Use the word wanted in a sentence

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1. He that hath a full purse never wanted a friend. 

2. When you want knowledge like you wanted air under water then you will get it. 

3. They wanted to revolutionize the whole world.

4. I merely wanted to see it.

5. The police drew up a blacklist of wanted terrorists.

6. I’ve always wanted to be able to speak Japanese.

7. The thief is wanted by the police.

8. He wanted to ask her, but he didn’t dare.

9. He said he wanted to go to town.

10. She’s always wanted a large family.

11. The boys wanted to play football.

12. He wanted to rasp the surface smooth.

13. Stan initially wanted to go to medical school.

14. She desperately wanted to win her father’s approval.

15. He wanted them to jump to it.

15. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.

16. She wanted to enjoy her moment of glory.

17. They both wanted to have a rest.

18. The book I wanted was on the top shelf.

19. Everybody wanted to watch the match.

20. They wanted to initiate a discussion on economics.

21. Thanks for the present-it’s just what I wanted.

22. Phyllis always wanted to be in show business.

23. He wanted money to tide him over.

24. She showed considerable talent for getting what she wanted.

25. The princess wanted to marry a blacksmith.

26. She wanted a particular type of cactus.

27. After protracted negotiations, Ogden got the deal he wanted.

28. He wanted these lines as his epitaph.

29. I wanted that moment to last forever .

30. I wanted a little breathing space between jobs.

More similar words: granted, antedate, implanted, enchanted, antediluvian, discontented, contented, want, wanton, wanting, wantonness, ante, rented, wonted, haunted, printed, scented, stunted, tainted, mantel, banter, invented, talented, demented, Anointed, augmented, appointed, contested, tormented, undaunted. 

I wanted to know if we can use did and wanted in the same sentence.For example in the following sentence:

What did he wanted to prove through the experiment?

Is this a correct sentence? It uses did and wanted together.

Araucaria - Not here any more.'s user avatar

asked Apr 22, 2017 at 12:33

Swati Misra's user avatar


In English we can only have one tensed verb in a verb phrase. The auxiliary DO is always tensed. It is always either past tense or present tense.

If we use the auxiliary DO, the Complement verb phrase will always use a PLAIN form of the verb. This is the word you see in the dictionary.

  • She didn’t WANT a chocolate.

Notice in the sentence above that because did is in the past tense, the verb want cannot be past tense. It is in the plain form. Notice also that the verb want is not present tense. The following sentence is ungrammatical:

  • She didn’t wants a chocolate. (ungrammatical).

For these reasons the Original Poster’s example needs to use the verb want in the plain form:

What did he want to prove through the experiment?

answered Apr 23, 2017 at 9:19

Araucaria - Not here any more.'s user avatar


When using a verb to do, you must use the plain form of verb after it. And the verb to do is sufficient to mark the tense.

What did he want to prove through the experiment? (did marks past tense).

But there is an exception for this rule. You can use do/did with a past tense form of verb in a cleft-sentence because the verb to do functions as a lexical verb, not as an auxiliary.

All he did was eat the food.

answered Apr 22, 2017 at 13:09

Mohd Zulkanien Sarbini's user avatar


Declarative sentence in the simple past in English:
He wanted to prove something with his experiment.

Interrogative sentence in English:
Did he want to prove something with his experiment?

Interrogative pronouns follow the interrogative sentence rule:
What did he want to prove etc.
How did he want to prove etc.
Where did he want to prove
When did he want to prove etc.

The word did in the simple past and the words do/does [careful with the s in the third person] are the helping verbs used to make interrogative sentences in English. In the interrogative form, the subject and the verb are inverted.

Do you like tea?
Did you like the tea served at the party?

This is basic English grammar. And that is the proper terminology for explaining it in the simplest way.

Please do not edit this answer. It is structured the way I want it to be structured.

answered Apr 22, 2017 at 14:56

Lambie's user avatar


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You can simplify your question a lot: «Is ‘he did wanted’ correct?»

And the answer is «no». In English, when you use a modal verb, only the modal verb is inflected; the main verb remains as the bare infinitive.

So «He did want» instead of «He did wanted», and «He does want» instead of «He does wants».

Read this article about modal verbs.

answered Apr 22, 2017 at 12:58

Michael Lorton's user avatar


With did, or didn’t, the main verb following it takes the present tense.

What did he wanted to prove through the experiment?

What did he ‘want’ to prove through the experiment?

Another example- «Why didn’t I get the ice cream?»

«Oh, I didn’t know that you didn’t get any.»

answered Apr 23, 2017 at 11:11

Aanchal S's user avatar

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Rupert left work for the last time today, he’s got another job
in the City, we will miss him, I didn’t want him to go. I want a
good breakfast of bacon, eggs tea and toast. As the sun came out at
lunch time I didn’t want to go back to work. My Dad was always
mean, and I never get what I want.

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Q: How do you use the word wanted in a sentence?

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Use the appropriate forms of the words on the right to complete the sentences.
1. − I have seen a very interesting documentary lately. (see)

− When (you) _ it? (see)

− I _ exactly. A few days ago, I _ . (not remember, think)

2. I was sure they _ a new war film next month. (release)
3. What _ on at our local cinema? Which of the films would you prefer? (be)
4. Ian said he _ his childhood far from the city and (always) _ to become a Hollywood actor. (spend, want)
5. − Who _ next door? (live)

− I _ , I (never) _ my neighbour. (not know, meet)

6. Alice entered the bedroom. She thought the children _ but they _ a crime film. (sleep, watch)
7. − How many new films (your studio) _ each year? – About six. Now they _ a new sci−fi. (release, shoot)
8. When Henry _ , he _ us everything about the conference. Would you like _ and join us? (return, tell, come)
9. The film _ , enjoy _ ! (begin, you)
10. He didn’t say anything about _ achievements in the field of cinema art. (they)
11. Where does your _ sister live? (old)
12. How much is she _ than you? (old)
13. Could you, please, send me all the _ data you will get? (far)

ГДЗ Английский язык 8 класс (рабочая тетрадь) Афанасьева. UNIT THREE. IV. Use of English. Номер №31


Перевод задания
Используйте соответствующие формы слов справа, чтобы закончить предложения.
1. − Недавно я посмотрел очень интересный документальный фильм. (видеть)
− Когда (вы)_ это? (видеть)
− Я _ точно. Несколько дней назад я _ . (не помнить, думать)
2. Я был уверен, что они _ новый фильм о войне в следующем месяце. (выпускать)
3. Что _ дальше в нашем местном кинотеатре? Какой из фильмов вы бы предпочли? (быть)
4. Йен сказал, что он _ провел свое детство далеко от города и (всегда) _ хотел стать голливудским актером. (тратить, хотеть)
5. − Кто _ по соседству? (жить)
− Я _ , я (никогда) _ мой сосед. (не знать, встретить)
6. Алиса вошла в спальню. Она думала, что дети _ но они _ криминальный фильм. (спать, смотреть)
7. − Сколько новых фильмов (ваша студия) _ каждый год? – Около шести. Теперь они _ новая научная фантастика. (выпустить, стрелять)
8. Когда Генри _ , он рассказал нам все о конференции. Хотите _ и присоединитесь к нам? (вернуться, рассказать, придти)
9. Фильм _ , приятного просмотра _ ! (начинать, ты)
10. Он ничего не сказал о _ достижениях в области киноискусства. (они)
11. Где живет твоя _ сестра? (старый)
12. Насколько она _ чем вы? (старый)
13. Не могли бы вы прислать мне все _ данные, которые вы получите? (далекий)

1. − I have seen a very interesting documentary lately.

− When
did you see it?

− I
don’t remember exactly. A few days ago, I think.
2. I was sure they would release a new war film next month.
3. What is on at our local cinema? Which of the films would you prefer?
4. Ian said he had spent his childhood far from the city and had always wanted to become a Hollywood actor.
5. − Who lives next door?

− I
don’t know, I have never met my neighbour.
6. Alice entered the bedroom. She thought the children were sleeping but they were watching a crime film.
7. − How many new films does your studio release each year? – About six. Now they are shooting a new sci−fi.
8. When Henry returns, he will tell us everything about the conference. Would you like to come and join us?
9. The film has begun / is beginning, enjoy yourself!
10. He didn’t say anything about their achievements in the field of cinema art.
11. Where does your elder sister live?
12. How much is she older than you?
13. Could you, please, send me all the further data you will get?

Перевод ответа
1. − Недавно я посмотрел очень интересный документальный фильм.
− Когда вы его смотрели?
− Я точно не помню. Несколько дней назад, я думаю.
2. Я был уверен, что они выпустят новый военный фильм в следующем месяце.
3. Что идет в нашем местном кинотеатре? Какой из фильмов вы бы предпочли?
4. Ян сказал, что он провел детство вдали от города и всегда хотел стать голливудским актером.
5. − Кто живет по соседству?
− Я не знаю, я никогда не встречал своего соседа.
6. Алиса вошла в спальню. Она думала, что дети спят, но они смотрят криминальный фильм.
7. − Сколько новых фильмов выпускает ваша студия каждый год? – Около шести. Сейчас они снимают новый научно−фантастический фильм.
8. Когда Генри вернется, он расскажет нам все о конференции. Хотели бы вы прийти и присоединиться к нам?
9. Фильм начался / начинается, наслаждайтесь!
10. Он ничего не сказал о своих достижениях в области киноискусства.
11. Где живет твоя старшая сестра?
12. Насколько она старше тебя?
13. Не могли бы вы прислать мне все дополнительные данные, которые вы получите?

  • 0

Use the completed phrases in the correct form to complete the sentences.
1) Arthur wanted a sword for a …
2) Merlin … that Arthur was in danger.
3) Some people say Merlin was a character of …
4) Merlin wantef to … to the fighting for the throne.
5) The kings of Britain were … with foreign enemies
Вот слова:
have a vision
Fight battles
Put an end
Local tournament
Medieval stories

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  • 0

1 local tournament
2 had a vision
3 medieval stories
4 put an end
5 fight battles

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