Use the word witnesses in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word witnesses, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use witnesses in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «witnesses». In addition, we also show how different variations of witnesses can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are witnesses’. If you click on the variation of witnesses that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Witnesses in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word witnesses in a sentence.

  1. Nearly four dozen witnesses testified.

  2. Selected works by prosecution witnesses.

  3. None of these witnesses impressed the court.

  4. All the witnesses were heard on the first day.

  5. More than two dozen witnesses were interviewed.

  6. Some witnesses claimed that Bowie shot himself.

  7. The witnesses against the show included John S.

  8. Several witnesses support this account, including A.

  9. Haught served as expert witnesses for the plaintiffs.

  10. The witnesses from «Death on the Rock» also appeared.

  11. This time the witnesses were Seamans, Flax and John S.

  12. On 6 May more witnesses for the prosecution were called.

  13. The court called numerous witnesses, including Griffiths, Brandhuber, and Ōnishi.

  14. Stevens then recalls two witnesses to follow up on issues from Regan’s testimony.

  15. Cassels, and two unimpeachable character witnesses were recruited by the defence.

  16. The defendants’ witnesses testified Mackenzie told them he exaggerated the damage.

  17. Of the eight other witnesses called, five testified in French and three in English.

  18. Reverend Harris had several of his witnesses sent to London, where they were interviewed by Gascoyne.

  19. Sometimes even Hawai’i born Chinese with papers in order and witnesses could be denied entry or exit.

  20. Fourteen witnesses were called: MacArthur, Marshall, Bradley, Collins, Vandenberg, Sherman, Adrian S.

  21. Apart from Flying Officer Butch, the witnesses were strangers; Kay arrived alone, and no-one from No.

  22. Davy questioned several witnesses, who described the discrepancies in Canning’s account of her prison.

  23. They were allowed no witnesses or defence counsel, and were generally presumed guilty from the outset.

  24. When he goes to make the payment, he witnesses two homosexual thugs, Wint and Kidd, attack the jockey.

  25. In this capacity, Brownlee travelled the country questioning witnesses, especially bankers and farmers.

  26. The remaining witnesses were those that knew Brown, and apparently would not give evidence against him.

  27. This charge was dismissed mainly because one of Dutton’s witnesses was considered to be «unconvincing».

  28. Coakley’s rebuttal witnesses consisted of officers who had interrogated the prisoners at Camp Shoemaker.

  29. A total of 9,000 questions were put to 50 witnesses, and the jury returned verdicts of accidental death.

  30. Henry and Anne were secretly married on 24 or 25 January 1533 in the presence of a handful of witnesses.

  31. At the same time, two Examiners were appointed to assist the Master of the Rolls in examining witnesses.

  32. The decision was sealed by the witnesses, including Bishop Walter, at a Perth church on 30 November 1365.

  33. The witnesses uncovered during the production of «Death on the Rock» appeared at the inquest, which began on 6 September.

  34. Duchesne then called witnesses of the shootings, who agreed unanimously that Lamb had been unhurried, cool and collected.

  35. The first two witnesses made brief statements that had little effect on the court, but Cotton was questioned extensively.

  36. After his death, his relatives and other witnesses claimed that he had converted in later life to the Sunni sect of Islam.

  37. He maintained that his innocence would be established by two witnesses who, the police told the court, could not be found.

  38. The fairy Navi awakens Link from a nightmare in which he witnesses a man in black armor pursuing a young girl on horseback.

  39. He said after the trial that he was depending upon key witnesses to give testimony, but they did not come to the courtroom.

  40. During the hearings, two Greek witnesses brought by the junta escaped and fled to the Norwegian delegation, seeking asylum.

  41. A number of witnesses, including Hannah Cox, testified to the events of the evening of 26 May and of the following morning.

  42. They were more successful in another demand, managing to persuade the five military judges to allow witnesses to be called.

  43. As there were no priests at Quaker weddings to perform the ceremony, the union took the form of a civil marriage approved by the principals and the witnesses at a meeting.

  44. The defence responded with three witnesses, who each believed that they had encountered a «poor, miserable wretch» at the end of January, when she claimed to have escaped.

  45. The judges may have been uncertain whether the best way to gain the King’s favour was by encouraging convictions, or by «sceptically testing the witnesses to destruction».

  46. It also portrayed detectives as solving cases primarily through physical evidence, witnesses and confessions, not by investigating motives like on many other police shows.

  47. Additionally, Boldt found that the tribe’s witnesses were more credible than those of the state and that the tribe’s expert witnesses were «exceptionally well researched.».

Witnesses’ in a sentence

Witnesses’ is a variation of witnesses, below you can find example sentences for witnesses’.

  1. It found, with two exceptions, that the witnesses’ statements were fairly represented in the programme.

  2. Both witnesses’ statements appeared to the journalists to be inconsistent with the official account of the shootings.

  3. The Court’s decision upheld the importance of juries in evaluating the truth and credibility of witnesses’ statements.

  4. Her defense team undertook its own investigation, hoping to disprove state witnesses’ testimony identifying the fire as arson.

  5. He frequently sought to demolish witnesses’ character, as with Lord Bellew, whose reputation he destroyed by revealing details of the peer’s adultery.

  6. Bayard dissented, questioning the veracity of the witnesses’ testimony and stating that there were few incidents of lawlessness and that the South was generally at peace.

General information about «witnesses» example sentences

The example sentences for the word witnesses that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «witnesses» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «witnesses».

your life that is witnesses by other people rather than

But two witnesses are a must (assuming that they too won’t be killed in action or go under)

· Why you need two witnesses

Hence, the two witnesses who can vouch for your sound mind and no force being involved in the signing of the will

· The witnesses are not needed while drafting it, but only at the time of signing it

And how should you select the witnesses? Anybody of sound mind and body will do

Here again, two witnesses are mandatory

All of the witnesses are being investigated

declared it? You are My witnesses

you; and you shall be witnesses to Me[a] in Jerusalem, and in all

Final witnesses the death of this young man, last sating his

When he told them to run they all took left behind by witnesses

If they destroyed it and killed all aboard that would remove the witnesses of his foolish mission but get no closer to recovering Alan

Witnesses came forth and proclaimed they saw the son of god ascending to the right hand of the father Zeus

But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judæa, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth

This Jesus hath God raised up, whereof we all are witnesses

Beholding this great cloud of witnesses, we press forward

There will be other witnesses to testify”

‘We are the witnesses to your vows

have been planning! She peeks over the spine of her novel, and witnesses you holding a rose,

Whoever he is, he wants no witnesses

“Yes, but they were always eliminated, no witnesses you see

“Don’t protect him, you were expendable in his eyes; he leaves no witnesses

his back as he sobbed, and witnesses, including a

From the witnesses descriptions she probably received it at the clinic or whatever where it was made

We have two independent witnesses that this is how it occurred, sir

as you endeavour to collect witnesses and statements –

ask is that the witnesses against the Bishop are brought to

can discredit most of the other witnesses and offer to pay

A dramatic change had come over the witnesses since the

The best thing to do now would probably be to have it out with him right here with witnesses

further witnesses for the time being

Cardinals have been bullying the poor witnesses they’ve

Jean at least wanted it to happen with as few witnesses as

The last thing he’d want is more witnesses

And now that we have no more witnesses to

‘I have witnesses who saw him leave the house –

( Some must not only suffer from their own abuse, but be witnesses to it)

I will give power to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for 1,260 days, clothed in sackcloth

‘And I’m beginning to suspect that we’re witnesses to

entrusted them with authority to be witnesses in the earth and to

they train the Church to be witnesses of the good news

He had plenty of witnesses to confirm his

And I will give power to My two witnesses, and they will prophesy one thousand two hundred and

Many think that the two witnesses are two individuals, but

the two witnesses refer to Israel and the Church, His two olive

In Zechariah we are told the names of the two witnesses: Joshua

In the parliamentary inquiry in 1764, the witnesses stated the price of the choice pieces of the best beef to be to the consumer 4d

«Witnesses?» asked the gray smocked justice

Theoton had said it was a prisoner’s right to hear all witnesses against him

“There were no witnesses, because I wasn’t there

witnesses we’ve heard had every reason to be truthful

I have to put more weight into the other witnesses

can ask any of these witnesses

They would all be witnesses to the vows taken by Zarko and Helez to care for each other and any offspring that might result from the marriage

When the two parties in a union wanted to declare that union null and void, the tablet of their contract was brought forth and broken into pieces in front of witnesses

Denise and Jerald, the other two Elders that had come with us as witnesses, had wisely remained hidden in the old building

If they had been examined by more intelligent eyes, and if the accounts of them had been reported by more faithful witnesses, they would not, perhaps, appear to be so wonderful

Ye are my witnesses, saith the LORD, and my servant whom I have chosen: that ye may know and believe me, and understand that I am he: before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me

me in the presence of many witnesses, entrust these to

evaluated by eye witnesses to the epistles’ apostolic

They are our witnesses

Carl kept telling them, “The witnesses are the evidence

They are the proof!” But the scholars always wanted to know who had recorded the testimonies of these witnesses and when

“Of course it wouldn’t be so bad if they didn’t have witnesses against you

“What witnesses there are none left I’m the last one alive who was in the trench?” Lieutenant Howarth looked sadly at me saying

At the end of the day Ted Wallace and the rest would have backed me up but he was dead in a hole out front so when it came down to it I had no evidence and no witnesses

“I will try to find some witnesses but things look pretty hopeless I will also see if I can get some people to give you a testimonial as to you conduct and what kind of soldier you have been so I had better be on my way as we haven’t long left”, saying this he stood up and left to find his witnesses

I doubted therefore that he would find anyone I was the last man left alive that stormed the German front line trench and most of my character witnesses would be either dead or seriously wounded

” I thought to myself is this bloke a fucking idiot or what he considers it lucky to have him when I m facing a capital charge with no witnesses to stand up for me

“He turned saying well I better be off and se if I can find any more witnesses, oh by the way did I tell you that I found two character witnesses S/Sgt George Drew and Sgt Tommy Macey

“No I’m sorry Corporal the Provost would never allow it them being witnesses and all

“There are some witness statements in front of you Sir from different witnesses

“I have a couple of witnesses Sir who can”, he was cut off in mid sentence by the Colonel who said

“You misunderstood me Sir these are character witnesses I’m afraid they were no where near Corporal Lamb or what happened

“I don’t give a tinkers cuss about your character witnesses time is pushing on so sit down and be quite

The subject was doubtful with Carl however, who only ever saw the importance of faith based on ancient eyewitness accounts recited to second and third-hand witnesses

Son of Odin: Title given to Adem Highlander, Carl Wilder, and Wil Martyr, the three witnesses to ghosts on Earth, who are transported to the world of Kismeria, where they bring the taint that infects teron, the male half of the Power

Witnesses have reported that earlier in the day, an unknown man was seen entering the prison carrying a large rucksack

Witnesses, however, have been unable to provide police with a description of the man

Later in my career I learned the value to having more than one name tag, which confused witnesses to no end

I decided to put the money in a safe place, and forget about it until I could return it to him, preferably, with witnesses

“In front of these witnesses, I hereby revoke your title of Commander of the Armies and all privileges and rights associated with that rank

“The first thing I’ll need you to do is eliminate these witnesses,” Hollowcrest said

Or that is what the witnesses told him

We suspected we were chasing terrorists for they were armed with AK47 assault rifles according to the witnesses at the robbed shop

Man, I would have executed the culprits and the Chaplain for interfering in SAP COIN business! Thereafter I would have gone after any and all witnesses

I cannot say that other units did not back down as we once had a serious fatherly talk with twelve members of the Special Guard Unit who refused to get out of their vehicle, and assist a police woman when she was attacked by three men in their presence! Their reason to let a police woman be beaten up beside their obvious cowardliness? They cannot make arrests and appear in court as witnesses, for who will then protect the Nationalists? Well, you know there’s still 900 other plastic policemen in your unit who might be able to protect them! I wonder how many rest days we spend in court answering stupid questions from lawyers

We have witnesses to that

For I shall cause My words to be a terror I have put unto all peoples! For it is MY Spirit which has come to reside in My witnesses!

And My witnesses shall be sent out,

The witnesses of The Lord shall shout and not be moved

What is this that is done, in the sight of all these witnesses?!

I shall rise up in My witnesses and in them My voice shall resound

For today I call Heaven and Earth as witnesses against you,

Once, being obnoxious according to the perplexed Chaplain, I asked why the issued Bible repeated itself in the first four books of the New Testament and would it not be better just to choose one gospel and get done with? It was not as if you needed more than one statement on the same subject because the Apostles were fairly reliable witnesses and would not any of the gospels do? And then add something practical, like Proverbs perhaps? He had no answer, and just shook his head and muttered to himself under his breath about the obnoxiousness of Flying Squad members

As far as I am concerned they are only expert witnesses and nothing more

  • Use the word Witnesses in a sentences

Sentence Examples

He took one look at me, said he had to have witnesses and loped away like an antelope.

There were other witnesses.

Struggle for Life: I sent home the servants this afternoon so we’ll avoid any witnesses.

You are my witnesses… Tomorrow morning at 9 o’clock.

The walls in the Count ┼á├índor’s mansion were the silent witnesses of the gentry’s wild life.

Feeling at a loss after the death of his mother, Mikisaburo one day witnesses a shocking scene.

They just found his body horribly mutilated … to legally identify the body, two witnesses are required Please be the second witness … in your home … tomorrow … at seven …

Kino Eye witnesses the birth of the village troop of Young Leninists.

Does the defendant’s attorney intend to produce the alleged witnesses, Mrs. O’Grady and her grand-daught?

Freder witnesses a monk at the pulpit who preaches:

«Broadway has never seen acting until it witnesses a performance by the Bolivar Players.»

There won’t be any more witnesses of his crime.

Beats me how he had everything lined up in court the way he did- the cars, the witnesses, the fence.

Yeah, witnesses to everything.

Do you have any witnesses?

Your witnesses were perjured.

The state’s witnesses have never been shaken despite the efforts of the learned counsel for the defense.

Where are your witnesses?

Here are your witnesses. Let’s get it going.

You can hide behind a lot of red tape, crooked lawyers, habeas corpus, witnesses that don’t remember, but we’ll get through to you like the rest.

«This incident, verified by two witnesses,

before the almighty God and before these witnesses I ask you, cavalry captain Hans von Wustrow will you take as your lawful wedded wife Charlotte comtesse von Mudrach, to love and cherish her, in holy matrimony, in sickness and in health, never to leave her till death will part you?

They’re bringing their own witnesses with ’em.

Listen, Benny, have I a right to question witnesses myself?

She may question the witnesses.

That’s a summons. And you can’t say I didn’t have witnesses either.

Yeah, there were nine or ten witnesses.



Call one of our paid witnesses.

«The witnesses were ushered into the death chamber. All eyes focused on the chair.

We have reliable witnesses, Your Honor… authentic data of every measure to prove… that the motion picture film which you are about to witness was taken after the accident.

And we have reputable witnesses to prove this statement.

Well, there weren’t any witnesses… so I can’t sue.

Personal my eye, I want witnesses.

I charge in the presence of two witnesses… you took sides with the defendant Gillis… in a prior attack upon this plaintiff.

We have eight witnesses to the fact that he did.

Bring in the witnesses and exhibits.

Pardon, I didn’t say that, you have no witnesses.

witnesses in the first place.

There is no need for further witnesses.

Be a witnesses of my sorrow.

Now, fellow, we’ll be done with the witnesses… and I will convict you out of your own rascally mouth.

You better do your sealing in the main salon where there’s witnesses.

You have the cattle. We had a priest and witnesses.

Synonym: behold, discern, glimpse, observe, perceive, see, sight, spy, swear, testify, view, vouch. Similar words: fitness, business, awareness, wilderness, on business, businessman, willingness, consciousness. Meaning: [‘wɪtnɪs]  n. 1. someone who sees an event and reports what happened 2. a close observer; someone who looks at something (such as an exhibition of some kind) 3. testimony by word or deed to your religious faith 4. (law) a person who attests to the genuineness of a document or signature by adding their own signature 5. (law) a person who testifies under oath in a court of law. v. 1. be a witness to 2. perceive or be contemporaneous with. 

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1, A guilty conscience is a self-accuser [a thousand witness]. 

2, Work bears witness who does well. 

3, Life without a friend is death without a witness

4, The reporters buttonholed the witness outside the courtroom.

5, She bore witness to his patience and diligence.

6, We have a witness to the killing.

7, The witness completely vindicated him.

8, The witness was cross-examined by the prosecuting counsel.

9, He asked the witness to stand down.

10, Can you witness my signature on my will, please?

11, She was a witness of the incident.

12, He tried to tamper with the witness.

13, I was an unwilling witness of their quarrel.

14, I was a witness to their quarrel.

15, It is the time to witness the miracle.

16, Only one witness could make a positive identification.

17, The next witness was sworn in.

18, His tears were pathetic to witness.

19, The witness box was encased in fences.

20, The prosecution lawyer cross-examined the defence witness.

21, Line up these men and see if the witness can recognize the criminal.

22, The witness in the bribery investigation refused to name names.

23, She stared directly at the witness but he did not show a flicker of recognition .

24, I can witness that he wasn’t at the scene of the crime.

25, She brought several persons of good credit to witness to her reputation.

26, Once I have the chance to witness his worst moment,[] but u still can accept his defects and keep this as secret. Then ur love will last longer.

27, Libel plaintiffs are virtually obliged to go into the witness box.

28, A friend of the victim was subpoenaed as a witness by lawyers representing the accused.

29, Judge Ito said that if his wife was called as a witness, he would step down as trial judge.

30, He showed no emotion as he walked into the witness box.

More similar words: fitness, business, awareness, wilderness, on business, businessman, willingness, consciousness, effectiveness, partner, not nearly, partnership, nest, honestly, with, essay, mess, less, bless, press, do with, within, without, switch, go with, vessel, stress, assess, access, dress up. 

All sentences (with pause)

Used with adjectives:

«She is the key witness in the murder case.«
(key, only, sole, main, chief)

«He is not a reliable witness because he lies too much.«
(reliable, credible)

«The lawyers are trying to convince the unwilling witness to testify.«
(unwilling, reluctant)

«The lawyers brought in a doctor to be an expert witness.«

«The defendant’s pastor was asked to be his character witness.«

Used with verbs:

«The prosecution called their first witness.«
(called, summoned)

«The witness swore to tell the whole truth.«
(swore, made an oath)

«The defense team questioned the witness for hours.«
(questioned, cross-examined, interviewed, interrogated)

«The jury heard the witness’s testimony.«

«The defendant tried to intimidate the sole witness.«
(intimidate, threaten, scare)

«The police officer must protect the witness.«
(protect, guard, watch)

«The witness testified against his former boss.«

«The witness identified the drunk driver.«
(identified, pointed to)

«His best friend stood as a witness at the marriage ceremony.«
(stood as, acted as)

«The witness signed the document proving it was official.«

Used with nouns:

«She had to be carried off the witness stand.«
(stand, box)

«Witness testimony is very important.«
(testimony, account)

«The police filed extra charges for witness intimidation.«
(intimidation, tampering)

«He was placed in a witness protection program.«
(protection program)

Used with prepositions:

«According to the witnesses, the car was swerving in and out of the lane.«
(according to)

«He is the only witness to the murder.«

«The will was signed in front of two witnesses.«
(in front of)

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