Use the word walk in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word walk, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use walk in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «walk».

Walk in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word walk in a sentence.

  1. The associated random walk is.

  2. Boo asks Scout to walk him home.

  3. The walk is relaxed but energetic.

  4. We resolved to walk through France».

  5. Teller, to walk out of the convention.

  6. The walk back to Bear Valley was very slow.

  7. When the film ends, they walk home in silence.

  8. I used to walk around and go wherever I wanted.

  9. They are not fit to walk in [their] footsteps».

  10. Later, Lad goes for a walk, following their path.

  11. Lim smiled throughout his last walk to the gallows.

  12. I started working as soon as I learned how to walk.

  13. The Captain Scarlet puppets were not built to walk.

  14. Two hiking trails allow visitors to walk the slope.

  15. He could not walk properly, and was apt to stumble.

  16. They had to walk over the corpses of other Armenians who had been killed earlier.

  17. The Eddys were forced to walk, carrying their children and miserable with thirst.

  18. Secord wrote two accounts of her walk, the first in 1853, and the second in 1861.

  19. After the problem was solved, the crew began preparation for the first Moon walk.

  20. Nicks provided the final lines «And I can’t walk away from you, baby/If I tried».

  21. When a couple loses an egg in this manner, their relationship is ended and both walk back to the sea.

  22. There is no towpath through the tunnel, so walkers and cyclists must walk across the top of the hill.

  23. Lody went back to his lodgings at Drumsheugh Gardens and continued to walk and cycle around the area.

  24. It is next to a path where people walk and it has a few seats where they can sit and contemplate it.».

  25. He sustained bruising and strains from two falls, the second of which left him briefly unable to walk.

  26. Emery stated that he did not «care if [he could] walk in seven years», and he «just [wanted] to play».

  27. The adoption of the plank caused some Republicans, mostly from the West, to walk out of the convention.

  28. Water striders, which are invertebrates that can walk on water, are common in the pools of Tryon Creek.

  29. Ryan Madson relieved Park in the eighth and allowed a walk and a single but held the Yankees scoreless.

  30. After Ruth gave up a hit and a walk to start the ninth inning, he was relieved on the mound by Joe Bush.

  31. The cat will slowly walk down forest paths, listening for and stalking prey before rushing or ambushing.

  32. Lisa goes for a nature walk and discovers that she is allergic to all the wildlife around Cypress Creek.

  33. Wildlife includes creatures that walk through the environment and occasionally interact with the player.

  34. They also walk with difficulty and this means that they have problems getting airborne from a flat area.

  35. She then began to walk both boys back to their home in the Waxhaws, a distance of some 40 miles (64 km).

  36. Adults fly off the nest to defecate, and even small chicks walk a short distance from the scrape to deposit their faeces.

  37. Frogs in the families Bufonidae, Rhinophrynidae, and Microhylidae have short back legs and tend to walk rather than jump.

  38. Mulder and Scully walk into the nearby field where they find a large crop circle, suggesting that the Kindred are aliens.

  39. With one out in the eighth, the Phillies put two runners on with a walk to Jimmy Rollins and a single by Shane Victorino.

  40. Following Mark Teixeira’s walk in the top of the fourth inning, Alex Rodriguez hit a deep ball down the right field line.

  41. The verse, «I’ve seen you walk unafraid / I’ve seen you in the clothes you’ve made / Can you see the beauty inside of me?

  42. At first, two elephants were released simultaneously to walk side by side in two lanes to the two loose ends of the rope.

  43. The majority of the prisoners had little or no clothing and shoes, and it became increasingly difficult for them to walk.

  44. Vampires are said to be unable to walk on consecrated ground, such as that of churches or temples, or cross running water.

  45. Although injured, she survived the attack and managed to walk back to her lodging house at 18 George Street, Spitalfields.

  46. The presence of proximal podomeres and a terminal spine in the swimming leg indicates their primitive condition as natatory organs and their functional adaptation to walk.

  47. Destructoid said that the ability to walk around the detailed town provided a sense of wonderment similar to exploring The Simpsons’s home town in Virtual Springfield.

  48. When producer Stanley Kramer removed Foreman’s name as screenwriter, Cooper and director Fred Zinnemann threatened to walk off the film if Foreman’s name was not restored.

  49. She stated that she wrote in cafés because coffee was available without her breaking the flow of writing, and that taking her baby out for a walk helped her to fall asleep.

  50. Al Jean later explained that two Cajun characters were supposed to walk out of the theater in disgust, but none of the voice actors could provide a convincing Cajun accent.

Synonyms for walk

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word walk has the following synonyms: base on balls, pass, manner of walking, walk of life, walking, walkway, paseo, take the air, walk around and walk about.

General information about «walk» example sentences

The example sentences for the word walk that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «walk» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «walk».

Examples of how to use the word “walk” in a sentence. How to connect “walk” with other words to make correct English sentences.

walk (v, n): to move along by putting one foot in front of the other, allowing each foot to touch the ground before lifting the next; a journey that you make by walking, often for enjoyment

Use “walk” in a sentence

He permitted them to walk in the garden.
We walked more quickly than usual.
I’d rather walk than take a bus.
Nothing makes me feel more relaxed than a walk on the beach.
I often walk along the river with my dog.
‘I can walk home’. ‘Don’t be silly – it’s too far!’
She slipped and fell while walking down the stairs.
He is walking very slowly.
He just walked through the door.
He is walking toward the station.
I walk to school every day.
May I go out for a walk?
She advised him to walk instead of taking a bus.

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That simply means, when God walk with man He endorse

Your walk with Him is official

This is very crucial in our walk with God, especial when it

» She dropped to a walk and took his hand

What it means to walk with God?

another level in your walk with Him

on what it means to walk with God

until I have walk in their shoes, do and achieve what

Couldn’t walk without crutches

his seed through Jesus Christ, which means our walk with

Abraham’s, but our walk with God should be productive

about how to walk with God is based on Malachi: 2:4-6

God’s intentions, purposes, and desires is to walk with man

means the desire to walk with Him is not just unreal

God’s will and desires is to walk and abides with us

For us to walk with God we need to establish primarily

that, it is God’s perfect will to walk with us

Since they were sleeping, he took a walk up

This is very essential to our walk

We walk with God because we are in a

Repenting is the foundation of our walk with

walk with God you need to learn and embrace this

Yorthops asked how things were going and Ava prattled away about Kulai and the mathematics of cargo investing the whole walk

that we need in order to walk with Him effectively

basis of our walk with God

walk with God without keeping that command

to know how He should walk

understanding we need to walk with Him effectively

more about how to walk with God from His word

When you walk with God in peace, it means you

This means when you walk with God of peace He

When you walk with Jehovah Shalom, the Lord of

Levi in his walk with God, he turns many away from

When you walk with God be prepared that your

that God can walk with anyone whether they are in the

field you are involve in, God have plans to walk with you

purpose to walk with us

Another thing I have learned from my walk with God is

make to start your walk with God

Is it a cup of tea, a brisk walk, some

Sometimes you need to walk with God in contentment of

desires or require from us, to walk with Him, and the rest

The probes swirl around you, mapping a three dimensional computer representation of you as you walk

And with that Ackers marched on ahead, leaving Nancy and Johnny to watch him walk alone up the hall to his office

tell the priests to carry the ark of covenant and walk

Psalms: 128:1: Blessed is every one that fear the LORD; that walk in his ways

close walk with God, know that you not the only one who

in our walk with God

of the LORD thy God, to walk in his ways, and to fear him

I walk through into a small room with a table and some chairs in the middle of it

It is a fine line we walk as grandparents, to love our grandchildren without interfering with their relationship with their own parents

Scar continued to walk toward the throne and the androids continued to close in on him

’ Stephen said as we walk along the corridor

PCP includes the proper selection of the types of grasses for your area and the lawns use (are you going to play on it, walk on it a lot, or just enjoy its beauty)? Having a healthy lawn without harsh chemicals is really very easy to do

Zitteraal walk out from the administrative building into a large rectangular courtyard surrounded by other buildings

· Remove things you can trip over (such as papers, books, clothes, and shoes) from stairs and places where you walk

Zitteraal walk together

A beat passes as they walk

Bush starts to walk over to the pool table, but John stands up, calls to him

As we walk through the entrance into the house – a pretty mansion originally built in the middle ages and rescued from dereliction early in the 20th century – he gives himself a little shake

They said I’d never walk again, but

I will walk the beach in a swim suit that is stretched over a bulging body, and will dive into the waves with abandon if I choose to, despite the pitying glances from the jet set

Put even a small bed into their room and you’d not be able to walk across the room … no, that’s not workable

He chuckles, reholsters his weapon and they walk on

I could have gone for a walk but that would have meant leaving the phone …

John and Bush walk down the path that circles the lake

she couldn’t find a space anywhere near the covered walk way, and that meant the

You have yet to walk this path, experience the process of getting to

As we walk towards the front of the house a thought suddenly strikes me

It is impossible to walk in love without a source of

Whenever you walk into a

He turned to walk away, looking back over his

Parking the car tidily beside Stephen’s rather more upmarket vehicle, and carefully leaving plenty of space for him to get into his driver’s door if he wants to, I haul my aching legs out of the car and start to walk across to the front door

‘Any trouble with yobs where you live?’ he asked, straightening up and starting to walk towards the house

David and Hamo picks up their bags, walk over to a shiny new Mercedes limo

Meaning, I couldn’t walk out of there

‘Hey!’ he blustered as I walk towards the door

She asked him to walk with her a little as

I walk her to the door and watch as she reverses out of the drive

road towards Waitrose and the uphill walk towards Chesterton, past the old hospital

They walk down some more stairs, head toward a door marked

Tetbury road and started to walk up hill towards the underpass that opened out onto

Fortunately, it is far too hot for the cattle to do more than look at us curiously as we walk across the field

walk hand in hand

It is a good hour later that we arrive back at The Stables, warm and pleasantly weary after our long walk

But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship

Sighing with happiness, I reach into my handbag for my car keys and then walk up the drive to where my car is parked

“Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls

But they said, We will not walk therein

She turned to walk in the spume of the waves as they strolled up the sand

They could walk this way a couple minutes yet

he had once known so well and wondered whether he could simply walk out of the

She hated it when he went off to school and left her behind and, once she could walk, she would always go running to him when he came home

She can walk and move among us now; I am scared and I shout to her; then I say prayers like “Paternoster” in the hope of sending her away

He’s a local man; his family have lived here for generations, as I surmised from my walk round the graveyard up at the church

«There is five times the population of Asia that live a day’s walk from the nearest media outlet

She sets the scene and we all walk through the lines, then we have to do it properly … which, in this case, means Andy and I being in a clinch as the curtain goes up so that we can be surprised by other characters walking in on us

’ I said playfully, as we walk out of The Laurels

I could barely walk

I think you can still walk a good bit of it now – it’s ideal for cyclists, of course

«It was rolling on the ground somewhere I walked,» Jorma said

and others, to observe how they walked with God and

They walked out into the lake almost knee deep, that would be enough, the water was already turning cold

Moses walked with God and knew Him in Exodus

Those who walked with God in Leviticus knew

Those who walked with God in Numbers knew

Those who walked with God in Deuteronomy

Joshua walked with God and knew Him as the

Judges walked with God and they knew Him as

Ruth walked with God and knew Him as the Lord

Ezra walked with God and knew Him as the

Esther walked with God and knew Him as the

David walked with God and knew Him as the

walked with the same God in distinct times,

Gen: 5:24: “And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him

«What do you think the cargo is that Herndon’s paper’s are about?» Jorma asked as they walked back toward the camp

Here we see Abraham walked with God to a point where

he walked with God was reflecting in everything that he

Mal: 2:6: The law of truth was in his mouth, and iniquity was not found in his lips: he walked with me in peace and equity, and did turn many away from iniquity

I final y realised that it was much lighter than the previous day and, when a young family walked past in beach attire, the penny

I walked most of the beer off on the way to the house

Would you rather I didn’t?” he said and we didn’t say another word until we walked by the new harbor cemetery

Mal: 2:6: The law of truth was in his mouth, and iniquity was not found in his lips: he walked with me in peace and

It was just the instincts of this body that turned her head when big, broad-shouldered men with cleft chins walked by

Their bath was nearly a pool, one walked down steps into it

 They walked with God in peace and equity

was Abraham’s ministry? We all know that he walked

God walked with him

Before she could breathe a sigh of relief, he walked back over and started up again

reveled Himself to Abraham and walked with him is not

the same as with the way He walked with Moses

Ackers caught Nancy studying the ceiling as they walked

That representation is then stored in our computers and cross referenced whenever we need to find out where you are in the world,” Ackers said as he walked, never slowing his pace

As they walked down the white, sterile hallway, the three started to pass rooms on either side with reinforced, plastic windows that allowed you to look in

» Without introducing themselves, they just nodded their heads and walked away

He mumbled to himself as he walked into harm’s way, with a group of robots attacking him from all sides

She looked around as they walked toward the front door

They walked up to Vinnie and stopped, watching him listening to the glove he had pressed against the door

Big Petey walked up to the group while they were all watching Vinnie intently

They all walked inside, Nancy bringing up the rear of the group and still looking for any traces of Silence

“Good,” she said as they walked down into the depths of the building

He walked into the kitchen to grab a bottle of Scotch he’d been saving for their anniversary and didn’t bother with a glass

The two of them walked up the slanted ceiling of the stairwell, keeping their eyes on the dangerously, jagged steps above them

They walked on in silence, a good silence, feeling closer to each other than ever before

He walked over to the old computer on his desk and typed in the password

She handed the paper back to him and dumbly walked toward the boat

Sniders walked around the room with a menacing stare

Nancy walked forward, holding the wrist computer ahead of her as the beeps reached a frantic pitch

He opened the door and walked as quietly as he could to the banister

a weak and thin smile, turned on his heels and walked back towards the bar shaking

driver climbed out and walked round the rear of the car, where he opened one of the

On the arm of his Moor, the old man straightened his cuffs, walked to the

As he walked to the bar to fulfil his patron’s wish he sighed once and made the sign of

as they walked down the street to that same taverna

They walked out of the taverna and climbed into

Travis gave his mother a grim look and walked out into the night

It was a twenty minute ride halfway down the city and he got so absorbed in her that Tahlmute elbowed him on the shoulder when he jumped, but doostEr still finished his sentence before he dismounted and then walked back to Tahlmute

With that he turned smartly on his heel and walked off towards the bottom of

» He walked back to the car

BigThree walked in the middle of the completed harness but without a rider

look on your face when you walked in here that this may well be Hell for you

She stepped forward, ignoring the proffered hand, and walked into the kitchen

He walked over and

Having walked through the valley of the shadow of death with God,

Johnny wandered over, clicking his heels on the floor as he walked, still spinning

walked that she was attractively dangerous too

The Countess stood up from the low bed and walked slowly around the small

The Countess rose and walked over to the rustic, blue painted wardrobe and

He was not alone when he walked around and evangelized

balding crown of the man’s lowered head, and then walked boldly up to the boy’s

She took Stu’s hand in hers and walked out into the

Paul walked in the power of the Holy Spirit

With that he stubbed out his cigarette, walked away from the man in black

from within as she walked

‘Definitely, even if he offered me the job, which I don’t for a minute imagine he is going to do!’ I said, chuckling at the memory of his face when I walked out of his office

She walked slowly on

He walked under those stars, and always, when the

She walked towards it, seeing the map clearly in her mind

Daniel had already walked away

» He said, and walked on

Leaving the terminal building they found the taxi stand and walked to the top of the queue

They ignored him and walked into the pub

He had his back to me as I walked in and the tattoo on the back of his neck was right there to be seen, just as it was the night before when he was smashing our home to bits

Kandhi didn’t say anything, but turned and walked out the door

microscopic moment in the great dream, stood up and walked out from the crowd

vast, immeasurable forest, and in that paradisiacal garden the ape walked, simply and

I was looking for the believers who had walked the same path I was and

He walked along in silence for awhile, thinking about that

Danton turned slowly and walked towards the door at the end of the passage

as the door swung open and a figure walked through the oblong patch of unnerving

Then he walked out of the cell and stood directly in front of Citizen Marat’s head

Indeed, no one dared second my sister and there was a lot of hubbub in the class, until Alice left the circle and walked away in indignation

Refusing to eat, refusing to cry out when Smiler dug his elbow into my side as we walked down the corridor, was the sum total of my defiance

There were no external points of reference in my life any more I felt as though I was the dumb-struck aboriginal grasping desperately for meaning as the explorers walked up the beach, taking their first colonial steps towards empire

We took part in interesting discussions, we played volleyball with the others, we walked to the nearby village every afternoon

Without warning two men walked into my room and switched on the ceiling light

The door swung open and the guard in the blue check shirt walked into the room

Ava was walking toward the camp and looking around, «Jorma, you used to say that about me

Walking with God is a common term used a lot among

you are walking with God, your life should have the

This means walking with God is far more than what you

Results of walking with God should reflect

Therefore if you are walking with God, it means where

Because walking with God is always accompanied by His

Walking with God is all about living life that has God’s

from walking with him

Mind you, I stil chose to send her to the wrong one – after all, what did the cheeky cow think I was? ; A walking information booth?

Therefore, walking with God is a special, unique,

that means walking with God is for you and me, not just

When Mom finally told me about the case, I remember just nodding and walking to my room to just stare at the ceiling and think

To be honest, you don’t see cops much walking the beat around Juneau

Fear of God is one of the important keys in walking

Studies have suggested that walking at a brisk pace for three or more hours a week can reduce our risk for coronary heart disease by 65 percent

Walking is one of the most primal movement patterns known to man

Because walking was essential to our survival during our developmental years, our bodies have developed so that walking and movement are essential to health; as it has been said, form follows function

Walking requires the integrated use of our arms, legs and torso

Hundreds of calorie-burning muscles are utilized simply by walking

Walking briskly on a daily basis not only results in calorie burning, it increases enzyme and metabolic activity that may result in increased calorie consumption for up to 12 hours after walking as little as 2 miles

The more deconditioned we are, the greater the metabolic effect of walking

An example of an internal organ dysfunction that often responds well to walking is constipation

Most of these people would look and feel much better by simply walking as little as two miles a day and drinking an ounce of water for each kg of body weight on a daily basis!

“Tobias, are you crazy! Need I remind you that there are lots and lots of the walking dead out there today!”

Walking with God was

walking with any natural man

Walking with God

are walking with Him as your companionship in

However we should try and stay away from heavily cushioned walking shoes

is walking with you

is not there; that is when you are really walking with Him

Another thing you need know about walking with God by

Therefore walking with God when it seems like He is not

Walking with God when it seems like He is not there, that is

Therefore, walking with God when you not see Him is

“Are you going to stand in the elevator all day? We have important things to discuss,” Ackers chastised them, and then, without waiting for their response, he turned and started walking down the hall

Walking with God is more practical then theory

In conclusion, know that, walking with God is a lifetime

This book is the continuality of Walking with

The fastest he could do was the pony version of power walking

“I think it’s going to take all four of them,” he said to himself as he pointed the device at Red while walking quickly toward Johnny and the Chip

In a sense she was a native, this body was born here of native parents back when Alan was the only person of Earth ancestry walking here

They started walking down the street, Johnny looked at his watch

They kept walking down the street

It was already the afternoon and people were walking by with their suits and their cell phones

The image that came to doostEr’s mind was a trio of guys walking out on stage with their arms on fire

We tell everyone that we are on the path to communion with God but are not actually walking on that path

After walking to the far rocks and back they both agreed that it was time for a

It was a lot longer walking to the back shed where secure cargo was kept than it was riding on the second floor of a monster wagon

A wolf walking by the mountain’s side in the evening saw his

Spirit had been testing my walking in faith

Portsmouth and then started walking

I have been walking slowly towards the end of

I spin round to see Stephen walking through the gates and across the drive, newspaper tucked under his arm

band walking in the room…It took time for this truth, that God has

» Tahlmute stammered, but was walking toward him

Stu represented the epitome health and vitality, walking with all of the

It is peaceful with no sound of cars and only the crunch of our walking boots disturbing the peace of the countryside

weighed upon her shoulders as if she was walking into the maw of a deeply black and

You’re going to a garden party with him, not walking up the aisle

Leonora was already walking towards her when she wearily climbed out of the car, followed by her livelier nine year old daughter

legs ached from the walking, and his back was stiff

I forced myself to move, but it felt like I wasn’t connected to my body any more, like I was walking on the moon

» She could have gone into talking about the war, but they were going to have to start walking back pretty soon if she was going to get him into the android on time

«It’s been a year,» she answered, Ava was going to blink them thru to the androids any minute, she’d lost track of time while they’d been walking, «since Ava restarted my backup

He kept walking, staring at the waves around his feet

She sets the scene and we all walk through the lines, then we have to do it properly … which, in this case, means Andy and I being in a clinch as the curtain goes up so that we can be surprised by other characters walking in on us

Tempted, I hesitate; I’d said only the other day that I’d like to join him on one of his walks – I’m keen to discover more about the village … walking with Henry would be an excellent way to do it

Once or twice walking round the village I think I see him and my heart leaps, which doesn’t help at all

Having finished work this afternoon, I was walking along Academy Avenue to the bus terminus, when I suddenly saw Persephone and her mother just a few metres away, waving at me happily! They looked thrilled to see me, they ran towards me at once and I could do nothing to avoid them

Walking back, arm in arm, through the chilly but star-lit night, I sigh happily

Encouraged by his matter of fact tone, I put into words the thoughts I had while I was walking along the railway walk

It was on that third day, as evening approached, that he suddenly found himself surrounded by a throng of surprised crewmen, most of them surprised to find themselves clad in formal robes and turbans, all walking along the colonnade of the Haadij toward what could only be the amphitheater

It came out in walking faster, he kept turning back to her and almost bumped into someone

He wandered afterward, walking along a sixth floor street till he could see the pier their boat was on

Before I knew it, I was walking along the cobbled path again, slowly at first, faster then, without even looking back

Stu represented the epitome health and vitality, walking with all of the swagger that a broad shouldered and confident young man at ease amid a timeless landscape should possess

Fog: If you are walking in fog, it means that you should try harder if you want to succeed

If you are walking on ice, it means that you risk a lot by chasing futile pleasures

Stilts: If you are walking on stilts, it means that you are conceited and arrogant

The bus driver says he remembers you and saw you start walking along the road but the last he saw of the men was them just standing by the bus stop

The sky weighed upon her shoulders as if she was walking into the maw of a deeply black and ebonised catafalque

His legs ached from the walking, and his back was stiff

and Lyla were walking in the marketplace and a man calling Sons’ name

By the time she was walking up the cobbled slope, having negotiated successfully the vagaries of the Bristol bus service, she was feeling quite pleased with herself

” said Son as he continued walking

‘Then anywhere there’s a station … I’d suggest Weston-super-Mare myself … the station’s in the middle of the town and walking distance to facilities where you could talk

She’d been walking for about fifteen minutes when that sixth sense her training had inculcated alerted her to the fact that she was being followed

’ Berndt said as they started walking again

hats, coats and walking sticks

They didn’t need walking sticks

They picked up their walking sticks and once again trudged

walking stick through the snow

Joe picked up his walking stick and headed towards the front

walking in the woods she found two starving

led the way, walking steadily to the entrance of the cave

So he grabbed a big handful of his stuff, and started to make a lot noise walking down the ramp to his cart

The two old friends took out their walking sticks and proceeded

As she was walking back into the room there was a flash of light and a deafening bang

· You quit trying to hold your stomach in, no matter who walks into the room

She never kisses him when he walks through the door

She stands, walks over to the counter

Zitteraal walks into the room

Zitteraal nods, walks away a few paces down the corridor, stands near the fire extinguisher, waiting

He walks toward his car

Trooper 2 turns and walks back to his car, talks into his shoulder-held microphone

He walks over slowly and closes the window, comes over to John, takes his pulse, makes a notation

Bush strips off his jacket, tosses it in the corner, walks over to a refrigerator against the wall, opens it up, takes out a can of beer, pops the top and begins to chug-a-lug

He walks over, lines up his stick on the cue ball, expertly sinks a shot

He walks over, puts his arm around John

He walks away, past John and then up Prairie Chapel Road

She walks over and flips the switch

John opens the door and walks inside

He walks into the kitchen, switches off the radio

Dave walks into the kitchen

He walks over toward the car, his arms stretched out, feeling his way

John shakes his head, walks out the door, living Rosita stroking Dave’ cheek

John walks under the starry sky, the waves crashing to shore just to his left

He walks over to John, who sees him, looks up

John turns and walks toward the temple

He walks along a board walkway that leads to the temple

He walks up on the wooden steps, takes off his shoes and passes inside

I slowly take my seat again as he walks across the room and gives his mother a kiss on the cheek

Nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness, Nor of the destruction

Russ walks in, shuts the door

The dining hall door opens and Mohammed walks in with Abdullah and Akbar

She walks slowly past him, runs her hand over his

the pestilence that walks in darkness, nor of the destruction that lays

A sheepish CAPTAIN, holding his cap in his hands, walks up with RICCI, strutting and imperious

Bolt pushes along the fence row, snapping pictures as he walks of rocks, an acacia tree covered with windblown plastic bags, his shoe, a pile of garbage rotting in the sun, a dead sheep rotting in the sun

” He slips through the hole in the fence, snapping pictures as he walks

He walks forward in the cabin to Khalid, who has opened an overhead

John walks about the wreckage

As he walks, he looks about the desolate

After another few seconds, a man in military fatigues and toting an AK-47 walks over the small hill and finds John and Khalid together

Ali Ben Ali walks in, holding his hands over his ears and glaring at one of the soldiers

He walks across the room chuckling slightly

Ahmed and Ricci giggle drunkenly as Mohammed walks over, starts pouring

He walks home with me after most rehearsals after this, and, as we work on Act 1 of the play, I begin to look forward to seeing him

Tempted, I hesitate; I’d said only the other day that I’d like to join him on one of his walks – I’m keen to discover more about the village … walking with Henry would be an excellent way to do it

He ignores any acknowledgment and continues his talk with Sabrina, «I was wondering if I could stay with you tonight?» Sabrina walks around the table, «Of course you can, you know you’re always welcome, we will be thrilled to have you

You can communicate like this? But she doesn’t answer, just gets up and walks seductively over to him

Apollo gets up from the bed and walks toward the image of the woman

This thin white prince walks on with pauper’s steps,

and potholes in the path she walks

She walks on crazily laid paving,

who swings her hips as she walks, caressing her naked

She walks across hallways and down stairs,

He slowly walks to the chair where he had been seated during the trial

But later tonight he will be out walking; he always walks up to the big house in the evenings

He walks a lot at night, and he is always alone

With a deep sigh, he stands up and walks over to the rail gazing down at the water rushing past before continuing, his voice low but audible above the sound of the sea

Holding it out for me, he turns and walks over to the porthole, placing his hands either side of the window, he stands apparently looking out at the sea

from the cinders she walks across lightly scented

‘Which one is it?’ I asked, as he takes Adamant, and walks off, Sefir and I following on his heels, trying not to lose him in the crowd on the quay

I watch as he walks out of the room

As he walks up Jo’s path I recognise him – that’s Alastair Liddington, the chap that Jo knows … the one with the band

“Because Lord Duncan is the one the Queen commanded to her Hold…he walks alone,”

I’m putting the last of the shopping away when he walks into the kitchen looking pleased with himself

Dave walks me back to my flat relating some amusing stories about Bill on the way

Dave walks into the bedroom as I come out of the bathroom

Instead, he walks round to the back of the car, opens the boot, takes off his shoes and puts on a pair of Wellington boots

Then he walks round to the back of the barns and the milking parlour, treading carefully through pools of semi-liquid mud and loose gravel

As Maggie walks round to the front of the bar, chatting with a couple of regulars on the way, Leona pokes her head out from the wings and points at her wrist, making the universal sign that says the evening is running late

Ted walks on and claps

3 Yes also, when the fool walks by the way, his understanding fails him, and

She walks over, watched by the crowd and the comic, who provides a running commentary

Maggie stands stock still for a moment, then turns slowly away from the boy and, without saying another word, she walks parallel with the bar, heading towards the far end of the room

She walks at a measured pace, letting the rocket fuse reach its zenith

Private! Some fucked up druggie walks into my bar mid-show, and you call that private

Billy smiles at Bex and the ladies, and excuses himself, picks up his beer and walks over to where Ted is sitting

As he walks back to the girls, signalling to the barman to top up their drinks, he wonders whether Ted really has the balls

As Leona walks across the twenty-year-old paisley patterned carpet to the kitchen she says, «I’m leaving home today

She walks with him to the door

He walks the few metres from his bed, past a threadbare red brocade armchair, to the kitchenette

Billy walks out of the canteen with a vague wave in the direction of Carol’s table and turns left

He walks past a man in scrubs who gives him an odd look but carries on towards the canteen

Billy walks over to the doors and peers in through one of the windows

He watches as the bouncer walks towards him, chest puffed out, waddling in the way that only steroidal, over-muscled bruisers can

It’s not all bad, though, thinks Alex as he walks towards his target

Alex walks up to the prostrate body on the floor by the entrance

He walks up to the door and unlocks the padlock

He walks slowly round to the front of the table where the tubs of Bliss are being stored and perches on the edge

The Coke sticks to his teeth and the sun is too bright, making him squint as he walks past the second hand car dealership at the bottom of the road where he lives

Socks and shoes, an overcoat grabbed from the hall, car keys retrieved from the living room, these are the components of ordinary life that he gathers unto him as he walks back into the nightmare

As he walks through the crowd, heading for the lifts and the central stairwell, he reflects on the case of his intended target; Doctor Arbnor Jasari

Once outside Billy stops and turns, but Alex ignores him and walks straight out towards the car park

He walks into the room and waits

He walks over to the table and reaches for the bottle of brandy but Maggie clamps her hand around the neck and pulls it toward her chest

One of the locals walks in, early doors, red faced with the exertion of the walk from the family hearth, and stands at the bar by Ted

God knows, he thinks, as he smiles and walks up to the bar, but is it any wonder Jock’s selling up

Ted, glass in hand, stands up, pats Mickey on the shoulder and walks over to where Alex is standing

Mickey takes his cue, walks up and joins the group

He walks out into the car park and fumbles in his jacket for his keys, feeling slightly muzzy, but he can still function

As he walks round to the pavement he makes a quick check for the hand gun tucked into the back of his jeans and does up the middle button of his suit jacket

Alex puts the pistol back into his waistband, picks up the drink and the bottle and walks back into the bed sitting room

That rare silence, the natural silence of a crisp Spring dawn full of noise keeps Billy company as he walks back to his car

Synonym: ambulate, hike, pace, step, stroll, tread. Antonym: run. Similar words: walk out, walk off, sidewalk, wall, talk, swallow, talk over, talk with. Meaning: [wɔːk]  n. 1. the act of traveling by foot 2. (baseball) an advance to first base by a batter who receives four balls 3. manner of walking 4. the act of walking somewhere 5. a path set aside for walking 6. a slow gait of a horse in which two feet are always on the ground 7. careers in general. v. 1. use one’s feet to advance; advance by steps 2. traverse or cover by walking 3. accompany or escort 4. obtain a base on balls 5. live or behave in a specified manner 6. take a walk; go for a walk; walk for pleasure 7. give a base on balls to 8. be or act in association with 9. make walk 10. walk at a pace. 

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(1) After dinner sit awhile, after supper walk a mile. 

(2) Don’t try to walk before you can crawl. 

(3) Don’t try to run before you can walk

(4) Walk groundly; talk profoundly; drink roundly; sleep soundly. 

(5) Learn to walk before you run. 

(6) You cannot make a crab walk straight. 

(7) I am a slow walker, but I never walk backwards. 

(8) After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a while. 

(9) He who laughs at crooked men should need walk very straight. 

(10) He who wants a mule without fault, must walk on foot. 

(11) Children here walk several miles to school.

(12) We felt exhilarated by our walk along the beach.

(13) The old man cannot walk without a stick.

(14) What distance do you have to walk to school?

(15) Tourists go there to walk on the beach.

(16) I can’t walk about in this heat.

(17) Let your arms swing as you walk.

(18) Don’t walk on that broken glass with bare feet.

(19) I heard someone walk down the stairway.

(20) He proposed that we should go for a walk.

(21) Some enterprising girls organized a sponsored walk.

(22) I walk back after work everyday.

(23) We had to walk across a ploughed field.

(24) Don’t walk across that field, it’s a bog.

(25) The sidewalk is very uneven—be careful where you walk.

(26) I felt stiff after a long walk.

(27) A baby crawls before it can walk.

(28) Let’s step out for a walk, shall we?

(29) He cut a stout stick to help him walk.

(30) He was ruddy-cheeked from the walk in the cold.

  • Use the word Walk in a sentences

Sentence Examples

We’ll take a melancholic walk around the lake.

Them poor devils in the footslogging infantry… nothing but walk, walk, walk.

Mission Control gave the spacecraft permission… to go for the extravehicular activity— that is, for the walk on the moon— far earlier than anticipated, 9:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time.

Yeah, it forces you to get out of the shower and walk naked, feel the delightful sting of the clim on your privates.

I’m gonna walk over here and find us a bigger, shinier something to do later.

He never makes his walk outright, but leaps and skips, and wily wise to take by sleight a traitorous foe, might slyly seek their overthrow.

walk away from this for a couple of days.

You’re going to win the walk in the forest.

You have to walk out there.

We just walk up like we’re at the missionary training center.

You blamed your brother for eating the doughnut, and now you walk out on your mission companion? !

Especially if we don’t get thrown back into jail the second we walk out this door.

If that is clear, then walk away and get back to work.

Took a long fucking walk.

Be a long walk back, pal, we’ve been driving for nearly an hour.

If I don’t go check it for myself… I won’t be able to walk past the Vice President’s office anymore.

I just… forced myself to walk away from him.

Seeing how you’re able to walk around freely at a hospital when you once told me that it was the scariest place to you in the world… I guess you won’t be coming back because you missed having your defensive shield.

This time, you don’t get to walk away.

Bring it on. # Well, you can tell by the way I use my walk # I’m a woman’s man, no time to talk

«The Ingmars have always tried to walk in God’s paths.

«We Ingmars don’t need to fear men, we just have to walk in God’s paths.»

«then you should still walk in God’s paths, Little Ingmar Ingmarsson!»

We Ingmars just have to walk in God’s paths!»

She must have gone out for a walk..

I have succeeded, with the help of a mechanism I built, In constructing a life-like doll that can walk, dance and sing with the push of a few different buttons.

Whoever wants to make this walk, first thinks for a week.

A samurai and his wife walk right into it.

Kasuya Samon and his servants were returning from a walk when they met Tokutaro.

Mikisaburo Nanjo out on a walk, looking depressed.

As he and now his wife walk out of the room, Genzaburo hears an angry bellow!

My oath forbids me from fighting. walk only in front of the tent and protect our troops!

Where a good detective cannot ride, he will walk.

«I think a long walk would do me good.»

I would even walk the streets for you

Go walk the streets where you belong, you little tramp!

It’s a Brazilian sloth — they always walk head downward. See the baby clinging to her?

walk to your mirror, my dear — — have no fear!»

Nemo, how would you like to walk over to my house and have a drink?

You cannot just walk out in the middle of a performance.

May I walk with you for a little while, Miss?

«I feel so low, old chap, that I could get on stilts and walk under a dachshund!»

«Let’s take a little walk in the woods!»

Maybe you’ll let me take you for a nice long walk.

Many a weekend party has started a mile-a-minute pace and ended in a walk.

Did you walk through a pasture or somethin’?

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