Use the word volunteered in a sentence

«They were not volunteered

«Well, you spend the night here with us then,” Sarah said, and Leonora did not protest, but volunteered to carry the sleeping child into the house

It was also important that he be allowed to participate in the native society as much as he volunteered to, as all individuals did in their society

Valotin and I volunteered for the job

After a bit he raised his head and looked at Daniel, “Valotin and I are empty shells, that’s why we volunteered for this job

As I stare at the banks of the wasteg slowly passing, I turn over in my mind why he should have volunteered for the job of escorting me to the Well

She just got it working today and volunteered to be the first to run from it

’ Tilly volunteered, her eyes shining at the prospect of her new home

Jorma had not volunteered for the crew

The young man frequently volunteered to help out at the smithy,

equally fulsome in their thanks, and politely volunteered to assist

assumed that the driver had volunteered to direct them himself

Harry, hadn’t said two words regarding the invitation, nor of his benefactor’s having volunteered him; he simply smiled and asked, “When shall I be ready to join you?”

Having got through the audition without a problem, I volunteered to help with props for the show they were rehearsing – ‘Showboat’

Publicly the Kassikan tested those who volunteered but had not confirmed any as being the ‘real’ Yingolian

He had volunteered a lot more than he should have in the conversation, but he had just finished a grueling day of studying the desert, if anything he was helping his credibility by describing something of the planet he knew

Titania instantly volunteered to tutor him in that regard, and Hipolyta just rolled her eyes

ditch, how Jack volunteered to be a workhorse to pull everyone to the Impenetrable Cavern, how Matt stood up to Queen Oizys, how Andrew could always come up with a clever plan, they remembered how Matt helped save

Miss Sarah Bunker volunteered to sponsor the Theater Society on the condition that her students would be instrumental in any productions set for performance

“We made it,” Desa said, and with that volunteered to fill Alan’s cup

Paul Benoit had volunteered to take the road

«Then it could have been from anywhere,» she volunteered

When they were done, Lingkhan and Chian volunteered to come share a cup with them and lead them to the nearest tap

The class volunteered their answers freely without

“No mother-ship detected in the sectors already investigated, Captain,” Elenir volunteered from the science station as she rose and crossed to her nav post, transferring the sensor and scanner data to her own station

No-one else volunteered to say anything so he sent everybody he did not need back to seating area two

Kate Butcher volunteered to carry his rope even though she already carried one

volunteered Fletcher, “I’ve got to get this over and done with before I have too long to think about how deep that crevasse is

They stood silently looking at the beauty and then Elizabeth said, “I remember one of my neighbors telling me that locals had volunteered to maintain the premises but had to give up a couple of years ago

“Listen lads we have been asked to put a recce patrol on tonight by Brigade the patrol will tell us what Johnny Turk is up to and it would seem from what the CSM has told me you four have volunteered”, we saw the grin on the CSMs face as this was revealed to us

“It will be an eight man patrol so you will have some others with you who have no doubt volunteered as well and Lieutenant Smith will lead the raid

“Now listen lads and you didn’t hear this from me but I know that the Lieutenant hasn’t been here long and he’s still a bit wet but he needs to learn the ropes and that’s why I volunteered you lot

However our platoon had been volunteered to accompany the Battalion transport which was going via Southampton-Le Havre so once again after a trip on the G

“So yours truly and one more silly sod have been volunteered to go out and get some and I thought I’m not going out there without a bloody good shot with me hence why you volunteered

I looked at him as if he were mad knowing that he had volunteered me because I certainly hadn’t and I said

Grant volunteered that he had not thought of this, but being reminded of the condition would not change the words of

volunteered not only to join the Confederate cause, but also to

“No I’m only joking I did it because I owed you for the number of times I volunteered you

She whispered in his ear, “Khan and Millicent volunteered here

Was he angry that she hadn’t volunteered? Of course, there was no reason to refuse

Monique had volunteered to infiltrate the compound, although she expected the refusal

“Name’s After,” I volunteered, offering to shake his hand

If you do not know the difference between tactical and strategic, but let me give you an example that an Army Colonel once gave me: “It seems that a young soldier had decided that paratrooper’s wings had a special effect on the ladies, and thus he volunteered for the elite Army Parachute Battalion

Those skills were taught by SAP COIN and not at the College, so the many lads who never volunteered for SAP COIN were only half trained in my view, but it was their own choice to only be half trained

you would be surprised how many terrorist’s actually volunteered information without the need for unpleasantness

In the winter of 1988, just after or before the Strydom incident, I volunteered for the SAP COIN Counter-Insurgence Course and soon found myself at their premier training establishment called Maleoskop which is in Eastern Transvaal

A few months later, when he needed a lift in Pretoria, I volunteered to pick him up in old ROMEO 4

I immediately volunteered for the next border duty trip and kept on going until the war stopped

These are Bloodhounds types, mixed with Dobermans, and the course I volunteered for, having had enough adventures in the Flying Squad already

The Polish brigade, with its high percentage of Jewish soldiers, volunteered for all kinds of missions

The nurses were mainly Polish, who volunteered their services

He volunteered for the Israeli police in the forensic department and also participated in identifying victims of the downed El Al aircraft over Bulgaria in July 1955

In the mornings, I had a decent but rather small breakfast, with Betty and the maid, then Betty would go off to the library where she volunteered

Alfredo was so eager that he volunteered even before her sentence finished

Saul looked pretty unhappy, but it was just him as Dawley volunteered to ride along on the mission

A good gunner, Johnny Strepp, volunteered as I knew he would when asked

He’d called out happily to him from the deck of the barge, unaware that anything was amiss, when the night watchman who had kindly volunteered to escort him to Truman’s boat suddenly jabbed a pistol in his back – and the unending anguish began

There are no small hearts here today; you’ve all volunteered to help us win this fight

Ingrid volunteered to drive, as LP struggled to lift his leg up into the van

Snuffy Smith, now wearing the three chevrons of a sergeant, had volunteered to drive him to Camp 146 when he learned who his passenger would be, and Colling was glad to see the Kentuckian

hope that you don»t mind that I volunteered us to take

I volunteered to die instead, that time, but I can’t imagine how that would help me now

volunteered to mediate the session

“Some of the older members volunteered

“These two girls volunteered to bring provisions to the city,” Marcus says, “and I volunteered to escort them so that they would be safe

“So I volunteered to come here

Today I volunteered to go inside the city

“It’s something I wanted your mother to do with me, before she volunteered to enter the city

A few weeks ago, I would have volunteered to go on the suicide mission myself—and I did

I volunteered to go to Erudite headquarters, knowing that death waited for me there

“And I would have volunteered to die instead of Caleb

Frank James, ex-outlaw brother of Jesse James, volunteered to lead a regiment of cowboys

Cowboys, Indians, and Yankee aristocrats volunteered for the Rough Riders, sparing the military the need to train for horse and rifle

volunteered for the study of mental illness in hospital

They were delighted to see us and quickly volunteered their young men to help us rid the world of the Inka

annihilation of the Maya tumen and then volunteered to continue serving the Khanate in another tumen

“Other than a moonstruck suitor, I suppose you appear to be a warrior who has either volunteered or been hired to protect a doddering old merchant from the dangers of the road

He told me that it was all over the Khakhanate how I had rashly volunteered to join the Maya tumen and, in spite of being so much taller and such an inviting target, had survived and been promoted all the way to minghan commander, and would have been given command of a tumen had I chosen to remain

volunteered to help the girls clamber over the top of the railings

I have never asked about them and no one has ever volunteered anything

He volunteered that he had no idea what was in it

When we finished, Kelly volunteered to help Mom with the dishes

“I know the songs,” Kelly volunteered

Kelly intercepted me and volunteered to handle it

Itsuki volunteered and took me outside for a look

Sadly, mom volunteered as chaperone and ended up drinking from a flask she had on her purse

High had volunteered to relieve paramedics who were on

He volunteered to tell the passengers that it would take them “from twenty to twenty-five minutes to the place of destination, depending on the traffic”

A girl stood up and volunteered to be his partner

Bob heard his wife’s question and volunteered to answer by saying: “White lightning

” She told Roger her name, which reminded him that she had been the girl who volunteered to dance when he was explaining the word “merengue” and foolishly told the class: “I need a partner…” Unbelievable! Twenty-eight years later, she went, unknowingly, from West Virginia to Florence to be one of his students in his “Survival Italian” class…

Several days later, after he had retained Breuer as counsel, Berger volunteered that he had also taken 40 to 50 pages of notes during three visits to the Archives beginning in July, the lawyer said

Immediately, Hytu; his wife, Dena; Cimus; Eda; and Hemia approached Noiu and volunteered to train the birds

“Hundreds contributed effort to that presentation! In fact, there is a separate listing for them, as well as a listing of those who helped with the decorations and the feasts, and one for those who volunteered with each of the pavilions outside the chapel!”

After the children were all grown, both had volunteered to come to Earth on a mission

When Yazadril said that he would not and could not, I volunteered to kill you myself

“More than a million tradespersons from throughout the alliance volunteered for this work when the call came from The Atoning

Turning quickly to follow, Benjamin volunteered a parting observation, “I see the courier and his entourage coming up the hill already! Hope to see you two soon!”

“Thanks!” Benjamin offered, when told that he’d been volunteered

“I hate to tell you this,” Moshe responded, looking a little sheepish, “but I just volunteered us to become cattle herders!”

  • Use the word VOLUNTEERED in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Randal Laakko was one of twenty students studying for holy orders who volunteered.

I have sung to you tonight the praises of your four American doughboys who sacrificed their lives. volunteered to become human guinea pigs. that mankind might be saved from yellow fever.

Mr Carmichael, when I made your acquaintance yesterday, you volunteered an amazingly correct diagnosis of Shanghai Lily and I see no reason for you to have changed it.

You volunteered for this war.

At present, he’s in this country on a lecture tour… and has graciously volunteered his services.


Stinks volunteered for South Africa.

I’ve created a technique for restoring the dead to life, and that young man volunteered to be my first subject.

I told you, he volunteered.

And he’s volunteered to play for my birthday party for only $50.

-Those boys all volunteered for this duty.

Sergeant, you and Corporal Feingold are to report to Captain Lassiter of the 26th Calvary about the special duty you volunteered for.

volunteered for duty in the Philippines, September 11, 1941.

You all volunteered, or you wouldn’t be here so we’ll call off the volunteering from now on.

For the benefit of newcomers, you’re here because you volunteered.

However, his shipmates volunteered information to the police. Enough to send him up for 1042 years.

Commandant, barracks 2 and 3 failed to produce anyone who volunteered.

It would have been an ideal funeral if Mrs. Cooper-Cooper, a friend of the family… hadn’t volunteered to sing «The End of a Perfect Day.»

You wrote me that you volunteered for medical service within the realm.

Jock’s volunteered to take your place.

Your fellow student, Homer Quimby, has volunteered to be the subject.

I’d have volunteered for anything to get back in the sunshine.

Neither have I, until I volunteered for this job.

You men are here because you’ve volunteered.

Well, this job I volunteered for. Didn’t you get my letter? — No.

I think you’re very well prepared for what you volunteered to do and I want to thank you for a lot of good hard work.

I volunteered to take somebody’s orderly officer.

She volunteered some information to her mother and me.

Every member of O77 had volunteered without reservation… for hazardous duty behind enemy lines.

He knew it when he volunteered for a second tour.

So, MacBadger had volunteered to put Toad’s house in order.

My Lord justice, with your permission an interrogation will be made by a distinguished visitor, who has volunteered to assist the case for the crown.

You volunteered to be my manager and told me to find him.

This is what you volunteered for.

You have volunteered for a duty which you may soon have to perform.

volunteered American Expeditionary Forces.

volunteered for underwater demolition.

With few exceptions, transportation and utility workers volunteered to remain at their posts until the evacuation is completed.

Well, dear, you volunteered to help.

I only volunteered because no boy volunteered to take me to the dance.

I volunteered, you know I did.

He’s volunteered us again.

He volunteered to take Miss Jones to jail.

Sentence examples for volunteered from high-quality
English sources.

  • At 16 I volunteered at refugee camps in Greece.

  • McBride volunteered at Common Cause just as the Watergate scandal was mushrooming.

  • She volunteered again in 1900 and was sent first to the Philippines and then back to Cuba.

  • I volunteered because I love the culture.

  • The IRS would order people back to work if not enough volunteered, according to the report.

  • I’ve volunteered to give the COVID vaccine to patients once it becomes available at our Safeway pharmacy.

  • Well done to our brilliant scientists at UniofOxford & AstraZeneca, and all who volunteered in the trials.”

Use volunteered in a sentence.

  • Meanwhile, 16% of those donating their time have volunteered to phone people who may be struggling with loneliness or other issues.

  • In May, I volunteered to be deliberately exposed to the coronavirus to quickly test vaccines in a potential “human challenge trial”.

  • She volunteered herself to travel to Korea to shorten skirts when the rest of her team was hesitant — and that became part of her personal brand.

  • Drivers volunteered vehicles, mother’s volunteered their time in-between school runs and women offered to cook to feed volunteers.

  • A Ministry of Defence spokesman said: “The UK is indebted to all those servicemen and women from Africa who volunteered to serve with Britain during the second world war.

  • I volunteered with an earthquake relief charity in Nepal, and when I came home I volunteered for a smaller charity in Cornwall, helping with their fundraising.

  • Referring to the service of his late son Beau, Biden said: “When my son was a US attorney and he volunteered to go to Kosovo while the war was going on, as a civilian, he was not a sucker.

  • He volunteered that he frequently visited 4chan, an online message board where users compete with one another to post ever more provocative content, from Nazi shorthand to racist cartoons.

  • On their 18th birthday, after years of hanging around North Houston firehouses for fun, Tommy Searcy and his twin brother, Tony, volunteered for the Westfield Fire Department in Harris County, Texas.

  • Most notably: the massive, private list of millions of Trump supporters who’ve contributed cash, signed pro-Trump petitions, volunteered for the campaign, and opted into receiving emails, text messages, and other communications.

  • Several of the presenters began their journeys in student, local, community or hospital radio, including 24-year-old Nels Hylton, who has previously volunteered at the University of Portsmouth’s Pure FM and at community station Transmission Roundhouse.

  • Most notable is its noncash resources, particularly the keys to the personal information of millions of campaign supporters — people who have donated money, volunteered, and otherwise signed on to Make America Great Again alongside the nation’s 45th president.

Volunteered used in sentences. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use volunteered in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for volunteered.

  • An old man volunteered information. (10)
  • I gave what help I could; and volunteered some advice, which struck me as being excellent. (2)
  • He served in the Peninsula, served in Canada, served in India, volunteered for any chance of distinction. (10)
  • At the opening of the war he was in an East-End practice, and had volunteered at once for service with the Army. (8)
  • Once, early in their married life, Mrs. Phillips had volunteered to explain to Helen the philosophy of this masculine temperament. (13)
  • Speed-the-Plough volunteered information that Bursley was a good three mile from where they stood, and a good eight mile from Lobourne. (10)
  • Two or three of the least implicated volunteered to be betrayed by him; they went and confessed, and put the Government on a wrong track. (10)
  • There is a silly story of a subterranean passage between the Castle and Holyrood, and a bold Highland piper who volunteered to explore its windings. (2)

Also see sentences for: voluntarily, voluntary, volunteer, volunteers.

Glad you visited this page with a sentence for volunteered. Now that you’ve seen how to use volunteered in a sentence hope you might explore the rest of this educational reference site to see many other example sentences which provide word usage information.

Definitions For Volunteered


  • A person who chooses to join the military
  • A person who does work without getting paid to do it


  • Of, relating to, or done by volunteers

English International (SOWPODS)

Points in Different Games


Words with Friends

The word Volunteered is worth 15 points in Scrabble and 19 points in Words with Friends

Examples of Volunteered in a Sentence

  • Volunteers are needed to help with the bake sale.
  • The school was built by volunteers.
  • Our son volunteered for military service.
  • He would not volunteer any information about her whereabouts.
  • Volunteer work at the hospital

Antonyms for Volunteered

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