Use word choice in a sentence

There are some words in the English language that have about two spellings; as a writer, you should be aware of such words. However, in most cases, such terms have only one recognized spelling while the other is an obsolete spelling. Examples of these types of words that we will be looking at are «choice» and «choise.»

The word «choice» refers to having a chance to pick or select anything; it means an alternative or a decision. The word «choise,» on the other hand, refers to the obsolete spelling of the word «choice»; it is not recognized as a valid English word. The correct spelling of the word is «choice.»

This article will explain the definition, etymology, and usage of the words «choice» and «choise.» This way, you can understand how to correctly use the word when writing and use the correct spelling.

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What Do The Words «Choice» And «Choise» Mean?

The word «choice» can be defined as the act of selecting; it means the deliberate act of picking out the preferable item from two or more options. This word also denotes the decision of the mind to favor one option over another.

It refers to having an option or having the capacity or opportunity to decide. A choice is a variety of options from which a person can select. For instance, a person might decide on a path for a trip depending on their wish. Motivators and models may be used in the decision-making process.

The optimal route can then account for details like the distance of each feasible course, the car’s fuel quantity, or the traffic volume. Making decisions is a part of choice. Choosing one or more options after weighing the merits of several options is one possible aspect of it.

A decision can be made between hypothetical choices or actual options and the appropriate action. More sophisticated drivers like intellect, instinct, and emotions may come into play when deciding. However, a drastically constrained or artificially restricted option might result in discomfort when making a decision and, potentially, an undesirable consequence.

The illusion that making a choice of an item or a course inevitably results in control of that item or technique can result in psychological issues. In comparison, a choice including an excessive number of options can sometimes lead to misunderstandings, regret over the alternative options not taken, and disinterest in an unorganized existence.

The word «choice» refers to anything that has a selection; it also means the superior or best portion. Anything particularly favorable or beneficial can also be referred to as a choice. Having the capacity or opportunity to decide on something can also mean having a choice.

The ability to discriminate between what should be preferred and what is not is called «choice.» The word «choice» is from the Middle English word ‘chois,’ which is from the Old French word ‘chois,’ from the word ‘choisir,’ which means «to choose, perceive.»

The word «choise» is an obsolete spelling of the word «choice,» it cannot be found in several major dictionaries like Merriam-Webster and Oxford. Some individuals do not consider the word «choise» to be a valid English word and avoid using it when writing.

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How To Properly Use The Words «Choice» And «Choise» In A Sentence

The word «choice» is used in a sentence as a noun. We use this word when referring to the ability to select or choose anything. It is also used when referring to having an alternative, selection, or preference over something.

We can use the word «choice» when talking about something decided or selected; you can use it to refer to the result of a decision. It also describes having the capability or right to choose or having various options.

We also use the word «choice» in language or phrases to refer to being crude and harsh. When you are talking about a portion of food, and you say it is a «choice» food, that means the food or exceptionally high caliber. When you use the word «choice» in a sentence, you are referring to various options from which you can select.

The word «choice» can also be used as an adjective in a sentence. As an adjective, this word is used when referring to being thrifty. It is also used to preserve or use something carefully because it is valuable; in this case, it is used with ‘of,’ like to be a choice of money or a choice of time.

As an adjective, this word is used to refer to being of high quality or appealing to tasteful sensibility. It is also used to refer to something worthy of preference or selection. This word is also used when talking about carefully choosing a thing or paying regard to preferences, and made on purpose.

It is preferable to avoid using the word «choise» in a sentence because it is not thought to be a proper English term. It is believed that the word is the incorrect or obsolete spelling of the original word, which is «choice.»

Examples Of The Words «Choice» And «Choise» Used In Sentences

When writing, words that are not included in important and well-known dictionaries should be avoided. Here are some examples of the word «choice» in a sentence. Such a word consists of the word «choise,» which you should avoid utilizing in your writing to avoid confusing your readers.

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  • Pierre now believed that the lack of suffering, meeting one’s requirements, and subsequent freedom of choice in selecting one’s profession, or style of life, were indisputable the pinnacles of human happiness.
  • Turgot’s only choices, however, were a full revolution or a detailed «tinkering» with the current system; his attack on luxury, which could have been implemented by a charismatic minister and a powerful monarch, was, therefore, a necessary component of any successful reform plan.
  • The same spirit that addressed the congregations as seven is evident in the choice of four series of seven seals, seven trumpets, and seven bowls—to create the framework inside which the historical background of the last calamities is to be presented.
  • Due to the First Consul’s deft choice of prefects, the transition intensity was first less obvious; however, it was only a short time before it became clear to others.
  • After learning of his arrival in Britain, the British government made a choice to send him to St. Helena, whose geography allowed for some liberty of movement for the noble captive.
  • However, several Republican party members had vehemently opposed their nomination; thus, the President’s choice demonstrated that he was ready to assert his independence from party management and to demand administrative effectiveness.
  • The only flaw in his logic is that his dreamy chords’ appeal rests not only on his skillful choice of melodies to soften them but on the actuality that they reach the ear with significance.
  • Due to secrecy concerns, Mums was her initial choice, but given her age and the length of her marriage, there undoubtedly was not much romance.
  • Dean had the impression that she had picked the choice to live on the outside and had been forced to descend from one social level to another until only death remained.
  • In the choice of an experiment like this, it is important to keep in mind that the effectiveness of the equipment is significantly reduced in the absence of features like rapid heating, efficient fuel combustion, and cleaning facilities.

Final Thoughts

Some English words are spelled differently than we might anticipate. You must be aware of this and mindful when writing to prevent making this mistake. The words «Choice and Choise» can frequently be confused because of their similar spelling and pronunciation. However, as a writer, you should remember that the correct spelling is «choice» and not «choise.»

Shawn Manaher

Shawn Manaher is the founder and CEO of The Content Authority. He’s one part content manager, one part writing ninja organizer, and two parts leader of top content creators. You don’t even want to know what he calls pancakes.

The word (


), is the


most frequently used in English word vocabulary

Mastering contextual understanding of words and phrases is a vital skill for effective communication and English learning. Enhance your proficiency by practicing with our handpicked collection of 50 English phrases.

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  1. With mutually exclusive conflicting desires from their candidate of,


    , Ambiguity is a powerful tool of political science. More problematic are words
  2. To the subproblems do not have to be known at each stage; instead a» greedy «,


    ,can be made of what looks best for the moment. The greedy method extends the
  3. The use of Loyalists presented the British with» major problems of strategic,


    ,» since while it was necessary to widely disperse troops in order to defend
  4. Infinite, and thus implies that every finite collection of nonempty sets has a,


    ,function. However, that particular case is a theorem of Carmelo–Frankel set
  5. One variation avoids the use of


    functions by, in effect, replacing each,


    ,function with its range.: Given any set X of pairwise disjoint non-empty sets
  6. Should then be fixed to the tops of the walls using the builder’s preferred,


    ,of attachments. Taking into account the material from which the beams and walls
  7. In the presence of other basic axioms of set theory, they imply the axiom of,


    ,and are implied by it. One variation avoids the use of


    functions by, in
  8. Function, the axiom of


    can be compactly stated as: Every set has a,


    ,function. Which is equivalent to: For any set A there is a function f such that
  9. Sets:: For any set A, the power set of A (with the empty set removed) has a,


    ,function. Authors who use this formulation often speak of the


  10. With the axiom of


    , such as the axiom of determinant. Unlike the axiom of,


    , these alternatives are not ordinarily proposed as axioms for mathematics, but
  11. Of the Cartesian product of all distinct sets in the family. The axiom of,


    ,asserts the existence of such elements; it is therefore equivalent to:: Given
  12. To arbitrary collections. Usage Until the late 19th century, the axiom of,


    ,was often used implicitly, although it had not yet been formally stated. For
  13. Mathematical induction. In the even simpler case of a collection of one set,a,


    ,function just corresponds to an element, so this instance of the axiom of
  14. And so only makes sense for sets of sets. With this alternate notion of,


    ,function, the axiom of


    can be compactly stated as: Every set has a
  15. Ambiguity is contrasted with semantic ambiguity. The former represents a,


    ,between a finite number of known and meaningful context-dependent
  16. That there exists a set of nonempty sets which has no


    function. Each,


    ,function on a collection X of nonempty sets is an element of the Cartesian
  17. For sets of sets. With this alternate notion of


    function, the axiom of,


    ,can be compactly stated as: Every set has a


    function. Which is
  18. Has a


    function. Authors who use this formulation often speak of the,


    ,function on A, but be advised that this is a slightly different notion of
  19. Function on A, but be advised that this is a slightly different notion of,


    ,function. Its domain is the power set of A (with the empty set removed),and
  20. And thus deliberation),and only humans are capable of deliberation and,


    , » What is not capable of action cannot do anything by chance «. Metaphysics
  21. Corrupt alternatives. Punishment According to Schopenhauer, whenever we make a,


    ,» we assume as necessary that that decision was preceded by something from
  22. Set. Variants There are many other equivalent statements of the axiom of,


    , These are equivalent in the sense that, in the presence of other basic axioms
  23. A, whereas with the definition used elsewhere in this article, the domain of a,


    ,function on a collection of sets is that collection, and so only makes sense
  24. But only as principles in set theory with interesting consequences. Statement A,


    ,function is a function f, defined on a collection X of nonempty sets, such that
  25. In law, finance and economics and hospitality and tourism management. Since the,


    ,for higher education on the island itself is limited, many students choose
  26. Axiom of


    states that there exists a set of nonempty sets which has no,


    ,function. Each


    function on a collection X of nonempty sets is an element
  27. The respondent’s life was. Rand’s Atlas Shrugged was the second most popular,


    , after the Bible. Rand’s books continue to be widely sold and read, with 25
  28. Case is a theorem of Carmelo–Frankel set theory without the axiom of,


    ,(ZF); it is easily proved by mathematical induction. In the even simpler case
  29. The axiom can be stated:: For any set X of nonempty sets, there exists a,


    ,function f defined on X. Thus the negation of the axiom of


    states that
  30. The axiom of


    and are implied by it. One variation avoids the use of,


    ,functions by, in effect, replacing each


    function with its range.: Given
  31. Known and meaningful context-dependent interpretations. The latter represents a,


    ,between any number of possible interpretations, none of which may have a
  32. Theory on abstract instead of concrete machines, arbitrariness of the,


    ,of a model remains. It is at this point that the notion of simulation enters «.
  33. It is in the sphere of moral actions. According to Aristotle, luck must involve,


    ,(and thus deliberation),and only humans are capable of deliberation and
  34. In others, it resulted in money being donated to a charity of the volunteer’s,


    , During these activities, the researchers took functional magnetic resonance
  35. Of elements with x_i in S_i for every i in I. Informally put, the axiom of,


    ,says that given any collection of bins, each containing at least one object, it
  36. Features),such a selection can be obtained only by invoking the axiom of,


    , The axiom of


    was formulated in 1904 by Ernst Carmelo. Although
  37. And Thai (an abused). In Thai, tone is determined primarily by the,


    ,of consonant, with diacritics for disambiguation. In the Pollard script, an
  38. Set theorists also study axioms that are not compatible with the axiom of,


    , such as the axiom of determinant. Unlike the axiom of


    , these
  39. X. » In general, it is impossible to prove that F exists without the axiom of,


    , but this seems to have gone unnoticed until Carmelo. Not every situation
  40. Position argues that a woman has certain reproductive rights, especially the,


    ,whether to carry a pregnancy to term. Modern abortion law Current laws
  41. Mathematical results, such as Tychonoff’s theorem, require the axiom of,


    ,for their proofs. Contemporary set theorists also study axioms that are not
  42. Says that every nonempty set has an element; this holds trivially. The axiom of,


    ,can be seen as asserting the generalization of this property, already evident
  43. Exists a


    function f defined on X. Thus the negation of the axiom of,


    ,states that there exists a set of nonempty sets which has no


  44. B) does not lie in B. Restriction to finite sets The statement of the axiom of,


    ,does not specify whether the collection of nonempty sets is finite or infinite
  45. Drawing from Austrian School economics, study of law and economics and public,


    ,theory, while the burgeoning feminist and environmentalist movements also
  46. To fill the late Chief Justice Taney’s seat on the Supreme Court, he named the,


    ,of the Radicals, Salmon P. Chase, who Lincoln believed would uphold the
  47. Similarities in the language. Regional dialects In mathematics, the axiom of,


    , or AC, is an axiom of set theory stating that for every family (S_i)_ of
  48. Function just corresponds to an element, so this instance of the axiom of,


    ,says that every nonempty set has an element; this holds trivially. The axiom of
  49. Bin. In many cases such a selection can be made without invoking the axiom of,


    ,; this is in particular the case if the number of bins is finite, or if a
  50. A selection can be obtained only by invoking the axiom of


    . The axiom of,


    ,was formulated in 1904 by Ernst Carmelo. Although originally controversial, it

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choice (n): an act or the possibility of choosing

Use “choice” in a sentence

I had to do it because I had no choice.
What choices do we have?
I didn’t want to say anything, but I had no choice.
I think this is a wise choice.

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Choice, Choose and Chose

A lot of people who speak English or learn the English language often have confusion on these in their writing, as “choose” and “chose” are often the confused words in their spelling.

Word choice of these words does not have to be difficult once you fully understand each of them and their uses in a number of possibilities or courses of action. They can all be used in the first, second and third person view when speaking or writing. These terms can be used with auxiliary verbs and irregular verbs in their examples but do not have to. Many idioms can be created with these words of choice, but they change from need to need.

The words ‌«choice,» «choose» and «chose»‌ are all related, having to do with the act of picking or deciding on something, but they are used differently.

«Choice»‌ is a ‌noun‌ that refers to the act of picking something, ‌or‌ the options available to be picked.

«Choose»‌ and ‌«chose»‌ are ‌verbs‌, the actual action of picking or deciding on something. «Choose» is the present or future tense, while «chose» is past tense.

How to Use Choice

Because «choice» is a noun, use it as ‌a subject‌ in a sentence.

  • Example: ‌«Pat has to make a choice between the red dress and the yellow dress.»
    • In this sentence «choice» refers to ‌the decision‌ that Pat faces.

«Choice» can also refer to ‌the decision or selection itself.

  • Therefore, you can say: ‌«The red dress was a good choice.»
    • In this sentence, «choice» refers to ‌the dress itself‌.

“Choice” is also used in the present tense as well as the past and future tenses.

How to Use Choose

The word «choose» is a verb used in two ways. It can either be used to ‌a),‌ indicate the action happening in the ‌present‌ or ‌b),‌ indicate the action that ‌will‌ happen in the ‌future‌.

  • Example: ‌«I choose Ken as my lab partner.»
    • In this sentence, «choose» is referring to the ‌present time‌; the speaker is currently choosing a lab partner.
  • Example: ‌«I will choose between the minivan and the sports car at the dealership tomorrow.»
    • Here, «choose» is referring to ‌future action.

Other examples of choose can be those referring to picking out certain items from others, deciding on an activity to do, or finding the best course of action. The word choose is also confusing to readers as it appears to look like chose. This simple present tense term helps people in their English in many ways, and synonyms for choose can include: pick, decide, or select. “Choose” sounds like “chews” when speaking. Forms of the verb are similar across uses, but it is used in parts of speech referring to the present. This conjugation of choice is widely used in English. It can also be used as an infinitive in some situations.

How to Use Chose

«Chose» is the ‌past tense‌ of the verb «choose,» referring to someone making a decision or selection ‌at an earlier time.

  • Example: ‌«Anna chose four of her best friends to be her bridesmaids.»
    • In this sentence, «chose» refers to Anna’s ‌past decision‌ about her bridesmaids.

This simple past tense use in English grammar is often confused with “choose” as the words look similar in writing. “Chose” is also the past tense of choose and acts as an act of choosing something in the past. Example sentences for “chose” can deal with a decision that was made or an action that was picked over another in the past. This past tense form can be used in countless scenarios. One example is: “we chose to sleep early last night.”

Short & Simple Example Sentence For Choice | Choice Sentence

  • It is simply a choice of risks.
  • Strive for better choice and variety.
  • My choice would be vanilla-ice.
  • This choice created a good deal of surprise and comment.
  • The choice of weapons of course lay with the Englishman.
  • From Menza onwards our rice-bag had a choice of mounts.
  • There is no room for choice now, Pamphilus. PAM.
  • So the young man had no choice but to set out once more for the wood.
  • I mean a cellar largely stocked with choice wines and spirits.
  • On any noise our horses might make we had no choice but to take a chance.
  • I suppose every one compares and makes a choice between the two sisters.
  • And if so, then such a choice is not evil, but a wise and holy choice.
  • This choice was, as is now universally admitted, an incomprehensible mistake.
  • There he has it at his Choice to make any Engagement whatsoever.
  • It would be hard to make a choice between Miss Ramus and Miss Benedetto.
  • Dirty,» I thought, was the most idiotic choice of words to have made.

How To Use Choice In A Sentence?

  • The knights were then called in, and the choice of the assembly notified to them.
  • It was a choice and satisfactory menagerie, this pensive poet and this gladsome gorilla.
  • The right-hand version shows that the writer has at least made his choice and abided by it.
  • It is very painful to have to tell you these things, but I have no choice in the matter.
  • The place of holding the chapter was undetermined, and was left to the choice of the Master.
  • The majority were for the King staying; time will show whether the right choice has been made.
  • For Bowles was a top hand now, whatever his enemy might say, and he had his choice of guards.
  • The choice of direction made by him was determined by remembering the cypresses of which they had seen the mirage.
  • But it is for the judgment shown in the choice of the poems that the book deserves its chief commendation.
  • Confederate recruiting officers and sergeants were busy in those prisons, offering them the choice between death and life.
  • If the choice be first, before the existence of a good disposition of heart, what is the character of that choice?
  • I wasn’t in shape, financially, to have any choice in the matter of a stopping-place.
  • The magician was taken to the ruined castle and hanged, and his son was given the choice of the black powder or death.
  • I claim to have discovered these choice fishing places some seasons since, and have kept them for my own private use and amusement.
  • She wants the reality of her choice and she means «family» while a man too often means only possession.
  • True, there was not much choice for them in their lonely moorland village, which contained a young doctor and no other eligible man.
  • There he was a mere cypher: here he was lord of the ascendant; the choice spirit, the dominant genius.
  • He there says, that the virtuousness of every virtuous act or choice depends upon its own nature, and not upon its origin or cause.
  • As we were short of hands, our captain offered the crew of the lugger the choice of shipping with us, or being sent on shore for trial.
  • The lion has the door open, and it is in his choice to come forth or not; and since he has not yet come out, he will not come out all this day.
  • The direct object of our choice is, not disobedience, not sin, but the forbidden thing, the prohibited gratification.
  • I have to have him back again because the man wants him; don’t you see that I haven’t any choice in the matter?
  • A choice of these two wires may be made, using an increased winding depth with the smaller wire and a shallower winding depth for the larger wire.
  • The emperor had, therefore, his choice of setting a substitute over the Fehm-courts, or of being himself initiated.

Definition of Choice

Especially good or preferred. | (slang, New Zealand) Cool; excellent. | (obsolete) Careful in choosing; discriminating.

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make sentence with Choice

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Choice sentence in english

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