Use the word pleased in a sentence

Examples of how to use the word “pleased” in a sentence. How to connect “pleased” with other words to make correct English sentences.

pleased (adj): happy or satisfied

Use “pleased” in a sentence

She was very pleased with her exam results.
I’m pleased to meet you all.
We are pleased to recommend this service to you.

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Asked by: Mr. Woodrow Miller

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Pleased sentence example

  1. I was pleased by his candor. …
  2. I’m pleased she’s helping you. …
  3. She was pleased with anything which made a noise. …
  4. Dean was pleased with the opportunity. …
  5. He looked pleased with himself until he saw Carmen. …
  6. He was pleased with himself. …
  7. I had one gift which especially pleased me.

What is the meaning of I am pleased?

If you are pleased, you are happy about something or satisfied with something. Felicity seemed pleased at the suggestion. [ + at]

What does pleased mean in a sentence?

If you are pleased, you are happy about something or satisfied with something. Felicity seemed pleased at the suggestion. I think he’s going to be pleased that we identified the real problems. Synonyms: happy, delighted, contented, satisfied More Synonyms of pleased. adjective [v-link ADJ to-inf]

How do you use ill pleased in a sentence?

His followers were ill-pleased, but agreed to wait, and Carey sent his messenger to the Scots. She, indeed, was ill-pleased with the tidings and felt instinctively that some calamity was about to befall. When his lordship expressed himself ill-pleased, did he direct you to take them away, or not?

How do you use say in a sentence examples?

Say sentence example

  1. I like the way you say thank you. …
  2. I won’t say anything to anyone. …
  3. It hurts him when you say … …
  4. And why did you say that? …
  5. Whatever did I say to make you think that? …
  6. How can you say that? …
  7. He had probably been hurting during the ride, but refused to say anything.

34 related questions found

What can I say sentence?

A phrase used to emphasize the fact that one is unable to explain, excuse, or clarify something any further.

How do you say instead of for example?

  • «For instance …» «For example» and «for instance» can be used interchangeably. …
  • «To give you an idea …» Use this phrase to introduce a use case or example. …
  • «As proof …» …
  • «Suppose that …» …
  • «To illustrate …» …
  • «Imagine …» …
  • «Pretend that …» …
  • «To show you what I mean …»

What is the sentence of uncomfortable?

Uncomfortable sentence example. Katie grumbled, uncomfortable in her formal dress. It crossed her mind that Alex might be more than uncomfortable in these surroundings. At Carmen’s uncomfortable look, she shook her head.

What is the meaning of wandering wandering?

adjective. moving from place to place without a fixed plan; roaming; rambling: wandering tourists. having no permanent residence; nomadic: a wandering tribe of Indians. meandering; winding: a wandering river; a wandering path.

Can you say very pleased?

Most people think that saying «very pleased»—in direct violation of 19th-century grammarian George Marsh’s explicit instructions—is just fine. … In the middle of the 19th century, some grammarians suddenly decided that the word very had a bit too much freedom, and should be more restricted in its use.

What does it mean to be pleased with someone?

Very proud of something one has done, often smugly and to an excessive or inappropriate degree. They all looked very pleased with themselves after signing the deal, even though it will enrich them at the expense of thousands of workers. My son was very pleased with himself after stealing the cookie from the table.

What is it’s my pleasure?

—used as a response to someone who has thanked one for doing something to say that one was happy to do it «Thanks for your help.» «(It was) My pleasure.»

How do you say you are pleased?

  1. blissful,
  2. delighted,
  3. glad,
  4. joyful,
  5. joyous,
  6. jubilant,
  7. rejoicing,
  8. tickled.

What type of word is pleased?

verb (used with object), pleased, pleas·ing. to act to the pleasure or satisfaction of: to please the public. to be the pleasure or will of: May it please your Majesty. verb (used without object), pleased, pleas·ing.

What does unpleased mean?

: not happy or satisfied : not pleased unpleased with the children’s behavior …

What is the word for extremely happy?

ecstatic. adjectivevery happy, blissful. athrill. beatific.

What does being uncomfortable feel like?

Describing discomfort can be very difficult, and occurs differently for each person. For some, it is pain, and the pain can be dull, sharp, or barely there but irritating. For others, it’s a weird sensation — like feeling as though your leg needs to move or that your fingers are tingling.

Is uncomfortable a feeling?

If it’s very hot or very cold in the room, chances are you are going to feel uncomfortable or ill-at-ease. The word uncomfortable comes from the prefix un- meaning «not» and comfortable meaning «affording comfort.» When something is uncomfortable, it doesn’t allow you to relax.

What is another word for feeling uncomfortable?

In this page you can discover 90 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for uncomfortable, like: hurt, restless, strained, annoying, suffering, weary, fatigued, prickly, hard, agonizing and awkward.

Is for example formal?

Both of these expressions are used when a speaker or writer wants to introduce a specific person or thing that helps to explain or confirm a general statement. Note, however, that for example is used much more frequently than for instance, particularly in formal contexts, so in academic writing it is a safer choice.

How do you write for example?

The abbreviation “e.g.” stands for the Latin exempli gratia, which means “for example” or “for the sake of example.” The abbreviation “i.e.” stands for the Latin phrase id est, which means “that is to say” or “in other words.” When writing, we often use these terms like examples (e.g.) to emphasize a point or use (i.e. …

Should you say for example?

There are many situations where the phrase «for example» can be used in writing. It’s a great phrase, but if you need to use it several times in the same document the text can start to sound repetitive.

Random good picture Not show

1. The devil is good when he is pleased

2. He who pleased everybody died before he was born. 

3. We are pleased to send you…

4. Pleased to meet you. Plsd to meet u, too.

5. I am pleased that you have a new job.

6. I’m pleased to hear about your news.

7. We are pleased to recommend…to you.

8. I said that I should be pleased to help.

9. The result pleased us enormously.

10. We are very pleased to have the opportunity to…

11. His preferment pleased his many admirers.

12. Your compliance with his request pleased your father.

13. She was very pleased with her exam results.

14. We are pleased to learn from your letter…

15. Dogs wag their tails when they are pleased.

16. Words cannot express how pleased I am.

17. Your Dad will be so pleased.

18. I shall be pleased to preside at your meetings.

19. To say we were pleased is an understatement .

20. Are you pleased with your new car?

21. She was pleased to hear good news about him.

22. I’m really pleased that you’re feeling better.

23. The new flavour pleased his palate.

24. Lisa smiled because she was pleased to see us.

25. You’re coming? I’m so pleased.

26. The boss should be pleased with you.

27. Mr. Singh said he was pleased with the outcome.

28. We are pleased to inform you that…

29. Lower interest rates pleased millions of mortgage payers.

30. Felicity seemed pleased at the suggestion.

More similar words: displeased, please, increased, release, pleasing, pleasure, displeasing, ease, plea, based on, cease, plead, at ease, disease, decease, increase, appease, least, decrease, at least, in the least, not in the least, phase, case, base, amused, seduce, used to, laser, abase. 

  • Use the word PLEASED in a sentences

Sentence Examples

We have found a survivor, we are pleased with him.

So he’ll be pleased with me, and I’ll be happy he’s pleased.

I’m pleased to announce that I have found the perfect person to fill the vacancy left by India Jourdain.

Which is why I’m pleased to introduce our newest designer,

Sonya BladeNShao-Kahn will be pleased

«You are dancing, you are having fun, I am pleased, very pleased

«My daughter and I would be very pleased to see you.»

Father wants a word with you, Aslaug, and he won’t be pleased to know …that you stand here wasting time with the smallholder boy from Nesset, …when a bloke like Ola Thormundsen has come to propose to you.

pleased to meet you, Sally.

We’re pleased to see you healthy again!

Well you see how pleased they are.

But yet, since I finished the painting, which pleased you so much,

My dear Nana, I am pleased to say… that I am feeling almost well again in spite of the way in which I miss…

Tracy. — pleased to meet you.

You must come with us tomorrow, we will be most pleased if you join us.

Allow me to introduce Miss Wood. — pleased to meet you.

I’m pleased to meet you, Mr. Pell.

You should be pleased too.

pleased — Pardon me, doc.

I’m very pleased to meet you again.

Why, pleased to meet you. — pleased to meet you.

I’m very pleased to meet you, I’m sure.

# it has been very beautiful, I’ve been so pleased # the guest have greatly amused themselves

Jerome Toenli is pleased to invite you to his home tonight

And try to do it nicely, will you… so that my Ulli will be pleased.

But do it nicely, so that my Ulli will be pleased.

I will pleased to leaf through it for you.

Daddy- mummy- The bear is coming, he doesn’t look pleased, and he’s coming here.

I’m very, very pleased to meet the Jordan family.

You’re pleased with me, I hope?

I’m very pleased with you.

I’m very pleased to see you all, and I hope there’s plenty of beer-

Vienna and the wine, Vienna and the wine — pleased to see you you haven’t seen anything like it on earth, it’s so heavenly

I am sincerely pleased to greet his majesty today at the session.

I am also pleased, your excellency.

Everybody’s pleased, your excellency!

They would be pleased if they were unable to arrest him… because by that hour, he had left the frontiers of France behind him for all time.

I’ll be even more pleased when you say yes.

You couldn’t have pleased me better.

Mrs. Dalton will be pleased to see some of Larry’s nicer friends.

It seems funny, somehow, you would be having a kid. The governor will be mighty pleased, anyway.

They seem pleased. The bonus was 20% more than expected.

I will .. but you won’t be pleased.

Your singing today, pleased me very much.

pleased to see me, ain’t you?

And upon my word, if you don’t seem pleased.

” Kira was pleased

Sam proceeded down the stone corridor to the sunlounge, where Tatania was dancing by herself with a gin in one hand, looking very pleased with herself

He was pleased to have it … we need guns sometimes and artificial ones don’t look realistic enough …

‘ I assured her, pleased that my ploy has worked

Though he would have liked more corroborating data for either situation, he was pleased by the numbers

Rosita keeps eying Dave, who is pleased at the attention

I don’t feel safe here any more and, reluctant though I am to admit it, I am really pleased that Molly is here with me

I think back to that phone call earlier … okay so I’d been expecting another of those nasty phone calls, but even so, you’d been pleased to hear his voice, hadn’t you?

’ Jeremy said warmly, managing to convey that he not only knows about the trials of the last few days but also that he is pleased they have concluded positively

Smith preferred those thought-shapes that pleased,

Talk is desultory … Jeremy mentions a couple of times how happy Stephen and Liz appeared to be at the party and how very pleased he is that Stephen has found someone at long last

I was pleased with myself

She has been in Athens for four years, she lives with an aunt of hers but she isn’t pleased and she wants to change address

That he is pleased with his CD is very clear, and he immediately starts looking through the book, following me into the kitchen and reading out bits to me as I carry on with my turkey checking … Christmas is proving successful so far

‘You should be pleased with yourself

‘We’re really pleased that you’re come over to Nick’s with us today

For even Christ pleased not himself; but, as it is written, The reproaches of them that reproached thee fell on me” (Romans 15:1-3)

the body, as it hath pleased him

When he arrived in the city, he was pleased to find something positive

Smith preferred those thought-shapes that pleased, that scratched the cosmic itch most effectively, and so He expressed thought in a set of patterned, reactive ways

By the time she was walking up the cobbled slope, having negotiated successfully the vagaries of the Bristol bus service, she was feeling quite pleased with herself

After terminating the call and feeling irrationally pleased with herself that she knew how to, she pottered around the house, cleaning and tidying … it was satisfying

She was pleased to see that Iain was happily eating

Well, Gerde would be pleased with the flowers

He was most pleased by the sight

were pleased to have had the opportunity to see the ducks

‘I’m pleased that it has all come together

Father is very pleased with what you have achieved, you know

She whickers at me conversationally as I work and I’ve convinced myself she’s pleased to see me

‘But I must be going – mother will not be pleased if I am late home

Ethereead was pleased by this

’ Berndt said genuinely pleased

Lardyme was a good Jodechian, the Alderfolk was pleased that

Sefir whickers enthusiastically at Adamant, obviously pleased to see him again

’ I replied, anxious that we should be here when Berndt returns and aware that he would not be pleased if we had wandered off somewhere

I was pleased to see their friends”

In the end, they were all pleased

Be well pleased in your friends Michael

’ I said, smiling back, inordinately pleased to see him

He was pleased that his presence impressed them so

It was easy for me to believe that Wiesse would be pleased about Berndt and I when we were out at sea, hundreds of miles from Sulis Min

‘Ah … I gather that father was not as pleased as I

There are sorrowful moments talking about Joris, but I am pleased to observe that Berndt has taken his friend’s wish to heart – despite an incontestable sadness, he smiles when talking of Joris

Master Jeffery was very pleased with the results and praised his young charges

The students were ready; each had received their final instructions from Jake and he was very pleased with them

We are most pleased in you both

I am pleased to work for you now

Jake called to Kate and told her she would be pleased, as would everyone else

«I can see you aren’t pleased with that

«And I can see you aren’t pleased with that,» Desa said

’ Berndt said obviously pleased with himself

’ I said, pleased to have something to take my mind off that blasted man

’ I said, pleased to see his pride in his daughter

’ I said, genuinely pleased

Yes Daniel, I am pleased

“I can’t think of a greater way to honor them Sam; Jake will be pleased when he hears

I am pleased to see that your heart has healed

She sounds really pleased to hear from me and we chat about the marriage plans … she seems pretty pleased about it, despite her original stance on marriage

He says that his mum’s really pleased

Nevertheless, I said nothing of my scepticism to Alexis who seemed well pleased with my scrutiny so I thanked him for allowing me to see the home of this terrible legend

He looks pleased and lets me have a few minutes to enjoy the view before driving on

All in all, and after a few questions about prospects and family lineage, they were so pleased that they had found such a suitable young man for their grand-daughter that it was agreed the marriage should take place there and then with the cameras still rolling

The princess was, understandably, not at all pleased with this turn of events

Sam’s pleased to see me, so I get down on the floor and make a fuss of her, telling her all about the flowers and Simon’s call

At check-in we were told there’d be an hour’s delay and I have to say I was pleased

We had become good friends and by then I was very pleased for him and Alessandra

’ She said looking pleased with herself

I’m putting the last of the shopping away when he walks into the kitchen looking pleased with himself

Sam is very pleased to see the water and laps it up noisily

‘Anna, I’m so pleased you and Simon are getting married

Ish looked pleased that the training was finally

Tarak was secretly pleased that his people were taking such a shine to her

focused and pleased with himself

I’m really pleased

Several days later the Phoenix was traveling along at a pretty fast clip and Duncan was very pleased with the improvements

he’s really pleased to see her so happy

How are you?’ He sounds pleased to hear from you

“Tevid, I am pleased to introduce Lady Rayne, I am sure you have heard of her

First Matai felt sorry for the young man, he had lost the Queen and Lord Boras was not pleased with his report as to how it occurred

’ She said airily giving me a sideways look and clearly pleased with the effect her words have on me

Naria was greatly pleased and with pomp and ceremony gave her a sash of purple, which appeared to be a great honor

After this visit, and pleased with their work, the two doctors of

’ He chuckled gently to himself, ‘Mary wasn’t too pleased when I told her about that

Naria listened saying nothing, but it was plain that she was not pleased

lineage, they were so pleased that they had found such a suitable

The princess was, understandably, not at all pleased with this

The governors are really pleased with it

‘He wasn’t too pleased though

He immediately drove to Susan’s house and her car in the driveway pleased him

The boys appear to be pleased with the way things are with Dave and I

He kept the mats down more often and had lots of old blankets scattered around and let the klizhorns roost as they pleased

All the letters begin by saying how pleased they are that Bunty is being remembered in this way and that the writers look forward to seeing the end product

I believe she would have been pleased with what you have achieved

“Well, they’re a lot smaller than her, you’ll be pleased to hear,”

“I’m so very pleased to meet you both,” she chattered as she set

At the designated dining hour, Harry dressed nicely and announced to the assembled guests, “If you wish, I shall be most pleased to escort you to your evening’s suppers; those of you not otherwise engaged may follow me

You have pleased me, and I will

‘We were not pleased about that event either, if we had been able to make our wishes known then, we would have made the attempt to stop that from occurring as well

Jameson was pleased too; he had built it at White Feathers’s request

Hipolyta thanked her, pleased at the compliment

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