Use the word waiter in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word waiter, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use waiter in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «waiter».

Waiter in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word waiter in a sentence.

  1. A waiter offers her a glass of water.

  2. The former book details «Jack, a waiter ..

  3. The old waiter walks over to Cooper and says, «I’m so sorry.» Donna begins to sob.

  4. They had their own living quarters, a private waiter and chef, and gymnasium to remain fit.

  5. Among the rank and file troops at headquarters, serving as a mess waiter, is Charles Stringham.

  6. Bobby Briggs is seated at the bar next to the old waiter (Hank Worden) from The Great Northern.

  7. Parker’s Cockney manner was based on a waiter at a pub in Cookham that was sometimes visited by the crew.

  8. It displays Armstrong’s «technical ingenuity» to the full, having a dumb waiter and a spit both run on hydraulic power.

  9. The model for the saint was an Italian waiter at Brunet’s Hotel in Leicester Square, where he had stayed after coming to London.

  10. When Laszlo unexpectedly shows up, having narrowly escaped a police raid on a Resistance meeting, Rick has waiter Carl spirit Ilsa away.

  11. In a final scene, a waiter closes the restaurant while the hustlers («Archie», «Malcolm», «Kevin», and «Anya») entertain the well-dressed Tim.

  12. Peter McCabe, a waiter on his first transatlantic voyage, later described the scene: «Several persons were floating about on doors and beds ..

  13. As the singer enjoys her dinner, the waiter returns with a note saying that her lover (for whom she has been waiting) has left her for another woman.

  14. Eager to show off his daughter’s talent, John secured her unpaid employment as a table singer at the Eagle Tavern in Hoxton, where he worked as a waiter.

  15. Her father, John Wood (1847–1940), was an artificial flower arranger and waiter; her mother, Matilda Mary Caroline née Archer (1849–1931), was a dressmaker and costume designer.

  16. At one stage in the morning a waiter from the Chicken Inn restaurant heard noises from within the bank and peered through the windows of the building to see if anything could be seen.

  17. In the grounds, Armstrong built dams and lakes to power a sawmill, a water-powered laundry, early versions of a dishwasher and a dumb waiter, a hydraulic lift and a hydroelectric rotisserie.

  18. A story emanating from Rice-Davies concerned a naked masked man, who acted as a waiter at sex parties; rumours suggested that he was a cabinet minister, or possibly a member of the Royal Family.

Synonyms for waiter

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word waiter has the following synonyms: server.

General information about «waiter» example sentences

The example sentences for the word waiter that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «waiter» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «waiter».

Examples of how to use the word “waiter, waitress” in a sentence. How to connect “waiter, waitress” with other words to make correct English sentences.

waiter, waitress (n): a man whose job is to bring the food to customers at their tables in a restaurant; a man whose job is to bring the food to customers at their tables in a restaurant

Use “waiter, waitress” in a sentence

They’ve just employed five new waiters.
She tipped the waiter generously.
He gave the waiter a generous tip.
She is a waitress.
She asked the waiter for a menu.
Waiter, I’d like to order.

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waiter — перевод на русский


I can’t make you wait for me.

Я не могу просить тебя ждать.

Waiting when there’s something you must have.

что станешь ждать.

What is your intention in making me wait?

Вы заставляете меня ждать.

60)}I’ll be waiting at the inn in Seta 158)}Miyamoto Musashi

Буду ждать в гостинице в Сэта

And then we went outside to wait for the paramedics, ’cause… (chuckling) who wants to be around a dead guy?

А потом мы вышли на улицу, чтобы ждать медиков, потому что…(смешок) кому захочется находиться рядом с мёртвым парнем?

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Johnny, wait for me.

Джонни, подожди меня.

Wait… you don’t look familiar for some reason.

Подожди… что-то я тебя не припоминаю.

wait here a little while.

ты здесь подожди.

Wait, are you taking me off the case?

Подожди, ты отстраняешь меня от дела?

Wait, do you want me to do another cartwheel?

Подожди, хочешь, я сделаю ещё одно колесо?

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— Oh, wait a minute.

Нет уж, погоди.

Wait, I know nothing about that, I swear.

Погоди, я ничего об этом не знаю, клянусь.

Wait. Where is he?


— don’t know… wait — right.

— Не знаю… Погоди. — Хорошо.

— don’t know… wait — right.

— Не знаю. Погоди. — Хорошо.

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Pyotr Orlov, formerly supervised the stables of His Majesty the Tsar at now the chief waiter for Mrs Greifer.

Петр Орлов, ранее руководил конюшнями Его Величества царя В настоящее время главный официант у фрау Грайфер.

Come on, waiter.


— And as for you, waiter…

— А что касается вас, официант…

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I could hardly sing, and I could barely wait until I saw him again.

Я едва могла петь и не могла дождаться, когда увижу его снова.

I can’t wait to get back to Paris to buy you all the jewels in Cartier’s.

Не могу дождаться приезда в Париж, чтобы купить тебе украшения у Картье.

Wait till Ezra and Mathilda hear about this.

Осталось дождаться, чтобы об этом узнали Эзра с Матильдой.

I know you’ll think this is a little unconventional of me… but I just couldn’t wait to see you alone.

Знаю, что вам мое поведение покажется неподобающим, но я не могла дождаться встречи с вами наедине.

You see, I have to wait here for the ̶ I’ll tell you when I see you.

Я должна дождаться… Я всё объясню при встрече.

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Oh wait, I forgot—

О, постой, я забыл…

Wait, Annie.

Постой, Энни.

Wait, she wouldn’t have left it by the window if she didn’t, like, want somebody to take it, right?

Постой, она не стала бы оставлять их у окна, если бы не хотела, чтобы их кто-то взял, верно?

wait a second… hold on!

Постой… Держись!

«Master, wait!

«Мастер, постой…

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No, wait a minute… Leebang said that more patrol men were recently hired..

одну минутку… что увеличили количество патрульных…

— If you wait one moment, sir…

Минутку, сэр…

Hey, wait a minute!


Wait a minute.

всего минутку.

Hey, wait a minute!

Эй, одну минутку!

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Wait a minute!


Miss Scarlett, wait!

Мисс Скарлетт, стойте!

Wait. I’ve got it.

Стойте, я придумал.

Wait a minute, Poole.

Стойте! Обождите.

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Please, wait a minute.

Пожалуйста, всего минуту.

Wait a minute, Nick.

Минуту, Ник.

Kindly wait one moment, sir.

Минуту, сэр.

Now, wait a minute.

Сейчас, одну минуту.

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Ooh, wait a minute, what’s this?

Минуточку, а это что такое?

Oh, wait a minute, what is this?

Минуточку, а это что?

Wait just a moment.


-Oh, wait a minute.


Yes, wait a minute.

Да, минуточку.

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What do we mean by waiter?

One who serves at a table, as in a restaurant. noun

A tray or salver. noun

A watcher. noun

A watchman; a guard or keeper. noun

One who waits; one who abides in expectation of the happening of some event, the arrival of some appointed time, some opportunity, or the like. noun

A domestic servant. noun

A waiting-woman. noun

A man-servant who waits at table: applied more commonly to those who serve in hotels or restaurants. noun

An officer in the employ of the British custom-house. See coast-waiter, tide-waiter. noun

A tray; a salver. noun

One who, or that which, waits; an attendant; a servant in attendance, esp. at table. noun

A vessel or tray on which something is carried, as dishes, etc.; a salver. noun

See under Coast, n. noun

A male or sometimes female attendant who serves customers in a restaurant, cafe or similar. noun

Someone who waits for somebody or something, a person who is waiting, the one waiting. noun

A person who waits or awaits noun

A person whose occupation is to serve at table (as in a restaurant) noun

A male or female attendant who serves customers at their tables in a restaurant, café or similar.

Someone who waits for somebody or something; a person who is waiting.

A person working as an attendant at the London Stock Exchange.

A vessel or tray on which something is carried, as dishes, etc.; a salver. (See etymology of dumbwaiter.)

A custom house officer; a tide waiter.

A watchman.

Someone who unobtrusively hangs around a place of business that often has a large volume of customers (supermarket, department store, hotel, etc.), and watches for opportunities to «scavenge for leftovers» and otherwise save money on stuff that he can utilize in his own life. Examples of these opportunities could include finishing/gathering uneaten remains of a family’s meal after the group leaves the table, catching an opening/closing door of a coin-operated restroom to keep it from latching when a paying restroom-user is exiting/leaving so that the waiter can slip in and use the facility without having to drop in his own quarter to get the door unlocked again, etc. Urban Dictionary

A sex position where u are fucking one woman while fingering the two women either side of the one in the middle, the arms pointing out is where the waiter comes from Urban Dictionary

An individual belonging to an old money family who chooses to spend their time idly a
while accomplishing very little. These people may or may not live comfortably, with or without support from their family, while they ‘wait’ for their older, wealthier relatives to die. Urban Dictionary

A man whose job is to serve customers at their tables in a restaurant. Urban Dictionary

When everyone is sitting down and an instruction is given to do something which involves standing up then everyone waits around for the first person to do it. Urban Dictionary

When you see the waiter/waitress walking toward your table with food that could potentially be yours but, he/she turns to the table next to yours and serves them performing a waiter fakeout Urban Dictionary

Waiter Gods are the all knowing, unseen entities who control the ebb and flow of the great tip continuum. They are mysterious and unknowable ,but their wrath can be swift, cruel, and could possibly prevent you from makeing rent this month. As their name implies their dominian of power is over Waiters, but also has been know to effect assistant managers and unscrupulous bus boys. If one whos income is dependant upon tips is themself a bad tipper then the Waiter Gods insure that mere spare change shall be returned to them with increaseing frequency. If the blasphemer does not repent he can expect to get screwed out of nights and weekends too. The Hindu religion refers to this as Karma, but this is naive and underscores the true power of the Waiter Gods. Urban Dictionary

Akshay Kumar is called as waiter of Bollywood..He has this past of his that makes him a waiter, also his fans always cry n wait for festival releases but he is not capable of that. Urban Dictionary

Wheezy Waiter is Craig Benzine, a video content creator, who has a popular channel on YouTube and a blog under the name Wheezy Waiter. Craig has been creating Wheezy Waiter videos since June 2007.
Wheezy Waiter is as popular as other video content creators who are defined on Urban Dictionary.
Craig calls himself Wheezy Waiter, because when he started creating videos for the internet, he was working as a waiter and because he has asthma. (He no longer works as a waiter.)
In his videos, Craig often creates vocabulary that catches on very quickly and begins to be widely used on the internet, including the terms doobly-doo and noodle boiler, which already appear on UD.
Wheezy Waiter videos have many repeated themes, including: use of slap bracelets to celebrate, clones of Craig punching each other, winks that make a dinging sound, music playing when Craig’s chair slides across carpet, Craig playing a version of his mother who stands at the window and profanely criticizes him, and lots of attention to Craig’s beard, which has become Wheezy Waiter’s trademark. (Wheezy Waiter viewers are referred to as beardlovers.)
There are also long series of videos on a single theme, such as a long series of videos he did of song puns using breakfast items (Eggs over Easy E, Braneater, Iggy Pop Tart, Barack Obomelette, to name a few). His longest-running series is Free Bagel Friday, when he punches his boss to steal his boss’ bagel. Urban Dictionary

A person who will publicly announce their intention to leave a place, whether it be in real life or on the internet, but will not actually leave until enough people have said ‘bye’ to them. Often, they will re-announce their intention of leaving multiple times. Urban Dictionary

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Top»Madame has been out for a walk but has returned now,» answered the waiter.

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Top- Они выходили гулять, но теперь вернулись,- отвечал кельнер.

Yeah, we tell the waiter we’re getting the buffet.

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Да, мы скажем официанту, что берем шведский стол.

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He tipped the waiter with a sketch of a hip-hop mouse.

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Он дал официанту рисунок хип-хоп мыши вместо чаевых.

If I’m to believe the waiter, it sounds like you’re near the end of something.

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Если верить официанту, скорее в конце кое-чего.

They’re finally charging that waiter with Flora’s murder.

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Они наконец- то предъявили тому официанту обвинения в убийстве Флоры.

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That’s all,

and bring us two bottles of Clear Tranquility,” Yun told the waiter.

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Вот и все. И принесите нам две бутылки Ясного Спокойствия,- сказал Юн официанту.

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Do you want me to get the waiter, so you can bitch about it?

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Сами меня вьiбрали гарсоном, так чегожалуетесь?

Waiter service, the possibility of holding banquets.


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Обслуживание официантами, возможность проведения банкетов.


Have you ever dealt with a salesperson or a waiter who gave you unbelievably good service?

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Вы всегда общались с salesperson или кельнером дали вам unbelievably хорошее обслуживание?

Is there a waiter in this place?

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I was a night club at a waiter.

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I’m trying to get a line on that John Bowden, the waiter.

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Я стараюсь раздобыть информацию о Джоне Бойдене, официанте.

Hey, check out the awesome Fifties hairdo on our waiter.

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Зацени- ка эту ужасающую прическу 50- х на нашем официанте.

Yes, yes, straps and a waiter and popcorn.

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I will call if I hear about Any cater waiter positions, all right?

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Я позвоню, если узнаю о позициях официантов, хорошо?

European cuisine restaurant with veranda, waiter service and the possibility of holding banquets.


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Ресторан европейской кухни с верандой, обслуживанием официантами и возможностью проведения банкетов.


Find out if my carriage is here,» Stepan Arkadyevitch said to the waiter.

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Узнай, приехала ли моя карета,- обратился Степан Аркадьич к лакею.

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Where the waiter had a woman tattooed on his arm.

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Ask your waiter for the fish of the day.


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Go get dressed and try to treat the waiter better than you do me.

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Иди одевайся, и постарайся обойтись с официантом лучше, чем со мной.

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Time: 0.0291





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