Use word envious sentence

envious — перевод на русский


I felt envious of your body

Я завидую твоему телу.

I am envious giant faith you have I envy you because… because… you go to heaven.

Я завидую твоей безграничной вере и завидую тебе потому что… потому что… ты попадёшь на небеса.

Well, maybe envious.

Ну, может завидую.

— l’m a little envious myself.

Я сама немного завидую.

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And the salesmen, envious ones that they always regañaban to me.

Завистливые продавщицы, которые всегда упрекали меня.

Look, love, What envious streaks

Взгляни, дорогая, Как завистливые полосы

Envious assholes.

Завистливые засранцы.

He was envious of Whyte.

Он был завистливые Whyte.

The envious Lyduschka knows about old Scarpinelli’s swindle, and she’s worried for Balduin.

Завистливая Людочка, знает все о коварстве старого Скапинелли и боится за Балдуина

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Because I’m envious.

Это я от зависти.

No, I’ve never been envious of anyone.

Конечно, нет. Я ни к кому не испытывала зависти.

Yet across the gulf of space intellects vast and cool and unsympathetic regarded this Earth with envious eyes and slowly and surely drew their plans against us.»

А между тем через бездну пространства на Землю смотрели глазами, полными зависти, существа с высокоразвитым, холодным, бесчувственным интеллектом и медленно, но верно вырабатывали свои враждебные нам планы.»

«Love is patient. Love is kind. «Love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude.

Любовь терпелива, любовь добра, любовь не знает зависти, предательства, лжи и грубости.

Small, envious, and dishonourable.

Малый, в зависти и подлости отточен.

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There are all sorts of fools and envious people in this world.

Дураки и завистники водятся всюду…

— You’re just envious.


That’s a waste of time, and meanwhile envious people are masterminding a plot against me.

Нечего заниматься глупостями, когда завистники роют мне яму!

You mustn’t listen to those lies of envious people.

«ы не должен слушать всю ложь, что говор€т завистники.

The stupid will like you in five years’ time, the envious never.

Глупцы через пять лет вас полюбят. А завистники — никогда.

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Frankly, I’m envious.

Откровенно говоря, мне завидно.

I’m so envious.

Мне так завидно.

If you’re so envious, why don’t you date somebody, too?

Если тебе так завидно, назначь кому-то свидание тоже.

It makes me so miserable and envious to think you have seen the sea and your poor old aunt has not!

Мне тут же становится грустно и завидно, стоит только подумать, что вы видели море, а ваша бедная старая тетушка — нет!

I’m so envious.

Аж завидно.

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1) She was envious of her sister’s beauty.

2) Envious glances were cast at Anne.

3) I don’t think I’m envious of your success.

4) She tried not to appear envious.

5) She is envious of Jane’s good looks and covetous of her car.

6) I’m so envious of you getting an extra day’s holiday.

7) She was envious of her sister’s new fashionable dress.

8) Do I sound envious? I pity them, actually.

9) Don’t tell me any more?you’re making me envious!

10) They were envious of his success.

11) Everyone is so envious of her.

12) He was envious of his brother’s success.

13) Colleagues were envious of her success.

14) He had always felt envious of his brother.

15) She cast envious glances at her sister’s dress.

16) Robert’s new job sounds very nice — I’m envious of him / I’m full of envy / I envy him.

17) He saw the envious look in the other boy’s eyes.

18) I’m very envious of your new coat — it’s lovely.

19) My feet were the embarrassing target of envious gazes.

20) An envious heart can’t be original. Toba Beta 

21) People will become more envious, more mistrustful, more vindictive.

22) Lewis was envious of Forney’s success.

23) Wenceslaus’ brother, Boleslaus, was so envious of the prince that he murdered him while en route to church.

24) We are envious of others who have power because they represent a threat.

25) One of the fantasies of the envious is that the other has everything.

26) Envious village elders would instigate whispering campaigns against them, or accuse them directly of witchcraft.

27) Their ideas gain plausibility amongst the idle, the envious and the unlettered.

28) They were in this life to make other people feel envious.

29) But we rarely went anywhere with the other girls and we were curious about them and envious,[] too.

30) I gasped at her beauty and, like the rest, threw envious glances at her most fortunate husband.

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I am proud, but not jealous or envious… I have a problem: I hate to lose.

Я гордый, но не ревнивый или завистливый… У меня есть проблема: ненавижу проигрывать.

To admit such an envious monarch could not.

Допустить подобного завистливый монарх не мог.

This is where I became really envious.

И вот тут, я стала им реально завидовать.

You do so much better than me I am often envious.

Ты у меня просто такой хороший, что иногда я сама себе начинаю завидовать.

She thought I was just envious.

Она сказала, что я ей просто завидую.

Sometimes I feel sorry for them; at other times, envious.

Иногда мне жаль их самих и всего, чего им не хватает; в других случаях я завидую.

Make sure you don’t seem angry or envious.

Убедитесь в том, что вы не кажетесь злыми или завистливыми.

Basically because he’s so envious.

В основном, потому что он страшно завистлив.

Optimistic, pessimistic, trusting and envious.

Которые бывают пессимистическими, оптимистическими, завистливыми и доверчивыми.

I’m envious for those that got to meet up.

Завидую тем, кому предстоит это увидеть.

Yes, I can’t help but be envious.

And I’m envious that they had the opportunity to enjoy more prestigious settings.

И я завидую, что они имели возможность насладиться более престижных мест.

I don’t like envious people, because trust is one of the main keys to an ideal relationship.

Мне не нравятся завистливые люди, потому что доверие является одним из основных ключей к идеальным отношениям.

He sees things on a level that… I know I shouldn’t be envious.

Он видит вещи на уровне, который… я знаю, что не должен завидовать.

Objecting to them, he says that envious people are born in distant (barbarian) countries.

Возражая им, он говорит, что завистливые рождаются людьми в далеких (варварских) странах.

Shifting your envious energy into curiosity causes you to take action instead of feeling sorry for yourself.

Превращение вашей завистливой энергии в любопытство заставляет вас действовать вместо того, чтобы жалеть себя.

He is never suspicious or envious and almost always thinks well of others.

Он никогда не бывает подозрительный или завистливым и почти всегда думает хорошо о других.

He was very envious and believed that the people loved this shepherd much more.

Он был очень завистлив и считал, что народ намного больше любит этого пастуха.

Jealous and envious people are the biggest generators of criticism.

Ревнивые и завистливые люди — самые большие генераторы критики.

Also to an opponent — if this opinion is competent and professional, and not dictated just by envious jealousy.

К противнику тоже — если это мнение компетентно и профессионально, а не продиктовано одной лишь завистливой ревностью.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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- завистливый; завидующий

envious looks — завистливые взгляды
envious tongues — завистливые языки, языки завистников
to be envious of another’s good fortune — завидовать чужой удаче

- арх. побуждаемый духом соперничества

Мои примеры


a family that is envious of their neighbors’ big house — семья, которая завидует большому дому соседей  
envious looks — завистливые взгляды  
be envious of another’s good fortune — завидовать чужой удаче  
be envious — завидовать  
envious person — завистница; завистник  
feel envious — завидно  

Примеры с переводом

He is so envious of her success.

Он так завидует её успеху.

Colleagues were envious of her success.

Коллеги завидуют её успеху.

There is a calmness about your life which makes me hideously envious.

Спокойный образ твоей жизни заставляет меня ужасно завидовать тебе.

Возможные однокоренные слова

enviously  — завистливо, с завистью, ревниво

She seemed to glide across the room beside him in a gown that all the females were staring at with envious eyes

fidelity, some kings with more than 300 wives, some that are envious

in all aspects of life would have made her envious if not infuriated

Be not her maid, since she is envious

around, under the condition not to be envious

envious could not help replying: «it’s good for

He also brought Psyche’s envious sisters to visit, which was the only reason Psyche ever tried to see Cupid’s face

As I looked over her yard, I was envious of the Lebanon Cedar growing in the center of the yard

“I was so envious of Helen god forgive me that’s why I kissed poor Charlie Slater to make you jealous but it didn’t you never even noticed

He was a happily married man, now made envious of a past, single, self

In this manner, the learned classes, for example, are often dismissive of ‖pretenders who would breach their professional authority or the clergy, its moral authority, or, as such questions may relate to propertied interests, the upper classes who try to remain inconspicuous by drawing attention away from their wealth or by downplaying its significance or the working and middle classes, who, equally envious or threatened by other groups situated above or below them, are likely to spend nearly everything they earn as fast as they can earn it while stashing the remains or the lower classes who seek hollow ―comfort‖ in their anger and resentment of everyone else who may enjoy more of the ―finer things‖ which have been ―unfairly‖ denied them

And I was jealous and envious

the other girls a little envious of her

Joseph, the youngest son of Jacob, suffered this fate when his half brothers, envious and bitter over Joseph’s favorite-son status, rid themselves of him in this manner

I am envious of her for a moment, and then I think she must hate it, and that’s why she shaved her head

Una tried not to feel envious

3 For I was envious at the foolish, when I saw the prosperity of the wicked

He had enjoyed it but was envious of my stay among the Ani’ Yun’-wiya

Fret not yourself because of evil men, neither be envious of the wicked, because there shall be no

«For I was envious at the Consider Him

» How many times have you seen someone doing wrong, yet prospering? How many times have you been envious of their gains? Here’s another thing to consider

She was envious that Yukino was going

For I was envious at the foolish, when I saw the prosperity of the wicked

3 Riches are not comely for a niggard, and what should an envious man do with money?

8 The envious man has a wicked eye; he turns away his face, and despises men

18 A fool will upbraid churlishly, and a gift of the envious consumes the eyes

14 The gift of a fool shall do you no good when you have it; neither yet of the envious for his necessity, for he looks to receive many

Maybe it was the confidence he had in his own abilities, or the gun stashed behind the wall, but I was envious of his attitude

to be envious of the wicked’s prosperity, for it will only last for a short while

envious deceived him through his vine; And I Baruch said, Since also the vine has been the cause of such great evil, and is under

“I remember how envious you were of them

1 But Satan the wicked one was envious, because of the consolation God had given them;

1 Then Satan, the hater of all good, envious of Adam and of his offering through which he found favour with God, hastened and took a sharp stone from among sharp iron-stones; appeared in the form of a man, and went and stood by Adam and Eve

(This means to be happy for others in what they have and don’t be envious or

1 But Satan the wicked one was envious because of the consolation God had given them;

1 Then Satan the hater of all good envious of Adam and of his offering through which he found favour with God hastened and took a sharp stone from among sharp iron-stones; appeared in the form of a man and went and stood by Adam and Eve

She was greedy and bad tempered, always envious, always checking up on

I had always been envious of girls with big boobs, and would

envious of another’s wealth

and feeling puzzled and foreign and grateful and envious that these

imagine life without Will, she sensed he was envious of

visit there, and besides, Lucy could not be envious of

envious, as she always loved that neighborhood

In truth, the last thing anyone should have been was envious of my position

Baruch said and how does this happen? And the angel said listen the Lord God made three hundred and sixty rivers of which the chief of 8 all are Alphias Abyrus and the Gericus; and because of these the sea does not sink; And I said I pray you show me which is the tree which led Adam astray; And the angel said to me It is the vine which the angel Sammael planted whereat the Lord God was angry and He cursed him and his plant while also on this account He did not permit Adam to touch it and therefore 9 the devil being envious deceived him through his vine; And I Baruch said Since also the vine has been the cause of such great evil and is under judgment of the curse of God and was the 10 destruction of the first created how is it now so useful? And the angel said You ask rightly; When God caused the deluge on Earth and destroyed all flesh and four hundred and nine thousand Giants and the water rose fifteen cubits above the highest mountains then the water entered into paradise and destroyed every flower; but it removed wholly without the bounds the shoot 11 of the vine and cast it outside; And when the Earth appeared out of the water and Noah came out 12 of the Ark he began to plant of the plants which he found; But he found also the shoot of the vine; and he took it and was reasoning in himself What then is it? And I came and spoke to 13 him the things concerning it; And he said Shall I plant it or what shall I do? Since Adam was destroyed because of it let me not also meet with the anger of God because of it; And saying 14 these things he prayed that God would reveal to him what he should do concerning it; And when he had completed the prayer which lasted forty days and having besought many things and wept 15 he said: Lord I entreat you to reveal to me what I shall do concerning this plant; But God sent his angel Sarasael and said to him Arise Noah and plant the shoot of the vine for So says the Lord ; Its bitterness shall be changed into sweetness and its curse shall become a blessing and that which is produced from it shall become the blood of God; and as through it the human race obtained condemnation so again through Jesus Christ the Immanuel will they receive in Him the 16 upward calling and the entry into Paradise

7 Give alms of your substance; and when you give alms let not your eye be envious neither turn your face from any poor and the face of God shall not be turned away from you

16 Give of your bread to the hungry and of your garments to those who are naked; and according to your abundance give alms and let not your eye be envious when you give alms

“No, I was never envious of you

Truth be told, she was envious with the fact that Harry had taught himself five different languages

Rather than being envious or

come and go, envious of the lucky ones who got adopted

“Please don’t,” I said as she slowly lowered my tail but continued to watch it with envious eyes

She had also admitted to herself that she was envious of the fact that Betty and Mick had bought their own house and were moving up in the world

Meanwhile, Manian’s envious nature ensured that he wouldn’t stomach the idea of Gautam being in the ‘Who’s who’ of New Delhi

Balthus noted with envious admiration the play of the great muscles beneath the sun-burnt skin

She was half ashamed at her hunger and after one envious stare, I turned away to give her some respite from my own longing glances

They envious are of every other fate

by his envious friends, and threatened with expulsion from

They were envious of me, so therefore, they had to keep

There sat Antonius looking at him with an envious expression

can see it in their envious eyes when they come to visit their

Believe me, I wasn’t envious or jealous

An envious flow of energy shot through Joey’s body but was immediately replaced by the pressing aura of the Venliers passing them noisily above

Although Cain displayed jealous and envious traits, there is an

Miriam looked envious as Nauca told of how she had educated herself in Ephesus, learning music, dancing, singing and even writing while employed as a mercenary by the local ruler

No doubt, she was envious of

The machines moved as one, perfectly aligned, in a way that would have made British royal guardsmen envious

Even I’m envious of you

They were envious of me

He knew exactly why she had selected the choice of wardrobe—the Star of Mysore was very noticeable, and most women were exceedingly envious of such jewels that they could never afford or hope to obtain

the country became envious of him, and sent him out of their country,

Exclamations of amusement and false indignation met that declaration, with the young pilots facing her obviously envious of those German aces

Jose nodded, glancing around the neatly decorated living room; part of him envious of his lifestyle, another anxious to leave for the Caribbean

Obama would like my office and probably be a bit envious of it

the envious lord of the negative

For years England had been growing envious of the Netherlands’ trade wealth, and after the Dutch seized much of Portugal’s colonial empire following the Thirty Years War, England was looking to compete more favorably with the Dutch for the lucrative shipping

In fact, it was the purity of her heart which has made her envious of her as she knew she could win over anyone with her pure heart

Tina said she was sort of envious of the close bond and the close relationship the Dianettes had with you and with each other

They said they felt sort of envious when they heard that Diane went out of her way for this mystery little boy and want to know if Diane can do the same thing for them

‘’Such colors you can enjoy!’’ Said Shanandar in an envious tone

Marilyn, who always had loved children, looked at her with her mouth opened, envious

Marilyn in particular looked envious at seeing the obvious love bond between Ingrid and Hien

Jennifer observed how everybody was staring at the car as it drove by them and I told her that she was mistaken and that the many envious eyes were looking at her

someone taken notice, they might have thought she was a bit envious not being with

Constantly envious of others and seeks to hurt or destroy the objects of his or her frustration

The devil wants to put you down, because he’s envious you’re occupying what he was called to occupy

The Bible says, they hated Him and wanted to kill Him, because they were envious of His success, so He experienced verbal abuse

Now they were both top of their profession, although, if he was honest, Groves was rather envious of van Leengoeds’ job as Director General, Press and Communication at the EU

But the majority, probably, were envious of Him, gloated and upbraided Him with their animal vanity, with rottenness, with hate and indifference

morning, I was envious of his discovery of the passion of his life

(Can you say «envious«?) I’m sure they were watching me thinking, «she is a little

The envious challenge is the reason not different than eating the white man brain and organs

envious of the girls that had an hourglass figure; the one thing that I

Using what remained of those powers openly in earlier times, was a death sentence, as envious men seeing their control threatened, branded natural women ‘witches’ and tortured, then burned or drowned them out of existence

seekers who are absorbed in meditation and grow envious of the honour

With the vengeance of a self-righteous victim, you app Where’s the Protest? so you can join the shaming to extort a little envious retribution from those who won the game you love to play, but rarely win

‘And he still has got this kind of stamina?’ Len asked, looking envious

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