Use the word waste in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word waste, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use waste in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «waste».

Waste in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word waste in a sentence.

  1. The third was waste disposal.

  2. Borman thought it was a waste of time.

  3. Inside one of the waste storage tanks.

  4. He also focused on reducing government waste.

  5. The main nitrogenous waste product is ammonia.

  6. Glenn also focused on reducing government waste.

  7. These include the usage of process waste heat, e.g.

  8. They were, however, aided by the reckless waste of man.

  9. Herriman said he did this «to fill up the waste space».

  10. The waste passes through the hindgut and out of the anus.

  11. This oxidation releases carbon dioxide as a waste product.

  12. Locally produced inert waste for disposal is sent to landfill at the Beal Valley.

  13. A solid waste disposal site was developed about 10 kilometres (6.2 mi) from Dili.

  14. Some waste may also be excreted by the pyloric glands and voided with the faeces.

  15. Milo is a boy bored by the world around him; every activity seems a waste of time.

  16. Plutonium toxicity is just as detrimental to larvae of fish in nuclear waste areas.

  17. However, only the toilet waste is connected to the sewer while sullage is discharged into the drains.

  18. In the 1970s the island was designated as a possible site to store low and medium grade nuclear waste.

  19. The sedan, however, belongs to Professor Frink, who has discovered the aliens’ weakness: nuclear waste.

  20. This process releases hydrogen as a waste product, but high levels of hydrogen reduce energy production.

  21. The treaty prohibits military activities, mineral mining, nuclear explosions and nuclear waste disposal.

  22. An equipment bay was below the mid-deck, which stored environmental control and waste management systems.

  23. Failure to follow proper procedures contributed to the waste and disorder that characterized the pursuit.

  24. High-level nuclear waste such as fuel and heavy water were shipped to Oak Ridge, Tennessee, for disposal.

  25. The capacity of the surrounding sediment to contain the nuclear waste products has been cited by the U.S.

  26. In 2016 the village recycled 53 percent of its waste, about the same as the county average of 54 percent.

  27. By 1966 there were seven spoil heaps, comprising approximately 2.6 million cu yd (2.0 million m) of waste.

  28. He plans to use the space ship’s tractor beam to suck up cars that are loaded with drums of nuclear waste.

  29. Lying in his own waste, his spirit was broken; the beginnings of a suicide attempt were stopped by guards.

  30. The sculptures resemble concrete but are made of plastic and filled with waste plastic and wetland plants.

  31. Undeveloped eggs have a higher risk than developed adult fish exposed to the element in these waste areas.

  32. He resigned from Council in 1962 to become chairman of the Gas Works, where he promised to root out waste and corruption.

  33. On 26 December, the Paraguayans invaded the Brazilian province of Mato Grosso, laying waste to towns and the countryside.

  34. Capillaries are organised into capillary beds in tissues; it is here that blood exchanges oxygen for carbon dioxide waste.

  35. As part of the cleanup, 500 cubic yards (380 m) of radioactive waste was removed and sent to the Hanford Site for disposal.

  36. Enough food (in a gelatinous form) was provided for a seven-day flight, and the dog was fitted with a bag to collect waste.

  37. The city’s local government, particularly during the mayoralty of Marion Barry, was criticized for mismanagement and waste.

  38. Hayward also considered the issue of environmental damage, in so far as waste and pollution are visible throughout the film.

  39. Could anything be more ludicrous than to waste the time of the Committee in discussing such things presented by such a body!

  40. He said it was useless to complain to the bus driver who would not bother to waste his time, let alone the other passengers.

  41. The main mission of the committee was to expose and fight waste and corruption in the gigantic government wartime contracts.

  42. Wolves living near farms are more vulnerable to the disease than those living in the wilderness, probably because of prolonged contact with infected domestic animal waste.

  43. An elaborate network of channels fed houses and the public baths from the municipal supply and a series of drains carried sewage and waste away to the river to be flushed.

  44. Later Bacon supporters found similarities between a great number of specific phrases and aphorisms from the plays and those written by Bacon in his waste book, the Promus.

  45. The fleet proceeded further west to take revenge on the Spartans by invading Lacedaemonian territory, where they laid waste to Pherae and raided along the Messenian coast.

  46. Increasing air and water pollution emanating from traffic congestion and industrial waste are serious problems affecting public health and the quality of life in the city.

Synonyms for waste

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word waste has the following synonyms: desert, godforsaken, wild, inhospitable, barren, wasteland, permissive waste, thriftlessness, wastefulness, waste material, waste matter, waste product, dissipation, blow, squander, consume, ware, emaciate, macerate, lay waste to, devastate, desolate, ravage, scourg, neutralize, neutralise, liquidate, knock off, do i, pine away, languish, rot and run off.

General information about «waste» example sentences

The example sentences for the word waste that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «waste» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «waste».

Examples of how to use the word “waste” in a sentence. How to connect “waste” with other words to make correct English sentences.

waste (v, n, adj): to use too much of something or use something badly when there is a limited amount of it; an unnecessary or wrong use of money, substances, time, energy, abilities, etc; left after what is valuable has been used, and no longer needed

Use “waste” in a sentence

It’s a shocking waste of money.
Please don’t waste water.
I don’t want to waste your time.
It’s just a waste of time.
Don’t waste your youth!

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Sentences with the word Waste?



  • «blood carries oxygen and nutrients to the tissues and carries away waste products»; «the ancients believed that blood was the seat of the emotions»
  • «You must carry your camping gear»; «carry the suitcases to the car»; «This train is carrying nuclear waste«; «These pipes carry waste water into the river»
  • «a criminal waste of talent»; «a deplorable act of violence»; «adultery is as reprehensible for a husband as for a wife»
  • «waste not, want not»
  • «a cordial regard for his visitor’s comfort»; «a cordial abhorrence of waste«
  • «they had planned to derail the trains that carried atomic waste«
  • «The enemy lay waste to the countryside after the invasion»
  • «if the effort brings no compensating gain it is a waste«; «mindless dissipation of natural resources»
  • «it is almost a waste of time painstakingly to learn the routines of selling»
  • «a desert island»; «a godforsaken wilderness crossroads»; «a wild stretch of land»; «waste places»
  • «this company is the great white hope of the nuclear industry’s waste management policy»
  • «they dumped the waste illegally»
  • «waste liquors»
  • «all that academic rigmarole was a waste of time»
  • «a life characterized by thriftlessness and waste«; «the wastefulness of missed opportunities»
  • «they collect the waste once a week»; «much of the waste material is carried off in the sewers»
  • «waste heat»; «waste a joke on an unappreciative audience»
  • «We waste the dirty water by channeling it into the sewer»

Synonym: consume, dregs, exhaust, garbage, refuse, rubbish, spend, squander, use up. Antonym: save. Similar words: plaster cast, haste, paste, caste, baste, chaste, hasten, taste. Meaning: [weɪst]  n. 1. any materials unused and rejected as worthless or unwanted 2. useless or profitless activity; using or expending or consuming thoughtlessly or carelessly 3. the trait of wasting resources 4. an uninhabited wilderness that is worthless for cultivation 5. (law) reduction in the value of an estate caused by act or neglect. v. 1. spend thoughtlessly; throw away 2. use inefficiently or inappropriately 3. get rid of 4. run off as waste 5. get rid of (someone who may be a threat) by killing 6. spend extravagantly 7. lose vigor, health, or flesh, as through grief 8. cause to grow thin or weak 9. devastate or ravage 10. waste away. adj. located in a dismal or remote area; desolate. 

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1. Wilful waste makes woeful want.

2. Don’t waste life in doubts and fears. 

3. Men of privilege without power are waste material, Men of enlighten-ment without influence are the poorest kind of rubbish. 

4. Waste not, want not.

5. Haste makes waste.

6. Waste of time is the most extravagant and costly of all expenses. 

7. No country, however rich, can afford the waste of its human resources. 

8. Don’t waste your new tears for the old sorrow.

9. I consigned her letter to the waste basket.

10. Solid low-level waste will be disposed of deep underground.

11. Don’t waste my time anymore.

12. The Japanese recycle more than half their waste paper.

13. It’s a disgraceful waste of taxpayers’ money.

14. The city was burnt to a desolate waste.

15. Her death seemed such a senseless waste of life.

16. Meet each other(, don’t waste this lifetime.

17. What a waste of time and money.

18. Don’t waste the flour; there isn’t much.

19. You could waste your whole life on a pipe-dream.

20. Personally I think it’s a waste of time.

21. People should keep away from the radioactive waste.

22. In my view it was a waste of time.

23. It’s a waste of time and energy.

24. It was a waste of effort.

24. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.

25. Today is an opportunity to get better.Don’t waste it.

26. Farmers feed kitchen waste to the pigs.

27. We must combat extravagance and waste.

28. It was a waste of time talking to him.

29. I have no more time to waste here.

30. She consigned his letter to the waste basket.

More similar words: plaster cast, haste, paste, caste, baste, chaste, hasten, taste, fasten, master, roasted, eastern, boaster, taste of, plaster, lambaste, asteroid, disaster, distaste, tasteless, wastewater, steadfast, monastery, toothpaste, wastefulness, masterpiece, eastern europe, flabbergasted, step by step, past. 

«They were real,» Jorma said «across the Pentuush Waste from here on the northwest of the Elvish sea, in the far reaches of the Korst

However, they waste valuable time that can be used

motivational little sayings but overall this is a waste of your time

How much time are you spending doing things that waste your time

I’m unhappily married to a freeloading spider who just squats around the web doing nothing but waste his precious energy and cost me precious sleep

Without the help of insects, we would be covered with our own waste

Insects recycle waste

Says he hates to waste even speck of good weed

Medfly eradication efforts are proving to be a great waste of energy and money

’ I said quickly, gratified by her passion but concerned that she should not waste her energy on the man

Day 1: The bottom layer is shredded manure, The next layer is of plant waste shredded

«He paid me well the last time, in spite of the waste of time

Adding some rock dust to kitchen waste will help reduce smells and fly’s, and will also increase microbial activity

The nurse takes the watch from the waste can

‘It is such a waste it not being used

Lopez’s mission is the education of the public on the necessity to quit using chemicals altogether and in the meantime, to properly dispose of their waste — so that one day the earth may return to its natural cycle of growing and decomposing

The rush to the airport had been a waste of time

Do not waste your time seeking the best doctors

He’s a waste of semen

that lays waste at noonday

‘That man is such a complete waste of space

Do not waste it!

I learned to control my body so that I didn’t have to use the bucket too many times, hating the crawling stink of my own detritus, and, oddly, I did not want The Kid to be offended by my bodily waste

«There’s still an invisible Squidy out there that wants to kill us, but if we waste any more time here, it won’t matter if we make it or not because Hardway and the convoy will be gone

I wanted to light up the room, wanted to chain smoke my way through the morning, but the small bag of gifts on the mattress next to me in the darkness was too precious to waste

All things considered, lessons at Janus are nothing but a waste a time: Actually I am dragooned into going there, because they make me think I were lost without it

«You waste food that way,» Elond told her and tried to mop some up with a towel

Don’t waste time

I tried to block out this sense of pointless waste by focussing on the shapes and forms of my new friends

there was a problem because Elden would never waste water, and he had

tightly tied at the waste, the hem torn and frayed,

across the rising blue waste of cloudless sky

Was this a waste?

late enough to waste the day, the wheezy old man

consuming all but never getting rid of the waste

Chased, laid waste, the pull

Without fibre, some of the nutrients will only be put to waste and will not be consumed by the body

Tarlass was really only a technician, a platesman at the Golibar Observatory, high in the Golibar waste

facilitates the removal of waste and toxins, resulting in a better skin health

with waste and last year’s rotting, overgrown grass heads

By practicing this exercise your spine will gradually become more elastic and as it effects the kidneys it is a powerful way of eliminating the toxic waste that is the primary cause of arthritis and allied complaints

Waste is the foundation of all disease

This ridding your body of excessive waste, and the practice of Yoga asanas and breathing exercises will go a long way towards sheering that superfluous fat from your body and here is a Yoga asana which will help you on your way

This is a general cleanser of the body and helps to expel waste matter and purify the blood

The ambulance arrived as I was starting to get aggravated from the police hovering over me like ignorant waste

It is so powerful that it will lay waste to everything for miles around

The cries of their flying comrades echo emptily … lost souls in the waste of waves

coaching, it is considered a waste of money

We must keep watch and not waste a second

‘I wouldn’t waste my breath

The very next morning they telephoned the wily old publicist and gave him a piece of their combined minds, but having listened to their ranting and raving for nearly a whole minute, the old dog smiled to himself and asked the young couple, “Has your journey really been such a waste of time? Haven’t you learned a great many new and wonderful things?”

“Such a terrible, terrible waste; you can understand how deeply this affected us all

They would have to be incredibly advanced to be dumping their waste heat somewhere we don’t see it

“If nothing else it’s a waste of time

Businessmen should not waste time on

It had belonged to Serena, he told her, and he couldn’t see it going to waste in storage when she had need of it now

waste of money because the children had fought

Our water falls, then comes the waste

Practice: As the saying goes “haste makes waste

It’s just looking at it in retrospect that makes it seem such a waste

found it to be a big waste of my time

young couple, “Has your journey really been such a waste of time?

The door is unlocked and Davie enters the lab, still brooding over the novel use that the waste disposal system is being put to

‘Hell! You didn’t waste any time! Really? You’re really moving in with him?’

It’s all a waste of time

“It’s important to me to follow the real trail to the Kassikan, not waste our time and break our backs with this

No, that would be silly after they had got so far … those reports of Andy’s seemed to show that they were pretty close now … it would be a pity to waste all their effort

‘Healing time is never a waste, brother Kassim

Eyes open and all that, but don’t waste any more time on it

But when Ava came back from Chardovia, he would waste no more time with Bethai, Shaney, whoever she was, if Ava would have him

My bills really need a good going over; I’m bound to be able to cut some waste somewhere

She’d paid nearly an aluminum for that property, so she should at least go back up there to sell it, but at nearly a year in each direction, she didn’t want to waste the time

She didn’t waste any more time at the terminal but hopped on a public for the hour ride up to that clinic

He knew it was a waste of time

terrible thing to waste you know

The varnishing rooms were acrid and stung his eyes but were no less impressive for their lack of waste and cleverness of application

Could it be Hyondahi was paid off by Himla? Who were they trying to hide what they did from? What had they done other than waste a life on shonggot?

Though he longed to find her to say good-bye, he told himself, “I must not waste a moment

Tragic and such a waste

Ed worked for a local waste management

better practice bitch, no man would waste a dime for your whore ass,” Ed said and

He shut the bilge pump off because it was a waste of power at this point, the bilge was going to stay full but the ship would not sink any lower

It’s a waste of time, Sally, you try this every year, let’s face it, you’ve never had green fingers and anyway Ben’s footballs tend to be murder and sudden death to most growing things

It’d be such a waste if you just tore it apart and threw it in the trash!” Monica said

“It’s a waste of time for him mother

It’s going to be a waste of time-” She insisted, but Alex wasn’t so sure

waste of time, Jean decided he’d better go through the

19But Egypt will be desolate, Edom a desert waste, because of violence

Maybe there was an unknown valley out in the waste where a society had remained since the Energy Age? The Kinsheeta was large enough to hold such an area

waste mingled with rotting food (and he dared not think

«Why waste a good morning listening to this bull

desolate waste, and the cities that

What a waste you say, well yes, I have to agree a little with that

‘So our whole morning could be a waste of time?’

looking at the door, but kept thinking what a waste of talent it was

I I said I know you pay $3,900 for people who get accepted in the study; what you pay people who waste two hours of their life, drive here in a driving rainstorm, get jerked around for two hours and then are finally told after two hours they been rejected because they had prostate cancer? Why the hell didn’t you disqualify me on the phone before I ever came over here? I sarcastically said to the gal at the front desk; I bet you don’t pay any money to people who wasted two hours and didn’t qualify for the study

‘I don’t have time to waste indulging my curiosity in

So when you want time for yourself, you don’t have it because you wasted it

The only liquid he consumed was his own urine, and he wasted away quickly

There is no wasted

Concentrating on the effect instead of the cause is wasted effort

Medfly spraying of Malathion or any other chemical is wasted effort and will not affect the real cause of the Medfly spreading in southern Calif

Despite the wasted and spare frame, the man lying in the bed is unmistakably John himself

Tahlmute agreed to pay doostEr for his wasted time, and promised he would get this straightened out

Ajarn’s art was too powerful and precious to be wasted like this

«He strong guy but pretty wasted

Why then, was she shut up in the wasted mountains, where winter was the

After a long life wasted he had just a few days, perhaps a few weeks left

Five minutes wasted

Once the signals were physically connected, he wasted more time before he understood that it was a pointer source leading him to another hardware connector in the game room

Still the prime governor wasted his time with the nationality issue, siding with the Colonel and Waldeis more often than not and urged Herndon in joining them within a boundary and constitution

Why then, was she shut up in the wasted mountains, where winter was the only season and fresh meat such a dream?

«I can hardly call it my religion any more,» Alan said, «I’ve been with Kaha, been wasted on yaag, I’ve deserted my post, I’ve lived with you out of wedlock, I’ve missed service many times in a row now

For 50 miles he wasted the countryside

Cracking stiff joints and loosing wasted muscles

Sorry to have wasted your time

just a naturalised citizen of this sad and wasted world

The desperate cravings to get wasted first thing upon waking were controllable now

The others wasted no time in pushing on ahead, leaving us quite alone

Andrew wasted no time in dressing and rushing down to breakfast to announce to his friends the news to that Emily had been called

This is not time wasted but time well spent even though it might take you some time to train yourself not to keep glancing up at the clock and listing in your mind all the chores you have to do while you are ‘relaxing’ on the floor

‘The years you spent bringing him up were not wasted

Alexis wasted no time and began chivvying the goats on ahead but then he turned and smiled

‘I wasted my studies, fought with my parents, threw away my career

number of things, money not wasted

wasted by its user

You will have gained time and will have wasted less, such as what you use

you lots of otherwise wasted time, effort and money

really knew what you were doing and you wasted

into a far country, and there wasted his substance with riotous living

and the same was accused unto him that he had wasted his goods

She wants more but she has concluded that the muscles in her father’s face have wasted away

We’ve wasted much time as it is

“You’re very good with them, you’re talents would be wasted on a girl like her

was still apparent he was wasted

She sometimes lectured us on the time we wasted down at the Bigtree

for pride or dignity, and he wasted no time in mounting his

They even got a chance to spend a blissfully wasted Afternoonday on the beach during that time

Desa knew she was quite old, and maybe too wasted for way too long

“Does that mean the food will get wasted if I don’t stay?”

“You shouldn’t, a lot of the food that grows in this town gets wasted

“You two have certainly not wasted any time

When he gathered the letter and official plans for his departure the next morning, whether by whim, pride of authorship or simply out of habit, he rolled up his own revisions and tucked them under his arm as he left for the return visit to those administrative offices in which he had already wasted the previous early evening

‘Then his experience will be wasted here, as I intend

But it’ll be a wasted journey

Setting off late in the afternoon, he’d wasted no

You had wasted your trip for that

Alan was pretty wasted by now

I I said I know you pay $3,900 for people who get accepted in the study; what you pay people who waste two hours of their life, drive here in a driving rainstorm, get jerked around for two hours and then are finally told after two hours they been rejected because they had prostate cancer? Why the hell didn’t you disqualify me on the phone before I ever came over here? I sarcastically said to the gal at the front desk; I bet you don’t pay any money to people who wasted two hours and didn’t qualify for the study

And since Don Bosco High School wasted my time with horrible courses like algebra, geometry, trigonometry instead of useful courses like financial management, something you would need when you become an adult at 18; I had no idea how to manage my finances

and Roman wasted no time in giving it its full test run

furnished with what looked to me like antiques – wasted

They got wasted enough on the little keg Plainonn brought with her that it didn’t matter for now

the enemy would be wasted

of life and wasted labour that they looked for anyone to

«I find that hard to believe,» and painful, the scrounge he tried to save was female, a wasted, scrawny, scabby, blond cackler

Then they went down to an awesome concert in one of the great halls of the Central Fastness and got so wasted they went on adventures of which a series of novels could be written

This Alan has black hair, he’s about this tall and wasted away on Norrot, probably won’t last the century

travellers wasted no time in visiting the shrine, although

Of course established science had no evidence of alien contact during this time either, in spite of the ramblings he often went on when he was wasted

I’m forced to defend myself from death, but insults are wasted on me

And to think, Destroyer, we’ve wasted all this time because you thought I would die by your hand

She was pretty wasted and enjoying the sunshine

«No, he eventually chalked it up to you got so wasted you took a wrong turn far enough you never could find your way back and wound up in the bed of some other unsuspecting girl

He was furious at having his time wasted by this

Despite all the man’s power none of it was wasted on stemming Alec’s pain

The precious metals, however, are not necessarily immortal any more than they, but are liable, too, to be lost, wasted, and consumed, in a great variety of ways

approaching riders close behind — wasted no time in racing

Thus the farmer annually replaces to the manufacturer the provisions which he had consumed, and the materials which he had wrought up the year before; and the manufacturer replaces to the farmer the finished work which he had wasted and worn out in the same time

needn’t have wasted our time listening to such a sordid story

had wasted no time in whispering loudly in the ears of Tanker

“Now you’ve wasted half the day’s profit

Of two or three hundred weight of provisions, which may sometimes be served up at a great festival, one half, perhaps, is thrown to the dunghill, and there is always a great deal wasted and abused

Years later when he’d begun his court duties she had also been at the royal court and hadn’t wasted any time in looking him up

What Nuska needed to do now was seduce Zarko one more time and get pregnant; and it had to happen fast, there was no time to be wasted

Money, on the contrary, is a steady friend, which, though it may travel about from hand to hand, yet if it can be kept from going out of the country, is not very liable to be wasted and consumed

«What do you want?» Roycen wasted no time

She continued to the port, then wasted half an hour learning that no other ship was due to

wasted as my ancestor Odysseus’s life

Arkaneh wasted no breath so far in talking to his brother, and simply did as he was told

The Nord wasted no time in calling out to the Praefect and initiating a conversation with him

If your offer doesn’t motivate visitors to subscribe, all of your marketing efforts will be wasted

Amused, the Nord wasted no time in sharing the summary of his worries with the feathered companion

Maybe I had wasted my time holed up in that neighborhood so long

Everyone left on this wasted earth had lost someone

The rocky terrain did not permit travel in a properly straight line so every half hour or thereabouts Melissa Clarke would take another bearing to ensure that they wasted no time heading off in the wrong direction

‘It’s them! We wasted time, and gave them the edge on us

Kurt took a sip and continued, “Besides, your professional talents would be wasted

For a moment he felt annoyed that the precious contents of Jeffrey’s rucksack were also smashed at the bottom of the crevasse, valuable food, one of the tent poles, a couple of tubs of water, all wasted; then he returned his thoughts to more urgent concerns and set about pulling Lucy up

Sebastian and Russell wasted no time in running back to the rental car, which Sebastian wished was closer

She was just as unconscious as she had been before, but he wasted no time pulling the sides of the open shirt around and tying it at the waist and shoulder

“Come on, we’ve wasted the morning already and we have a lot to do

Notwithstanding that, during a momentary fit of good conduct, they had at one time collected into the treasury of Calcutta more than £3,000,000 sterling ; notwithstanding that they had afterwards extended either their dominion or their depredations over a vast accession of some of the richest and most fertile countries in India, all was wasted and destroyed

In her skimpy shorts and halter T-shirt, she was back to her old self, before the months of confinement that had left her wasted away to a pale skeletal shadow of this beautiful woman

He does not consider that the capital which the first creditors of the public advanced to government, was, from the moment in which he advanced it, a certain portion of the annual produce, turned away from serving in the function of a capital, to serve in that of a revenue ; from maintaining productive labourers, to maintain unproductive ones, and to be spent and wasted, generally in the course of the year, without even the hope of any future reproduction

I went back down stairs and my mood was a bad one to say the least Helen saw my face and wasted no time in dragging me into the front parlour and asking

Leather wastes 2-4 1-2 1-4

Add a thin layer of rock dust to the compost pile, alternating between layers of grass clippings, manure, kitchen wastes, etc

It also helps in increasing blood circulation towards the kidneys that helps in cleansing the wastes increasing blood supply

Kitchen Composting: It pays to be able to save all of your kitchen wastes

We compost all of our kitchen wastes and recycled paper wastes as well as the wood from the matches we use, etc

I suggest that you can compost the kitchen wastes by layering into your compost

You can also bury the kitchen wastes into your garden allowing the worms a meal

The guru wastes all our time complaining about delayed fees

It looked like the wastes of Baluchistan this time, but furred with those metal whiskers

He knew these humans had been here long enough to void wastes

Anyway, this is common knowledge; well, common to anyone who wastes time in the Antonis

to travel for endless miles over snowy wastes, but it was basically

«He demands more stone than a world of dwarves could mine, yet wastes our time by making us wait

soon have a bus that runs on gas made from human wastes and

Chuang Tzu describes the kind of friction that wastes ch’i

Wood wastes without preliminary treatment (sawdust, chips) or after grinding (slips, hogged chips, wood wool) can be used as aggregates in building materials on the basis of mineral binders

of time and energy, it also wastes the potential of the

What is there in the system or office layout that wastes time? How could you change it for

All this unused software does is wastes disk space and slows you down

In the Arctic wastes, birds, whales, sea lions and enemy warships have gone about their destined affairs time and again

the sand wastes and through the valley of the shadows:

This perverse socioeconomic model creates the scarcity in the middle of the abundance, for instance, the world hunger in the middle of the abundance of produced foods; the lack of income in the middle of the abundance of available capital, the lack of products or services in the middle of the abundance of wastes or idle stocks, among others

Another shame of its impotence is to allow the deviations of trillion dollars that are diluted in the corruption, wastes or illicit enrichment

It wastes already incurred investments and it gives margin for fraudulent deviations with political and illicit actions; besides causing economic recession that transforms in scrap iron immense productive parks

The idea of this proposal is to transform this fantastic wealth in autosustainable and self-sufficient with the certainty that the resources received in donation they become social investment with success, without deviation of the resources, wastes or applications in other finalities so that the solution of the problem is in a definitive way with world reaching

way, without wastes, without repetition

Another great conquest is the elimination of the wastes and redundant works in consequence of the application of the unique task and of the utilization of the Usuarist Projects that reordain the form of doing the same things under new focus

Generation of Income for Totality of the People, Organizations and Countries inflation and without the unnecessary expenses or wastes

This avoids the consumerism and the burning of resources through the fixed cost with the storage of machines, materials and products whose large majority generates wastes and it annihilates Planet Earth’s wealth

away bashfully, looking out across the wastes almost nostalgically, and as the gale puffed and whipped around his loose brown rag-tunic, Dacian could see the T on

10 But man dies, and wastes away: yes, man gives up the spirit, and where is he?

6 Nor for the pestilence that walks in darkness; nor for the destruction that wastes at noonday

beware; and reprove one who has understanding, and he will understand knowledge; he who wastes his father, and chases away his

4 And they shall build the old wastes, they shall raise

you possess the land? 27 Say you so to them, So says the Lord God; As I live, surely those who are in the wastes shall fall by the

the valleys, to the desolate wastes, and to the cities that are forsaken, which became a prey and derision to the residue of the heathen

you, all the house of Israel, even all of it, and the cities shall be inhabited, and the wastes shall be builded: 11 And I will multiply on

also cause you to dwell in the cities, and the wastes shall be builded; 34 And the desolate land shall be tilled, whereas it lay desolate

28 The smith also sitting by the anvil, and considering the iron work, the vapour of the fire wastes his flesh, and he fights with the

great frozen wastes of the Antarctic, the remote jungle of the

If you forget this part of the configuration, the output of show isdn status wastes no

The sleigh rides through frozen wastes marked off with burning torches

Coupling that lack with the use of airpower which lacks mass, surprise, and consistency and you have a situation that wastes lives and money

18 and wherever it seizes him it throws him down and he foams at the mouth and grinds his teeth and wastes away

A lunacy has come on him and he meets with evils; And when it comes on him it beats him about; and he foams and grinds his tes and wastes away; and many times it has thrown him into the water and into the fire to destroy him and it hardly leaves him after bruising him; And I brought him near to your disciples and they could P

In 1986 the federal government entered the battle to clean up toxic wastes by mandating cleanup procedures and penalties with a $9 billion appropriation

The last thing to say is don’t plan too much because it wastes time

She continued, «I figured we’d leave the stair door open with your room in use—I usually don’t because it wastes more heat

He wastes a critical second forming in his mind the chemical interactions he understands are going on in his body

She grins and wastes no time, thrusting a roundhouse kick to your knee

Evaporation from irrigation wastes precious water

I’m surprised he wastes his time on me

As the meeting started to break up Jane spoke above the kafuffle to another of the EA staff, the next inspector to give a presentation, “Andrew, can we have your monthly update next, and I believe you’re doing this month’s Food, Clinical, and other Hazardous Wastes report,” she said, referring to her agenda, “…and Andrew, don’t you go hijacking your slot please

«Out of the desert on a night when the world was blind and wild with mad clouds driven in frenzied flight across the shuddering stars, and the howling of the wind was mingled with the shrieking of the spirits of the wastes

Also his own chamber pot that flushed to remove wastes

Out of the rolling blue wastes all glory and wonder had gone

He had not come to the limits of his endurance, but he knew another day under the merciless sun in those waterless wastes would bring him down

But do not make the mistake of the foolish carpenter who wastes valuable time squaring, measuring, and smoothing his worm-eaten and inwardly rotting timber and then, when he has thus bestowed all of his labor upon the unsound beam, must reject it as unfit to enter into the foundations of the building which he would construct to withstand the assaults of time and storm

It achieves absolutely nothing and actually makes matters worse (it puts out negative vibrations into the environment and wastes precious life energy)

With much grinding of teeth and as a result of many bruises, my child wastes away

We put miles between us and my grandfather’s estate, heading south towards the southern lands where there were vast tracts of sandy wastes where we could lose ourselves

‘Because no wizard wastes his strength thoughtlessly

There is one exception in their so far complete isolation from other races: a wanderer into the far north returned with the news that the supposedly deserted ice wastes were inhabited by an extensive tribe of ape-like men, descended, he swore, from the beasts driven out of the more habitable land by the ancestors of the Hyborians

Great strips of the western coast sank; Vanaheim and western Asgard—uninhabited and glacier-haunted wastes for a hundred years—vanished beneath the waves

Negative subjects of imagination create negative emotions and that wastes energy

Putting his jacket on Lewis wastes no time in getting out of there

The Linguistics Department translates Medusa’s interceptions of Stellar beyond the dome, which is infrequent, but when it is picked up, the Corporation wastes no time in collecting and analyzing the intelligence

prior learning, resilience, and adaptability, but it wastes the

‘’All this wastes a lot of precious internal space

Where do you store the wastes from the process?

The deed contained a stipulation that Hooker would not be responsible for any physical harm or death due to the buried wastes

The Army denies burying wastes but residents testified to seeing Army people and trucks on site

The site is a vacant lot, covered with toxic industrial wastes, but unfortunately in the heart of a struggling neighborhood

James thought for a moment that she would throw up but she steeled herself and slowly walked between the twin rows of skeleton-like prisoners, most of them naked and smeared with their own wastes

collector; it gathers all the wastes from each cell and starts the process

Yet, though he does not feel this all, he must pronounce Al’lah’s Name loudly over his animal when slaughtering, for Al’lah never wastes a whit of goodness

A pig is a neutral animal that has its function in eating dirty things and wastes, and consequently cleansing the environment from microbes and germs which would have grown out of these remains that form focus for gathering the bugs, flies and insects

����������� ��Mister President, this is a short list of recommendations made by me concerning the various existing armament programs that should in my view be cancelled in order to avoid serious wastes or resources and time

Then shall I leave the body which wastes,

After White wastes a turn getting his King out of check, the Black Bishop then slides over and kills the White Queen on A5

Eliminating malpractice lawsuits would also eliminate the need for armies of lawyers, administrative costs, and other wastes associated with malpractice insurance; just as the dramatic lowering of medical costs overall will eliminate the waste and expense of medical insurance

The patent system wastes billions of dollars stifling competition while costing consumers billions more by virtue of product monopolies for companies that may well not have been the true inventors and

But while stump speakers stir the call to arms, American government wastes many billions of taxpayer dollars on the drug war that it will never win

«The wastes are alive, with the sound of

«The wastes fill my heart with the

wastes and the bugs have compassion for

Now they rule the wastes and look at you,

they wander the wastes broadcasting

light of another day in the wastes

of the wastes, if you see a friendly face,

If your goal is to lose twenty pounds, please don’t drive around the parking lot wasting those minutes looking for the closest parking spot

I did the math, I added it up, 8 hours every day, that’s 2080 hours this year that I’m wasting at a job I hate

“It seems you make it a habit of wasting our time

Now either you leave this station right now or I put you in the cells for wasting time

After a comatose night of rest in the Darklow Bridge Hotel Theo didn’t intend wasting any time the following day

This was about Elissa and these two fools were wasting time

«I’m convinced enough that we are baseline that I have no interest in wasting time trying to find a hack out of it

«You’re not wasting yours or complaining about it

Wasting little time, she strode along the pavement and turned into the side street where the Association was based, arriving at the door slightly breathless and consequently more than a little annoyed that it should be so

but wasting now in flaking, chill wind peels

‘I daresay I am wasting my breath,’ she said with a wry mouth

Not wasting any time, Joris, using a knife I didn’t realise he had, rips off the sleeve of Berndt’s tunic, and inspects the damage

He’s not wasting his time

Wiesse is not known for wasting time and it is nearly lunchtime

Tarak told Rayne that she was wasting her efforts on a creature that would in all probability die anyway

As Chrissie scrabbled out of reach as fast as she could, she saw that he had stripped off his clothes and was wasting little time

‘But I’m afraid we’ll be wasting your time

Billy shrugs off the press pack but not the inner loathing around half three, and the innocent are occupied with the wasting of time

This was supplied in part to dissuade any truly unqualified candidates from wasting the time and materials of the new instructor

Not that she minded, it was nice not eating alone, and there were many extra nleets that she wasn’t really wasting any

And so, without wasting a second, the five of them grabbed the train set and carried it to the river

wasting his time questioning her any further

wasting our only full day in Prague

«What transpired here, Stone Master?» she demanded, wasting no time on pleasantries

«We’re wasting time here, Brice

The infected Elders took a moment to survey the battle, then, wasting no time they struck out against the ‘good’ Makii

So I called up Palak without wasting any time

empty-headed female wasting the court’s time

“How is that a way? I told you I am not wasting any days!”

Unhappy man! to wasting woes a prey,

You feel you are wasting your life away

What’s important now is getting the hell out of here, so how about you and I agree to save our strength for the Falmer and whatever else lurks in here instead of wasting it squabbling with each other over stupid things that will matter even less if we die in here?”

You are wasting time with ideas that go no where

Demilan was too high on the drug, wasting away in a mental state that probably brought him as much joy and pleasure as it was destroying his body and brain

You are wasting your time

Without wasting any time, she ran inside the building

“No and to be frank, I don’t like wasting time

I hated wasting clean water, but I also knew we weren’t going to be staying here much longer, and the washing would help him feel more human again

Finally Martin, the advocate for the new way, realized he wasn’t getting anywhere and was wasting his time

Both the other suits were still active, wasting oxygen and power

It might be more agreeable to the company, that their own servants and dependants should have either the pleasure of wasting, or the profit of embezzling, whatever surplus might remain, after paying the proposed dividend of eight per cent

He said, ‘I could have left you to your flawless tactic … and end up bitter twisted for wasting innocent lives

But then I thought about the other civilians I had met we were no longer the same if they asked you about the war you couldn’t talk to them and explain because you would be wasting your time they were only bothered about their own ideas of it

This makes me very impatient with people who appear to be wasting my time

” I knew that I would be wasting my time if I said anything and besides which I was too tired beside as I have said Rosie was right about Smith having a silver tongue

That meant it was vital they avoid another battle of that scale and doubly important that they avoid wasting their Battle Angel’s ki’mera fighting human armies

Me I whished him well but I could have told him he was wasting his time for when the Colonel and the others died I died as well

What a stupid thing to do… This could be the last hour of his life and he was wasting it sleeping

He trudged on, over sand between loosely formed dunes, not really knowing why he was wasting so much effort producing more heat internally leading towards (supposed) dehydration

Your goal should be to truly help you visitor that shows up to your blog, and my personal opinion is that anything else is wasting their time as well as the time you spent adding it to your site

‘You’ll only be wasting your time, Doctor

But if he resisted now, would he spend the rest of his life wrestling with the regret of wasting their last moments?

Once that adaptation happens, you’re wasting your time continuing with the same routine because the intensity is just not there, and it’s intensity that spurs growth

and stop wasting money on supplements

wasting bullets is not SAP COIN’s way of doing things or mine for that matter

They were not wasting one man on unnecessary duties

just wasting time on fury

moments of real life instead of wasting my ideas to “ungrateful web-whores”

Not wasting any time, we went through the various projects in progress and ones that still needed to be quoted on

Wasting no time he returned this friendliness with a head shot

‘Probably one of the lads wasting time,’ I mumbled to myself

«Look pal,» he replied in a low growl, «any more out of you and I’ll do the both of you for obstructing the police, speeding, dangerous driving, wasting police time and anything else that I can think of

Last time that happened and he paid a substantial fee for wasting our time for once we activate a response team they must be paid as is only right

Ian O‘Connor, champion of the oppressed and self-styled Stephen Vincent Benet of the Gannett sports pages, might have properly considered a career more in line with the principles of serious journalism rather than (seemingly) wasting his ―enormous‖ literary talents and high-minded idealism as a sports columnist

Don’t see the point o’ wasting money when yer don’t ‘ave ter

The thought came, “You do not have control,” and I was wasting

“The crew’d been grousing about wasting time in port

“We’re wasting time Bobby, and there’s precious little of it

“I can see I’m wasting my time here

I’d have you flogged but I’d be wasting the procrastinators’ time on some thickset pachyderm hides

There was no sense wasting time

He was wasting time

Wasting no time, LP collected his chips and cashed them in at the cashier’s desk

Bear spotted LP’s crab pots stacked against the house and said «Come on we’re wasting time, throw those pots in the tinnie, let’s go crabbing

joints in; it»s just wasting up in smoke! That is on the real! There are people out

“Stop wasting you precious tears in front of those who never valued their own family

Naturally, it was not worth wasting time with those who already had the knowledge -those who were monotheistic-, that is why the spread of Christianity occurs from Pakistan to the West, bypassing India and China

We are the sure that our beneficial event stops the economic and monetary bleeding that the countries spend with tentative that overcome more than 36% of GDP on average or the totality of the outturn, wasting trillion dollars in a continuous way in bills or countless social programs, without solving the great questions definitively

What was I doing? Wasting her time, that’s what

Hovering was wasting all the

He explained that he was fully aware we were all quite skilled with the various weapons of the Ordu, so he had no intention of wasting anyone’s time repeating the training we had already received

She made an impatient gesture that I took to mean that I should stop wasting time and get on with it

They told me I was wasting my time, that you wouldn’t come here, but something made me think you would

7 Their feet run to evil, and they make haste to shed innocent blood: their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity; wasting

heard in your land, wasting nor destruction within your borders; but you shall call your walls Salvation, and your gates Praise

There is much coughing and a wasting of the body

It is incurable and fatal after a few years of coughing and wasting

They thought we were nuts for wasting that space

Stop wasting your time with lousy prospects

You will find out how to stop wasting money on advertising promotions that are worthless

“I think you’re wasting good food

definitely stop wasting this energy

I momentarily wondered if she was also involved with the exorcists, but I had a feeling that if she was, she’d probably be out battling Obake instead of wasting her time at high school

thereby wasting the sex energy

thing is sure – wasting this energy is a terrible thing to do

I wouldn’t have dreamed of wasting my time on them that night

“Ridiculous! Well have it your way Doctor, he’s your patient to do with what you will but I fear you’ll be wasting your time

You’re wasting your time investing your paychecks in Yahoo and AOL stock

Wasting trillions on invading another country when we can’t even get our own country in good shape

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