Use the word wronged in a sentence

You don’t know how many others were wronged

I’m the wronged party

Thom suspected Alan was the other man in Ava’s life, and if so, more power to him, it was Ava who wronged him, not Alan

To dream about justice refers to feelings that you have been wronged or treated unfairly

In modern law there is no such thing as a “just war,” which is a League of Nations term, but black folks had been wronged and were highly motivated to take up arms

belief that we’ve harmed or wronged others and that others

others wronged you disempowers you because it

Her cells sung; all of them conscience of being wronged

2 But for that they did not hurt them now, of whom they had been wronged before, they thanked them, and begged them pardon for

Elena: I want the souls of all those that have plotted against me and those that have wronged Mikael and Elijah

He hid his deeds because he thought the Council might turn against him, after all, he wronged one of the members of the Council by acting the way he did, he wronged Viktor

She knew he was right in being suspicious now, but he had not wronged her, not even once in their lives

They have indeed wronged you, but something has happened to you, you have changed, you have turned into this person I can’t recognize

Verse 17, the natural inclination is to try to pay someone back if they have wronged you; Paul

In those days they shall be led off to the abyss of fire, and to the torment and the prison in which they shall be confined forever; And who ever shall be condemned and destroyed will from then on be bound together with them to the end of all generations; And destroy all the spirits of the reprobate and the children of the Watchers, because they have wronged mankind

What he had said was not merely the outburst of a wronged man, it was the truth

At the end, he shook hands with me and empathized, “I feel sorry that you have been wronged


In those days they shall be led off to the abyss of fire and to the torment and the prison in which they shall be confined forever; And who ever shall be condemned and destroyed will from then on be bound together with them to the end of all generations; And destroy all the spirits of the reprobate and the children of the Watchers because they have wronged mankind

Never has an elf ever been so wronged by another, as you have been wronged

I have really wronged him

But it was one thing to forgive in principle and quite another to retain the same generosity when the man who had wronged him was actually here

“We will follow you, Jemelda,” he said, “until the man who has wronged us is most truly dead

2 And all the people which heard and the publicans justified: God for 3 they had been baptized with the baptism of John; But the Pharisees and the scribes wronged the purpose of God in themselves in that they were not baptized of 4 him; And from the days of John the Baptist until now the Kingdom of Heaven is 5 snatched away by violence

It has spread chaos wherever it has gone, and not in retaliation for being wronged; it had no parents

7 Then Judas the betrayer when he saw Jesus wronged went and returned the 8 thirty pieces of money to the chief priests and the eiders and said I have sinned in my betraying innocent blood; And they said to him And we what must we do? 9 know you; And he threw down the money in the temple and departed; and he went away and hanged himself; And the chief priests took the money and said We have not authority to throw it into the place of the offering for it is the price of blood; And they took counsel and bought with it the plain of the potter for the burial of strangers

we pray for God’s blessing on those who have wronged us, this

through us to those who have wronged us

7 For because they wronged the innocent they shall be slain and judgment shall destroy the unrighteous; but he who listens to me shall abide trusting in hope and shall rest securely from all evil

Chantal often commented on my ability to forgive those who’d wronged me in the past

that someone has wronged us then we are truly

me? I’m not the one who has consistently wronged you

In one incident in the recent past numbers marked a tragic turn of fate with its numerals; it marked the scene of a multiple murder enacted in the motive of wronged revenge…

‘But, then can’t I understand? Well, what a sensitive soul he turned out to be! How he hugged Shanti’s statue as though to solace her soul! What a way to pay homage to the memory of the woman he had wronged! Won’t I know what it took me to control my impulse to take him into my arms, more so, when he was in tears? If only I could have embraced him endearingly then, what a solace I would have given him! And what a nice feeling it was to caress his back! Bogged down by his sentiment of guilt, maybe, he would have missed the warmth of my affection for him

v Give him your pain and forgive those who have wronged you

A couple of other things I have been wondering are whether or not this was a case of self defence or maybe these guys had seriously wronged him?

There is much strife on your planet but there is always a need for those in a human existence to learn to forgo violence and hatred when they have been wronged; just as there is a need for those in a human existence to learn to stop hatred and violent actions

telling yourself that you deserved being wronged

vengeance on those they perceived to have wronged them

those who wronged, with a wretched punishment, because they

To tell you the truth, I wronged the elderly couple

the wronged individuals have only become infuriated and upset

the other squirrels whom I helped had wronged others and themselves for that

He’s just helping the people who have been wronged

What could I say, at least at this point in the postscript, I thought with no facial or contrary response, for all that needed said, Paul said it; I had wronged more than a few, but more importantly, I had wronged the Grace in which I’d lived

They were met at the door by Peg Green who had spent the week with the dirty end of the stick as she called it, tracking down one hundred and eighty nine wronged investors

But tonight, listening to the conversation going on in this family, he was wondering if indeed there was some other secret regarding his birth? Was he a tri-brid instead of a hybrid? Had Ansh and Vaidehi really used this woman Mini and wronged her so horribly? His mind was puzzled at what to believe or what not to believe

Though such actions as invasion, enslavement and sacrifice are unjust, there are no races, nationalities or ethnic groups whose ancestors haven’t wronged others in the past

better to be wronged than to retaliate

We think we have been wronged

One of our number claims to have been wronged

If you have been the victim of some type of crime, God can give you the grace and the ability to be able to forgive those who have wronged you, and then help you sort out and clean up whatever may have occurred as a result of the crime

and set right what has been wronged,” the Watcher said in a

“I feel like we wronged you that day” he replied nodded his head slightly

having been wronged by him had completely gone

Thus, he inspired Muhammad to inculcate the spirit of martyrdom amongst the Musalmans for raising a die-hard group in the service of him and Islam -“Hast thou not seen those unto whom it was said: Withhold your hands, establish worship and pay the poor-due, but when fighting was prescribed for them behold! a party of them fear mankind even as their fear of Allah or with greater fear, and say: Our Lord! Why hast thou ordained fighting for us? If only Thou wouldst give us respite yet a while! Say (unto them, O Muhammad): The comfort of this world is scant; the Hereafter will be better for him who wardeth off (evil); and ye will not be wronged the down upon a date -stone

Be that as it may, the Muslim mind finds itself doubly squeezed by a wronged feeling on one side and the change of value system on the other in the modern era

something that wronged her?”

have really wronged you!”

I have wronged her!” He thought

It just that he was thinking of too many things (jealousy) and wronged

They have forgotten all God’s boons, though if they miss one of them they will say: “We are deprived, and even wronged

On the other hand, it would be unfair to lay the blame on his wronged wife who had become so fed up with his mother’s interference that she felt totally downtrodden and eventually had exploded in anger

But she soon answered her own question when the sound of the lash was followed by that terrible scream of the (wronged!) wife

Their Provider called out to them, saying: did I not forbid you to approach that tree, and did I not warn you that Satan was a sworn enemy to you? They replied: oh our Provider, we have wronged ourselves, pardon us and have mercy on us, or we shall surely be among the lost

He says: “So from wheresoever you (Mohammad) start forth, turn your face towards the holy mosque: and wheresoever you are, turn your face thither, that there will be no ground of dispute against you among people, except those of them who have wronged (themselves); so fear them not; but fear Me, so that I may complete My favors to you and you may be rightly guided

the part of another, although he hascruelly wronged her himself by his deeds

I know I have wronged you

“ The blood of your lives was given in sudden anger, without warning and I know you seek retribution for being wronged

As the wronged girl relaxed from her constant tension of watching, it seemed as if she fell into a stupor

«And whosoever transgresses the set limits of Allah, then indeed he has wronged himself

I have wronged you, little man

“If I have wronged you Father, I …”

dollars, you have not been wronged by those who sold it to you; they have

I have really wronged him, for he has no use for the picture; it has no use value

So I turned to the Bible and to God and one thing kept resonating with me “judge not least ye be judged” so I found her and apologized to her because she was the one I’d wronged and then I apologized to John because I had doubted him and that was wrong of me

Perhaps, she had wronged him

That he wronged me, that he was inexcusable

That when one is wronged: it does not justify them to wrong somebody else… unless it is done directly and honestly, and done to the ones who are actually guilty

Anything anyone did always came back to them directly… immediately, because they could not run away from those who they wronged

My interest in shooting Red Indians arises because I have been wronged by one, namely Grunts When Squatting, who told me that my mother had

When we escaped from the walls of the arena three years ago, my one thought and purpose was to remain free and to make those who wronged me pay for what they had done

The parable of what they spend in this worldly life is that of a frosty wind that strikes the harvest of a people who have wronged their souls, and destroys it

God did not wrong them, but they wronged their own selves

Then every soul will be paid in full for what it has earned, and they will not be wronged

Have you not considered those who claim purity for themselves? Rather, God purifies whom He wills, and they will not be wronged a whit

Had they, when they wronged themselves, come to you, and prayed for God’s forgiveness, and the Messenger had prayed for their forgiveness, they would have found God Relenting and Merciful

» Say, «The enjoyments of this life are brief, but the Hereafter is better for the righteous, and you will not be wronged one bit

While the angels are removing the souls of those who have wronged themselves, they will say, «What was the matter with you?» They will say, «We were oppressed in the land

God never wronged them, but they used to wrong their own selves

When their messenger has come, judgment will be passed between them with fairness, and they will not be wronged

They will hide the remorse when they witness the suffering, and it will be judged between them equitably, and they will not be wronged

And you inhabited the homes of those who wronged themselves, and it became clear to you how We dealt with them, and We cited for you the examples

On the Day when every soul will come pleading for itself, and every soul will be paid in full for what it has done, and they will not be wronged

These will enter Paradise, and will not be wronged in the least

That is so! Whoever retaliates similarly to the affliction he was made to suffer, and then he is wronged again, God will definitely assist him

  • Use the word WRONGED in a sentences

Sentence Examples

I have never wronged anyone.

You that I have wronged, love someone that will be true to you and worthy of you.

You will see this poor wronged gentleman. Then with a fair sea voyage and a fair land voyage— Yeah-

«Rich father tries to bribe wronged wife.»

How does it feel to have the woman you’ve wronged cloak your sins for you?

I have greatly wronged you.

Chamberlain Oishi yielded the Ako castle… and vowed deep in his heart to avenge his wronged lord.

Heh! «Counter the curse… by killing the one that wronged her.»

A poor little country girl wronged once and then wronged again.


If you knew how I’ve already wronged you, you would turn from me in horror.

«Rich father tries to bribe wronged wife. «

Wast Hamlet wronged, Laertes?

If it be so, Hamlet is of the faction that is wronged.

The D’Ascoynes had not only wronged my mother… they were the obstacle between me and all that I wanted.

Justice has been done, and I will prove it in court! We’ll see who’s been wronged!

For once you’ll obey me! You wronged her!

Captain Fitz-Marshall, we have wronged you.

Oh, Mr. Pickwick, how I wronged you.

Witness that here lago doth give up the execution of his wit, hands, heart to wronged othello’s service.

And when you realize you’re wrong, and that you’ve wronged us, you ask us simply to return to zero.

Thou has wronged Caius Ligarius.

That you have wronged me doth appear in this.

You wronged yourself to write in such a case.

Because the Queen has been so greatly wronged… that I will hold her in safety until it is righted.

Many men have wronged you, but now you make yourself worse than they are.

And I apologize for the many ways I have wronged you.

Sire, I’ve deeply wronged you.

He had wronged you very deeply, Mrs. Thaw.

And never once wronged anyone.

But I have wronged no innocent maiden.

Indeed, he has wronged you, but is ready to redress.

Yes, I’ve wronged you a bit.

No, you’re not. You have the feeling that you’re a wronged woman.

All I know is that I’ve wronged my mother and my son,… and I am a wretch not worthy of being looked at.

So he who has wronged an envoy, has insulted the Order and insulted Christ Himself

You’ve been wronged by Lorenzo’s brother and can obtain justice.

My apologies, Dr. Scarabus, for having wronged you.

Memories of a woman he had wronged — her gentle speech,

I’ve wronged him terribly.

He has wronged you, hasn’t he?

The principal clauses of our contract foresee two possible breaches, for, of course, neither party must be wronged at the last moment.

Thou dost conspire against thy friend if thou but think’st him wronged and makest his ear a stranger to thy thoughts.

Definition of Wronged

betrayed; hurt

Examples of Wronged in a sentence

Though she felt wronged by her former employer, the woman felt it best to forgive and move forward.


Several of the wronged union workers got together to protest the recent lay-offs.


Wronged by her cheating husband, the betrayed wife was embarrassed to even show her face in public.


The man wronged everyone that he loved and ended up alone because of his bad decisions.


After being wronged by the mechanic, the customer decided to sue the shop owner in court.


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Sentences for wronged. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use wronged in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for wronged.

  • In this he wronged her. (13)
  • The lady in the ballad had been wronged. (10)
  • You shall acknowledge that you have wronged me. (10)
  • A sense that she was wronged by her fate haunted this lady. (10)
  • Oh, I wronged him cruelly in ever letting him get engaged to me! (9)
  • She has only to kill him and say that he wronged or insulted her. (7)
  • And, as though she had sinned, wronged the gentle essence of her nature, she hurried away. (8)
  • It is not by protestations that I shall endeavour to convince you I am wronged; it is not by telling you that my affections are steady. (4)
  • He sent for them instantly to Fort Frontenac, saying that if they had been wronged by the Illinois he would see that they had proper satisfaction. (19)

Also see sentences for: wrong, wrongly, wrongs.

Glad you visited this page with a sentence for wronged. Now that you’ve seen how to use wronged in a sentence hope you might explore the rest of this educational reference site to see many other example sentences which provide word usage information.

Sentences ending with wronged

  • Don’t you think there ought to be a public official whose duty it is to enforce the law gratis which I cannot afford to enforce when I am wronged? [4]
  • He knew that the sympathy of all his father’s house was not with him, but with the woman he had wronged. [11]
  • We lived under the late count—the kingdom of heaven be his!—and we have lived under you too, without ever being wronged. [2]
  • I shall, if I get a sufficient number of you engaged, have provision made that you shall not be wronged. [7]
  • And my heart grew hot within me, and a spirit kept whispering in my ear: ‘Mahommed Selim, think of the village thou hast shamed, of Soada thou hast wronged! [11]
  • I wronged them both, but he does not know he’s wronged. [11]

Short sentences using wronged

  • I thought he’d wronged you. [13]
  • I have never wronged you. [11]
  • You have wronged me. [11]

Sentences containing wronged two or more times

  • You promised her yonder at the Red Mansion that you would help him—him that never wronged you, him you always wronged, and you haven’t lifted hand to help him in his danger. [11]
  • He had been wronged in much by his father, and maybe—and this was the cruel part of it—had been unwittingly wronged, alas! [11]
  • You have wronged the Comtesse worse than you have wronged me. [11]
  • I wronged his mother—yes, I wronged him too! [11]
  • But you, you might have made a mistake where Rudyard was concerned, made the mistake once, but if you wronged him, you wronged me infinitely more. [11]
  • Not that he had wronged her; she had wronged him: she had married him. [11]
  • It becomes my duty, however painful, to tell you, as a member of the Church, wherein you have wronged the Church and wronged yourself. [9]

More example sentences with the word wronged in them

  • I never wronged you; I have only been your blister. [11]
  • He was a wronged man, a man who had seen trouble, and that was enough for me. [5]
  • Then the angry, wronged heart rebelled against such humiliation. [10]
  • They forgive those who have wronged them as easily as they forget those who have done them good service. [6]
  • I cannot tell what power you hold over me, whether of life and death, or of wealth and poverty; but after talking to me of love, I should not have thought you would have wronged me by suggesting any meaner motive. [6]
  • We cannot grasp what connection such circumstances have with the actual fact of slaughter and violence: why because the Duke was wronged, thousands of men from the other side of Europe killed and ruined the people of Smolensk and Moscow and were killed by them. [2]
  • After all, he was her son, and she had not wronged him since his birth. [11]
  • Even while Gorgias was beckoning to him from the two-wheeled chariot, the thought entered his mind that yonder handsome youth, who had so deeply wronged Barine and Dion, would be the very person to help carry his friend through the low-roofed passage to the sea. [10]
  • I am persistently undervalued, wronged, and imposed upon by mankind and the powers of the universe generally. [6]
  • I have wronged thee, Nell, but I will right thee yet, I will indeed. [12]
  • Both had wronged the woman, but Villiard most, for he had let her die because of jealousy. [11]
  • Nathless, out beyond the stars Reigns the Wiser and the Stronger, Seeing in all strifes and wars Who the wronged, who the wronger. [11]
  • His people in the East, who had thwarted his youth, vexed and cramped him, saw only evil in his widening desires, and threw him over when he came out West—the scallywag, they called him, who had never wronged a man or-or a woman! [11]
  • Helen was holding the bill in her hand, looking as any woman ought to look who has been at once wronged and insulted. [6]
  • It perplexed me that there seemed to be behind Mrs. Falchion’s present regard for Roscoe some weird expression of vengeance, as though somehow she had been wronged, and it was her duty to punish. [11]
  • How should he succeed in making Wolff understand that his beloved Els had wronged him if the maid was to play no part in proving it? [10]
  • Barbara’s infamous abuse still fired his blood, but he could not conceal from himself that this unfortunate woman had been wronged by his beloved and honoured master. [10]
  • But when her sparkling blue eyes gazed at him so brightly and at the same time so plainly showed that she knew she had wronged him, he clasped the hand, and his face again wore a friendly expression. [10]
  • His father—she had sorely wronged him, but for what will not death atone? [10]
  • If you think someone has wronged you, forget it and forgive! [2]
  • Where was his sneering, imperturbable manner, with which he could have met, and would have met, any woman he had wronged, if he had only been forewarned. [5]
  • It was thus she would have chosen to sleep, and not to have wronged her humble devotion in life by asking to lie at the side of those whom she had served so long and faithfully. [6]
  • Richard, with his sense of justice, and knowing how much the woman had been wronged, said that in all this she had done quite right; that Frank, if he had done his duty after marrying her, should have come with her. [11]
  • Anger and remorse seized on the little city, and there were those who would have killed Felion, but others saw that the old man had been sorely wronged in the past, and these said: «Wait until the morrow and we will devise something. [11]
  • But there are other passages so entirely sane, and as it seems to me so just, that if any reader attributes them to me I shall not think myself wronged by the supposition. [6]
  • He remembered what old Andrews had said about the young King’s goodness and his generous championship of the wronged and unfortunate. [5]
  • The bitter complaint of a woman he had wronged cruelly, by having married her, had wrung from him his own first wail of life, in the one cry «Kathleen! [11]
  • In old Saint Michael’s they knelt to pray for harmony, for peace; for a front bold and undismayed toward those who wronged them. [9]
  • It really hurts me very much to suppose that I have wronged anybody on earth. [7]
  • Your faith kept me alive in my darkest days—even when I thought I had wronged you. [11]
  • I marry a man of my own choosing, a bitterly wronged gentleman, and you treat me as some wicked thing. [11]
  • Suppose the wronged man does get killed; that is all right: it wasn’t merely blood he was after, but the right to hit a man in the eye for a wrong done. [11]
  • But why this lover of the beautiful should be so drawn to one whom Nature has wronged so deeply seems hard to explain. [6]
  • She could find it in her to pause in compassion for this poor lady, more wronged than herself had been. [11]
  • And yet it is true that in a popular government, like this, the humblest citizen, if he is wronged or oppressed, has in his hands a readier instrument of redress than he has ever had in any form of government. [4]
  • I wronged him in Samoa, him and Mrs. [11]
  • But suppose that in his past there was no wrong necessary to be hidden in the present—and this I believe with all my heart; suppose that he was wronged, not wronging: then how much more should the Church strive to win him to the light! [11]
  • And very likely if you are wronged, the wrongdoer has so cleverly gone round the law that it needs legislation to set you straight, and that needs a lobbyist, whom the lawyer must hire, or he must turn lobbyist himself. [4]
  • Oh, my wife, I have wronged you every way, but I loved you always—love you now. [11]
  • I felt that I had deeply wronged him. [4]
  • I wronged you, I denied you, there was the cause of all. [11]
  • His poor and honest neighbor, whom he has wronged and defrauded, lives in misery, and dies in disappointment and penury. [4]
  • She had saved his life—even if she wronged Ba’tiste, her debt would be paid. [11]
  • After a time he whispered, «My dear, I have wronged you. [11]
  • And he who had wronged her and himself was dead, his pathway closed for ever to the deeds of life and time. [11]
  • Of course, she had not done that; but her foolish confidences had abetted treachery, had wronged him, had helped to destroy his plans, had injured England. [11]
  • She knew she had been wronged, and she knew that she had no remedy. [5]
  • It was not generally known that he was absent because a man by the name of Dennis, whose wife he had wronged, was dogging him with no good intent. [11]
  • I am glad for Caesarion’s sake, and still more for his mother’s, whom we have wronged by forgetting so long for another. [10]
  • A. Oh, I fear you—you are fatal when darkness covers your brow; yet I know not why I should fear, since I never wronged you in all my life. [5]
  • Her physical strength failed, and still her spirit attempted to go on in magnificent denunciation of those who had wronged her. [13]
  • It is an eventful moment, a crucial ordeal for a woman, when she forces herself to see the naked truth concerning the man she has loved, yet the man who has wronged her. [11]
  • I had a different idea about it, but I wronged you in that, and I beg pardon, and do it sincerely. [5]
  • She had not deliberately wronged him. [11]
  • She had been deeply wronged, and justice had been about to give «an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. [11]
  • They scolded and complained about it, as if they had been greatly wronged, and when Sutor refused to shake hands with the artist, Stubenrauch angrily turned his back upon the kind-hearted man. [10]
  • He came very close to her, spoke quickly, and almost despairingly: «Ruth, I love you, and I have wronged you; but here is your place, if you will come. [11]
  • He was haunted by the memory of a wronged woman, as she herself had foretold. [11]
  • Why must every body praise Joseph’s great-hearted generosity to his cruel brethren, without stint of fervent language, and fling only a reluctant bone of praise to Esau for his still sublimer generosity to the brother who had wronged him? [5]
  • Just as you ask destiny why your splendid brother had to die, so I asked why that angel Lise, who not only never wronged anyone, but in whose soul there were never any unkind thoughts, had to die. [2]
  • John felt wronged, and worked himself up to pass a wretched evening. [4]

This page helps answer: how do I use the word wronged in a sentence? How do you use wronged in a sentence? Can you give me a sentence for the word wronged?
It contains example sentences with the word wronged, a sentence example for wronged, and wronged in sample sentence.

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