Use the word weapon in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word weapon, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use weapon in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «weapon».

Weapon in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word weapon in a sentence.

  1. Carroll sets the weapon to self-destruct.

  2. The overall weapon has a cylindrical body.

  3. The weapon was lowered into a concrete pit.

  4. A weapon, probably the early form of keris.

  5. In skilled hands, the net was a useful weapon.

  6. Kratos also did not keep Euryale’s head as a weapon.

  7. The weapon has enough power to threaten all of Spira.

  8. Wielded two-handed, the weapon could land powerful blows.

  9. Each character has a weapon and assorted unique abilities.

  10. Air Force pilot, two weapon systems officers (WSOs), one U.S.

  11. He went on to write a series of articles extolling the virtues of the new weapon.

  12. Despite this, Punisher tries to kill Lugman, only to realize his weapon is empty.

  13. Text narrates battle events and actions such as finding a bag or gaining a weapon.

  14. When one jammed, Kinkaid exposed himself to fire to assist in clearing the weapon.

  15. If the player’s ship is destroyed the power level of the weapon is reduced by one.

  16. The most wide-reaching psychological weapon was the radio station known as the «Voice of Liberation».

  17. The cover depicts the protagonist, Sergeant Avery Johnson holding a weapon known as the Battle Rifle.

  18. Samson and Huchthausen made four Master’s and four Atlantean swords, at a cost of $10,000 per weapon.

  19. Belts are typically held in a hard plastic or soft canvas box attached to the underside of the weapon.

  20. Greek fire, an incendiary weapon which could even burn on water, is also attributed to the Byzantines.

  21. He changed the magazine in his weapon and moved to the front of the class, shooting in all directions.

  22. An accelerated effort was called for to design and build the implosion-type weapon, codenamed Fat Man.

  23. In 1943, development efforts were directed to a gun-type fission weapon with plutonium called Thin Man.

  24. Moreover, the Pentagon Papers were historical, whereas the hydrogen bomb was a current military weapon.

  25. When his weapon failed to fire, he entered the emergency staircase where he was seen reloading his gun.

  26. Over the next few months, Parsons’ division designed the gun-type plutonium weapon, codenamed Thin Man.

  27. The lack of nets in retiarius images may show gladiators who have already lost the weapon in the fight.

  28. The large quantity of conventional explosive in each weapon demanded special care be taken in handling.

  29. In 1943, development efforts were directed to a gun-type fission weapon using plutonium called Thin Man.

  30. The player progresses by navigating platform game puzzles and shooting enemies with the equipped weapon.

  31. Different weapon types have different ranges, such as a crossbow having a longer range than melee weapons such as a mace.

  32. The player can have two weapons ready to attack with at a time, and any of the four character options can use any weapon.

  33. Matt LeMay of Pitchfork wrote that Deal’s singing is spooky, and evokes a mythical siren or a young girl hiding a weapon.

  34. The core involved was intended to be used in the Able detonation, during the Crossroads series of nuclear weapon testing.

  35. These screens may be configured to display tactical information, such as squad command menus, maps and weapon statistics.

  36. The artificial intelligence was improved so that opponents could work as a team and draw a secondary weapon when disarmed.

  37. Swinging a weapon causes the gauge to empty and then quickly recharge, allowing that character to attack at full strength.

  38. After the bomb struck the ground, a fuse ignited a charge which first sprayed napalm from the weapon, and then ignited it.

  39. With an explosive yield of about 3 megatonnes of TNT (12.6 PJ), it remains the largest British nuclear weapon ever tested.

  40. Though the Spartans prove a tremendous weapon against the Covenant, they are too few to turn the tide in the UNSC’s favor.

  41. This meant that it would be highly likely that a plutonium gun-type nuclear weapon would predetonate and blow itself apart during the initial formation of a critical mass.

  42. After the shadow creatures are vanquished, the disembodied voice of Dormin manifests within the shrine and expresses surprise at the fact that Wander possesses the weapon.

  43. Players boost weapon power by collecting powerups that match the current weapon’s power; collecting a different color gives the player the first level of that weapon type.

  44. During the Square Millennium Event held by Square in Tokyo, movies of Vagrant Story such as the opening sequence and the weapon crafting system were presented to onlookers.

  45. Prior to the decision to use the B-29, serious consideration was given to using the British Avro Lancaster with its cavernous 33-foot (10 m) bomb bay to deliver the weapon.

Synonyms for weapon

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word weapon has the following synonyms: arm, weapon system and artillery.

General information about «weapon» example sentences

The example sentences for the word weapon that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «weapon» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «weapon».

Examples of how to use the word “weapon” in a sentence. How to connect “weapon” with other words to make correct English sentences.

weapon (n): any object used in fighting or war, such as a gun, bomb, knife, etc.:

Use “weapon” in a sentence

We found the murder weapon.
Nuclear weapons are the most dangerous weapons on earth.
Do they have weapons?
Drop your weapons!

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1, A good tongue is a good weapon

2, Weapon bode [breed] peace.

3, The police still haven’t found the murder weapon.

4, Discipline was the new coach’s secret weapon.

5, The policeman ordered the criminal to drop his weapon.

6, Their most potent weapon was the Exocet missile.

7, He was charged with assault with a deadly weapon.

8, A hand-grenade is a missile weapon.

9, The guard fan ned him for weapon.

10, He was charged with carrying an offensive weapon.

11, What was the murder weapon?

12, The human race has one really effective weapon[], and that is laughter. Mark Twain 

13, The police are still looking for the murder weapon .

14, After a long search for the murder weapon, the police found a knife.

15, Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. Nelson Mandela 

16, The new weapon was too inhumane to be used.

17, Jan was convicted of possessing an offensive weapon .

18, He had never handled a weapon before.

19, The weapon used in the raid was a replica.

20, He was carrying a concealed weapon.

21, She was holding an extremely odd-looking weapon.

22, A hammer can be a lethal weapon.

23, The police nicked me for carrying an offensive weapon.

24, The weapon discharged when it hit the ground.

25, The workers’ ultimate weapon was the strike.

26, Police frogmen searched the lake for the murder weapon.

27, He was then arrested and charged with possessing an offensive weapon.

28, He was acquitted on charges of assault with a deadly weapon.

29, Dream of action is the starting line, knowledge is our forward accelerator, adhere to is that we do not stop the pace,( the wisdom of our success is a magic weapon.

30, Enriched uranium is a key component of a nuclear weapon.

‘This is the weapon, Mrs Wynell

He jumped up and started tearing out drawers in search of a murder weapon

He chuckles, reholsters his weapon and they walk on

A soldier, obviously the leader, chatters angrily in Arabic, points his weapon at Ricci, Russ, John and Khalid, indicates with a downward motion that they should get down on their stomachs on the highway

sticks his weapon in Russ’ stomach, Russ deftly steps aside, grabs the barrel of the gun, gives the soldier a firm knee in the groin, snatches away the weapon, as the soldier collapses in a heap on the highway

That soldier freaks, drops his weapon, holds up his hands

John snatches up the weapon, puts the soldier in a headlock simultaneously and points the gun at his head

The soldier in the back of Ricci’s truck jumps down, cocks his weapon simultaneously, but his hand slips and he discharges the weapon into the pavement

The militant grins, gives his friend a look and calmly reaches up and depresses a button on the weapon

me! No weapon forged against me will prevail! The Lord protects all

He glances around at the soldiers, who give him a nod of respect, back away, and then at the interrogating officer, who hastily starts uncocks his weapon, starts to put his gun away

Theo considered drawing his weapon and putting it to the old ladies head

Therefore, if your shield is a shield of faith, no weapon forged against

«And that scares you doesn’t it?» Ava told him, using her comfort with cloning as a weapon, even against a mortal

«We may have to fight them for it,» she said, as she used her android to hand Alfred’s android a projectile weapon

Also inside was the logic fabrication machinery, weapon stores, and the other incidental machinery needed by the expedition

Knowing how thin the margin is between victory and defeat, Ram Devlin races to the Squidies’ homeworld moon with a weapon of mass destruction that could end the war in seconds

The triumphant look on the witch’s face meant that she had just blocked my weapon with her psychic powers

All of a sudden I was tossed into the air, landed against bookshelves and I collapsed on the floor together with some heavy volumes, while Arion was already aiming his weapon at me

If the human has a serious weapon, like a crossbow or spear, the theirops won’t attack

The thing’s mouth was it’s main weapon

It is a weapon of mass seduction and as such

Four men are racing across the grassland towards us, one of them has a weapon of some sort strapped to his shoulder

The boat was a weapon in itself

Neither of the ships was carrying anything intended as a weapon, but their point control laser was capable of damaging the other vessel’s external systems and the naked fusion in either drive could slag the other with neutrons and gamma rays

When they found them the girl begged for a weapon; she had the right she shouted hysterically; Naria gave her a sword and watched

He was limping home in shame and despaired of being able to contribute anything to disabling any doomsday weapon system out here

“This is a Bowie Knife, a very formable weapon when used properly

Looking at Rayne she asked, “And this is the weapon you used to slay the mutants, and the Scathers in their recent attack?”

Shaking his head in denial he asked, “So she’s nothing more than a weapon of the Scathers; a weapon that will activate when the signal is given

Were your life in sincere danger and you would defend it with that weapon,

Mistress Sera spotted this and fearing the worst for Naria kicked out and sent the weapon spinning away

Before they could move, he had discharged the magical weapon

The man on the platform fired the magical weapon twice at Tom,

man tried to deploy the same magical weapon he had used earlier, but

A bruise in the shape of the weapon was already forming as Roman lifted

happen had not yet given Roman the courage to pick up the weapon or squeeze its

same power they sucked my weapon out of my hand with

She only needed to produce the weapon and

Use the most dangerous weapon a human

looked at the big vein in his neck, and drew back her weapon

in front of the grandstands, grabbing anything that could be used as a weapon and

Immediately Dukes dropped the weapon

Stanley’s gun-hand, causing him to release the weapon

elongated fingernails because the Colonel would not give up his weapon and go

They use a mental sound intensity weapon

He re-holstered his weapon and turned toward

I closed it and stuck the weapon down

There was a soft click of his silenced weapon and

It is ‘The Eater’, a weapon created to end worlds

Only the oddities remained, those that least resembled an actual weapon

Now, X’ander would wield the weapon, knowing full well it would consume him

the most powerful weapon know to creation, and he dared to take it!

It was obvious in the way he fought, and the way he had trained his body to become a weapon

Heather would never drop the weapon

grabbed her hands and pulled the weapon away

As the weapon slid free, the silver, leaf-shaped cross-guards and orchid inlay sparkled beneath the blue flames

His mage-fire encompassed the weapon, animating it, forcing it to circle clockwise in the air, its razor edge leading the way

Impossible! he fumed, as the staff of charred wood continued to hold his twirling weapon at bay

But for a skilled mage, everything in the environment could be considered a potential weapon

” the dwarf said, studying the foul head stuck to his weapon

His weapon was unwavering while Whimly came onward

«Though gifted at turning the Oneness into a weapon, the Age of War had hardened the races, birthing new and more destructive weapons by the day,» Brice continued

For all she knew the thing he encountered was the dangerous weapon he talked about

She described something she knew of from ancient history of the Energy Age, a weapon almost exactly like what he had seen

Drop your weapon and put your hands to your side

As for me, my weapon, my skill, they have all been tested to their utmost and mean nothing to the vastness of the Plague

Their weapon is anointed

There was no doubt in Brice’s mind that the object could be used with tremendous effectiveness as either a tool or a weapon

«The only weapon of the age became the Singularity, with it they ruled uncontested for a millennium

«If only that weapon blessed my collection

«He’s not here, and who are you to walk in like this and demand? And with an ancient weapon no less!»

Also, he had a weapon at each hip; a small throwing axe at his right side, and a short sword at his left

«Sorry,» he replied, embarrassed and once more fumbling as he sought to cram the weapon back into its sheath

‘ But there was no weapon in the locked room! ’ said

As it was, she would have to depend on Alan to notice what she was doing and go for Alfred’s weapon as soon as he saw her jump

‘The clue is in the disappearing weapon

The being hovered beyond the range of his weapon, shaping itself into a man and looking back at Alec with an empty face

He looked for a weapon

Behind him, Bri Lynn was trying to convince the stubborn Theodorous to remove his armor and choose which weapon he loved the best

Battle axe? Alec wondered, unaware that the man had even been carrying such a weapon

The marine slowly raised his weapon to point at the dark priest, his movement a picture of stealth

His armor and weapons clanging together a thousand times with every single step, Theodorous waddled after his hero then stuffed his weapon laden body down the stairs

What his axe missed, his weapon covered body somehow hit, slicing any creature that came near with one of the many weapons jutting from his body

Silver flames ignited around him while he struggled to free himself — the many weapons hanging from his armor the only thing keeping him from harm, functioning as a weapon as well as a means of defense

There was only one weapon that had ever brought the Triad victory

And despite his protests, he knew that it wouldn’t be long before that weapon was employed once more

Though even that ancient weapon had its limits, for now it was ripe with darkness, growing painful for Solo Ki to bear

Foolishly she paused as one’s weapon caught her eye; a hammer glowing blue with the light of a star

But before the giant could bring the weapon to bear she had traversed the stairs, her prisoner in tow

One of them was already walking towards Nathaniel, his weapon brought to bear

I but deliver the weapon of the Elf Prince unto you

S’ilindsa’s new blade was a thicker, shorter, double-edged weapon

The technique and weight of the weapon were quite different than what she was use to with her thin blades

The Maker’s power also greatly increased her strength, allowing her to wield the mighty weapon which was well over twice her size

I had the only weapon, since Circe had seized all of the men’s

He expertly loads a 9 mm then motions for her to step in front of him and take the weapon

She needed length, a weapon with reach

It was a decent size and she thought it might serve as a good striking weapon

and an effective weapon used by skeptics to chal enge the

She was in a training room surrounded by high tech equipment and lethal weapons watching the group try to kill each other for practice

“Good,” Silence responded as she came in closer with her spinning weapons

Now that he had no weapons, no hope at all, Onidas’s courage faltered

The only hope of mankind, now, would to be to craft more weapons like this, ones that hopefully would be used to kill other giants

She continued to cling to the wall, her feet and one hand used to hold her up, she still had her other sword strapped to her back, waiting for the opportunity to use it but feeling helpless without both weapons in her possession

Others stand at strategic points with automatic weapons at the ready

The soldiers unsling their weapons, pull back the bolts to cock them

The soldiers who stopped them are running for their lives, throwing away their weapons as they flee

armor-plated silver Mercedes limo at the lead of the column as dozens of soldiers jump out of jeeps and APCs with weapons drawn

None of Satan’s weapons have

In response, Brazilian space-based weapons bombed the Basran and Chirpol refineries on the gulf, destroying the last rusting remnants of the oil-based jihad

In return Talstan declared war on the mortals of Brazil and destroyed thousands of their genetic facilities with kinetic weapons launched from the moon

Though Brazil was still ruled by mortals, they had a heavy presence in the solar system and space based weapons with which to retaliate

Five pale-skinned men in worn fatigues, grubby looking men with wild shocks of hair, were shown laying face down on the tarmac at Tunis airport, surrounded by black-clad soldiers in masks holding automatic weapons

«We need to provide enough weapons to the converts,» Dufbin, another member of the C

«Witness the weapons practice laws once the Afterlife was part of the faith

He had never understood how the weapons of the Kassikan would overpower anything they could bring against them

It was probably a good plan when it was put together, who could have known the Brazilians had secret doomsday weapons lurking in deep space?

«But how would they conduct any weapons research if they’re in a narcotic haze?»

were weapons of all kinds paired with their masters

Son continued to elude attacks, countering them and using the weapons

He dual wielded many weapons, but he

The soldiers dropped their weapons and held their hands over their neck

For a moment Kara hesitated, wondering if there was an aspect of Joris she’d never suspected … a black brutal side she’d never seen … then she realised that the various weapons had been used by people attacking Joris or his colleagues … they had been won in battle … oh, you silly man! It’s a gallery of your successes! I wonder if the Secret Guild would like these … they have a small museum

This community had no weapons and decided not to defend themselves

With the three of us together, they see a hunting party with powerful weapons and supplies

They kept the fire large and their weapons handy

On the second level he found an area roped off — it held weapons

What sort of weapons do they have here?

‘But they have weapons

All returned within a half hour and they were all carrying weapons

Steve and Jerry trained the men below in the use of the weapons they had

not in the literal sense, not brandishing weapons

These weapons of your life

They had both been military fighters, and they brought quite a lot of weapons with them

When they raised their weapons again and took aim at the child, Duncan quickly reacted and the Gatonen were no more

Rayne commented that she was not aware that they were to use anything other than wooden practice weapons

sitting, back to back, weapons at the ready, determined to protect

If the ship was armed, he’d want her as his weapons officer

weapons of state that allowed them to protect the great and the

He had feared encountering aliens, warlike creatures in fast ships with powerful weapons

Recognizing her they immediately lowered their weapons

«Weapons of mass destruction

Weapons of mass destruction! Said so in the dossier but they never found them, did they! So, how did they know old Saddam had them? Tried to make it all official, didn’t they

18 Wisdom is better than weapons of

and other weapons to finish off the beast as quickly as possible

“You could be better, son,” his weapons instruction Sergeant used

and weapons, as well as all the other characteristics of the world that

weapons from the Armoury

Salamander saw that his weapons and travel pack

don his weapons, travel cloak, and finally his pack

conspirator had concealed weapons which he would not

the Hollow, along with the noise of heads cracking together and primitive weapons

There weren’t countless weapons and devices holstered to

distinguish how many of the weapons there were

Although many of the weapons lying on the ground were clearly property

weapons, but the job was easy as a pie he told his family

‘We don’t have any weapons and can’t possibly

Much of the technology was used for ghastly weapons and those who had bent some people to their dominance would send them to their deaths trying to enforce their dominance on ever larger groups

Showerhead, razor,s the mirror—all potential weapons

Freddy’s men raised their weapons and aimed

dropped their weapons, but most held on—even a gun that had no bullets could

The girl had described warfare with devastating weapons and artificially-bred monsters so nasty they had become legendary

“While they were busy laying down their weapons so Hitler’s boys could

weapons, with the intent of inflicting as much pain and humiliation as possible on the

I opted for the two-by-four and set the other potential weapons on the

pile of makeshift weapons, grabbing the mop handle and the hammer

motion, creating two weapons to combat the two pieces of board now in Johnson’s

weapons he called hands, Roman was a survivor

dealers, arms shipments, biological weapons, or whatever

The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of this world

our weapons and ranks in the army

He took a moment to ensure he had his weapons (and that he hadn’t accidently cut himself with the blood-knife) then he wiped the sand and blood from his eyes

Intercessory prayer is not the highest form of spiritual warfare; rather it is what leads us to the mighty weapons of the spirit

a total of three guns later he was out of ammunition, but the weapons had served

Blades and armor of rare and precious materials had been looted, as well as many ‘less typical’, though equally precious weapons

Taking a quick look around, Tetloan saw a field of such weapons

Then, like a mantra, he once more turned his grumbling to his lost weapons, listing every last item he was forced to abandon at Shattered Rock

In their need for haste, she had decided it would be best to leave their larger weapons behind

Even weapons of silver proved ineffective against it

Preparing to meet the final wave, the defenders raised their melee weapons to the air, crying out, “So that all may live!”

For the weapons of our warfare are not fleshly, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds, pulling down

They have spiritual weapons that are mighty for pulling down

have become expert in the use of their spiritual weapons to free

With their hands always on the hilt of their weapons, they challenged all who crossed their path with a glance

The few who didn’t carry weapons were encased in an aura of blue light

«Hold it there, boy!» The one-armed leader shouted as he and several of his companions held their weapons in Whimly’s direction

Those with their weapons held in Whimly’s direction spun, striking out as they moved

Rollinthor and his fellows reached to their backs, then, after fumbling behind their shoulders, they remembered that weapons weren’t allowed in the council chamber

There can be no weapons nor Magic in the council chamber

«Though gifted at turning the Oneness into a weapon, the Age of War had hardened the races, birthing new and more destructive weapons by the day,» Brice continued

our weapons aside, or turn them on one another

Alan had told her they had dangerous weapons, she had never seen any of them herself and was sorry to be of so little help in understanding the evil that pursued Alan

Maybe he had already encountered ancient weapons? Those fears would not deter him from this woman so far, after a breath he continued, «Do you want to fall in love?»

The One Elf was standing, his face impassive, safely distanced from the range of her weapons

Weapons are the tools of fools

Luckily for Tetloan, her weapons weren’t at her sides

«They have weapons,» she said

They will kill you and they have weapons that can kill anything they can see

He’s been reading ancient texts, he’s picked up a couple ancient weapons from people his friends at the Kassikan know

What do we mean by weapon?

An instrument of attack or defense in combat, as a gun, missile, or sword. noun

A part or organ, such as a claw or stinger, used by an animal in attack or defense. noun

A means used to defend against or defeat another. noun

To supply with weapons or a weapon; arm. transitive verb

Any instrument of offense; anything used, or designed to be used, in attacking an enemy, as a sword, a dagger, a club, a rifle, or a cannon. noun

Any object, particular, or instrumentality that may be of service in a contest or struggle, or in resisting adverse circumstances, whether for offense or defense; anything that may figuratively be classed among arms. noun

In zoology, any part or organ of the body which is or may be used as a means of attack or defense, as horns, hoofs, claws, spurs, stings, spines, teeth, electric organs, etc.; an arm or armature. noun

To arm with weapons.

An instrument of offensive of defensive combat; something to fight with; anything used, or designed to be used, in destroying, defeating, or injuring an enemy, as a gun, a sword, etc. noun

Fig.: The means or instrument with which one contends against another. noun

A thorn, prickle, or sting with which many plants are furnished. noun

See under Concealed. noun

A salve which was supposed to cure a wound by being applied to the weapon that made it. noun

An instrument of attack or defense in combat or hunting, e.g. most guns, missiles, or swords. noun

An instrument or other means of harming or exerting control over another. noun

A means of persuading or arguing noun

Any instrument or instrumentality used in fighting or hunting noun

An instrument of attack or defense in combat or hunting, e.g. most guns, missiles, or swords.

An instrument or other means of harming or exerting control over another.

A tool of any kind.

An idiot, an oaf, a fool, a tool; a contemptible or incompetent person.

A term used to describe someone who is a spanner or a tool. A person who is extremely stupid and possibly ugly. Urban Dictionary

Insult — meaning: thick, a fool, a tool, Urban Dictionary

Used 4 someone who is an absolute champ, can consume large amounts of alcohol, is a general hectic cunt. Urban Dictionary

In Dublin it means a muppet Urban Dictionary

Another word for tool and is considered an insult Urban Dictionary

Weapon is the term used for the word pipe. To have a weapon would mean that you have some sort of tool to smoke out of. Urban Dictionary

The epitome of sexy Urban Dictionary

Someone who is such a liability when drunk they’re a danger to the reputation of themselves and the people they’re with. Urban Dictionary

To describe someone, or something that is exceptionally sexy or good. Urban Dictionary

Someone who is absolutely beautiful. A rare piece of art. Used mainly in Dundee, Scotland. Can be called a ‘weap’ for short. Usually used as a compliment on selfies and friends older siblings. Urban Dictionary

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