Use the word young in a sentence

Examples of how to use the word “young” in a sentence. How to connect “young” with other words to make correct English sentences.

young (adj): having lived or existed for only a short time and not old

Use “young” in a sentence

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Synonym: juvenile, youthful. Antonym: old. Similar words: a young man, youngster, with young, round and round, lung, hung up, plunge, jungle. Meaning: [jʌŋ]  n. 1. any immature animal 2. United States film and television actress (1913-2000) 3. United States civil rights leader (1921-1971) 4. British physicist and Egyptologist; he revived the wave theory of light and proposed a three-component theory of color vision; he also played an important role in deciphering the hieroglyphics on the Rosetta Stone (1773-1829) 5. United States jazz tenor saxophonist (1909-1959) 6. English poet (1683-1765) 7. United States baseball player and famous pitcher (1867-1955) 8. United States religious leader of the Mormon Church after the assassination of Joseph Smith; he led the Mormon exodus from Illinois to Salt Lake City, Utah (1801-1877) 9. young people collectively. adj. 1. (used of living things especially persons) in an early period of life or development or growth 2. (of crops) harvested at an early stage of development; before complete maturity 3. suggestive of youth; vigorous and fresh 4. being in its early stage 5. not tried or tested by experience. 

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1. The tree must be bent while it is young

2. A young man married is a man that’s marred. 

3. Whom the gods love die young

4. Whom the Gods love die young

5. An old physician, and a young lawyer. 

6. As the old cock crows, the young (one) learns. 

7. Whoso learns young, forgets not when he is old. 

8. A young man idle, an old man needy. 

9. Youth is wasted on the young

10. A tree must be bent while it is young

11. Spare when you’re young, and spend when you’re old. 

12. Those whom the gods love die young

13. As the old cock crows, so doth the young

14. Young man may die but old men must die. 

15. The object of educator is to prepare the young to educate themselves throughout their lives. 

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16. If you lie upon roses when young, you’ll lie upon thorns when old. 

17. A young twig is easier twisted than an old tree. 

18. Learn young, learn fair.

19. He who will not learn when he is young will regret it when he is old. 

20. He who hath good health is young, and he is rich who owes nothing. 

21. Of young men die many, of old men escape not any. 

22. I would rather see a young man blush than turn pale. 

23. There is always something to be cut off young trees if they are to grow well. 

24. When I was young, I admired clever people. Now that I am old, I admire kind people. 

25. As soon goes the young lamb’s skin to the market as the old ewe’s. 

26. If you don’t learn to think when you are young , you may never learn . 

27. Knowledge is a comfortable and necessary retreat and shelter for us in an advanced age; and if we do not plant it when young, it will give us no shade when we grow old. 

28. Learning is wealth to the poor, an honour to the rich, an aid to the young, and a support and comfort to the aged. 

29. He that will have his farm full, must keep an old cock and a young bull. 

30. If you do not learn to think when you are young, you may never learn. 

More similar words: a young man, youngster, with young, round and round, lung, hung up, plunge, jungle, fungible, ungainly, round, mount, bounce, country, county, ground, around, count on, round off, round up, account, all round, founder, count out, compound, counter, council, amount to, announce, get around. 

Sentences starting with young

  • Young man, do you know it to be true? [5]
  • Young Van Dam would go with him. [4]
  • Young Mr. Colfax, with the excess of manner which was his at such times, excused himself and left abruptly. [9]
  • Young people, especially, who have a bone-factory at work in them, and have to feed the living looms of innumerable growing tissues, should be provided for, if possible, by those who love them like their own flesh and blood. [6]
  • Young Marchand says what Manitou says. [11]
  • Young though she was, she realised it— but without defining it. [11]
  • Young as he was, he could enjoy a fine picture. [11]
  • Young Lord Carlisle was the intimate of Mr. Selwyn, born thirty years before him. [9]
  • Young Mr. Worthington was from Boston—no less; slim, pale, medium height, but with an alert look, and a high-bridged nose. [9]
  • Young Aleck’s face was flushed with bad liquor and the worse excitement of play. [11]

Sentences ending with young

  • Are we not young? [6]
  • You are still young. [9]
  • She’s an industris young. [6]
  • She was still young. [4]
  • Then I am young. [2]
  • She is very young. [12]
  • And I was young. [10]
  • For we were young then, yes, we were very young. [5]
  • I was like you when I was young. [11]
  • He was credited, you may well believe, with calumnies against King George, and once my Uncle Grafton and Mr. Dulany were for clapping him in jail, avowing that he taught treason to the young. [9]

Short sentences using young

  • And how young you’ve grown! [5]
  • You know my young wife. [10]
  • It was a young person. [10]
  • Oh, these calculating young people! [4]
  • Where ‘s the young master? [6]
  • A most extraordinary young man. [5]
  • He loved the young man. [11]
  • And once a young gentleman—alas! [11]
  • Ah, my dear young friend! [6]
  • What was Stockton’s young dream? [5]

Sentences containing young two or more times

  • Nay, let the young, who have no wrongs to satisfy, let the young who have dreams and visions and hopes, rule; not the old lion of the hills, who loves too well himself and his rugged ease of body and soul. [11]
  • It was a young woman—a young woman where properly no young woman belonged; for she was in Judge Driscoll’s house, and in the bedroom over the judge’s private study or sitting room. [5]
  • He would make young Schopper pay some penalty yet more than a mere fine, to that he pledged his royal word, and as for young Welemisl, he was minded to devise some punishment that should hinder many an over-bold knight from drawing his sword! [10]
  • He still a young man but no longer a young diplomat, as he had entered the service at the age of sixteen, had been in Paris and Copenhagen, and now held a rather important post in Vienna. [2]
  • If the American young man and young woman get it into their heads that repose, especially of manner, is the correct thing, they will go in for it in a way to astonish the world. [4]
  • Many a strong-limbed young man and many a blooming young woman have I seen failing and dropping away in or before middle life, and many a delicate and slightly constituted person outliving the athletes and the beauties of their generation. [6]
  • But for the young ladies we must have more young men. [4]
  • And how do you, a young man and a young hussar, how do you judge of it? [2]
  • The idea that you must pull out every one of every nice young man and young woman’s natural teeth! [6]
  • An’ that’s what ye cahl it when ye ‘re kapin’ company with one young gintleman an’ don’t want another young gintleman to come in an’ help the two of ye? [6]

More example sentences with the word young in them

  • If the young Zouave of the family looks smart in his new uniform, its respectable head is content, though he himself grow seedy as a caraway-umbel late in the season. [6]
  • I haf to zit for the young ladties. [8]
  • You’re pretty, and you’re young, and ye didn’t know what you were doin,’ I’ll warrant. [9]
  • While it lasts you’re rich, and you’re young, and you don’t care what happens. [11]
  • I will carry your young mistresses to their father and home again. [10]
  • To-night Summon up your courage, for there are things which even a man—To make the story short, then: Tonight Wolff Eysvogel and young Vorchtel quarreled, or rather Ulrich irritated your Wolff so cruelly that he drew his sword—» «Wolff! [10]
  • I have watched your battle against beauty in behalf of truth, and rejoiced, though I often saw you and your little band of young disciples shoot beyond the mark. [10]
  • But we were young, you know, and youth hopeth all things, believeth all things. [5]
  • Mr. Monroe was young, witty, lively, popular with people he met. [9]
  • I was too young, they too ignorant. [9]
  • You are so young, that nobody would imagine you were entrusted with a secret mission. [10]
  • It was so young, so pathetic, so pale, yet so strangely beautiful, and her forehead was serene. [11]
  • So kind, so young, so beautiful. [11]
  • If I died young, she would follow me. [10]
  • We were again young, once more united. [10]
  • You are still young, Katharina; try to grow better. [10]
  • What did the young, joyous-hearted fellow who was wooing Eva know of such cares? [10]
  • Poets are never young, in one sense. [6]
  • But I was young, I was but seven years of age, and vain, foolish, and anxious to attract attention. [5]
  • Although I was young, I was brought up to responsibility. [9]
  • When I was young, husbands and wives usually went to parties together. [9]
  • The woman was young, good looking, she seemed intelligent. [11]
  • She beheld herself, young, fresh-cheeked, with life beating high and all the impulses of youth panting to use, sitting at the head of the seigneury table. [11]
  • Such was Amasis’ young, fading daughter, who was now being carried past them, and many an eye grew dim as the beautiful invalid came in sight. [10]
  • She seemed still young, but poverty had marked her with unmistakable signs. [9]
  • He also was young, but nothing about him suggested power, only self-indulgence. [11]
  • She was still young, but her slightly pockmarked countenance showed the wear and tear of sorrow of some kind. [11]
  • My wife was young, beautiful, loving, and oh, so divinely good and blameless and gentle! [5]
  • In one so young, and so unused to the scenes in which she had lately moved, this sinking of the spirit was not surprising. [12]
  • She was so young, and so exquisite, that Fate seemed harsh and cruel in darkening her vision, making pitfalls for her feet. [11]
  • She was so young, and she had shown kindness to a Hebrew surely they might listen to her. [10]
  • He is so young, and it is so horrible in the mines. [10]
  • I’m pretty, I’m young, and I know that now I am good. [2]
  • I am still young, and I have the power! [10]
  • Because you are young yourself, and can still cope with the bear and wild boar, you like the motto, which will probably lead to new wars, and thereby to fresh renown. [10]
  • When you were young you were not taught the truth—neither was I. [9]
  • It was a young woman, with as many white muslin flounces round her as the planet Saturn has rings, that did it. [6]
  • Some one person—some young woman, it must be—had produced a singular impression upon him since those earlier perilous experiences through which he had passed. [6]
  • But being a young woman, and a pretty one, Stephen was angry. [9]
  • What manner of young woman was this who fell off horses? [9]
  • As the bold young woman tapped Gombert lightly on the arm and, with fresh words of invitation, pointed toward the counter, a shiver ran through Barbara’s limbs. [10]
  • She was a young woman of thirty, slim to spareness, simply dressed in a shirtwaist and a dark blue skirt; alert, so distinctly American in type as to give a suggestion of the Indian. [9]
  • The most conspicuous young woman in the group, in riding clothes, was seated on the railing, with the toe of one boot on the ground. [9]
  • And after the young woman had told with great simplicity and earnestness of the struggle to support herself and lead an honest and self-respecting existence, it seemed to Honora that at last she had opened the book of life at the proper page. [9]
  • Perhaps no handsome young woman had ever looked at him so in his life. [6]
  • I remember a young wife who had to part with her husband for a time. [6]
  • He fastened the young widow’s eyes. [11]
  • I was not young when you were born. [9]
  • When we are young we generally estimate an opinion by the size of the person that holds it, but later we find that that is an uncertain rule, for we realize that there are times when a hornet’s opinion disturbs us more than an emperor’s. [5]
  • How interesting such young voyagers are, and how interesting they are to each other! [4]
  • Also—Diodoros is the young villain’s name?—him, his parents, and everybody connected with them! [10]
  • See how the young vagabond acts. [10]
  • The world is young up here. [11]
  • He was a young undertaker, who had just succeeded to a thriving business. [6]
  • This is a young tree, with a future before it, if barbarians do not meddle with it, more conspicuous for its spread than its circumference, stretching not very far from a hundred feet from bough-end to bough-end. [6]
  • Would people grow young together even as harmoniously as they grow old together? [4]
  • I am too young to welcome as a guest every one whom this or that man presents to me. [10]
  • You were too young to remember. [9]
  • He was too young to die, but he had gold, and the captain of the citadel needed money. [11]
  • I am but young to die, and thou canst save me with one little word. [5]
  • You are too young to decide what is best for yourself. [11]
  • He is a young Titan, and no one would be astonished if he one day succeeded in piling Pelion upon Ossa. [10]
  • He found the young tinner up there, alone and brooding, and entered into conversation with him. [5]
  • They were all young then, and laughed easily. [5]
  • She is so young that she does not yet understand what life is. [4]
  • One of the young Taugwalders returned to Zermatt. [5]
  • Go to the young surgeon who had accompanied them, ask him who she was, and so learn the clue to the mystery concerning her lover? [11]
  • In 1870 a young stranger arrived in Sydney, and set about finding something to do; but he knew no one, and brought no recommendations, and the result was that he got no employment. [5]
  • He was the young son of an Ohio nabob and was out there for recreation. [5]
  • Agne, Marcus, the young soldier—nay, even Gorgo, were loftier and nobler than she or her people, and she was conscious for the first time that the dangers from which Marcus had longed to protect her were not the offspring of his fancy. [10]
  • This one, a young soldier, his face deadly pale, his shako pushed back, and his musket resting on the ground, still stood near the pit at the spot from which he had fired. [2]
  • At last the young soldier departed, and the very same day Adam was summoned to the monastery, to mend something in the grating before the treasury. [10]
  • He had a young sister with a remarkable voice—he was giving her a musical education, so that her longing to be self-supporting might be gratified. [5]
  • To begin with, young sir, I desire to ask you but three questions at present—at present. [5]
  • When she was young she was beautiful—like a Madonna by an old master. [9]
  • Of course the young schoolmaster will come, and that poor tired-out looking Helen, if only to get out of sight of those horrid Peckham wretches. [6]
  • Somewhat thus a young rose-tree might feel, which for the first time receives the support of the prop to which it is tied by the careful gardener. [10]
  • Ma’am Allen, (the young rogue sticks to that name, in speaking of the gentleman with the diamond,) Ma’am Allen tried to peek into it one day when she left it on the sideboard. [6]
  • Turning to the young reporter, Mr. Hill, who had finished his writing, he said: «Bob, a little air will do you good. [9]
  • As for his young pupil, she has often thought of being a teacher herself, so that she is of course very glad to acquire any accomplishment that may be useful to her in that capacity. [6]
  • A party of young Puan bucks had decreed it to be their pleasure to encamp in Mr. Brady’s yard, to peer through the shutters into Mr. Brady’s house, to enjoy themselves by annoying Mr. Brady’s family and others as much as possible. [9]
  • When, as a young professor, I told the grey-haired author in my mother’s name something which could not fail to afford him pleasure, I received the most eager assent to my query whether he still remembered her. [10]
  • The two pretty young Princesses Gorchakov met suitors there and were married and so further increased the fame of these dances. [2]
  • The other day young Princess Irina Vasilevna came to see me; she was an awful sight—looked as if she had put two barrels on her arms. [2]
  • Not finding the young prince in his study the valet went with the letters to Princess Mary’s apartments, but did not find him there. [2]
  • Indeed, an audacious young praetorian had put out his hand to pull away her veil, but an older officer stopped him. [10]
  • He was a young Polander, named Joseph N. Verey. [5]
  • Gifted Hopkins, a young poet of distinction, whose fame will reach you by and by, if it has not come to your ears already. [6]
  • And that horrid young pirate, Ault, a patron of literature! [4]
  • She begged the young persons who had travelled to tell something of their experiences. [6]
  • I say two young people, for the one who counts most years seems to me to be really the younger of the pair. [6]
  • Perhaps, if such young people will lay the number aside, and take it up ten years, or a little more, from the present time, they may find something in it for their advantage. [6]
  • Many of these young people will jump up twenty times a day and run to dabble the tips of their fingers in water, after touching the most inoffensive objects. [6]
  • Some of these young people were extreme in their views. [6]
  • A good many young people think nothing about life as it presents itself in the far horizon, bounded by the snowy ridges of threescore and the dim peaks beyond that remote barrier. [6]
  • And all the young people I ever saw in my life was when I rode fast through the villages. [13]
  • I recognized the young officer who had put a hand upon Alixe. [11]
  • Even as the young officer who brought the letter handed it to De la Foret in the little house on the hill-side above Rozel Bay, he was taken suddenly ill, and fell at the Camisard’s feet. [11]
  • She caught the young officer by his cuffs, and a look of solemnity and fear appeared on her flushed face. [2]
  • There was a young novelist present whose first story, «The Girl I Left Behind Me,» had made a hit the last season. [4]

This page helps answer: how do I use the word young in a sentence? How do you use young in a sentence? Can you give me a sentence for the word young?
It contains example sentences with the word young, a sentence example for young, and young in sample sentence.

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It is not always simple to distinguish adverbial from adjectival usage in this sort of construction. Is the word in question saying something more about the (often subject) noun, or about the action/process?

In ‘he hammered the metal flat’, ‘flat’ is a predicative adjective
showing the final state of the metal. This is a resultative

In ‘he hammered the metal frenziedly’, ‘frenziedly’ is an adverb
adding description to the verb[al action].

In ‘he shot wide’, it is arguable whether ‘wide’ is describing the final situation (of the ball’s position) or the woeful manner of shooting. ‘Wide’ can be a flat adverb (eg ‘travelled far and wide’).

However, in ‘he died young’, ‘young’ is obviously not telling us anything (directly) about the manner of his death, but something about his condition when he died: ie ‘young’ modifies the (subject) pronoun, and this is therefore a subject-orientated depictive construction, with ‘young’ an adjective.

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