Use the word worn out in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word worn out, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use worn out in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «worn out».

Worn out in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word worn out in a sentence.

  1. By this time men and dogs were worn out.

  2. Woodford was described as worn out after having made eight voyages.

  3. He was worn out by the rigor of his duties and longed to return home.

  4. The horns of older males get worn out due to rubbing them on tree barks.

  5. His most famous outfit was a worn out stripey jumper (Wooly gansey) and flat cap.

  6. Still recovering from his illness, he was worn out from the strain of a long season.

  7. There are around 1,028 surfaces of them, or about 49.15 percent, that are severely worn out.

  8. The pursuit resulted in large quantities of equipment being damaged, worn out, and written off.

  9. As most Byzantine troops were worn out from thirst and dysentery, the imperial army broke and fled.

  10. A day later Spencer-Smith died, utterly worn out by exhaustion and scurvy, and was buried in the ice.

  11. At 6–12 months, the second set of molars would erupt, with the first set worn out at 18 months of age.

  12. Speaking later of the incident, Kuhl noted «at the time it happened, [Patton] was pretty well worn out ..

  13. By this time, Turgut Reis was laid up off the Golden Horn, worn out from heavy service during the Balkan Wars.

  14. Bradman missed the first Test, worn out by constant cricket and the ongoing argument with the Board of Control.

  15. She was worn out by late 1944 and was reduced to reserve in September before being decommissioned the following year.

  16. When the last set of molars was worn out, the animal would be unable to chew and feed, and it would die of starvation.

  17. Bradman missed the first Test at Sydney, worn out by constant cricket and the ongoing argument with the Board of Control.

  18. The final glimpse of Widmerpool, in his cult milieu, reveals him as a physical wreck, looking aged, desperate and worn out.

  19. Tom’s horse, worn out from years of mistreatment and overloading, has collapsed, breaking its leg and upsetting the carriage.

  20. The turnover in horses was very heavy, many dying or becoming worn out due to enemy fire, disease, starvation, and heavy use.

  21. At this age, the second set of molars would be in the process of erupting, and the first set would be worn out at 18 months of age.

  22. She reached Kiel on 21 March, and having become badly worn out during her three years abroad, she was decommissioned ten days later.

  23. Any worn out or damaged flag should be packed into a sealed black trash bag before being disposed of and not left visible in dustbins.

  24. What matters it that the time has come when we are to become Christians, if this slender point of my flint lance has not been worn out?

  25. In February 1888, feeling worn out from life in Paris, Van Gogh left, having painted more than 200 paintings during his two years there.

  26. The ship was worn out by 1944 and was placed in reserve status in September 1944 before being paid off in 1945 and sold for scrap in 1948.

  27. By the mid-1920s, two of the battleships still in active service, Braunschweig and Hannover, were becoming worn out and needed replacement.

  28. Although some equipment was carried on the trek overland, most had to be flown in and nearly all of it was worn out by the time the work was completed.

  29. Finally, the shoes of the 4th Division had completely worn out following two weeks of marching, and replacements from Lisbon would take a week to arrive.

  30. Judd traveled between the summit and the Recruiting Station to tend the many who suffered from altitude sickness or had worn out their shoes on the rough rock.

  31. Her engines were worn out and she had almost no coal left for her boilers, so the ship’s captain contacted the local Chilean authorities to have Dresden interned.

  32. The outwitted English marched slowly back to Durham – their horses were worn out – where they were reunited with their supply wagons on the 10th.

  33. On 11 April 1901, the ship returned to service and was assigned as the flagship of I Torpedo-boat Flotilla on the 18th, replacing the elderly aviso Blitz, which was by then worn out.

  34. Minutes later Magnanime joined the action, firing on the rear frigates and engaging the French van of Immortalité, Loire and Bellone, which had worn out of the line in an attempt to rake her.

  35. In 1945, Pennsylvania was sent for another refit in San Francisco, and the guns in its main battery, worn out from the frequent shore bombardments, were replaced by those from Nevada and USS Oklahoma.

  36. Although Antony was able to score a small victory over Octavian’s worn out troops as they approached Alexandria’s hippodrome on 1 August, 30 BC, his naval fleet and cavalry defected to Octavian soon afterwards.

Synonyms for worn out

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word worn out has the following synonyms: exhausted, dog-tired, fagged, fatigued, played out, spent, washed-out, worn-out and tired.

General information about «worn out» example sentences

The example sentences for the word worn out that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «worn out» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «worn out».

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.















A worn out or rusted brake caliper pin is another reason, but it usually affects only older cars.

Еще одна причина — изношенный или ржавый штифт суппорта тормоза, но он обычно влияет только на более старые автомобили.

It is proposed that a total of 19 vehicles be acquired to replace units already condemned or worn out.

В целях замены уже списанных или изношенных автотранспортных средств предлагается приобрести в общей сложности 19 автомобилей.

Many viewers assumed the man was sleeping, worn out by his day of hard but honest labour.

Многие зрители предположили, что изображенный человек спит, измученный за день тяжелого, но честного труда.

What we do know is that, worn out with thinking, Archimedes decided to visit the public baths and relax.

Мы знаем только, что, измученный размышлениями, Архимед решил посетить публичные бани и расслабиться.

Their bodies were already worn out: bad teeth, slow healing of gums, deafness.

Их организм был уже изношен: плохие зубы, медленно заживающие десны, глухота.

It seems that almost everyone today feels low-energy, stressed, and worn out much of the time.

Кажется, что практически каждый человек сегодня ощущает низкой энергии, подчеркнул, и изношенные большую часть времени.

Get rid of any worn out and old shoes that have been beat up after constant use.

Избавьтесь от любой изношенной и старой обуви, которая была избита после постоянного использования.

By being old and worn out they don’t provide the support you need, especially as an arthritis sufferer.

Будучи старыми и изношенными, они не обеспечивают необходимую поддержку, особенно как страдающий артритом.

We inherited a dilapidated city with infrastructure worn out by 80%.

Мы унаследовали полуразрушенный город с инфраструктурой, изношенной на 80%.

There are three ways to elevate your body’s ability to destroy worn out cells and regenerate new ones.

Существует два способа повысить способность вашего тела разрушать измученные клетки и создавать новые.

Immediately replacing any worn out parts of the machine is the ultimate key to avoiding downtime and keep the business operations running smoothly.

Незамедлительная замена любых изношенных частей машины является ключевым фактором, позволяющим избежать простоев и обеспечить бесперебойную работу бизнеса.

Even right shoes fail to provide adequate protection during workouts if they are worn out.

Даже правильная обувь не может обеспечить адекватную защиту во время тренировок, если она изношена.

It can be used to replace broken shoelaces, and it can also be tied around worn out shoes to keep them from completely collapsing.

Его можно использовать для замены сломанных шнуров, а также обвязывать изношенные ботинки, чтобы предотвратить их полное разрушение.

In this used tank chassis was not new, but already worn out.

При этом используемые танковые шасси были не новыми, а уже изношенными.

Look how worn out this is.

«You both look positively worn out,» she joked.

«Вы оба выглядите положительно изношенными», — пошутила она.

One time, I noticed Toby’s shoes that he always wore for work were terribly worn out.

Одно время, я заметил, что туфли Тоби, что он всегда носил на работе были ужасно изношены.

It is usually worn out and requires replacement coverage.

Now he seems worn out and busy.

Но, кажется, он сегодня слишком востребован и занят.

Sometimes in our homes things get broken or worn out.

Время от времени в каждом доме что-то ломается и выходит из строя.

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worn out — перевод на русский

You stupid tin box, can’t you see he’s worn out?

Ты глупая жестянка, разве не видишь, что он устал?

I’m begging you, I was worn out after the gig, I got beaten up.

Я прошу тебя. Я устал после концерта и был побит!

— No wonder he’s worn out.

— Не удивительно, что он устал.

I’m worn out.

Да. Я устал.

Yeah, I’m worn out.

Да, я устал.

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Less make-up, not quite so worn out.

Меньше косметики, не так изношена.

The wretched thing’s nearly worn out.

Несчастная штука уже почти изношена.

I think some of the padding in the back here is worn out

Кажется, поддержка для спины здесь немного изношена.

Okay, we’Il keep at it, but I think that hoe is pretty much worn out.

Окей, мы продолжим, но, мне кажется, что мотыга довольно изношена.

If their clothes are much too worn out, we give them new clothing.

А тем, у кого она совсем изношена, мы выдаём новую.

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I’m saving to buy a suit for Yevdokim. His old one has completely worn out.

Евдокиму на костюм коплю, старый совсем износился.

My old one is all worn out.

Мой старый уже износился.

You think I’m worn out?

Что я износился?

The tread was quite worn out.

Протектор слишком износился.

When a girl leaves, her dress is handed on until it’s worn out

Форма переходит от одной девочки к другой, пока совсем не износится

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After you, he’s all worn out.

После тебя, он весь измотан.

He’s tired, worn out.

Он устал, и измотан. — Он сдался.

But, amazingly, their brains were so worn out that he was able to change their mind on gun control with barely a struggle.

Но в итоге их мозг был измотан настолько, что Кларк изменил их мнение насчет контроля за оружием без особого труда.

Oh, no, I’m really worn out from my massage, the sauna…

Ай, нет, я абсолютно измотан после массажа, сауны…

I’m just worn out.

Я просто измотан.

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In fact, if they worked fast and the hen didn’t wear out, they might really get all the riches in the world.

Ведь если яйца несутся часто а курица не изнашивается, то к ним в руки и в самом деле попали все богатства мира!

Like all machines, it wears out.

Как и все механизмы, он изнашивается.

The train has no wheels, so nothing can wear out.

У этого поезда нет колёс, поэтому ничего не изнашивается.

The more expensive the kicks, the quicker they wear out I guess, huh?

Чем дороже обувь, тем быстрее она изнашивается, да?

On the other hand, the pig valve wears out quickly, so you’d need another heart surgery in ten years.

Но свиной клапан быстро изнашивается. Так что каждые 10 лет нужно делать операцию повторно.

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«Aut Caesar aut nullus. » The world’s effete, worn out, afraid.

Или всё или ничего. Мир истощён, измучен, напуган.

He’s worn out. He needs to rest.

Он просто измучен, и ему нужен отдых.

With our daughters getting married, and the trouble in the town, you’re upset, you’re worn out, go inside, go lie down!

Из-за свадеб наших дочерей, из-за городских проблем, ты расстроен, ты измучен, зайди внутрь, иди ложись!

but you’re looking worn out…

но ты выглядишь измученным.

You don’t look as worn out as you say you are, you’ll manage another year?

Ты не выглядишь таким измученным, как говорил. Справишься ещё год?

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When the thing was really worn out, he hung it from his belt.

Когда вещица становилась уже действительно ни на что не годной, он вешал её у пояса.

She was worn out by then.

К тому времени она уже была истощена.

One day of combat, you’re all wore out.

Один день сражения — и ты уже никакой.

That bit of toffee you gave me has worn out. Have you got any more?

Ту ириску, которую ты мне дал, я уже съел.

With the lactose intolerance, I was getting that tired, and that worn out on the bike after five laps that I was struggling to go in on the braking points.

Из-за этого я очень уставал, и уже после пяти кругов едва держался в седле мотоцикла.

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A turtle, worn out with swimming, finally rests refuge on a floating log

Черепаха, уставшая плыть, в конце концов, прилегла отдохнуть… на плывущее бревно.

A bit worn out, no?

— Немного уставшая, да?

Worn out by your entire ignorance of my existence,

Уставшая от того, что ты игнорируешь сам факт моего существования,

Mom, I’m hungry and worn out.

Мама, я голодная и уставшая

I hate seeing Doreen coming home so worn out.

Я ненавижу смотреть, как Дорин возвращается домой уставшая.

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I’m completely worn out.

Говорю тебе, Джеймс, я полностью вымотан.

I’m completely worn out.

Я полностью вымотан.

I’d say he’s just… exhausted, worn out.

Я бы сказал, он просто истощён. Вымотан.

Do what you want, but let me sleep, I’m worn out…

Делай что хочешь, я буду спать, я вымотана.

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Ours are near wore out chasing Red Cloud.

Наши почти что вымотались, гоняясь за Красным Облаком.

I don’t want them wore out before we strike for the Powder River.

Я не хочу, чтобы они вымотались до того как мы пересечём реку Паудер.

And we were both absolutely worn out.

И мы оба невероятно вымотались.

I’m all worn out.

Я так вымотался.

— Oh, I’m worn out.

— Как же я вымотался!

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Similar words: born of, turn out, turnout, burn out, cavernous, neck or nothing, turn on, turn off. Meaning: adj. drained of energy or effectiveness; extremely tired; completely exhausted worn-out. adj. 1. used until no longer useful 2. drained of energy or effectiveness; extremely tired; completely exhausted. 

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1. Your blanket is worn out.

2. He dropped into an armchair,utterly worn out.

3. Can we sit down? I’m worn out.

4. Her patience had/was at last worn out.

5. I am worn out with domestic worries.

6. These shoes are worn out.

7. You must be absolutely worn out.

8. These phrases were worn out ten years ago.

9. She was worn out with work.

10. My shoes are worn out.

11. «You’re worn out, Laura,» he said. «Go home and get some rest.».

12. I ‘ve been working all night and I’m worn out.

13. They were worn out after a long day spent working in the fields.

14. I was worn out after my clamber up the hillside.

15. Because, quite honestly, she was feeling absolutely worn out.

16. I know you are worn out.

17. The carpet on the stairs is getting worn out.

18. You could tell when the barrel was worn out.

19. Saturdays and she was tired and worn out with the cleaning, shopping, washing, ironing.

20. She also felt worn out, oppressed by the cold scruffiness of the house, and the energy of her friends.

21. After only a month Terry had worn out the soles of his shoes.

22. Back home, Alvin felt worn out and hungry for the solitude that had once fed him.

23. Insects, worn out after a night of chirping, were quietly asleep.

24. Before the race, he is fine. But afterwards he is worn out.

24. try its best to gather and build good sentences.

25. I’ve got old ‘Fawlty Towers’ videos which are almost worn out, I’ve played them so many times.

26. His work was so exacting that by the end of the day he was worn out.

27. If you treat your coat so roughly, it will be worn out soon.

28. I can be very patient, and then I can burst if my nerves are worn out.

29. The inevitable pressure of market forces rendered Luff’s experiment obsolete, long before the track and overhead were worn out.

30. I think I’ll give my exercise class a miss tonight — I’m worn out.

More similar words: born of, turn out, turnout, burn out, cavernous, neck or nothing, turn on, turn off, governor, inferno, turn over, turnover, afternoon, good afternoon, torn, horn, born, corn, porn, adorn, scorn, horny, suborn, noun, no use, snout, ornery, forlorn, cornea, corner. 

You’re living in a crumbling ruin with a worn-out housekeeper and your stuffed birds.

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Ты живешь в развалине со старой домработницей и со своими чучелами птиц.

A great way to replace worn-out cover and give fresh look to your smartphone.


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Отличный способ заменить износившуюся крышку и придать смартфону свежий вид.


Continued use of a worn-out wheel may result in wheel explosion

and serious personal injury.


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Продолжительное использование изношенного диска может привести к взрыву диска

и серьезной персональной травме.


The best option for replacing worn-out upper keyboard.


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Лучший вариант для замены изношенной верхней клавиатуры.


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This consisted of exploration

activity as well as the ongoing replacement of worn-out equipment.


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Их основная часть пришлась

на геологоразведочные работы и реализацию программы по замене изношенного оборудования.


Facilitates gear shifting, regenerates worn-out synchromeshes.


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Облегчает переключение передач, восстанавливает изношенные синхронизаторы.


The collection is made of solid oak and seemingly worn-out metal.


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Коллекция выполнена из массива дуба и как будто« изношенного» металла.


For such an inspection, some worn-out parts may be changed, the valve is not dismantled.


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При такой проверке некоторые износившиеся детали могут заменяться, однако сам вентиль не разбирается.


The old mines and worn-out equipment were transformed into modern enterprises.

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Старые шахты и изношенное оборудование были преобразованы в современные предприятия.

This worn-out superstition has no relevance now.

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Это старое суеверие сейчас неуместно.

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Brand-new copper pipes in this worn-out house?

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Новые трубы в таком старом доме?

You look strong enough I’m the one who’s worn-out.

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Вы какие-то странные На самом деле это как раз я, кто здесь износился.

Your choice if you want to replace the worn-out cover on the exact same new.


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Ваш выбор, если вы хотите заменить изношенную крышку на точно такую же новую.


For example,

Druzhkovka Heavy Engineering Plant shut down two boiler houses with worn-out boilers.


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Например, на Дружковском машиностроительном заводе закрыты две котельные, оснащенные устаревшими котлами.


No man pours new wine into worn-out skins;

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Никто не наливает молодого вина в старые мехи,

The Wiseman saw a worn-out face of the Fool and asked.


Obsolete and worn-out metering equipment on energy supply and demand sides.


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Устаревание и изношенность измерительного оборудования у поставщиков и потребителей.


Worn-out by the»delights» of the fatherhood,

the guys meet their old buddy Saint Valentine.


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парни встречают своего старого приятеля Святого Валентина.


Since when can’t we joke about some worn-out hooker?

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С каких пор нам запрещено шутить о потрепанных проститутках?

Inspect the frame for cracks or signs for worn-out parts and carry out annual service.


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Осмотрите раму на предмет трещин или признаков износа деталей и выполните ежегодное обслуживание.


I reached the SPCA stables wounded and worn-out after some heartless youths abused me.


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Я прибыл в конюшню Общества защиты животных раненым и изможденным после издевательств бессердечных подростков.


UNSOA will need to replace worn-out AMISOM donor-provided and United Nations-owned transport equipment;

sourcing from peacekeeping missions with surplus stocks and requesting additional donor funding.


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ЮНСОА потребуется произвести замену изношенных транспортных средств АМИСОМ,

предоставленных донорами и принадлежащих Организации Объединенных Наций.


Depending on worn-out degree, lower oil consumption is achieved,

better working pressure and sealing.


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В зависимости от старой степени более низкий расход масла достигнут,

лучшее рабочее давление и уплотнение.


Round-table discussion«Establishment of a system for collecting and recycling of worn-out tires on the principles of expanded producer responsibility».


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Круглый стол« Создание системы сбора и утилизации изношенных шин на принципах расширенной ответственности производителя»;


MINURSO has continued the

phased implementation of its two-year plan to refurbish worn-out living

and working quarters at all MINURSO desert team site camps across the Territory.


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МООНРЗС продолжала поэтапное осуществление своего двухгодичного плана по переоснащению пришедших в негодность жилых

и рабочих помещений во всех расположенных


пустыне опорных постах МООНРЗС во всей территории.


A maintenance programme would include matters such as periodic inspection of the works; lubrication, cleaning and adjustment;

and replacement of defective or worn-out parts.


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Программа технического обслуживания будет включать такие вопросы, как периодическая проверка объекта; смазка, чистка и регули ровка;

а также замена дефектных или изношенных частей.


Out of an estimated amount of $27,400 provided for the replacement of worn-out equipment, requirements amounted to $700,

resulting in savings of $26,700.


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Из предусмотренной в смете суммы в размере 27 400 долл. США на замену изношенного оборудования потребовалось израсходовать 700 долл. США,

в результате чего было сэкономлено 26 700 долл. США.


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