Use the word wrapped in a sentence

wrapped — перевод на русский

— Shall I wrap it up for you?

— Вам завернуть?

It’s to wrap something

Это чтобы завернуть что-нибудь?

You bought the tablecloth to wrap him, the drug to put him to sleep.

Но клеенку, чтобы его завернуть, купила ты, и снотворное, чтобы его усыпить.

Wrap the paddle and send it off in the morning.

Завернуть весло и отправить его утром.

— Shall I wrap it?

— Мне его завернуть?

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Have them wrapped like toothpaste, or they’ll stop them at the desk.

Пусть завернут, чтобы напоминало зубную пасту, и оставят на столе.

In a tin can, cellophane or wrapped in a Navajo blanket, I want you home. —You in a hurry?

Загнан в угол или завернут в одеяло индейцев Наваха, я все равно хочу, чтобы ты вернулся.

It’s just inside the tunnel, wrapped in sacking and wedged under the line.

Это внутри туннеля, он завёрнут в мешковину и засунут под рельс.

Wrapped in a black shawl, wool

Завёрнут в чёрный шерстяной платок.

— It was never wrapped in foil.

— Он не был завернут в фольгу!

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Gentlemen, we have 19 months, that’s it to box, wrap and deliver this package.

У нас 19 месяцев на то, чтобы упаковать, обернуть и отправить изделие.

— Wouldn’t it be better to wrap it?

Может быть, лучше их обернуть?

The Celtic manuscripts say the burning body should be laid out in an icy stream, then wrapped tight in wool to break the fever.

Кельтские летописи гласят, в горячке тело надо положить в ледяной поток, а потом плотно обернуть шерстью, и лихорадка уйдет.

If I did, they would wrap it up, and I would put back on my uniform… ’cause Sheronda is expecting me to wear it.

Если бы я сделал, они бы обернуть его вверх, и я бы поставил обратно свою форму .. Потому Sheronda ждет меня, чтобы носить его.

I ought to take your mouse cord and wrap it around your nerdy little neck, until your eyes pop out like champagne corks.

Надо бы мне взять шнур от твоей мышки, обернуть его вокруг твоей тощей шеи и душить, пока твои глаза не выскочат как пробки от шампанского.

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The time had come to wrap up the Hollywood deal and go home.

Пришло время закончить с Голливудом и вернуться домой.

Things that — that I wanted to wrap up gentle and proud-like and… go to sleep thinking about.

Именно такие вещи я хотел закончить нежно и гордо… и отправиться спать думая об этом.

We were to wrap it up this week.

Надо всё закончить на этой неделе.

Thanks. I’ve got things to wrap up around here.

В любом случае, спасибо. Мне нужно кое-что здесь закончить.

I’m gonna ask you all to wrap up your reports tonight.

Я прошу вас сегодня закончить свои отчёты.

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How do you wrap a paddle, anyway?

Как вообще заворачивают вёсла?

They wrap up naked girls in it, then…

Они заворачивают в нее голую девочку…

Don’t wrap the samovar up taking it out of the house.

А самовар-то из дому не заворачивают.

— They wrap it in papillon.

— Потом заворачивают в специальную бумагу.

It’s like you get swept into something, wrapped in something big.

Как будто тебя заворачивают во что-то большое

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I’m afraid I had no time to have it wrapped.

К сожалению, не успел упаковать.

Thank you. Shall I wrap it for you?

— Вам его упаковать?

— I didn’t have time to wrap it.

— Не было времени упаковать.

Shall I wrap your mother?

Упаковать вашу маму?

Let me tell you, if you’re a guy and you ask for the doggy bag on a date you might as well have them just wrap up your genitals too.

Если вы парень, и на свидании просите пакетик для собачки с тем же успехом вы можете позволить им упаковать и ваши гениталии.

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Let’s wrap it up.

Давайте заканчивать.

Let’s wrap it up.

Пора заканчивать.

We should wrap it up here.

Нам пора заканчивать.


Давайте заканчивать.

We should wrap up. Zoey Bartlet is coming and you in the pool should get in position.

Мы должны заканчивать, Зоуи Бартлет идёт и вы все вместе идёте занимать позицию для фотосъёмки.

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We’ve got decorations, lights, garlands, gifts, wrapping paper.

Тут у нас украшения, лампочки, гирлянды, подарки, обёрточная бумага.

You have any wrapping paper?

У тебя есть обёрточная бумага?

He still uses the same wrapping paper.

Почему у него всегда одна и та же оберточная бумага’?

This is handmade wrapping paper.

Это оберточная бумага ручной работы.

Wrapping paper was just a new idea that I’m not going to pursue.

Оберточная бумага была идеей, которую я не собираюсь продвигать.

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How do we maintain a soft feel on the exterior of a plastic wrap or pack while retaining the useful tensile strength in the sheets?

…как сохранить внешнюю мягкость рулона в пластиковой упаковке,.. …обеспечив при этом требуемую упругость и прочность отдельных кусочков.

Think of all the money you’re gonna save on bubble wrap.

Подумай только сколько денег сможешь сэкономить на упаковке.

No, they’re working at the gift wrap hut.

Нет, они работают на упаковке подарков.

She gave me eight DVDs in bubble wrapping.

Она дала мне 8 двд в пузырчатой упаковке.

I served out my mission in Gift Wrap Support.

Я служила в Упаковке.

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I’d spoil the wrapping.

ј то обертку испорчу.

— It looks like a gift wrap.

— Похоже на подарочную обертку.

He’s ripping the wrapping paper.

Он разворачивает обертку.

The fact that I forgot to take the wrapping off only made it better.

Жаль, что я забыла снять обертку, без нее он был бы еще лучше.

Gets wrapped up in a nice soft package and plop!

Получит хорошую мягкую обертку и плюх!

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Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

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Asked by: Dr. Allison Kassulke

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Wrapped sentence example

  1. He wrapped one arm around her tightly. …
  2. Sonya came along, wrapped in her cloak. …
  3. In his hands he had something wrapped in a rag. …
  4. These latter the butler thrust mysteriously forward, wrapped in a napkin, from behind the next man’s shoulders and whispered: «Dry Madeira»…

What is sentence of wrapped?

Examples of wrap in a Sentence

Ribbons were wrapped around the dancers’ arms. She wrapped a scarf around her neck. He wrapped tape around the bat’s handle. I wrapped my arms around her. She wrapped her legs around a pillow.

What is a wrap up sentence examples?

I’m trying to wrap up everything as fast as I can, Logan said. The trial may wrap up by then. No post-Oscar wrap-up is complete without a rundown of who wore what, what was best and what was worst.

What does wrap mean in writing?

Word wrap is a word processing feature that forces all text to be confined within defined margins. When a line of text is filled, the word processor automatically moves the text to the next line, so the user doesn’t have to press the return key after every line.

What is the use of wrap?

Word wrapping is used to help contain text within an area and to prevent text from being cut off or missed. For example, all of the text contained on this page is wrapped in an HTML div tag for easy reading.

22 related questions found

Why do we require text wrapping?

In other words, Word treats the image like it would treat any word or letter of text. You can change this by applying a text wrap. Text wrap causes all of the text to wrap around the image so that the image does not interfere with line spacing.

What do you mean word wrapping?

Line breaking, also known as word wrapping, is breaking a section of text into lines so that it will fit into the available width of a page, window or other display area.

What kind of word is wrap?

verb (used with object), wrapped or wrapt, wrap·ping. to enclose in something wound or folded about (often followed by up): She wrapped her head in a scarf. to enclose and make fast (an article, bundle, etc.)

What does Warpy mean?

to bend or turn from the natural or true direction or course. to distort or cause to distort from the truth, fact, true meaning, etc.; bias; falsify: Prejudice warps the mind. Aeronautics. to curve or bend (a wing or other airfoil) at the end or ends to promote equilibrium or to secure lateral control.

What does wrapping you up mean?

slang To put on a condom before sexual intercourse. You’re putting yourself at risk if you don’t wrap it up every time.

What is a wrap up call?

Broadly speaking, wrap up time is the post-call work time an agent spends on a call. … You might also hear wrap up time referred to as “after call work” or “post call processing”. Even though the call with the customer has come to a conclusion, wrap up time is still included in average handling time.

What does wrapped up in your work mean?

: fully involved or interested in (something) I was (completely) wrapped up in my work, so I didn’t hear you come in.

What is a wrap up conclusion?

1 : summarize, sum up. 2a : to bring to a usually successful conclusion.

What is the sentence of successful?

«He is very successful in the business world.» «She became successful at a young age.» «I feel successful in this sports car.»

How do you use wrap up?

wrap up

  1. phrasal verb. If you wrap up, you put warm clothes on. She wrapped up in her mother’s red shawl. …
  2. phrasal verb. If you wrap up something such as a job or an agreement, you complete it in a satisfactory way. NATO defense ministers wrap up their meeting in Brussels today.
  3. See also wrap [sense 1], wrapped up.

What is the sentence of wrapping?

1) He spent the evening wrapping up the Christmas presents. 2) He peeled away the plastic wrapping. 3) She tore the wrapping away and took out the gift. 4) The service also extends to wrapping and delivering gifts.

What does Wharp mean?

Filters. (UK, dated) A fine sand from the banks of the Trent, used as a polishing powder. noun.

What does it mean if someone is warped?

​informalsomeone who is warped has thoughts or ideas that most people think are very strange and frightening. a warped sense of humour. Synonyms and related words. Crazy or silly. crazy.

What do you mean by coincide?

: to happen at the same time as something else. : to agree with something exactly : to be the same as something else. See the full definition for coincide in the English Language Learners Dictionary. coincide. verb.

What does wrap around means?

1 : made to be wrapped around something and especially the body a wraparound skirt. 2a : shaped to follow a contour especially : made to curve from the front around to the side wraparound sunglasses wraparound terraces.

What is the full form of wrap?

Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production (WRAP), formerly Worldwide Responsible Apparel Production is an organization whose stated aim is promoting safe, lawful, humane and ethical manufacturing around the world. … The organization was established in 2000 by the American Apparel and Footwear Association.

What is word wrap and how is it invoked?

The word wrap option is invoked with the WW command on the command line (a single W is reserved for the write command). This command causes the cursor to jump back to the left side of the screen when the word being typed goes beyond a prescribed column. turns the word wrapping off. …

What do you mean by word wrapping class 9th?

Word wrapping is a process by which the word which comes at the end of the line. is automatically moved onto a line in order to keep the text within the margins.

What is insertion point?

The location at which text or a node is inserted. As you type text, the flashing vertical bar moves to the right of the text you type. … A text insertion point also defines the place in the text where you want to paste cut or copied items or, with the Text Editor, insert files and templates.

What is text wrapping give example?

Text wrap is a feature supported by many word processors that enables you to surround a picture or diagram with text. The text wraps around the graphic. Text wrap in HTML is most fequently used to describe wrapping of text around an image in the HTML code. This is done by adding align=”left” or align=”right” to the.

  • Use the word WRAPPED in a sentences

Sentence Examples

They wrapped my shirt around some food, hid it in the woods.

The magic chest is wrapped in a cloak of invisibility.

…because Meta has father wrapped around her finger.

David Manners told me that Lugosi was particularly aloof and unapproachable, wrapped up in the Dracula mystique as he was wrapped up in his Dracula cape, walking in front of a full-length mirror intoning to himself

«For the first time we see that Van Helsing has an oblong paper-wrapped parcel.»

They’re pampered and wrapped in cotton wool.

Since mother died, he’s been absolutely wrapped up in us.


Well, the cigar store man must have wrapped up my change by mistake.

You realize I had my dessert wrapped in those papers?

Honey, you’re just wrapped in cellophane.

Hate to have that thing wrapped around me.

And how would you like him wrapped up…

You wrapped them inside your shirt.

All wrapped up in cellophane.

A little angel smiling up at you, all wrapped in lace.



Got it wrapped all around me like a corset.

They wrapped it up in cellophane, sold it in drugstores.

There you are, all wrapped up and ready for mailing.

You’re so wrapped up in the game that, well, you forget people have feelings and are human.

That’s where he had his gun wrapped in a handkerchief.

Because Mother Nature gave you a little finger men ache to be wrapped around.

He’s all wrapped up in his work, isn’t he?

He was a foundling. There he lay wrapped up in a sheet.

Well… supposing they decoyed Miss Froy into the luggage van and hid her, the first stop, a patient comes aboard, all wrapped up, the patient is Madame Kummer, she becomes Miss Froy,

Tell him I can’t get away… that I’m all wrapped up… —

Our man had rags wrapped around his feet.

My life was wrapped around a circus.

Say some novel surprises wrapped in sawdust?

You just popped in to see if the floor was all littered with broken glassware… and the furniture wrapped around Ken’s neck.

Well, two boa constrictors, who I had previously befriended, wrapped themselves around my naked rims, and off we went again.

I think the pastries she wrapped for us were better.

We’ve bought a surprise and it isn’t wrapped.

That’d be quite a coup… bringing in your first story wrapped around an assassin.

His face is all wrapped up like, and he won’t give me his name.

No, no, it’s wrapped so neatly, I hate to.

Have them wrapped like toothpaste, or they’ll stop them at the desk.

We got the party wrapped up in cellophane.

He carries a parcel wrapped in oilcloth and tied with thick string.

To take two fine people like that… whose lives are wrapped up in their son and make them unhappy?

Just keep her throat clear and keep her wrapped up warm, and she’ll be all right tonight.

She looks better all wrapped up than the rest of them do unwrapped.

I don’t come wrapped up in no mink coat either.

Well, who else would send a girl roses wrapped in butcher paper?

Synonym: absorbed, captive, cloaked, clothed, draped, engrossed, enwrapped, intent, mantled. Similar words: wrapper, trapped, strapped, wrapping, tapped, capped, frappe, snow-capped. Meaning: [ræp]  adj. 1. covered with or as if with clothes or a wrap or cloak 2. giving or marked by complete attention to 3. enclosed securely in a covering of paper or the like. 

Random good picture Not show

1. When a man is wrapped up in himself he makes a pretty little package22. 

2. The baby was wrapped in a blanket.

3. She wrapped the present and tied it with ribbon.

4. He wrapped his scarf around his neck.

5. She wrapped her shawl closer about her.

6. A human form lay there, wrapped in a shroud.

7. Each apple was individually wrapped in paper.

8. The parcel was wrapped in plain brown paper.

9. The present was beautifully wrapped in gold paper.

9. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!

10. The children are wrapped up snug by the fire.

11. Mother wrapped the baby up in a warm shawl.

12. Markus has wrapped up warmly in a woolly hat.

13. His hands were wrapped in gauze bandages.

14. I wrapped the sandwiches in kitchen foil.

15. The boy could be seen with his legs wrapped around the trunk.

16. I have wrapped the parcels and they’re ready to be posted.

17. He wrapped the package in brown paper and tied it with string.

18. He wrapped the present in pretty paper for his girlfriend.

19. She came downstairs after her shower, wrapped in a towel.

20. Ella wrapped a thick coat around her shoulders.

21. Christine was wrapped up in one of the blankets.

22. I wrapped the baby in a blanket.

23. She wrapped a handkerchief around her bleeding palm.

24. They wrapped the child up.

25. They are all wrapped up in working.

26. He wrapped up the parcel.

27. The whole thing has been wrapped up.

28. He wrapped himself in a blanket.

29. She wrapped the baby in a blanket.

30. She’s always been completely wrapped up in the children.

More similar words: wrapper, trapped, strapped, wrapping, tapped, capped, frappe, snow-capped, wrap, wrap up, gift wrap, tipped, whipped, stepped, cropped, equipped, draped, worshipped, happen, appear, appeal, flapper, appease, whipped cream, happen to, appendix, appertain, appetite, appeal to, reappear. 


неправильный глагол

- past и p. p. от wrap

Мои примеры


to have smb. wrapped around one’s little finger — полностью подчинять себе кого-л.  
laid / lapped / wrapped in the moulds — лежащий в земле, похороненный  
shrouded / wrapped in mystery — окутанный тайной  
wrapped in woe — охваченный горем  
wrapped in anxiety — охваченный беспокойством  
wrapped up in slumber — погружённый в сон  
wire-wrapped circuit — схема с проводным монтажом  
wire-wrapped connection — соединение накруткой  
composite wrapped — с покрытием из композитных материалов  
fabric-wrapped sand screen — песочный фильтр с матерчатой обмоткой  

Примеры с переводом

I wrapped my arms around her.

Я крепко обнял ее.

He wrapped the wound in gauze.

Он обмотал рану марлей.

The affair is wrapped up in mystery.

Это дело окутано тайной.

I wrung my hair and wrapped it in a towel.

Я отжала волосы и обернула их полотенцем.

The summits are wrapped in clouds.

Вершины окутаны облаками.

Wrapped in the pale gauze of a misty afternoon, the city seemed eerily romantic to the strolling lovers.

Окутанный лёгкой завесой дневного тумана, прогуливающимся влюбленным город казался сверхъестественно романтичным.

She wrapped a scarf around her neck.

Она замотала свою шею шарфом.

ещё 21 пример свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

He wrapped his arms around her waist.

She wrapped an elastic around the cards.

Odorous cheeses need to be tightly wrapped.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

wrap  — обертка, шаль, плед, платок, одеяло, упаковывать, обертывать, заворачивать

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