Use word floor sentence

Examples of how to use the word “floor” in a sentence. How to connect “floor” with other words to make correct English sentences.

floor (n): the flat surface of a room on which you walk

Use “floor” in a sentence

Be careful. There’s broken glass on the floor!
The floor was covered with carpet.
The books were stacked from floor to ceiling.
Several couples were on the dance floor.
I don’t mind sleeping on the floor.
My apartment is on the fourth floor.
How many floors does this building have?
I live on the ground floor.
The floor is covered with a thick carpet.
He is lying unconscious on the floor.
Be careful! The floor is wet.

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floor — перевод на русский


— What? Do-do I really need to tell you don’t take a pill you found on the bathroom floor next to the toilet?

Неужели я должен тебе говорить, что нельзя пить таблетку, которую ты нашла на полу в ванной рядом с унитазом?

It’s like a pill you found on the bathroom floor.

Как таблетка, которую ты нашла на полу в ванной.

Who would take a pill they found on the floor?

Кто вообще поднимает таблетки, найденные на полу?

It means me wearing holes in the knees of my nylons trying to teach her how to shuffle on her bottom on the floor.

«Наша» — это значит, что я протираю себе чулки до дыр, ползая на коленях, пытаясь научить её сидя передвигаться по полу.

Feed her on the floor!

Кормите ее на полу!

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-Where, on the first floor?

-Где, На втором этаже?

Oh, there are three rooms on the second floor.

А там на третьем этаже три комнаты.

The one on the top floor.

Той, что на верхнем этаже.

On the first floor of the same house, Councillor Rumfort lives with his two daughters, Grete and Mariandl

На первом этаже того же дома, живёт советник Румфорт с двумя дочерьми Гретой и Мариандл

«On the second floor, commissioner.»

«На втором этаже, господин комиссар.»

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Not to go to her floor when they were returning of the theater.

Чтобы после возвращения из театра вы не смогли войти в её квартиру.

I reached her floor about the six.

Я пришел в её квартиру около шести.

— He just wants a floor busy!

— ƒа он квартиру ищет!

He just wants a floor busy!

ќн только квартиру ищет!

How about coming up here and looking at the top floor? — Now?

Почему бы тебе не подъехать сюда и не посмотреть нашу квартиру?

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For instance, I wanted to go to the first floor to their bedroom and bathroom.

Например, мне хотелось посмотреть второй этаж дома, их спальню и ванную комнату.

It’s on the first floor. There’s less noise.

Второй этаж, соседей мало.

On the first floor.

Второй этаж, спросите дежурного.

Sebastianstrasse 87, 1st floor.

Себастиан штрассе 87, второй этаж.

Just tell Heinrich that Anna’s address is Sebastianstrasse 87, first floor.

Просто скажите Генриху, что адрес Анны Себастиан штрассе 86, второй этаж.

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The things fell on the floor but I picked them up.

Вещи упали на землю, но я их собрал.

— You’ll just drop it on the floor.

— Просто поставь на землю.

I could have sunk through the floor.

я готова была провалиться сквозь землю.

Ma ma ma my On the floor!

На землю.

Everyone on the floor!

На землю!

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— Ground floor.

Она на первом этаже.

I was with Charlie at the window on the ground floor.

Я был с Чарли у окна на первом этаже.

The head guard and the Sergeant slept on the second floor.

Начальник охраны и его помощник спали на первом этаже.

Number 18, second floor.

Зарезервировал 18-й на первом этаже.

The dentist from the ground floor..

Там был зубной врач, жил на первом этаже.

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Becoming a polyp attached to the ocean floor filtering food from the water and evolving little tentacles to direct food into a primitive mouth.

В итоге появился полип, прикрепленный ко дну океана, получавший питание из воды и развивший небольшие щупальца, чтобы направлять пищу в примитивный рот.

Another led to a creature which swam freely in the larval stage but, as an adult, was still firmly anchored to the ocean floor.

Другая — к организмам, которые свободно плавали в личиночной стадии, но во взрослом состоянии прочно крепились ко дну океана.

Westley and Buttercup raced along the ravine floor.

Уэстли и Лютик мчатся по дну оврага.

At first clinging to the ocean floor… then developing locomotion and sight.

¬ начале они просто цепл€лись к океаническому дну… затем у них стали развиватьс€ органы передвижени€ и зрени€.

The bow section planes away, landing about half a mile away, going 20, 30 knots when it hits the ocean floor.

Носовая часть опускается ко дну примерно в полумиле от этого места со скоростью около 20-30 миль в час

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The couple from the 3rd floor are together again.

Ты знаешь, что наши соседи на третьем этаже снова вместе?

The subject rings the 2nd floor apt.

Объект звонит в дверь на третьем этаже.

Nose Ear and Throat, third floor.

-Ухо-горло-нос, на третьем этаже.

Third floor structure.

На третьем этаже.

— Third floor, by the candy machines.

На третьем этаже, за аппаратной.

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— Can you manage a table near the floor?

У вас найдется столик в центре зала? Конечно, ваше высочество, прошу за мной.

Boys, remain in the middle of the floor.

Кавалеры остаются в центре зала.

If somebody doesn’t stop that guy he’s gonna make love to her in the middle of the floor.

Если этого парня не остановят, он овладеет ею посреди зала.

It hasn’t even been opened up to the floor.

Вы даже не спросили мнение зала.

I will entertain suggestions from the floor if anyone has any idea how to shut this man up!

Я обязательно приму предложения из зала если у кого-нибудь есть идеи, как заткнуть этого человека!

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Floor van de Terpe, my TV director.

Флор ван де Тэрп, мой ТВ-режиссёр

Floor van de Terpe directs it.

Флор ван де Тэрп режиссирует его…

And that Lode and Floor were serious artists.

И что Лоуд и Флор серьезные художники.

Floor van de Terpe and I.

— Кто, мы? — Флор, Флор ван де Тэрп, Флор, Флор и я.

Floor wanted something else on TV.

Флор хотел чего-нибудь иного на телевидении.

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All sentences (with pause)

Used with adjectives:

«He fell asleep on the bare floor.«
(bare, cold, hard)

«She cleaned the dirty floors.«
(dirty, dusty)

«Be careful on the wet floors.«
(wet, clean, waxed, mopped)

«The room has cement floors.«
(cement, concrete, stone, hardwood, wood, wooden, carpeted, marble, tiled, linoleum)

«She needs to clean the kitchen floor.«
(kitchen, bathroom)

«I’ll meet you on the dance floor.«

«She lives on the first floor of the building.«
(first, bottom, ground, top)

«His office is on the second floor.«
(second, third, fourth, fifth) *many additional numbers

«She always gets a room on the upper floor of the hotel.«
(lower, upper)

Used with verbs:

«They cleaned the floors before the party.«
(cleaned, mopped,, polished, scrubbed, swept, washed, waxed)

«The book dropped to the floor.«
(dropped to, fell to, hit)

«Make sure that doesn’t touch the floor.«
(touch, reach)

«He paced the floor.«

«Trash littered her floor.«
(littered, covered)

«Their offices occupy three floors in the building.«

Used with nouns:

«They went shopping for new floor coverings.«
(coverings, tiles, lamps)

«The floor space in here is limited.«

«They looked at the floor plan for the new business.«

Used with prepositions:

«You can just put that on the floor.«

Synonym: defeat, ground, level, overcome, overthrow, pavement, story, upset. Antonym: ceiling. Similar words: flood, flour, flow, float, door, flourish, outdoor, doorway. Meaning: [flɔr /flɔː]  n. 1. the inside lower horizontal surface (as of a room or hallway) 2. a structure consisting of a room or set of rooms at a single position along a vertical scale 3. a lower limit 4. the ground on which people and animals move about 5. the bottom surface of any a cave or lake etc. 6. the occupants of a floor 7. the parliamentary right to address an assembly 8. the legislative hall where members debate and vote and conduct other business 9. a large room in a stock exchange where the trading is done. v. 1. surprise greatly; knock someone’s socks off 2. knock down with force. 

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1. They were on the upper floor of the building.

2. The floor felt uneven under his feet.

3. The body was lying on the kitchen floor.

4. The wires connect under the floor.

5. The students sit in a circle on the floor.

6. Water was dripping onto the floor below.

7. Don’t just sling your bag on the floor!

8. Don’t just sling your clothes on the floor.

9. The carpenters began to floor the room.

10. A little milk dribbled onto the floor.

11. The dish fell to the floor and broke.

12. The floor was littered with rusty food cans.

13. The encyclopedia thudded onto the floor.

14. The larvae burrow into cracks in the floor.

15. There was piddle all over the floor.

16. The pot shattered as it hit the floor.

17. The floor is covered with a red carpet.

18. Her scene ended up on the cutting room floor.

19. This floor has been designated a no-smoking area.

20. The floor was overlaid with rugs of oriental design.

21. Several couples were on the dance floor.

22. Oil was spattered on the floor.

23. His head hit the floor with a dull thud.

24. Several of the books had fallen onto the floor.

25. The floor was stacked high with piles of books.

26. I smooched with him on the dance floor.

27. She scrubbed the stain on the floor.

28. The baby crawled across the floor.

29. The river meandered gently along the valley floor.

30. Women’s hosiery you’ll find on the second floor,[][] Madam.

More similar words: flood, flour, flow, float, door, flourish, outdoor, doorway, next door, out of doors, coordinate, coordinator, look, loop, loose, balloon, look in, look up, look to, look out, look on, look for, bloody, look at, look into, look over, overlook, look back, look down on, look after. 

A floor is the bottom surface of a room or vehicle or even possibly the surface on which people dance, commonly referred to as a ‘dance floor’. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Jump straight up explosively and as your feet leave the floor, cross your right leg in front of your left, then uncross so you land with feet shoulder-width apart to complete one rep (b).


The bill came to the Senate floor two days after this year’s Regents elections, in which three incumbents were reelected and a new Regent was appointed to fill a vacancy left by a last-minute resignation.


Gather these objects in a bag and walk to the area with the hard floor or surface.


Aside from lots of walking and eating healthily, I’ve been doing loads of pelvic floor and transverse abdominus exercises.


At the console’s floor are foot pedals, which function like a clutch in a manual car.


You can’t even see the floor any more.


Rep. Louis Gohmert, R-Texas leaves the Senate chamber on Capitol Hill in Washington, Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2013, after lending encouragement to Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, with his overnight fight on the floor of the Senate against the Affordable Care Act, popularly known as «Obamacare».


This one’s old, that one you wore yesterday, and the red thing on the floor looks faded.


Four different scented candles burning in the living room and a pile of particulate waste waiting to be swept off the floor.


Amazon employees have been testing the store, at the bottom floor of the company’s Seattle headquarters, for about a year.


Stewart, who is now serving 33 years to life for murder, claimed in his Manhattan federal suit that he got sepsis after cops laid him face-down on the floor of a cell at the 25th Precinct station house in July 2014.


For 2016, the floor for all counties is $ 417,000 for single-unit homes.


The ACF trade show floor features nonstop culinary action, with exhibitors demonstrating the latest innovations in foodservice.


Before you throw yourself on the floor and cry, there is good news for diehard gummy lovers — there are many of organic versions of gummy snacks on the market that do not contain these ingredients.


Have an additional changing pad and a stocked diaper caddy handy to use on the floor in the room where you’ll spend much of the day, such as the living room, so you don’t have to run into the babies» room every time you need to do a quick change.


What we know as «the core» is in fact a complex series of muscles that include the pelvic floor muscles, transversus abdominis, multifidus, internal and external obliques, rectus abdominis, erector spinae, the diaphragm, latissimus dorsi, gluteus maximum and trapezius.


Since my Tiny Trainers protect floors pretty well, had to address the pants getting wet.


That’s because returns on retail tend to be significantly higher than returns on apartments, especially on lower floors, where the retail is housed.


The next morning, I spent most of the morning walking the labor and delivery floor trying to get my contractions to increase and intensify.


Three shelves provide a lot of storage space to speed things along during the nursery phase and no floor space needed with the hutch atop your double dresser.


My favorite way to do Tummy Time is over the parent’s lap while they are sitting on the floor or a couch.


She also backed the «spirit and mission» of a proposal by Brooklyn Councilman Brad Lander that would establish a pay floor for drivers working, as Uber and Lyft cabbies do, as independent contractors.


And it is interesting to see what survives the cutting room floor from a 30 minute conversation.


After milking yourself like Bessie the dairy cow, you carefully unscrew the bottle from the breast shield, cautiously reach for the cap, and… DAMN!!!!! DAMN!!!!! DAMN!!!!! You spill ounces of your hard earned boobie juice across the filthy floor.


You might find yourself using the floor, a table, or any flat surface, and a traditional changing table will go unused.


I can not be the only one who has spilled grounds all over the floor, burned myself with boiling water, or completely mucked up the ratios — right?


However, if a deduction for nonitemizers were combined with a reasonable floor applied to all taxpayers, much or all of the revenue loss due to noncompliance would be eliminated, as would the added complexity.


One cubic meter of gas hydrate on the ocean floor contains 165 cubic meters of gas at room temperature and pressure.


Or he says he can’t clean up because his hand is too tired — a complaint accompanied by a dramatic collapse on the floor and a plea that you help.


Mr. Skelos’s decision to step down avoided what could have been a messy parliamentary squabble, since Democrats were again planning to seek his removal on the floor of the Senate, after an unsuccessful attempt last week.


After I made the loaf last week, for the next 3 mornings when my alarm went off, I actually found myself thinking about the breakfast toast I was going to have before my feet even touched the floor.


To progress to the Hex, Floro is banking on either winning in Honduras, or drawing and making up lost ground in the scoring department in the final home match against El Salvador, while also hoping that the already-qualified Mexicans wipe the floor with Honduras on the final match day.


Throughout the two floors there are puzzles to solve, games to play and cool building materials to try.


It’s where Pat climbed a ladder nearly every evening when chores were done and played two-on-two basketball under a low tin roof and two floodlights, on a tongue-and-groove pine floor surrounded by bales of hay, with three older brothers, two of whom would go on to play college sports on scholarship.


But the Democratic congressmembers staging a sit-in on the House floor today may be committing one of the first really politically significant acts of live-streaming in American politics.


His thousands of hours of experience in the courtroom show on the Senate floor.


Raising the floor is great, the extra buck for NYC is nice (and paltry), but without indexing, you will never take the politics out of the income inequality reality confronted by too many NY families.


The master bath has heated floors lined with the black-and-white stripes that are a hotel signature, a flat-screen TV and heated towel racks, plus a deep-soak infinity bathtub and a separate glass shower enclosure — both of which have polished nickel fixtures by renowned British maker Lefroy Brooks.


I literally could have picked up pieces of my heart scattered about the auditorium floor.


Ricky Rubio is shooting well from 3, which spreads the floor for Joe Ingles and Donovan Mitchell.


With inflation of up to 3 % you would remain on track for achieving the target income floor from the state pension alone in 18 years or less — the # 300K or so required to buy an index-linked annuity in your scenario would certainly see your relative through those 18 years comfortably.


And so, one dark night I found myself alone and kneeling on the concrete floor of my small, dark, and dusty room.


Usually their services include general services like trash pickup and floor polishing, and also include more specialized services like window washing.


Davis has also taken on the task of defending stretch-fours, which has allowed Gentry to keep his twin towers on the floor together.


Don’t return until the dust has cleared, the floors are cleaned well, and the rooms are completely aired out.


The dual tank enables you to wash with detergent and water and follow that with a clean water rinse to make sure your floors are completely spotless.


With just one of our rugs (covering the gigantic 21» wide floor boards!)


Many of them also sleep on futons — a mat on the floor, not the couch thing we call futons.


Sampson said Tuesday in an interview that he has more votes for a gay marriage bill than when the measure lost in 2009, but that Senate Republican leader Dean Skelos won’t let it get to a floor vote.


As long as there are not any specific concerns or restrictions, the hospital staff should let you walk around your room or the hospital floor.


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