Use the words to form one word for each gap

Test, Starlight, 10.


the article and choose the most suitable heading from the list A-I for each
paragraph 1-8. There is one extra heading which you do not need to use.

A – Rejecting

B – Nothing to Worry about

C – Entertainment and Adventure

D – A Perfect Pretend Place

E – Not — so — Natural Wonders

F – A Dream Comes True

G – An Island Paradise

H – Do You Prefer Perfection?

I – Fantastic Facilities


Close your eyes and imagine the perfect beach: soft
white sand, beautiful blue sea, and the temperature a constant 30 degrees
Celsius. But wait, there’s more: no risk of sunburn, no insects or bugs, no
sharks or jellyfish, and, at regular intervals, the best surfing waves imaginable.
Too good to be true? Not anymore. Thanks to modern technology and the miracles
of science, this beach really does exit and it is on the island of Kyushu in
southern Japan.

  In a resort complex called Seagaia you will find the
Ocean Dome. The Ocean Dome contains, among other things, the world’s largest
artificial sea beside the biggest indoor beach. It is roughly the size of six
football fields and has an 85-metre shoreline. The soft white sand is actually
made of crushed marble chips, which won’t stick to your skin, and the water is
salt free and chlorinated. The temperature of the water is kept at 28degrees C
and the air is kept at 30 degrees C.

The Dome has everything you would expect to find on a
big tropical island: caves, waterfalls, small islands, palm trees and that’s
just the beginning. There is a man-made volcano that erupts at regular
intervals, waterslides, a wave pool and even a virtual raft ride where
passengers are tossed, shaken and splashed with water.

There is plenty to do for the whole family in Seagaia
and, if you want a break from the beach, you can visit the ‘Lost World’
rainforest. This is a Jurassic Park style jungle full of artificial creatures
and holographic pirates. There is also a beach carnival held every afternoon
with dancers and musicians dressed in colourful Caribbean costumes and in the
evening there is a spectacular show put on by aquatic dancers.

In Seagaia you don’t even have to carry any money with
you. Visitors pay an admission fee at the entrance and are given colour coded
barcode tags, which they use instead of cash. This type of holiday is wonderful
for anyone who enjoys lying on the ‘beach’ or swimming in the ‘sea’ without
having to check the weather forecast first. In fact, many Japanese businessmen
and office workers come here just relax and unwind after a hard week’s work.

Naturally, no island holiday is complete without
luxury hotels, boutiques and a wide variety of restaurants with everything from
fine dining to fast food, and Seagaia has them all. There are even several
theatres, golf courses and tennis courts. The Ocean Dome feels so real that
visitors to the resort still use suntan lotion and wear sunhats even though the
‘sunlight’ is artificial and harmless.

The Dome itself actually has a roof that opens but it
is only used when the weather outside is at the same temperature as the weather
inside the Dome. It is also quite ironic that the Ocean Dome was built only 300
metres away from the real ocean. Strangely enough, the real beach is usually
quite empty even on hot and sunny days because holidaymakers seem to prefer the
safety, comfort and predictability of the artificial beach.

Nowadays, theme parks are springing up everywhere and
it looks like virtual reality holidays are going to be the way of the future.
After all, they are cleaner, safer and far more convenient than real holidays.
However, can we really compare the experience of sitting on an artificial beach
with man-made sand under a fake sun to a day on a real beach? Where is the
challenge in surfing man-made waves when you know exactly how big they are
going to get and exactly when they are going to appear? More importantly, where
is the fun in coming back from a seaside holiday without tan lines?


Read the following text. 
For gaps 1-8 choose the correct answer A-D.

Origin of Crisps.

Crisps have been great favourites with many of us 1———— years. Who
2————enjoy nibbling thin round pieces of fried potatoes in front of the
TV or as a snack to go with a drink at a party? One would think that such a
popular food was born from an idea that came to one of the top chefs of America
at a moment of great inspiration, but the truth is quite different.

One day in 1853 in a restaurant a choosy customer complained to the waitress
3———- the quality of his chips, saying that they were 4———— thick
and oily. When the cook heard about this, he became very angry. He made some
paper-thin slices of potatoes, fried them until they were brown and
5———— a rather generous amount of salt. Finally, he 6———- his
crisps to the dissatisfied customer in person and literally dumped them in
front of him. The customer tried one, liked the taste, and went on to eat
7———all. Today, according 8———statistics, an American eats an
average of six pounds of crisps each year.  

1. A)   many       B) since         C) from        D) for

2. A)   isn’t         B) doesn’t     C) hasn’t    D) wasn’t

3. A)   on            B) that          C) for         D) about

A) enough       B) more        C) too         D) so

A) mixed        B) added       C) put        D) did

6. A) served         B) gave           C) sold       D) fried

7. A) them            B) it               C) this        D) that

8. A) to               B) with            C) by           D) on


the advertisement. Use the words correctly.


Health &
Fitness Club.

Dear member,

We now (1- finish)
our work on the new ABBOTS – the difference is amazing! Six weeks ago we (2
the club, and since then we (3- work) hard to improve all
the public areas. We (4-add) several new machines to the gym and we’ve
increased the (5 -long) of the swimming pool to 25 metres.

of you (6 -be) members of (7-we) club for several years– to thank
you for staying with us, we (8-reduce) gym, pool and class prices for

And we have some
new classes!  You ever (9 — try) judo? Now (10 — be) your chance!

If you (11- not
our new website yet, go to


Task IV.

Use the words in brackets to form one word
for each gap 1-8.

School Lottery.

       In some big cities in Britain, identical houses
in similar areas are sold for 1__________(difference) prices. Why is
this? Each school in Britain has a list of streets it takes its students from.
It can only take students from another area if there are not enough local
students to take up all the places. Understandably, parents will pay more for a
house in a street where their children could attend a better school.

    What about those who can’t afford to pay more for
their house? At the moment, if they don’t have the 2______________(able)
to pay, their children will have to go to a worse school which 3_________(
has more problem students and 4_________(low) exam

Some people believe that this is 5___________(fair).
They say that the children of poor parents who want a good 6____________(educate)
should have the same chance as the children of richer parents. They suggest
introducing ’lottery’ schemes to decide which school a child will attend.  The
idea is that the better students will help the others and the teachers will be
able to control them more 7________(easy).

Obviously not everyone likes the idea. The parents who
are upset are generally richer and more 8___________(power) than others,
and they have a good chance of keeping things as they are. The ideal solution,
of course, would be to make all schools better. 


 Form the opposites of the adjectives and
write the nouns these adjectives are formed from.











The key:

Task I:     1- F; 2-D; 3- E; 4- C; 5- B; 6- I; 7 – A;
8 – H

Task II:    1 – D; 2- B; 3 -A; 4- C; 5 – B; 6 – B; 7 –
A; 8 – A

III:  1 – have __finished; 2 – closed; 3 – have been working; 4 – have added; 
5- the length; 6 – have been; 7 – our; 8 – have reduced; 9 – Have ____ 
tried;          10 – is; 11 – haven’t visited

IV: 1- different; 2 – ability; 3 – probably; 4 – lower; 5 – unfair; 6 –
education;       7 – easier; 8 — powerful                                                                                                                                                    

Task V:

























by Adam Skimins 1st March 2022


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50 Word Formation Exercises: CAE
C1 Advanced (CAE) Use of English: Part 3
C1 Advanced (CAE) Use of English: Part 3 Example Test

C1 Advanced (CAE) Use of English: Part 3 question type here is called word-formation.

For each gap you get one word in capitals which you have to change so the grammar and meaning fit in the sentence. Here you have to show how well you know word families and if you can change words by using prefixes and suffixes

50 Word Formation Exercises: CAE

Use the word in capitals to form a word that fits in the gap.
For each question, write your answer in the gap.

They had to obey the decisions taken by the leadership of the party. LEAD

The news transmission has just finished and there was no mention of it. TRANSMIT

A guardian angel is believed to be a good spirit that protects each of us. GUARD

They tested the transparency of water in the village wells. TRANSPARENT

They have announced the nominees for the Oscars. NOMINATE

Psychologists show more insight into human character and behaviour. SIGHT

She spoke with disapproval of his impudent behaviour. DISAPPROVE

Unfortunately, slavery still exists in some parts of the world. SLAVE 

The thieves have stolen all my jewellery . JEWEL

The Princess looked stunningly beautiful at the wedding. STUN

Use the word in capitals to form a word that fits in the gap.
For each question, write your answer in the gap.

During the war, a lot of refugees fled to America. REFUGE 

This woman has had two pregnancies in three years. PREGNANT

Some refreshments will be served at the end of this meeting. REFRESH

She will decorate her house regardless of the cost. REGARD

I counted on your discretion and you let me down. DISCREET

When I asked for his permission, I was met with a refusal . REFUSE

The principal took disciplinary measures against the culprits. DISCIPLINE

He was such a joker that I couldn’t tell when he was being serious. JOKE

I looked at them in speechless amazement. SPEECH

The general checked the readiness of the troops for battle. READY

Use the word in capitals to form a word that fits in the gap.
For each question, write your answer in the gap.

After the death of his uncle, he became the lawful owner of the castle. LAW

Fishing is one of my favourite relaxations . RELAX

I dare say this is a subjective view of the problem. SUBJECT

Due to massive deforestation there is frequent landslide in this area. FOREST

The baby had watery eyes when he had measles. WATER

They will bury her remains the day after tomorrow. REMAIN

I need four widths of cloth for my kitchen curtains. WIDE

The professor’s elaborate lecture was incomprehensible to most of us. COMPREHEND

When she saw the results of the exam, her disappointment was obvious. DISAPPOINT

London Promenade Orchestra is one of the most prestigious in the world. PRESTIGE

Use the word in capitals to form a word that fits in the gap.
For each question, write your answer in the gap.

The transcription of this document will take me about twenty minutes. TRANSCRIBE

In this profession men outnumber women by two to one. NUMBER

Alice looks fantastic in her new dress. FANTASY

This time he had an unpredictable reaction. PREDICT

Suddenly we saw a ghostly figure in the darkened room. GHOST

She made several references to your remarks. REFER

We need extra storage place either in the loft or in the cellar. STORE 

What is the most significant event in your life? SIGNIFY

His avoidance of talking to me that evening surprised me. AVOID 

That business transaction took us several days. TRANSACT 

She has had several recurrences of her illness lately. RECUR 

Use the word in capitals to form a word that fits in the gap.
For each question, write your answer in the gap.

 Your signature on this document means that you agreed to it. SIGN 

The doctor wanted to know if my knee was still painful . PAIN

She has had this scar on her forehead since babyhood. BABY

I had my eyes tested last week, at my wife’s insistence. INSIST

Oxygen is a gaseous element of paramount importance for life. GAS

Wild animals live in captivity and sometimes in neglect in a zoo. CAPTIVE

What is your opinion about the recuperative powers of certain substances ? RECUPERATE

The woman’s voice was unmistakably Margaret’s. MISTAKE

As a result of shrinkage this shirt is now too small to wear. SHRINK

If we allow this man to go unpunished, it will seta precedent . PRECEDE

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C1 Advanced (CAE) Use of English: Part 3


  1. Read the text for general understanding.
  2. Decide what type of word you need for each gap (e.g. noun, adjective, etc.).
  3. Look at the whole sentence, not just al the line containing the gap.
  4. You may need to add a prefix or suffix to some words.
  5. Read through the text and check that your words make sense.
  6. Check your spelling.


You need to read the whole text to get the writer’s opinion on the topic.  That’s because sometimes a negative prefix will be required. There is usually at least one word requiring a negative prefix, so look out for these.

In the exam always write something. You never know, you might be lucky even if you are not sure of the answer!

C1 Advanced (CAE) Use of English: Part 3 Example Test

Use the word in capitals to form a word that fits in the gap.
For each question, write your answer in the gap.

The story of muscle cars

Muscle cars were never intended to be valuable. In fact, the whole idea behind muscle cars was to make them inexpensiveEXPENSIVE and fast. Muscle cars were stripped-down versions of the most utilitarianUTILITY homely, and basic mass-produced cars to ever roll out of Detroit. These rattle trap, bare-bones, crude devices were built to conform to a price point with little regard given to sophistication or longevityLONG, and aimed squarely at the youthYOUNG market. And this market couldn’t get enough of them. These were the cars every red-blooded American kid wanted. The image, the speed, the lifestyle were all highly addictive.

Looking back, the muscle car years were relativelyRELATIVE brief moment in time that we will never see the likes of again. It was a perfect storm, just what the market wanted, and was presented at the right place at the right time. So how did these seemingly disposableDISPOSE cars, built-in large numbers and owned by kids who literallyLITERAL tried to kill them from the first twist of the key, become so valuable? More importantly, why did they become so valuable? Most people are astounded when they hear the recent sales results of the most desirableDESIRE muscle cars. We call them two-comma cars, cars that are worth so much money that you need two commas to separate all the zeroes in the price.

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56 месяцев назад

Complete the text . Use one word only for each gap. My name’s Harriet . I am seventeen years(1)….. I spend a lot (2)….

time reading magazines, and I am very interested(3)… My best friend is Zoe. She’s (4)……the same class as me at school . We always sit (5 )… each other . She’s very friendly and she always helps me (6)… homework. There (7)…. four people in my family: my mum ,my dad,my brother(8)… My brother’s name (9)……George. (10)…… main hobby is listening (11)……. music, and he’s also a (12)…… fan of computer games.


Будь первым, кто ответит на вопрос

Помогите очень при очень срочно надо дам 70
балов , прошу очень при очень срочно нужно .
Read the text below . Use the words given in capitals to form a word that fits each gap.

Many people who think they have a professional future in films go to Hollywood only to find (11)___________instead of (12)__________.
The often have to give up the more (13)__________aspects of their (14)_________career to play parts in (15)____________because these provide financial (16)________-but they are not satisfying .For many (17)_______, even basic (18) _______ can be difficult.
Some do not earn enough to pay their rent or (19)________ bills , and the time and money they invest in the(20)_______of a portfolio for interviews is often wasted. Of course there is a possible (21)________why onli 1% of actors are really (22)_____.There are just too many people who (23)______that their next (24)_____ will be the one that makes (25)________ a star.
а вот слова :
7) ACT
15) THEY

Task 6. Read the text below. Use the words given in capitals to form a noun that fits in gap.

Many people who think they have a professional future in films

B11 go to Hollywood only to find DISAPPOINTMENT instead of

success. They often have to give up the more enjoyable aspects

B12 of their chosen career to play parts in ADVERTISMENTS

B13 because these provide financial SECURITY — but they

B14 are not satisfying. For many actors, even basic SURVIVAL

can be difficult. Some do not earn enough to pay their rent or

electricity bills, and the time and money they invest in the

B15 PREPARATION of a portfolio for interviews is often wasted.

B16 Of course there is a possible EXPLANATION why only 1% of

B17 ACTORS _ are really successful. There are just too many

B18 people who believe that their next PERFORMANCE will be the one that makes them a star!

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