Use the word wetter in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word wetter, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use wetter in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «wetter».

Wetter in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word wetter in a sentence.

  1. Climate changes 6,500 years ago brought a wetter landscape.

  2. It is typically found close to wetter areas and often on slopes.

  3. The mushroom grows in grassland habitats, especially wetter areas.

  4. It is opportunistic, eating a higher proportion of frogs in wetter areas.

  5. They are difficult to grow in the wetter conditions of Australia’s east coast.

  6. The latter grows on dryer rocky soils while the former grows in wetter sandy soils.

  7. Whatever the reason, Palladianism still had to be adapted for the wetter, colder weather.

  8. Rain is fairly evenly distributed throughout the year, with autumn and winter the wetter seasons.

  9. The climate was warmer than present-day Alberta, without frost, but with wetter and drier seasons.

  10. Within the forest habitat, the red-winged fairywren prefers wetter gullies and riverside sword sedge.

  11. A readvance occurred 12,500 years ago, linked to a colder and wetter climate during the Younger Dryas.

  12. They tend to be less active in winter except in warmer or wetter periods, and breed in the warmer months.

  13. This is much wetter than most of the tropical Andes, a consequence of Quelccaya’s proximity to the Amazon.

  14. In Queensland it is found with Banksia robur, with the latter species found in flatter wetter areas and B.

  15. In general, animals in wetter, lower-lying areas are darker, and those in open, dry environments are paler.

  16. Plant species preferences (measured in feeding time) changed between wetter, intermediate, and drier forests:.

  17. Uplifted, domed, and eroded, the Rincon Mountains are significantly higher and wetter than the Tucson Mountains.

  18. The western side of the park, in the Pacific watershed, has a milder and wetter climate, due to its lower elevation.

  19. Around 6,500 years ago, the climate of Florida changed again during the Holocene climatic optimum and became much wetter.

  20. Ice ages during the Pleistocene brought a cooler and wetter pluvial climate to the region starting 2 to 3 million years ago.

  21. The five years prior to 1988 were much wetter than normal and this may have reduced the area of the fires during that period.

  22. Grassland is represented by grazing pasture reclaimed from former salt marsh, with wetter areas at Cley and Salthouse marshes.

  23. These create wetter or drier habitats for other organisms, such as plants, fish, invertebrates, amphibians, reptiles, and mammals.

  24. By 125,000 years ago, the climate became much wetter, making Java an island, and allowing for the expansion of tropical rainforests.

  25. Holocene remains from North Africa suggest that the species was more widespread when the climate was wetter in what is now the Sahara.

  26. Along with the rest of South West England, Exmoor has a temperate climate which is generally wetter and milder than the rest of England.

  27. Along with the rest of South West England, Bath has a temperate climate which is generally wetter and milder than the rest of the country.

  28. To encourage bitterns to breed, the reed beds have been improved to make them wetter, and the lagoon has been stocked with the common rudd.

  29. Buildings are preferred to trees in wetter climates in the British Isles and provide better protection for fledglings from inclement weather.

  30. Carnaby’s black cockatoo forms flocks when not breeding, with birds in drier habitats usually being more migratory than those in wetter ones.

  31. Along with the rest of South West England, Somerset has a temperate climate which is generally wetter and milder than the rest of the country.

  32. The generally flat terrain and the poor drainage of the Red River Valley’s clay-based soil also results in many mosquitoes during wetter years.

  33. The wetter areas provide a source of food, the mounds and slopes may be used for leks, and dry areas with sedge or low scrub offer nesting sites.

  34. The black currawong is generally found in wetter eucalypt forests, dominated by such species as alpine ash (Eucalyptus delegatensis), messmate (E.

  35. Along with the rest of South West England, the Mendip Hills have a temperate climate that is generally wetter and milder than the rest of England.

  36. Warmer and wetter winters due to global warming may increase newt mortality by disturbing their hibernation and forcing them to expend more energy.

  37. Much of the water in this aquifer has been there for many thousands of years, since the Pleistocene ice ages, when the climate was cooler and wetter.

  38. During the Late Archaic period, the climate became wetter again and by approximately 3000 BCE, the rise of water tables allowed an increase in population.

  39. Along with the rest of South West England the Somerset Levels have a temperate climate, which is generally wetter and milder than the rest of the country.

  40. Carnaby’s black cockatoo is sedentary in wetter parts of its range, and migratory in drier areas as birds move south and west towards the coast in summer.

  41. Average annual snowfall ranges from 55 inches (140 cm) in drier areas and at lower elevations to 70 inches (180 cm) in wetter locations and higher elevations.

  42. Within related groups, larger species tend to inhabit wetter, more productive habitats, while smaller sister taxa are found in drier, less productive habitats.

  43. The red-capped robin prefers more arid habitat than its relatives, and inhabits drier areas, while the scarlet robin occupies wetter forests, where they co-occur.

  44. Two machines are used, an amphibious Truxor tracked reed cutter to harvest wetter areas, and a faster Softrak for islands and where water levels have been lowered.

  45. In common with most islands of the west coast of Scotland, rainfall is generally high at 1,500–2,000 mm (59–79 in) per annum and the elevated Cuillin are wetter still.

  46. Today, the level of floral diversity increases with precipitation, from the dry southern forests to the wetter northern forests to the rainforests along the east coast.

  47. Around 9,000 years ago, the climate warmed, melting much of the polar ice caps and many glaciers, creating a wetter environment and submerging half the peninsular shelf.

  48. Thus, the seed remains in the follicles until successive rains result in seed dispersal in the wetter winter (instead of dryer summer), increasing the chance of survival.

  49. Ancestral birds spread south and colonised the southwest during a warm wetter period around 2 million years ago at the end of the Pliocene or beginning of the Pleistocene.

  50. An analysis of the mollusk remains, correlated with similar mollusk analyses from other Neolithic sites, concluded that the climate in Neolithic times must have been wetter.

Synonyms for wetter

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word wetter has the following synonyms: bedwetter, bed wetter, wetting agent, surfactant and surface-active agent.

General information about «wetter» example sentences

The example sentences for the word wetter that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «wetter» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «wetter».

We found 191 ‘wetter’ sentence examples to help you understand how to use wetter in a sentence.

  • Loblolly-bay is found only in the wetter areas of this forest cover type.
  • Selena Kitt is the only author who can get me wetter than the ocean.
  • If you have a heavy wetter or want to use it for sleeping, riding in the car, going out, etc.
  • For a time climatic conditions became wetter and streams cut channels through the sand dunes, forming the Kayenta Formation.
  • For anyone who likes a good thriller with a side of smexy and BDSM play that is a real panty wetter.
  • It’s a bit more wetter and goes on more smoother.
  • Climate change is affecting and will continue to affect London, as our summers become hotter and drier and our winters wetter.
  • The high Zagros is characterized by three different Quercus aegilops » ), and the wetter and sometimes marshy river valleys.
  • Our 17 month old is a tummy sleeper and heavy wetter overnight as she sleeps 12 hours straight.
  • Holds more than a days worth of diapers for us, and Sir Chubs is a heavy wetter.
  • My baby is also a heavy wetter, and alone, these were not good at soaking up everything.
  • His advice : Plan on living in a wetter region for awhile.
  • I bought these in my crusade for an overnight solution for my super heavy wetter son.
  • Willow or birch dominates scrub on wetter dune slack areas.
  • We irrigate chiefly in the colder and wetter half of the year, and we » saturate » with water the soil in which are growing such plants as are perfectly content with earth not containing more than one
  • This place is amazing and u wish there wetter more chiropractor’s offices like this.
  • Ends up working with Ward on the hot Van wetter story.
  • In the warmer and wetter climate conditions, the paleosol layer grows with strong pedogenesis and abundant rainfall.
  • Wetter is a good read it keeps you on the edge until the end comes it’s a good read.
  • This is one of the wetter regions in California with a heavy dose of cooling Pacific air that meets interior heat.
  • My daughter is a heavy wetter and these have worked, so I am pleased.
  • I prefer an AIO or pocket diaper though since my son is a heavy wetter.
  • The climate is Angoumois and Limousin, wetter and cooler, remains temperate with warm spring and relatively warm summers, with variations due to altitude.
  • This helped me one day when the dough felt wetter than normal.
  • South Florida is wetter than it’s ever been.
  • I have always used water wetter by Redline but wanted to give this a go.
  • Ice ages during the Pleistocene brought a cooler and wetter pluvial climate to the region starting 2 to 3 million years ago.
  • My daughter is an extremely heavy wetter.
  • It’s a jolly sight wetter this summer than last.
  • Other than that it was really good and I don’t think I could be wetter.
  • I have a heavy wetter and it works well for a naptime diaper.
  • The outlook for slightly wetter conditions in the Midwest tempered the increase.
  • High temperature of sexual happy event is much wetter, winter should avoid blast is blown piece.
  • To represent the pine flatwoods, which tend to be lower and remain wetter, there are wax myrtle and Florida leucothoe planted alongside blackgum, longleaf pine and saw palmetto.
  • This was way wetter than normal.
  • With wetter winters predicted, it is unclear how high cattle might range.
  • Drops forming a wet patch on me that was getting wetter.
  • It is available commercially for salads, etc . Hemlock water dropwort grows well in the wetter areas and is best left alone as the name hemlock suggests.
  • The Scots pine forests gradually died out and broadleaved trees able to cope with the wetter soils became dominant.
  • I would say we have a heavy wetter, though, so not everyone will have this problem.
  • He is a heavy wetter for his age, and these do the job.
  • He tells the story of Hillary Van wetter, the local ne’er do well who was convicted of the murder.
  • El Nino brings cooler, drier weather into the South Pacific while La Nina means warmer, wetter and stormier conditions for the regions.
  • The drawbacks are that it could be wetter than normal.
  • In cooler wetter areas pulling is the preferred method and hand operated broom pullers are available.
  • Didn’t really need something but the prices here wetter too hard to resist.
  • I have an extreme wetter and if she can’t make it through I have faith.
  • Although the evidence for a warmer and wetter Mars in the past is substantial, some scientists still question the assumption that the many dry channels were eroded by tremendous water floods.
  • Winter begins dry but becomes progressively wetter and cloudier.
  • A bed wetter stinks up a whole house.
  • Uses: This product is a kind of perfluoro anion surfactant which mainly used as chrome-fog depressant and wetter in field of electroplating and additive in fluarbasin foamite.
  • Dense forest ecosystems occupy a smaller and wetter area in the southeast.
  • Its faith in private enterprise was nearly as absolute as its earlier faith that settlement would make the climate wetter.
  • I would say though, if your child isn’t a ‘heavy wetter’ they should work just fine.
  • My boys wetter excited to go.
  • Keeping the nozzle will result in wetter foam and longer range.
  • Big girls do it wetter.
  • The bamboo soaker is very absorbent DD is a heavy wetter and these have never leaked.
  • He is a generally heavy wetter, and these diapers absorb every bit.
  • The effect of walking in the rain is becoming wetter.
  • Bond’s world has some winners warmer, wetter climates growing more food as well as losers.
  • Moreover, most of Iowa was wetter than average in July.
  • Ski resorts that are located near the east and west coasts typically experience wetter, denser snow than ski resorts further inland.
  • Some places are hotter, some colder, some drier, some wetter, others windier or more stormy.
  • Forget drying off, your towels will be wetter than you by the time you’re done.
  • I have not had any leaks whatsoever even with my VERY heavy wetter.
  • Even on nonirrigated land, the new cotton acreage in its wetter climates will normally average nearly three times more production per acre than its nonirrigated competition in west Texas.
  • You’ll also need to use a wrap if you have a heavy wetter.
  • The higher rainfall in the hills supports woods of oak, madrona, pine, fir and a few redwood groves in the wetter areas.
  • Wetter areas of the site are dominated by soft rush » Juncus effusus «, and stable wet areas exhibit Sphagnum moss.
  • I have not had any leak problems with this wrap and my son is a heavy wetter.
  • I use a thirsties duo cover and hemp liner bc he is a heavy wetter and this combo works well.
  • Geldings tend to be much wetter, therefore are better put in well drained stables.
  • Ground vegetation includes bracken and brambles, with sedges in wetter areas.
  • Comes a point you can’t get wetter.
  • Wetter winters and hotter summers mean more mosquitoes, Groesch said.
  • Make sure your group know to wear sensible footwear especially in wetter seasons.
  • I do wish it stayed wetter in the tube but I love the way it thickens my lashes.
  • The eggs were wetter than I would like, the hash browns were greasy and the toast was pretty soggy.
  • However, the wisdom of time has brought bread to a wetter stage with the artisanal bread movement.
  • But there is evidence that the Red Planet had a warmer and wetter past: dried-up river beds, polar ice caps, volcanoes and minerals that form in the presence of water have all been found.
  • Wetter than average months.
  • This diaper is great for overnight or a heavy wetter.
  • Tropical forest is wetter and usually supports only knee — high fires that spread slowly through the understorey.
  • «We found stronger, wetter storms, » he said.
  • I did not, however, realize just how much wetter it was going to be.
  • It’s difficult to find wetter in a sentence.
  • My son is a very heavy wetter too.
  • I like to make a wetter biscuit dough than normal.
  • He is a heavy wetter and in the 70 80th percentile for height and 80 90th for weight.
  • Over 3 billion years ago, when the climate on Mars was much wetter, a channel breached the crater’s rim and carved deep gullies into its sides, leaving behind large fan-shaped alluvial deposits.
  • Hardheads are common in the south-east of Australia, particularly in the Murray-Darling Basin, but also in the wetter country near the coasts.
  • 0 cloth diapers with extra inserts for our growing baby and moderate to heavy wetter.
  • This population is believed to be a relict from the Pleistocene epoch when the climate was cooler and wetter.
  • Climate models predict that Northern Ireland will see warmer wetter winters, with drier summers.
  • It’s 100 times wetter than previous estimates, the team reports.
  • My son is a heavy wetter and these do not work as well as other cloth diapers I have used.
  • Jackson is hot and his lessons for her wetter just as bad as him but I loved them too.
  • My son is a heavy wetter and he soaks right thru these pads.
  • When he insists it’s irrelevant, since he was the wetter in reality, she evens the score.

Other Words: Wetched, Wethersfield, Wetland, Wetters, Wet The Bed, Wet Weather, Wet Nursing, Wetbacks, Wet Air, Wettstein, Wetness, Wetherspoon, Wetter, Weta, Wetlands, Wet Worked, Wetstein, Wet Behind The Ears, Wetheral, Wet Bulb

The resort towns on the north shore of the upper lake would all be gone now, this ‘wild range’ would get wetter and brushier til there was no doubt it was swamp if they went in that direction

I squatted on the pillion and couldn’t get any wetter, so I relaxed into the rain like you relax into the sea, and right away felt much better, calmer

“I don’t think I could get any wetter,” he said

‘Why is it wetter here than around Saint Gilles?’

As I was trying to remember if there was a symbolic meaning to which ear a guy used for the earring – bed wetter, left – gay, right – I couldn»t recall, the guy rounded menacingly on Busted Nose and started to scream loudly at him

Australia’s climate cycle is said to go through a one hundred year more dry than wet and wetter than dry centuries

wetter when riding into the wind in a rain, than when riding with the wind,

anything like it did back home we could ascertain where the wetter climates are based on the air

Everyone agreed that it was much colder in England in the winter as opposed to Ireland where it was milder but much wetter and stormier

coastal ranges after the green and wetter forests on the west

Melissa was filled with an indescribable lust and was wetter for him than she had been for any man in her whole life

It was wetter than my face

“Set the boy alight now, before the night gets wetter,” said Herist to the soldier with the hissing torch, and he nodded his head toward Andrei

The release of water into the ecosystem is a good thing as, ultimately, a wetter (fresh water) environment supports more land/air based life

I was getting wetter by the minute

Her mouth was soft all around, with full tender lips, which were now getting wetter, along with her own throbbing lips

She was already soaked and getting wetter

Now that this terrible weather has come upon us, and every day is wetter and sadder than the last, she has collapsed entirely

In the wetter sections planking had been laid down,

This material is wetter and is what we need to bed our drywall tape into in order to make the repair

wetter months; and it was here that he slept on an iron wired single bed under a mosquito

But Owen would not hear of this: he thought, as he became very conscious of the clammy feel of his saturated clothing, that he could not get much wetter than he already was

He found that the boots, having been placed too near the fire, had dried too quickly and consequently the sole of one of them had begun to split away from the upper: he remedied this as well as he was able and then turned the wetter parts of the clothing to the fire

The ground could probably be wetter

It was raining again, and the people grouped around the font were wetter than the infant who was sprinkled with holy water

Everyone grew into a wetter July and the Confederates, fighting desperately around the entrenched heights, still held Sherman at bay, a wild gaiety took hold of Atlanta

Pin points of sunlight came in through minute holes in the shades never dried but became wetter and stickier as the hours went by

Waule found it good to be there every day for hours, without other calculable occupation than that of observing the cunning Mary Garth (who was so deep that she could be found out in nothing) and giving occasional dry wrinkly indications of crying—as if capable of torrents in a wetter

And soon Edmund noticed that the snow which splashed against them as they rushed through it was much wetter than it had been all last night

If heat was the subject, then at that time the papers listed Fargo as hotter than any place else, or wetter or drier, or deeper in snow

She was all alive again directly, and among the most active in being useful to Fanny, in detecting her to be wetter than she would at first allow, and providing her with dry clothes; and Fanny, after being obliged to submit to all this attention, and to being assisted and waited on by mistresses and maids, being also obliged, on returning downstairs, to be fixed in their drawing-room for an hour while the rain continued, the blessing of something fresh to see and think of was thus extended to Miss Crawford, and might carry on her spirits to the period of dressing and dinner

Spite of this frigid winter night in the boisterous Atlantic, spite of my wet feet and wetter jacket, there was yet, it then seemed to me, many a pleasant haven in store; and meads and glades so eternally vernal, that the grass shot up by the spring, untrodden, unwilted, remains at midsummer

Learn how to use wetter in a sentence and make better sentences with `wetter` by reading wetter sentence examples.

  • _Ohio and Tennessee River Valleys : Warmer and wetter-than-normal.
  • The Arran mountains are wetter still with the summits receiving over annually.
  • The water literally becomes’wetter’as it gets warmer.
  • Through terraforming, as the discipline is known, Mars would gradually be converted to a warmer, wetter, more Earthlike realm.
  • But in summer, it appreciates fertilizer and wetter conditions.
  • The Tomato Basil flavor is a bit wetter, thus you can tamp down more tuna on each cracker.
  • Wetter areas hold interesting bog plants, with especially good displays of fruiting cotton grass in mid summer and abundant dragonflies.
  • Later into the Cenozoic Montana became colder and wetter.
  • Also, if you’re making wetter baby food you do not need to push hard as it basically fills itself.
  • The eggs were wetter than I prefer when I order them scrambled.
  • Like the Black Hole of Calcutta, but a lot wetter, came the reply.
  • Soap is used to make water wetter.
  • I haven’t needed to do this, but it is a good option for overnight with a heavy wetter.
  • The Atlantic ecotype ( » A . o . winstoni » ) is found along most of the Atlantic ( east ) coast of Dominica, which is wetter than the west coast.
  • This makes for a wetter dough, one much easier to work by hand.
  • In our wetter climate.
  • The region of South Texas includes the semiarid ranch country and the wetter Rio Grande Valley.
  • My one month old daughter is a heavy wetter.
  • One of these paired with a 2 layer zorb insert gets my super fast heavy wetter through the night.
  • The summers in this state are wetter than the any other time of the year.
  • You’ll notice that our dry rub is a little wetter than most.
  • Wetter climate was, however, compounded with man’s activities in tree felling.
  • A And wetter, I believe. You get quite a lot of rain.
  • You have to admit, his voice gets you wetter than a cucumber in a women’s prison.
  • Cannot say how this performs when peed on, as my son is not a bed wetter.
  • Bramble and dog’s mercury dominate the ground layer, and there is a rich variety of plants in wetter areas, such as oxlip and meadow-sweet.
  • A new El Ni $ o is headed for Texas, and with it the National Weather Service says we can expect a wetter, cloudier, cooler and stormier winter and spring.
  • For the coastal denizens of the world, they will be all the wetter.
  • My son is a very heavy wetter, and these just weren’t quite enough.
  • The sandy beach is fringed by mangroves and backed by cotton woods, paperbark and palms in the wetter gullies, with ironbark on the drier slopes.
  • Wetter in the past or whether distinct subpopulations or subspecies occupied the drier forests, much like modern diversity of sifakas.
  • Noodles were wetter than other another place that I like better.
  • Some places will, but others will get cooler, wetter, drier or cloudier.
  • Our daughter is a heavy wetter so we use this all the time.
  • There are also areas of grassland which is lightly grazed by rabbits and is a mosaic of close grazed and rough swards, and wetter areas.
  • 2011 da geiles wetter und ein Aussicht diese Abendsonne.
  • Baby is a big time heavy wetter all the time and even disposables barely do the job at night.
  • The wetter the curls, the tighter they wound, going from waves to ringlets in minutes.
  • It’s wetter and stickier.
  • In wetter areas, tufted hair-grass, ragged robin and meadow sweet are common.
  • Now you think you’re feeling better but you keep on getting wetter, Diarrhea.
  • The documents feel wetter when they come out something I never noticed on my other printers.
  • He’s a handful, a freak, a problem, a wetter of his pants to strangers.
  • Grasses include red fescue and in drier areas and creeping bent in wetter ones.
  • This one right here is a panty wetter.
  • Remnants of this wetter period can still be seen in the region today, including the presence of several isolated populations of pupfish.
  • Wagtails prefer wetter habitats to the pipits.
  • He was a bed wetter until the age of 10.
  • The uncommon beetle » Agabus uliginosus dispar » has been recorded from the wetter areas of the site.
  • This analysis may be because of a wetter climatic period.
  • Yes, little Johnny is a serial bed wetter with unusually impulsive behavior.
  • Generally speaking, the south coast is warmer, wetter and windier than the north.
  • They are pretty absorbent although not enough for nighttime use for my heavy wetter.
  • This has been an issue for us as DD fit in this diaper from 2 mo 14 mo and was a heavy wetter.
  • The Stewarton Flower or pink purslane ( Claytonia sibirica ) is common in wetter areas.
  • My daughter is a very heavy wetter.
  • Order the barbecue sauce with your meal if you like a wetter barbecue.
  • The short ice aged that followed the flood also coincided with wetter climates in subtropical areas.
  • This one left me wetter than the other.
  • What adds insult to injury for little Johnny’s parents is that he is a serial bed wetter.
  • Great for during the day or overnight with extra insert for my heavy wetter.
  • Some examples include Creosote Bush, Bighorn Sheep, Coyote, and the Death Valley Pupfish, a survivor of much wetter times.
  • Quality of the meat was fine, but a bit gooier and wetter than we’ve become accustomed to.
  • Although my child isn’t a heavy wetter, one of these will last her through 10 hours at night.
  • The chicken ones are fine as well, but generally wetter.
  • Westerly winds bring milder and, typically, wetter weather.
  • It feels so good, wetter than water.
  • We use these for extra absorbancy in our Thirsties AIO as overnighters for our heavy wetter.
  • While it’s getting colder and wetter outside and having kids more indoor.
  • I researched and came to the conclusion that I needed to try a hemp liner for my heavy wetter.
  • The climate became cooler and wetter, causing difficulties for agriculture.
  • The climate is warmer, wetter, and prone to violent storms.
  • I prefer my rice wetter.
  • My second daughter is a heavy wetter.
  • — Ohio and Tennessee River Valleys : Warmer and wetter than normal.
  • NASA scientists said the lunar crater they hit was actually wetter than some of the driest deserts on Earth.
  • Here’s a real bed wetter to start you off.
  • Orchids and pitcher plants, for example, are associated with wetter locations.
  • Within the forest habitat, the red-winged fairywren prefers wetter gullies and riverside sword sedge ( » Lepidosperma effusum » ).
  • The mountain summits and high plateaus support xerophytic steppe vegetation, and there is some grassland in wetter areas.
  • The tuna is not as dense and packed much wetter than other brands.
  • He is a chubby boy and fairly heavy wetter.
  • Winters are much wetter with an average December precipitation of.
  • Things go wetter with Coke ( think of hip, edgy visuals almost any adman could come up with ).
  • Water shortages and droughts will also become more common as global climatic changes leave us with wetter winters and drier summers.
  • Every time I go thru my car exits the blower wetter and wetter.
  • These were wetter than usual renditions of these dishes.
  • Stinging nettle is particularly found as an understory plant in wetter environments, but it is also found in meadows.
  • Got these to stuff my AIO’S for overnight use for son who is an extremely heavy wetter.
  • In the woodland on the slopes, ash tends to become more dominant, often in association with birch ( » Betula pendula » ) on the drier areas and alder ( » Alnus glutinosa » ) in the wetter areas.
  • But these don’t have the double gussets so they leak every time my heavy wetter son pees.
  • Our son is a very heavy wetter and these are super absorbent.
  • Also there were changes in formulation for wetter doughs in the revised edition.
  • I live the drinks just wish their website was wetter in telling what’s in their drinks.
  • Wild grapes ( » Vitis arizonica » ) and western poison ivy ( » Toxicodendron rydbergii » ) can be found in the cool and wetter parts of Dog Canyon.
  • Whatever the reason, Palladianism still had to be adapted for the wetter, colder weather.
  • And wetter, I believe. You get quite a lot of rain.
  • The advent of a wetter climate was, however, compounded with man ‘s activities in tree felling.
  • I certainly couldn’t get any wetter.
  • Even the cheddar biscuits wetter tiny and not worth trip.

Similar words: Wet Clean, Wettstein, Wet Salt, Wetzer, Wetumpka, Wetterhorn, Wetched, Wetsuits, Wettingen, Wet Pipe, Wet Behind The Ears, Wet Nursed, Wet Weather, Wette, Wettin, Wetbacks, Wetherill, Wettability, Wetzell, Wet Pack

  • Use the word wetter in a sentences

Sentence Examples

The wetter they get, the better I like it.

Well, you could get wetter if you lay down in the gutter.

Sch├Ânes wetter. — Oh, yes, the weather.

We both figure it couldn’t get much wetter than it is right now.

You can stay there, in the straw, so you do not get any wetter.

«Jingis sleeps on a rubber sheet. He’s a bed wetter

Polecat, hound dog, skunk. Coon, turd, crud. Slimeball, bed-wetter, snot-nose.

You poofey ! Nanny’s bed wetter !

My clothes are all getting wetter, you still cry

I can’t get any wetter than I already am.

It’s not my fault! — Bed-wetter! — It’s an illness!

My pussy is getting wetter.

Our great Fuhrer has been showing their English bed-wetter the cigar-chomping asshole Churchill where exactly to go and stick his stinking cigars.

Over here, you don’t say «the rain», you say «the raining», because it’s even wetter!

I want you to meet Jonathon, my roommate, and a chronic bed-wetter.

It’s like the casting couch, only wetter.

Run, head straight home, don’t get any wetter.

I sleep with my brother, and he’s a chronic bed wetter.

It could turn Oliver North into a bed wetter.

Had been since the first time I gave him a bath and got wetter than he did.

Darling, it’s better down where it’s wetter take it from me

Little is know of Sheldon Mills, except for the fact that he changed his name and was a bed-wetter.

Yeah the hotter and wetter you get, the more you can do, it’s great!

I mean, if it gets any wetter in here the whole house is gonna look like Bud’s bed.

Please let my first born son be of a better destiny than I. Is it a bed wetter again?

No, Mom, I think it’s Bed-wetter B.

I confided in nanny what had happened and how I’d become a bed-wetter.

Comes a point when you can’t get wetter.

It becomes wetter and wetter

It’s kind of like foreplay, because the more they talk about it, the wetter they get.

Is it like a dry wheezing type of cough or is it a wetter, phlegm-based cough?

I’ve never been lower or wetter.

It’s wetter upstairs, Gentlemen.

When I was looking for a tracer in the van I saw him hanging over the side, wetter than a bag of drowned cats.

Was I a bed-wetter, did I set fires, was I cruel to animals?

No, a little wetter. See, I didn’t believe it.

Did you know Dave’s a bed-wetter?

Bed-wetter. — Thumb-sucker.

The more we talked… I found myself… getting wetter and wetter.

J gets harder and Y gets wetter.

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