likely to steal, cheat, or lie

Use “honest” in a sentence

We can’t deny the fact that he’s honest.
I am sure that he is an honest man.
Do you like my dress? Please be honest!

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честный, искренний, правдивый, подлинный, настоящий, нравственный, целомудренный


- честный

- правдивый; прямой, искренний; откровенный

- добросовестный; верный

an honest effort /attempt/ — добросовестные усилия, честная попытка
an honest piece of work — добросовестно выполненная работа
an honest judge — неподкупный судья
honest chronicler — а) беспристрастный летописец; б) объективный историк
to be honest to one’s principles [convictions] — быть верным принципам [убеждениям]

- настоящий, подлинный, нефальсифицированный

honest weight — правильный вес (без обвеса)
honest price — справедливая цена
honest goods — доброкачественные товары, натуральная продукция (не суррогат)
honest wool — чистая шерсть
honest material — тех. доброкачественный материал
honest truth — чистая правда; неприкрашенная истина

- скромный, простой; обычный

good honest food — хорошая простая пища
honest average playgoer — рядовой неискушённый зритель
younger sons were often apprenticed to some honest trade — младших сыновей часто обучали какому-нибудь нехитрому ремеслу

- арх. (о женщине) целомудренная, честная; добродетельная, нравственная

an honest girl — честная /целомудренная/ девушка
an honest wife — верная /добродетельная/ жена
she lost her honest name — она потеряла доброе имя /-ую репутацию/
to make an honest woman of smb. — а) жениться на соблазнённой девушке, прикрыть грех браком; б) шутл. жениться на возлюбленной

- уст. добрый, почтенный, достойный (часто в снисходительных обращениях)


- прост. честное слово; ей-богу

I couldn’t help it, honest — ей-богу, я ничего не мог с этим поделать

- поэт. поистине

honest true — верный, преданный

Мои примеры


honest to the core — искренний до глубины души  
honest fellow — честный малый  
honest to God — честное слово  
to be honest with smb. — быть честным с кем-л.  
honest opinion — откровенное мнение  
to be honest with smb. about smth. — быть искренним с кем-л. в отношении чего-л.  
honest girl — порядочная девушка  
frank / honest opinion — откровенное мнение  
honest doubt — добросовестное сомнение  
turn an honest dollar — честно заработать доллар  

Примеры с переводом

Do you want my honest opinion?

Хочешь начистоту?

Just give me an honest answer.

Просто дай мне честный ответ.

He has an honest face.

У него искреннее выражение лица.

Honest to God, I wasn’t there.

Честное слово, я там не был.

He is honest about this matter with us.

Он честен с нами по поводу этого дела.

I didn’t mean to hurt him, honest!

Я не хотел его обидеть /ранить, оскорбить, задеть; сделать ему больно/, честное слово!

He says that it’s impossible to find an honest politician.

Он говорит, что невозможно, найти честного политика.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

She came from a good, honest, working-class background.

She was always very honest about her feelings.

…an honest mistake is hardly a blamable offense…

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Возможные однокоренные слова

dishonest  — нечестный, мошеннический
honestly  — честно, искренне, правдиво
honesty  — честность, правдивость, лунник
honing  — хонингование, затачивание, правление оселком

honest — перевод на русский


Which I kind of surprised myself at, to be honest.

Честно говоря, я и сама удивилась.

I just was honest about… about all the great work you do, Darryl.

Я просто честно рассказала о… о том какую работу ты проделал,

I think you’re great, honestly.

Я думаю ты классная, честно.

Honest you would.

Честно. Так будет лучше.

I wish to work honestly.

Я хотел бы работать честно.

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«Be honest my friend and tell me what you think about my novel?»

«Скажи мне откровенно, друг, что ты думаешь о моем романе?»

Can you honestly say he is responsible for them?

Скажите откровенно, вы считаете его виновным во всем, что перечисляется

Tell me honestly:

Матильда, скажи откровенно…

I too can tell you honestly: I’m a pastor.

Я тебе тоже могу рассказать откровенно.

Be honest… don’t you like him?

Только откровенно, неужели он Вам нравится?

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It didn’t mean anything, and honestly, I-I wouldn’t go there and he definitely wouldn’t.

Я не имела ввиду ничего такого, и честно говоря, я не забуду, а он уж точно не забудет.

─ I honestly don’t know.

Честно говоря, не знаю.

Honestly, no.

Честно говоря, нет.

Honest, Dad, I think you’ve got the wrong guy.

Честно говоря, отец, я думаю, вы выбрали не того парня.

Honestly, Clipton, there are times when I don’t understand you at all.

Честно говоря, Клиптон, иногда я вас совершенно не понимаю.

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Honest, you’re making me very unhappy.

Честное слово, ты делаешь меня очень несчастным.

I’ll never lie again, honest, I won’t.

Честное слово, я больше никогда не буду обманывать.

Honestly, there are times I could shake you.

Честное слово, иногда я хочу отшлепать тебя.

That’s the first honest thing you’ve said in months.

Это первое честное слово за целый месяц.

Honest. No news.

Честное слово.

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Well, we can’t honestly blame them for saying something that’s so, can we?

Мы не можем винить людей за то, что говорят правду, не так ли?

Answer me honestly.

Скажи мне всю правду.

I was always honest with you.

Я всегда говорил тебе правду.

I’ve always been honest with you.

Я всегда говорила тебе правду!

I’ve always been honest with you!

Я всегда тебе говорила правду!

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Oh no… my father was not at all honest.

Мой отец вовсе не был порядочным.

— He looks honest, Pedersen.

Он выглядит порядочным, Педерсен.

It seems an honest man.

Вы кажетесь порядочным человеком.

He seems honest and good from the outside and deep inside he’s rotten.

Внешне он кажется таким хорошим и порядочным, а внутри он гадкий и отвратительный.

But he was an honest man, who never lied.

Он был порядочным человеком, который никогда не лгал.

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Yes, but I honestly loved Margaret and I had no hope until I heard those stories about you and Arthur.

Да, но я искренне любил Маргарет. Надежды не было, пока до меня не дошли слухи о вас и Артуре.

Let’s say some people honestly believe in the supernatural.

Скажем так: некоторые люди искренне верят в сверхъестественное.

honestly believes all this phoney junk that she believes in .I mean it.

Потому что она искренне верит во всю эту фальшивую труху.

At least here is honest merrymaking.

Тут все хотя бы искренне веселятся.

It was necessary to convince you… her desire to stay is an honest one.

Это необходимо, чтоб вы поверили, что она искренне хочет остаться.

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Oh, honestly, Cary, sometimes I could brain you.

В самом деле, Кэри. Иногда мне хочется прибить тебя.

You don’t honestly believe …

— Вы же не верите на самом деле?

— Perhaps… — Perhaps what? Perhaps he honestly thinks that Sanchez is guilty.

Может быть, он в самом деле считает Санчеса виновным.


Ну в самом деле.

I honestly don’t know.

Я в самом деле не знаю.

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I didn’t tell them nothing, honest.

Я ничего им не сказал, клянусь.

Honest to God, I don’t have any addresses.

Нет, мсье Макс, клянусь вам, клянусь. Не знаю никаких адресов.

Honest to pete, I’ll never call my mother-in-law an old crow again.

Клянусь, никогда больше не назову свою тёщу стервятником.

— Billy! — I haven’t got her, Sam, honest.

— Она не со мной, Сэм, клянусь!

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Honestly, do you have the money?

Скажи честно, у тебя есть деньги?

And be honest.

И скажи честно.

Lord, be honest! Are we the most pathetic family in the universe?

Господь, скажи честно, мы самая презренная семья во вселенной?

Honestly, do you really think he’s going to ask..?

Скажи честно, ты и правда думаешь что он собирается спрашивать…?

Honestly, have you ever seen anything like this?

Скажи честно, ты видел что-нибудь подобное?

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