Use the word worth in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word worth, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use worth in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «worth».

Worth in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word worth in a sentence.

  1. We know he’s worth reading.

  2. It is not worth the trouble.

  3. These lambs are worth less at market.

  4. The steel alone is worth $3 million.».

  5. Nonetheless, it was all well worth it».

  6. I won’t be worth anything if I do that ..

  7. But once you’re up, it’s worth the trouble.».

  8. For Frederick, it was a risk not worth taking.

  9. Seward, asking him for «anything worth having».

  10. The redevelopment was worth around £260 million.

  11. At the time, the coins were worth about US$800 each.

  12. Critics were split on whether ODST was worth its price.

  13. At the time, the silver in a dollar coin was worth $.53.

  14. Lopez took the gold to authorities who confirmed its worth.

  15. The value of VHR, Mayo argued, was not worth the extra cost.

  16. Boulton’s share was worth little without Watt’s efforts to improve his invention.

  17. In all, Gert wrought $10 million worth of damage to roads, bridges, and property.

  18. McCay said it took him about eight weeks to produce eight seconds’ worth of film.

  19. The explosion was estimated to have caused at least $652 million worth of damage.

  20. Midway showed the worth of pre-war naval cryptanalysis and intelligence-gathering.

  21. Brett Love of TV Squad posited that Gordon’s return in the «great» episode was «well worth the wait».

  22. Winning the final was estimated by the UK media to be worth up to £30 million to the successful team.

  23. Several years’ worth of heavy rainfall inundated coastal areas, damaging roads and hundreds of homes.

  24. Coping strategies may help and are worth trying, even though there is no evidence for their efficacy.

  25. No Liberty Head double eagle was considered by Adams to be worth more than the value inscribed on it.

  26. When first-class cricket resumed in 1919, Surrey awarded Hobbs a five-year contract worth £400 a year.

  27. The match, and subsequent promotion, was estimated to be worth around £90 million to the winning team.

  28. Helmer Hanssen, who had proved his worth on the Gjøa expedition, agreed to travel with Amundsen again.

  29. GamePro said that the game was «the kind of great game that’s worth snapping up as soon as it’s out.».

  30. Neighboring Oman sent 14 cargo planes’ worth of food totaling 270 tons, as well as blankets and tents.

  31. An internal investigation found that £700,000 of the £1.3 million worth of bills were unaccounted for.

  32. The math test is weighted more heavily, with 35 questions worth approximately 28.6 points per question.

  33. This is probably because it is worth more to protect the young then, as they are more likely to fledge.

  34. The Canadian government provided C$75,000 worth of aid, including food, blankets, and medical supplies.

  35. In 2008, Under Armour replaced Reebok as Wales’ kit manufacturer in a four-year deal worth £10 million.

  36. Given a cigar by the Prince, Trott simply smoked it, to the surprise of those who thought a royal souvenir worth keeping.

  37. Congress allowed the Mint to continue to strike 1964-dated pieces into 1965, hoping to make them not worth putting aside.

  38. A developing spiral band dropped heavy rainfall over Aruba, causing flooding and $1.1 million worth in structural damage.

  39. Those who spotted an eagle were offered tokens worth 3d, which could be exchanged at newsagents for a free copy of Eagle.

  40. In March 1859, Grant freed William by a manumission deed, potentially worth at least $1,000, when Grant needed the money.

  41. Most of his properties were silver mines in New Mexico; one mine yielded an ore vein worth $3 million in silver chloride.

  42. Each individual correct answer is worth 100 points, thus, a total of 300 points are available to each team in this round.

  43. Borman ordered $1.4 billion worth of new, more fuel-efficient aircraft, and the company’s debt ballooned to $2.3 billion.

  44. Searching the offices afterwards, the POWs found thousands of letters and three months’ worth of Red Cross food packages.

  45. It is one of the most expensive Leopard 2s built; the original contract was worth €1,910m but the final cost was €2,399m.

  46. Shortly before his death, he forgave Sega’s debts to him and returned his $695 million worth of Sega and CSK stock, helping the company survive the third-party transition.

  47. About $131,000 worth of alterations were made to buildings occupied by the laboratory but the University of Chicago also had to make alterations for users displaced by it.

  48. In 1976 James Humphreys, a Soho-based pornographer and strip club owner, alleged that police officers had stolen £1 million worth of gems «as their share» of the burglary.

  49. The team’s ownership revealed the first Sounders jersey on May 28, 2008, and announced Microsoft as the team’s sponsor in a five-year deal worth approximately $20 million.

  50. When silver prices rose relative to gold as a reaction to the California Gold Rush, silver coinage was worth more than face value, and rapidly flowed overseas for melting.

Synonyms for worth

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word worth has the following synonyms: deserving, meriting, worthy, valuable, Worth and Charles Frederick Worth.

General information about «worth» example sentences

The example sentences for the word worth that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «worth» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «worth».

Examples of how to use the word “worth” in a sentence. How to connect “worth” with other words to make correct English sentences.

worth (adj): having a particular value, especially in money

Use “worth” in a sentence

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WorthЗнакомя вас с различными секретами английского языка, хотелось бы обратить ваше внимание на одно слово – worth, знание и умелое использование которого поможет вам выразить самые разнообразные мысли. Непримечательное на первый взгляд, оно является довольно значимым, в чем вы сейчас убедитесь.

В качестве существительного оно имеет значение «ценность, значимость», и мы подчеркиваем ценность чего-либо при помощи слова worth, например,

  • We have made a discovery of great worth мы сделали открытие большой значимости –
  • This information is of no worth — эта информация не имеет ценности.
  • We have found a pearl of great worth — мы нашли жемчужину большой ценности

или, напротив, незначительность чего-либо:

  • These pictures are of no worth – эти картины не имеют ценности
  • We don’t accept poems of little worth – мы не принимаем посредственные стихи
  • Your composition is of no worth – ваше сочинение никуда не годится

worth используется также в значении «богатство» :

  • His worth is a million dollars — его состояние составляет миллион долларов

Worth — прилагательное

В качестве прилагательного worth используется в составе именного сказуемого и имеет значение «стоящий»:

  • She is not worth your attention – она не заслуживает твоего внимания
  • Don’t lock the door; it isn’t worth the trouble – Не закрывай дверь, не стоит беспокойства

Ну а если речь идет о человеке, то «достойный». Достойный человек звучит как «a man of worth», оценить кого-то по достоинству — to know smb’s worth.

worth doing something — стоит что-то делать

Заметьте, что если после worth следует глагол, он принимает окончание ing:

  • Beauty is worth making an effort – Красота стоит усилий
  • This film is not worth watching – Этот фильм не стоит смотреть
  • The job isn’t worth doing it – работа не стоит того, чтобы ее выполнять

В американском английском есть выражение «to put in one’s two cents worth». В русском языке тоже есть такое выражение «вставить свои пять копеек», т.е. обязательно высказать своё мнение.

  • Why does he always put in his two cents worth? – почему он всегда должен вставить свои пять копеек?

При помощи слова worth можно узнать цену чего-либо, или курс валют:

  • What is it worth? — сколько это стоит?
  • What is the dollar worth? — каков курс доллара?

prosba avtora

The first – to his boss, Fred Fielding, on Feb. 3, 1984 – denounced the notion of equal pay for comparable worth, saying “It is difficult to exaggerate the perniciousness of the ‘comparable worth’ theory. ❋ Unknown (2005)

Annita, in the old ragged dresses in which they were found; and if he paints their little dimpled shoulders and cunning little legs and feet half as pretty as they really are, I know you will say with me, that the «Little Emigrants» are worth looking at, and _worth loving_. ❋ Fanny Fern (N/A)

Give him history books where every hero he is supposed to model himself after, every president who led his country, every philosopher who ever uttered a word worth remembering, every inventor who pushed back the night for the human race was black. ❋ Steven Barnes (2000)

There are only 2 other candidates for the title worth considering, Weeb Ewbank, in the Pro Football HOF and Bill Parcells, soon to be. ❋ Unknown (2011)

Through my process of decision-making with my family and my close friends as to whether I should throw my name in the hat for the GOP nomination for 2012 — Is a title worth it? ❋ JoAnne Allen (2011)

«Is a title worth it— does a title shackle a person?» the former Alaska governor asked during a discussion of her 2012 plans ❋ Unknown (2011)

He thinks it’s a possible take over candidate and a name worth looking at, especially at current levels.

Certainly, that seems to be a name worth discussing, considering that by some accounts the Twins were very close to dealing away the center fielder just three months ago. ❋ Unknown (2011)

And with millions of baby boomers starting to reach retirement age and with SRZ’s business improving, the «Mad Money» host thinks this is a name worth looking at.

— Kurt Sutter and company offered yet another title worth Googling. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Another term worth throwing out there is «PAN,» or Personal Area Network, which is used for technology like Bluetooth and refers to the peripherals (mice, speakers, keyboards, etc.) you’ve networked together. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Lucas Arts ‘latest Star Wars videogame doesn’t take long to finish and when there’s no multiplayer support whatsoever, it’s not surprising gamers crave for new additions to make the title worth the purchase. ❋ Unknown (2008)

February 28th, 2010 at 8: 28 am what do you call super rich? and if his worth is all in stock, how do you take it from him? what if he owns land? what if he owns patents? what if he is a Saudi Royal? ❋ Unknown (2010)

Selecting the candidate and then determining the worth is the wrong method. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Is the chance to win a title worth $6.2 million dollars? ❋ Unknown (2011)

[emil] has worth ❋ Td0tr0y (2004)

[Man], [that dude] is so not worth ❋ Hitmewithmusic (2009)

Their not worth it you [can do] so [much] [better] ❋ Depressed Life (2017)

Here’s to another night of non-worthful partying baby!
Hey bitches, cant make dinner at Butter because i need to be worthful in [the library] for like 3 hours, but i’ll meet up with you at [aer]. [xoxo].
let’s do something worthful for like an hour and then start drinking. ❋ Llrb (2005)

Friend: Dude, I you totally [threw] up on the [roller coaster]!
You: [Worth it]! ❋ Blackzmyth (2007)

Worth is For example, you!! You might not think you are at a certain moment but trust you are :)) soo many people at the moment love you right now and what your going through right now will get better💕 trust me [been there, done that] soo don’t give up. The future has soo many good things [waiting for you] soo be patient and be happy ,love you sm!! ~ BY [MARI] ❋ Mari🥺 (2020)

He is a worthful [person] to me. ❋ Twin_stacks (2013)

A: Are you coming to the show tonight?
B: maybe…[is it] [worth]?
A: of course it’s worth!!
B: [alright] I’ll be there ❋ Codyrocksmysocks (2015)

«I just pulled a huge [prank] on my [professor]. I ended up [suspended], but worth it.» ❋ Cutesy Pastel Living Doll (2013)

Worthing is good for shopping but there are so many [buggies] in the way!!
Worthing is [sunny] but damn! its so boring!
Worthing is full of people [up there] own arse! :P ❋ Sixdown8across (2011)

Ladies, do you remember the L’Oreal advert for shampoo where Jennifer Aniston and other celebrities would end the advert by saying “because you’re worth it?” What did they mean? They were saying that as a special person, you deserved to have L’Oreal products for your hair.

“Because you’re worth it” has since become a phrase people use when they want to justify buying or treating themselves to something special, like a spa day, a relaxing massage or a huge box of chocolates. This applies to both men and women.

The word “worth” has many meanings in English and it often confuses English Language learners. The main definition for worth is value. We use it when discussing the financial value of a business, a person’s fortune, a house, but we also use ‘worth’ when talking about the usefulness of something or someone. We use ‘worth’ as a noun, as an adjective and in fixed phrases.

In this post, I’m going to explore 13 ways you can use “worth” in a sentence.

Let’s start off with ‘worth’ as a noun.
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Worth (noun)

1. As a financial value, in other words as an amount measured in financial terms

“The robbers got away with thousands of pounds’ worth of paintings.”

2. An amount measured by timetwo days’ worth/ 12 hours’ worth

“I have two weeks’ worth of post to get through this weekend. Lucky me!”

3. How good and useful something is – its efficiency

“I am delighted with my virtual assistant. She has proved her worth in just 2 months. It’s the best investment I’ve made in a long time”.

4. The financial value of something

“Houses in London are selling far above their true worth (or value).”

Worth (adjective)

Worth as an adjective usually follows the verb ‘to be’ and is always followed by either a noun, pronoun, or number, or by the ‘-ing’ form of a verb:

“The painting is probably worth thousands of pounds.It was a difficult journey, but it was worth it.The film was definitely worth seeing.” (Macmillan)

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5. How much is it worth?/ What is it worth?
When you’re asked this question, your answer will be to give the financial value of that object.

  • It’s worth £1500/ nothing/£100/ a lot
    “That car is worth at least £100,000”.[spacer height=”20px”]
  • It’s worth a fortune (= it’s a worth a large sum of money)
    “That house must be worth a fortune. It’s in the richest area of London”.

6. Used for saying that there is a good reason for doing something because it’s important and enjoyable.

  • It’s worth visiting/doing/going and so on
    “It’s worth doing the work before attending the course because you’ll get so much more out of it”.[spacer height=”20px”]
  • It’s worth a visit/ a try/ a look
    “It’s worth a try. That way we know we did everything we could to make it work”.[spacer height=”20px”]
  • Well worth a visit
    ” The National Gallery is well worth a visit especially if you like the Impressionists”.

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  • Worth the effort/ time/trouble
    “I don’t know….It’s a long way and I’m not sure it’s worth the effort”.
    “We’re hardly going to make any money on this. It’s not worth our time and effort”.[spacer height=”20px”]
  • It’s worth doing something
    “I think it’s worth talking to your tax adviser before making a decision”.[spacer height=”20px”]
  • To be worth it
    ” I know it’s a huge initial outlay, but I think It’ll be worth it in the end.”

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7. Used for saying how good, useful or reliable something is.

  • Worth something/a lot/ a great deal/nothing
    “Your support is worth a great deal to me. I can’t thank you enough”.
    “The Board’s assurance are worth nothing if they’re not going to back the CEO.”

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8. Used to say how rich someone is.

“How much is Mark Zuckerberg worth these days?”
“I think he is worth over £2bn but I am guessing.”
“She started her business just three years ago and now it’s worth over £1m!”.

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Fixed Expressions

9. Net Worth – the value of your assets after deducting your debts

“My last job in finance was in the High-Net Worth Private Client division”.
“The average net worth of our clients is around £2m.”

10. Self-worth – the feeling you are as important as others and deserve to be respected and treated well.

“Work and recognition gives a person a sense of pride and self-worth that is so valuable in life”.

11. Worth your salt – respected by other people because you do a job well.

“Any CEO worth their salt will always have the loyalty of their employees”.

12. For what it’s worth
Used when you’re telling someone something and you’re not sure how useful it is. In emails and texts, it’s often written as the acronym FWIW.

“For what it’s worth, I think we did a fantastic job in putting together this tender at such short notice. Now all we can do is to wait and see the outcome”.

13. To be worth someone’s while 
If it is worth your while to do something, you can get some benefit or advantage from doing it even though it may take some time or effort  (Macmillan)

“It’s going to take me two days to format the book. It’s simply not worth my while. I am better off hiring someone to do it for me who will take less than half the time.”

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Over to you.

Choose some of the ways you like and try incorporating them in your sentences next time you’re speaking or writing English. And if you’d like me to check them, simply drop me a line by commenting on this post and I’ll give you feedback.

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Ciao for now and see you next week.


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Oh and before you go….

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