Use word decided sentence

I remember that day, that was the day we decided to follow Tdeshi to the Yakhan

Me and the guys were always regulars there and they decided to buy it from Jack, the last owner

that the parents of her classmates had obviously decided that the

The morals they decided to teach me were just so I wouldn’t turn out like this guy

It transpired that his mobile phone had decided [over night]

He decided it was one of them that he wanted here to share his breakfast table

But aren’t boyfriends supposed to do those things? Travis didn’t really get it, so he decided to give it up for a while

He decided to open up the copy of Stranger in a Strange Land he had brought for the flight

This, too, has not been properly tested (actually the US Government decided that it was safe without testing it and, further, decided that genetically engineered produce does not have to be labeled as such)

On the fourth day, Brandon decided not to leave his room

She decided this was the best time to attack Big Petey

They took to the bed for an hour, just in case Jorma or Venna decided to pop back in on them

She spiced it more green and decided to put it over vedn toasts, so she mixed up some batter for that and started the griddle heating

He decided that this would be his gift to them—he would grant them names and stories of his own making:

Stay away from pointed questions about college or career plans; most sixteen-year-olds have not yet decided and resent pestering

Whilst wielding the loo brush and scrubbing at decades of limescale, I’d decided that I shall deal with this … this setback … come to terms with it and then I will call her

One day, some of the other dragons decided to follow Eddie to the cliff to see what weird things he was up to

They were confused at first, but then they saw his eyepatch and decided he was a toy

‘I’m glad you decided to come, Mum

«It’s not decided yet, but don’t expect more than €350 a month at the very most

By the time they decided these girls might really have reasons for being hermits out here and taken their leave, Tahlmute noticed that Estwig was out of their sight and he was nervous

I decided to forget about it and put the phone back down on the sofa

I’ll never forget the time he decided to spray paint the kitchen walls … I’d left a basket of clean washing in there … fortunately there was a fairly substantial towel on the top of the basket which took the brunt of the paint but I could have killed him when I found out

tumour on his stomach, but she decided not to accept the diagnosis of the

I decided to give him a chance

The phone rang and I decided to deal with Will later

Once hostilities ceased, Dad went to visit Bob’s family – his own having been bombed out during the Blitz – and fell in love with Bob’s sister … by this time he had decided that he wanted to train as a teacher – there was a big demand for men to do that after the war, you know

clothes and wait it out? He decided that he could not

She was glad when Ava decided that was enough for one day and invited her to her place for dinner

I decided to stand my ground

We heard something in the bushes so we decided to go in and have a look

He awoke early and decided to go for a run to wake himself up before breakfast at the hotel

Since she knew the address, she decided to go play in one of Ava’s virtual rooms, one they’d recently spent time in together

light fleece top that she had ultimately decided to bring along sat snugly over her

in the gutters of the metropolis, he woke one morning and decided that the mountain

They had pretty much decided that as soon as his place was ready, he would be brought back

Smith, in the madness of endless conjecture, decided to stick a virtual pin into the

One mind had decided to go back but couldn’t say why

She nearly turned on the You again, but decided it wouldn’t do any good

Jermaine hadn’t reacted to my use of his name so I decided to press it a little further

He had long since decided to abandon all methods that purported to achieve anything, anywhere, at any time at all and he seemed to be getting along just fine

‘I had a rough time of it when Emma was born and the end result was that, after several years of problems, they decided my best bet was a hysterectomy

Having given the enemy a name I decided on a second step

I was hopeless about the problems mentioned above, but this morning an unexpected solution came up: After years of moving houses, my sister has just decided to return here, at her own house, so that my mother can help her even more with raising her children

And so I decided to die by my own means rather than theirs, and the tears started again

This afternoon my sister and Antony finally decided to take a divorce by mutual consent, after ten years of misery and irresolution

Creditors were furious, they even went so far as to knock on their door and the couple pretended to be absent! So, Alice finally got sick and tired of this all and decided to ask for a divorce

He no longer paid any attention because he could see how little reason entered into the discussions and the council would not even listen to anything the remainder of the crew decided

When he finally decided he couldn’t do any more at this stage from the bridge, he went to finalize the connections on the other end, outside

Yesterday, at 2:00 am, I woke up with extra loud folk music in my ears! The duds across the street were having fun once again, right at that time, so I decided to call the police at once

It was on one of Smiler’s shifts, when his indifferent fist slammed into my kidneys again, that I decided darkness was the only answer

In spite of The Kid’s kindness I decided that the time had come when I had to stop the madness

I decided to start the ball rolling

Not knowing what else to do in order to improve my social life, I have decided to quit gyms and start taekwondo lessons at Nicky’s school, which is only a five-minute walk from my house

In those few moments smoking my cigarettes I decided to ask my new friend, Robbie, some questions

He decided not to drop to his virtual death, undoubtedly painful, right away

decided on what your interests are then half the story is done

So now that you have decided what is it that interests you in a person and what your

In the end I decided that a basic sign was all that was needed

By triangulating the times and apparent directions of our transfers, and using Menachem’s more detailed knowledge of the country, we decided that we must be somewhere to the west of London, probably the Thames Valley

By piecing together this circumstantial evidence and combining it with a few scraps of intelligence that we gleaned during our interrogations, we also decided that we were currently the guests of Cruce Signati, who held sway along the Thames Valley corridor and down in the deep heart of the South West

After that soul-racking experience, I decided to stay away from Offir for a long time

But that resurrection is not obtained because God decided to give life at the end

After many innocents had been slaughtered, we decided that we had to

the only ones left, so we decided to live here in peace

The light fleece top that she had ultimately decided to bring along sat snugly over her shoulders, not worn, as that would be too much admission of sensibility, but comforting nonetheless

The food and, possibly, the company had perked him up; he looked a lot better now, Kara decided

cute) I decided to give it a try

Ten years after she died, nine years after he fled the village and soused himself in the gutters of the metropolis, he woke one morning and decided that the mountain overlooking his old home would be the best place for him

We’ve decided which laws are applicable and which are to toss aside

I intend to remain here at least until Iain’s future has been decided

’ Iain said, ‘We’d tried to have a child of our own but after the third miscarriage, I decided we’d been through the mill sufficiently

The cottage was a nice little house, she decided as she tidied up the curtains in the front room

With so many competitors that they could turn to in nearly any market or industry that your business is in, they decided to follow your company

dear sister-in-law and brother she had quickly decided to

Following his last day at the office, he had made two further trips into town; one to ditch the last of the stuff he had decided he no longer needed and the second to sell his car and visit the book shop to buy the books Kara had selected from the website … as a sort of peace offering in recognition of how much it galled her to be constrained

He drew a deep breath and decided he had to share this fear sooner or later, so why not get it over with

It had been tacitly decided amongst the household that two of the rooms in the Hall would become Kara’s special preserve – her bed chamber and what had been Joris’s office

Cosmicblasto had decided to work with the

and decided to investigate

With Thom’s observations about content addressability in her mind, she decided to investigate what happens if attention # was taken to be the stimulate/recall level

I have decided judgement purely on the

decided it was better to be at the pond

This community had no weapons and decided not to defend themselves

She decided to take him to the ‘town’, there he would be safe, there would be no one around and he could regain his strength faster

“Ok” said Catwhiskers, “We have decided to learn some of your

After combing and brushing the burrs out, she decided to bathe them

I trusted him; when I decided that I don’t exactly know

When a set amount has come to complete maturity, then it is decided that the end shall be upon us

He could feel it and decided to diffuse the situation

He washed up and decided to call it a night before things got out of control

Ethereead decided to try out his present and took off again

He could see that she was on the defensive, but decided to call her bluff anyway

they had decided to lie-low for a while

But Cosmicblasto and Catwhiskers decided that whilst one of

After leaving Becky at the Hall, Kate decided to check on the rest of the camp

decided to have one more trip to see Fred and Joe

They decided to book time off at the same time

So they decided that they would have the next

So it was decided, Cosmicblasto and Catwhiskers would go upto

Random good picture Not show

1. The committee has decided to dismiss him.

2. They decided to starve the enemy out.

3. They’ve decided to reconstruct this building.

4. I decided to ditch the sofa bed.

5. He decided to forbear from interfering.

6. He decided to go of his own accord.

7. We decided to test the theory experimentally.

8. The matter will be decided by vote.

9. I decided to consult a medical dictionary.

10. He decided to enlist in the Marines.

11. The boy decided not to become a sailor.

12. Prison officers have decided to take industrial action.

13. The young couple decided to start their voyage immediately.

14. They decided to update the computer systems.

15. After long deliberation, they decided not to buy.

16. This gave them a decided advantage over their opponents.

17. It was decided to buttress the crumbling walls.

18. He decided to gatecrash the wedding.

19. Carlos decided to take a short-cut home.

20. I decided to make one more effort.

21. They decided to postpone their holiday until next year.

22. She decided on a beige cashmere sweater.

23. They decided to offer Jo the job.

24. They decided to raise money by subscription.

25. They decided to merge the two companies into one.

26. The government has decided to coin more one-yuan pieces.

27. The club has/have decided to increase subscriptions.

27. try its best to collect and make good sentences.

28. I decided to learn Spanish, just for fun.

29. She decided to give these old clothes away.

30. They decided to locate a branch in Paris.

More similar words: undecided, decide, decide on, deciduous, aide-de-camp, recidivism, decipher, decision, decisive, decimate, coincide, suicide, incident, decimation, indecisive, deciphering, decisively, accident, herbicide, regicide, incidence, homicide, occident, genocide, pesticide, germicide, incidental, patricide, decisiveness, indecisively. 

A sentence using the word decided. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use decided in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for decided.

  • Bailey decided to yield. (19)
  • His character was decided. (4)
  • Perhaps it was, they decided. (9)
  • Burman has definitely decided. (10)
  • I have decided on the pic-nic. (10)
  • She signified a decided negative. (10)
  • There she was, and nothing decided. (8)
  • They decided to surrender the field. (10)
  • She decided not to beat about the bush. (8)
  • And she decided to take him by the horns. (8)
  • See that another signal is decided upon. (10)
  • He decided somehow to mention the exact sum. (8)
  • Hearing it to be decided, she was relieved. (10)
  • There seems to me a very decided difference. (4)
  • She decided to pay a visit to her father first. (8)
  • But it was not without a pang that I had so decided. (2)
  • She thanked Miss Crawford, but gave a decided negative. (4)
  • I am convinced that she is not without a decided preference. (4)
  • My own decided opinion is that it would make books cheaper. (14)
  • For him, he decided that he would have rejoiced at the news. (10)
  • So far it was decided; and Henrietta at first declared the same. (4)
  • When you wrote about Besworth, I knew it was as good as decided. (10)
  • The young man decided the point with apparently superfluous delicacy. (9)
  • Sir Frederic decided that he could use him better in cross-examination. (8)
  • But he had decided, and he was not a man who went back on his decisions. (8)
  • Wolfgang decided to write to Crammon, but his letter remained unanswered. (12)
  • She glanced about, and Breckon decided that she had found him too personal. (9)
  • She, however, decided to arrest further bloodshed by quitting the regiment. (22)
  • If Lienhard came now, her fate would be decided, and she knew that he must come. (5)
  • Shall cases be decided on their individual merits, or according to formal codes? (8)
  • It seemed to be decided that she could not do better than sit just at that point. (9)
  • The best face had so clearly not been put on it that she decided to put it herself. (8)
  • Smetana became an ardent admirer of Liszt, at whose house his own career was decided. (3)
  • She had a charming profile, and nothing of her father in her face save a decided chin. (8)
  • We were quite decided that it would be madness to breathe it while he was in that state. (10)
  • His advent had obviously put a stop to the conversation, decided awkwardness having set in. (8)
  • She must not make it a more decided subject of misery to him, by a melancholy tone herself. (4)
  • They had found her to be commonplace: a creature without ideas and with a decided appetite. (10)
  • A few hours more, and my fate should be decided; and yet I thought the time would never come. (6)
  • The cheeks which had been pale now glowed, and the movements which had hesitated were decided. (4)
  • Here Mr. Weston joined them, and on hearing what was proposed, gave it his decided approbation. (4)
  • For the imaginations of decided people do not endow mere contingencies with sufficient actuality. (8)
  • She is a lady of nearly fifty, well dressed, with greyish hair, good features, and a decided manner. (8)
  • But I congratulate you on a very typical little storm, Miss Kenton; perfectly safe, but very decided. (9)
  • Then she saw him smile; it made his face all eager, yet left it shy; and she decided that he was nice. (8)
  • Some feeling fought against this in Felix, but, suspecting it to be mere jealousy, he decided to take her. (8)
  • I have done with lamentation; I look upon the event as so far decided that I resign myself to it in despair. (4)
  • That is, if she can be decided: in other words, aimed at a mark and inflamed to fly the barriers intercepting. (10)
  • In a woman this mood is near to tears; at a touch of kindness the tears come, and momentous questions are decided. (9)
  • The only reply was a soft but decided snore, that spoke, like a voluptuous trumpet, of dreamland and its visions. (10)
  • In those three days she had stumbled on the secret he had kept for two years, and had instantly decided to cure him. (8)
  • At least, so I am decided it shall be; and as there was no witness to our conversation, the thing is easily got out of. (6)
  • He had decided pretty finally that it would be Bessie rather than another when he received a letter from Mrs. Vostrand. (9)
  • He decided upon dealing with her in the third person, and trusting to his literary skill to keep the form from clumsiness. (9)
  • Their fate is decided for them, and they submit to it; whereas those who decide their fate are always rebelling against it. (9)
  • He had in fact relegated that to the company of the great questions exterior to his personal comfort which she always decided. (9)
  • It came when he had at last decided that she should be called by his name, if not legally at least by custom, round Mildenham. (8)
  • Mrs. Lackstraw thought it prudent to hint at the latter idea to Jane while she decided in her generosity to embrace the former. (10)
  • The Iroquois perceived that it would be hopeless now to storm the fort, and wisely decided to accept ransom for their prisoners. (19)
  • The omnibus remained her chief association with London, for she decided to take the first through train for Italy in the morning. (9)
  • Nevertheless they decided to repair to Pembina for the winter, and, carefully saving their corn, live by hunting until the spring. (19)
  • This was some months after Lottie had got at Scheveningen from Mr. Plumpton that letter which decided her that she had no use for him. (9)
  • The Counsel for the prosecution, a little, alert, grey, decided man, above military age, began detailing the circumstances of the crime. (8)
  • She looked at him to see whether the string she held him by would bear the slight additional strain: decided not to press a small point. (10)
  • I had not decided to accept the place without advising with Lowell; he counselled the step, and gave me some shrewd and useful suggestions. (9)
  • This dumb acting places the funmaker at a decided disadvantage, and the problem of creations that will meet public favor is one requiring unusual natural aptitude. (21)

Also see sentences for: determined, pronounced, unwavering.

Glad you visited this page with a sentence for decided. Now that you’ve seen how to use decided in a sentence hope you might explore the rest of this educational reference site to see many other example sentences which provide word usage information.

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Sentence Examples

We’ve decided to hold a novena on behalf of our C├®cile, who is still, unfortunately, between life and death.

So, I decided to «Gooble» it, and I got some very interesting hits.

Have you decided to end it all?

We decided to get an experienced detective to back you up.

The Commissioner has decided that work can start at the cliff tomorrow.

They decided to get a medium to make a deal with the hidden people about finishing this.

So I decided to sleep and slept until morning.

I decided to take the explosives to delay the construction.

She didn’t answer so I decided to look in.

Through having somewhat of a health crisis with hyperglycemia so I decided to look into wild foods and that lead me into growing my own gardens and using wild foods when it was available

And I decided right then and there,

Brigham Young was so grateful, he decided to join the Mormons on their journey.

Oh, look who’s decided to wake up and give a shit.

Look who decided to drop in.

I have decided I will miss her.

Look who’s decided to wake up and give a shit!

Richard has decided to make the baby proud, and buy back the dealership.

The fate of the universe will be decided as it should be

Because you decided in your righteous indignation that it’s more important to take a stand for a PSA who couldn’t do her job properly.

We decided that we’re gonna try and be happy for each other rather than always be so competitive.

As soon as he read confidential letter form Serbia, he decided… that he doesn’t want to get killed for others when time for battles in Serbia is coming.

By the ending of 1803. Serbs decided to organize uprising.

They have decided that Michel will serve his sentence in the Avellino prison.

Arriving in his village, Kossotski decided very quickly to enter the monastery.

Magdalena decided to sacrifice herself

«Life was Hell to me, and I decided… «

My dear countess: the king has decided to officially introduce in court.

In 1982 The Cinemateque Francaise found the negative of this film in its archives… six hours of rushes perfectly preserved, and decided to restore to public viewing this priceless heritage.

We decided 5 years ago to marry my John and your daughter.

My child, we have decided to have you engaged today.

King Fortinbras decided to help his friend and to free Denmark from its criminal king.

The Evacuation Center’s people decided to outdo the academic theaters.

Kravtsov decided to investigate on his own the case of the lost sugar.

I have decided to become the Grand Duchess of Abacco.

Einar decided to try again, and under his command everything was animated as in a symphony of work

But the Pharaoh decided to punish the Jews for their arrogance in their attack on Seti

So I have decided to put an end to myself.

With one heart, they decided to face the squadron.

For a moment it was like there was no betrayal or divorce. It all disappeared. For an instant I felt like I was with the man I’ve always loved and with whom I’d decided to have a family.

I’ve decided to turn over a new leaf.

I have decided not to marry you.»

I have learned from information gathered by my faithul old house-keeper that my grandson is leading a most unworthy and dissipated life — he having become an actor a actor against my will. — I therefore have decided to leave my entire fortune to the good old lady who attends to my household.

«I have decided to perform the marriage ceremony for Tore and Berit.»

So I’ve decided to leave Ste-S├®v├¿re.

I’ve discovered the Charleston, that traditional White dance and I’ve decided to learn it!

The Empress had decided that same day, on rising, to see for herself the famous «Chess Player»

So, I have decided to bring a festive ending to the carnival. Tomorrow morning at dawn after the dance …»

All sentences (with pause)

Used with adverbs:

«We need to eventually decide on a vacation spot.«
(eventually, finally, ultimately)

«Please decide wisely.«
(wisely, sensibly)

«Do I need to decide immediately?«
(immediately, quickly)

«She suddenly decided to join them on their trip.«

«He reluctantly decided to go to the party.«

«They collectively decided to close the business.«
(collectively, unanimously)

Used with verbs:

«I am unable to decide what to do.«
(be + unable to, cannot)

«You have to decide between the two candidates.«
(have to, must)

«I will try to decide tonight.«
(try to)

Used with prepositions:

«We cannot decide between the two plans.«

«The couple will decide on a restaurant.«

«The company decided against the design.«

Used with nouns:

«The court will decide.«
(court, judge, jury, voter)

«The panel will decide the case.«
(case, date, election, issue, matter, strategy, winner)

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