Use the word weather in a sentence

· Your joints are more accurate in predicting rain than the National Weather Service

The weather depends on eddy’s in the lake this time of year

‘And is there any reason why the police should think that you would want to shoot her?’ he asked almost conversationally – we could be discussing the weather

The weather tomorrow will be …’

The driver chats about the weather for a few minutes then concentrates on the driving, leaving me to my thoughts

This usually happens around the 20-30 day, depending on the weather

(adverb — in different directions) The report is about the weather

The weather looks fine

If the weather was stormy in those hills, these gullies would be an impassable torrent

Some of the instruments Alfred left behind were simple weather and soil chemistry stations in remote areas

He turns up on time and the weather is being kind to us – it has been pretty foul for the last day or so, pouring with rain and blowing a gale, but today, the clouds have cleared and the sun has come out

I usually spend my time in jeans and jumpers or t-shirts, depending on the weather – or smart trousers when I’m on official duty, so to speak

Rose has expressed a wish to watch the film which is on TV this afternoon – The Sound of Music — and as it would never cross her menfolk’s minds to suggest otherwise and also as the weather has degenerated into an unpleasant blustery rain, we decide it would be rather nice to curl up in the warm and do just that

Traffic, weather, stops for fuel and food, and a slow passage thru the tunnel because it was choked with a sunken ship made it take a day longer than two weeks, but that was still a third of the time it took for the fastest native airships

«I’ve been down to Lastriss twice before, but once was fair weather all the way, a few weeks earlier in the year than this, and once I came overland and weathered two different storms in two different inns

Having said that, Kenya is home and training account for is the right attire for the terrain and the weather

The sunny weather had brought people out and there was something of a festive air to the couples and groups sitting at tables outside the cafés and pubs she passed

To be fair, the weather forecasters had

weather for 5 years

“We need to find out the weather next time” said Catwhiskers

One day, just as the weather got warmer, there was a hive of

left to the weather these fifty years or so unseen

the weather was good,

and chat away to them about the weather

This weather, this drawing out of days

«Now this is what life should be like,» she called from the far bank, «Nothing chasing us, perfect weather, a great campsite

He was out in the time it took her to go to her room and look out the window at the weather

on the weather and the rain that has kept off

walk to the farmshop, but the weather was still chilly despite the

“I think it has something to do with the way the weather changed after ‘They’ came

The weather is happily dry though I am grateful for my nice warm vullejakt

Calm weather in the month of June sets all in tune

Even though we shall be sailing in the Mediterranean, it is late in the year and if we hit bad weather, I shall need these

o Could conditions like weather cause setbacks?

‘Drens suggests that we use the forrard area when the weather permits

’ Berndt promised, with a weather eye to the crew member doing something technical with a rope nearby

There were about six of us flying to Bristol and once on board I sat as far apart from the others as I could just in case they started chatting about the weather, or politics, or even worse, sport

«I suspect you won’t find any reports of a meteor strike,» he said, «because this picture was taken the following Garibivlast using the weather scope

The weather scope had nowhere near the magnification that had allowed them to analyze the meteor plume, but the image was consistent with what he was about to say

They were the last week of fall and first of winter as the year changed, but you couldn’t tell by the weather

I don’t know how long I stay there, at one with the roughness of the elements but, as the clouds gradually become darker and darker, portentous of worsening weather, I do the sensible thing and go below

Whatever the weather, Uncle Pantelis would insist we put up the tent, light a fire and sit inside so he could play his bousouki or read me the myths and legends in the right atmosphere

The weather was delightful; pleasant Morningdays, sunny, hot and humid Afternoondays, close but cool Nightdays

when the weather turns

He’d also had quite an adventure, not just rough weather on the Ttharmine but a three decade sail thru rivers they had to keep buying new maps for

So with Captain Dimitris in the wheelhouse keeping a weather eye on the horizon, and me sipping the concentrated aniseed drink, I began humming the one sea shanty in my repertoire, Liverpool Lou and it wasn’t long before the Princess of Stephanos was gliding over the waves along her way

Although the weather here is dry (thank goodness), it is considerably cooler than it was in Spain and I am feeling it – much as I anticipated

that signals a new weather front

After what seemed like half an hour of slow, persistent tuning, “It is the weather

Nothing stays the same, not even the weather and probably today it will change

‘It’s like the weather — it’ll pass,’ I said

He moved straight back into the Ritz, bought new clothes, bought a brand new sports car and almost immediately found that his fair weather friends, now that the rain had ceased to fall in the soldier’s life, all suddenly had sunny windows in their diaries

Alan would probably play with one or more of the village cherubs this evening if the weather stayed pleasant

Whether it is a direct result of the Element being back on Errd, though that is probably a spurious conceit on my part, the weather has taken a turn for the better, giving us a glorious Indian summer … at least that is the term used on Earth

We thundered through space with nothing to do but to be in the weather and the moment

Apart from a few casual jobs that he managed to get during the summer season, when Britain’s residential masses poured out of their suburban homes to spend two weeks basking in the melange of weather systems that blow in across the great western seas, he spent most of the year fishing from beaches and rocky breakwaters, eking out a meagre living by selling sea bass to local restaurants and pubs

discoveries, even the current weather patterns, you will be able to bring up any topic that might be of interest in your potential connection

That reminds me … I’m having Katie, Abi and Ben here for lunch – if the weather is like this, we could have a picnic in the garden

Every Saturday morning he brought fresh flowers up to the manor house and created the most delicate or the most vibrant arrangements, depending on the patterns of the weather and the moods of his employers

The most obvious ones had already lost their rooves, collapsing over the centuries, so they’d be useless in bad weather and anything hidden inside would have been ruined

First Kai added, “They have a heightened sense of smell and hearing, and they love the cold weather; they make perfect guards for the Hold

No matter what the weather, the season or the time of day, the house rang with the laughter of happy young people enjoying each other’s company

There will be those days when you’ve planned to fish in shallow water but the weather is just too calm

that she was knitting in case the weather turned nasty

During the following week, the weather was absolutely stunning

On this foul weather day the hall was full of commotion because

Blankets made from the hides of the indigenous animals of Aura were best suited to keep one warm in this kind of weather

The weather didn’t feel as cold as a

found that his fair weather friends, now that the rain had ceased to

Towards the end of another summer of variable weather, with

And now to the weather

depending on the patterns of the weather and the moods of his

looks as though the weather has clouded over

No matter what the weather, the

the way for a bricklayer to come round as soon as the weather

the recent hot and dry weather

The three soldiers were confined to barracks – by the weather,

The winter weather was dreadful, with much snow and wind, and

This weather reminds me of a story my Granddad told

and a voyage set out in fair weather could still end in excitement,

could only be used under certain weather conditions

the pathway while the weather held

As the trip wore on there was a group that hung out on this deck during the waking hours, weather permitting

the weather seemed to be quite different when looking towards the

“The weather is notoriously variable hereabouts,” Bram said

The weather had started misty and cool, feeling distinctly

The weather was less friendly today – cloudy with a chilly breeze

He keeps a weather eye on them as he slides across the room and leans on the bar

The weather had turned overcast, becoming a grey

winter, and the cold weather and frequent storms made the causeway

In this cold weather, their duty roster scheduled two hours on

The weather became

As the winter weather cleared away into spring, Tom and the

Harry, Tania, and Poly became as familiar with the personalities of the land, animals, plants and weather as well as they knew each other and themselves

» Maggie settles back into her own chair and catches the weather bulletin

attached to the tower, for stability and ease of use in windy weather

‘This is the first bad weather we’ve had

It was really wild out there, a day when you could believe in vengeful weather gods

He didn’t like weather like this

John passes a weathered billboard, «To Our US

Brown trainers, weathered and frayed, but solid

«I’ve been down to Lastriss twice before, but once was fair weather all the way, a few weeks earlier in the year than this, and once I came overland and weathered two different storms in two different inns

whose weathered seasons burr softly,

weathered, departed this land,

weathered greyness of wood

The town has weathered the winter very well

We stepped over the threshold and through the doorway with its weathered wooden uprights and down a short, narrow passage that opened into the usual general-purpose space

He came to see the women that he met in pastel shades, as if the strong and vibrant colours that had once filled their lives had been bleached by the time they’d spent being weathered and beaten down by life

He stops by one of the more ornate gravestones apparently contemplating the rather weathered angel on the top

«Do you see that old tree over there?» asked the weathered

spent being weathered and beaten down by life

the same weathered stone

see that it was constructed of vast stone blocks, now weathered and

two gray headstones that were now weathered by time and less glossy than he

Jarvis reflected that, for all the mistreatment Chrissie had suffered, she looked as though she had weathered it better than her mother

It’s weathered, white clapboard, siding marred with age

His arms burned with exhaustion, and his rapid breathing lifted up his weathered

everywhere, and the various carvings were weathered

Despite his physical discomforts, there was an impish expression on his weathered

weren’t figures weathered of old age, they were dead and

His face was weathered; evidence of many years in the desert sun

After taking a hearty swig of his mead, Brynjolf studied the man’s weathered and scornful face

The cream-coloured concrete walls still had that weathered and unloved look

She didn’t acknowledge him as she leafed through a weathered notebook with faded alphabetical lettering on red tabs

His face was unusually weathered for a man of his age

more weathered, stayed seated while they swung

weathered the storm and carried on

Cape Cod Grey, and Weathered Wood

the people who betrayed him he might have weathered the storm

” An attempt at a sympathetic smile creased Hollowcrest’s weathered face

A blond man moved into view – graceful, sturdy, his face handsome and weathered

” Kady stared at the shield, carved in weathered stone for all to see

There was a large, weathered building across from where they were standing

The rough wood from which it was constructed had weathered to a dull gray color, but the axles and wheels were solid and well greased

That female Bora Ring, weathered and aged over tens of thousands of years, was the birth place of Brownie’s ancestors who had first started counting the number of stars in the universe

A weathered blue and gold metal sign with the word Poczta under the familiar horn and lightning symbol was displayed on one of the buildings

The general collapse brought on by those onslaughts initiated the greatest of all the tribulations that the Christians had, in one way or another, weathered up to that time

Why do I feel a pang in my stomach when I think of my father? I picture his face, weathered by a lifetime of frustration with the world around him, and his hair, kept short by Abnegation standard practice, and feel the same kind of pain in my stomach that I get when I have not eaten in too long—a hollow pain

He was middle-aged and his weathered face looked surprised at the sight of me

The houses were all ragged and old, weathered with years of neglect

collection of weathered caravans, most of which were without

It was badly weathered

hawk like nose that jutted from a weathered face

Her face was tanned and weathered, but a beauty still

Maggie noticed a few men who wore homespun clothing and carried pitchforks and homemade spears—farmers, these, with rough hands and weathered faces

Here were young men, not much older than herself, with hands as rough and weathered as those of their grandfathers, men stooped and grey but still strong

Through all of the trials and tribulations, his ant had weathered it all

We’ve weathered the storm pretty well but the share price has fallen to its biggest low, lending had been restricted and our overall ratings have suffered

weathered storms and economic downturns

He opened his mouth to protest, but before he could speak, Tom gently closed the door, leaving him staring at a brass knocker on a field of weathered oak

restore my weathered parts

His face was slack and weathered, probably from all the time he spent outside

“What happened?” the weathered human groggily asked

As Nicholas Longworth, Speaker of the House at the onset of the Great Depression wrote: “The capitalistic system is the oldest system in the world, and any system that has weathered the gales and chances of thousands of years must have something in it that is sound and true

Some of it had weathered a bit, but we fixed all that

For the first time tears streamed down his weathered cheeks, and in a quick short step, clasped the younger one to his chest exulting, “You are the answer to my prayer! You and others like you will be the how that I have asked for!”

The tombstones were gray and seemed weathered far beyond the dates of only fourteen or fifteen years before

his weathered cheeks, and in a quick short step, clasped the younger one to his chest exulting,

On patrol in May 1999, the cutter Sherman relieved the Storis and weathered three polar storms in as many weeks

The German then said, “Pneumo, have a rather weathered tombstone set up at the Hoppenlau

«Yet it weathered the recent Boreal blast with no damage

A weathered and mustachioed older man sat behind a large battered desk, holding his resume

Musty pungency of wet lumber, a weathered table in the centre of the room surrounded by four unmatched chairs

weathered away from years of water run-off

They were weathered and spotted from age

I tried to hide the tears, but you could hear them collide with the weathered wood at my feet

Father Haralambos bowed his head and a smile creased his weathered face

There inside the old moldy and weathered trunk was a memory of a boy who had found magic inside the walls of a rundown orphanage many years ago

Tears rolled down Bone’s wrinkled and weathered skin

I strolled the aisles, read the crude markers, looked at the rocks arranged in the shape of a heart, and paused at a few weathered tombstones with names worn away from the years of exposure

with a dark hand that seemed weathered compared to the rest of him

His face was stil wrinkled and weathered with age, and he

The hardest hearts carved straight into the stone, manifestos littered the sheer faces of monoliths jutting up from the sand, temples to the end times weathered into the caves that snake underneath the landscape

look on his drawn, weathered features, Foche could tell he was just as upset as he was

He and his brother and sister had gotten a lot closer then and weathered the storm

They had weathered this last hurdle

” He shouted and presently, a tall sturdy man with a weathered face appeared on the forward part of the schooner between the four masts

He was not the same young man that I had conversed with earlier–this one was older, more weathered by his outdoor lifestyle and his eyes were deep blue

» The heavily weathered face regarded Harry Travis

«Of course,» said Reed, a frown creasing his weathered brow

Pensively, he rubbed his weathered face with a large hand

Under dark woollen papakha hats, the faces were gaunt and weathered from years of continuous harsh exposure

He wasn’t sure, but there was something unnatural about the sounds coming from the weathered rocks when the wind blew through them

The weathered poles of the hog trap were glistening with slime from the dew heavy mornings when the gaunt hog would suck the wet poles seeking water—

They held the straps and weathered the ride

Nearby, a rusted shipping container had been jammed under the dead tree and, although it was badly weathered, Siri could see that at one time it had been painted with some sort of foliage design, overwritten with large, now unreadable, ornamental lettering

Littered with weathered tombstones

The deep wrinkles in their tanned weathered cheeks flowed across their hateful faces like ripples of disgust

weathered the storm for the following several days after the

He tried to focus on the billboards and make sense of some of them, but most were weathered to the point he couldn’t make out the words

Having been a software consultant, I can’t definitely say that I was a victim, but if so, I weathered the storm and lived up to the credentials presented

Maybe, I wondered, if I weathered the storm I could waltz out of

Thank goodness, I weathered the storm, leaving the area at

His weathered, hazel eyes looked up from his illegible writings

His leathery skin was lined and weathered, like that of a much older person who had spent most of his life in the harsh outdoors

But most of the tiles were cracked and chipped by weathering

I went ahead and entered the forest intent on weathering

Most were craggy, carved and battered with weathering, then covered up with a dressing of plants, but Joey could make out one with the painted sculptures of animals and people in some sort of dance

us that judging by the weathering of the rock it was

Good luck in weathering this storm

Although stone is use as a foundation, and at times, these tribulations can bring about change, it is also resistant to weathering with its hardness, and some say coldness

Disgusted by such ferocious resistance and apparently temporarily leaderless, the mass of surviving Ryuzoji cavalrymen retreated out of range after weathering a third harquebus volley from close range that fell a further fourteen of them

You also need to understand Confucian classic, the weathering process, the forces of nature, the magnetic fields and how these all influence us

Mechanical weathering? Or could it be chemical?”

After more than 60 years of desiccation and weathering, that much was

are weathering a wicked storm

In the face of the stony wall there was something like a stair: natural perhaps, and made by the weathering and splitting of the rock, for it was rough and uneven

Old ice is bluish and has rounded edges, caused by weathering

Next to the shack there was a little tent, gray with weathering, but neatly, properly set up; and the boxes in front of it were placed against the tent wall

Besides, this idea of Jonah’s weathering the Cape of Good Hope at so early a day would wrest the honour of the discovery of that great headland from Bartholomew Diaz, its reputed discoverer, and so make modern history a liar

This is due to the greater indestructibility of the quartz pebbles, and the weathering away, or denudation, of the sandstone face

«On the island side of the channel there are a good many inscriptions which are shown by the weathering of the hieroglyphs to be older than the age of the XI dynasty

and stone weathers, dull but

However, Jake weathers the comments without obvious signs of strain and Abi does what she can to suppress Ben

the driest of weathers

more beautiful her own country was, with the mild springs weathers

(during possible weathers) and positioning all the coverings to

It was hard physical work involving road works and drainage in all weathers and the hours were long

It would save her bringing the younger ones with her in all weathers to the local shops almost every day

Matthew visualized how Ellen’s mother’s family the Kilbride’s would have travelled this route by horse and cart, by bicycle or even walking in all weathers

The in between to major weathers maybe

Mister Weathers is a protocol officer from the White House, while Miss

aide at the Mologne House Hotel, Ramsay Weathers

Hil ary could say little more, so she went to Ramsay Weathers, her representative in the

interviews, they wil have to call Mister Weathers, who wil arrange the meetings

’ Agreed Ramsay Weathers as he

servants, led by Ramsay Weathers, who would stay to continue to help the remaining

Satisfactions gardening expendable intensions extensively in all weathers for

lamentations takes a turn for the worse in all weathers blank denial

They were old but very comfortable, and she was able to wear them in all weathers

us to embrace and love the world and us, in all weathers

It weathers any storm, loves through any tragedy,

For hunting in Alaska a synthetic stock, unaffected by all weathers, has to be the best choice; but, in fact, I don’t have a single gun with a wooden stock at home either

From that time, in all weathers, she waited there two hours

In all weathers, in the snow and frost of winter, in the bitter winds of spring, in the hot sunshine of summer, in the rains of autumn, and again in the snow and frost of winter, Lucie passed two hours of every day at this place; and every day on leaving it, she kissed the prison wall

Leonard introduced them to a young fellow named Weathers who was performing at the Tivoli as an acrobat and knockabout artiste

Weathers said he would take a small Irish and Apollinaris

O’Halloran stood a round and then Farrington stood another round, Weathers protesting that the hospitality was too Irish

Weathers made them all have just one little tincture at his expense and promised to meet them later on at Mulligan’s in Poolbeg Street

Farrington was just standing another round when Weathers came back

Weathers saluted them and told the company that they were out of the Tivoli

He cursed his want of money and cursed all the rounds he had stood, particularly all the whiskies and Apolinaris which he had stood to Weathers

Weathers was showing his biceps muscle to the company and boasting so much that the other two had called on Farrington to uphold the national honour

After about thirty seconds Weathers brought his opponent’s hand slowly down on to the table

After a long struggle Weathers again brought his opponent’s hand slowly on to the table

A lifetime of working in the fields in all weathers had wrinkled her hands, and given her cheeks a raw redness just beneath the skin, and taught her to walk slowly and conserve her strength

At this moment he was lying ill of fever in the clay lands near Curitiba in Brazil, having been drenched with thunder-storms and persecuted by other hardships, in common with all the English farmers and farm-labourers who, just at this time, were deluded into going thither by the promises of the Brazilian Government, and by the baseless assumption that those frames which, ploughing and sowing on English uplands, had resisted all the weathers to whose moods they had been born, could resist equally well all the weathers by which they were surprised on Brazilian plains

It was spring, and a fair one with mild weathers and a bright sun, before Bilbo and Gandalf took their leave at last of Beorn, and though he longed for home

Even the weathers had

Oh, how that great machine at the town’s center dispensed Time in blowing weathers

The one that Ireland shaped herself with her weathers and waters, her seedings and harvestings, her brans and mashes, her brews, bottlings, and ladlings-out, her summer-grain-colored pubs astir and advance with the wind in the wheat and barley by night: you may hear the good whisper way out in forest, on bog, as you roll by

The balloon, green as slime, printed with titan pictures of winged scorpions, ancient phoenixes, smokes, fires, clouded weathers, swung its wicker basket wheezing, down

She could be sent on errands at any time and in all weathers

Sara was sent on errands in all weathers, and scolded and driven hither and thither; she was scarcely allowed to speak to Ermengarde and Lottie; Lavinia sneered at the increasing shabbiness of her clothes; and the other girls stared curiously at her when she appeared in the schoolroom

It is by reason of this cosy blanketing of his body, that the whale is enabled to keep himself comfortable in all weathers, in all seas, times, and tides

Napoleon paraded and reviewed the Guards and the garrison in all weathers, distributing rewards and crosses of the Legion of Honour

He had stood about the works in all weathers, had exercised a personal supervision over the men, and had never made a slip in his weekly reports

«You’re mistaken, Syd,» he replied; and, as he took off his hat and surveyed it, he continued, «In all weathers, there’s no head gear so durable, and therefore so economical, as a good silk chimney-pot; and certainly there’s nothing in the way of a chapeau so comfortable and becoming

Why, I know an old fellow who has worn the very same tile, in all weathers, for fifteen years; it has been in the height of fashion twice in that time, and it will soon come in again; and it is a very decent thing yet when it has been newly pressed and ironed

Synonym: climate. Similar words: sweater, feather, death, leather, breath, beneath, breathing, out of breath. Meaning: [‘weðə(r)]  n. the meteorological conditions: temperature and wind and clouds and precipitation. v. 1. face or endure with courage 2. cause to slope 3. sail to the windward of 4. change under the action or influence of the weather. adj. towards the side exposed to wind. 

Random good picture Not show

1. After black clouds, clear weather.

2. The good seaman is known in bad weather

3. We didn’t reckon for having such bad weather.

4. We are hoping for good weather on Sunday.

5. She keeps in during the bad weather.

6. There’s going to be a change in the weather.

7. The recent hot, humid weather is affecting air quality.

8. Despite the bad weather, we enjoyed ourselves.

9. Brass tarnishes quickly in wet weather.

10. The weather got very bad later in the day.

11. I still enjoyed the week despite the weather.

12. The weather forecast says there will be rain.

13. The cold weather exhilarated the walkers.

14. Bad weather is hampering the search for survivors.

15. The weather is a bit warmer today.

16. She soon conditioned the children to the cold weather.

17. Did you have good weather on your trip?

17. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.

18. The heavy rain might settle the changeable weather.

19. In hot weather lettuces can suddenly run to seed.

20. In hot weather the temperature gets very high.

21. The bad weather aggravated his illness.

22. Meteorology is the science of the weather.

23. I hope the weather stays this way.

24. The bad weather detained us for several hours.

25. The variable weather is a great trial to me.

26. The weather was good except for an occasional shower.

27. They had to accustom themselves to the hot weather.

28. The weather is not fit to go out.

29. Given good weather(, we will have an outing.

30. We had good weather on our holiday.

More similar words: sweater, feather, death, leather, breath, beneath, breathing, out of breath, put to death, the death penalty, wear, weary, swear, weave, weaken, wear off, wealth, wear out, wealthy, math, father, rather, gather, at hand, baths, eat, at heart, at home, apathy, athlete. 

All sentences (with pause)

Used with adjectives:

«We are having beautiful weather today.«
(beautiful, good, nice, lovely)

«What awful weather we’re having today.«
(awful, bad, terrible, gloomy, lousy, miserable)

«The weather was humid in California.«
(humid, hot, muggy, warm)

«I wish we had sunny weather all year round.«
(sunny, clear)

«The weather is unpredictable around here.«
(unpredictable, uncertain)

«We have severe weather during the winter.«
(severe, harsh, extreme)

«I hate living in cold weather.«
(cold, freezing)

«We can expect rainy weather tomorrow.«
(rainy, wet)

Used with verbs:

«He braved the stormy weather.«
(braved, faced, endured)

«I hope the weather clears up soon.«
(clears up, improves, lets up, warms up)

«We checked the weather before going camping.«
(checked, watched)

«Can you predict the weather?«
(predict, forecast)

«The weather stayed beautiful for weeks.«
(stayed, remained)

«Bad weather threatened our beach trip.«
(threatened, prevented, ruined, spoiled)

Used with nouns:

«What is the weather condition up in the mountains?«

«There was a change in the weather forecast.«
(forecast, report, pattern, system, data)

«The meteorologist refers to the weather map.«
(map, chart, satellite, station)

Used with prepositions:

«There was a sudden change in the weather.«

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weather versus whether

What’s the Difference Between Weather and Whether?


  • 1 What’s the Difference Between Weather and Whether?
  • 2 Using Weather in a Sentence
  • 3 Using Whether in a Sentence
  • 4 Remembering Weather vs. Whether
  • 5 Outside Examples
  • 6 Quiz: Whether vs. Weather
  • 7 Article Summary

Weather and whether are homophones. Homophones sound exactly alike, but have different meanings and spellings. This means that although weather and whether have the same pronunciation, they are very different words. This means it is not possible to interchange them in our sentences.

Weather can be a noun or a verb. It has to do with temperature, pressure, wind, cloud cover, precipitation, and other factors.

  • The weather is beautiful today! It’s a great day for a picnic.

Whether is a conjunction. It introduces two alternative possibilities or options.

  • I don’t know whether I’ll pass or fail the test.

Now that you know the differences between these two words, let’s look at them in context to ensure you don’t confuse one for the other.

Using Weather in a Sentence

When to use weather: Weather relates to atmospheric conditions such as how rainy, sunny, cloudy, or windy it is outside.

Weather can be either a noun or a verb. As a noun, weather refers to pressure, precipitation, cloud cover, and things of that nature. As a verb, to weather has two possible meanings. The first definition is to change physically because of the weather. The second definition is to live through or get through a difficult situation.

For example,

  • The horses are always uncomfortable when there is stormy weather. (noun)
  • That painting has been hanging in direct sunlight for many years. The sun has weathered it horribly. (verb – definition 1)
  • My mother always fights with me on Thanksgiving. Usually I can just ignore her, but this year I’m not sure I can weather through it. (verb – definition 2)
  • All passengers on board this ship must get below deck to weather this storm! (verb – definition 2)

As you can see in the third and fourth example, it is possible to use to weather either for a difficult situation that actually comes from bad weather or for any other type of trying situation.

There are many examples of idioms that involve different types of weather, such as rain. However, there is only one that uses the word weather:

  • under the weather: not feeling well
    • I’m sorry I can’t come to your birthday party tonight. I’m feeling a little under the weather.

When a person uses this idiom, it usually means that the person is a little sick but their illness is not an emergency. Sometimes people use this expression euphemistically to mean that they are drunk or hung over.

Using Whether in a Sentence

When to use whether: Whether is a conjunction that introduces two alternative possibilities. Sometimes people use it in front of only the first possibility. However, it can also occur twice, in front of the first and second options.

  • It doesn’t matter whether you’re invited to the party or not. I won’t allow you to go until you finish your homework. (Here, whether occurs only before the first option.)
  • My parents don’t care what instrument I choose. Whether I study the cello or whether I study the violin makes no difference to them. (Here, whether occurs before both options.)

It is more common for whether to occur only once in a sentence. When a person chooses to use it twice, it is often to give added emphasis to the fact that there are two alternative options.

People frequently use whether when there is one positive option, and a second opposite or negative option. In this case, they often use the expression whether or not.

  • It doesn’t matter whether or not I can sing. I have stage fright so I won’t be going on stage regardless.

Occasionally, people list only one option with whether. In this case, the second option is implied. To demonstrate, omit the phrase or not from the example above.

The sentence becomes It doesn’t matter whether I can sing. I have stage fright so I won’t be going on stage regardless. The listener can infer from context that the second, unmentioned option is that the person cannot sing.

Remembering Weather vs. Whether

Many teachers suggest a tip regarding the word sea to help students remember the spelling for each word. Weather is especially important at sea because ships are at the mercy of the weather. Both the word weather and sea have the letters ea.

Alternatively, you could look at the word whether which has the word he in it two times. Think of the sentence whether he stays or he goes makes no difference. This shows that he has two options. Because whether always is about two options, it can help you remember.

Outside Examples

  • The National Weather Service issued a beach hazards warning through Saturday evening, as 3- to 6-foot waves are expected during the day. –Chicago Tribune
  • Fighting a sore throat all week in the difficult weather conditions, the 59-year-old German star closed with an even-par 72 to finish at four-under 280 and beat American Corey Pavin by three strokes.–LA Times
  • “I used to get headaches and have to take medicine sometimes and I wasn’t sleeping great thinking about whether I impressed this school or that school,” Wiggins said. –USA Today
  • Galveston County Sheriff Henry Trochesset said his agency may send as many as 10 officers to get training and tools needed to “confirm who individuals are before we release them” and to determine whether they’re wanted by federal immigration agencies or by anyone else. –Houston Chronicle

Quiz: Whether vs. Weather

Instructions: Fill in the blank with the correct word, either whether or weather.

  • Today the _______________ is so sunny!
  • I could never handle the cold ____________ in Russia.
  • The constant storms have really ________________ this house. The roof is almost falling off!
  • We should buy our mother a gift for her birthday. I’m not sure _____________ she’d prefer jewelry or something homemade.
  • ____________ or not you choose to attend university classes, I’ll support you.

See answers below.

Article Summary

Should I use weather or whether? When speaking, both words have the same pronunciation, so you do not have to worry about whether you are using the right one. In writing, make sure to use the correct spelling.

Weather can mean atmospheric conditions such as stormy, sunny, or rainy, getting through something challenging, or being affected physically by weather.

  • Whether is a conjunction that shows two alternative options.

There is no overlap between the meanings of these two words, so use the information above to keep them straight.


  1. weather
  2. weather
  3. weathered
  4. whether
  5. Whether
  • Use the word Weather in a sentences

Sentence Examples

«Look, the adventurous Count Oetsch is actually going hunting in such beastly weather

So to get out of t’weather in winter when it were absolutely siling it down, they bought a Reliant.

and when we have a condition like this where we have very cold weather and snow around the building inside what were experiencing is uhh…

And I’ll bet the weather is nice there

You’re gonna blame me for the crappy weather too?

I liked the weather here, so I stayed.

Close-reached to the weather, a cutter sped.

Bad weather leads to a mining disaster.

«As soon as he was brought ashore, the weather turned beautiful and the wind grew peaceful.»

«Is anything needed more than sunshine and beautiful weather «to feel as blissful as one of God’s children in heaven?»

The weather is mild and the morning indifferent.

We dont have time to reach the village before nightall, let us find shelter in the first hut we find, the weather is threatening.

«You don’t have to go yet, in that awful weather!

The weather isn’t always on the side of those in love.

The weather changed abruptly.

My good Marcasse, the weather is bad, and I’m worried



«Say, Brisbane, the whole world’s waiting for that weather report.»

(Local Newspaper) weather CONDITIONS Unsettled — wet and cloudy.

(Local Newspaper) weather CONDITIONS Storm clouds in the offing.

Boy, all night we didn’t know if we was gonna weather it or not.

What weather will we have tomorrow?

Lovely weather, we’re having.

«Dearest Mom, it’s so lovely here, splendid weather. A pity you both can’t be with us.

The weather is magnificent and the air of the mountains is doing wonders for me. There’s also the hunting, the swimming with Max and the long walks in these beautiful nooks of Minas.

Oh, we make a slow voyage dirty weather, just fog.

# But we will weather hardship together #

A few thousand feet higher up we might find better weather, but I doubt it.

Nice weather we’re having.

Say, I can pick mudders just as easily as fair weather horses anytime.

Surely you are not thinking of flying in this weather?

She said something about the weather.

Today because the weather is stormy because that voice reminds you …

Do not close the shutters, it’s such nice weather

Fair weather‘s here, tra-la-la as long as it lasts

Fair weather‘s here for lovers

Sounds like we’re in for stormy weather!

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