Use the word warned in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word warned, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use warned in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «warned».

Warned in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word warned in a sentence.

  1. Groves warned General Dwight D.

  2. Father warned us of such a foe».

  3. He warned Plymouth to strike first.

  4. I was warned in a vision of your approach».

  5. Boso recovered and warned St-Calais of the dream.

  6. Bennett, who warned that it was unconstitutional.

  7. Triscari warned his players, «They will come back!

  8. Bulkeley warned that the seas might even be higher.

  9. Groves had warned the Governor of New Mexico, John J.

  10. He should have warned wherever and whenever appropriate.

  11. Hornsby warned him that that pitch was Lazzeri’s favorite.

  12. The flag was confiscated and he was warned of prosecution.

  13. He warned that Lincoln’s insistence on emancipation made him the real disunionist.

  14. He warned that he might have to withdraw at least two squadrons back to Australia.

  15. Gunn was censured by The Football Association and warned about his future conduct.

  16. It warned that «Presley is a definite danger to the security of the United States.

  17. Romero warned Cisneros against spreading news that might be considered subversive.

  18. The team won nearly as many games as it lost in spring training, but Stengel warned, «I ain’t fooled.

  19. FEMA officials warned homeowners of the dangers of floodwaters, including mold, mildew, and bacteria.

  20. The editorial team at Lippincott warned Lee that she would probably sell only several thousand copies.

  21. The Instituto Nacional de Meteorología (INM) issued a bulletin that warned of a 40% chance of flooding.

  22. The crew were also warned they would not be in a full-lift (heads-down) attitude when they entered P67.

  23. He also warned that audiences should not attend the performances anticipating an optimistic conclusion:.

  24. Belgium’s Centre for Equal Opportunities warned against «over-reaction and hyper political correctness».

  25. Both crews were warned by the umpire as they approached Barnes Bridge, and Helen began to narrow the gap.

  26. In Cuba, a storm alert was issued for eastern provinces as forecasters warned of possibly heavy rainfall.

  27. Admiral Somerville had been warned of U-boats off the Spanish coast, and reminded Force H to be vigilant.

  28. The abrupt abolition of slavery which Rio Branco had warned against eventually occurred eight years later.

  29. Rhode Island state police officers warned homeowners near the coast to be ready to evacuate, if necessary.

  30. Shatner recalls that Nimoy had expressed concern about Kidd’s alcoholism and warned him about marrying her.

  31. They were warned that the ghost was sensitive to disbelief and told that they should accord it due respect.

  32. Lee sternly warned that he would not countenance this being used as an excuse to rid units of undesirables.

  33. The younger man apologised, reluctantly shook hands, but also warned the older man regarding the use of maternal insults.

  34. Conservatives called for new anti-obscenity legislation, while their opponents warned of the dangers of state censorship.

  35. The first race started from the University Stone and early on both crews were warned following a series of blade clashes.

  36. The letter warned that the Mexican army would return and encouraged the people of San Patricio to repudiate the rebellion.

  37. Fires raged out of control and alarms on the bridge warned of critical temperatures in the forward main battery magazines.

  38. In this match, Bradman faced the leg theory and later warned local administrators that trouble was brewing if it continued.

  39. The prince accepted the unsatisfactory outcome, but he also warned that it was the last time he would yield under pressure.

  40. Catherine insisted on visiting the field herself and when warned of the dangers laughed, «My courage is as great as yours».

  41. People had warned him against directing a third remake, and he feared the film would end his directing career if it failed.

  42. Aeneas, resting by the River Tiber, is unaware of these troubling incidents, though he is warned by the spirit of the river.

  43. Before they left Santo Domingo, local sailors warned that strong Gulf currents flowed east and would tug the ships toward the Florida straits unless they corrected for it.

  44. Two days before he embarked, the King warned his son: «Pedro, if Brazil breaks away, let it rather do so for you, who will respect me, than for one of those adventurers.».

  45. Although no evidence points to his having any motive beyond general interest, the authorities knew Davis was a former army officer and warned him to stop his observations.

  46. The bill’s passage was met with concern by Catholic authorities, including Pope John Paul II—who warned of a weakening of family values—and his successor Pope Benedict XVI.

  47. It also banned the import of pound notes for the duration of the war in 1943, stopped producing new £5 notes and warned the public about the danger of counterfeit currency.

General information about «warned» example sentences

The example sentences for the word warned that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «warned» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «warned».

  • Use the word WARNED in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Zio Vittorio, they can’t be lording it around in my area, they’ve already done so much, I’ve warned them more than once.

She’s already warned me first.

I warned youNthere would be consequences for breaking the sacred rules

I hate to bring us down after our incredible victory… You were warned.

Beware, Vitelozzo, you have been warned of violence.

And I warned you, my husband, to surrender her people to the sword that they have earned

Well, girlie, I’m glad you warned me.

«The police is already warned, M. Turner…»

I warned you, Steve. I warned you!

Yes, I warned them at the last governor’s council.

I hate his guts. It’s a good thing I warned you.

In any case, you’ve been warned.

Very well, Fraulein- I’ve warned you-

I warned you your foot would slip sometime, Spade.

I warned you… that no man could violate the traditions of his kind and not be damned.

I’ve warned her and you about that before.

They warned me not to tire you.

I warned you, but you didn’t care.

If it isn’t the work of that forger we’ve been warned about, I’m crazy.

Nobody can blame me. I warned him.

And you’re the sort that girls are always warned against.

HOW DARE HE! I warned YOU.

I have warned you ones before.

I’ve already warned you a couple of times this week.

You were warned before to lay off that rough stuff.

I warned you before, and now I’m through.

I’ve warned you against thinking.

I warned him at the time of the Manny Arnold case.

I warned you about women. — Gavroche!

I’ve warned your brother.

I warned you not to double-cross me.

I warned him, but he wouldn’t listen.

I swear by all that’s holy, I warned him to keep away from this house.

If not, why did you shout at the wake that you’d warned him to stay away?

I warned you, if you continued to associate with those men… everything would be over between us.

His eyes told him immediately that he should have paid more attention to the astronomical news Ennin warned him about and less to stewing in his own woman problems

She confided in Jorma more than she should have about Venna but felt Jorma was likely to listen to reason and thought he should be warned of their suspicions

«The Gardai have warned me to warn you that they don’t need this kind of interference in their affairs

He had been warned about Theo; knew he was coming and had been told not to worry

depth of his features, a smile that warned, a smile that promised destruction once the

This is the stuff my mother always warned me

«Anyway, my sister wanted to be warned,» she was fiddling with a ground-comm panel

His father didn’t believe in Ju-ju, traditional magic and witchcraft, but his mother had always warned him to be careful; that it was for real

As Stephen had warned me the light is dim; because of the concussion, they have gauzes over the window

Unseeing, I walk down the path, my brain suddenly bringing to my attention all the little pointers which should have warned me …

Inspired writers of the New Testament have warned against adding to or taking away from God’s Word

His face wore a permanent smile, a smile that started in his eyes and spread across the full depth of his features, a smile that warned, a smile that promised destruction once the fun was done with

Elden warned Son of quicksand in the areas closer to the

soldier, so he ran toward the quicksand that Elden had warned him about

but you could have warned us you were bringing someone else”

Don’t say you weren’t warned

Having warned you that I have no magic formula dreamed up by the ancient Yogis with regard to recovering a slim, beautiful figure, let me discuss the first step in this ‘battle of the bulge’

I’ve been looking for you everywhere – father wants you …’ she gasped, ‘Berndt, you could have warned me that your mother was coming with you!’

I had been warned that there would be a large number of people at the ceremony, but even that did not prepare me for the crowds which are gathered outside the Gotteshouse and the amount of attention I personally attract

He called ahead and warned Queenie as to what was headed their way

“You guys could have warned me! Oh, I’m so embarrassed!” She was still blushing, and James found it rather fetching

He hadn’t warned her that he meant to go to confession this evening

“No Lady Rayne, they only respond to Lord Tarak,” he warned

“I warned your husband that he was nowhere yet, that he still had a lot to learn

“I warned you that creature could not be trusted

Tarak warned Kai who was already on the road; it would take him less than ten minutes to reach the Inn

and with hat, scarf and gloves all warned by the stove inside the

He probably should have been warned by how testy Jorma was, but what could he say but the truth? “No, but the people who were at the dock were competent

‘I’d warned that this could happen

He wished her a profitable time investigating Tdeshi at the clinic, and warned her to be careful

Whether or not he warned the girls, or their pimply boyfriends, is, anyway, irrelevant

“When I ran into him the second time, when he warned me about

She had already warned him she was sleeping on a dark-runner and she meant it, though Tdeshi’s hormones would have made it a difficult promise to keep if he had pressed her on it

The reporter’s voice, which warned that the images about to be seen were

After her first marriage broke up, she’d confided in Emma that she’d been warned not to marry him

Something must have happened, like Eve warned us about

the last seventeen days, you’ve been warned repeatedly to stop your misbehavior—

more than any other student would have been warned mind you—and yet you

something inside warned him it wasn’t a good idea

‘Not so fast,’ he warned

warned him that he was about to be arrested, and he left

Alan was consumed with jealousy over the way this guy was caressing her, but this was what Desa had warned him about

What Desa had warned him about was true

Each one was large enough to cause quite a crater when it hit and he published this as a plea that it be watched so that when it did move people could be warned

truth at all times, and warned him that Henri would know

palpable softness to it which warned of a hot day ahead

The booth with the glowing butterflies was a really nice effect, Alan couldn’t detect that they weren’t real, but Desa warned him off the drug they sold

your cell,’ warned the Magistrate curtly

They certainly were as openly affectionate with each other as Alan had warned them

Be warned, those who enter this realm never come back the same!

This was a surprising discovery, and I was exceeding glad of them; but I was warned by my experience to eat sparingly of them; remembering that when I was ashore in Barbary, the eating of grapes killed several of our Englishmen, who were slaves there, by throwing them into fluxes and fevers

You can seek this gift, but be warned, with great authority comes great responsibility

On closer inspection it warned the

Daedalus warned his son not to fly too close to the sun, as it would melt his wings, and not too close to the sea, as it would dampen them and make it hard to fly

warned me that it was best that I leave the discussion for

Balaam was warned by an angel not to prophesy to the Israelites but he didn’t listen because he was getting paid a large sum of money to curse them

The church of Thyatira was warned about Jezebel who calls herself a prophetess

But Marcue warned me I’d just be back to pick it up

«Yes, but be warned that we get the same rates other detectives get for thievery,» Zlifonn replied

warned me that this was what she’d been wanting all

The angels warned them that this was a dangerous state to be in,

and warned them to repent

Cassandra, fortune teller of Troy, warned the city against the horse but was ignored

I should have warned Alan and Desa so they could disappear

She warned him he wouldn’t like it, but finally just let him have it, «OK, here it is, the whole big, nobody-can-tell-you secret is: Alan, Alfred and Viktor came here on those moonlets which are really a starship from the star called YingolNeerie

‘Now, my friend,’ warned Seth

I should have just warned you

‘I’ve warned the

In his cold, emotionless voice Solo Ki simply stated, «I warned you it was so

Rosecare warned them not to proceed any further but said there was no harm in sitting where they were and watching the scene

warned me that it is cal ed Presidential Palace

and, in the comedy of errors that followed, we were warned that

The last they’d met, Dzunga had warned her not to flirt with Aetes

Warned by Uncle Clemon, we put to sea at once

“He said, he warned you that your insult would cost you something, and I was the price

Josephine warned me that this was going to happen

They’re not real, you know,” his sister warned

“The hero must be warned about them

She warned him that it was a hot tea made of rose hips

Even though everything in her warned her against approaching, the stubborn side that often prevailed did so once more

Something in Nerissa’s expression must have warned her when she’d unlocked the chain

How could God have warned Israel in detail about

Joshua takes Achan, who had sinned and had been warned of

“Is it true the Delphic oracle warned Hesiod that he’d die in

Lunarey hadn’t left the apartment since she’d got there, as Kelia warned her that if she really was a criminal, she might be wanted by the police, so she’d be better off not going out

The noise of her hooves warned all in the road up ahead that a hasty rider was approaching and they needed to move to the side of the road quickly

She warned me

«You better start sounding some words, otherwise I’m going to lose my patience again» he warned her

“Do you recall how the prophet Jeremiah warned us time and again that the Babylonians would come to take us captive and destroy our city because we were forsaking God and his commandments? So it’s all actually our own fault

After all, we were repeatedly warned and admonished to change our ways before it was too late

Potential aviators should be warned now that the way to becoming airborne is not paved with comfy chairs and scatter cushions

Soft mist and low rumbles of thunder warned of rain

happen, as he was previously warned

Environmentalists have already warned us about the effects of causing an imbalance to the eco-system

security guards and warned them of the

“Don’t land too close,” warned Richard, “The terrain is a bit rough round here

The stern-sounding woman warned that a full systems overload was possible before reaching optimization

“I’ll shoot you if you take another step forward!” he warned, increasing the pressure his forefinger was applying against the pistol’s reassuringly firm trigger

‘Don’t come any nearer,’ he warned

He was warned of the danger.The doctor warned me against drinking. I have warned you of this danger over and again. The teacher excused the erring student and warned him to be careful in future.

How do you use the verb warn?

[intransitive, transitive] to strongly advise someone to do or not to do something in order to avoid danger or punishment synonym advise warn (somebody) against/about something The guidebook warns against walking alone at night. warn somebody (to do something) He warned Billy to keep away from his daughter.

What is warn against mean?

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishwarn (somebody) against something phrasal verbto advise someone not to do something because it may have dangerous or unpleasant results Her financial adviser warned her against such a risky investment.

Is stuck or stuck?

Stuck is the past tense and past participle of stick1. adjective [v-link ADJ] If something is stuck in a particular position, it is fixed tightly in this position and is unable to move. He said his car had gotten stuck in the snow. Synonyms: fastened, fast, fixed, joined More Synonyms of stuck.

What does Be warned mean?

convention. If someone says to you ‘be warned’, they are advising you to be cautious, because there are risks that you may not have thought about.

What is the synonym of the word warned?

In this page you can discover 62 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for warn, like: signal, forewarn, notify, alert, advise, admonish, remind, cry-wolf, suggest, give-notice and threaten.

What is the noun of WARN?

warning. The action of the verb warn; an instance of warning someone. Something spoken or written that is intended to warn.

What is the verb form of WARN?

Regular verb: warn – warned – warned.

What does warn off mean?

: to tell (someone) to go or stay away in order to avoid danger or trouble The neighbors warned us off their land.

How do you warn someone?

Ways of warning or advising someone – thesaurus

  1. beware. verb. used to warn someone of danger or difficulty.
  2. watch it. phrase. …
  3. mind (out) phrase. …
  4. look before you leap. phrase. …
  5. too many cooks (spoil the broth) phrase. …
  6. it’s a good idea to do something. phrase. …
  7. you can’t be too careful. phrase. …
  8. don’t you dare. phrase.

How do you warn against someone?


  1. bewareverb. used to warn someone of danger or difficulty.
  2. watch itphrase. used for telling someone to be careful.
  3. mind (out)phrase. …
  4. look before you leapphrase. …
  5. too many cooks (spoil the broth)phrase. …
  6. it’s a good idea to do somethingphrase. …
  7. you can’t be too carefulphrase. …
  8. don’t you darephrase.

What is the purpose of a warning?

A warning is something which is said or written to tell people of a possible danger, problem, or other unpleasant thing that might happen.

What’s the meaning of stucks?

/stk/ unable to move from a particular position or place, or unable to change a situation: This door seems to be stuck. I hate being stuck at a desk all day.

What does Stucked mean?

Stuck means being trapped in something.

Is Stuckness a real word?

noun. The state or fact of being unable to move or progress; the feeling of being stuck.

What do you call a person who warns people?

Monitor 1. One who admonishes; one who warns of faults, informs of duty, or gives advice and instruction by way of reproof or caution. [

What is the antonym of WARN?

What is the opposite of warn?

allow approve
conceal discourage
disorganize dissuade
hide ignore
laud misguide

Is it warn or worn?

Warn comes from the Old English word warnian, which means to give notice of impending danger. Worn is the past participle of wear, to put on one’s body as clothing or protection. Worn is also used as an adjective to mean shabby, tired, damaged. The noun form is wornness.

What is a word that means to warn before?

verb forewarn The verb forewarn combines fore, as in before or early, with warn, inform of danger or problems. You may have heard of the proverb forewarned is forearmed, which means you’re at an advantage if you know what’s coming in advance.

What is the synonym of worn?

In this page you can discover 107 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for worn, like: damaged, used, careworn, weary, attrition, dilapidation, gaunt, hollow-eyed, raddled, trite and unused.

What is a synonym for worn away?

Synonyms & Near Synonyms for worn (away) eroded, scoured, washed out.

What is the adjective of warning?

Adjective. warningly wr-ni-l adverb.

What is example of warning?

The definition of a warning is something that alerts to possible danger. An example of a warning is a dog barking and growling in the middle of the night. noun.

What is another word for warning or caution?

What is another word for warning?

alert forewarning
tip alarm
caution hint
sign tocsin
alarm bells tip-off

Was warned a tense?

The past tense of warn is warned. The third-person singular simple present indicative form of warn is warns. The present participle of warn is warning. The past participle of warn is warned.

What tense is warned?

Perfect tenses

present perfect
I have warned
you have warned
he, she, it has warned
we have warned

What is the past tense of Warned?

Warn verb forms

Infinitive Present Participle Past Tense
warn warning warned

What is meant by ward off?

Definition of ward off : to avoid being hit by (something) ward off a blow often used figuratively I tried different remedies to ward off a cold.

What wore off?

: to gradually decrease, disappear, or stop The painkillers wore off after a couple of hours. The shine on the leather will wear off pretty quickly. After you drive a new car for a while, the novelty wears off.

What is the meaning of worn out cells?

Something that is worn out is so old, damaged, or thin from use that it cannot be used any more.

Definition of Warned

informed someone of upcoming danger

Examples of Warned in a sentence

The citizens were warned that a hurricane was coming and were urged to leave before the storm arrived.


Although her doctor warned her that candy was bad for her health, the sugar lover couldn’t seem to stop eating it.


The teacher warned the student that he would fail her class if he didn’t pass the exam, but he didn’t seem to care.


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