Use the word plural in a sentence

dedicated, biblically qualified men (plural) is left up to the preacher or evangelist

After the proclamation to reject plural marriages in order to receive Statehood, many of the second and third wives retained their maiden names, for legal protection

Did he admit to that? He never objected to her using the plural

A grey machine with plural communication

These two ways of saying you also have plural forms

you would use ustedes (ie the plural of usted):

would use the plural form of tú

The plural form of tú also has masculine and feminine versions:

Or links, plural

So what I extrapolate the most likely meaning in the singular is “Isra-El, follower of God and the plural, followers of God

Within those first three hundred years the subject of the plural “Natures of God” were avidly, even violently debated

Seraphim: “A plural Hebrew noun which occurs only in one passage of the Bible, Isa

Plural forms of nouns are commonly formed by adding s or es to the end of the word

Even though plural, they retain their genders

) Suffice it to say that they conjugate with different endings for the different “persons” (I, polite and familiar you, he/she/it, we, familiar plural you, plural you, they)

The other way of expressing possession is with possessive pronouns mi (my), su (polite your, his, her & its), tu (familiar your), nuestro & nuestra (our, m & f), and su (plural your & their)

Hebrew nouns used for God imply a plural, not a singular God, and the pronoun “us”

We are truly alone now, but for some reason I use the plural

(In the manuscripts, the word blood is plural

” In Hebrew, the plural of one class of nouns is formed by adding im to the stem of the noun

So the plural of a midrash is midrashim

*The “you” is plural

‘lice’ was plural for ‘louse’ (which she proceeded to rhyme with everything from mouse to

Certain verbs ending in —iar and —uar require an accent on the i or the u in the present indicative and subjunctive, all of thesingular and the third person plural, and in the imperative singular

The Master usually prayed in the plural, not in the singular

And when the Master made reference to his Father as God, he usually employed the Hebrew word signifying the plural God (the Trinity) and not the word Yahweh, which stood for the progressive conception of the tribal God of the Jews

We do not have his specific promise to make these plural visits, but it seems most probable that he who carries among his universe titles that of Planetary Prince of Urantia will many times visit the world whose conquest conferred such a unique title upon him

However, he also has his own Investment Accounts (plural)

addition, there are ‘Moggy (plural Moggies) as they’re referred

“Kitty, there are predators as in plural form and not just

was he plural? That is, not one “man” but many

Here, early in the Bible, the opinion that god is plural

therefore man is also plural and in fact the use of the

Elohim means the «plural majesty of the one God»

No one had taken a plural wife as yet

I lasted seven weeks as a plural wife

than the family I entered into in a plural marriage

plural forms of nouns, etc

Baptisms – is plural, there is more than one baptism – each one is to bring change

A random spot check about when God had referred to Himself in the plural form is included down here although it might not be exhaustive;-

Hold on, in that scripture, you have robbed me in Tithes, which is plural, which means what — there is more than one

Modi had publicly rejected Muslim headgear; Nitish was more than happy to wear an Islamic cap as a symbol of a plural heritage

Having grown up in Philadelphia—the City of Brotherly Love—Francis knew that “yous” is often used for the plural of “you” in that great city

Hold on, in that scripture, “you have robbed me in Tithes”, which is plural — there is more than one!

God always use his colors in plural form to mark the culture of that human face evolved

God created the dragon in such look to show the dynamic nature of the political power in the world in plural form i

There are changes of pronoun from singular to plural, from second to third person and so on

The word “columns” came in the plural from so as to reveal that it will be outstretched and directed towards those spirits from many sides, and thereby it will hit them from all sides so that they will not find any way or escape from it

It came in the plural tense so as to show that the bliss of those will be everlasting, unceasing and endless

plural of broccolo which means «the flowering top of a

The angels have acquired perfection and noble qualities because of their nearness to their Creator, therefore God used in Arabic an irregular tense of plural in His description to the angels, which is ‘keram’ not the regular one which is ‘kareemeen’

The word “gardens” came here in the plural form in order to draw our attentions to those various gardens which the Almighty has placed in different places on the ground

“Orchards” is the plural of ‘orchard’ which means in Arabic that which generates in your spirit an interior pleasure hidden from others so that none can see what is in your spirit or know it

In Arabic, a secret which we hide and keep in our inner self, and which we dislike anyone to know is called ‘sarirah’, with the plural form ‘sara’ir’

It is used in the plural form so as to show that the bliss of those who dwell therein will be everlasting, unceasing and endless

4- You notice in Verse 8 that the reward of believers is ((Gardens)), why is it expressed in plural form not in a singular one ((Garden)) ?

At times, I shall use the parenthetical form of the plural

Power envisioned to have made the primary cosmic world; when used with a plural verb,

with a plural verb, ohvkt refers to finite gods/ deities; but when it is used with a singular verb (as

masculine plural nouns (e

This often results from a schizoid break between organic and inorganic identity, which inevitably seems to follow when we lose touch with naturally integrated organic spacetimes – the plural temporal relativities of World versus the pause, stop, rewind, jump ahead and edit time of inorganic iWorld

The statement «It is only too little omniscience that is got to you» does not mean the prophet of God, but the ‘addressee’ in this verse are the askers because it comes in plural

The thirdperson plural is sometimes used with an indefinite subject to replacethe English passive

Both forms should be plural

The form dijerdes, an old form for the second plural of the futuresubjunctive (modern dijereis),

“Governments as in plural?” She closed her eyes

plural stands first for the days between Christmas

three-day feast ofthe church; and in the plural, as here, any

towards objects, either singular or plural

The thought of Frau Dremmel become plural, diminished into socks and pinafores, standing neatly at her knee being taught to lisp in numbers, seized her with laughter

Or drivers, plural, I thought

used, and ustedes serves as plural of both tú and usted

areoften put in the plural

Note the singular form with a plural antecedent,still

An illustration of the distinctionbetween the two pronouns; vosotros, the real plural, refers to

substantives and inthe plural

Where abstract nouns are used in the plural an effort has

and in the pluralif the literal translation does not admit a plural

Why do I mention them in plural? Because there are several kinds of them (but I suspect that a certain “individual” karmo-kloft is involved in the organization of the energy-information dynamics of the Synthesis of each of qualitative Directions of refocusings in this Conversum): some of them are charged “positively”, others are charged “negatively”, there are “scalar” ones (“lighter” and “heavier”), and there are “mimicry-type” karmo-klofts, that is, the ones that have different properties depending on various circumstances

Divers: Differing, in a plural number; unequal; assorted: or, two or more persons that are different in character or quality from other people

Pence: The plural of penny, when used of a sum of money or value

You: (always plural in the bible)

arrancarlas: las refers to Cuánta nota, which seems tohave here the force of a plural

My parents (plural), yes I was raised in a home with a

This happened frequently in the past when I told the academic and academics (plural) that I

Linear fibers of flax were used to become linear threads called lines, or in the plural of a cloth made of linear threads: linen

Perhaps, I should speak in the plural and say, „we» started, because Mariam was earthy and interested and exhibited no false modesty

Which in plural is spelled: ELFS

This is why the leadership prescribed for the New Testament Church is through a body of elders (plural not singular)

The plural (sometimes abbreviated PL), in many languages, is one of the values of the grammatical category of number. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Any use of the above terminology or other words in the singular, plural, capitalisation and/or he/she or they, are taken as interchangeable and therefore as referring to same.


The same people, where the permissive society has not yet reached its extreme limits in the granting of generalised drug use, abortion on demand or housing aid for married homosexuals, and what have you, will demand all of these things in the name of the «free cultural exchange of the plural society».


Your multifidus, or multifidi for plural, are triangularly shaped muscles that are on either side of each spinal segment, and they help you rotate, or when working together, backwards bend.


plural meaning more than one and amazing… i’ll wait.


AP style prescribes «tableaux» for the plural of «tableau,» for instance, but it doesn’t make a ruling on «portmanteau.»


For convenience the term aerosol, which includes both the particles and the suspending gas, is often used in this report in its plural form to mean aerosol particles.


(HINT there will be strollers… as in plural.)


A distichia (plural distichiae) is an eyelash that arises from an abnormal location on the eyelid or grows in an abnormal direction.


nAfter disasters like 9/11 or Japan’s earthquake, people feel united in their shared trauma, and use first-person plural pronouns («we-words,» as Pennebaker calls them) angreat deal.


I intentionally use the plural «clients.»


My spell checker chirps every time I write «general counsel» as a plural noun.


It may be surprising that there are a number of benefits to plural relationships.


For those unfamiliar, he was born in 1937, comes from a past shrouded in mystery, played college football at DeVry, and refers to multiple ounces of milk in the plural («a glass of milks»).


As one who has taken Gavin to task on his English usage in the past (Gavin, people are trying to tell you that «phenomena» is plural.


English and Greek distinguish between masculine and feminine pronouns in the third person singular (he/she), but neither distinguishes the gender of the second person singular or plural (you) The Amharic language of Ethiopia uses anta for the second person masculine singular pronoun, and anci for feminine singular.


The first of course is the fact that the title of the book is «Sorcerers Supreme,» plural.


I have found that often times one is significantly higher than the other, and quite often the plural version is indicative of commercial intent.


About Blog The Briney family is a plural family as seen on TLC’s «Seeking Sister Wife».


While younger children learn to add an «s» in order to make a word plural, older children may decipher the meaning of words by identifying their common roots with other words.


I love octopus, (no idea how to spell the plural) They have always made me want to laugh as I think there is something of the clown about them, but I know people who say they are sinister.


Welcome to my plural words lesson plans page.


They discovered that younger daters tended to use more first-person singular pronouns («I,» «me,» and «my») and descriptions of work, achievements and negative emotions compared to the older daters, who used more first-person plural pronouns («we,» «us,» and «our») and emphasized relationships with others as well as positive emotions.


Sample items included: «Chews with mouth closed» and «Uses irregular plurals correctly».


For believers in The Conspiracy, proof is the plural of accusation.7


Ambivalent presents a selection of works in plural dialogue showing the different approaches that converge into the ambivalence and its variants.


I certainly prefer the Swedish plural umlaut to «ombudspersons».


The Tab S Pro just appeared in a Samsung nomenclature filing, and now, the Galaxy Tab S2 models (yes, plural) have received Korean certification.


In Italian S is not used for plural words.


I wanted so badly to wear a dress yesterday because it’s finally warm enough, but a spider kind of attacked my leg and until the bites (yes, plural!)


People want to watch good football — for that, we need stars (plural) in the middle of their career at multiple clubs and we need them to stay in Australia for a number of years.


And we say tiles, as in plural, because you can create as many as you want or need to make that perfect Start screen.


And I was not just bummed because my pies (yes, pies plural) were ruined, but more because I know there is high probability that the oven will not be getting fixed by Thanksgiving.


Our systems are «uniform,» theirs are «plural


supernova type 2 (plural: supernovae or supernovas) A condition that occurs when nuclear fusion can no longer continue in the core of a massive star.


This post does leaves plenty of room for further speculation, because the post said games in plural form, which may mean they’re working on other projects.


The feeling among fundamentalist Mormons is that government pressure, not faith, was behind the end of plural marriage.


Yes, you read that right, demos (plural).


Students learn about unusual plural spellings and continue their study of homophones, contractions, and silent consonant blends.


Unlike many breeds, Keeshonden (the plural for this breed) aren’t one-person dogs; they are equally devoted to all family members, and can be equally effusive in greeting friends of the family.


He always seems to put the plural in, though.


I should actually say bags (plural) haha!


This will become more challenging as the nation grows ever more plural.


Now, however, unlike the last pre-modern, this trend could coexist with their diametrically opposed, in the universe and on plural of vanguards.


3 activities to help children learn to use the apostrophe correctly for singular and plural possessive nouns.


The Greeks, at least the Ancient Greeks had it right: asthma is not a single disorder, rather it is heterogeneous in expression and the Ancient Greeks called it: the Asthmas, as in plural, many identifiable distinct disorders.


If you want to argue that, then you’ll need to apply the same rule to yourself as you made some glaring errors in omitting two key words in your last reply, using present tense that should be past tense, as well as using plural where singular Is warranted.


At this point, I think we should call it a day on the striker issue and focus all attention on getting quality defenders (notice the plural).


Some well-known by thousand-year-old civilizations (of which only few of them are studied by science), which interpreted this cosmic energy in a phenomenological and hermeneutical way, according to past technologies and beliefs, shaping rich plural cultures and religions of different types.


Yep, that’s plural, since it appears that Apple will be launching two new phones, for the first time in two different screen sizes.


Sept. 7: Little Jason entered the classroom today declining seven nouns, singular and plural, in Latin.


  • Use the word PLURAL in a sentences

Sentence Examples

It sounds wrong when you use the plural.

What’s the plural of bigamy?

Walk doesn’t take an ‘s’ in the plural.

No, it isn’t a geta, sir. It’s plural.

I don┬┤t regard women in the plural.

From then on, I vowed to devote myself exclusively to the happiness of others, in the plural, but never to the happiness of another, in the singular.

Where did you get that proprietorial plural?

Thank you for making me plural.

Six letters, in the plural.

The plural of mouse is mice. The plural of spouse must be spice?

Not that. What you’re looking at marks the calcification of an old plural lesion…

I see no reason for you to refer to yourself in the plural.

To us, signifying you and me. To us, different from this plural we, which exists only in my presence and remains when its components diminish, augment, vary.

It’s got to be plural… We got to be two people Thus again onanism is impossible

We don’t recognise plural marriage in California.

In the plural, «We were shafted, «you were shafted, they were shafted.»

Is that singular or plural?

Cashier… plural, we are 5

You’re pretty fast with that plural.

I can aspirate about two or three hundred cc’s from the left plural cavity.

«Phyla»— still the plural.

Which suggests that there were plural abductors. The date of execution was not publicized.

Vocative plural of «annus» is?

Third person plural, present indicative. «They go.»

We picked them up in Sector ZZ9 plural Z Alpha.

Sector ZZ9 plural Z Alpha!

That the word «love» is plural.

But the plural doesn’t fit with the Gospel.

What does it mean? It means that I, and those gentlemen in the dock, believe that South Africa is a plural society, with contributions to be made by all segments of the community.

The plural for moose is «moose.»

«Women», «children», «boys»… unaware that these words no longer have a plural… only an infinity of singulars?

After the last murder four years ago, murders, plural, I wanted to be executed, or locked away for life, so I’d never hurt anyone again.

The past participle agrees with gender and plural of the complement when it is placed before.

I’ll read to you the result of the vote on the law proposal from Mr Nyssens, on the introduction in Belgium of plural suffrage.

She was writing a piece about rent boys plural, not just one rent boy.

What’s the plural of ‘ultimatum’?

Definition of Plural

a category in grammar that refers to more than one

Examples of Plural in a sentence

According to the grammar book, the plural of the word mouse is mice.


Women is the plural form of woman but womans is not.


A plural form of the word child should be used when there is more than one present.


The student was marked off for writing the plural form of the word goose as gooses.


When more than one dog is kept in the pen, use the plural form instead.


Other words in the Increase category:

Most Searched Words (with Video)

Antonym: singular. Similar words: plurality, pluralism, splurge, rural, aural, mural, neural, natural. Meaning: [‘plʊrəl /’plʊərəl]  n. the form of a word that is used to denote more than one. adj. 1. composed of more than one member, set, or kind 2. grammatical number category referring to two or more items or units. 

Random good picture Not show

1. ‘Sheep’ remains the same in the plural.

2. What is the plural of ‘child’ ?’.

3. The word «you» can be singular or plural.

4. «Data» is the Latin plural form of «datum».

5. «Sheep» is both a singular and plural noun.

6. If you add the plural inflection ‘-s’ to ‘dog’ you get ‘dogs’.

7. The verb should be in the plural, e . g . » have » in » they have » .

8. What is the plural of «person»?

9. A plural marriage is forbidden by many countries.

10. The letter «s» terminates most plural nouns.

11. Britain has developed into a plural society.

12. ‘Child’ has an irregular plural, ie ‘children’.

13. ‘Geese’ is the plural of ‘goose’.

13. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!

14. The word ‘men’ is plural in number.

15. What’s the plural of ‘mouse’?

16. ‘Cattle’ and ‘trousers’ are both plural nouns.

17. ‘Men’ is plural in number.

18. The plural form of ‘goose’ is ‘geese’.

19. Most English plural nouns end in an «s».

20. ‘Woman’ in the plural is ‘women’.

21. Here you should use plural pronoun.

22. The verb should be in the plural.

23. ‘Horses’ is plural in number, while ‘horse’ is singular.

24. Most plural nouns in English end in’s ‘.

25. The plural of ‘child’ is ‘children’.

26. » Boy » is singular, and » boys » is plural.

27. We need to recognize that we are now living in a plural society.

28. You say a, one, two, several, etc. hundred without a final ‘s’ on ‘hundred’. Hundreds can be used if there is no number or quantity before it. Always use a plural verb with hundred or hundreds.: One hundred have already been placed with foster families.

29. I bought a dozen eggs and every one of them was bad. A plural verb is more informal.

30. Each student has been given his or her own e-mail address. The use of his or her sometimes sounds slightly formal and it is becoming more common to use the plural pronoun their:Each student has been given their own e-mail address.

More similar words: plurality, pluralism, splurge, rural, aural, mural, neural, natural, pleural, guttural, naturally, cultural, natural law, inaugural, unnatural, supernatural, naturalist, structural, natural gas, intramural, cultural lag, naturalized, agricultural, preternatural, naturalization, natural monopoly, natural resources, natural selection, cultural revolution, multicultural. 

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