Use the word wash in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word wash, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use wash in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «wash».

Wash in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word wash in a sentence.

  1. We will wash our minds clean with blood.

  2. Fun Home is drawn in black line art with a gray-blue ink wash.

  3. Until then, students had had to use tin baths in their rooms to wash.

  4. Lavinia and Austin asked Susan to wash Dickinson’s body upon her death.

  5. Nitrates and phosphorus used as lawn and crop fertilizers wash into the St.

  6. He then drove to the store to wash and display them before going to school.

  7. He lost that job during the Great Depression and found another at a car wash.

  8. During particularly bleak periods, he refused to wash his hair or cut his nails.

  9. Bennett frantically attempting to wash away the ‘dirty’ feeling my film gave him.

  10. The black-and-white art is in loose, fluid, and sketchy brushwork with a gray wash.

  11. Goya had earlier made a black wash drawing study of the statue during a visit to Rome.

  12. Water from such wells was also used to wash the oysters and to make ice to preserve them.

  13. She was delirious, terrible, burning up», adding that she had brought Frank water to wash.

  14. The immature male has a red patch on the wing and may also have an orange wash on the belly.

  15. Typically, juvenile cane toads have smooth, dark skin, although some specimens have a red wash.

  16. The female is similar to the male but with paler grey and a faint brown wash on the underparts.

  17. One girl, Carrie, has a crush on Chet and invites him to her house each day to wash the dishes.

  18. Such a lake level increase prompted worries that the waves would wash away sections of the road.

  19. The secondaries were brownish-black with pale edges, and the tertial feathers had a rufous wash.

  20. Hammerstein eventually realized that the decision to wash Emile out of her hair had to be Nellie’s.

  21. Somewhat isolated within the narrow wash, it is positioned 1 mi (1.6 km) from neighboring Una Vida.

  22. When eating, sea otters roll in the water frequently, apparently to wash food scraps from their fur.

  23. The schist is exposed in the Rincon Mountain District along a dry wash off Cactus Forest Loop Drive.

  24. Thirdly, the elevated nitrogen dioxide levels in the atmosphere would wash out and produce acid rain.

  25. To wash the feet in a decoction of Henbane, as also the often smelling of the flowers causeth sleep.».

  26. Army Lieutenant Amiel Whipple surveyed along a sandy wash in the northern part of the Petrified Forest.

  27. Like other aerial birds, such as swifts and swallows, nightjars make a quick plunge into water to wash.

  28. Several beaches were fouled, with tarballs continuing to wash up for more than a month after the wreck.

  29. The two washes form the Rillito River, another dry wash, an east–west tributary of the Santa Cruz River.

  30. It has a whitish eyering and a faint pale supercilium, and there is a buff wash to the throat and flanks.

  31. Tinea was also a problem, due to the inability of men to keep their clothes or boots dry, or to wash them.

  32. The white spots sometimes wash away during heavy rain and the mushrooms then may appear to be the edible A.

  33. The bog turtle has a dark skin color with an orange-red wash on the inside of the legs of some individuals.

  34. Twenty COLORado Range and ten COLORado Ridge wash lights were installed at the base of the lift hill structure.

  35. The farmers did not have the means to wash and prepare their coffee cherries to specifications in a timely manner.

  36. Jewell read Psalm 39 and ordered the engines to full astern; the wash from the screws pushed the corpse toward the shore.

  37. It may be that the gulfs will wash us down, It may be we shall touch the happy Isles And see the great Achilles whom we knew!

  38. She approached her father and begged that she might go down with her maids and wash the head and feet of the chained captives.

  39. It may be that the gulfs will wash us down; It may be we shall touch the Happy Isles, And see the great Achilles, whom we knew.

  40. Grove had four children and four grandchildren, and later was the co-owner of a car wash in Sacramento, California for 20 years.

  41. The quick-moving system was accompanied by only 1.57 in (40 mm) of rain, insufficient to wash away foliage-burning salt residue.

  42. The Mishnah taught that on Yom Kippur, one must not eat, drink, wash, anoint oneself, put on sandals, or have sexual intercourse.

  43. He challenged Catholics by accusing them of superstition when they ascribed the water of baptism a certain power to wash away sin.

  44. The technicians wash the beans several times to remove the remains of the skin and coating and put them out on shaded racks to dry.

  45. Water began to wash onto the deck and into the forecastle above the main armored deck; this would prove to be a significant problem.

  46. He had a small blister in his throat, which he also had prior to the Kentucky Derby, both times treated with a glycerine throat wash.

  47. Its back and tail are ash-brown, its wings darker with a greyish wash, and its uppertail covert feathers and rump have a rufous wash.

  48. It destroyed a car wash and damaged 7 other structures, all but 1 of which were businesses, and also flipped over a semi-trailer truck.

  49. Bechdel chose the bluish wash color for its flexibility, and because it had «a bleak, elegiac quality» which suited the subject matter.

  50. Rabbi Eliezer (whom the halachah follows) taught that a king or bride may wash the face, and a woman after childbirth may put on sandals.

Synonyms for wash

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word wash has the following synonyms: dry wash, laundry, washing, washables, slipstream, airstream, race, backwash, wash drawing, lavation, washout, launder, lave, wash up, lap, moisten, dampen, rinse, wash out, wash off and wash away.

General information about «wash» example sentences

The example sentences for the word wash that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «wash» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «wash».


Examples of how to use the word “wash” in a sentence. How to connect “wash” with other words to make correct English sentences.

wash (v): to clean something using water

Use “wash” in a sentence

I’d like to buy a washing machine.
Wash your hands with soap and water.
Can you help me wash these dishes?
What are you washing?
Did you wash your hands?

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Jorma took the cook pot she’d mixed the batter in to the lake to wash out

Luke: 7:38: And stood at his feet behind him weeping, and began to wash his feet with tears, and did wipe them with

Always thoroughly wash your face and your hands after use

Wash off all fruits and vegetables before eating!

Wash hands after use

He found a pond to wash the blood away, but the insects thrived in shallow water

water can be sprayed from a hose to wash the ants off the tree

Wash your hands, and follow the instructions carefully

Wash with water asap

It ended where the wash ended and fanned out over dry sand looking across the basin floor at the encroaching dark

‘It will all come out in the wash, Liz, honest

wash me, and i will be whiter than snow” (**Psalm 51:7)

But you, when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face,

candles that, in this simulacrum of past glories, illuminated the stone in a wash of

Ridges of crumbling stone and cement bit into the thin skin covering my knees and I waited, letting the reality of this simple and basic reaction to the physical world wash through me

I’ll just go and wash my hands – won’t keep you a moment

‘How about I whisk you off to a nice pub for some lunch instead?’ he countered ‘Assuming I can use your bathroom facilities to wash some of this dust off my hands, that is

Afterwards, I help Nick wash up

I go and wash my face trying to restore some normality – a glance in the mirror confirms the fact that I look a mess, but I plead a headache as I go from house to house checking everyone is okay

Through it all, through each and every one of these long drawn out days, I let a sense of self-pity wash through me

When the time came, when the door opened and the habitual scrape of the tray announced wash time, I sat there in morose silence, staring at the wall

We hustled through the, by now, usual steps: a rapid and perfunctory wash, followed by a hasty breakfast of bread and water

«We have to come back thru here on the way out,» Ava said, «You don’t want to wash out something and have someone waiting for you

He has washed us, as you would wash a sacrifice, and He has placed us upon that same altar that we should live according to a different mentality

I don’t think you’ll get hurt in the nest, other than having to wash whatever you were sitting on at the time

The walls, like those in the corridor below, were hewn out of huge blocks of solid rock and the space was illuminated by the soft glow of candles, candles that, in this simulacrum of past glories, illuminated the stone in a wash of yellow and amber

used to wash hair and there are blow driers, curling irons

“Bring down your clothes and I will put them in the wash

«No, Yoonbarla, Knume, the 51st, and most of all Myimpaden and the gallons of golden wash that I consumed there

The water skins were OK, the tent was salvageable and so was most of the clothing but they had to wash most of everything again

It is true that people can never wash away years but skin creams can help the skin

’ Joris went on, ‘I suppose we could use some of that ale to wash it out a little … ‘

Noisily, I devour the bacon, egg and tomatoey potatoes and wash it all down with two cups of tepid coffee

and the sounds of the crowd wash over her

‘I’d better wash this one out, we might need it

To prepare this drink, and it need not be unpalatable if you flavour it well, wash four or five fairly large potatoes but do not peel them

shaNai came out at the same time to wash out the bearings in a few pulleys

And yet, before surrendering myself to the unknown, I wanted to walk along the sand with half-closed eyes and let the cooling waves wash my tired feet, to fill my palms and contain some of that wrinkled and wizened sea, and leave my footprints there with no others in sight

‘Lady, would you like me to help you wash your hair?’

After all, how distant can you be with a man who has wound bandages round your upper leg? We debate whether I should put my stained hosen back on again or not – opting to leave the clean ones for tomorrow … I’ll have to wash this pair out as soon as I get the chance

But after quite a while, to everyone’s dismay, the big man reappeared looking as though he’d been dousing himself under the hose Nikos used to wash his car, maybe to sober up

Sounds are amplified inside the tunnel and the gentle wash of the water against the barge takes on an ominous tone, at least that is how it feels to me

We are still laughing as Alastair comes into the kitchen to wash his hands

I rolled onto my stomach, allowing the water to wash and revive me, pulling myself forward over the pebbles like a lizard, sliding down into the water past the boulders, keeping as near to the bottom as I could and then turning, and looking skyward through sparkling shafts of sunlight beaming through my open fingers

In particular she asked each fair maid if she would wash her son’s crinkly boxer shorts and diamond pattern ankle socks

Standing under the shower, I let the water cascade over my body … trying to wash away the impact of all this fast-moving action

Your turn to wash up tonight, Sally

I muse over that while I wash up

‘I enjoyed helping Alastair wash the cars this morning,’ He commented conversationally, ‘He showed me how to wax them properly

Rob flaps his hands at both of us as if to wash his hands of two such romantic idiots!

though she should wash her hands immediately

After he’s gone, I take the mugs into the kitchen and absentmindedly wash them up as I muse over his kindness

Instead they had put a sail across the stern so she could bathe, use the rail and wash out her underwear in privacy

She took Ava to the bathroom and showed her which was her wash rag, tooth pick and soap

There was only one wash basin and it was pottery, but there was a tiled shelf near it

islands all around that island began to wash their

Yellelle was in the wash room, greeted her with, “How many have you had?” as she walked in the door

seen that a flood has fallen upon Earth to wash away all that which has with-held (wo)man

maid if she would wash her son’s crinkly boxer shorts and diamond

He disappears downstairs with the tray and, picking up my boots and handbag, I move towards his bedroom where I avail myself of the facilities and wash my face … the me in the mirror is wide eyed and smiling … if a little nervously

dissolve and wash away the non-‐truth, thereby bringing me into more

I help Chris carry the mugs over to the sink where she starts to wash up

Chrissie posed, allowing her gaze to wash across the upturned faces in front of her – Sheila, face closed yet unpleasantly appreciative – Mickey and Kev getting into a right going state of excitement – Chas, his eyes stripping off the tiny scraps of fabric clothing her, his hands in his lap, invisible in the shadows – Ozzie, drunk and clapping not quite in time to the music

She helps him wash up the dishes, her mind presenting the parallel activity of another world and making her blink at the overlaying of realities

It was my job was to make sure the carpet in the front room was clean and I also had to wash the kitchen floor at least once a week … whenever it needed doing really

’ She said, reaching for the dirty plate on the side and starting to wash it

‘Just want to wash my hands

Her eyes on her face in the mirror above the wash basin, Chrissie felt her heart miss a beat

He runs a hand through his thin, grey hair and realises that he needs to wash it

of The Wash along its western border

‘Here, wash it in here – I put a dribble of disinfectant in the water

Billy needs a wash and a shave

The next portal is on the far side of the Wash with

the Wash? There’s a good reason why there’s only

clear of the Wash

It is a perfect excuse for profanity, but he lets the moment wash away

Wash, was an enigma

The Wash is a myriad of bog-holes

The group continued along the road into the Wash

‘Because we have to wash down the walls first

Maggie picks up the tights and the plaster wrapping and puts them in the bin under the wash basin

The young man has that same cornered animal smell that Billy tried to wash away in the shower, something maleficent, somewhere between terror and desperate fury, only this stranger seems to be able to control of his emotions, to subjugate the primal

A mumbled thanks and he’s out of the door and back in his car, driving hard for home where he will have a quick shot with his sandwich, wash and then hit the road again

Dave lets the words wash over him like cold surf on a hot June afternoon

If he went in at the cove, I reckon the currents would be more likely to wash the body back onto the shore

She could wash them out and continue on if she had to, but she was following the trail that lead thru Himla til it ended

I had just set up a tent—In a low area of a wash, it turned out, and I hadn’t seen to the horse’s tether

Davie breathes out and feels a sense of relief wash through him

With a sigh, I turn and wash up the mug I am holding

I move towards the sink to wash them up but she waves me away and gets down to it herself while I sit down at the table again

Wait in the queue to buy a ticket … read the list of possible permutations – wash and wax, wash and soft wax (?), multi-colour foam and undercar scrub … a bit technical for me … only want a cleaner car

When they returned to Clive House, a little earlier than usual, the ladies retired to wash up and redress

He grins and comes to help me put the tools away before disappearing (with encouragement) to wash off the worst of the mud in the bathroom

were down, I coughed hard and then tried to wash the taste away with beer

14“Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to

“This keg’ll wash any bad acid out of him,” Braneen said

» She made sure that everyone there knew that a germicide was used in the wash, so even though they didn’t have white linens that would be easy to bleach, their sheets carried no germs

Often the person will feel the need to wash constantly in order to alleviate «germs»

words wash over me, but the children were counting the

long as I could, hoping my troubles would simply wash

Clothes can be washed,

thou gave me no water for my feet: but she hath washed

eyes; DE is like millions of microscopic razor blades, and should be washed out with water immediately

How could I resist? When I washed my hair the bathtub would be filled

«This ion storm has washed out the portables down there, but that ex she’s running around with has an optical ground station, let me try that

washed his hands in the ethereal mists of space and willed the skies to peace

Heart-pounding tension washed through the man in the cell, who sat huddled and

Before I ate I went down to the bathroom, washed and sluiced, and tried to rub my teeth clean with my fingers

Even as the thought skittered through my feeble mind, even though I instinctively understood that having fresh clothes meant investment in my life as a hostage by my captors, still I relished the simple aromas of washed cotton

Then the real meaning of The Kid’s words washed through my soul, draining every ounce of my strength

Her face was still full of fear and a smile was all he could manage then before her face washed out in the glare from the alien reactor’s detonation

Nick comes over mid-morning by which time I have washed up the glasses and stowed the empty bottles in the recycling box

After the living nightmare of the last month, I feel relatively normal, completely washed out, but normal

I washed dutifully because I wanted always to be presentable

I washed feebly, forgetting to shampoo my hair, and when I returned to the cell I sat on my mattress and picked idly at my food

The soldier took handfuls of water from the bucket and washed his face

He has washed us, as you would wash a sacrifice, and He has placed us upon that same altar that we should live according to a different mentality

Lylas’ long hair as she washed the blood from his long locks

And so it was that the God washed away his immortality in the pool of

(washed and finely chopped)

were washed away when she looked at the contended

my washed hair would then be straightened, then the clothes hair and the rest of our body

plaid in delicacy, washed out grays and pinks,

in the fibre of the grey washed pillowcases

washed across the fanned out blue of a sunny afternoon

Cosmicblasto and Catwhiskers clothes had been washed and

They washed him off and bandaged his shoulder up and got him settled in the bed

She washed up and brushed her teeth and changed her clothing

Washed on to white gloss

He finished his business and washed up

He closed the door and took a pee, washed up and then went out to the bed

He washed up and decided to call it a night before things got out of control

They washed and shaved, made themselves feel fresh and good

She went to the sink and washed her hands and noticed the coke on the counter

‘You sound pretty washed out

Nuran had a lot of the same, the squint, more tan than burn but she had washed the dust out her hair, leaving it honey-brown and wavy

I was washed out, panting my way back up like an old dog stumbling through the rubble, watching every step, until I came to the threshold where I almost bumped into a couple of men blocking the doorway

I’d knock you off your chair right now if I hadn’t just washed my hands

Later, much later, walking back along the lane to the kloster, I feel washed out and emotionally drained though in a strange way something has changed … healed almost

These colors will give you a washed out and pasty look, leaving you with an aura

‘They are washed and dyed over there before being brought through to here and spun

She took the screaming baby and washed her up also and prepared her for her mother

The family ate supper in tired silence, after which Helen washed up, Ken accompanied Lucy to the main road and Alan lay down on his bed with a motorbike magazine and the latest hard-ass bass lines thumping through his stereo headphones

the four washed mugs on the draining board, nearly fainting with

He rabbits on suggesting all sorts of things and gradually normality is resumed … by the time he parks in the drive of the house I’m more or less on an even keel … if feeling totally washed out

‘Ben’s awake,’ Gary said, a short while later, coming into the kitchen washed and dressed

stood on a kitchen chair and washed all of the pots

He sat there thru it, so he must have understood that she meant she would do it only if he washed

The crowd couldn’t actually see him as she washed him

This soldier was a pretty good looking guy and quite a pleasant lay now that he’d been washed, she knew she was too blotto to enjoy it, but she wanted it to be fun for him

Wisdom is knowledge tempered in the fire and washed in the

She wiped her face with a cold compress and washed out her mouth

In a brief time the memory of me will be washed away

Outside, on the ground and on the manhole cover, the rains have washed away any residue

Maggie explodes through it and the door slams into the white washed brick wall

He washed his hands and started out, on a parallel path to the river, which this morning seemed less menacing

The others had already arisen, so Tom leapt from his bed, washed

people had been washed off the causeway by waves

As darkness washed over

wave had washed over my body

he arose early, washed and dressed quickly, then climbed the stairs to

matter what I washed them with

Billy mentioned in passing as they munched their toast that all the woodwork would need to be both washed down and then sanded … that had set a horrified Chrissie off suggesting that they should start with the walls, the need to apply paint to something … to make her mark on the room so very strong in her

But he wouldn’t let her even open the paint tin until the walls had been washed down properly

Andy heard voices outside the window of the cell as he washed, grateful that he was safe inside, protected from any hassle

She remembered thinking that she had better get washed and dressed first

They ate, talked, played and read aloud, cooked, cleaned, washed and mended, paced, hummed, sang and told stories always with the twins in someone’s arms, lap, or perched on a hip

By the looks of it he had also washed and waxed it

time the Pinto usually got washed was when it rained

Ava had a little cask of a pretty good gold that was still half full so she set that out, along with a couple of the old cups she had stored here, washed in the bathroom sink

In a moment’s pause, during which they might hope for the performance to continue, it was finally recognized for the end it was, and a wave of applause and genuine pleasure sounded through the room like a clap of thunder as it washed back upon Kaitlyn and her father

tears washed away the blood that soaked his face in the corners and under his

Maybe you could read a book … in your current state of mind? A nice soak in the bath? Probably not enough hot water, Abi washed her hair earlier, remember? The tank wouldn’t have heated up again yet

Oh, and if there is anything you want washed in the clothing line put that in the basket as well

But I don’t think Chefyet’s washed his caldron yet

They all stood at the sink: Roman washed, Carl dried, and Buttworst

Abraham said, and so Matt did all the dishes, washed the laundry and watered the plants

‘These are the ones who have come through The Great Tribulation; they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb,’,”

It had washed him clean; his guilt floated away in the

Soon though, her mind slipped to the events of the night before, as she gazed intensely into the clear water, waves of guilt washed across her

He washed his

Once back at Knume’s she washed some clothes she would be taking, while they soaked, she squeezed and strained the lvinch, filling three big skins with the juice

She was dressed in a sack like garment that looked like it was ready for the dump, but she had washed her face and hair

She washed him all over reaching to shampoo his hair 30 cm above her while the water sprayed over her glistening body

Mr White went over to the rusty old sink and washed the hammer and returned with bandages

gastronomic philistines! Later, we washed it all down with

The servant ministry is wonderfully illustrated through the actions of Jesus as he washed his disciples feet at their last supper

She first washed her hands and face clean, and then went and bowed down before the prince, who gave her the golden shoe

watched CNN, washed their hair and clothes, watched

The association stems from the legend that his body was washed ashore (ie scallop shell — the sea) on the Atlantic coast nearby

died, he washed his disciple’s feet

Today, Jesus calls us to come to Him and have our feet washed

Jesus Himself is the water and we are washed in the Spirit

come before Him and be washed in the water of His presence

threefold guilt washed over him – the memory of the

newborn babes, and their clothes lay washed and dry

“Well I said I’m here what the devils going on, you both look absolutely washed out, you have been sleeping properly?”

deloused her long, red hair, washed the worst of the

Through His grace, He forgives us and washes

He searches through the mud, finds the unripe papaya, and washes it off

’ I hesitate as the possibility washes over me, ‘… could he?’

There were a few wagon ruts going this way, but at half the washes they had to have the kedas dig to make ramps for the wheels

The Blood of Jesus washes away all sin and destroys the memory of

His blood cleanses us, washes away

one who never washes up or empties the bin

‘Did you sleep okay?’ I asked as he quickly washes his face and runs a comb through his hair

The water is starting to sweep across the deck, a surge of chilly water washes over the top of my boots, soaking my socks … urghhh!

Alexis turned and pointed to the blackening sky in the west, breathless he screamed, ‘Did you hear that boss? Did you hear the snorting of her holy horses? She washes the flecks of sweat from their mouths as they champ the bit and cleans the clotted foam

Washes of blue light drench the rendered stonework of the shops and banks on Bideford High Street

The nurse shows Billy to the gentleman’s toilet where he washes

There is usually a bottle of shampoo lying around in the bathroom that he can nick a couple of washes out of

Ted zips and washes his hands, drying them on rapidly disintegrating toilet paper rather than using the roll of pull down towelling on the wall

We didn’t operate the car washes, although we retained some control over them, as you’ll see

sold the franchises and worked out the real estate deals while other people ran the car washes and the gas stations

Young women at Robo Car Washes wore eye-catching costumes when the

“Naw, it’s just another of those damn Robo car washes,” said a

At the end of our stint we had 15 car washes in Vancouver,

the car washes, Lou Dallas, was in business with people who were

dioxide, the caffeine washes off when the water and co2 is drained off

Change it after six washes or wash it in Mosquito repellent

Wind rushes over the lip of the hole and washes over me, and I close my eyes

I stand with the towel as Susan washes up

Water splashes on my ankles when she washes her hair

25 He who washes himself after the touching of a dead body, if he touches it again, what use is his washing?

I sit on the bed and lace up my boots while he washes up in the bathroom

Rain washes away the dirt and grime

And, then, the scarlet phosphorescence washes over Anup and me

He washes his hands too and stares at me after turning the tap off

shared between the parties involved, and one hand washes the other

From within the heart of men proceed evil thoughts fornication adultery theft false witness murder injustice wickedness deceit stupidity the evil eye calumny pride foolishness: these evils all of them from within proceed from the heart and they are the things which defile the man: but if a man eat while he washes not his hands he is not defiled

it washes in, it lights up the ground

attention before, ‘she washes her panties and hangs them over the shower rack! It’s very

A shimmer of relief washes over

“What happened to that boyfriend of yours? You seemed to really like him,” he finishes your sandwich and stands from the table, brushes past you, he washes and dries his dish before taking a seat on the counter

A half hour later Stef washes his hands in the sink using the washing up liquid as the soap as his fingers have become covered in silicone

Stef washes and scrubs his hands several times and the silicone still remains

The smell of fresh vegetation washes over his nose receptors and he can feel the richness of the oxygen in the air

He had not realised how long it had taken to lay the carpet and he washes quickly

Switching the kettle on she returns to the sink and washes her face in the cool water

‘Don’t do that, where I come from the cook never washes up

As you might know, oil does not easily mix with water, but it readily washes or floats away in a thin film

washes over us all, filling our eyes and ears and thoughts with clichés,

of the log book washes away some of the hurt and keeps her close with

That washes all away

enormous sense of smallness and fragility, humbleness, and mortality that washes over you

Silver light washes over us, and the moment we pass through the opening, Glacia’s hair drops back around her shoulders and the lightness disappears from my body

A draft of cold air washes over my face when I go inside

Flat washes are easy another type of wash is the graded wash

Once you learn such techniques, you can do quick washes and spontaneous strokes

like my father always said, ‘One hand washes the other

He’s the Lord, He’s the master, He’s the rabbi, He’s the miracle worker, He’s the one everyone comes to; yet He takes it all off, and just goes and washes their feet

He washes through His people, so we need relationships, connections

· vs1 He loved them till the end – Love washes feet!

Jesus is having His last meeting with His disciples, and He bows down and He washes their feet, and of course everyone’s saying well You’re the Lord, You’re the big shot

He shed HIS blood on the cross for all, but He only washes those who have part in Him

the delicate colors and washes and inks,

The great blue water washes the shores of the place I go to in my dreams

He’s the Lord, He’s the master, He’s the rabbi, He’s the miracle worker, He’s the one everyone comes to — yet He takes it all off, and just goes and washes their feet

probably caused by the sticky mess that washes off lime trees in late summer

He walks to the bathroom and washes his

In the New Testament Jesus was the substitute for the scape goat to set the cleansing as “blood washes another blood”

maintains cleanliness and order in the house: cleans, washes, sweeps, etc

™ Alcohol removes unnecessary molecules and washes the DNA

What you believe is five percent green washes away the bloody ninety-five percent stain that is your economy of privilege upon the life of this planet

The messenger (cpth) talked explaining the effect of communication with God on man’s spirit in a noble saying where he (cpth) says: «Suppose a river flowing beside the doorway of one of you and he washes up therein five times a day

It washes away the weariness of a

I read lying down, too spiritless to sit up; and Johanna in the kitchen, who has dined on pig and beer, washes up with the clatter of exuberant energy, singing while she does so in a voice that shakes the house that once she _liebte ein Student

It is hard, is it not? To control one’s thoughts?» He takes a bite of his bagel and washes it down with some more coffee

” Dread washes over me when the conversation Kan and I had earlier this morning flashes to the forefront of my mind

while mom takes out the trash or washes the car

Relief washes over me

A wave of love washes over me,

The smell of her, the heat of her, the way she melts against his chest, it all washes over him and after a moment that tightness in his chest dissipates

“And so he needs a little wife at home who also cooks him nice meals and washes his underwear

A wave of panic washes over me

start the washes in well over two hundred

The washes would be short so there

A couple of washes later, the data appeared as

When a missing teenager washes up on shore during their first night at the cabin and there are whispers of vampires in Shore Lake, Nikki begins to realize that there are things roaming in the darkness that are far more sinister than what they left behind in the city

She washes Katherine’s hair with them

cutting, and when he has finished he even washes his hands in an icy pool nearby

After all, one only needs to serve the needs of one’s own self and in doing so, like my father always said, ‘One hand washes the other

Each and every state that washes over us is replaced with another state that washes over us in the form of a reaction or resistance to the initial state

When nothing else matters except that single part of a disconnected linear chain of a linear, causal process that rips ore out of the earth, filters it, crushes it, washes it, chemicalizes it, melts it, refines it, turns it into an alloy, ships it around the world to other factories that refine it further, shape it, re-melt it, pound it, twist it, flatten it, and then sell it to another set of disconnected linear processes that makes that metal ends up in half the houses of the world as a screw, as a pipe, as a nail…

Nature whitewashes the Earth every year with white snow, it washes the Earth regularly with rain

The taste washes through It in waves, to be savored

His pain washes through It in waves, to be savored

Christians believe that the blood of Jesus washes away sin

I brushed my teeth and used everything in sight for a fragranced breath, pastes, mouth washes and an elaichi dying inside the pocket of my lowers

that washes off in water all you see are the things which are a bother,

Diarrhea washes out the bacteria from the gut

It is founded upon the close association, in our Lord’s words, between Water and the Spirit, held to signify that when and wherever baptism is rightly administered, there the Holy Spirit accompanies the rite, confers the grace of ‘spiritual life,’ and washes away the guilt of original sin

A strong and mysterious ocean current washes east to west around the island of

Not anything that washes up is a gift from the sun; the sun is unlikely to send them a coconut, for instance, since the sun knows the Shumi have plenty of those

As she was crying and washing Jesus feet with

Pausing with my hands in the washing up water, I watch a bird fly down to the bird table … I’ve never been much good at identifying birds, is that a tit of some sort? Goodness knows

I’d started in the kitchen, washing up the breakfast things and then taking the cooker to pieces, scouring the chrome rings and going wild with the oven cleaner

‘Surely, they weren’t seriously seeing you as the perpetrator?’ he asked glancing round at me as his hands are busy washing the dishes under the hot tap

I had to cut it back just after I moved in so that I could get to the washing line and ended up with several lacerations as a result

On top of that, I spent most of yesterday keeping within reach of the phone and, on the two occasions I had to go out of earshot into the garden to deal with the washing, I had checked to see if anyone had called while I was out there as soon as I got back inside … but Stephen didn’t call

I’ll never forget the time he decided to spray paint the kitchen walls … I’d left a basket of clean washing in there … fortunately there was a fairly substantial towel on the top of the basket which took the brunt of the paint but I could have killed him when I found out

‘Please may I come and join the party at The Laurels on Christmas Day? I was going up to the parents but Dad’s been called off to Dubai or somewhere so I’ll be sitting all alone in my little house with my turkey leg and a sprout on a plate … Gran and Gramps said you were having a party and I should ask if I could come … I’ll be a good boy and help with the washing up

‘Give you a hand with the washing up, Iain?’

‘I gave up washing dishes by hand years ago though, from what you’ve been saying, I’m going to have to get used to it all over again!’

A washing machine rises bright and shining from its packaging, suffers a decade of high-speed revolutions and hot water calcification, and finally returns back to its constituent elements through recycling or decomposition deep beneath the gull strewn summits of landfill

except for the constant – Mothers washing their child(rens)

washing over the gunwales

running hot water over his hands, washing away the stains

I had the vision in mind of feet washing

rhythmically moving their arms in the washing

They proceeded to do the washing up

washing machines? Or is it just a question

happy with the sounds and the washing

The apartment had that woman’s touch, the flowers on the dining table, the washing drying on the balcony

I took the washing in and freshened up the water in the vase

It was the same old lady but this time she was almost bent double, right in front of me like a bundle of washing, and still struggling with those boxes and bags

’ I said, grinning at him as I run some water into the bowl and start washing the bandage out

Oh well, it’s an ill wind and all that! I’ll make do with washing my hair … now where is that nice shampoo Gilla gave me … it makes my hair smell gorgeous …

» Luray tried to not wrinkle her nose too much at the pungent smell of the lantern fuel he was washing the pulleys in

She was washing her face in a small bowl on the hard-worked kitchen table

For two days the blissful romance that should be the ambrosia of all newly weds was forced to give way to lessons in using the Hoover, heating up baked beans and loading the washing machine in such a way that the clothes didn’t all come out shit colour drab

Something happens to me now whenever I’m in that odourless, invisible, wetness that is water whether in the bathtub, under the shower or just washing my skin

Before I left Cornwall, I thought I’d miss my books but there were books all over the village; in the cafés or kafeneia as they call them in Greece, and even some down at the washing well

He saved every penny he could by washing his own clothes, eating in burger bars and buying cheap plonk from the local off-licence

We go through into her kitchen where she’s obviously in the middle of washing up – several days’ worth by the look of it!

In the kitchen, the washing up I was doing when Sally called is now dry and I start putting it away

I carry the shopping into the kitchen to put it all away … the washing machine has finished … must hang the washing out

The washing is dry … drowsy with sun, I fold it and put it into the basket, pile my poems and all the other bits on top ready to be carried and, having put away the sunbed, lug it all slowly into the house

As I’m sorting the dry washing in my bedroom, I hear a car outside

‘Let’s leave the washing up, Jo

Better ring Alastair when you’ve finished washing up – hmmm — Jo and Alastair — I stand with my hands in the water in contemplation – how’re they finding settling down together? Hope there are no major problems

The washing machine is going merrily and the house has been vacuumed and dusted

While I wait for the washing to finish – both the clothes in the washing machine and the boys with the cars – I try to compose a shopping list

He suggests a couple of items which I add to my list then offers to hang up the washing

Rob insists on washing up while I go and ring Simon

ironing boards, a defunct Hoover and piles of dirty washing, nor

After dinner, the kids went off to do their own thing and Gary insisted on helping with the washing up, saying that he was fully domesticated and proceeding to demonstrate that very effectively

The apartment itself comprises three decent sized bedrooms, a large lounge with balcony (with washing line arrangements), a dining room, decently appointed kitchen and bathroom – all very modern and sleek

It seems appropriate for the cottage to be used to shelter a representative of a local family and the Stubbses have been in the village since time immemorial, as I remember Mrs Stubbs telling me once when she was washing my hair – that woman can talk! Oh well, wait and see what happens with Ms Singh

She asks sensible questions about heating and cooking facilities and I explain that the cooker, washing machine and fridge are staying as I shall be taking over the stuff in Anna’s cottage

heating up baked beans and loading the washing machine in such a

every penny he could by washing his own clothes, eating in burger

I know which group I belong in … However, after a considerable battle, which leaves me breathless and wondering yet again if I ought to go down to the gym more often, I have a nice clean set of bedding and a pile of bedclothes which I can shove into the washing machine

Cordra stopped washing dishes and looked across the kitchen

He’d never got the hang of looking after himself, Chrissie thought wryly – looks as though she’d be doing some washing tomorrow

’ She muttered pleadingly to whatever gods might be listening as the water streamed over her, washing away the sweat

‘There’s some dirty washing in the corner

delegate small tasks for the young man to undertake: washing the

I was busy with the washing

‘Is there any more washing up?’

Tom’s offer to help further with the washing up and drying was

Jim has never heard of it and if it turns out to be washing powder he will murder the guy

Automatically leaving her boots by the door, she trod along the hallway to her bedroom and picked up her washing things, dropping the clothes on the bed

Closing her eyes, she stood under the soothing flow, feeling the mud washing off

Washing her face in the bathroom, she heard Chas and Ozzie outside in the hallway

He found Harry dutifully finishing the white washing of the fence pickets at the far side of the Lodge grounds

The washing up finished, she wandered into the sitting room and settled down with the book she was currently working through

She smiled happily and turned the hot tap on to run a bowl full of washing up water, frothing the suds with one hand

appreciatively, washing the food down with the full-flavoured beer

When they walked to the nearby stream on washing days, or when they were due for a bathe, it was then she directed Harry how to gather the wild herbs and wildflowers for the medicine chest and pantry

«I don’t understand», Jock says, washing his mouth out with tea to get rid of the fur on his tongue

The drive itself is relatively long, running from the road to level with the back of the house where there is a fence dividing the drive from the back yard where I have a washing line and small shed, but the drive is not very wide and I have become adept at positioning the car in just the right place so I have room to get out without having to clamber through the hedge which separates this property from Sally’s

Bex can hear sounds washing over the ramparts of her consciousness, humming notes, staccato glissades, particle waves, and she is both reassured by their proximity and confused by the language

Water is now cascading in torrents all over the car washing off the foam

Thank goodness the kids are washing up the supper things, though a little less of the noise and banter would be nice

‘Well, they’re officially doing the washing up … but you’d never know

The kitchen is quiet and empty of teenagers, but it’s clear that the battle of the washing up had been hard fought

Looks as though you’re going to have the day to myself tomorrow – maybe you could catch up on the cleaning and deal with the washing; don’t know how you stand the excitement

‘Can you stick them directly into the washing machine, please Abi … Katie’ll show you where the soap powder goes

‘Have you put the washing machine on? Give it five minutes to fill then you can have your showers – any chance you two could see to the cleaning of the bathroom when you have finished?’

‘How about you two organise something for lunch while I empty the washing machine?’ I suggested

The back door is open and I walk into the kitchen where Anna is busy washing lettuce

Shampooing the carpets, washing down the walls, spraying for pests

The testosterone in my blood stream always had a neat way of washing

than brushing his teeth, or washing his hair—minor inconveniences that were

She was gone for a few minutes, probably washing those off, and was soon back

When she brushed past a bush, she got a face washing

began ripping voraciously at the meal, washing it down

washing his oily hands in the stream

washing down each morsel with a swig of wine from his

She was busy at the side of the van, washing dishes, when he strutted around the side, and sweep her up into his arms

Smith washing the mace from his eyes in one of the bathrooms

And out of that $5, Hankins had to buy toiletries and washing powder, which easily eclipsed the

washing hair, changing clothes and cleaning teeth

represent the blood sacrifice and the washing of water

back again for another sacrifice, but the washing of water is a

This picture of the washing

had to do the washing, but we also partner with him in washing

receive His love through the washing of His word, and this is a

That He might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, that He might present her to Himself as a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that

Notice this washing of the water plays an important role in

washing the feet of those disciples who come to Him, and He

calls us to partner in washing each other’s feet with prophecy

washing at the communal well

Learn how to use Wash. in a sentence and make better sentences with `Wash.` by reading Wash. sentence examples.

  • I have laundered him in a wash machine but let him drip dry and then brush the plush.
  • Bandit is a very important part of our lives, and Posh Wash takes very good care of him.
  • But in second room, the carpet is old n so dirty, looks like haven’t wash or clean for a few years.
  • If u r in a hurry, great spot for a quick wash n do it yourself vaccum.
  • Wash location is legit, not downtown PGH.
  • Isn’t it a health code to have employees wash hands when coming in from outside.
  • Lots of different vehicles doing a quick wash or vacuum.
  • How much more, then, when he tells you, ‘Wash and be cleansed.
  • I’m not sure if it’s dishwasher safe, but I just hand wash them, it doesn’t take a lot of time.
  • This will be easy to wash and that is very important for me living in a hot climate.
  • I love that they wash ALL the bedding you might touch.
  • Bad enough that I disliked going at the end to wash my hands before leaving.
  • Stay away from the unprofessional and lazy car wash area.
  • I ended up using the Dove body wash I brought with me as hand soap.
  • It took me about 30 minutes to wash my Honda Odyssey Van.
  • Efficient and quick self service car wash vacuum with air blast hoses included.
  • Before Mothers California Gold, I was using Meguiar’s Gold Class exclusively for my car Wash.
  • Needed a lot of Butter to wash down.
  • It is also added as an ingredient to beauty products, the most popular of which is face Wash.
  • You can also use a VERY tiny bit of water to wash off fingerprints beforehand.
  • Appaprently there are pre wash, wash ,and something else.
  • You can do so many other things with it, like wash clothes, swim, nurture plants, take a shower.
  • I like these but I wasn’t too sure if they would wash well.
  • Two hours for first oil change and wash a little long service.
  • To wash mattress pads ,blankets, and larger items.
  • I previously used a Turtle Wax car wash to wash my vehicle.
  • The body wash doesnt lather and the lotion does not absorb into your skin.
  • I rode my bike so I had to go into the bathroom to wash my hands.
  • Most of the time, acne can be cleared up by taking care to wash away skin oils at regular intervals.
  • It seems that I never get a complete wash their spots all over the windows smears on the glass.
  • The bigger problem is, because it is a no spill bucket, it becomes impossible to Wash.
  • There are a couple issues when deciding how to wash a down comforter.
  • Because they are rubbery, dirt and lint stick to them but we just wash them.
  • I have used the car wash option and everytime its been awesome.
  • I signed up for the manager special, its a good deal if you wash regularly.
  • If you need a deep cleaning or just a typical wash for your vehicle.
  • Great place for a quick Wash.
  • He said he would take a look at the cameras in the wash and let me know what he found.
  • At the end of the haircut, I’m treated to one more head massage to wash the cut hair out.
  • Used the automatic car wash this morning and was NOT impressed.
  • During Savasana, a magic yoga fairy brings frozen lemon grass wash cloths for your face.
  • It wiped up easily, even from her hair, though you will need to throw clothing in the Wash.
  • It definitely drains faster, but I can still fill it up, but not while I wash my face.
  • So what should have been a 30 minute quick stop turned into a 3 hour wash and rewash.
  • I wash them weekly and they’ve held up great.
  • Wow, what an amazing job they do and they offer a variety of wash options ranging from an $8.
  • They are durable and easy to wash as well.
  • The station also has a car Wash.
  • Then the fresh squeezed mango juice while he had a soda to wash away the goodness.
  • I went to Lindstrom Family Car Wash on my first day in Phoenix after a 2,500 mile road trip.
  • So hard to find a decent car wash in this town.
  • I went there to use the self service Wash.
  • I’ve tried many car wash places in the valley but the Classic Car Wash is the best place.
  • This car wash is near our home so we started coming here to get our car washed.
  • If you wash them, the inside lining will fall apart.
  • Wash all this down with a negroni and you’re good to go.
  • This is a sure lazy way to wash off the constipation problem but not the best way.
  • Collect your spoils, wash, rinse, repeat.
  • After a hard up sell, the guy quoted me full price but would throw in a basic Wash.
  • Great place to treat your car for a Wash.
  • Big smile on his face and said ‘let’s get you the wash you came here for’.
  • I’ve been coming to this car wash for years.
  • Second, I went inside and could hear the squeaking of the car wash machinery not maintained.
  • They also have an English style pub so you can get a beer or cider to wash it all down.
  • It is a great value even if you only go for the $3 Wash.
  • I’ve been using this car wash soap for some time now.
  • Then I added it to plain water when I ran the bug wash out.
  • I was told I came to the right place and chose the $10 was that included a bug Wash.
  • The wash was worth about 5.
  • By the time it got off the wash ramp the car drove off into a tree.
  • If you’re there to wash away a bit of dust I think it’s fine.
  • Car wash is always broken.
  • I can hire a mobile car wash off of Craigslist who will do a better job for the same price.
  • Wash, dry, a little gel on top, style with fingers and go.
  • When you show up for a VIP wash you expect to get you car washed and vacuumed.
  • I bought this to help wash the top of my SUV and it’s been a charm.
  • The vacuums after your wash are free, but do take note that not all vacuums here are created equal.
  • I opted for the $7 wash and got exactly what I paid for.
  • While water also clean the body, wash dirty oil from skin.
  • We drink it, we use it to bath, wash clothes, cars, dishes, watering plants, etc.
  • He said he would refund the upgrade but not the first car Wash.
  • Plenty of other car washes that won’t keep trying to sell me a higher priced car Wash.
  • It took them way too long to stop the car Wash.
  • OMG my wash was fantastic.
  • I bought the $18 car Wash.
  • I founded the Car Wash Guys Franchise.
  • Nearly half of all Americans like to wash their cars at home.
  • I remember when I swiped it at the hand wash the reader felt wobbly and I had to swipe it twice.
  • Wash better than the named brand counterpart.
  • This car wash DENTED MY CAR.
  • Though you’ll be sprinting around your car trying to wash it before the timer expires.
  • When you shower you will find yourself using the concentrated center blast to actually Wash.
  • Car wash guys are fast and good.
  • I use two of these when using a spray wax after each wash, one to apply, another to buff.
  • Then someone comes out and guides you into the car Wash.
  • Like all the other reviewers said, only go there for the drive thru car Wash.
  • Most of the fleet truck washing mobile companies collect and remove their wash water as well.
  • Also, get a bottle of Jarritos soda to wash it down.
  • Have them wash their hands thoroughly before beginning.
  • The dishwasher is a mechanical device used to wash dishes.

Similar words: Washbowl, Washroom, Waspish, Waste Away, Wasn T, Wasteless, Washup, Wasilla, Washcloths, Washtubs, Wasty, Waspier, Wasted Away, Wasilewski, Wasif, Washed Out, Washiness, Wasting, Wastebin, Waste Product

  • Use the word wash in a sentences

Sentence Examples

I’m going to wash, so just stay around.

And I’ll make her beg for more As I wash her free of sin

Elsalill saw that they were in a room where the proprietress of the tavern had her maid stationed to wash dishes and tankards.

Her sister seemed to beckon her to help wash.

wash your unholy mouth with wine before saying the name of Helen!

You can wash them off with brine!

«Did you imagine I was going to slave at a wash-tub… to save you a few shillings?»

The city awakes… and staring at the mirror starts the wash up.

You never wash anything but your neck.

I not only wash them. I gotta pick them up.

Go wash your dirty face instead!

You use drinking water to wash your hands ? … You think you can get away with such girlish behavior here ?»

We could take a bath, wash our clothes—

Albert, — we might as well wash up anyway.

Would you wash a pair of socks for me?

I’ll be going. And I’ll be drinking slews of whiskey so to wash that black kiss of yours off me lips!

It’s all a wash-out, If you ask me!

wash your neck and come along.

wash it off and wear it, Baldy.

Yes, now get in there and wash your face.

Gee, I’ll cook for you and wash for you and everything.

No nothing special, a broken wash basin in the number 4.

I thought I told you to wash them this morning.

Well you didn’t wash in back.

And you have to be dressed up all day… and wash all over three or four times every day.

wash three or four times a day?

Oh, that should be convenient to do the wash.

And they’ll see me smiling as I wash my glasses

For the rest of my life, can’t wash the filthy mark of you out of my soul.

Is it true you wash your hair in clam broth?

wash your face and come downstairs

Hey, maloney, don’t forget to wash that bedpan.

Get busy, give her a stomach wash.

You’re a nurse. You give her the wash.

I’ll go to the dentist twice a year, I’ll wash behind my ears for you.

I’ll wash behind the ears But no, I won’t, my dear

I’ll wash dishes, clean up, anything.

You going to wash my dishes?

Daddy said I didn’t have to wash tonight.

Do you wash yourself now?

Why, twice a day it lifts billions of tons of water at high tide that wash the shores of the world, like an eternal old scrubwoman.

Well, I wash my hands of the whole thing.

I still have to wash a car tonight

Would you like to wash up?

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