Use the word walking in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word walking, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use walking in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «walking».

Walking in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word walking in a sentence.

  1. Kalākaua was given walking canes as souvenirs.

  2. Detail of figures walking in the far background.

  3. The walking and driving controls were criticized.

  4. Wei ends up walking most of the way to Zhangjiakou.

  5. Within the town, people usually traverse by walking.

  6. A giraffe has only two gaits: walking and galloping.

  7. Close up of the walking cage on the trebuchet (2010).

  8. Field walking was carried out and key sites excavated.

  9. This constellation either represented the foot of a walking person or a wild boar.

  10. Played by Williams, Gruntfuttock is described by the writers as «the walking slum».

  11. Best way I can describe this one is that it’s sort of like walking by a side street.

  12. Doing this allows the giant anteater to keep its claws out of the way while walking.

  13. He described the episode as «the longest walking tour of my life, and the queerest».

  14. The sound of Klingons walking, for example, was conveyed with chains and leather for a «rough» sound.

  15. Like most terrestrial starlings the common starling moves by walking or running, rather than hopping.

  16. The talons of all the toes are straight and blunt, and are thus more adapted to walking than gripping.

  17. In 1978, Smith struggled with Midland in the Texas League, walking 128 batters in 155 innings pitched.

  18. The webbing on the feet is more significant on the front feet and is folded back when walking on land.

  19. Kennedy’s goal of Americans walking on the Moon and returning safely to Earth by the end of the 1960s.

  20. Like most students, he lived at home, walking the 4 miles (6.4 km) to the university and back each day.

  21. Hearing this, the grief-stricken Stevens commits suicide by walking in front of an oncoming semi truck.

  22. As a two-year-old, Selwood was forced to wear splints on his leg to help overcome a walking disability.

  23. The gonopods develop gradually from walking legs through successive moults until reproductive maturity.

  24. Goldfinger has an obsession with gold to the extent that Ladenson says that he is «a walking tautology».

  25. Koufax threw 41+2⁄3 innings in 12 appearances that season, striking out 30 batters and walking 28.

  26. It cannot stand and is not proficient at walking, and requires an unobstructed takeoff to fly from land.

  27. In the mid-ground, the artist has sketched a street scene, which features walking stick figures and cars.

  28. Since we always tried to minimise walking, we’d show the puppets taking one step only, then promptly cut.

  29. The machine is considered a tourist attraction, recommended in visitor guides for Portland and included in walking tours.

  30. Food is taken mainly from the ground, birds either finding objects while flying overhead or by walking along and looking.

  31. On 15 July 1958, Julia Lennon was struck and killed by a car while she was walking home after visiting the Smiths’ house.

  32. The technique involves the use of tracking shots, showing two or more characters walking between locations while talking.

  33. Charles Reed, «my ‘father confessor’ in times of all trouble», died after a fall during a walking holiday in Switzerland.

  34. Gilchrist was renowned for walking when he considered himself to be out, sometimes contrary to the decision of the umpire.

  35. At the trial, Euston admitted that when walking along Piccadilly a tout had given him a card which read «Poses plastiques.

  36. She spent time walking around New York wearing a mask over her eyes to get accustomed to walking as though she were blind.

  37. A bike path also surrounds the lake, and riding, walking or jogging around the lake are a popular activity on the weekends.

  38. Ross added that Eve respected Ivy’s «ability to take charge» instead of «always tiptoeing around and walking on eggshells».

  39. Since 2003, the women have protested the imprisonments by attending Mass each Sunday wearing white dresses and then silently walking through the streets in white clothing.

  40. Because its feet are located so far back on its body, the red-throated loon is quite clumsy walking on land, but it can use its feet to shove itself forward on its breast.

  41. Other fire tracks and walking trails wind around the hills that surround Waterfall Gully, branching off from Chambers Gully, Woolshed Gully or the area around First Creek.

  42. During the fighting, to the dismay of the British, she insisted on walking the streets distributing rations to policemen and children in contravention of the curfew order.

  43. On July 2, 1881, Blaine and Garfield were walking through the Sixth Street Station of the Baltimore and Potomac Railroad in Washington when Garfield was shot by Charles J.

Synonyms for walking

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word walking has the following synonyms: walk-to, close and walk.

General information about «walking» example sentences

The example sentences for the word walking that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «walking» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «walking».

Ava was walking toward the camp and looking around, «Jorma, you used to say that about me

Walking with God is a common term used a lot among

you are walking with God, your life should have the

This means walking with God is far more than what you

Results of walking with God should reflect

Therefore if you are walking with God, it means where

Because walking with God is always accompanied by His

Walking with God is all about living life that has God’s

from walking with him

Mind you, I stil chose to send her to the wrong one – after all, what did the cheeky cow think I was? ; A walking information booth?

Therefore, walking with God is a special, unique,

that means walking with God is for you and me, not just

When Mom finally told me about the case, I remember just nodding and walking to my room to just stare at the ceiling and think

To be honest, you don’t see cops much walking the beat around Juneau

Fear of God is one of the important keys in walking

Studies have suggested that walking at a brisk pace for three or more hours a week can reduce our risk for coronary heart disease by 65 percent

Walking is one of the most primal movement patterns known to man

Because walking was essential to our survival during our developmental years, our bodies have developed so that walking and movement are essential to health; as it has been said, form follows function

Walking requires the integrated use of our arms, legs and torso

Hundreds of calorie-burning muscles are utilized simply by walking

Walking briskly on a daily basis not only results in calorie burning, it increases enzyme and metabolic activity that may result in increased calorie consumption for up to 12 hours after walking as little as 2 miles

The more deconditioned we are, the greater the metabolic effect of walking

An example of an internal organ dysfunction that often responds well to walking is constipation

Most of these people would look and feel much better by simply walking as little as two miles a day and drinking an ounce of water for each kg of body weight on a daily basis!

“Tobias, are you crazy! Need I remind you that there are lots and lots of the walking dead out there today!”

Walking with God was

walking with any natural man

Walking with God

are walking with Him as your companionship in

However we should try and stay away from heavily cushioned walking shoes

is walking with you

is not there; that is when you are really walking with Him

Another thing you need know about walking with God by

Therefore walking with God when it seems like He is not

Walking with God when it seems like He is not there, that is

Therefore, walking with God when you not see Him is

“Are you going to stand in the elevator all day? We have important things to discuss,” Ackers chastised them, and then, without waiting for their response, he turned and started walking down the hall

Walking with God is more practical then theory

In conclusion, know that, walking with God is a lifetime

This book is the continuality of Walking with

The fastest he could do was the pony version of power walking

“I think it’s going to take all four of them,” he said to himself as he pointed the device at Red while walking quickly toward Johnny and the Chip

In a sense she was a native, this body was born here of native parents back when Alan was the only person of Earth ancestry walking here

They started walking down the street, Johnny looked at his watch

They kept walking down the street

It was already the afternoon and people were walking by with their suits and their cell phones

The image that came to doostEr’s mind was a trio of guys walking out on stage with their arms on fire

We tell everyone that we are on the path to communion with God but are not actually walking on that path

After walking to the far rocks and back they both agreed that it was time for a

It was a lot longer walking to the back shed where secure cargo was kept than it was riding on the second floor of a monster wagon

A wolf walking by the mountain’s side in the evening saw his

Spirit had been testing my walking in faith

Portsmouth and then started walking

I have been walking slowly towards the end of

I spin round to see Stephen walking through the gates and across the drive, newspaper tucked under his arm

band walking in the room…It took time for this truth, that God has

» Tahlmute stammered, but was walking toward him

Stu represented the epitome health and vitality, walking with all of the

It is peaceful with no sound of cars and only the crunch of our walking boots disturbing the peace of the countryside

weighed upon her shoulders as if she was walking into the maw of a deeply black and

You’re going to a garden party with him, not walking up the aisle

Leonora was already walking towards her when she wearily climbed out of the car, followed by her livelier nine year old daughter

legs ached from the walking, and his back was stiff

I forced myself to move, but it felt like I wasn’t connected to my body any more, like I was walking on the moon

» She could have gone into talking about the war, but they were going to have to start walking back pretty soon if she was going to get him into the android on time

«It’s been a year,» she answered, Ava was going to blink them thru to the androids any minute, she’d lost track of time while they’d been walking, «since Ava restarted my backup

He kept walking, staring at the waves around his feet

She sets the scene and we all walk through the lines, then we have to do it properly … which, in this case, means Andy and I being in a clinch as the curtain goes up so that we can be surprised by other characters walking in on us

Tempted, I hesitate; I’d said only the other day that I’d like to join him on one of his walks – I’m keen to discover more about the village … walking with Henry would be an excellent way to do it

Once or twice walking round the village I think I see him and my heart leaps, which doesn’t help at all

Having finished work this afternoon, I was walking along Academy Avenue to the bus terminus, when I suddenly saw Persephone and her mother just a few metres away, waving at me happily! They looked thrilled to see me, they ran towards me at once and I could do nothing to avoid them

Walking back, arm in arm, through the chilly but star-lit night, I sigh happily

Encouraged by his matter of fact tone, I put into words the thoughts I had while I was walking along the railway walk

It was on that third day, as evening approached, that he suddenly found himself surrounded by a throng of surprised crewmen, most of them surprised to find themselves clad in formal robes and turbans, all walking along the colonnade of the Haadij toward what could only be the amphitheater

It came out in walking faster, he kept turning back to her and almost bumped into someone

He wandered afterward, walking along a sixth floor street till he could see the pier their boat was on

Before I knew it, I was walking along the cobbled path again, slowly at first, faster then, without even looking back

Stu represented the epitome health and vitality, walking with all of the swagger that a broad shouldered and confident young man at ease amid a timeless landscape should possess

Fog: If you are walking in fog, it means that you should try harder if you want to succeed

If you are walking on ice, it means that you risk a lot by chasing futile pleasures

Stilts: If you are walking on stilts, it means that you are conceited and arrogant

The bus driver says he remembers you and saw you start walking along the road but the last he saw of the men was them just standing by the bus stop

The sky weighed upon her shoulders as if she was walking into the maw of a deeply black and ebonised catafalque

His legs ached from the walking, and his back was stiff

and Lyla were walking in the marketplace and a man calling Sons’ name

By the time she was walking up the cobbled slope, having negotiated successfully the vagaries of the Bristol bus service, she was feeling quite pleased with herself

” said Son as he continued walking

‘Then anywhere there’s a station … I’d suggest Weston-super-Mare myself … the station’s in the middle of the town and walking distance to facilities where you could talk

She’d been walking for about fifteen minutes when that sixth sense her training had inculcated alerted her to the fact that she was being followed

’ Berndt said as they started walking again

hats, coats and walking sticks

They didn’t need walking sticks

They picked up their walking sticks and once again trudged

walking stick through the snow

Joe picked up his walking stick and headed towards the front

walking in the woods she found two starving

led the way, walking steadily to the entrance of the cave

So he grabbed a big handful of his stuff, and started to make a lot noise walking down the ramp to his cart

The two old friends took out their walking sticks and proceeded

As she was walking back into the room there was a flash of light and a deafening bang

Use Walking in a sentence. How to use the word Walking in a sentence? Sentence examples with the word Walking. Sentence for Walking.

Use Walked in a Sentence

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Examples of Walking in a sentence

  1. As in walking, so in living with our fellows, some friction is necessary.
  2. The last time I saw him he was walking down lover’s lane holding his own hand.
  3. Slipping out of her gray dress, she changed into a walking suit of blue homespun.
  4. In a minute or two he came back, walking carefully, so as not to spill the water.
  5. At the time of Mrs. Henry’s visit, the hen was out in the yard walking about.
  6. The problem is due to their appearances and way of walking or talking they are easily recognizable and become victim of such derogatory remarks etc.
  7. While I was walking through the door I stumbled upon something very cold and metallic and felt the drum begin to move away from me.
  8. You accidentally hear, I will suppose, as you are walking home from school, two of your boys in earnest conversation, and one of them uses profane language.
  9. So Stuyvesant brought the team around and then went back, one of the oxen in returning walking in the furrow which had been made before.
  10. Fire, so the book proceeds, is to be the test of guilt or innocence for all men; the holy Vatsa once demonstrated his innocence by walking through fire without a hair of his head being consumed.
  11. As she spoke the name, she turned away from him, and walking with unsteady steps across the room, stood looking down into the fire.
  12. By walking cautiously out to the extremity of a point that projected from the shelf upon which his cabin stood, he had been accustomed to see the snowy domes of Mt. Shasta.
  13. Every night, now, when I put out the light to go to bed, I see her in the room; and when I go on streets that are dark, I think she’s walking with me.

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  • Use the word Walking in a sentences

Sentence Examples

The next big challenge is walking in space — an extravehicular activity, or EVA.

I’ll have your lambkins up and walking.

I fell while I was walking.

For example, this is a catch picture, walking on the Pont Neuf or something like that and a man is walking his black and white Capuchin monkey and a woman’s coming along with her…in black and white of all things… with her baby in there and the two of them are seeing each other.

Or, you know, just catching a pair of giant shoes walking along the street with people in them, and they run into a girl on crutches who’s got a leg in a cast and she does this high kick for them.

I remember walking into a galleryist in New York City with my work in 1974 and he took a look and he asked me,

But photography has to build this out of the facts that we all know by walking dirty streets and living in dirty air.

I was walking down the hallway and saw a woman going to the ICU.

Only 2 people are walking the streets of power:

Sometimes when I’m walking I see the policemen beat people like dogs.

The mayor’s walking down the stairs.

Don’t see me walking around with the clown’s frown.

If anyone so much as mentions «bad luck», they’re walking.

You shouldn’t be walking out here alone.

The whole walking through the woods and hearing noises coming from places that, you know—

I was walking around, and…

Because you go around doing what you do, in other people’s eyes… You’re just a crazy woman walking around with that tissue box on your foot. Someone who doesn’t even know how to be embarrassed.

I look like a crazy person walking around like this, don’t I?

Javier? Called in by someone walking their dog.

That woman walking arm in arm…

My dear, I have some pressing business and cannot go walking with you.

The Devil himself walking in the pastor’s slippers!»

I wont return to the world before you, stone statue do not start walking.

I wont return to the world until that virgin of stone starts walking, this I promissed and will fulfill.


Gudule didn’t notice she was walking along a quarry.

The Lieutenant General had a strange encounter while leaving Ste-S├®v├¿re as did the chaplain walking in the park.

Auguste has given me my walking papers because she was available … she has fallen in love.

The main culprit is a masked man who goes walking about the circus …

This is the young man who is to take Sally walking.

Let’s get out of here and go walking on the beach.

You have to practice walking with the mask on.

walking the streets of Edo, I cou d see with my own eyes why Master Kurata is risking his life to topple the Shogunate.

You’re not walking out on me?

Hope you don’t think I’m fresh walking along with you like this.

You can’t win this war worrying and walking around in your stocking feet.

Aye, you been too old to go walking streets, Marthy.

You see, I got so used to walking in the army that I kind of like it.

I don’t believe I’ll do very much walking.

anyhow, those walking bed sheets can’t shoot straight.

Ward was only trying to tell you that the defense was that murder was committed in a fit of daytime sleep walking.

I was walking by his house, and I saw some detectives taking him away.

David Manners told me that Lugosi was particularly aloof and unapproachable, wrapped up in the Dracula mystique as he was wrapped up in his Dracula cape, walking in front of a full-length mirror intoning to himself

Walking (also known as ambulation) is one of the main gaits of locomotion among legged animals. Walking is typically slower than running and other gaits. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Favorite place to walk: «My philosophy on walking is that if you make it too complicated, you are less likely to do it-especially with a new baby in tow.


It’s hard to see why you would want to go for one of the other child carriers unless you are attracted by a cheaper price or if you plan on using it for less strenuous walking.


When he paused, a boy walking by hugged him and then continued on his way.


For outdoor enthusiasts: In June to September, you can join organised walking tours.


Doris and Ceci can organise pretty much anything and can also recommend very good walking tours.


For those that don’t have a dog you can select Cassie, a virtual walking companion who represents dogs in shelters everywhere.


As well as this there is usually diving and a selection of water sports and boating and fishing with this in mind there is a great selection of other activities usually offers walking and cycling around the beach areas and the wonderful mountains of the area.


WALKERS build bonds of trust through walking, playing, training, and grooming, learning each dog’s needs and helping to prepare them for their forever homes.


Digital Extremes will lace up its walking shoes and open its checkbooks in a show of community support for The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of Canada (LLSC) during the «Light the Night Walk» Saturday, October 14.


I was on a special diet approved by my DR. where I ate 1000 calories a day but this was very restrictive with NO exercise except for normal walking because I was not eating enough to fuel my body for it.


It’s almost time to put on your walking shoes to take a tour through Cannon Beach’s unique homes and gardens.


You will discover beautiful towns and amazing natural sites, where you will be able to practice a great number of activities, such as gorge walking, mountain cycling or horse riding.


One of the extras, who lives in the real village where it is set, gives 90-minute walking tours and is full of anecdotes as he leads visitors around key locations such as the doctor’s house, Louisa’s school and Mrs Tishell’s pharmacy.


«I’d be disappointed for sure, but if everyone comes home alive and walking, it’s a success.


«I think there definitely should be more space for an indoor walking track,» Hughes said, adding that she is excited about the park district’s plan overall.


In general, overweight patients should participate in 45-60 minutes of moderate exercise (e.g. brisk walking or jogging) each day in order to prevent becoming obese.


Love your seaside look today, the sweater is cozy and the boots look just perfect for beach walking.


Assisting patients as needed with walking, transfers, dressing, collecting specimens, preparing for exam, etc..


Men walking on water, rising from the dead, turning water into wine etc..


Loved the short walking distance to everything Tybee (Tybrisa shops, beach, breakfast, beer, etc.) Never took the car out.


, frequent nursing, baby carriers, long walks with the baby (helps to get fresh air too, and baby will be rocked to sleep as you get some walking in), and swaddling blankets.


We see her calling out for her mother and walking by the brook where she sees one of her dolls stuck in a tree.


like to talk, movies music danving video gaming walking and all kinds of stuff!


The Milibands Ed has come from being a dead man walking — even a year after he won the leadership, people were saying «he’s down-and-out, there’s nothing that can resurrect Labour under Ed Miliband», and he’s proved that is completely wrong.


Class will cover basic obedience skills such as sit, down, loose leash walking, etc..


The baby can take a peaceful nap on the flat padded seating comfortably until you complete jogging and walking.


It’s the best place for slow walking and discussing something.


There is a restaurant and small beach shack bar on site and all the other island facilities are within a short walking distance away.


That means walking in wind, cold, hot… and rain.


Travelers will be met at the hotel for reception at 9 a.m. by a private guide to begin a half-day walking tour of Antigua.


I’ve trained many small dogs, and they have had great success in a variety issues, ranging from excessive barking, aggression, hyperactivity, potty training, leash walking, basic commands, and more.


It also prevented a driveway from being carved out of an existing walking path that bisects the preserve.


Spot some of the Big 5, fascinating birds and other wildlife, cruises to see water-living wildlife, birding tours, and even some fascinating walking safaris.


We covered various topics regarding fearful dogs, like socialization, introduction to your home, and leash walking.


We have wide, open beaches with good surf fishing, swimming and walking.


He soon reverted back to barking at anyone walking by, and retreating to the back of his kennel.


You can look forward to exploring a long and broad stretch of sandy beach that is great for all kinds of beach activities, including sandcastle building, sun-tanning, kite flying, dog walking, and picnicking.


Walking, Training, Grooming & More Services: From grooming to dog walking, more people are launching pet service businesses


Amsterdam City Tours — Original guided walking, bike, boat and bus tours, excursions and accommodation in Amsterdam for individuals and groups.


Compare that to an hour of walking (224cal), pilates (382cal) or swimming (450cal).


Quoth Wikipedia on obstructionism: Another form of parliamentary obstruction practiced in the United States and other countries is called «slow walking».


Texas About Blog Connecting people to information about how to improve walking, biking, and transit.


Physically capable of prolonged standing, frequent walking and travel long distances independently


I’ve owned these laced-up shoes for nearly 10 years and even though they’re not really praticable (I don’t know about you, but these particular shoelaces will slide down after a long walk…), they’re really adorable and I don’t mind wearing them when there’s not much walking involved.


Feel free to step into these lacy flats for a long day of (stylish) walking.


A short walking distance from one of the most private and quiet beaches of Saint…, in a quiet and private neighborhood.


(1 mile walking, 1 hour) Copal Tree Lodge (B, L, D)


But off-leash dog walking is still allowed at Fort Funston, Crissy Field, Ocean Beach, Fort Mason, and Rodeo Beach.


Fat raindrops splatter down on the hot paved walking trail, turning into steam twizzles.


Very little walking, plenty of photo opportunities.


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