Use the word wear in a sentence

Examples of how to use the word “wear” in a sentence. How to connect “wear” with other words to make correct English sentences.

wear (v): to have clothing, jewellery, etc. on your body

Use “wear” in a sentence

He’s wearing sunglasses.
Don’t forget to wear a tie.
You’re wearing my shoes.
You should wear something more appropriate your age.
The king always wears a crown.
She always wears fashionable clothes.
He sometimes wears sunglasses indoors.
Don’t wear that short skirt any more. It’s too sexy.
You are wearing your socks inside out.
I think you should wear a tie.
She loves to wear tight clothes.

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Synonym: corrode, decay, deteriorate, don, have on. Similar words: swear, wear off, wear out, year after year, weave, weaken, wealth, sweater. Meaning: [wer /weə]  n. 1. impairment resulting from long use 2. a covering designed to be worn on a person’s body 3. the act of having on your person as a covering or adornment. v. 1. be dressed in 2. have on one’s person 3. have in one’s aspect; wear an expression of one’s attitude or personality 4. deteriorate through use or stress 5. have or show an appearance of 6. last and be usable 7. go to pieces 8. exhaust or get tired through overuse or great strain or stress 9. put clothing on one’s body. 

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1. If the cap fits, wear it. 

2. Better wear out shoes than sheets. 

3. If the shoe fits, wear it. 

4. Better wear out than rust out. 

5. It is better to wear out than to rust out. 

6. This coat withstands hard wear.

7. She should wear a thinner shirt in summer.

8. You can’t wear the red pants.

9. I wear blue-tinted glasses on sunny days.

10. The materials are soft and comfortable to wear.

11. Trainers are so comfortable to wear.

12. He’ll only wear clothes with a designer label.

13. The workers wear masks to avoid inhaling the dust.

14. I can’t wear wool — it makes me itch.

15. Well, if the shoe fits, wear it.

16. She likes to wear woolen socks in winter.

17. Singers performing Mozart’s operas often dress in/wear historical costume.

18. Cotton is suitable for wear in summer.

19. I don’t usually wear much make-up .

20. The machine will soon wear out.

21. Cheap shoes soon wear out.

22. They wear simple clothes and shun modern contrivances.

23. Wear your coat, it’s perishing out there!

24. That store sells men’s wear.

24. try its best to gather and build good sentences.

25. Lab workers must wear protective clothing.

26. Lots of students wear jeans nowadays.

27. She doesn’t wear her dentures at night.

28. Football and hockey players wear shoulder pads.

29. Workers should wear full protective clothing .

30. It is said that a cat hath nine lives, yet care would wear them all out. 

More similar words: swear, wear off, wear out, year after year, weave, weaken, wealth, sweater, wealthy, gear, rear, tear, hear, year, earth, learn, beard, early, heart, clear, on earth, near to, bear out, hear of, tear off, tear up, bear on, at heart, nearly, nearby. 

can’t wear that in here”

Again, but more specifical y this time, “you cannot wear that cap in here”

we forced to wear them but homosapiens are forced not to?

you can’t wear that hat in here

· Things you buy now won’t wear out

you can’t recapture is time… that and never wear hats indoors

“In the biz—that’s what we call it, the biz—it doesn’t matter what you wear

not impress by what we wear but by what our heart offers

I’ve had to wear a lot of hats lately, including obstetrician

All he had done was ask her not to wear revealing clothing when she went out clubbing with the girls

Wear face mask and mix slowly

· Choose your slippers more carefully than your shoes as you wear them most of the time

In fact he was still combing thru boxes of children’s wear abandoned by someone who had owned this house before Ava did

You wear an eternal grin, the result of your lips melting from your face

Boric acid powder is an excellent, safe (do not ingest! Keep away from cuts, wear gloves) control of roaches inside the home if used correctly

She was wearing another one of her loud polka dot dresses and Johnny couldn’t understand how someone could wear such ugly clothes that made them stand out to such a high degree; it was almost as if the dots and varied colors were specifically made to clash as much as possible

«You’ve always had it in for him, Frank, but he’s really not a bad guy! My parts just wear out sometimes

· Wear shoes that give good support and have thin non-slip soles

finally to make the prefect little black dress for her to wear

I shake my head as he rushes into his study … oh Stephen, Stephen, you do wear your heart on your sleeve! Chuckling, I take myself out of earshot … it would be far too tempting to listen in and Stephen didn’t close the study door properly

Soon he is told to love and not love others, be afraid of this and that, do only those things that are considered alright by his elders, wear clothes as made for him and so on

they toil and wear themselves out in their mean little jobs, and in so doing would they

It’s a ten penny ticket and yellow’s two cents inside but I bring a skin of green in a nightcoat, I don’t wear the coat, I just have that skin in the sleeve, I say the coat’s for later

although he deemed it unnecessary to wear a tie under these dire circumstances

Stephen looks smart in his evening wear, and that cannot be said of every man who dons a bow tie and formal suit

He had worked steadily for six months, mostly overnights, before he showed any signs of wear and tear

I had to wear the sacking over my head

Where in the name of all that is holy was the sacking? Always wear the sacking in the presence of the guards

We are using the large room behind the stage area for changing … men on the left and women on the right with a row of mobile clothing racks down the middle, where we each have our personal designated areas to hang our costumes, giving some sort of modesty division, though to be honest, who the hell wants to gawp? As the play takes place in the present day, the clothes are not really costumes anyway, but, all the same, my character has certain things she has to wear – some my own and some provided by wardrobe

The negligee I have to wear in the last scene before the interval is not mine, though Andy has made certain comments about it on the way home which have made me wish it were

It’s kind of all the organisations who use the hall regularly to invite me to participate in their festivities, but it is starting to wear me down

What shall I wear today? A quick glance out of the bedroom window tells me that it is windy but dry … at the moment … there are some clouds over to the west that look rather unfriendly

Sitting in the kitchen in my dressing gown, I munch on a slice of toast and try to decide what to wear

Deciding that, as it is my day off, I shall wear something different, I trawl through the wardrobe, digging out a flattering, mid-calf length woollen skirt in a pretty shade of deep blue that Nick hasn’t seen yet … with a pretty light blue top and my best gold necklace (a present from the school when I left) it would look smart and it would make me feel partyish

So, that was my reward for the hard, specialized and unpaid work of one and a half month: The guru talked to me for ten whole minutes (something unprecedented within the five years in total I have attended Janus), he advised me to wear more modern clothes and nicer glasses, and he made clear that men avoid me because of my high intelligence and strong personality

” What happened in this story? Well, lets do a quick culture study… Rabbis would wear prayer shawls

I am also frustrated by the knowledge that, even if I could present you with such tokens, you probably wouldn’t wear them … I have never met a woman who wears less jewellery or who is so difficult to buy presents for! This being the case, I am sustaining my ego by building up a little store of surprises for you – one day I shall dig them out of storage and watch as you open the various boxes

and racks overflowing with shoes that I never wear,

I daren’t wear a blouse from the old days

I wear a head scarf in winter, walking the dog

MARIA: A woman should be able to wear whatever she wants to

As I said, you look a little like her … she used to wear her hair long like yours

Suddenly struck by a thought, I go through my clothes, trying to find something to wear … there’s a skirt and top I haven’t worn yet … I hold them up against myself, rising on to my toes in an attempt to see what they look like in the small mirror on the wall … at least they are clean

There will be plenty of air coming in thru the vents, but wear your coats, it gets cold up above

My own boots – softened so that I may wear them without getting blisters straight away – plus an old pair of Gilla’s will have to suffice in the footware stakes

‘There’s only my mantel … I didn’t think I’d need to wear it yet

Her office wear was disappearing piece by piece as they cuddled together

One question that many people ask about online dating is what colors they should wear in their

And to do this there are certain colors that you should wear for maximum impact

Try to wear clothing that you like and that you feel comfortable in

White and yellow should be your last choice of colors to wear in an

‘As long as we have dry clothes to wear tomorrow, the rest will wait

He was given a bright purple sash to wear, a sparkling shiny trophy to hold and was made to stand just to the left of the famous television gardener when it was time for the speeches

None of the other shopkeepers wear

just wear it,’ Omi said and showed us how to wrap it around our neck

wear something that says ‘fairy queen’? How can anyone wear something that

very poor and in summer the little girl never had shoes to wear on

wear clogs in the snow and, as a consequence of this, her feet were

wear them to church

She dared not wear them again

She could feel her feet itching to wear them once again and

As for the dress … oh, well, we’ll have a look and see what there is … don’t want a ‘wedding dress’ as such … more something special which I can wear for other occasions as well perhaps

What are you going to wear?

You can’t wear that

continued to wear the magnet on her back, and the

He continued to wear the

they have where you wear clothes in the summer, somewhere on the

The bad news, she had to wear one of those open-front blouses

And don’t wear out a good thing

Standing in the queue in the sandwich shop, yet again I try to work out what I am going to wear tonight

jeans and a jumper or should I wear something more glamorous? I’m pretty sure he wasn’t being serious last night when he said

what am I going to wear tonight? Mentally, I scan my wardrobe

I could wear that little black skirt with a casual top, I’ve got a nice long sleeved one which isn’t too dressy

‘Just as well I wore something sensible tonight then – I can wear this lot to the office without causing a riot

And I like the idea of a long term relationship … if we don’t wear each other out in the meantime

It’s a black tie do, I believe, have you got something you can wear? What time is this blasted event, Bill?’

They love the holiday season as it provides them with a chance to wear singlets and impress dumb blondes

She’ll wear her hair at shoulder length by the Spanish autumn

Now then … I’ll need something to wear for tomorrow at work and for the evening but apart from that, I suppose I could take over some of the clothes I won’t need here again

for certain pieces of furniture, things that’ll get a lot of wear over the

“Why does he wear that whole big harness with all that stuff on it?” she asked as they sat there waiting

Her high heeled shoes didn’t match the colour of the satin, but who was going to care about that? She couldn’t wear flatties not on stage

The skirt, faded from age and wear, but clean, ended at the woman’s waist, and was topped by a yellowed white blouse, partially covered with a light brown cloak

was currently repairing, quietly pointing out the points of wear on a

They would obviously still fit her today, but they were a much scantier style than Ava would ever wear among the general public, maybe even more than Tdeshi would wear in today’s styles

Gehring had given up long ago trying to get him to wear any but his coveralls, whether to town for shopping or church on Sundays

A real rich man would also use fine furs during, but the cleaning staff and the wear were beyond his cash flow, and she understood that

“What should I wear?”

It began to wear on him

You had to wear a suit to get in which was not a problem for

So, keep it with you, wear it around your

had to wear each other’s underwear for the remainder of the game

I can wear my red outfit

He likes that outfit, which is probably why I wear it so often

being able to wear the clothes she liked

would save him having to wear the mask of pleasantry for a

flannel, the attire he seemed to wear in all seasons and for all occasions

There was certainly no taboo about seeing a woman’s breast in this society, the girls seemed to wear shirts less than the men

Harry smiled and confessed, “Samuel you wear a musk cologne, Harold smells slightly of sandalwood, Olivia is roses and chamomile, Chloe is roses and chamomile also but with a faint scent of sandalwood, for obvious reasons

He thought pictures would be painted or pasted on the outside where they would quickly wear off

I repeated the reasoning behind my wearing it and added that I

The day was fine and warm but I was wearing a wool hat to cover my scars – rather odd in the circumstances so I was

therefore relaxed his stance on the wearing of hats

I was wearing an old 1970’s watch [a relic of my col ecting days] and

What a very strange man he was, apparently he insists on wearing hats indoors and would only answer to the name “Famous Author” even though nobody I have met has ever heard of him!

The guy’s wearing a blue baseball cap and the woman has mismatched gloves

Elevating the legs at the end of a long day helps to prevent problems with the blood vessels in the legs, as does wearing support stockings

She had at least, given up the corset wearing this time, and was back in the usual scruffy outfits he was more familiar with

The first day he had ever met Kira, she had been wearing a pair of large clown trousers and a combat jacket, hair having been cropped off with scissors in a fit of self-protective misery after being the victim of yet another sexual assault

“Great!” he said, trying to hold back the big shit-eating grin his heart was wearing

Kevin was polite enough not to mention the fact that she was a woman and shouldn’t be wearing tattoos in the first place

“Of course it shouldn’t be a problem,” Ackers voice came loud and clear over the ear pieces both Johnny and Nancy were wearing

“It’s terrible when they ignore you, isn’t it?” Ackers’ voice came through the earpiece Vinnie was wearing

She was wearing another one of her loud polka dot dresses and Johnny couldn’t understand how someone could wear such ugly clothes that made them stand out to such a high degree; it was almost as if the dots and varied colors were specifically made to clash as much as possible

If anything, the paper boy would have probably been less alarmed if he had stumbled upon a group of people wearing masks and trying to openly burglarize the house

If your student is wearing his pants on his head, like our problem child above, then you are probably not LEERing at him properly

There is really no proper way of teaching and how you LEER at your students is up to you, but I guarantee that opening up communications with students will make your class a better place, free of profanity and with everyone wearing their trousers on their bottoms

Avoid wearing slippers and athletic shoes with deep treads

You were wearing it

He is wearing his Rolex

An OLD MAN, bent back, barefoot, wearing ragged clothes and a beat-up straw hat, sits astride a donkey in the middle of the road

Prince Ahmed, wearing furry slippers, a pair of boxer shorts with Snoopy on them, and a frilly bathrobe, sits miserably on the silk sheets of his huge canopy waterbed, while his portly, graying American lover, RICCI BAOLONI, cardigan sweater and cotton briefs, plays softly at the white baby grand piano nearby

away was the fact that he was wearing the most elegant set of dress frock and tails,

I go in and shake hands with the man standing behind the desk while at the same time I am uncomfortably aware that he is scanning what I am wearing, leaving me with the disconcerting impression that he knows what colour my knickers are

Sammy sat behind a cheap desk wearing a shocking pin-stripe suit

My patience is wearing very, very thin with you

The bedroom door bursts open and, by the light spilling in from the sitting room, Stephen rushes in, his hair all awry, wearing his dressing gown

Girls and boys from the Royal Agricultural College wearing spiders webs for clothes

The skirt that she was wearing was a last throw of a summer wardrobe

Two men wearing black hoods enter the room

The girl with the stain in her crotch from the locker room was wearing the pivot helmet cover

He was wearing a wife-beater vest with Flash Harry pin-stripe pants and city trader suspenders hanging down from his waist

’ The man said … is he some sort of doctor? I think he’s wearing a white coat, though that is a bit foggy, more a sort of white blur just out of focus

them wearing red, white and blue cockades on the front of their soft red caps

’ I replied, wearing my supervisor’s hat

wearing a veil when appearing in public

The Doctor was in his mid forties I guessed, wearing an open neck shirt, jeans, grey at the temples, clean shaven, blue eyes, cold hands

He took us in turns to the bathroom, still saying not a word, until, with us both sitting on our bed-rolls wearing our hoods, he knelt down beside me and spoke softly in my ear

Although between us two the stories and the jokes and the games continued unabated, nonetheless the days merged together and we all grew tired of this necessary but wearing role-play with the guards

She was wearing a long purple velvet garment, plenty of sparkling jewels and a black cloak with a star-spangled finish

She looked like she could have been a model, but she wasn’t wearing enough clothes

Raincoat: If you are wearing a raincoat while it is raining, there is no need to worry; nobody believes certain gossip about you

You can’t remember anything about these men … what they looked like … what they were wearing … anything?’

The skirt that she was wearing was a last throw of a summer wardrobe designed for hot, sultry Greek nights, and barely covered her modesty

‘I thought of that and asked her to describe him, explaining that you had two brothers … it was the best I could come up with on the spur of the moment … the receptionist said he was in his forties, overweight, hair receding a little and wearing a posh looking suit

Revealed by candle light the gaoler and the guard stood as if watching street theatre, both of them wearing red, white and blue cockades on the front of their soft red caps

now hat wearing lead singer

baseball cap, wearing a loose vest

A young woman stood in front of her wearing the same official garb as the guard

‘Drink?’ he offered, his glance flicking to the beautiful beads … he’d not seen her wearing jewellery before, had he?

The ring on her finger still felt awkward … she wasn’t accustomed to wearing things like that but all the same, it felt right and reminded her of how much Joris had cared

She was also wearing two sticks tied to her forearm with a spare sandal strap

It was getting close to winter and it was cool out so wearing my coat was no problem for the time being

An hour later, wearing borrowed hosen and a vullejakt that is wonderfully warm if a size too large for me, I follow Wiesse out of the building and round to the stables

wearing a jumper whose holes are connected

He was still wearing his

was still wearing his overalls, he called out from outside

and he was still wearing his helmet

the table wearing party hats and pulling crackers

He was still wearing his helmet

I stamp on hard earth on the off-beat, wearing down the rubber

the ones wearing leggings over wide arched bums,

Ethereead was wearing his helmet with the blinkers and with

Ethereead, wearing the helmet wasn’t in any

He’s wearing his usual Gottesman outfit of sensible hosen and a tunic, his belt, complete with pouch where he keeps his stones, firmly in place

Next to me stood another American lady wearing a large pair of glasses with unusually thick funky lenses all supported by an unfortunate growth on the side of her nose

she is convinced of victory, wearing a dress

He was wearing earphones

Sometimes I’d look up and he’d be looking me over, inspecting everything I was wearing, and if our eyes met he’d nod in approval

Once in the main auditorium, he saw that there was a cage on the stage lit by a single spotlight and in the cage he saw the crumpled form of a young woman, who was, he was sure, wearing the very same dress that his beloved had been wearing when she was so cruelly snatched away from him the previous evening

The groom, his back straight, is wearing an old-fashioned pin-striped suit, the jacket slouched across his shoulders like a cape with one sleeve in and one out

Wearing Manolis’ sombrero had helped, amusing the holiday snappers but by then the joke was over, there was no one around and I’d had enough

I looked forward to my first movie night and watched George of the Jungle and besides freaking out because I was wearing the same Nike’s as Brendan Fraser in the movie, the isolations stopped

She was a solid, sturdy lady wearing the local no-messing headscarf, boots of leather and layers of heavy clothing

Across the square from her stood a small, noisy group of men wearing maroon waterproofs, sniggering and generally being rude and making fun at her expense

The Gottesmen are easy to spot – all wearing a variant of Berndt’s attire, though the colours vary

Funny how the old conventions remain regardless … what is so ridiculous about women wearing hosen?

She was wearing a snug Yakhan style jersey, her beautiful shape was more obvious than ever

You’ll look relaxed and calm when you’re wearing an outfit that is

Aye lad, when he was twelve he was rubbish, but once he started wearing these magic shin pads, well, the world was almost his oyster»

‘What is this, Omi? Wearing shoes?’ Bittoo Mama’s eyes were lined with kohl

Ali’s mother, wearing a brown-Coloured salwar suit,

a track pant on that I think she had been wearing since she was thirteen and a

There was a young Sikh boy in a burgundy turban wearing the Indian

important wearing a party badge, though he only had an errand-boy status

that the famous singer was wearing a pair of beautiful, hand-tooled

Instead of answering a channel and giving a location, she stepped into his office, wearing a very stylish shimmering black suitcoat with a generously padded white fur collar that continued down the front

Some of them were wearing blue and white scarves, while

others were wearing red and white scarves, and they were all

wearing a pair of soft red ballet shoes

He was still wearing that horrible grin

At least she was still wearing clothes to his dinner parties

She appeared in the door by herself, wearing robes very similar to what she wore on duty

aunties wearing sarees and sneakers and with a firm resolve to lose weight

he wasn’t wearing his skull cap

crumpled form of a young woman, who was, he was sure, wearing

the very same dress that his beloved had been wearing when she

She scooped it up, cleaned it as best as she could under the circumstances, and wrapped it in a piece of cloth cut from the coat she was wearing; (to Tarak’s dismay), then she placed it close to her heart

He was wearing a white

I felt tatty in what I had been wearing all day

He is dressed in thobe and ghutra, wears midnight frames

A good Wilton never wears out, and the furniture, if a little on the traditionally

’ I replied as the dizziness gradually wears off

She usually wears a white blouse painted by her, like this:

«Like you only blond, wears a pony-tail more often but isn’t into electronics

I am also frustrated by the knowledge that, even if I could present you with such tokens, you probably wouldn’t wear them … I have never met a woman who wears less jewellery or who is so difficult to buy presents for! This being the case, I am sustaining my ego by building up a little store of surprises for you – one day I shall dig them out of storage and watch as you open the various boxes

great once the effect of the drinks wears off

I try rubbing the back of my head hard and, for a moment, the pounding eases, only to come back with a vengeance as soon as the effect of the pressure wears off

God, who wears ivory dresses anymore? That’s so yesterday

when the drug wears off, the symptoms often return,

The woman in the photo has what I can only describe as a delicate skull cap made up of tiny flowers and leaves which she wears over her perfectly straight hair

Frequent change wears a person out

It wears me out

She wears no make up and has skimmed her hair with the brush

“Any idiot can face a crisis — it’s day to day living that wears you out

“A thin guy that wears bulky clothes?” he asked

“I’ll show you as the after-lunch wears on

The same people will buy a new tape when the old one wears out

“I don’t think so, once the novelty wears off he’s going to cast Chirla off the same as everyone else

People hear the message of the world day after day and it wears on the soul

He wears a clean clout and braids his waist-length hair around his head when he cooks

wears off after a while and does them no lasting harm

He repeated, “Tell the man who wears a cowboy

It’s consumer nirvana! But being subject to Earthly gravity as we are, we will come crashing down once the object of our desire is secured and the novelty wears off

Does all that moment-by-moment lung action result in mostly huffing and puffing that wears you down, or is it more of a nice-n-easy, in-and-out flow that pumps you up?

The Matriarch only wears Isin’s productions you know

The problem for runners and other athletes, who crave the high from pushing their bodies hard, is that the body wears out

He sometimes wears a chef’s hat in his product promotions and offers lots of his “Recipes For Success”

“His cloak is made of camel»s hair and he wears a leather belt around his waist

In sunlight and in moonlight, my cat wears the plush sheen of pussy willow

Can be an interesting exercise, thus ruining Shakespeare: Uneasy lies the head that wears the curlers

He wears the dark coat, trousers, and boots of an Alit’aren during training though other times he walks the halls of Nordhel in the bright silks and bare feet as is typical of the Sea Immortals

He also wears two fat golden rings in each ear which mark him as a Shorewarden amongst his people

She usually wears baggy trousers tucked into knee-high leather boots with a coat and sword belt

» «And Manna wears brown

What else must you think when she wears a see-through gown and say “Oh I am so glad to see you but the suspects ran away an hour before I called

He wears TRUTH as a garment! And GLORY is His vesture!

During weekends most Expats wears shorts and sandals

Thus a Policeman in Cape Town wears the same uniform as in Johannesburg and is part of the same Police and has the same powers

A marginalized person, maybe a handyman, the kind of guy who wears a ball cap in the shower

“He wears a striped blue top underneath layers of furs and heavy chains around his neck

He then opened a cabinet of sorts, revealing a large number of what appeared to be very silly hats, the kind the Pope wears

Whoever it was that said the devil wears the disguise of the most beautiful must have been well acquainted with Caroline Steepleton

he wears, they bare the symbol of the Dukes house

The man driving wears a hat, a beard, and a smile

These are the clothes my faction wears

My mother, I see, wears the same smile I do

He wears black shorts

She wears a smug smile

The wind slowly wears the sandstone and clay is deposited on bones-sandstone and clay that are now part of the soil

And he wears the gray clothes of the Abnegation

His hair has grown out so it flips at his ears, and he wears a blue T-shirt and a pair of rectangular glasses

” His voice is gentle; he wears his look of disapproval

His eyes look like black pits, and he wears a smirk that spreads too wide across his face, forcing wrinkles into his cheeks

She probably wears the glasses out of vanity rather than necessity, because she thinks they make her look smarter—my father said so

She wears a sleeveless shirt

I recognize her expression as the one she wears when she threads a needle

The question stuns me, as does the expression he wears

” Caleb doesn’t know that Tobias wears his excellence all the time in his own nickname

THE SERUM WEARS off five hours later, when the sun is just beginning to set

He wears a red collared shirt and a pair of jeans that are fraying at the knee

He wears his pride in his posture, in the way his eyes claim everything they land on

He wears tattered clothes in different colors—a black T-shirt with a torn Abnegation jacket over it, blue jeans mended with red thread, brown boots

By the time we leave the bathroom, I wear jeans and a black shirt that is so loose up top that it slips off my shoulders, and Susan wears baggy jeans and a white Candor shirt with a collar

I care only about the blue armband she wears

Despite the stifling heat of the room, he wears a long-sleeved shirt that buttons at the wrists—he must have been distracted when he dressed this morning

Leaf shadows pattern her face, and she wears black, though I never saw her in black when she was alive

He wears a watch, but the face is covered, so I can’t see it

He wears a Dauntless traitor jacket, and one side of his head is coated with blood

Today he wears a patch with a blue eye painted on it, complete with a half-lowered eyelid

She wears Amity yellow instead of red, and it glows against her skin

Except now I think that she isn’t just beautiful in spite of the scar, she’s somehow beautiful with it, like Lynn with her buzzed hair, like Tobias with the memories of his father’s cruelty that he wears like armor, like my mother in her plain gray clothing

She leans in close to my face, and I see for the first time how old she is; I see the lines that frame her eyes and mouth, and the unhealthy pallor she wears from years of eating far too little

He wears all black, but I can see a hint of Abnegation gray peeking over the collar of his sweatshirt

This time she wears a white short-sleeved shirt, her hair pulled back

The string he wears tied around his neck is in his mouth now, and he chews it absentmindedly

Her thick hair is tied back in a knot, and she wears a gray shirt with a factionless armband over it

She wears a coat in Amity red, dusted with snowflakes

I ended by suggesting he still roams the mountains hunting the bears without mercy and if they come across him they will know him by the scores of bear claw necklaces he wears

He wears only bearskins and lives alone in the mountains to the south

love in their Balcony Suite, where Savannah wears her Victoria’s Secret,

Anastasio wears a white satin “Sottero & Midgely Adara” wedding

Francesca wears a white

Audrey wears her black “Victoria’s

Anastasia wears a white “Kitty Chen” Mermaid wedding gown

Brittany wears a white

He’s in his mid 50’s, about 60 pounds overweight, wears a toupee that probably makes squirrels horny, and he had the worst looking facelift in history

4 From him who wears purple and a crown, him who is clothed with a linen frock

Fortunately, it was deflected by the gold chain he wears and only wounded him

She wears a ripped black slip and her legs are scratched up as if a cactus man in the desert attacked her

The emperor was dressed in an ornate black armor, much like the heavy cavalry wears

He wears a leather head mask and a black leather g-string

He wears a black wife beater t-shirt which shows off the vicious panther tattoo on his arms

She wears pink scrub pants and a worn sweater

But still the face wears a smile

What a load of wishy!!! Marilee is as transparent, as the see throughs she wears, and she has no hope in hell of covering that one or ever seeing her as she really is

Until the drug wears off I become another man

tend to do it constantly that it wears down the cells that are

He only wears long sleeves and overalls

He wears a scorned expression as he stares at the steam from the bowl

He looked too stunned to speak, it was Ava who said, «But you wore those sandals, I couldn’t have lost an aluminum there, even if I had been carrying one around, and I don’t think I’ve ever carried an aluminum on my person,» Ava said

«I wore those a long time after Kulai’s office,» he said, and to shadier places, he didn’t say

I explained that I wore “that cap” to cover an operation scar and the loss of hair from radiotherapy – this seemed to satisfy

Males often wore a sling under it, but even so, there was no false bragging going on and hadn’t been since way before Europe was civilized

He wore a fancy top hat, but it was a size too big and kept slipping over his eyes while he rocked

wore bright colours, drove a rag-top and wanted for nothing, until, that is, Eva came

Both wore thick white bath robes

wore her now white hair long rather than in that typical blue-rinsed perm, stood

He wore a flat hat with a bedazzled brim in what looked like gold-plated aluminum

They all wore black

a pallid ghost among the ruins of their estates in the mountains, a woman who wore

She wore a strange perfume that filled his nostrils with

He wore black from head to toe, was tanned and lean under a shock of black,

He wore eye-liner as black as coal,

face wore a permanent smile, a smile that started in his eyes and spread across the full

He wore a menacing look on his face

In fact she wore a long leather coat, a little incongruous for the summer day outside

He wore a neat medium length thick black beard and a brown military uniform without insignia of rank

He wore a shirtless two-piece suit in the trendy mode, flowing and soft with pants that didn’t conceal the size of his sack and large looping epaulettes with solid gold commandant’s stars

He wore jeans and trainers and a loose brown shirt

The agony wore on for many hours and insects came and began to swarm around him

Unlike her mother, a poor and feeble creature tied to the old days, a woman who shimmered like a pallid ghost among the ruins of their estates in the mountains, a woman who wore the same, disgustingly stained gown throughout her long and decrepit life, this Countess had broken with those dusty traditions

She wore a strange perfume that filled his nostrils with sweet ungents, with jasmine and rose and lavenders and with something else

He wore black from head to toe, was tanned and lean under a shock of black, flowing hair, showing the aquiline profile of a true son of the Julian clan, except for the silver bar that pierced the bridge of his nose

He wore eye-liner as black as coal, and constantly flipped the sun visor up and down to check his reflection in the mirror as he spun the car through sluicing puddle and gravitational turn

Her knotty black hair was cut shoulder-length and she often wore a harness of shoulder-pockets but never anything else unless she was ashore in town

His face wore a permanent smile, a smile that started in his eyes and spread across the full depth of his features, a smile that warned, a smile that promised destruction once the fun was done with

The shirt he wore was purple with red trim

the attire with a gold sash he wore over the left shoulder, secured

As the night wore on and his fear grew he sunk deeper and deeper into the stupidity of the whole adventure

She wore her golden hair down, thick and flowing on her back, tied with a blue ribbon

At this camp they spent an uneventful Dusksleep, wore Alan out with sex-as-entertainment for Nightday, got soaked in a massive electrical storm for Dawnsleep that they dried out of thru Morningday of the week they finally walked out of that wilderness

As the weeks wore on, Daniel made use of the extra time by organizing the riders and suggesting that they all become proficient with the use of crossbows

He was tanned and wore his shades on top of his head

The ship that wore it was totally different from the typical riverboat

The loungers and tables wore highlights of gilt and carried bouquets of the finest imitation flowers

He wore a wide-brimmed straw hat and his straw slippers

He had a kit bag over his shoulder and wore his cap all askew upon his head, because he was coming home from the wars and although not yet formally and officially de-mobbed, he simply didn’t feel like complying with dress regulations anymore

«You’ve got quite a bit of catching up to do,» he said, reaching thru the mesh that was still all she wore

He had been force-marched out of his hotel room in only his bathrobe, and now he wore the condemned man’s prison blue overalls

He wore an old fashioned, pin-stripe, three-piece suit and a white, collarless shirt

She wore a white wide-brimmed hat and stood on the fringe of the gathering examining the scene until it became clear she was looking for a place to sit, and somewhere she would not have to fraternize too much with the villagers

Their mother’s wore black headscarves patterned with embroidered flowers of red and yellow and wore black boleros, white blouses and aprons, all finely embroidered; and walked in boots of softened leather

wore his old sneakers

She wore her uniform like a brownie scout and managed to look like she was no more than a very pubescent twelve

He wore an impeccable

The Shark-IV had several user panels but they controlled things like what kind of suit it wore, the color and style of hair, features, build, the sound and tone of voice it used, its manners and personality type and what hobbies it should speak of in social settings

He informed Rayne that all women wore long gowns when attending the court; to do otherwise would be considered an insult

She was fun to watch, he should discipline her for the clothing she wore on duty, but it was all perfectly legal

He wore a chest full of medals, which impressed Tarak, who asked about them

He wore the Australian team shirt, but had a pair of casual khaki shorts on

she wore her lovely red hoodie every day, everybody in the

She appeared at his door in a bit more than ninety seconds, but dressed in the flowing robes she often wore on duty

She wore a shirt on top of her

She appeared in the door by herself, wearing robes very similar to what she wore on duty

She was trim and lithe in form, but he could not see her face because of the helmet she wore

She wore a shiny red kurti and white pants

He wore a yellow T-shirt and an old pair of jeans

Ish stood up and wore his shirt

He wore a gold chain

He had a kit bag over his shoulder and wore

he wore the condemned man’s prison blue overalls

They wore their every day clothes to go to supper, but had to keep the hairdo the same

She still wore her top open and she was still impressive, though her skin was not as smooth as a young woman’s, her coloring was still even and her nipples dark and strong

‘Just as well I wore something sensible tonight then – I can wear this lot to the office without causing a riot

He took to criticizing what she wore to class, which was relatively staid by local fashion, things suitable for a duty-hours meeting on Gordon’s Lamp

She wore a floor-length cape in some dark material and

As the trip wore on there was a group that hung out on this deck during the waking hours, weather permitting

She wore a green silk blouse with ruffled lace sleeves and waist and gold buttons

They were on the sail deck, she never wore clothes up here and they were both deeply involved with her long dark nipples

looking on with that faintly amused expression he so often wore and

cut short-back-and-sides, regulation-style, and who wore the uniform

had panniers on either side of the rear wheel, and the riders each wore

As the morning wore on with no sign of the errant man, even Chrissie had to admit that Kev had deserted them

spotted the clothing he wore was the not-quite-uniform of the

Titania and Hipolyta were dressed up for the send off, they had insisted that since he wore nice new clothes, they definitely would be wearing their best dresses

Each wore Lady Hadleigh vests to match the skirts

Titania wore a cornflower blue Moire tie-back, in contrast to Hipolyta’s salmon colored one

He always wore a dress shirt and tie but at

the same time wore jeans and cowboy boots

The rider wore the not-quite-uniform of a

They were things she only wore in the Kassikan, like the thin layers of sheers that she had on now beneath her shoulder-fur of russet miniscamp

As time wore on the wood began to rot and the ceiling leak

His father wore trousers of

Both wore long capes over their shoulders, each with

Johnny wore a

There were a few dirt legs that wore their everyday jeans and such, but

Most who came up here wore robes, he came as close as he could in wide white bells and sleeves with mendelbrots in the black and orange of Internal Investigation trimming the openings

Ed was in his mid-forties, clean-shaven and wore jeans and a sport coat that

He continually wore a disarming grin and his carriage bespoke assuredness of purpose

He wore a designer suit instead of the turban and robes Roman had

increasingly agitated as the interview wore on

She wore her hair pulled back but a few wild strands had fought their way

She had a better shape than Fenais ever had and wore thin jersey short and low in the Afternoonday heat

And Julia wore that dress to the Harvest Dance and everyone had a most fantastic time, even Matt

He wore a black suit, white shirt with stiff collar and cuffs, and a tall stovepipe hat adorned his head

Roman wore a

There were quite a few people passing on the street, enough for him to see that the clothes these people wore were typical for the area, except that the other women wore skirts that actually reached all the way around

Heather wore a silky

The green tones he wore were

It was true, several layers of tough tape had already worn thru on his old ones

Protective glasses should be worn while working in situations of heat, light, dust, smoke, etc

Two thousand years of foot traffic had worn the floors to rolling hills, the glass in the windows had sagged and the marble plumbing fixtures were heavily eroded, though they were just replaced a few centuries ago

Afternoonday can be quite warm, even as winter begins in the north, so for one day of the week lowland clothing can be worn

He has worn his monstrous reputation like a badge

Much to the puzzlement of recent experts, Blitzer has worn the beard of T

since his arrival had worn her out

The Persian carpets are somewhat worn and frayed

Her dresses were simple, worn only

shoulders, not worn, as that would be too much admission of sensibility, but

Five pale-skinned men in worn fatigues, grubby looking men with wild shocks of hair, were shown laying face down on the tarmac at Tunis airport, surrounded by black-clad soldiers in masks holding automatic weapons

Her dresses were simple, worn only the once, and never stained when she put them on

Towel: If you are using a nice, clean towel, you will have good health and family happiness; if it is worn out and dirty, it means the opposite

The light fleece top that she had ultimately decided to bring along sat snugly over her shoulders, not worn, as that would be too much admission of sensibility, but comforting nonetheless

The two Jodechians turned and walked down the worn path that

The best thing to wrap his foot with was the only short robe Desa brought with her, the same one she had worn the night of his first reading lesson

Such a pity you have not worn it

of jumpers worn without the complication

It was very cold, he was glad he had worn the leather jacket as Kate had suggested

and the stone lies on its side, the inscription worn away,

her heels scratching the smooth worn wood

have worn the green badge of jealousy

Suddenly struck by a thought, I go through my clothes, trying to find something to wear … there’s a skirt and top I haven’t worn yet … I hold them up against myself, rising on to my toes in an attempt to see what they look like in the small mirror on the wall … at least they are clean

the grass at the Rec worn away in goal mouths

Between the two of them, everything is worn with an eccentric disregard for the conventions of the day

Cyberia tried to be brave but the trauma of the robbery combined with the endless trials of her new life had worn her out

The track is obviously very old, almost a hollow way as I have seen in some parts of Cornwall, in that the banks either side are a lot higher than the surface of the path, which has been worn down by generations of pilgrims

“Everything I have is worn out

Old doors, like old shoes, are worn through years of use

I had worn a blue T-

after an hour I am worn out and suggest that we call it a day

The next Sunday evening, with both of the Roach boys quite worn out by the wheeling of barrow loads of hardcore into the brick curtained hole where the new patio was taking shape, Helen Roach suggested her husband go down to the pub for a couple of beers

She’s not lost the chubbiness I remember so clearly, but is a pretty girl — though rather paler and more worn looking that she used to be

combined with the endless trials of her new life had worn her out

Instead of fussing with her skin, most of the time Ava sat there was taken on the elaborate hairdo and jeweled headdress that was worn during the ceremony

back to it without end and you could have or have or will have worn it out to

The street was paved with blocks so ancient that the cart tracks were worn deep

have touched on it, then as soon as it worn, to let it go

worn out by the wheeling of barrow loads of hardcore into the brick

“That would really have worn you out

into the pocket of his worn tweed jacket

in one of the divided sections, sliding their way onto the worn seating

My body won’t go on much more, it is worn out

He could also see the ruts worn in the

The rest of the large bar-room was furnished with worn wooden

He sounded worn out

They are comfortable with screen doctors, watching them from the safety of well worn armchairs and familiar surroundings

worn, and in fact seldom used since it was rather slippery in all but

Harry’s dictionary became dog-eared and worn through constant reference and the texts of his book lists had all been crossed through as he devoured the information and insights each had to offer

block, cracked and worn by the passage of time, and

He hiked along the coastline, following a track paved with worn

and towers themselves looked worn and mossy, but not actually in

His was a worn but solid, working-class boat that he used for exercise a few times a year

The route into town is as worn as Ted’s shoe leather, his feet fitting the grooves and shallows in the pavement sweetly and snugly

He’s too tired, too worn out to deal with it

dress Heather had worn to Homecoming

I’d worn my red outfit and the look in his eyes when he arrived told me all I needed to know … On the way to the cricket club, I told him all about my visit with Dad, passing on the invitation to visit and suggesting that it might be better if he went when I was at work

‘It could be a couple of days, or even a bit longer, but she is strong and once the shock has worn off, I think she’ll be okay

A worn path crossed here

She was dressed in the same thin but warm, clinging robe she’d worn the previous Nightday and Alan reacted with what seemed like an admiring, if bashful, stare

The only comment that Titania voiced, which may have sounded the least bit unfavorable, was that she ‘had never worn such nice clothes, so often before

The walls had old bark worn smooth by centuries of human hands as their finish

She wasn’t taking all her clothes because it was hot in the basin and shirts were rarely worn

Once the novelty of ‘disposing’ of funds had worn off, and before anyone gave it considered thought, she made her pitch

the chemical had worn off

She had to use the three-d reality Earth Mortal personification to come here, one that was a very good representation of what her mortal person had looked like the year she was killed, maybe a little more shape, a little smoother and with hair a tad bit loosened from the ‘fro she’d worn at the time

and down to his shoulders, and teeth that had worn away

He didn’t even have a shirt to cover his burning chest and the PJ bottoms he’d put on before leaving the bedroom, offered little more in warmth then her own worn excuse for a night gown

The floors were well worn, but the tiles were thick and most of the old patterns still showed

It could be that my ears are worn out but you’ll hear it when we get there

And for a being that seemed so decrepit, worn and weary, he was incredibly agile and quick

I am an adult,» says Hankins of the moment she felt she had worn out her welcome

The handle of “Hell’s Bane” was well worn from facing such beings

“Found em,» she said, standing up, a pair of worn scabbards in her hands

it is worn out, it must be expected, will replace the capital laid out upon it, with at least the

admire some of the worn carvings over the doorway

«Moth eaten means worn out for those who don’t know» Grandpa glared at Flitter, «Anyhow the bank has foreclosed as Todd had difficulty in meeting the new contract

Many of the more exposed carvings were now worn

After the silence had worn on for awhile Viktor asked Alan, «How could you want to live in this?»

You will always start with me as a worn slate

Worn slate, worn shoe, coachman’s assistant pud shoveler, I’ll get my foot in that door

The red tip of the Graelic jutted from his back where he had strapped it in exchange for a dagger and a plain worn double-edged broadsword both of which he had acquired from one of the slain soldiers

In 1695, on the contrary, the value of the silver coin was not kept up by the gold coin; a guinea then commonly exchanging for thirty shillings of the worn and clipt silver

When he is hungry, he goes to the forest to hunt ; when his coat is worn out, he clothes himself with the skin of the first large animal he kills : and when his hut begins to go to ruin, he repairs it, as well as he can, with the trees and the turf that are nearest it

the white chiton that he’d worn to the feast

Thus the farmer annually replaces to the manufacturer the provisions which he had consumed, and the materials which he had wrought up the year before; and the manufacturer replaces to the farmer the finished work which he had wasted and worn out in the same time

On each of her swaying hips was a worn leather scabbard, but only one held a sword

diaphanous, intended to be worn over a linen sheath

Around the Rift, small sections of granite had been worn smooth, forming walls and walkways

For this great coinage, the bank (inconsequence of the worn and degraded state into which the gold coin had fallen a few years ago) was frequently obliged to purchase gold bullion at the high price of four pounds an ounce, which it soon after issued in coin at £3:17:10 1/2 an ounce, losing in this manner between two and a half and three per cent

Her second stick of charcoal was worn down to a scrap again, having flown across the

During that first year of writing, she’d covered both sides of it with verse, but it had long since worn away to tatters

Of course, it was possible that the labor of his search had worn down Andrastus

His worn sandals were made of ox hide

To feel fatigue or see others fatigued in your dream suggests that a relationship is worn out and near its ending point

Although the Hebrew men had worn loin cloths and she had worn a bathing shift during bathing, the rest hadn’t cared and had bathed in the nude

A much used sheet of parchment, worn thin by time

To see old and worn shoes in your dream indicates that you will find success through hard work and diligence

It was the pendant of the Legion, the same he had worn under his garments

The wine had mostly worn off and the sun was lower as she turned onto the track that led

  • Use the word Wear in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Dress of Athens he doth wear.

Excude me, my dear Cynthia… but tonight I’m a little the worde… for many yeard of wear and tear.

Inoperable glaucoma, muscular collapse and skin discoloration had persuaded Hasp to wear a mask.

You know, like one of those clubs where they wear the Grand Poobah hats and shit.

I’ll bring Yoon’s clothes, wanna wear that?

Did Stína allow you to wear the shoes?

It’s hard for people to see Femi, so when we wear this uniform, they say «this is Femi’s security».

A tribal woman who doesn’t wear a bra

It is sturdy. Nice and cushy, too. They don’t seem bad to wear.

I haven’t been able to wear them… because I was afraid of getting caught wearing the same shoes.

What should I wear today?

Number Two, you want to wear the Daddy pants?

You know, you wear those bubbles like a suit of armor.

Well, because the burglar had to wear gloves.

If my wife could wear such shoes!

In my house, I wear the pants.

With Norway’s own flag for wear.

Will you wear your charming suit for dinner as well?

We shall look up and there will be angels coming down from the sky and they will put food in front of us and perhaps new clothes to wear.

Wenk has managed to wear down La Carozza.

Two «honest» matrons will change the accused in jail, so that she will not wear hidden witch powder.

In this small court of powerful international people where can be heard the most secret things the servants wear a judicious mask to make them deaf to what is said … and always smiling.

And why did you wear this false beard?

Not all who wear the name of villain are truly evil men.

Many are those who wear a false mask of benevolence to hide their treachery and wickedness.

Not all who wear the name of villain, are evil men.

For centuries, fashion has forced the female to wear a corset and even today vanity affects the health of many women.

«I had to wear it to get through the lines.»

«I wear feathers all over.»

I cannot wear an old garment, Mrs. Pastora …

Ladies, is there anyone among you who believes she might be able to wear Cinderella’s shoe?

Why do you wear men’s clothing?

If we give you women’s clothing, would you wear it?

Usen’t you wear a brown derby?

He will wear my clothes, and on his head… a large, white mantilla.

I will wear his clothes, and ride away.»

«Remember, he will wear a large, white mantilla.

Don’t wear a frown on old Broadway.

You wear a necktie so I’ll know you.

# I’ve learned to wear pajamas too #

And if our young ladies glory in those who wear it, is that anything to be ashamed of?

I’d go looking for a Cinderella… that could wear this for a garter.

My father even wanted me to wear my uniform around him.

-Will you wear it for my sake?

And I’ll wear it when we dock in New York and take you out for a day’s fun.

I’ll wear a fig leaf with shells and cuddle up with a Fiji-chick

Wear is the damaging, gradual removal or deformation of material at solid surfaces. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Moby wrap for the comfort, especially during long stretches of wear.


Our aging brains similarly show wear in the realm of episodic memory, the part of brain function that handles recollections of recent events, like the last few chapters of the book you put down yesterday, or what you had for breakfast.


In lieu of going door-to-door, he preferred to encourage conversations by building sidewalk kiosks or inviting French locals to play baseball or attend evening parties with American themes — complete with Western wear and guitar strumming.


Pistachios have no outer skin (like cashews) so they can be soaked, blended and processed without too much wear and tear.


Hint Mama shares why to shop for maternity wear at Old Navy, and enter to win a $ 100 Old Navy gift card over at Well Rounded NY.


They will appreciate the thought and the new workout wear!


Back issues Depending on the age of the back issue you order, they may show signs of wear from being stored for months/years.


Sikh men can in principle wear other things (although the alternatives are usually associated with little boys and the turban is the only universally practical option for grown men), and since Sikhs tend to have a very reasonable approach to such matters, they would not usually have a problem going without it if it were genuinely required by context.


Homes here command high prices, and the Cape Quarter, right in the middle of this village-in-the-city, offers beach and leisure wear and accessories from some of the more imaginative independent retailers and designers in South Africa.


Here are a few questions you should ask before posting that «hilarious» picture you snapped during a church retreat prank, a late night during summer vacation or while wear — ing what you now realize was a problematic costume to a Halloween party: Will posting this give the next business/nonprofit/church / school that wants to hire me any pause?


The reviewers have used the Williams Sonoma towel in their kitchens for two years, and they are yet to show any wear.


The aluminium rings while lightweight have also been modified to be similar to the nylon rings in terms of strength and durability for wear.


One of the concerns for electric blanket owners is that because the cords are sometimes inflexible, it causes premature wear and, inevitably, the blanket stops working.


As we age, the wear and tear of everyday life can damage our DNA.


It has a little discoloration on it but I like to imagine that that’s just the wear and tear of long hard hours in the bakery (but really it’s brand new).


Other parents plug into an informal network, swapping, borrowing or lending baby furnishings, toys, equipment and clothes (including maternity wear).


Quality workmanship ensures years of wear.


Pull out the seeds and inner ribs with your fingers (wear rubber gloves if your skin is sensitive to handling hot peppers).


She has joined Parkside from work wear clothing company, Simon Jersey, where she held the role of operational and commercial controller before being appointed finance director.


Between barre classes and a growing demand for premium active wear, you have multiple revenue streams available to you as an owner.


it suggests we are not robotic and therefore can not be expected to produce constant outputs as if we’re never subject to varying degrees of downtime, exhaustion, wear and tear.


Big Nation stands behind their diaper bags, and the company offers a limited warranty for basic wear and tear on any of their products.


What happens, I hear Gilbert suggesting, is that the daily dribbles of woe wear you down.


My initial intention was to baby wear in a moby until babe was big enough for the ergo, but I found I was having such back pain, I decided to trial a friends insert.


SUNNY GAULT: Before we start today’s episode, which is focused on women who are a bit more curvy on the top, we’re joined by Amanda Hall from Rumina nursing wear.


I am on the love side of them and all the kids own a pair which get used for trips to the beach and general summer wear as they are perfect to protect little feet from stones, they dry instantly if you take them into the water for a paddle and they are lightweight to tuck away in a bag.


We strongly recommend that children under 48 inches and weak or non-swimmers wear a life jacket.


It’s not your typical trendy, Hollywood kind of stuff that starlets wear


One company that I absolutely adore is Seraphine Maternity because they have lots of fashionable tops that double as maternity and nursing so I am able to get lots of wear out of them — especially since I have nursed my kiddos until they were at least one year old.


Each diaper cover comes with two absorbent and soft hemp… MORE inserts suitable for day or overnight wear.


So anticipate the casual wear, I guess?


Kindred Bravely is a collection of luxury nursing wear that enables moms to transition from the bump to the breast and beyond.


If they blow it then great, if they don’t you’re no worse for the wear cause you’re not getting out there anyway.


One thing that has discourage me from purchasing nursing apparel is: often times it’s hard to find stylish nursing wear.


The 29-year-old was sat on the pavement looking worse for wear on a night out in Edinburgh, after allegedly touring a host of lap dancing clubs with a group of friends.


Is there a method to assess the wear and tear domestic bourgeois life inflicts upon our souls and our imagination and our creativity?


You’re bound to adore these high quality and stylish products — including Bounty’s own limited edition changing bag range, comfortable maternity wear, toys and much more!


Nike is not only selling athletic wear, they are also selling the idea that you can be a great athlete.


These tend to be the same guys who put glue across the toes of their tennis shoes where they show wear, and at each tournament the first consideration of these impoverished players is picking up the free T shirt to which they are entitled.


Also, if you’re forced to check a bag, I either wear or stuff in this any critical clothes I’ll need.


The slings arrive in a no frills packaging with written instructions on the care of your sling and best practices for wear.


A Flagstaff, Arizona mother commented that she used this bag for four flights and still showed very little wear or tear.


Safety strategy: Have your baby in a Baby wear.


It looked a little worse for wear, but it still tasted great!


I’ve tried the expensive brands and after all the wear and tear, the brutal sanitary washes I run my bras through, and the ever-changing shape of your rib cage through the first year post-partum, no bra looks good at the end of its life.


I always get upset because I’ve never bought stovetop wear with lids… not a good idea.


Other deals haven’t played out as well: The online athleisure wear brand Lucy, which it bought in 2007, was a bust and will be shut down this year and folded into The North Face.


We’ve have been using ours twice a day for the past year and there are no visible signs of wear and tear.


I still use them so much they do have some wear and tear.


Even for those who exclusively baby wear, LullaBelay can give a helping hand.


Phrases with «wear»:

  • wear
  • to wear
  • to wear something
  • of wear
  • everyday wear
  • to get a lot of wear out of something
  • more wear out of someone
  • to get a ton of wear out of something
  • to get a lot of wear out of
  • to get a lot of wear
  • (see

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  • Use the word weapon in a sentence
  • Use the word watch in a sentence
  • Use the word waste in a sentence
  • Use the word wash in a sentence
  • Use the word warning in a sentence