Use word brought sentence

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1. The mountains have brought forth a mouse. 

2. The mountain has brought forth a mouse. 

3. Rampant corruption brought about the downfall of the government.

4. My parents brought me up to respect others.

5. The rules will be brought into action tomorrow.

6. They brought along Laura Jane in a pram.

7. The sun brought her out in an itchy rash.

8. Water is brought into our houses through pipes.

9. The photos brought back some wonderful memories.

10. New safety regulations have been brought in.

11. He brought her breakfast in bed on a tray.

12. The artist brought his paints with him.

13. The boy’s screeches brought his mother.

14. They were brought up against unexpected delays.

15. The tablets brought temporary respite from the excruciating pain.

16. His widowed mother brought him up.

17. We brought home two bags of rice.

18. The waiter brought the menu and the wine list.

19. The jury returned/announced/brought in their verdict.

20. We’ve brought in experts to advise on the scheme.

21. They’ve just brought out a new[], smaller phone.

22. The prisoner was brought to court for trial.

23. His arrival brought complete silence to the room.

24. He was brought up by adoptive parents in London.

25. Strikers brought production to a standstill.

26. He brought a new book with him.

27. The postman brought me a large package.

28. Acting has brought me enormous enjoyment .

29. She brought up four children.

30. Your article brought back sad memories for me.

More similar words: drought, rough, bought, ought to, through, borough, roughly, a thought, thorough, go through, all through, throughout, get through, cut through, come through, fall through, put through, run through, thoroughly, pass through, look through, pull through, carry through, break through, at the thought of, deep in thought, follow through, tough, dough, enough. 

brought — перевод на русский


What… did you bring her flowers?

Что… Ты принёс ей цветы?

I know that sounds odd coming from a man who has brought you some of the worst. But it’s the reason why Tom had to work so hard to be that for you.

Знаю, странно слышать это от человека, который принёс тебе столько горестей, но в этом же причина, почему Том так старался быть таковым для тебя.

For all the suffering he brought her…

За все страдания, которые он принес ей…

Remember that day when you brought the whole pig into the factory?

Помнишь тот день, когда принёс целого поросёнка на фабрику?

I brought you two paintings.

Я принес две картины.

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I brought her here …

Я привел ее сюда …

Shinza, did you really bring the girl here?

Шинза, а ты правда привел сюда девушку?

— I do blame you — to foster this, to encourage it behind my back, to bring the daughter of my worst enemy under my own roof.

— Я и виню тебя — ты организовал это, проделал это за моей спиной, привёл дочь моего злейшего врага в мой дом.

Why didn’t he bring you in?

Что же он не привел Вас?

Fear has brought you here.

Страх привел вас сюда.

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So I satisfied the basic condition, right? Tae Yang. When I first met you, and from the first day I brought CEO to the study motel, I was on your side.

Главное условие я выполнила? когда привез Чжугуна. вряд ли бы мы встретились.

Hither the Sorcerer brought Peri Banu to sell her to the Emperor

Волшебник привез сюда Пери Бану, чтобы продать её Императору.

And the king visited him for supper and brought along the princess.

И король приехал к нему на ужин, и привёз с собой принцессу,

I took Miss Wilson home after I brought Mr. Stanhope.

Я отвозил домой мисс Уилсон, после того, как привез мистера Стэнопа.

-Look what I brought you!

— Ещё бы! Смотри, что я привёз.

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Every day, he brought her something to eat.

Каждый вечер он приносит ей еду.

It’s she who brings me bad luck !

Она то и приносит мне несчастье!

# If a song brings romance along

Если песня приносит любовь

It brings me luck.

Он приносит удачу.

— Why? Everything that starts with a ‘P’ brings me good luck.

— Все, что начинается на «п» , приносит мне удачу.

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Because Lydia was immune to his werewolf bite, Peter knew that she was the only one that could bring him back from the dead.

Поскольку у Лидии иммунитет к его укусу оборотня, Питер знал что только она могла вернуть его из мертвых.

«I’d just like to bring your wedding ring back.»

Я просто хотела вернуть вам ваше обручальное кольцо.

Foolish things, they can’t bring back the light to those eyes.

Глупые побрякушки, они не могут вернуть огонь в эти глаза.

Let me bring her back, please.

Позвольте мне вернуть её.

I come to bring the money back and fix up the books.

Я пришёл вернуть деньги и подправить книги.

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You can bring her here all you want.

Можешь приводить, когда вздумается.

But you must bring your friends home.

Но ты должна приводить друзей домой.

And Rhoda positively refuses to bring her friends home while she’s here.

А Рода определенно откажется приводить своих друзей, пока она здесь.

Then she started to bring her friends down here.

Затем она стала приводить друзей прямо сюда.

Well, now, you don’t think that Sally told them to bring a goat into the house, do you?

Ну вы же не думаете, что Салли велела им, приводить козу в дом, не так ли?

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Well, bring her along.

Возьми ее с собой.

Bring Nannarella, too.

Возьми Наннареллу.

Bring everyone, Andrea… all of them!

Возьми всех, Андреа… всех!

Bring your drink.

Возьми свою выпивку.

Cupidon, bring the gentleman’s hat from the other table. Then you wait in the hall, too. Say, thanks.

Купидон возьми шляпу джентльмена с другого стола потом иди тоже в холл спасибо там откуда я мы не расстаемся со своими шляпами никогда не знаешь как быстро прийдется покинуть это место

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We’re ordered to bring you to the police immediately… Shh, not that loud!

Мы должны Вас сейчас же доставить в полицейский участок.

They sent me here to get him… to bring him back here to Martinique.

Меня послали вытащить его… доставить на Мартинику.

He says I’m to bring her back with me… pronto.

Он попросил меня доставить её назад.

I went to great lengths to find him and bring him here in time.

Я пошла на все, чтобы найти его и доставить сюда вовремя.

You are responsible for bringing a letter to Irkutsk.

Ваша задача доставить письмо в Иркутск.

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I brought some pictures from headquarters.

Я захватил несколько фото из участка.

That’s all right, Mr. Larry. I brought your bags.

Всё в порядке, мистер Ларри, я захватил багаж.

I brought this ruby glass of ice-cream to comfort you.

Я, чтоб хоть немножко развеселить Вас, захватил этот рубиновый стаканчик с мороженым.

I brought you something, Jo.

Джо, я для тебя кое-что захватил.

— I’ve brought this scarf in case it was cold.

— Я захватила шарф на случай, если там холодно.

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What’s the idea of bringing Porter here?

Что за мысль привести сюда мисс Портер?

And whom do you want to bring her, seat at our table?

И кого ты хочешь привести сюда и посадить за стол? !

And if the shoe fits, bring her in.

И девушку, которой она придётся впору… Привести сюда!

My reports brought you out?

Вас привёл сюда мой отчёт?

My friend brought me. He and I are stationed out at Schofield.

Меня привел сюда друг.

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- past и p. p. от bring

Мои примеры


a social movement that was brought into being in the 1960s — общественное движение, возникшее в шестидесятые годы двадцатого века  
the unalloyed happiness that marriage has brought them — чистое /истинное/ счастье, которое принёс им брак  
a heart attack brought on by overwork — сердечный приступ, вызванный переутомлением  
The dimmed houselights brought a hush of anticipation. — Свет в зрительном зале погас, и настала полная предвкушения тишина.  
facts brought to light — ставшие известными факты  
brought his quarry to bay — загнал свою жертву в тупик  
with some difficulty I brought him round to my way of thinking — с трудом я заставил его принять мою точку зрения  
like smth. the cat brought in — запачканный, неопрятный  
balance brought from last account — перенесенное сальдо  
brought to a boil — доведённый до кипения  
brought forward to the next year — перенесённый на следующий год  
be brought to the surface together with the oil — извлекаться на поверхность вместе с нефтью  
horses were brought to rest — лошадей остановили  

Примеры с переводом

He brought my coat and his.

Он принёс моё и своё пальто.

I brought him a book.

Я принёс ему книгу.

I brought my camera along

Я взял с собой фотоаппарат.

She is very piggishly brought up.

Она очень плохо воспитана.

It brought out his better side.

Это происшествие показало его с лучшей стороны.

The sale brought in over $250.

Прибыль от продаж составила более 250 долларов.

Mother brought a pretty Poll.

Мама принесла премиленького попугайчика.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

What had brought on this fit of choler?

He swung at me and I brought my guard up.

You brought me here under false pretences!

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

It was the current from the north that brought winter, more than the path of Kortrax

Matt: 9:2: And, behold, they brought to him a man sick of the palsy, lying on a bed: and Jesus seeing their faith said

He decided to open up the copy of Stranger in a Strange Land he had brought for the flight

brought him flocks, seven thousand and seven hundred

Earth’s exile community here on this planet is small, herself, derived of an Angel downloaded into a native body, Alan, raised from a frozen zygote by the same expedition that brought her, and the thirty one Brazilians that survived cryofreeze, with or without the intervention of the Kassikan

It has also brought along with it, an increase in the average life expectancy

However the native humans got here back in the ice age, they brought few diseases with them and almost nothing of the native biosphere could infect such an alien biology as a human being

Electronic signals and frozen zygotes brought few pathogens but frozen human beings brought many

2Chr: 32:30: This same Hezekiah also stopped the upper watercourse of Gihon, and brought it straight down to the

And the reason I brought her along with me,” Johnny pointed at Nancy, who was currently enthralled with wondering what manner of creature or machine was hiding under the desk

“We brought her all the way here, showed her our base

He brought out his eye piece and looked through it

‘It was something he brought home after the war

‘I saw that friend of yours Amy today … she brought her car in to have the tracking checked and I asked her if she was still going along to them

Hopefully she could get enough money from Herndon that she wouldn’t have to tend sail on a freighter to get home, she hadn’t brought much with her and with all his fortunes he often balked at paying for her yaag

Small ripples on the lake brought warm sensations as they skittered across them

Red brought up her grenade, ready to activate it

Johnny brought up his hand to the earpiece, it must have broken during the fight because he couldn’t hear Ackers whining and yelling at him

It was possible that one of those loose ends might be brought on by her home star

They had brought harm to the village for allowing Haques to carry on as he did

He brought his attention back to the class

Having found it, he brought out what looked like a large thermometer with handles

Which brought him to his next order of business; he had to find out who he was dealing with and how best to deal with them

‘So what brought this on?’ he asked, standing by the now buzzing kettle, his arms folded

They were either brought here by

The levels to which they brought agriculture and the special relationships they developed with the ocean and the lands bear a closer look

He brought three bales out and split one

I’d been a mess when I heard about the accident, refusing to believe it was true … Dan had been great, liaising with the authorities for me and arranging for their bodies to be brought home from Spain and everything

Most of what he found was a magazine, and all of every issue could be brought to this eye

Talshi and her friend Wootondi brought a grate and a campfire into his yard for noonmeal

«They should have never brought it down here,» she gasped

morning when she’d brought the bins in and it was still sitting, dripping puddles onto

Tahlmute climbed to the plank, checked the straps on his luggage and looked at what doostEr brought

’ Liz said starting to unwrap the new paintbrushes they have brought in with them

«He brought nothing but shame to his nation’s flag

Sure it could have been something less grim that brought us together, but Jesus, you have to take the positives where you can find them, don’t you?

‘I’ve brought you a cup of tea

The nurse brought him to the intensive care unit and smiled again as he went in

Few natives have the money for a voice link, even now that our visit has brought the cost down by a factor of a thousand, most just send mail and few send it more than a couple times a year

She brought her feet down gently to the sand on a beach of moderate surf, one of the exposed sides of this island

handkerchiefs or aprons were brought from his body to the sick, and

I got Liz out of the house while the police went in after him but when they brought him out, he made one hell of a racket, calling out to Liz to help him one minute and screaming obscenities at her for being so evil the next

‘Yes, she was sobbing herself silly before they brought him out but when he started on her she just froze

She figured she should inform Ava when she brought up the last backup of his home

My son was brought from school in a state of shock – his leg was

’ Stephen told her reaching for the glass of cool water Molly has just brought over for him

was healing my sick soul and brought up my faith in His Word

‘How are you coping with this madhouse? The first time Mike brought me here I completely lost track of who everyone was

The numbers came into view when processing of the images against the database brought enough confidence to render them in the image

Renderings of the most probable species of brush were brought up

They had pretty much decided that as soon as his place was ready, he would be brought back

They found his address dead, brought up a view from the geosynchronous and found he had almost nine hours remaining of darkness down there on the ground

As they watched these events unfolding on the planet’s terminator, a remote probe in low orbit got thru on a laser-beam and brought them closer, close enough that its scope could detect the dots that were people on the ground, even without enhancements

Soon after that they saw the wagon brought to the other end of the craft

She had brought him across the beach to the water by now

ye brought again that which was driven away, neither have ye sought that which was lost;

«Ava believes that the base universe contains a huge and ancient human civilization that was given an immense technological boost by whatever third party brought humans here sometime during Earth’s last ice age

”They brought him here after the funeral

‘No, if we had known, we would have brought him back, but it was all so sudden

I swore in whispers as I moved, damning to hell the bastards who had brought me to this state and place

I tried to pick at the frame of the grill so that I could steal a stray beam of light from the bulb in the corridor, but all that I did was aggravate the pin prick wound in my finger from the bullet hole in the trunk of the car that had brought me here

«Wish we’d brought the gunnery junk instead,» Parker blurted out without thinking

«I mean I just wish we brought more guns, that’s all

I realize there are minor things that need to be discussed and have brought up such in

A second later, Burn fired thrust in her direction of travel and brought Audacity to a dead stop between the approaching metal storm and the redsuits

I am also aware that in some congregations there have been matters brought before

The Haad Licence was brought up

Every crew member had at least one embryo in stasis to be brought to term on the new world

Yet, there is something: A young woman has brought her seven-month-old baby, a nice and smiling boy, and everybody takes him in their lap

‘Really?’ he said, ‘What brought that to mind?’

Catching the wizards unawares and trapped within their compound where they can physically be brought to justice

They thereby brought

I wondered how these two men had been brought up

They had not actually brought their women with them

The Staas Privateers and the UN fleet have brought the fight to the Squidies’ home system

» Surprisingly, the whole exchange has brought out a degree of exuberance from Apollo and I must admit, I’m thankful for that

I assumed that the journey west continued and I tried to think of places that they might have brought me to; Oxford, perhaps, or Reading

At last! One of the uncountable (and usually dead-end) ideas I come up with in order to improve my life has just brought a result! Having found out recently that the monthly magazine “Greek Fantasy” publishes short fantasy stories of new writers, I thought of sending them one

“She has them in her hands and says she gave them to you but you brought them back untyped and left them on her desk without telling her anything!”

They’ve brought teachers and doctors where the government can’t be arsed

What he did know was that he hadn’t been brought up formally before the Haadij and/or the Council of Faith and Doctrine on charges of trespassing in the woman’s universe

All the children are gabbling about Christmas, Henry and Maureen are mobbed by toddlers waving new toys which Father Christmas brought for them

He brought up a diagnostic screen, Diam couldn’t see them from his direction, and Bahkmar tried to be as attentive as Diam said, without preamble, «It has been brought to my attention that you are not in favor of the council’s decision?»

«I brought you a gift,» he said

He called up a panel and brought a couple out to perform, the ones with the better raunchy settings seeing as Jaseem was here

We talked for hours, breaking off only to slip our hoods on and sit quietly on our mattress rolls when the guards brought in the evening meal

The home was snug when needed, for the dark often brought frost and, in the winter, sometimes snow

The other two or three hostages in the building had also, it seems, been brought straight to our last home

There was quite a big herd of karga brought in that day and he had to arrange extra haulage, a Nightday trip for more brining jars and a celebration to be had in the native tradition at the end of the next week when the last of the jars was finally transported off

He brought them thru to his side patio with a view of the pastures, then sent a servant for refreshments

Blaise had only a short frown, brought a flask of native serum out of a pocket in his loose bottomed pantaloons

Our kisses and our caresses in the dark night hours somehow brought comfort and assuaged the loneliness that otherwise threatened to engulf us

If this was ready when the Kassikan flew Ernesto’s body to the north, they could have caught up with the airship before the tunnel and brought him back

Alan turned toward her and the phone was brought into a position where her face filled the field of view

Her destiny, however, was not that of the cold mountains and the lonely snow bejewelled passes that brought fitful life to their lands

God sent severe circumstances and exile before He brought redemption in the times of Nehemiah

It was the bump on his head but mostly my kiss of love that brought him back, he said

The kind of suffering that is brought about by anxiety and wringing of the hands is unnecessary

Either the view that I had brought to them was entirely unreal, or it was definitive reality

It was just aimless wandering that brought me to Zhlindu, I was actually working as a sex entertainer when I met Nlara

Use Brought in a sentence. How to use the word Brought in a sentence? How is “Brought” used in English? What are the rules of use of “Brought”? Sentence for Brought.

Use Brought in a Sentence - How to use "Brought" in a sentence


How is “Brought” used in English? What are the rules of use of “Brought”?

Brought” is the past tense and past participle form of the verb “bring.” It is used to describe an action that was completed in the past, where an object or person was moved from one place to another. The rules for using “brought” are as follows:

  1. Tense:Brought” is used in the past tense to describe a completed action.
  2. Subject-verb agreement: The verb must match the subject in number (singular or plural) and person (first, second, or third). For example: “I brought my lunch to work.
  3. Object:Brought” is usually followed by an object that specifies what was brought.

Example sentences:

  • He brought his lunch to the park.
  • She brought her books to the library.
  • They brought their bags to the airport.

Note: In British English, the past tense form “brought” is often spelled “brought” (with a single “t“), whereas in American English it’s spelled “brought” (with two “t“s).

Examples of brought in a sentence

Here are 30 sample sentences using the word “brought“:

  1. She brought a bouquet of flowers for her mother.
  2. He brought his camera to capture the memories.
  3. They brought their own food for the picnic.
  4. The chef brought out a delicious dish from the kitchen.
  5. She brought her latest novel to the book club meeting.
  6. The tour guide brought the group to the famous monument.
  7. I brought my laptop to work from home.
  8. The band brought their own equipment for the concert.
  9. She brought a change of clothes for her overnight trip.
  10. The athlete brought his medals to show his friends.
  11. I brought my own umbrella just in case it rains.
  12. They brought a map to navigate their way through the city.
  13. The farmer brought his cattle to the market.
  14. She brought her dog to the park for a walk.
  15. He brought a book to read on the plane.
  16. The delivery man brought the package to my door.
  17. I brought some snacks for the road trip.
  18. The scientist brought his findings to the conference.
  19. She brought a gift for her friend’s birthday.
  20. The teacher brought a whiteboard for the lesson.
  21. I brought my own water bottle to stay hydrated.
  22. The artist brought his paints to create a masterpiece.
  23. She brought a jacket in case the weather gets cold.
  24. The volunteer brought supplies for the community event.
  25. I brought my resume to the job fair.
  26. The singer brought her guitar for the performance.
  27. She brought a blanket for the outdoor movie.
  28. The activist brought a megaphone for the protest.
  29. I brought my ID to vote in the election.
  30. The adventurer brought his camping gear for the expedition.

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