Use the word world in a sentence

Examples of how to use the word “world” in a sentence. How to connect “world” with other words to make correct English sentences.

world (n): the earth and all the people, places, and things on it

Use “world” in a sentence

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  • Use the word World in a sentences

Sentence Examples

«The Man in the world at the Feet of Mary»… Earl of Faisage …

The world‘s full of pests.

The writer of these articles, a woman… whose intelligence and integrity in the newspaper world is unquestioned… held him in such contempt that she quite aptly named him the Cinderella Man.

How can you talk about musicals at a time like this, with the world committing suicide, with corpses piling up in the street, with grim death goggling at you from every corner,

The shrewdest, most ingenious criminal in all the world.

Cardinal Wolsey, through skilful manipulation, has seen to it that the monasteries of England are richer than the goldmines of the New world.

Park Avenue’s one of the cleanest streets in the world!

I call upon my fellow citizens everywhere… to cooperate with me in making this the most efficient… and the cleanest example of public enterprise… the world has ever seen.

I’m not one of the world‘s tidiest people I’m afraid.

Pandist Fallaspy, biography sub judice, pending investigation for embezzlement from the world Society for the Protection of Birds.

It’s clean, harmless, odorless and fireless, with nothing to bring disorder into the world.

Living in an undescribed world is hard you have to try it to know what it feels like it’s like having no identity your problems and sufferings disappear they disintegrate to put it more radically you feel completely cut off from other people

The winner and undisputed intergender wrestling champion of the world,

All of us here at Channel Four Fernfield, along with the world, collectively hold our breath, as we watch anxiously, awaiting a sign from the sky that the puppies, our space heroes, have survived the fiery re-entry into the Earth’s atmosphere.

Is it really possible that a handful of Stone Age people could have trekked through hundreds of miles of this and gone on to populate the whole world?

Dibala is one of the most repressive dictators in the world.

We should only befriend the rulers of half the world ..and not take up enmities.

We must take him to the outside world and let him move with other humans, after studying how to utilize his intelligence for the betterment of humans, and after correcting those things, we must take it to AIRD.

Well, that may be, considering that everything I have in this world would fit into two saddlebags.

The United States is the greatest country in the world because we accept a man is, at his core, greedy, selfish and covetous.

Anchor: It appears we are being revisited by the alien known as Rick, who once gave our world the gift of gooble box technology, which, when stomped on, generates electricity, powering our homes and businesses, improving our daily lives, while safely removing

I think it’s time for you to come out to the world.

Having me born to this world, Raising me up so perfectly,

With that money, she can buy all the milk in the world and raise 1000 children!

Ah, eat. In the whole world, eating eggs in the Hot Room is the best.

With her alone I can give up everything else in the world.

‘I have a responsibility, as a documentary photographer, ‘to photograph the times we live in, what the world is about now.

The American photographer Garry Winogrand once said that he took photographs to see what the world looked like photographed.

It’s an excuse to be in the world really. Not just looking, that’s the crazy part of it, it’s being in the world.

There was a continuity to the way he travelled — it’s not the hop, skip and jump of the world travelling Cartier-Bresson. He got in a car, he saw the whole thing and he shot every place.

In the ’60s, it opened up for photographers around the world to do their city books with that energy. The one thing Klein had more than anything else is energy. He got New York too.

The biggest change of all came when some photographers began to see the world in a weird new way, in colour.

By the 1970s, only SERIOUS art photographers saw the world in black and white. I had met someone at a party in New York. And we got to talking and he asked what I did, and I said I was a photographer.

not everything changed, photographers still made journeys out into the world to see what the world looked like photographed.

I think it has to do with simply keeping my attention focused for hours at a time and watching this road passing. And I’m focusing straight ahead, and this world keeps passing by. And after a couple of days of this,

«of the picture, can that work and still do realistic subject matter, still do the real world

Eggleston’s take is so particular, it’s also eminently portable. Wherever he goes, his world travels with him.

Photographers continue to go out into the world in order to photograph life today.

But what they have in common is a watchful attentiveness to the world and its ways.

Their job is not to create from nothing, but to better understand what is created and to better see the world so that the world is coherent, has meaning, has consequences, significance.

The core is the most inaccessible place in the world.

Least he went down saving the world.

I’m confident in my voice and my style, And I’m just gonna go out there With all the energy in the world.

Joining frenchie davis… Frenchie: ddon’t treat me to these things of the world d Daly:

dwant you to make me feel d dlike I’m the only girl in the world d Christina: I’m so proud of my team thus far

All Afro-beat lovers, music lovers from around the world come here to have a ball.

Sometimes I love being alone, I love being in my own world because this world is crazy.

I don’t see anything in this world that makes sense.

While I was here this world underwent a revolution in communication, and it seemed to make little difference, it was a fashion fad for a few years, decades I mean, and everything is the same

the world over have in common is that they like attention

world around him, in his time to the point it was well

relationship is still affecting the world even today

Eph: 1:4: According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and

God has chosen us before the foundation of the world to

the world may believe that thou hast sent me

influence this world? Games are addicting because they give you a sense of accomplishment


These are a few wonders of the world that I uncovered; the wonder bit is usual y meant as in “I wonder why?”

Believe me Dear Reader; I was already struggling to hold on the modern world without this kind of thing happening!

everyone in the world did that? It’s possible

A girl was asked by the visiting Inspector of schools to enumerate the Seven Wonders of the World

godly, in this present world

Wonders of the World are:

The world has changed so comprehensively that we can no longer deal with our day-to-day problems by simply using our bodies’ physical powers

“So I should be miserable because of the world?”

Mindless of his feet in the snow, he was drawn down the path to the edge of the bluff, drawn to where he could get the best possible view of the end of the world

every country in world have special events that are

It wasn’t quite as bad on this world as it had been at Sol, but they could still be persistent and aggressive and there were so many more of them

Even though the flesh she currently inhabited was born on this world, and she had lived here in this flesh a complete mortal lifetime, her mind was still not used to one sleep period of every week being brilliant daylight

However, studies around the world have shown that such a process is not the one used by most of the world’s sewer treatment plants

Whether you are in the co-operate world or whatever

you to be His connection to the dying world

John: 14:17: Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world

They could steal money from bank accounts, break into important military installations, and hold the world for ransom

Four tons probably wasn’t more than a few percent of the total refined aluminum on this world, but it was the largest single fortune in one place

The plant and insect kingdoms are but a mirror into our world

We are not in this world to live with bitterness, anxiety, resentment or hostility

By reaching out to someone in need, be it your neighbor, an orphan, or people in a homeless shelter, we add a little more peace and hope to the world

She knew them all, knew the Colonel was the firebrand who had the hardest time adapting to the ways of this world

That representation is then stored in our computers and cross referenced whenever we need to find out where you are in the world,” Ackers said as he walked, never slowing his pace

“To my office,” Ackers explained as if it was the most obvious thing in the world

Not a big deal on this world, but certainly more than she ever dreamed of as a girl

Everyone in the world had died

I know that everyone in the world is dead

“Our technology is years ahead of anything you’ll find in the common world

Here is a partial listing of Chile peppers from around the world and their heat scale:

Probably not the best time in the world to be using elevators anyway,” Vinnie said as he glanced at his departing teammates

He was always nervous when he was using computers, even though he was one of the best hackers and security protection experts in the world

“Yes, well, I’m, I mean, it is currently hacking into multiple accounts all over the world,” The Operator said as his fingers danced nervously across the keyboard

Her mother thought Violet was the most adorable thing in the world, even more adorable than three white kittens fighting over jelly beans

Vinnie was going to move up in the world, it was only a matter of time

Some of these are CRY, SOS, World Vision, HelpAge, Oxfam, Global Cancer Concern etc are

This whole world is nothing but kids playing

Maybe I just know how people respond to all this pain in the world

“ The Rats of the insect world

It has to be his world, which you should visualise

First a person should put his house together, then his town, then the world

“If you can smoke it, you can eat it,” he had shrugged then, as if those word were the only truth in the world

On the contrary if you feel that you have all the time in the world to improve the standard of your life (as different from living standard!) or to help the needy and have all the money and possessions to take care of your essential bodily needs, then you will be happy all the time

We should see that equitable distribution takes place between our children, as far as possible well before we leave this world

Medfly infestations are spreading throughout the world! Even this is not the real cause of the Medfly problem

While there are over several hundred varieties of termites in the world, only four live in the United States, subterranean, dry wood, damp wood and powder-post

As such, they were always turning and looking impassively at things, and it gave Scar the creeps like nothing else in the world

Though why I should be, I don’t know … we live in a very exposed world when it comes to what is considered newsworthy

In this most affluent of cultures on this world, more than half the population cooks with the dead sticks that fall from the trees

It was dim, there was a setting for how transparent each lens was to the outside world, as well as its optical magnification

· Dharma brings as its consequence happiness, both in this world and in the next

The world was counting on him, there would be no surrender, no throwing away his responsibility

It was after breakfast in her world, still on a twenty four hour daily cycle, not twenty eight hours and thirteen minutes, more or less

Paralyzed, Topher stood by the portal to the outside world

Yet here they were on the eternal world and it was all about to end

It was to end violently, by a rogue asteroid, just after the mother world had been destroyed by war

We try to find the very basis of our existence in this world

We are not in this world to passively drift with the tides of ever changing events, to aggressively fulfill useless desires in a vain attempt to express limited personal powers

He could smell all the books from all over the world, the crisp and musty mix of old and new pages

When we entered into this world, we came knowing about the GOD FORCE

We have come forth in this physical world by our own choice

Mankind quickly developed special relationships between themselves and the watery world

Food of course was found in this world

Remember, we are all co-creators with this unified field of energy that created this world and all things in it

The American Indian learned the secrets of the water world and passed this knowledge to their children, and children’s children

These folks also learned fast from other cultures, as they were able seaman and traveled around the world, and would see many wonderful things and this knowledge would return to their own lands, where it quickly would spread like fire upon the land

You renounce the world

You live in the same world and handle your responsibilities in a more effective manner

Ingredients: SUPERSEAWEED is a blend of over five liquid seaweed’s from around the world, selected especially for their purity (no heavy metals, toxin’s, etc

This involves the development of the mind as an overriding influence in relation to the world of the earthly life, of the emotions and of thought

It involves also its orientation at will to the world of the soul, and its capacity to act as an intermediary between the soul and the physical brain

«There was a starship from YingolNeerie, a world called Brasil

People «find» themselves; they discover hidden capacities and an understanding never used before; they develop an awareness, even of the phenomenal world, which is, to them, miraculous; they suddenly register the fact of the mind, and that they can use it, and the distinction between the knower and the instrument of knowledge becomes steadily and revealingly apparent

mortal world, then together in spirit, as one being within the eternal flame

David rose to his feet and, with the world swimming in black spots, he reached out

Gradually the close horizons of his little working world

door, and stepped out into a foreign world

The world around him now was white and thick and diamond

The world was silent for a moment but then there came a footstep in the snow,

When forested areas of the world use up the nutrients in the soil, the earth has a built-in remineralization system that can be learned from and applied right in the back yard

Yama is your attitude towards others and the world around you

With the popularity of Yoga spreading throughout the world, there is also the innate danger of people attempting to teach Yoga without actually being fully trained to use it as a therapeutic tool

Well, it means that I have seen much of the world and with it many, many marriages

He had to do a lot of reading to understand, but there were some ‘extremists’ among them that want to close off their society from the outside world

felt, now that she was voicing her private thoughts, as though the weight of the world

By the late 40’s he was mixing up tubs of his soap with a broom handle in the Los Angeles hotel room he was living in, and selling it after his lectures about his peace plan and the “FULL TRUTHS” he had come to understand could unite the entire world

I have seen too many dear friends leave this world too soon; before they understood the great freedom that comes with aging

Bronner will leave this world a better place

His children were the most important thing in the world to him

“After all, these problems exist all over the world

I reached the age of forty without a real care in the world

On this page, there are 20 sentence examples for WORLD.
They are all from high-quality sources and constantly processed by lengusa’s machine learning

  • • Relevant word or phrase for WORLD is creation
  • • Relevant word or phrase for WORLD is existence
  • • Relevant word or phrase for WORLD is universe
  • • Relevant word or phrase for WORLD is macrocosm
  • • Relevant word or phrase for WORLD is cosmos
  • • Relevant word or phrase for WORLD is global
  • • Relevant word or phrase for WORLD is worldwide
  • • Relevant word or phrase for WORLD is planetary
  • • Relevant word or phrase for WORLD is world-wide
  • • Relevant word or phrase for WORLD is domain
  • • Relevant word or phrase for WORLD is reality
  • • Relevant word or phrase for WORLD is globe
  • • Relevant word or phrase for WORLD is earth
  • • Relevant word or phrase for WORLD is Earth
  • • Relevant word or phrase for WORLD is public
  • • Relevant word or phrase for WORLD is populace
  • • Relevant word or phrase for WORLD is earthly concern
  • • Relevant word or phrase for WORLD is worldly concern
  • • Relevant word or phrase for WORLD is man
  • • Relevant word or phrase for WORLD is humanity
  • • Relevant word or phrase for WORLD is mankind
  • • Relevant word or phrase for WORLD is humankind
  • • Relevant word or phrase for WORLD is humans
  • • Relevant word or phrase for WORLD is human beings
  • • Relevant word or phrase for WORLD is human race
  • Definition of World

    the earth, especially when referring to the place that people live

    Examples of World in a sentence

    Because many people refuse to recycle, they are hurting our world and the natural resources on the earth.


    The teacher showed the students a 3-D map of the world that pinpointed exactly where each country is located.


    There are seven billion people in the world, but none of them live at the bottom of the map.


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