Use the word went in a sentence

Sentences starting with went

  • Went to sleep without whisky. [5]
  • Went ashore in the forenoon at Port Louis, a little town, but with the largest variety of nationalities and complexions we have encountered yet. [5]
  • Went they toward Southwark? [5]
  • Went back to hotel. [9]

Sentences ending with went

  • And it’s seven-and-twenty years since Maister Robert went. [11]
  • So they departed with speed, making notes about the gigantic web as they went. [5]
  • Came along» Steven went. [9]
  • So on we went. [5]
  • And so we went. [5]
  • Only the four went. [11]
  • I went—we three went. [11]
  • Mrs. G. W. was tastefully dressed in a ‘tout ensemble,’ and was greeted with deafening applause wherever she went. [5]
  • Yes, the case was plain to Hendon—he must lose no more time in Southwark, but move at once through Kent, toward Monk’s Holm, searching the wood and inquiring as he went. [5]
  • A great fear was in Ned’s heart, but he went. [9]

Short sentences using went

  • She went to your house. [9]
  • But everything went wrong. [9]
  • He went off with it. [5]
  • Mechanically she went with him. [11]
  • The family went with her. [5]
  • Then he went wild. [11]
  • So far, everything went well. [4]
  • A great shout went up. [11]
  • Profits and brains went together. [9]
  • And a laugh went round. [9]

Sentences containing went two or more times

  • I went to work at nine o’clock yesterday morning, and went to bed an hour after midnight. [5]
  • Without saying a word Rostopchin rose and walked hastily to his light, luxurious drawing room, went to the balcony door, took hold of the handle, let it go again, and went to the window from which he had a better view of the whole crowd. [2]
  • Every year expeditions went out holy grailing, and next year relief expeditions went out to hunt for _them_. [5]
  • My gunpowdery chief went off with a bang, of course, and then went on loading and firing until he was out of adjectives. [5]
  • As the sun went down, the cripple went out upon a long journey alone. [11]
  • I knew her—very well before she went away from Foxon Falls, and I went to Newcastle and took her out for a drive in my car. [9]
  • So then they washed their faces in the river; and just then there was a loud order to stand by for a crossing, and some of them went forward to man the sweeps there, and the rest went aft to handle the after-sweeps. [5]
  • We wondered what was the matter, but reckoned it would come out all right, so we went on steering east, but went up on a higher level so we wouldn’t hit any steeples or mountains in the dark. [5]
  • And so there was no parting, for in his fancy I went with him; he knew not but I went with him, my hand in his—my young soft hand, not this withered claw. [5]
  • But now it was different: after patting him a little I went to the library—he remained behind; when I went upstairs he did not follow me, save with his wistful eyes. [5]

More example sentences with the word went in them

  • He had hurt you—you went to him…. Good! [11]
  • Now, in his youth, Caracalla went through his courses of philosophy. [10]
  • But the rash youth went on in the same tone: «I would worship her gladly, though I have forgotten how to pray. [10]
  • You have heard your mothers and fathers speak of Aunt Patty, my dears, and they will tell you how she spoiled them when they went a-visiting to Gordon’s Pride. [9]
  • Well, I touched your hand then, and you looked at me and nodded, and went musin’ into the fire again, not seemin’ to hear our gabble. [11]
  • Just hang up your coat on the floor anywhere,» Fulkerson went on. [8]
  • When you finished your breakfast at ten o’clock and went out, the sunshine was brilliant, the weather balmy and delicious, and the mud and slush deep and all-pervading. [5]
  • But when the youngest went, she commenced the work as soon as she reached the lodge; although it had always been occupied, still the Indians never could see any one. [5]
  • When I was young, husbands and wives usually went to parties together. [9]
  • Not finding the young prince in his study the valet went with the letters to Princess Mary’s apartments, but did not find him there. [2]
  • He was a young lawyer turned actor, and he had lived in Montreal before he went on the stage. [11]
  • Well, sah, if you’ll b’lieve me, he jes’ shuck his head, dat painter did, en went on a-dobbin’. [5]
  • He just said, ‘You’d better come with me, Miss Hutchins,’ and I went with him. [9]
  • The trouble with you, my dear Hugh, is that you have never failed,» she went on, «you’ve never had a good, hard fall, you’ve always been on the winning side, and you’ve never had the world against you. [9]
  • I say to you, Brice,» he went on earnestly, «the importance of plain talk can’t be overestimated. [9]
  • She fled from you, and went the pilgrimage to Mecca. [11]
  • From the moment you went to see her you became responsible for her. [9]
  • That was before you went on the lower bench. [9]
  • Irene went with you to the procession, that I know. [10]
  • I’m thinking that you may be of those who went out to the Arctic Sea with Sir John Franklin—with Sir John Franklin, you understand. [11]
  • As soon as you left, it began and went on. [2]
  • But of course, you know, if I went to work at those things with an ethical intention explicitly in mind, I should spoil them. [8]
  • Nobody could tell you how to find any place in the kingdom, for nobody ever went intentionally to any place, but only struck it by accident in his wanderings, and then generally left it without thinking to inquire what its name was. [5]
  • But since, as you have heard, I act before I think, I went myself—I no longer know how—into the burning stable. [10]
  • I knew that you had advertised a trip to Europe (why, the Lord only knows), so I went East and sailed for England on the Canadian Line. [9]
  • It’s a pity you ever went to Newcastle, I think. [9]
  • He spoke of you even at the very last,» she went on, turning her eyes from Pierre to her companion with a shyness that surprised him for an instant. [2]
  • What beauty were you dreaming of, Darius, when you went out to listen to the nightingale? [10]
  • You went because you did not love me. [11]
  • I have told you before now how I went with our maid-servant into the Canopic way to the house of my aunt Archidike to look on at the great procession. [10]
  • That’s the question—can you be happy, even if I went and you stayed? [11]
  • You gain nothing; you always come out where you went in. [5]
  • Arrived at New York, they went to a hotel off Broadway for dinner, and Carnac signed names in the hotel register as «Mr. and Mrs. Carnac Grier. [11]
  • All was not yet lost; and he breathed more freely as he went back to the house where duty, and his anxiety for his father, required his presence. [10]
  • The axe fell, yet he uttered no cry as he went before his Master. [9]
  • Priests in their yellow robes and with bare shoulders went by, oblivious of all things. [11]
  • There was a yell at us, and a jingling of bells to stop the engines, a powwow of cussing, and whistling of steam—and as Jim went overboard on one side and I on the other, she come smashing straight through the raft. [5]
  • And as the years went on we’d realise how every form of success was offset by something undone in another direction, something which would have given us joy and memory and content—so it seems. [11]
  • I went a year to the high school, and then I was all for coming to the city—I couldn’t stand Madison, there wasn’t anything going on. [9]
  • But twice every year he went to yonder point and spoke out the King’s words to him: ‘John York, John York, where art thou gone, John York? [11]
  • In his sixteenth year he went to a forester for instruction, but did not remain long. [10]
  • When I went wrong, she treated me as if I were dead, and took her old name. [11]
  • When anything went wrong, Sam’l had an appropriate word for the occasion. [9]
  • If anything went wrong, I never wasted any time in telling him about it, and I guess it was one reason he liked me. [9]
  • The thing went wrong, but checking off my blunder he blundered too,—out of sheer wonder, perhaps, at my bungling,—and I disarmed him. [11]
  • But no,—everything went wrong we had only flying trips here and there in place of the leisurely ones which we had planned. [5]
  • On she went, writing incessantly for three weeks; by which time she had carried her heroine away from Thornfield, and was herself in a fever which compelled her to pause. [14]
  • I could not write in the hotel itself, so I went to the annex, and in the big building—in the early spring-time—I worked night and day. [11]
  • Finally Venters concluded Wrangle had grazed far enough, and, taking his lasso, he went to fetch him back. [13]
  • Phanes had been wounded and went to his tent; Aristomachus lay near him, dying. [10]
  • His riata was wound around the pummel of my saddle, and so, as he went by he dragged me from my horse and the two animals traveled briskly on without me. [5]
  • But the Egyptian would, no doubt, have left his spies in the street, and Diodoros went out to see if the road was clear. [10]
  • The surgeon, however, would not permit Bucklaw to be removed until he had been cared for, and so Phips and Gering went on deck and made preparations for the treasure- hunt. [11]
  • The little forts would not hold them; and they went out to hew clearings from the forest, and to build cabins and stockades. [9]
  • The poorest even would have glass, but home-made—a foolish expense, for the glass soon went to bits, and the pieces turned to no profit. [4]
  • Our party, who would have been much surprised if any one had called them an excursion, went away on foot down the carriage road to the Glen House. [4]
  • The bully soldiers would come with us as they went with the Great Napoleon at Grenoble. [11]
  • And how they would bombard him with glorifying ejaculations as he cracked his long whip and went careering away. [5]
  • I knowed he would be changing it around every which way as we went along, and heaving in new bullinesses wherever he got a chance. [5]
  • To her he would be a softening memory as time went on. [11]
  • I thought, it would amuse her, too, when I went back at night, if I told her what she had been doing. [11]
  • He went on working at the cupboard under his hand. [11]
  • His horses had worked their way with the sleigh through the deep snow in the ravine with much difficulty, and, half-frozen, he went directly to the refectory and there asked for his son. [10]
  • He went to work, therefore, in the most systematic manner. [6]
  • He began his work, but the attractions of the place were too strong for him, and he got up and went drifting about, fascinated; also amazed. [5]
  • He went to work on the instant. [5]
  • I went to work now to learn the shape of the river; and of all the eluding and ungraspable objects that ever I tried to get mind or hands on, that was the chief. [5]
  • Jasper went to work energetically, at once, perceiving that his leisure was observed. [5]
  • You went to work and warmed it. [5]
  • He went to work also, though with his defective training he had not the least hope of success. [10]
  • I have no words to describe what I went through in that vile, foul-smelling place. [9]
  • These are the words the Irishman sang: «She was a queen, she stood up there before me, My blood went roarin’ when she touched my hand; She kissed me on the lips, and then she swore me To die for her—and happy was the land. [11]
  • He recalled the words of the Duchess as she went up the staircase. [11]
  • I give my word, Miss Withersteen, thet I went cold to my very marrow. [13]
  • It was a wondrous ramble; now and then I gasped for breath, yet on we went till, on the topmost bough of an oak, behold, there was Lorenz Abenberger, and the evil words he spoke made me wake up. [10]
  • This is a wonderful book, Galloir,’ he went on. [11]
  • And then I wondered if it was not the disagreeable habit of some night-patrol or other to beat round the garden before the Sire went to bed for good, to find just such characters as I was gradually getting to feel myself to be. [4]
  • He lay and wondered for a long time, but fell asleep again; and the steely iteration went on in his dreams. [11]
  • The Torzhok peddler woman, in a whining voice, went on offering her wares, especially a pair of goatskin slippers. [2]
  • When the old woman went on: «I must speak with you. [10]
  • This charming regal woman was the daughter of the keeper of the bears in the circus at Constantinople; and she early went upon the stage as a pantomimist and buffoon. [4]
  • The stupid old woman gives him every thing he asks for, and she let him have half of the currant cake, which we sent her to fetch before we went out. [10]
  • She was a woman easily disgusted with foolishness, and she arose and went out of there. [5]
  • I’ve come back without what I went for, but I must just grin and bear it. [11]
  • They went away without thinking of the tremendous significance of that immense and wealthy city being given over to destruction, for a great city with wooden buildings was certain when abandoned by its inhabitants to be burned. [2]
  • Bent-Anat went forward without speaking, for she did not wish to make herself known again for the sake of the people, and for Nefert’s; but Paaker put himself in her way. [10]
  • He got up without saying a word and went downstairs to his own room. [2]
  • They all went without knowing whither or why they were going. [2]
  • John prayed, but without feeling any worse, and then went desperately into the house, and told the family that he was in an anxious state of mind. [4]
  • For, being absolutely without fear, he did what he listed and went where he listed. [11]
  • I went there with—» «Wait—wait a moment. [5]
  • People went dizzy with wonder and delight over it. [5]
  • He went away with vanity flattered by the sense of having been appealed to concerning Margaret, and then he began to chafe at what she had said of Wetmore’s honesty, apropos of her wish that he still had a class himself. [8]
  • Side by side with them the Berkshires cursed and raged and had their way; and when the Sikhs drew over and laid themselves along the English lines a wild cheer went up from the Berkshires. [11]
  • So we crossed with them and went home. [5]
  • If I went with them and spent the night in Guben I could reach home in time the next day. [10]
  • They went on with their carnival. [9]
  • He touched them with the whip, and they went faster. [11]
  • Pierre went on with the soldiers, quite forgetting that his inn was at the bottom of the hill and that he had already passed it. [2]
  • We went out with the skiff and towed it ashore. [5]

This page helps answer: how do I use the word went in a sentence? How do you use went in a sentence? Can you give me a sentence for the word went?
It contains example sentences with the word went, a sentence example for went, and went in sample sentence.

Here we’ll be discussing three commonly confused English usage go, went and gone. And see the correct usage along with example sentences.

Let’s see some examples before starting.

Correct : I go to the market.

Correct : I went to the party

Correct : He has gone to Delhi.

After looking at these simple examples you’ll notice one thing that go and went can stand alone while ‘gone’ needs an extra verb like ‘has’ to stand in the sentence, which states that they are used differently which is what we have to see. So, let’s discuss how to use these three words correctly.

When to Use ‘Go’ in Sentence

The simple two letter word ‘go’ is used to write sentence in present tense and to represent an action of motion from one place to another.

5 examples of sentences using “go”:

  1. I go to gym everyday.
  2. I need to go.
  3. You must go to your home.
  4. Go to your place.
  5. Go and do the work.

When to Use ‘Went’ in Sentence

Went a four-letter word is the past tense form of go and used to represent action happened in the past.

5 examples of sentences using “went”:

  1. She went to India.
  2. I went to the grocery store.
  3. He went beyond his limits.
  4. I went there to see what they were doing.
  5. They went with their friends.

When to Use ‘Gone’ in Sentence

Gone is derived from go and it is the past participle form of go, therefore it requires an auxiliary verb such as has, have etc. to be used in a sentence.

5 examples of sentences using “gone”:

  1. He is gone to market.
  2. We have never gone beyond this point.
  3. He has gone on a trip.
  4. He has gone to India.
  5. This fruit has gone bad.

Try replacing these phrases with one another and you’ll see that sentences will sound untidy.

For example :

Correct : My strength is all gone.

Wrong : My strength is all went.

Let us see a sentence using ‘go’ and ‘went’ together.

Example : I go to that shop everyday but went to the shopping mart for the first time.

After understanding the usages of present and past tense and what are auxiliary verbs we can understand the difference between ‘go’, ‘went’ and ‘gone’

Now, You know the rules and where to use them. So your next task is to practice these words in both writing and speaking to understand their use. Till the time you master these words you can use this post as your reference.

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The verb went is the irregular past tense of the verb «to go».

I went to the park on Saturday. (something you did in the past)

The play was written by his uncle, so he went to see it.

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6. Выберите подходящее слово. Проверьте по своему словарю. Используйте другое слово в собственных предложениях.

1. Класс отправился на экскурсию в Лувр.

2. Он заказал несколько брошюр о путешествиях через Интернет.

3. В Майями находятся фантастические песчаные пляжи.

4. Она не любит комплексные туристические поездки.

5. Из комнаты открывается отличный вид на море.

6. Вам необходимо забронировать места заранее, иначе вам не удастся найти место, где вы сможете остановиться.

7. Всем пассажирам, ожидающим рейс TWK255, следует пройти ко Входу 11.

8. Вы можете продлить своё пребывание в отеле и остаться ещё на одну неделю, если вы хотите.

9. На солнце было слишком жарко, поэтому мы нашли место, где можно было посидеть в тени.

10. Наилучший вариант — взять такси до аэропорта.

11. Мы арендовали небольшой коттедж на морском берегу.

12. Пейзаж в парке был захватывающим.

1. excursion(экскурсия) (excursion, т.к. они идут на экскурсию, а не на выставку, например, экспонатов)

2. brochures(брошюры) (brochures, т.к. leaflets раздают на улице)

3. beaches(пляжи) (beaches, т.к. песчанными(sandy) бывают пляжи)

4. package(комплексный) (package, т.к. это устойчивое словосочетание со словом каникулы(holidays), означающее — «отдых с полным комплексом услуг»)

5. view(вид) (view, т.к. есть предлог of)

6. book(забронировать) (book, т.к. слово употреблено в значении «заказать»)

7. passengers(пассажиры) (passengers, т.к. люди находятся в самолете, следовательно в данный момент они пассажиры)

8. prolong(продлить) (prolong, т.к. это слово более узкое по значению, чем удлинять(extend))

9. shade(тень) (shade, т.к. shadow — это темная фигура, отбрасываемая предметом, а shade — прохладная тёмная область, куда не попадает солнце)

10. take(взять) (take, т.к. это устойчивое словосочетание — take a taxi)

11. rented(арендовать) (rented, т.к. арендует коттедж, а не нанимают(hire) человека)

12. scenery(пейзаж) (scenery, т.к. окружающая обстановка/декорации(setting) обычно используется в театральной лексике)


1. There was a fantastic exhibition in the Louvre. (В лувре была потрясающая выставка).

2. I’m going to hand out leaflets on saving energy this weekend. (Я собираюсь раздавать листовки об энергосбережении в эти выходные).

3. Malta is well-known for its rocky coasts. (Мальта известна своими скалистыми побережьями).

4. Some children bring a packed lunch to school. (Некоторые дети приносят с собой в школу упакованный ланч).

5. There was some wonderful scenery around the resort we were staying in. (Вокруг курорта, где мы остановились есть некоторые замечательные пейзажи).

6. My brother is good with his hands and can fix anything. (У моего брата золотые руки и он может починить что угодно).

7. Some air travellers may suffer from swollen ankles on long flights. (Некоторые путешественники по воздуху могут страдать от отеков ног при длительном перелете).

8. Long-lasting bad weather can extend the number of miserable days in this month. (Продолжительная непогода может увеличить количество ненастных дней в этом месяце).

9. She was frightened when she saw a shadow behind her. (Она испугалась, когда увидела тень позади нее).

10. After the bank robbery, the police did their best to catch the thieves. (После ограбления банка, полиция сделала все возможное, чтобы поймать воров).

11. We hired a guide near the airport. (Мы наняли гида неподалеку от аэропорта).

12. The hotel was located in a fantastic setting by the sea. (Отель был расположен в фантастическом месте на берегу моря).


1. This weekend I and my family went to the exciting exhibition of scientific showpieces. (В эти выходные я и моя семья отправились на потрясающую выставку научных экспонатов).

2. The teacher gave us the leaflets with the assignments and we started to do them. (Учитель дал нам листовки с заданиями, и мы начали делать их).

3. When we first arrived in the Miami we went to see its beautiful coasts. (Когда мы впервые приехали в Майами, мы пошли посмотреть на его красивые побережья).

4. I used to take packed lunches to the job, but now I go to the nearest cafe with my colleagues. (Я имел обыкновение брать упакованные обеды на работу, но теперь я хожу в ближайшее кафе с моими коллегами).

5. Russia is full of magnificent sceneries. (Россия богата великолепными пейзажами).

6. She fixed a date to our meeting. (Она назначила дату нашей встречи).

7. Some travellers managed to visit ten or even more countries. (Некоторые путешественники смогли посетить десять или даже больше стран).

8. Learning new languages extends our minds. (Изучение новых языков расширяет наши умы).

9. She was on her way home when suddenly shadow appeared in front of her. (Она была на пути домой, когда внезапно тень появилась перед ней).

10. A boy has thrown a ball to a dog and it caught the toy. (Мальчик бросил мяч собаке, и она поймала игрушку).

11. My parents hired a housecleaner, so now I don’t have to do any housework. (Мои родители наняли домработницу, так что теперь мне не нужно делать какую-либо работу по дому).

12. The setting was really good. (Декорации были действительно хорошими).

Choose the correct word. Check in your dictionary. Use the other word in sentences of your own.

 1    The class went on an excursion/exhibition to the Louvre.
2     He ordered some travel leaflets/ brochures online.
3    Miami has got fantastic sandy coasts/ beaches.
4     She doesn’t like package/packed holidays.
5    The room had a great scenery/view of the sea.
6     You need to fix/book in advance or you won’t be able to find a place to stay.
7     All passengers/travellers waiting for flight TWK255 should go to Gate 11.
8     You can prolong/extend your stay in the hotel and stay one more week if you like.
9     It was too hot in the sun, so we found a place to sit in the shadow/shade.
10     It’s best to take/catch a taxi to the airport.
11    We rented/hired a little cottage by the sea.
12     The setting/scenery in the park was spectacular.


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