Use this word instead of that

Thank you for sending this email.

You’d not typically use such a sentence (with either this or that) as part of a reply to the mail in question. There would have to be something special about the timing or content of the mail itself.

An appropriate usage would be if someone sent a message out to a number of people, including you. Then if you replied personally to them, you could quote the message and say something like:

Thank you for sending this email.  I'd been wanting to
say the same, but I felt it would be overstepping my
authority to do so.

Using «This» instead of «That»

With quoting in context of a current conversation, you can use either «this email» or «that email» (all mails can be thought of as being in the past, unless the mail is describing itself). If you aren’t quoting it or are discussing something from the past, you’d prefer «that email».

In either case, the wording will stress something unusually eloquent or timely about the email and the choice of when and how it was sent. So it’s not something you would use casually to mean «Thank you for sending an email.»

Here are some more common ways of just saying «Thanks for writing»:

  • «Thanks for the update.»
  • «Thanks for the note.»
  • «Thanks for the mail.»
  • «Thanks for getting in touch.»

In recent months, the number of articles related to race and skin color has increased. Now you can add an article to capitalize a letter or not. On this blog, I supply a creative outlet for an unrestricted audience to express feelings and thoughts based on whatever theme they choose including the current protests and the riots. Thus, I share the article.

The attached article titled The Case for Capitalizing the “B” in Black is about language, and so is this blog. Our poetry is language. Our ideas are language. Every moment of our lives is language. I will share my opinion another time.

The article is not a history lesson. I mention this now because the article refers to a few historical points as they relate to the topic. I don’t want people who don’t like history not to read this.

The article is a walk through the thought processes behind the terms Negro, African American, and now Black. The reasoning for the capital “W” in white is given. The author gives unbiased telling and in someways leaves it to the reader to develop their own opinion.

I encourage you to read and learn. I’m not begging you to read the article. The author doesn’t preach in the article. You learn things, such as an origin of the “N” capitalization in Negro, and the beginning of the term African American.

The above articled mention is by Kwame Anthony Appiah, a professor of philosophy and law at New York University and the author of The Lies that Bind: Rethinking Identity, which appears in The Atlantic.

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the lines that bind

© 2020 Ronovan Hester Copyright reserved. The author asserts his moral and legal rights over this work.


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8 авг. 2022

  • Упрощенный китайский (Китай)
  • Английский (американский вариант)

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  • Английский (американский вариант)

No, it’s not very natural. We don’t have a phrase like “Chinese guts” or “English guts”. This would be more natural:

I can’t really explain (to you) why we use this word instead of that one because I just understand it intuitively.

You can say “I’m not able”, but “I can’t really” sounds more natural to me. And I put “to you” in parentheses because it’s correct and natural, but you don’t really need it in the sentence. “Rather than” is also correct, but “instead of” sounds a little more natural.

  • Английский (американский вариант)

No, it’s not very natural. We don’t have a phrase like “Chinese guts” or “English guts”. This would be more natural:

I can’t really explain (to you) why we use this word instead of that one because I just understand it intuitively.

You can say “I’m not able”, but “I can’t really” sounds more natural to me. And I put “to you” in parentheses because it’s correct and natural, but you don’t really need it in the sentence. “Rather than” is also correct, but “instead of” sounds a little more natural.

  • Упрощенный китайский (Китай)

@bsloan7 That makes sense. Thank you! Can I also say “because I’m using my Chinese instincts”?

  • Английский (американский вариант)

@studiousme Yes, that would be okay as well 👍🏾

  • Упрощенный китайский (Китай)

@bsloan7 So “Chinese instincts” is okay but “Chinese guts” isn’t. Thanks for your help!

  • Английский (американский вариант)


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Does this sound natural?
“I’m not able to explain to you why we use this word rather than that, because I’m just using my Chinese guts.”

  • “I deeply agree because that’s important in Japanese language, too.” Does this sound natural?



    Yes! Sounds perfect.

  • Does this sound natural?
    “I don’t understand a word but thanks for supporting me”

    (when a foreig…


    I didn’t understand a word you said but thank you for trying to help me.

  • Does this sound natural?
    “I’m not at the native level yet.”
    (meaning I’m not as good as a native …


    You should say “I’m not at a native level yet”

  • ‘because in Chinese we barely use this word if ever at all’ Does this sound natural? Can I replac…


    your sentence is correct and sounds natural. But replacing it with none at all would be incorrect.

  • Does this sound natural?
    “In daily Chinese conversation, we omit ‘because’ more often than we omi…


    In daily Chinese conversation feels a little awkward even though the meaning is clear.

    You could say

    In daily conversation, the Chinese lan…

  • Does anyone in the US understand the expression watchamacallit?

  • Does the vampire culture very popular in the western countries?Any cartoons concerned?
  • Какой Does it make you always happy to have children ? звучит наиболее естественно?
  • “What do you call an interracial relationship?”


    What’s the catch here??

  • what is correct?
    Where are you study?
    Where do you study?

    Thank you.

  • How to respond to «I hope you are doing well»?
  • Choose the correct answer :
    Despite a reputation for——output, he had the —-to take credit f…
  • If you are not the correct person, please direct me the correct one.
    Does this sentence sound nat…
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    Вроде какой-нибдуь подойдет лучш…

  • Я увидел, как она с трудом несет/несла чемодан к выходу

    Оба варианта правильны?

  • —> Актуарий
    Вы слышали об этой профессии?
    Известнa ли эта профессия в России?
  • Hi there.
    How can I learn speaking russian? Is there any effectively informal learning way? I us…
  • «Она всегда покупает только те книги, которые касаются политики» можно ли так сказать?
  • «Самое главное, что они меня поймут»
    «Самое главное, чтобы они меня понимали»
    Можно ли исполь…
  • Пожалуйста, купи в магазине какой-нибудь/всякий гель для бритья

    Вроде какой-нибдуь подойдет лучш…

  • Is there any irregular verbs in russain language Can someone write a lot of comman verbs those ar…
  • Я увидел, как она с трудом несет/несла чемодан к выходу

    Оба варианта правильны?

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Demonstrative pronouns in English

когда ставится this that these those

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Demonstrative pronouns in English (demonstrative pronouns / demonstratives) indicate a person, object, or their signs. There are several demonstrative pronouns in English.

Single number The many number

this — this, this, this these — these
that — that, that, that those — those
such — such, similar such — such like
the same — the same the same — the same
it is it is

Now you know what demonstrative pronouns are in English. Next, we will consider the cases when each of them is used.

Demonstrative pronouns this and these

This is used with singular nouns, the pronoun these — with plural nouns. These pronouns should be used in the following cases:

  1. When we talk about people or things that are near us. Sometimes in sentences with this and these, the adverb here (here) is used, which also indicates the proximity of the subject to us.
  2. This table is wooden. — This table wood. (the table is nearby, and we point to it)

    These books belong to me. — These books belong to me. (several books are next to me)

    this girl is here and she is waiting for you. — This girlhereand she is waiting for you.

  3. When a situation occurs in the present or future tense, we describe this situation using this / these.
  4. We are going to meet this week… — We are going to meet at this week.

    This month you are making a great progress. — V this month you are making tremendous progress.

  5. When we talk about the same thing several times and want to avoid repetition.
  6. I don’t want to discuss this but I have to. — I do not want it discuss, but I have to. (it is assumed that this event has already been called before, thus avoiding repetition)

    Look at this! He seems to be looking for his money. — Look at it! He seems to be looking for his money. (the pronoun indicates the situation described in the second sentence)

    This is the main goal in my life. — This is the main goal in my life.

  7. When we introduce people or introduce ourselves in a telephone conversation.
  8. Jim, These are my brothers, Tom and Carl. — Jim, it my brothers, Tom and Karl.

    Hello! This is Kate speaking! Can I speak to Mary? — Hey. This is Kate. Can I talk to Mary?

Demonstrative pronouns that and those

The demonstrative that is used with singular nouns, the pronoun those with plural nouns. Let’s see when we can use the demonstrative pronouns that and those:

  1. When we talk about people or things that are far away from us. Sometimes the adverb there is used in sentences with the demonstrative pronouns that and those.
  2. I don’t this piece of cake. Give me That one, please. — I don’t like this piece of cake. Give me that, please. (the piece of cake that the speaker liked is farther from him)


Demonstratives this, that, these and those  

Singular Plural
This — this, this, this What color is this shirt? What color is this skirt? These — these Thesis buildings are new.
That is that, that, that I don’t know That girl. I don’t know this girl. Those — those Who broght Those cakes? Who brings em cakes?
  • This and these only indicate close objects or moments in time.

Let’s sit on These chairs, they are the closest.

Let’s sit on these chairs, they are the closest to us.

I’m too tired this weekend.

I am very tired this week.

If the pronoun this is used with the words government, city, country, etc., it means the country, city, place to which the speaker belongs. When translated, instead of the obscure Russian pronoun «this», you can name a city or a country.

This country is very interesting. — The person is in the UK

Great Britain is very interesting.

  • That and those indicate objects that are distant in time or distance.

They can also be translated into Russian as «this», since the pronoun «that» is used much less often than that or those in English.

Let’s sit on Those chairs next to the stage. — Let’s sit on those chairs next to the stage.

Don’t got ill on Saturday. That day was the most difficult for him. — Don got sick on Saturday. That (this) day was the most difficult for him.

These pronouns can be put together with nouns and serve as a definition:

He owns this car. — He owns this car.

Or replace nouns and be used separately:

This is what John was searching for. “This is what John was looking for.

Pronoun such

Demonstrative pronouns in English include such — such. Its form does not change depending on the number, but the singular requires the use of the indefinite article if the noun is countable.

It is Such a boring book. — It’s such a boring book.

I don’t Such boring books. — I don’t like such boring books.

Pronoun same


LESSON 17 English

когда ставится this that these those

Abstract of the 17th lesson in PDF format can be viewed, printed and downloaded at this link

Do you know what is the most frequently used word in English? This is the article the! There is also an article a/an, and in some cases the article should not be used at all.

The topic of the correct arrangement of articles, despite its apparent simplicity, remains one of the «stumbling blocks» even for those who have been studying English for a long time.

In this lesson we will try to understand why this interesting part of speech is needed, in which cases it is necessary to use articles and how to do it correctly.

The meaning and use of articles

In English before everyone noun, as a rule, the article is put. Of course, there are cases when the article is not used (the so-called Article zero). But in general, the rule remains in force — this part of speech goes along with the noun «in conjunction». If a noun is used with adjective, the article is placed before the adjective, and all article placement rules remain in effect.

This topic seems difficult to us because in the Russian language there is no such part of speech as the article. However, we still have words that seem to play his role. Let’s look at how the definite and indefinite articles differ, and with what words they can be replaced in Russian.

Use of the indefinite article ‘a / an’

Article a/an in English comes from the word one — «one«. The analogue of this article in Russian will be the word “one”, But not in the meaning of quantity, but in the meaning of“ one of many ”. For example: “I knew one doctor «.

If the article is followed by a word that begins with a consonant, we put the article a, if with a vowel — use an… If a noun is used with an adjective, the rule applies to the adjective preceded by the article. For example: to book (book), an actress (actress), a nice girl, an interesting film (interesting film).

Pay attention! This rule is determined by phonetics (pronunciation), not spelling. For example, the word an hour [auə] («Hour») begins with a consonant, but with a vowel, so we put the article an. The words a university


Demonstrative pronouns in English: what does it mean?

когда ставится this that these those

In today’s English, demonstrative pronouns are those pronouns that denote a person or object located near or at a distance, as well as their signs.

There are several demonstrative English pronouns: this — this, this, this; That — that, that, that; Such — such, similar; same — the same. In pl. number of pronouns such and the same does not change, but the form of the pronouns this and that in plural. number changes to these and those.

The demonstrative pronouns

In unit. number number of

This (this, this, this) These (these)
That (that, that, that) Those

Let’s look at the possible uses of all demonstrative pronouns, as well as determine what they have in common, and what are the differences between them.

This is a rhino.

Pronouns this — these

This — these are used when we mean persons or objects that are at close range from us.

In sentences with this (this, singular) or These (these, plural) can be used here —here, so that there is no doubt that a certain object or person is in the vicinity of the speaker.

Pronoun this in singular form. numbers are used when an action or situation is implied that occurs in a given period of time, or that will occur in the near future: this year (this year), this month (this month), etc.

The demonstrative pronoun this usually used when talking on the phone or meeting another person:

Usually this / these are used when discussing objects or places that are near us.

Those bears are very funny!

Pronouns that — those

That — those are used when they mean things or persons located at a distance from the interlocutor, therefore the adverb «there — there» is sometimes used together with that.

In the case when a situation from the past is implied.

During a telephone conversation, when we specify who we are talking to.

look! Those are monkeys.

Pronouns the same and such

Rules for using demonstrative pronouns same (the same) and Such (such) are identical.

It is enough just to remember that in the case of using such with nouns (countable) in singular. number, it is correct to use it with an indefinite article, and with uncountable nouns or plural nouns after such an article is not needed.

Anchoring test

1 is my friend.

  1. a) There
  2. b) This
  3. c) These

2 are fish.


This, That, These, Those — demonstrative pronouns in English

The demonstrative pronouns in English, they do not name a person or an object, but indicate it. Usually, demonstrative pronouns include this, that and their plural forms these, those.

Demonstrative pronouns This — That and the difference between them

Pronoun this used to indicate an object or person in the vicinity, like “this” in Russian. Pronoun That indicates an object, a person in the distance, like “that” or “that” in Russian. This plural is these, that the plural is those:

Single number The many number

Close This Thesis
Far That Those

This and that refer to noun determinants, words that clarify the meanings of nouns.


I hold the book in my hands, looking at the pictures.

I this book. — I like this book.

I don’t These pictures. — I do not like these Pictures.

At the bookstore, I point to the books on the shelf:

I That book. — I like and book.

I don’t Those books. — I do not like those books.

Pronoun That It is far from always appropriate to translate into Russian as “that, that”. More often «this, this» is suitable. For example, I’m talking about a book that the other person mentioned in the conversation. There is no book nearby, it is only mentioned.

I That book. — I like this book.

This is That as pronouns-nouns

The pronouns this and that can act not as determinants of a noun, but in roles characteristic of the nouns themselves. For example:

As a subject:

This is what we wanted. — This is what we wanted.

That was a good show. — It was a good show.

As an add-on:

I don’t this. — I do not like this.

Can you see that? — You it see?

Demonstratives Such, Same

Demonstrative pronouns also include Such и same… Both pronouns do not have special plural forms.

1. Pronoun Such

The pronoun such means «such», «this type, kind». If such comes before a singular noun, the article “a an” is placed between them:

It was such a moment interesting movie. — It was such an interesting film.

beer? At such as time? — Beer? At this hour?

The pronoun such is often used in surprised exclamations — happy or not:

Such a wonderful place! — What a wonderful place!

Such a mess! — What a mess!

If such comes before a plural noun, the article is not needed:

I don’t know Such people. — I don’t know such people.

Why would she ask me Such questions? — Why would she ask me such questions?

2. Pronoun Same

The pronoun same means “the same”, “the same”. Since same identifies a specific noun, it is always preceded by the definite article the.

I have same jacket. — I have the same jacket.

they had same idea. — They had the same idea.


Pronouns in English. Exercises for beginners

The «Pronouns» section is one of the most important sections of the grammar of any language and to start pronouns in English it is necessary already at the first level of study.

In this article, I publish exercises for beginners on the most important pronoun groups. References are given to theoretical material on the topic «Pronouns in English».

Pronoun exercises for beginners are arranged as the difficulty increases and contain only the most common vocabulary.


* * *

1. Personal pronouns. Exercises for beginners

Exercise 1. Select words from the list that can be replaced with “He”, “she”, “it”, “they”.

Children, a cat, animals, Mary, parents, Oleg, friends, a pen, books, a family, rain, a house, mice, February, summer, a river, Peter and Mike. a dog, windows, tuesday

* * *

Exercise 2. Replace the highlighted words with personal pronouns.

1. Nick is from Great Britain. 2. Iren is a student. 3. Bert and his brother live in London. four. Helen and me are good friends. 5. Are you and your sister twins? 6. The cat is drinking milk.

* * *

2. Demonstrative pronouns: this, these, that, those

Exercise 3. Build sentences by reference. Use the imperative of the verb cool and demonstrative pronouns this — this (this) and These -these.

Imperative verb stands in the first form (from a dictionary). look — look Look at — Look at


  1. man / fat — Look at this man. He is fat. — Look at this man. He’s fat.
  2. hat / new — Look at these hats. They are new. — Look at these hats. They are new.

1.woman / thin2. sportsman / tall3. sportswoman / short4. children / noisy5. feet / clean6. hands / dirty7. dogs / spotty

8. cats / old

* * *

Exercise 4. Choose English Pronoun Equivalents this, these, that,Those.

1. What color are (those) pens? 2. (That) boy is my friend. 3. I want to read (that) book. 4. (Those) children are my friends. 5. What is (this)? 6. (This) table is round. 7. (These) cats are white.

8. (Those) flowers are roses.

* * *

Exercise 5. Make the sentences plural.

SAMPLE. This is a spider. — These are spiders.

1. This is a spider. 2. That is a snail. 3. This is a star. 4. This is a boy. 5. This is a baby. 6. That is a flower. 7. That is a shelf. 8. Is this a sofa? 9. Is this a bookcase? 10. Is this a man? 11. Is that a woman? 12. Is that a train? 13. Is that a plane? 14. Is the window open? 15. Is the door closed? 16. That is not a king. 17. That is not a queen. 18. That is not a bus. 19. This isn’t a mountain. 20. This isn’t a mouse.

* * *

Exercise 6. Translate sentences with turnover «It«Into English.


  • This is a child. — This is a child.
  • These are kids. — These are children.

1. This is a hat. 2. It’s a car. 3. These are toys. 4. This is a pen.

5. These are pencils.

* * *

3. Personal and possessive pronouns

Exercise 7. Fill in the blanks with pronouns my, your, his, her, our, their.

REMEMBER: I would = I’d — I would like to

  1. I’d some ice in orange juice.
  2. We’d to have breakfast
  3. The children would to watch TV in. room.
  4. He’d some milk in .. cereal.
  5. She’d lemon in ..tea.

* * *

* * *

Exercise 8. Fill in the gaps with possessive pronouns.


The use of the pronoun both in English

Pronoun both in English can be used in different situations in different ways. Both translated as «both«,»both«, etc.

For example:
I want both books.
I want both books.

Both shirts are good.

Both shirts are good.

Following pronoun both possessive pronoun or definite article the often omitted.

For example:
You can take both shirts… (NOT both the shirts.) You can take both shirts.

He lost both parents when he was a child. (NOT both his parents)

He lost both parents when he was a child.

Both and both of

Before a noun with a determinative (for example: the, this, my, your, those, etc.), can be used as bothAnd both of… In American English, the more commonly used both of.

For example:
I want both of these books… = I want both these books.
I want both of these books.

Before the personal pronoun is used both of.

For example:
Both of them are good. They are both good. Both of us want to go. We both want to go.

If a pronoun is used as an object in a sentence, both can be used after it.

For example:
She has invited us both… She invited both of us.

She has sent you both her love.

She says hello to both of you.

Both and neither

In negative sentences instead of both is used neither.

For example:
Neither of them came. (NOT Both of them did not come.)
Both of them are not have come.

Place both in a sentence

When the pronoun both used to describe the subject in a sentence, it is used together with the predicate, and is placed after the auxiliary verb, but before the semantic verb. When there are two auxiliary verbs, both usually placed after the first one.

For example:
They are both good. They are both good.

We both want to go.

We both want to go.

We have both been invited.

We were both invited.

They have both gone home.

They both went home.

Note that in such cases, the same value can be passed using the construction both (of) + noun / pronoun.

For example:
Both of them are good. They are both good.

Both of us want to go.

We both want to go.

Both of us have been invited.

We were both invited.

Both of them have gone home.

They both went home.

Both and

Pay attention to the use both in this construction, which is a relational union. This construction translates as “both «,»and, and «.

For example:
She is both Beautiful and smart.
It as smart and beautiful.

She both sings and dances.

It и sings, и dancing.


Demonstrative pronouns. Demonstrative Pronouns

In English, there are four demonstrative pronouns (demonstrative pronouns): this (These), That (Those), Such и same.
Demonstrative pronouns indicate a person, an object or their signs and serve to distinguish them from other persons, objects, signs.

Demonstrative pronouns

Singular this [ðis] this, this, thisThat [ðæt] that, that, that (sometimes this, this, this)
Plural These [ði: z] theseThose [ðəuz] those
Pronouns such and the same categories do not have numbers Such [sʌtʃ] such, suchsame [seim] the same, the same

Demonstratives this, these, that, those

1. Demonstrative pronouns this / these indicate items that are near with the speaker. And pronouns that / those indicate items that removed from the speaker.

Examples: Take this plum. It looks very ripe. — Take this plum. She looks very ripe. (This refers to a plum that the speaker sees directly in front of him or holds in his hand)
That house is very beautiful. — The one (this) the house is very beautiful. (We are talking about a house located at some distance from the speaker)

2. Before the noun to which the demonstrative pronoun belongs this, these, that, those, the article is not used.

Examples: I have read That book twice. — I’ve read that book twice.
Those houses are rather new. — Those the houses are quite new.

3. In expressions of time, demonstrative pronouns this / these refer to moment of speech or to current time period. A that / those to the past moment or the future.

Examples: Louie, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship. — Louis, I think it the beginning of a wonderful friendship.
I remember that he woke up early That morning. — I remember that he woke up the early in the morning.

4. After pronouns this и That pronoun is often used one, in order not to repeat the previously mentioned noun twice.

Examples: Will you give me another cola? I don’t this one… — Give me another cola. I do not like this.

5. In the meaning of the demonstrative pronoun instead of That the pronoun is sometimes used it. It in this case translates as it.

Examples: What is That? — What it? (singular)
It is my cocktail dress. — This is my cocktail dress.
What are These? — What is it? (plural)
They are my dresses. — These are my dresses.

6. Demonstrative pronouns That и this are often part of established expressions of the English language.

That’s right… — It’s right. Everything is correct. Exactly.
That’s a bit of all right… — Fine.
Not at all! That’s all right… “Please don’t be grateful.
this… — Thus.
before… — Thus.

To know better that that… — Be smarter.
Oh, hardly that… — No, not really. Not at all about that.
And all that… — Etc.
That’s why… — That’s why.
After that… — After that.
So that’s that… — That’s it.

Such and such things.

Demonstrative pronouns such and same

1. Demonstrative pronoun Such translated as such, such.

Examples: There are Such interesting people here! — There is such interesting people!
Why don’t all Chinese restaurants serve Such delicious food? — Why not all Chinese restaurants serve such a yummy?

2. Pronoun Such defines a noun. If it comes before a countable noun in the singular, then after Such the indefinite article is used.

Examples: It is such a moment honor to be nominated for this award. — It a honor to be nominated for this award.

3. Demonstrative pronoun same has the meaning the same, same… Front same the definite article is always used.

Examples: Don’t tell me same… — Do not tell me то же самое.
She bought same perfumes. — She bought the same perfume.


TOP 13 mistakes that prevent learning English grammar

: 14.11.2014

Is it easy for you to learn English grammar? In fact, every student periodically has some kind of learning difficulties. This is completely normal: you are improving your knowledge, which is why such moments arise. Today we will talk about what difficulties with grammar most often arise in the process of learning English and how to cope with them.

We advise you to watch the webinar of our methodologist Maria on the topic «Learning English from the mistakes of others.»

The main difficulties in learning English grammar and methods of getting rid of them

Do not be afraid of grammar: with our tips you will cope with all the difficulties. Russian students are often afraid of grammar in a foreign language. Let’s take a look at the most popular «hacks» and formulate some tips to help you cope with them.

1. Absence of the verb to be

Beginners often forget about the verb to be in an affirmative sentence. We are used to speaking Russian «I am free«,»She is at school now«And so on. Therefore, in English I just want to say»I free» instead of «I’m free«And»She at school now» instead of «She is at school now”. How to train yourself to use an auxiliary verb?

  • Remember the main point: there is ALWAYS a verb in a sentence in English.
  • Learn the most common uses of the verb to be, it is used:
    1. when you need to tell WHO you or another person (for example, by name or profession): “My name is Sam«;
    2. when you need to tell WHERE you or someone is: “He is at the hospital«;
    3. when you need to tell WHAT you or another person (quality): “You are beautiful«.

2. The absence of the auxiliary verb do / does

The next mistake is the absence of the auxiliary verb do / does in a negative or interrogative sentence in the present simple tense.

We are speaking «She does not go to school«, That’s why I just want to say»She didn’t go to school» instead of «She doesn’t go to school«.

And the sentence “Do you know Jim?«I want to translate»You know Jim?«, And the correct option is»Do you know Jim?”. How not to forget about the verb?

  • Remember an easy rule: in general questions and negative sentences, there is ALWAYS an auxiliary verb (an exception if there is a modal verb in the sentence), even if it was not in the affirmative sentence.
  • Another «foundation» of English grammar is word order: in the general question, the auxiliary (or modal) verb ALWAYS comes first, followed by the subject (subject) and only after that the predicate (action), for example: “Does she go to school?”(“She goes to school?») — in the first place is the auxiliary verb — does, then the subject — she (she), then the predicate — go (walks).

3. Wrong word order in an affirmative sentence

The great Russian language allows us to speak and “I love English«, And»I love English«, And»I love english«. And this most beloved English language does not spoil us with such a variety of options. Therefore, instead of “Love I English«We have to make do with the unoriginal and the only correct»I love english«.

  • In this case, you need to forever remember the scheme for constructing a sentence in English: subject — predicate — the rest of the sentence. Therefore, if you are translating a sentence from Russian into English, first determine WHAT is the subject and WHAT is the predicate.
  • Grammar and translation exercises are a great opportunity to hone your English sentence construction skills. Do these exercises as often as possible.

4. Lack of -s / -es

It is also often forgotten about -s / -es in verbs used after pronouns and nouns in the third person and the singular (he, she, it, Tom, car, park, cat, etc.) in the present simple tense (Present Simple ).

It’s not just those who recently started learning English grammar make this mistake: colloquially, we are so focused on WHAT to say that we sometimes forget HOW to say. Example: we say “I play chess» and «She plays chess».

We translate as “I play chess«, I just want to say similarly»She play chess«, Instead of the correct option»She plays chess”. How not to lose the ending?

  • First, take your time to speak. As a rule, students remember very well to add the ending -s / -es, but they are in such a hurry to express their idea that they forget about it. You will still have time to acquire fluency, but grammatical errors need to be corrected as they appear.
  • Secondly, we recommend installing the Polyglot application (iOS, Android) on your tablet or smartphone. It is free and does not require an Internet connection. Of course, you won’t be able to learn English in 16 hours, as the authors of the program of the same name promise. But you will hone your skills in using the Simple tenses and the ending -s / -es will be pronounced automatically.

5. Incorrect use of demonstrative pronouns

Another common mistake is the misuse of the demonstrative pronouns that (that, that, that), this (this, this, this), these (these), those (those). The only reason why we admit confusion is ignorance of these words and their rare use in speech.

  • The advice will be simple and reliable: you just need to remember what this and these say about objects that are next to us, in close proximity to the speaker. And that and those we are talking about distant objects. This and that speak of things in the singular, and these and those in the plural.
  • Practice on the surrounding objects, accustom yourself to say these words so that when talking with an English-speaking interlocutor, you no longer think about which pronoun to speak, but pronounce the right word automatically.

6. Absence of articles

They are not in Russian, so it seems that the cunning Englishmen invented them on purpose, so that we puzzled over when to say a dog, and when the dog. Even at levels like Pre-Intermediate or Intermediate, students forget about articles. They often explain this by the fact that “I don’t want to put it here”, “the instinct of the language did not suggest”.

Some people consider articles to be a trifle, an optional part of speech. This is a misconception: a native speaker will, of course, understand what you are talking about, but he will have to guess if there is a specific subject or something in common.

In addition, if you miss the article, some words (for example, hand or fly) from nouns can turn into verbs, which is completely unacceptable.

  • To make it easier to learn the use of articles, you can memorize simple associations. The article a / an comes from the English numeral one, which is why it is placed only before a countable noun (one that can be counted) in the singular. Some philologists suggest associating it with the word any, that is, a / an means «any, any» subject. The article the evolved from the word that, so it means a specific object that is well known to the interlocutors.
  • To check how well you have learned the rules, take the tests on the use of articles in English, presented in our blog.

For information on how to use articles correctly in English, see the video.

7. Incorrect use of words any / some, a few / little, many / much

It would seem that these pairs of words are similar. But if we want to ask “How much tea do you drink?«, offer «How many teas do you drink?«Will be incorrect, but it would be correct to say»How much tea do you drink?


Demonstrative pronouns in English. Use of demonstrative pronouns in English

There are not so many demonstrative pronouns in the English language, but they play an important role, indicating the subject of conversation. Already in grade 3, students are taught to actively use these elements and understand the difference between them. Since demonstrative pronouns are very common in colloquial speech, you need to know the rules for their use.

Introduction to demonstrative pronouns

The task of this class of pronouns is to indicate an object, a person, or their signs. In Russian, the following pronouns correspond to them: this (this, this, these), that (that, that, those), such (such, such, such), the same.

Demonstrative pronoun table in English

These pronouns change in numbers, with the exception of such, the same… Let’s consider separately the use cases of these words.

Features this, that, these, those

These pronouns are used when the speaker’s goal is not only to indicate the object in question, but also to show how far the object is in relation to the interlocutor. The following table makes it clear when to use each of these pronouns.

So, if the narrator points to one close object, we use this, if there is an indication of many objects, then these are set. Pay attention to the following suggestions:

  • This is my new T-shirt.
  • These boots are very dirty.

In both versions, it is said about objects that are in the speaker’s field of vision.

Accordingly, we will talk about physically distant objects, using that for one object and those for several. For example:

  • I would to buy that parrot (I would like to buy that parrot).
  • We don’t know those guys (We don’t know those guys).

In addition, these pronouns can indicate the temporal proximity of events. In this case, this and these are used in relation to the present time, and that and those — to the past or future.

Those days were nice.

The use of demonstrative pronouns in relation to people is considered appropriate only for acquaintance. In other situations, this shows a dismissive attitude towards the person under discussion.

Demonstrative pronoun such

The role of this pronoun is to indicate the quality of the object or the object itself. It can be translated into Russian as «such» or «similar». Moreover, if after such there is an object in the singular, be sure to put an indefinite article! Naturally, it will not be in the plural.

  • Such a silly outfit!
  • I have never seen such amazing creatures.

Pronoun the same

As for the pronoun the same, which translates as «similar», «the same», it is always used with the definite article the. In this case, it does not matter in what number the subsequent part of the speech is. Here’s an example:

We with friends have the same interests.

Along with the pronoun this (this), you can use it, the difference will be only in logical stress — highlighting a certain word in intonation.

Take a look at the following examples:

  • THIS is my classmate (This particular person, and not someone else, is my classmate).
  • It is my CLASSMATE (This person is my classmate, not my brother or best friend).

When using several demonstrative pronouns in a choice situation, in order not to repeat the corresponding noun, the second time it is replaced by one or ones (for plural):

  • He has chosen this coat, not that one.


When it is written these and when those. Using this, that, these, and those: rules and examples. When the pronoun that is used

This, that, these, those are demonstrative or demonstrative pronouns in English. Typically, this, that, these, and those are used to refer to a specific object, creature, or phenomenon. When should you refer to these pronouns? What is the difference between them? Read more in the article.

Fundamental rules

So, the rule about this, that, these and those testifies: in English speech, these words can play the role of not only pronouns, but also determinatives. Consider the following table.

It’s also worth noting that these is the plural form of this and those are the plural form of that.

Thus, this and that should be used with singular nouns, and these and those should be used with plural nouns.

Using the pronouns this, that, these and those: rule

The first thing to remember is that we use this and that with uncountable nouns as well as singular nouns.

Try to repeat this exercise every morning and evening.What does this music make you think.I’ve never been to that part of France.Can I have some of that juice, please?

  • Try to repeat this exercise every morning and evening.
  • What does this music make you think about?
  • I have never been to this part of France.
  • Can I have some of this juice, please?

The English rule of thumb about this, that, these and those indicates that these and those should only be used with plural nouns:

You can use any one of these computers.

  • You can use any of these computers.
  • I need to paint those windows.

Interestingly, according to the rules of the English language, this, that, these and those are used in the context of time.

Demonstrative pronouns and tense

So, for example, we often use this with words describing the time and date (morning, afternoon, evening, week, month, year).

In this case, it is important to refer to the time in which the speaker speaks directly, or the time that comes. For example:

I’ll be with you some time this evening.Johan seemed very happy this afternoon.Ian is in Germany all this week.

  • I’ll be with you tonight.
  • Johan seemed very happy this afternoon.
  • Jan is in Germany this week.

This, that, these, those is the rule of using further pronouns.

This, that, these, those — pronouns

We use the above words as pronouns, referring to things or phenomena:

Put the butter, chocolate and sugar in a saucepan. Heat this over a low flame until it melts.

Add butter, chocolate, and sugar to the saucepan. Heat it (this / container with the mixture) over low heat until the food is melted.

What color are those? Black or dark blue. I can’t see.

What color are they? Black or blue. I do not understand.

You can use this and that if you want to point to a person:

Linda, this is my mother, Anne. Is that your brother over there?

  • Linda, this is my mother, Ann.
  • Is that your brother over there?

Demonstrative pronouns are often used in telephone conversations.

Hello, is that Ken Orm? This is Jane Bromham here.

Hi, is this Ken Orme? This is Jane Bromham calling.

Use cases for this and these, that and those

In many ways, the selection of the correct pronoun is determined by the physical proximity of the object / person / phenomenon to the speaker. Those and these, this, that and the spelling rules are presented in the following examples:

Translation: Should I use this knife?


word instead

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

Why did the author use that word instead of this one?

Why that word instead of its synonym?

Другие результаты

I was thinking that sometimes people use words instead of numbers.

Я тут подумала, что иногда люди используют слова вместо цифр.

This happens due to the fact that they pray using words instead of relying on visualization techniques such as meditation.

Это связано с тем, что в молитве используются слова, а не методы визуализации, как это происходит во время медитации.

The most effective speakers have learned to wean themselves off bullet-ridden slides in favor of highly visual presentations that reinforce their words-instead of repeating them.

Самые эффективные ораторы научились избегать слайдов со списками в пользу визуальных презентаций, которые усиливают их слова, вместо того, чтобы повторять их.

He sometimes gets angry when unlettered people like us give him suggestions that maybe we could use this word or that instead.

Он иногда сердится, когда необразованные люди вроде нас дают ему советы, какое слово ему лучше употребить.

Mayday is the word that is used instead of SOS in radio chat.

Her father has asked that instead of words, we say farewell to

Nowadays, of course, the word hostel sometimes with’is part of the name of the hotel company, sometimes they do not use that word, but instead called a motel or hotel, depending on the level of service. they provide.

В настоящее время, конечно, слово inn иногда является частью названия гостиничной компании, в других случаях они вообще не используют это слово, а вместо этого называются мотелями или отелями в зависимости от уровня обслуживания, которое они предоставляют.

This aphorism warns man that his words, instead of representing him, misrepresent him, and that when in doubt as to what he should say, he should always be silent.

Этот афоризм предупреждает человека, что его слова вместо того, чтобы давать о нем подлинное представление, могут вводить других в заблуждение, и, когда есть какое-либо сомнение, что должно сказать, всегда лучше промолчать.

They turned the pages, which were yellow and crinkly, and it was awfully funny to read words that stood still instead of moving the way they were supposed to — on a screen, you know.

Они переворачивали желтые хрупкие страницы, и было ужасно забавно читать слова, которые стояли на месте, а не двигались, как им положено, — ну, вы сами знаете, на экране.

What does the author mean by using this word instead of that word?

I would use a different word instead of provocation.

Я бы, может быть, даже использовал другое слово вместо «провокация».

Use simple words instead of complex words.

If you can say it in twenty words instead of thirty, do it.

Если мы можем найти решение в три паса вместо тридцати — так и будет.

Always choose simple and clear words instead of unnecessarily long, confusing ones.

Всегда выбирай простые и краткие слова, а не длинные и неопределенные.

Everyone is using this word instead of Rials except for some special cases.

Все используют это слово вместо риалов, за исключением некоторых особых случаев.

There are no blocks in which the manager has to speak in his/her own words instead of reading.

Отсутствуют блоки, в которых менеджер должен говорить своими словами, а не читать.

She is five words instead of ten.

Intel first used words instead of numbers for new products.

Intel впервые использовала для новых продуктов слова вместо цифр.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 7744. Точных совпадений: 2. Затраченное время: 748 мс


Корпоративные решения




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  • Use this word in a sentence jokes
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  • Use the words to form one word for each gap
  • Use this word combinations in sentences of your own to look at someone