Use the world given in capitals to form a word that fits each line

Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits each space.
1. This teacher taught us a lot about _ . CONSERVE
2. LEARN.COM is a great _ website. EDUCATION
3. My father works as a _ . REPORT
4. There was a big _ in the city centre today. DEMONSTRATE

Английский язык 7 класс рабочая тетрадь Spotlight Английский в фокусе Ваулина. 4c. Take action!. Номер №4


Перевод задания
Используйте слово, указанное заглавными буквами в конце каждой строки, чтобы сформировать слово, подходящее для каждого пробела.
1. Этот учитель многое нам рассказал о _. СОХРАНИТЬ
2. LEARN.COM − отличный _ сайт. ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ
3. Мой отец работает _. ОТЧЕТ
4. Сегодня в центре города был большой _. ДЕМОНСТРИРОВАТЬ

1. This teacher taught us a lot about conservation.
2. LEARN.COM is a great educational website.
3. My father works as a reporter.
4. There was a big demonstration in the city centre today.

Перевод ответа
1. Этот учитель многому нас научил об охране природы.
2. LEARN.COM − отличный образовательный сайт.
3. Мой отец работает репортером.
4. Сегодня в центре города прошла большая демонстрация.

Выполнить задание.
Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line.
Qualcomp Powertop
Qualcomp have just brought out their (1) ……………….. new handheld computer, the Powertop. It’s (2) ………………. not to love it, with its smooth, shiny (3) .„, ……………. and its bright screen. It might not be the best (4) ………………… handheld computing because it is quite advanced, but you’ll find an (5) ……………….. of all the features in the detailed manual. The Powertop has been (6) ………………… designed to fit a lot of computing
power in your palm. The (7) ………………. of a unique wireless Internet
connection means there’s a world of (8) ……………….. just waiting for you. We give the Powertop nine out often.

Слова которые нужно вставить вместо цифр.

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На данной странице находятся упражнения с ответами по английскому языку из рабочей тетради (Workbook) 7 класса УМК Spotlight. Упражнения из 3c.

Exercise 1. Use the words to fill in the gaps.
Упражнение 1. Вставьте слова в пропуски.


brave • artistic • ingenious determined • hardworking

1) Anna is very clever and is always coming up with new ideas. She’s __ .

2) Bob paints portraits and last month he took part in a big exhibition. He’s __ .

3) Rachel is not afraid of anything. She’s very __ .

4) Tina works very hard and wants to succeed. She is very __ .

5) My brother goes to school and works in a shop at the weekend. He’s very __ .

1) Anna is very clever and is always coming up with new ideas. She’s ingenious. – Анна очень умная и всегда придумывает новые идеи. Она изобретательная.

2) Bob paints portraits and last month he took part in a big exhibition. He’s artistic. – Боб рисует портреты, и в прошлом месяце он принял участие в большой выставке. Он артистичен.

3) Rachel is not afraid of anything. She’s very brave. – Рейчел ничего не боится. Она очень храбрая.

4) Tina works very hard and wants to succeed. She is very determined. – Тина работает очень усердно и хочет преуспеть. Она очень решительная.

5) My brother goes to school and works in a shop at the weekend. He’s very hardworking. – Мой брат ходит в школу и работает в магазине по выходным. Он очень трудолюбив.

Exercise 2. Choose the correct phrasal verb.
Упражнение 2. Выберите правильный фразовый глагол.


1) Did you __ the book? It belongs to the teacher.

A. give back
В. give up
С. give out

2) Don’t __ on your dream of becoming a singer. You have a beautiful voice!

A. give away
В. give up
С. give back

3) I __ the clothes that didn’t fit me anymore.

A. gave up
В. gave away
С. gave out

1) Did you give back the book? It belongs to the teacher. – Ты вернул книгу? Она принадлежит учителю.

2) Don’t give up on your dream of becoming a singer. You have a beautiful voice! – Не отказывайся от своей мечты стать певцом. У тебя красивый голос!

3) I gave away the clothes that didn’t fit me anymore. – Я раздал одежду, которая больше мне не подходила.

Exercise 3. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space.
Упражнение 3. Преобразуйте слово так, чтобы оно подходило к контексту.


1) Albert Einstein was a famous (SCIENCE).

2) Alexander Graham Bell was the (INVENT) of the telephone.

3) That (POLITICS) is very popular in Italy.

4) Jude Law is my favourite (ACT).

1) Albert Einstein was a famous scientist. – Альберт Эйнштейн был знаменитым ученым.

2) Alexander Graham Bell was the inventor of the telephone. – Александр Грэхэм Белл был изобретателем телефона.

3) That politician is very popular in Italy. – Этот политик очень популярен в Италии.

4) Jude Law is my favourite actor. – Джуд Ло – любимый актер.

Exercise 4. Read the article and choose the correct answer.
Упражнение 4. Прочтите статью и выберите правильный ответ.


Pablo Picasso
painter (1881 – 1973)

Pablo Picasso is a very famous painter. He was born in Malaga, Spain in 1881, but he lived most of his life in Paris, France.

In 1902 he started painting the poor people he met on the streets, so his paintings were very sad and dark. This period in his work is called the ‘blue period’ (1901-04). In 1904 he started his ‘pink period’, in which he painted the world of the circus: clowns, acrobats and musicians. The paintings from that period are very happy and full of pink colours.

In 1909 he worked with another artist, Georges Braque. Together they painted ‘abstract’ pictures. In an abstract picture you only see lines and colours, and it is very difficult to understand what exactly you are looking at. Picasso’s most famous painting is ‘Guernica’, which he painted during the Civil War in Spain, in 1937. It is a dark, sad and abstract picture about the war.

1) Picasso lived most of his life in Spain.

A. True
В. False
С. Doesn’t say

2) Picasso’s ‘blue period’ paintings are not very happy.

A. True
В. False
С. Doesn’t say

3) Picasso met a lot of clowns and acrobats.

A. True
В. False
С. Doesn’t say

4) George Braque never painted abstract pictures.

A. True
В. False
С. Doesn’t say

5) The ‘Guernica’ is in a museum in Spain.

A. True
В. False
С. Doesn’t say

Pablo Picasso
painter (1881 – 1973)
Пабло Пикассо
художник (1881 – 1973)

Pablo Picasso is a very famous painter. He was born in Malaga, Spain in 1881, but he lived most of his life in Paris, France.

Пабло Пикассо – очень знаменитый художник. Он родился в городе Малага, в Испании в 1881 году, но большую часть своей жизни он прожил в Париже, во Франции.

In 1902 he started painting the poor people he met on the streets, so his paintings were very sad and dark. This period in his work is called the ‘blue period’ (1901-04). In 1904 he started his ‘pink period’, in which he painted the world of the circus: clowns, acrobats and musicians. The paintings from that period are very happy and full of pink colours.

В 1902 году он начал рисовать бедных людей, которых он встречал на улицах, поэтому его картины были очень печальными и темными. Этот период в его работе называется “синим периодом” (1901 – 1904 годы). В 1904 году он начал “розовый период”, в течение которого он рисовал цирковой мир: клоунов, акробатов и музыкантов. Картины этого периода выглядят очень радостно и полны розовых красок.

In 1909 he worked with another artist, Georges Braque. Together they painted ‘abstract’ pictures. In an abstract picture you only see lines and colours, and it is very difficult to understand what exactly you are looking at. Picasso’s most famous painting is ‘Guernica’, which he painted during the Civil War in Spain, in 1937. It is a dark, sad and abstract picture about the war.

В 1909 году он работал с еще одним художником по имени Жорж Брак. Вместе они рисовали “абстрактные” картины. В абстрактной картине вы видите только линии и цвета, и очень сложно понять, на что именно вы смотрите. Самой известной картиной Пикассо является “Герника”, которую он нарисовал во время Гражданской войны в Испании в 1937 году. Это темная, печальная и абстрактная картина о войне.

1) Picasso lived most of his life in Spain. – Большую часть жизни Пикассо прожил в Испании.

A. True – верно
В. False – неверно
С. Doesn’t say – об этом не сказано

2) Picasso’s ‘blue period’ paintings are not very happy. – Картины “синего периода” Пикассо выглядат не очень счастливыми (дословно: … не очень счастливы).

A. True – верно
В. False – неверно
С. Doesn’t say – об этом не сказано

3) Picasso met a lot of clowns and acrobats.

A. True – верно
В. False – неверно
С. Doesn’t say – об этом не сказано

4) George Braque never painted abstract pictures.

A. True – верно
В. False – неверно
С. Doesn’t say – об этом не сказано

5) The ‘Guernica’ is in a museum in Spain.

A. True – верно
В. False – неверно
С. Doesn’t say – об этом не сказано

Готовимся к ЕГЭ

1. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line.

Olympic Records

The Olympic Games are the most  
important sports (1)________ in the world. compete
(2)________ begin preparing years in participate
advance, in order to give their best  
(3)________ on the day, to win a gold perform
medal and perhaps set a world record.  
The (4)________ as to who has actually decide
won must be made with great (5)________. precise
In the past, stopwatches were used for  
(6)________ the athletes, but often their time
(7)________ was questioned. More modern accurate
technology, such as digital (8)________ photograph
and computer timing systems, has  
(9)________ been introduced recently. fortune
This allows the judges to give results  
with greater (10)________. certain

Answers: 1. competition; 2. participants; 3. performance; 4. decision; 5. precision; 6. timing; 7. accuracy; 8. photography; 9. fortunately; 10. certainty

2. Phrasal verb to take

1. to take after – походить на кого-либо

2. to take away – уносить, забирать

3. to take back – брать обратно (свои слова); напоминать

4. to take in – принимать гостей; обманывать

5. to take off – снимать одежду; взлетать (о самолёте)

6. to take out – выводить на прогулку

7. to take over – вступать во владение, захватить

8. to take to – привязаться к кому-либо, пристраститься к чему-либо

9. to take up – браться за что-либо

10. to take + noun – совершать какое-либо действие, например: take a bath – принять ванную, take a walk – прогуляться, take measures – принять меры, take place – происходить и т.п.

Fixed Phrases

1. to be taken sick/ill – заболеть

2. take it easy – не расстраивайся, не волнуйся


2. Choose the right word or word combination to complete the sentence.

1. I forgot to ______ my umbrella. I’ll get wet through.

2. I’m sorry I was rude. I take ______ everything I said.

3. His story really took me ______. I remembered our childhood and our friendship.

4. Will you take the dog ______?

5. What time does the plane take ______?

6. After her father’s death she took ______ his firm.

7. Mary really takes ______ her mother. She has the same eyes, nose, mouth.

8. Don’t be taken ______ by his promises. He usually promises a lot but does little.

9. We have taken all ______ to save the company from financial crash.

10. He took ______ painting when he was thirty and soon became very famous for his portraits.

11. Where will the conference take ______?

12. I took ______ the children as soon as they appeared in our house.

Answers: 1. take; 2. back; 3. back; 4. out; 5. off; 6. over; 7. after; 8. in; 9. measures; 10. up; 11. place; 12. to


3. Decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.

I (1)____________ hard all that day whether to go to the theatre with Sally or not. I seldom (2)________ to the theatre, but this time I (3)_________ I’d make an effort. When I (4)____________ home, I (5)____________ for something suitable (6)_________, and decided (7)____________ on a black Hugo Boss suit that I (8)_______ hardly ever _______ and hardly anyone (9)____________ me in before. Unfortunately, my car got stuck in a traffic jam and when I (10)___________ it was too late. I (11)________ never ________ Sally so angry.

1. a) had been thinking; b) has thought; c) had thought; d) thought

2. a) to go; b) go; c) am going; d) has gone

3. a) had thought; b) think; c) thought; d) have thought

4. a) was getting; b) was got; c) get; d) got

5. a) have looked; b) looked; c) had looked; d) was looking

6. a) to wear; b) wear; c) worn; d) to be wearing

7. a) to put; b) to have put; c) to be put; d) to be putting

8. a) have … worn; b) has … been wearing; c) had … worn; d) had … been wearing

9. a) have seen; b) had seen; c) has seen; d) was seen

10. a) arrived; b) have arrived; c) has arrived; d) has been arrived

11. a) have … seen; b) had … seen; c) did … see; d) was … seen

Answers: 1. a; 2. b; 3. c; 4. d; 5. b; 6. a; 7. a; 8. c; 9. b; 10. a; 11. b

Людмила Степановна Кинах ,
школа № 855, Москва

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