Use the word worried in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word worried, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use worried in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «worried».

Worried in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word worried in a sentence.

  1. He worried about that himself.

  2. Elliott returns home to his worried family.

  3. Other CUP exiles worried they would be next.

  4. This mixture of sports and politics worried Brundage.

  5. Both Hammerstein and Rodgers professed to be worried.

  6. What I had seen at the front line worried me greatly.

  7. Clarke also worried the Pakistanis would notice the U.S.

  8. Franks was worried by the new American collectors such as J.

  9. Thảo went on the run and hid in Vĩnh Long, worried that Diệm’s men were after him.

  10. In resuming the role of Khan, Montalbán worried that fans would see him only as Mr.

  11. By 1213, though, John was increasingly worried about the threat of French invasion.

  12. NASA administrator James Webb became increasingly worried about Shea’s mental state.

  13. Alfonso was also worried about the destruction of his realm by his rebellious nobles.

  14. The Foreign Office worried Rössler would expose German knowledge of, and complicity in, the genocide.

  15. Rhodes claimed not to be worried, telling Shippard in a letter that «the policy will not be altered».

  16. The reason to stop it sooner was not, «Ooh, we’re worried that it’s going to come out the wrong way»..

  17. Pei himself considered the project a success, even as he worried about the arrangement of its elements.

  18. According to Rodgers biographer Meryle Secrest, Holtzmann was worried that Lawrence’s career was fading.

  19. His fear resulted from his concern that he might be executed again, and he had good reason to be worried.

  20. The failure of the Congress leadership to disavow Hindu communalists worried Congress-supporting Muslims.

  21. Spiegelman worried about the effect that his organizing of Vladek’s story would have on its authenticity.

  22. He worried about their side effects and was concerned that they would react with his regular cannabis use.

  23. I mean, we financed [‘Black Gives Way To Blue’] on our own too, so we’re not too worried about that stuff.

  24. The main source of this was the Belgian Congo, and they were worried that it could fall into German hands.

  25. Grant was nearly broke and worried constantly about leaving his wife a suitable amount of money to live on.

  26. And we worried that the viewers would get bored with the show if we did that again for a whole other season.

  27. Producers of the film were worried that he was not a big enough star and did not have much acting experience.

  28. Rusk was worried about the public relations implications the bloody photographs of the brothers would generate.

  29. But he did not enjoy the attention that went with the captaincy, and he often worried about the impression he was making.

  30. He suggested they begin monitoring the rate of movement of the bulge, worried that the collapse could trigger an eruption.

  31. He also said he felt he could have recorded a faster lap time and was worried about teammate Kurt Busch’s qualifying form.

  32. Some colonists worried that, by buying the cheaper tea, they would be conceding that Parliament had the right to tax them.

  33. Adams worried that the Society was «a stride towards an hereditary military nobility», and thus a threat to republicanism.

  34. Bragg was worried about Morgan getting too far from the main army and being unable to come to his aid should it be needed.

  35. Experts and many Iraqis were worried that AQI might resurface and attempt mass-casualty attacks to destabilize the country.

  36. The police were called, but worried about adverse publicity, the school paid their attackers’ bail and opened negotiations.

  37. In fact Munir was so worried he made Sirhan swear on their dead sister, Aida, that he would not use the gun in a «bad» way.

  38. Credit procurement was difficult if the creditor worried about repayment in the event of the borrower’s death or infirmity.

  39. Ghostbusters II was to be the first sequel Reitman had directed, and he was worried about being able to surprise the audience without relying on elaborate special effects.

  40. It need not have worried; the public quickly rejected the new coin as too close in size and weight to the quarter dollar, and production for circulation ceased after 1980.

  41. In her first year at the school, Chastain suffered from anxiety and was worried about being dropped from the program, spending most of her time reading and watching films.

  42. After arriving in New Orleans on December 1, 1814, Jackson instituted martial law in the city, as he worried about the loyalty of the city’s Creole and Spanish inhabitants.

  43. Bradman had been worried by Bedser’s angle into his pads and the leg trap, but Bedser then moved the ball the other way towards the slips and caught Bradman’s outside edge.

Synonyms for worried

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word worried has the following synonyms: apprehensive, uneasy, disquieted, distressed, disturbed, upset and troubled.

General information about «worried» example sentences

The example sentences for the word worried that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «worried» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «worried».

Examples of how to use the word “worried” in a sentence. How to connect “worried” with other words to make correct English sentences.

worried (adj): unhappy because you are thinking about problems or unpleasant things that might happen

Use “worried” in a sentence

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Synonym: apprehensive, disquieted, distressed, disturbed, upset. Similar words: married, horrified, dried, torrid, worry, terrified, horrible, corridor. Meaning: [‘wɜrɪd /’wʌ-]  adj. 1. afflicted with or marked by anxious uneasiness or trouble or grief 2. mentally upset over possible misfortune or danger etc. 

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1 You look worried. What’s the matter?

2 We walked slowly, even happiness are worried.

3 She gave me a worried look.

4 After twenty minutes I started to get worried.

5 I’m worried about my husband’s health.

6 In spite of her fears,( she always worried through.

7 She seemed neither surprised nor worried.

8 What are you worried about?

9 I’m worried about my wife.

10 Try not to get worried.

11 I was worried about you.

12 We worried about his dependency on his mother.

13 We’re not too worried by these results.

14 I was worried you wouldn’t come.

15 Ted Robinson has been worried all the week.

16 Where have you been? I’ve been worried sick .

17 The police are worried that the man may be armed.

18 I’m not worried about her-she can take care of herself.

19 We were not in the least worried about the possibility that sweets could rot the teeth.

20 I’m worried about washing that shirt in case it shrinks.

21 I’m sympathetic to parents who are worried about what their children see on television.

22 I was worried when Barry didn’t come back at the usual time.

23 Doctors are worried about the possible spread of the disease.

24 I told him I was worried but he laughed scornfully.

25 Don’t look so worried!

26 Children are worried about failing in front of their peers.

27 I was worried I wouldn’t be able to hang my washing out.

28 Gill seems rather distracted at the moment — I think she’s worried about her exams.

29 Smiling is always easier than explaining what you are worried.

30 He tried to sound casual, but I knew he was worried.

More similar words: married, horrified, dried, torrid, worry, terrified, horrible, corridor, carrier, barrier, worry about, allied, lie down, sorry, ratified, frenzied, horror, borrow, or rather, justified, satisfied, specified, gratified, correct, classified, accompanied, arrive, borrowed, preoccupied, warrior. 

All sentences (with pause)

Used with verbs:

«She is worried about her mother.«
(be: is/am/are, seems, looks)

«I became worried when they didn’t arrive on time.«
(became, got, started to get)

Used with adverbs:

«He is very worried about his future.«
(very, extremely, fairly, deeply, desperately, seriously, terribly)

«She became increasingly worried with every hour that passed by.«

«He was a little worried that he may be late for the interview.«
(a little, slightly)

«He was clearly worried when the bride did not show up.«
(clearly, obviously)

Used with prepositions:

«I am worried about you.«
(about, for)

A survey by C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital and the University of Michigan of parents of children age 12 to 17 years playing school sports reported a surprising lack of knowledge by parents of concussion risks, although six in ten were at least somewhat worried their children will suffer a concussion while playing school sports.


Such worried Catholics who are already going wild even when they have only to get up and sit down at Mass should really ask themselves quite simply and charitably: What has be — come different in the Church and what has remained the same?


When he finally was restored to his real home, every one worried about how it would go because, really, they were all strangers to him.


If your worried about your hamster then you should take them to the vet.


A Tinder user will not be notified or otherwise alerted if you swipe left on them, meaning that you don’t need to feel too worried about hurting someone’s feelings.


@Will i’m not sure but i’m not worried one bit.


Like Mesut Ozil, Sanchez’s current deal runs out at the end of next season, but Arsenal fans are much more worried about their Chilean start than their German one.


This chart shows why Wall Street is so worried about Google’s business.


I’d be much more worried about non-English majors/English teachers or for that matter anyone in academia not liking my stuff.


If you are even worried whether or not you’re being a good mom, then you probably already are one!


Those who are stuck with their coursework writing in the midnight and worried about the deadline next day, help to such students is also given by the experts of Students Assignment Help.


Plus my interview with Mozilla CEO John Lilly, who isn’t too worried about Google browser for now, but is happy to compete.


I wouldn’t be too worried about it, just try to make Harley more comfortable whilst doing her business, but don’t come too reliant on the pumpkin or lactulose; just keep an eye on her during defecation and make sure that Harley remains hydrated and put her on to her usual food (without the wet food) after a day or so.


Another, actually huge problem that they have and probably the core problem that people are most worried about, as we said before, there’s two elements that you have to have going into a fusion reaction, deuterium and tritium.


I am still scared and worried about getting hurt that I’ve convinced myself it’s easier to not try.


You’re a bit worried that you’ll get frustrated and worn out by the constant airport and hotel scene.


There was also the global cooling scare in the 1970s, with high-profile scientists (including Obama’s science advisor John Holdren) worried about sulfur dioxide emissions (from coal plants primarily).


Despite a considerable burden of uncertainty, and the possibility that false-positive findings may engender follow-up investigations51 and a «worried well» population,70 incorporation of sequence-based family history should serve to enhance personalized patient care.


I was worried somebody was going to do something to me.


I am in the process of making my livingroom a sewing room (whooppee) I am worried making it all white so my furniture will have color, trying to go semi Shabby Chic (ISH)…..


She had got up very early that morning, without a sou in the world: she did not know what to do: she was so worried that her head was upset.


Last year, worried biodiversity experts called for establishing a scientific body akin to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change to provide a united voice on the extinction crisis and urge governments to action.


I’m battling with this decision internally because I don’t fit in a perfectly labeled box and I’m worried that I’ll gain weight, not be healthy, etc. there are so many sites out there that preach one way of eating that it’s overwhelming to cross into unknown territory and you feel like you’re doing it wrong.


I’m so worried I won’t like it because this is such a switch for me to go from colors in every room (that same livingroom is light green now) to a more neutral theme.


Are your worried about how your divorce will affect your children?


According to the British Psychological Society, a recent study found that women are twice as likely to own an iPhone than men, and those iPhone users are much more worried about having a «high status phone» than anyone else.


Soybean pathologist Anne Dorrance was less worried about plants in the greenhouse than DNA and related materials in her department’s freezers.


We appreciated the craft of this well-written reminiscence but worried about its adult sensibility.


I’m desperate for some more sleep at night, and would love to only pump when my daughter wakes up, but I’m worried about going too long without pumping.


Our kitchen is pretty similar in size, and I would be super worried about losing all the cabinet space along the window wall.


Don’t force him to sound out a word or worry about it, but help him to guess from context or from the initial sounds, and tell him the word if he gets worried.


Peter Thiel, the Silicon Valley investor, has called Uber «the most ethically challenged company in Silicon Valley,» and the journalist and entrepreneur John Battelle has suggested that everyone in the tech industry is «worried about the sheer expression of capitalistic force that the company represents.»


Now i am more worried about player morals that after given so much we didnt get what we wanted.


Now that I’ve been through the multiple visits required for my international adoptions, I wonder what it was that I felt so worried over, but I get that the unknown quantity is a big one for many and I know my hindsight is 20/20!


In contrast «People should be just as worried… as they were before» was the tip of the hat to religious authorities necessary to keep his job.


So as a VERY happy Volt owner I was very worried about changing.


Part of the challenge is some people cover things up, some are worried about what I’ll think of them and others lie or have a distorted sense of reality.»


That has some liberals worried and some conservatives hopeful.


I added two bananas instead of one and a half like I should have so I was a bit worried… But it was delicious!


The V30S ThinQ looks identical to the V30, and only has a handful of technical alterations, plus some software changes that you may, or may not, be that worried about.


I, too, feel really upset and worried about our planet.


The already-pricey Erie County sheriff’s race also jumped to a new level, as Timothy B. Howard, the three-term Republican incumbent appeared worried that his Democratic rival could pull ahead.


Back when I was running excavations, I was more worried about keeping my crew alive.


Since they have a 1 in 3,400 chance of choking to death, it seems we should be much more worried about hot dogs and grapes than letting kids play outside!


What worried me yesterday, is we have had years of frustration, we regularly lose games like this (Blackburn, qpr, Bolton, Swansea etc).


If you’re not so worried about off-road ability, but still want all the comfort, power and prestige of a full-size luxury SUV, something like a Cadillac Escalade, Audi Q7 or Mercedes-Benz GL might be more your speed.


Working one-on-one with sick patients and their worried families requires compassion and excellent interpersonal skills.


The occasional break to keep his hunger for goals overflowing may end up benefiting the Blues after all — at the cost of a worried looking Hull.


I just noticed that most of the recipes here are for cupcakes so I’m worried that a cake wouldn’t set properly?


So every time that I don’t feel like doing something or I become worried of what others will think, I repeat this mantra.


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