Use the word wait in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word wait, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use wait in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «wait».

Wait in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word wait in a sentence.

  1. Navin was unwilling to wait.

  2. The wait just makes you stronger.».

  3. I couldn’t wait to get off that show.

  4. The two then prepare to wait out the night.

  5. On Earth, Mission Control continued to wait.

  6. He elected to wait, to see how events unfolded.

  7. As they wait, Jigger and Billy gamble with cards.

  8. However, Whitlam was unwilling to wait that long.

  9. Meyer recalled that he replied «‘Oh, wait a minute!

  10. Mackenzie King decided to wait to hold an election.

  11. I was like, «Wait, wait, wait, no, it’s not free yet!

  12. The wounded wait until men come up to examine them ..

  13. Why can’t he restrain himself and wait a little while?

  14. Rather than wait for his partial term to expire, he resigned on November 18, 1806.

  15. Moralès tells her that «José is not yet on duty» and invites her to wait with them.

  16. Construction work on the reactor had to wait until DuPont had completed the design.

  17. Chimpanzees not only wait for a partner, but will actively solicit help when needed.

  18. Instead of fishing, Robert stays in Pamplona to wait for the overdue Brett and Mike.

  19. As a result, many refugees headed directly for the nearest coastal point to wait for passing vessels.

  20. Ichiki was ordered to scout the American positions and wait for the remainder of his force to arrive.

  21. The majority preferred to wait for Hall to come back, hopefully with news of passage back to Britain.

  22. The Red Army would not wait passively behind the border but would rather «advance to meet the enemy».

  23. He is driven to Nakatomi Plaza by a limo driver, Argyle, who offers to wait for McClane in the garage.

  24. If a spy or informant had passed this information to the Japanese, I-177 could have been lying in wait.

  25. Wells took the concept and pitched it to NBC, but was told to wait due to the Clinton–Lewinsky scandal.

  26. Most, however, believe the artist preferred to wait until they could be made public without censorship.

  27. This good news bolstered his policy of inaction, further encouraging him to wait for the reinforcements.

  28. The ravens in this experiment learned to wait for their partner and inhibit pulling the string too soon.

  29. The rebels, rather than wait to be besieged, met the Carthaginians in open battle in mid-to-late 238 BC.

  30. Contestants must wait until after the host reads the entire question (including the choices) to buzz in.

  31. However, Hornsby had a long wait to get another major-league job even after Landis died in November 1944.

  32. Hampered by rainy weather and a lack of gunpowder, the French decided to wait for the defenders to starve.

  33. Despite Owen’s victories, it still seemed likely that he would be forced to wait for a match with Maguire.

  34. Don’t wait for direct orders from above, but act on your own and be guided by your judgement, initiative, and conscience.

  35. When it reaches the maximum height the seats tilt forward, with a computer-randomized wait time from one to five seconds.

  36. Alexander decided to wait for early spring to advance to the Po and the battalion settled into static positional warfare.

  37. As in Chrono Trigger, enemies are openly visible on field maps or lie in wait to ambush the party and thus are not random.

  38. Markham hinted that Amundsen’s claim might be fraudulent: «We must wait for the truth until the return of the Terra Nova».

  39. Thus Amundsen decided to go south; the Arctic drift could wait «for a year or two» until the South Pole had been conquered.

  40. It is horrible, surely horrible but by now it has vanished.» He had to wait two years for his next recording as a conductor.

  41. Smith said he understood this would irk the British, but insisted that he and his government were no longer willing to wait.

  42. The grey parrots were able to act simultaneously but, like the rooks, largely failed to wait for a partner in the delay task.

  43. A railway to serve Deeside was authorised on 16 July 1846, but it was decided to wait for the Aberdeen Railway to open first.

  44. As the Swiss columns advanced towards the park, he ordered them to pause and wait for the French artillery to bombard the Imperial defences, but the Swiss refused to obey.

  45. I can’t wait to get there and see it.» Several students jumped nude into the duck pond behind ASU’s dining hall, a campus tradition for celebrating big football victories.

  46. However, when the fleet arrived, there were fewer men and supplies than expected, and Rochambeau decided to wait for reinforcements before seeking battle with the British.

  47. Our Ambassador in Berlin is held as a hostage for days—our Consuls’ wives are stripped naked at the border, our ships are sunk, our people killed—and yet we wait and wait!

  48. Mellor concludes: «We’ve had to wait some 80 years to hear less than three minutes of music, and the mystery of the Eighth isn’t set to unfold any more rapidly from here».

Synonyms for wait

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word wait has the following synonyms: delay, hold, time lag, postponemen, waiting, expect, look, await, hold off, hold back, waitress, cooling my heels and cool your heels.

General information about «wait» example sentences

The example sentences for the word wait that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «wait» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «wait».

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  1. Interval. This produces a small penalty in latency, because the program has to,


    ,until the video controller has finished transmitting the image to the display
  2. Offers herself up to him. Surprised but game, Senex instructs Philip to,


    ,in the house for him, and she does. Hysteria arrives to this confusion, and
  3. This, along with a message, to Watterson’s parents and declared he would,


    ,in the hotel for as long as it took Watterson to contact him. The next day
  4. As Carter before: whether to continue with the B-1 for the short term, or to,


    ,for the development of the ATB, a much more advanced aircraft. Air Force
  5. Device on the same cable as a slow device under heavy use will find it has to,


    ,for the slow device to complete its task first. However, most modern devices
  6. Although popular from her first appearance in 1930,Jane Marple had to,


    ,thirty-two years for her first big-screen appearance. When she made it, the
  7. In and out as fast as possible. In a nuclear exchange, this would allow it to,


    ,out the initial attacks and find targets that escape destruction, eliminating
  8. For» that is the way of a courtesan. » To appease her, he tells her to,


    ,(» that’s what virgins do best,isn’t it? «) inside, and that he will have
  9. Sleep rhythm, the crew elected to spend the rest of the day inside the LM and,


    ,until the next day to perform the first of three Extra-vehicular activities (
  10. Is Rwy: Runway_Access; begin Controller1. Request_Takeoff (ID, Rwy ); —,


    ,to be cleared for takeoff Put_Line (Airplane_ID’Image (ID) &» taking off
  11. Him to get acquainted with coaching the team earlier, instead of having him,


    ,until October, the start of the next season. According to Knight’s biographer
  12. Increased barrel wear. Widespread introduction of smokeless powder would,


    ,until the advent of the double-base powders, which combine nitrocellulose and
  13. In Munich. Although Christopher renounced his claim for revenge, he lay in,


    ,for Nicholas in Riesling. When the latter arrived, he was killed by Sat on
  14. A plural). » Whether her name is attested in Eteocretan or not will have to,


    ,for deciphered of Linear A. Gunther Neumann has suggested that Athena’s name
  15. End Runway; task body Controller is begun loop My_Runway. Wait_For_Clear; —,


    ,until runway is available select —


    for two types of requests when
  16. First Earthrise photographed by humans On Earth, Mission Control continued to,


    , If the crew had not burned the engine or the burn had not lasted the planned
  17. Set the text back to white for the rest Color (255,255,255); will,


    ,half a second Whittier (seconder) Forever Blitz Max version of the above
  18. In investment in new rolling stock whilst the Roscoe and their parent companies,


    ,to hear what return they will be allowed to make on their train fleets. This
  19. Smile album in the form of The Smile Sessions in November after a 44-year,


    , as a set of 2 CDs, a vinyl double album and a 5 CD box set. Possible 50th
  20. ADAMS» of nepotism and monarchical ambition. The Adams administration did not,


    ,for the passage of the Sedition Act but arrested Cache on common law libel
  21. Alfonso tried to regain the favor of the queen, but failed, and had to,


    ,for the death of both Louis (at Cadenza in 1434) and Joan herself (February
  22. Produced a decreased sensitivity to pain over time. However, he had to,


    ,two years until his fiancée came of age, so despite the grief he felt over
  23. With him west of the mouth of the Skagerrak off the coast of Jutland and,


    ,for the Germans or for their intentions to become clear. The planned position
  24. Is known as crossfire). Waiting Having set up the ambush, the next phase is to,


    , This could be for a few hours, or a few days, depending on the tactical and
  25. In nearby Germantown in early October and then retreated to watch and,


    , After repelling a British attack at White Marsh, Washington and his army
  26. Commander from Conic (Choice) created tabor. Piotr Bunin decided not to,


    ,for the enemy and attacked first, setting infantry with crossbows at left
  27. The rival Yankees two years after their world championship in 1918,an 86-year,


    , before the team’s sixth World Championship in. However, the team’s history
  28. Made emancipation universal and permanent. Enslaved African Americans did not,


    ,for Lincoln’s action before escaping and seeking freedom behind Union lines.
  29. S only choice was to fortify his position, forage what supplies he could, and,


    , on his remaining army to attempt another crossing. Pompey by now had a massive
  30. That a site was built to view a declination of +23.5° then he or she need not,


    ,until 21 June to confirm the site does indeed face the summer solstice. For
  31. Assessments to be made. ” The true test of his“ armored idea” would have to,


    ,for the Second World War. However, the Luftwaffe also provided volunteers to
  32. The delegation signed the Articles on July 21, 1778. The other states had to,


    ,until they ratified the Articles and notified their Congressional delegation.
  33. Loop My_Runway. Wait_For_Clear; —


    until runway is available select —,


    ,for two types of requests when Request_Approach’count 0 > — landings have
  34. Set the text back To white For the rest Recolor (255,255,255) Flip ‘will,


    ,half a second Whittier (seconder) If East (KEY_ESCAPE) Then Exit
  35. Two armies, according to Caesar. Pompey ordered his men not to charge, but to,


    ,until Caesar’s legions came into close quarters. Pompey’s advisor Camus
  36. They


    ed. They were blocking Henry’s retreat, and were perfectly happy to,


    ,for as long as it took. There had even been a suggestion that the English would
  37. Cabinet about his proposed emancipation proclamation, Seward advised Lincoln to,


    ,for a victory before issuing it, as to do otherwise would seem like» our last
  38. At any time during the game. In Australian rules terminology, these players,


    ,for substitution» on the bench»—an area with a row of seats on the sideline.
  39. His journey, but unfamiliar with the local channels and shoals he decided to,


    ,until the following morning to make his attack. He stopped all traffic from
  40. First, hoping that his aim might be spoiled in his quickness. Jackson would,


    ,and take careful aim at Dickinson. Dickinson did fire first, hitting Jackson in
  41. If a team misses the first shot of a two-shot situation, the opposing team must,


    ,for the completion of the second shot before attempting to reclaim possession
  42. The River Styx, he sees the souls of those not given a proper burial, forced to,


    ,by the river until someone buries them. While down there, along with the dead
  43. Henrik and Anne, the young, and Desiree and Fredrik, the fools. As the two,


    ,for the» third smile «. Armed closes her eyes, and dies peacefully. Musical
  44. Beowulf tells his men that he will fight the dragon alone and that they should,


    ,on the barrow. Beowulf descends to do battle with the dragon but finds himself
  45. And was first eligible in the 1953 election. ) The modern rule establishing a,


    ,of five years was passed in 1954,although an exception was made for Joe
  46. Then risk an evening battle in confined waters, the British were planning to,


    ,for the following day, Brueys rescinded his earlier order to sail. Areas may
  47. Several other vessels and that they intended to sail to Hispaniola and lie in,


    ,for an expected Spanish armada, supposedly laden with money to pay the
  48. Fatal blow to the French at their center. However, Marlborough would have to,


    ,until Eugene was in position before the general engagement could begin. The
  49. Figure in his day there is speculation that officials in Washington chose to,


    ,a period of time before issuing a stamp with his portrait. In all, Jackson has
  50. Khmelnytskyi in the name of the shared Orthodox faith, the Tsar preferred to,


    ,until the threat of a Cossack-Ottoman union in 1653 finally forced him to

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Examples of how to use the word “wait” in a sentence. How to connect “wait” with other words to make correct English sentences.

wait (v): to allow time to go by, especially while staying in one place without doing very much, until someone comes, until something that you are expecting happens or until you can do something

Use “wait” in a sentence

Wait until further notice.
I don’t want to wait until tomorrow.
I will wait until you come back.
There’s a visitor waiting for you in the lobby.
Wait a moment.
How long do I have to wait?
Please sit here and wait.

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Synonym: defer, delay, linger, postpone, procrastinate, put off, shelve, stay, table, tarry. Similar words: await, wait on, wait for, awaiting, waist, trait, portrait. Meaning: [weɪt]  n. 1. time during which some action is awaited 2. the act of waiting (remaining inactive in one place while expecting something). v. 1. stay in one place and anticipate or expect something 2. wait before acting 3. look forward to the probable occurrence of 4. serve as a waiter or waitress in a restaurant. 

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(1) Time and tide wait for no man. 

(2) One lie needs seven lies to wait upon it. 

(3) Good things come to those who wait

(4) All things come to those who wait

(5) To know how to wait is the great secret of success. 

(6) Weak men wait for opportunity, but the strong men make it. 

(7) Sail while the wind blows; wind and tide wait for no man. 

(8) I don’t wait for moods. You accomplish nothing if you do that. Your mind must know it has got down to work. 

(9) Opportunities do not wait.

(10) I have but one lamp wait which my feet are guided ; and that is the lamp of experience. I know of no way of judging of the future but by the past. 

(11) All we can do now is wait and hope.

(12) We hadn’t bargained on such a long wait.

(13) Let’s wait till the rain stops.

(14) Wait until the paint has completely dried.

(15) To watch the sunrise must wait till dawn.

(16) «Please wait for a minute, «she called down.

(17) Wait here until I get back.

(18) He doesn’t have the patience to wait.

(19) Could you wait for me, please?

(20) You were explicitly instructed to wait here.

(21) You must wait for five more days.

(22) Please wait for me till I come back.

(23) ‘Shall I wait?’ ‘No, don’t bother’.

(24) We had a long wait for the train.

(25) Will you wait at the door?

(26) I can hardly wait until this summer.

(27) The future belongs to him who knows how to wait

(28) All things will come round to him who will but wait

(29) I am not a bit anxious about my battles, If I am anxious I don’t fight them, I wait until I am ready. 

(30) Fortune often rewards with interest those that have patience to wait for her. 

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Study Vocabulary Words wait
to stay in a place or do nothing until something happens or someone comes

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Used with adverbs:

«The children have been waiting patiently for ice cream.«
(patiently, politely)

«They waited quietly in their seats.«
(quietly, silently)

«She is anxiously waiting for the airplane to arrive.«
(anxiously, nervously, eagerly)

«They have been waiting long.«
(long, a while)

Used with verbs:

«You have to wait for your turn.«
(have to, must, need to)

«I cannot wait until tomorrow.«

Used with prepositions:

«I am waiting for my friend.«

«I will wait until five o’clock.«

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Study Vocabulary Words wait
a period of time when you stay in a place or do nothing until something happens or someone comes

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Used with adverbs:

«There was a long wait for a table at the restaurant.«
(long, endless, lengthy)

«We had a short wait at the doctor’s office.«

«It was an agonizing wait for the medical results.«
(agonizing, nervous, anxious, frustrating)

Used with verbs:

«We have a long wait at the doctor’s office.«
(have, face)

Used with prepositions:

«We have a long wait for the next train.«

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