Use the word please in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word please, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use please in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «please».

Please in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word please in a sentence.

  1. Will you now please send some fighters?

  2. So please be so kind and make it happen!

  3. Try and capture one bloody moment please.

  4. You must please allow us to hold our own opinions.».

  5. I said to her, «Will you please audition to play Lana?

  6. Could you please tell us when we can expect his appearances?

  7. If you are reading this, parents, please don’t tell this to your kids.

  8. You will please, therefore, proceed with the coinage of the new nickel.

  9. When Valérie tells him to stop dyeing his hair, he does so to please her.

  10. The prophet asked whether such presents would please an earthly governor.

  11. If you aren’t please tell me how you are going to help to not have a war.

  12. At 08:33:59, Atta announced a third and final transmission: «Nobody move, please.

  13. So please remain quiet.» Air traffic controllers did not hear from the flight again.

  14. This haul did not please Morrell’s employers, who had evidently expected rather more.

  15. Strange permits the inmates to do as they please, so long as they do not attempt to escape.

  16. When he failed to please either, he began to contemplate divorcing Germaine to marry Fanny.

  17. MacVeagh concluded, «You will please, therefore, proceed with the coinage of the new nickel.».

  18. One critic has even said that the text reads as if it were simply trying to please the public.

  19. He notes, however, that in this case he added rich materials and ornaments to please the queen.

  20. In these scenes, he is often framed as if trapped, «reiterating rituals that hardly please him».

  21. The doctors, not the patients, are the customers; they’re the ones the hospitals have to please

  22. He never disobeyed his father, and his letters indicate he knew Sargon well and wanted to please him.

  23. Aubrey’s critics acknowledged that he could be charming and went to great lengths to please performers.

  24. Though he has no children of his own, he loves them, and there is nothing he would not do to please them.

  25. I’d like to meet her,If you find her won’t you please remind her that I’m oh, so lonely, lonely,Oh so lonely!

  26. The izinDuna were somewhat alarmed by this and asked the visitors to please stay and continue, which they did.

  27. Fox had no desire for cross-country running, but took it up because he respected and wanted to please his coach.

  28. If the emperor continues to care for us, please follow his edicts and the imperial envoy should be well received.».

  29. Practitioners will often provide offerings, typically seven glasses of water, to the egun to placate and please them.

  30. It will be a great day for us to suspend this publication for then we can go as we please, and without embarrassment.».

  31. In a Computer and Video Games interview, producer Masachika Kawata also addressed the issue: «We can’t please everyone.

  32. His voice and lyrics haven’t always been easy on the ear, but throughout his career Bob Dylan has never aimed to please.

  33. He sacrifices his family’s fortune and good name to please Valérie, who leaves him for a well-off merchant named Crevel.

  34. But a Governor-General holds office at pleasure, and if he ceases to please then he can be removed by a Prime Minister».

  35. Author Tokyo Drifter of GamePro guessed that the game had been «tailored for die-hard fans» and would please no one else.

  36. Dave Simpson of The Guardian concluded that it would please old and new fans alike by being «brave, individual and heartfelt».

  37. She portrayed «unfamiliar sounds, styles and emotions», but managed to please critics with the contemporary sound it contained.

  38. It is unlikely that any harm will happen to us, but should I not return to you in Australia, please know that I truly loved you.

  39. Hall lauded Planet: «you can control entities on paths, trigger events, manipulate particles, and do just about anything you please.

  40. He also began to clean up his language to please his new wife, and would eventually claim to have eliminated his profanity altogether.

  41. In his depiction of the scene, he probably worked from Alexander Pope’s translation, «Their song is death, and makes destruction please.

  42. Sometimes the doll’s clothing is changed to please the spirit, while offerings, such as glasses of water or fruit, are placed before them.

  43. If you wish, please call me about anything regarding the album tonight.» All four of the band members sent him their approval by telegram.

  44. If itt please you to commande some of your lernede chapplens to oppoise hym in your presence, I dowte not butte ye shall perceyue the truth.

  45. The script went through multiple revisions to please the cast and Paramount Pictures, including cuts in the effects-laden climax of the film.

  46. When asked why his music was rejected, Kondo responded: «if somewhere in your mind you have an image that Mario is cute, please get rid of it».

  47. The bulls were easily acquired because the papal nuncio was under orders from Rome to please the English in an effort to prevent a final breach.

  48. But when we all get there, please God, if any conducting is still necessary I hope your services will be required and that I will be in the chorus».

  49. The Era commented that «Miss Lloyd’s clever character work, her versatility and unflagging endeavours to please were rewarded with deserved success».

  50. In Karambai, Aravan Kalappali is performed as part of the cult of Draupadi, on the 18th day of an annual festival (April–May), to please the goddess.

Synonyms for please

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word please has the following synonyms: delight.

General information about «please» example sentences

The example sentences for the word please that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «please» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «please».

Speaking Courses

In English, we use the word “please” to make requests and orders more polite – but have you ever considered where exactly to put the word “please” in your sentence? In today’s lesson I’ll show you several correct places to put the word “please” as well as a couple that sound unnatural, which you should avoid.

Please is a word we use every day, so we want to use it correctly. It’s really important to know the most common words and phrases so that you can be more confident speaking English in daily life. That’s why I created the Everyday English Speaking Course, to help you know exactly what to say in lots of different situations!

As I mentioned, we can use “please” with requests (which are phrased as questions) and with orders/commands (which are phrased as sentences).

“Please” in commands

Let’s look at some examples of orders/commands:

  • Please clean your room.
  • Please finish the textbook by Friday.
  • Please contact me if you have any questions.

With orders/commands, we usually say “please” at the beginning of the sentence, and it’s especially important to include the word “please” in direct orders, otherwise they sound too direct or too commanding.

It is also possible to put “please” at the end of a command, typically when speaking (instead of writing). So before dinner, I might tell my kids “Wash your hands, please.”

“Please” in requests

Requests are phrased as questions, using “can you,” “could you,” and occasionally “would you,” although that’s less common. In these cases, we can put please in one of two places: at the end, or after “you”:

  • Could you close the door, please?
  • Could you please close the door?
  • Can you pass me that pen, please?
  • Can you please pass me that pen?

With requests/questions, we usually don’t put “please” at the beginning – so we wouldn’t normally say “Please could you close the door?” That’s not wrong… but it’s much less common, so I recommend putting “please” either at the end or after “you.”

Once place we avoid putting “please” is in between the verb and its object, so don’t say “Could you close please the door?” or “Can you turn down please the volume?” – those don’t sound natural in English, even though that word order might be fine in other languages.


  • With orders/commands, put “please” at the beginning:
    Please clean your room.
  • With requests/questions, put “please” at the end or after “you”:
    Could you close the door, please?
    Could you please close the door?
  • Don’t put “please” in between a verb and its object.

Simple, right? If you have any questions, please let me know – there’s an example.

And if you want to improve your ability to speak English in lots of situations in daily life, check out my Everyday English Speaking Courses – there are actually two levels, so you can make progress and become a more advanced English speaker day by day. Bye for now!

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“… I’l have a book of first class stamps and a smile please

By the way, that Bedford Van that blew over in 1971; can somebody please turn it back over?

If your goal is to lose twenty pounds, please don’t drive around the parking lot wasting those minutes looking for the closest parking spot

Then somebody else comes to you and they say, “Can I have some time please,” and you think,

Please check with a qualified practitioner before initiating this programme

accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the

Proverb: 16:7: When a man’s ways please the LORD, he

Please do not use poisons even as a last resort

Heb: 11:6: But without faith it is impossible to please him: for him that cometh to God must believe that he is, and

Use only products without additives or preservatives please!

If you find something that works better than anything mentioned here, please send it to me for possible inclusion in the next revision

Any one has info on this one way or the other please let me know

‘No, I think I can understand what you mean … and please call me Stephen

Please see index for more info

‘Yes … yes, please

«Please do let us know as soon as you see anything

Please put a geosynchronous above the point where they used to be, it’s vitally important

Please note: There are many different products on the markets that can be used in place of the above

If you have a product(s) that you think we should know about, please see appendix

«I’m sure I can find a child to ride with you,» Herndon said, but please, have noonmeal, stay the sleep

Please return my dear, with all comfortable haste

Who we seek to be? How much we are willing to share? We experience the balance of our thoughts on this physical plane because everything we perceive to be is hardwired to a power that is eager to please, without judgement

While he was dragging it, Tahlmute turned toward him and said quietly, «Please don’t say anything more about this in front of or to the boy, or any other of your employees

Please realize that even though an item is organic and found in nature it can still be dangerous

BE CAREFUL! Please let me know of your results and any questions

‘Molly, can you pass on what I’ve said to Stephen, please? He’s in touch with the Inspector dealing with the case and I feel he ought to know about Dan’s behaviour

Please don’t call me again

To Order please see visit my website under Store

(Please see page 98

(Please see page 90 for more explanations of gerunds

Please find out the sentence pattern of each of the following sentences

ONLY, please point out which is a noun and which is a verb in the following sentence

Please find out the subjects and objects in the following sentences:

(Please try to memorize them

«Henri, please stop the car, pull over here

Please pray with me

Receive, please, instruction from His mouth, and lay up His words

But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to

‘There’s a staircase down the side of the garage there so you can come and go as you please, although there is also a connecting door inside which links to the rest of the house

to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper

And please call me Theo

«She popped it with a stick years ago, but don’t tell her dad she said that, please

“Aunty, please don’t call Mary that

«Travis, please honey, come on, this isn’t helping

«Mike, can you calm down please? What’s with all the language? What’s the problem here?»

Please, for once

“But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to

Please, at least settle your cherub on one of the hundreds of big islands I’ve scattered in a lazy arc across this water

Please let me adjust it to suit

If you have any interest in assisting with this, please reply

I took as deep a breath in as I could and repeated; «Please

«Let me have €9000 please and just leave the balance in the account

Please note that healing, cleansing, and raising from the dead are

«Travis, I have to take this call, please excuse me

But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes

“But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he

If you enjoyed it, please consider telling your friends or posting a short review

«Step over here please

«Please don’t kill me

‘Say that again … please

“To pretend to please everyone is mad, but to pretend to please everyone in a time of

please consider the following word study and the application for today’s preachers

to please encourage our young men (even teens) to begin early to prepare for their role in the leadership of the church

of the church (for documentation on this, please see my chapter entitled «Innovations in Worship: Women in Leadership Roles,» in Shall We Restructure the Church of Christ: 1995

If it is our utmost desire to please the Lord in all things (and what is the point of calling ourselves Christians if we do not submit to the headship of Christ in all matters?), we will go to the Word of God to learn the Lord’s will on this matter

‘Over there in the warming oven, please, Janet

‘If you could take that through, please, Kate

‘Kate, could you get me a glass of water, please? This throat is driving me mad!’

“We then that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak, and not to please ourselves

Let every one of us please his neighbor for his good unto edification

please understand that the words I have listed here are mere suggestions

It should be a recent one and please do not

«Please do not pass this on, don’t let the help over hear it

” Kira was pleased

Sam proceeded down the stone corridor to the sunlounge, where Tatania was dancing by herself with a gin in one hand, looking very pleased with herself

He was pleased to have it … we need guns sometimes and artificial ones don’t look realistic enough …

‘ I assured her, pleased that my ploy has worked

Though he would have liked more corroborating data for either situation, he was pleased by the numbers

Rosita keeps eying Dave, who is pleased at the attention

I don’t feel safe here any more and, reluctant though I am to admit it, I am really pleased that Molly is here with me

I think back to that phone call earlier … okay so I’d been expecting another of those nasty phone calls, but even so, you’d been pleased to hear his voice, hadn’t you?

’ Jeremy said warmly, managing to convey that he not only knows about the trials of the last few days but also that he is pleased they have concluded positively

Smith preferred those thought-shapes that pleased,

Talk is desultory … Jeremy mentions a couple of times how happy Stephen and Liz appeared to be at the party and how very pleased he is that Stephen has found someone at long last

I was pleased with myself

She has been in Athens for four years, she lives with an aunt of hers but she isn’t pleased and she wants to change address

That he is pleased with his CD is very clear, and he immediately starts looking through the book, following me into the kitchen and reading out bits to me as I carry on with my turkey checking … Christmas is proving successful so far

‘You should be pleased with yourself

‘We’re really pleased that you’re come over to Nick’s with us today

For even Christ pleased not himself; but, as it is written, The reproaches of them that reproached thee fell on me” (Romans 15:1-3)

the body, as it hath pleased him

When he arrived in the city, he was pleased to find something positive

Smith preferred those thought-shapes that pleased, that scratched the cosmic itch most effectively, and so He expressed thought in a set of patterned, reactive ways

By the time she was walking up the cobbled slope, having negotiated successfully the vagaries of the Bristol bus service, she was feeling quite pleased with herself

After terminating the call and feeling irrationally pleased with herself that she knew how to, she pottered around the house, cleaning and tidying … it was satisfying

She was pleased to see that Iain was happily eating

Well, Gerde would be pleased with the flowers

He was most pleased by the sight

were pleased to have had the opportunity to see the ducks

‘I’m pleased that it has all come together

Father is very pleased with what you have achieved, you know

She whickers at me conversationally as I work and I’ve convinced myself she’s pleased to see me

‘But I must be going – mother will not be pleased if I am late home

Ethereead was pleased by this

’ Berndt said genuinely pleased

Lardyme was a good Jodechian, the Alderfolk was pleased that

Sefir whickers enthusiastically at Adamant, obviously pleased to see him again

’ I replied, anxious that we should be here when Berndt returns and aware that he would not be pleased if we had wandered off somewhere

I was pleased to see their friends”

In the end, they were all pleased

Be well pleased in your friends Michael

’ I said, smiling back, inordinately pleased to see him

He was pleased that his presence impressed them so

It was easy for me to believe that Wiesse would be pleased about Berndt and I when we were out at sea, hundreds of miles from Sulis Min

‘Ah … I gather that father was not as pleased as I

There are sorrowful moments talking about Joris, but I am pleased to observe that Berndt has taken his friend’s wish to heart – despite an incontestable sadness, he smiles when talking of Joris

Master Jeffery was very pleased with the results and praised his young charges

The students were ready; each had received their final instructions from Jake and he was very pleased with them

We are most pleased in you both

I am pleased to work for you now

Jake called to Kate and told her she would be pleased, as would everyone else

«I can see you aren’t pleased with that

«And I can see you aren’t pleased with that,» Desa said

’ Berndt said obviously pleased with himself

’ I said, pleased to have something to take my mind off that blasted man

’ I said, pleased to see his pride in his daughter

’ I said, genuinely pleased

Yes Daniel, I am pleased

“I can’t think of a greater way to honor them Sam; Jake will be pleased when he hears

I am pleased to see that your heart has healed

She sounds really pleased to hear from me and we chat about the marriage plans … she seems pretty pleased about it, despite her original stance on marriage

He says that his mum’s really pleased

Nevertheless, I said nothing of my scepticism to Alexis who seemed well pleased with my scrutiny so I thanked him for allowing me to see the home of this terrible legend

He looks pleased and lets me have a few minutes to enjoy the view before driving on

All in all, and after a few questions about prospects and family lineage, they were so pleased that they had found such a suitable young man for their grand-daughter that it was agreed the marriage should take place there and then with the cameras still rolling

The princess was, understandably, not at all pleased with this turn of events

Sam’s pleased to see me, so I get down on the floor and make a fuss of her, telling her all about the flowers and Simon’s call

At check-in we were told there’d be an hour’s delay and I have to say I was pleased

We had become good friends and by then I was very pleased for him and Alessandra

’ She said looking pleased with herself

I’m putting the last of the shopping away when he walks into the kitchen looking pleased with himself

Sam is very pleased to see the water and laps it up noisily

‘Anna, I’m so pleased you and Simon are getting married

Ish looked pleased that the training was finally

Tarak was secretly pleased that his people were taking such a shine to her

focused and pleased with himself

I’m really pleased

Several days later the Phoenix was traveling along at a pretty fast clip and Duncan was very pleased with the improvements

he’s really pleased to see her so happy

How are you?’ He sounds pleased to hear from you

“Tevid, I am pleased to introduce Lady Rayne, I am sure you have heard of her

First Matai felt sorry for the young man, he had lost the Queen and Lord Boras was not pleased with his report as to how it occurred

’ She said airily giving me a sideways look and clearly pleased with the effect her words have on me

Naria was greatly pleased and with pomp and ceremony gave her a sash of purple, which appeared to be a great honor

After this visit, and pleased with their work, the two doctors of

’ He chuckled gently to himself, ‘Mary wasn’t too pleased when I told her about that

Naria listened saying nothing, but it was plain that she was not pleased

lineage, they were so pleased that they had found such a suitable

The princess was, understandably, not at all pleased with this

The governors are really pleased with it

‘He wasn’t too pleased though

He immediately drove to Susan’s house and her car in the driveway pleased him

The boys appear to be pleased with the way things are with Dave and I

He kept the mats down more often and had lots of old blankets scattered around and let the klizhorns roost as they pleased

All the letters begin by saying how pleased they are that Bunty is being remembered in this way and that the writers look forward to seeing the end product

I believe she would have been pleased with what you have achieved

“Well, they’re a lot smaller than her, you’ll be pleased to hear,”

“I’m so very pleased to meet you both,” she chattered as she set

At the designated dining hour, Harry dressed nicely and announced to the assembled guests, “If you wish, I shall be most pleased to escort you to your evening’s suppers; those of you not otherwise engaged may follow me

You have pleased me, and I will

‘We were not pleased about that event either, if we had been able to make our wishes known then, we would have made the attempt to stop that from occurring as well

Jameson was pleased too; he had built it at White Feathers’s request

Hipolyta thanked her, pleased at the compliment

“No, no; if it pleases you do continue

travail, to gather and to heap up, that he may give to him who pleases God

pleases God shall escape from her; but the sinner will be ensnared by her

If it pleases you, we wish you to live with us and teach us the secrets of your craft

Though the price, therefore, which leaves him this profit, is not always the lowest at which a dealer may sometimes sell his goods, it is the lowest at which he is likely to sell them for any considerable time; at least where there is perfect liberty, or where he may change his trade as often as he pleases

What pleases Him

A positive law may render a shilling a legal tender for a guinea, because it may direct the courts of justice to discharge the debtor who has made that tender ; but no positive law can oblige a person who sells goods, and who is at liberty to sell or not to sell as he pleases, to accept of a shilling as equivalent to a guinea in the price of them

Ultimately you want a software product that pleases your

By means of the loan, the lender, as it were, assigns to the borrower his right to a certain portion of the annual produce of the land and labour of the country, to be employed as the borrower pleases

The situation of such a person naturally disposes him to attend rather to ornament, which pleases his fancy, than to profit, for which he has so little occasion

It tends to reduce the quantity of every sort of produce, even that of the necessaries of life, whenever the servants of the country choose to deal in them, to what those servants can both afford to buy and expect to sell with such a profit as pleases them

As he is at liberty too, either to buy or not to buy, as he pleases, it must be his own fault if he ever suffers any considerable inconveniecy from such taxes

A widow can marry when she pleases though of course the community may frown on a hasty marriage the law does not prevent that at all

4 And let the maid who pleases the king be queen instead of Vashti; And the thing pleased the king; and he did so

9 If it pleases the king, let it be written that they may be destroyed, and I will pay ten thousand talents of silver to the hands of those

Then only will God give the seed (the buried body or remains) a glorified body as it pleases him (To whom He wants to give)

26 And I find more bitter than death the woman, whose heart is snares and nets, and her hands as bands: whoever pleases God shall

3 Be not hasty to go out of his sight: stand not in an evil thing; for he does whatever pleases him

“No matter how happily a woman is married, it always pleases her to discover that there is a nice man who wishes she were not

king, if it pleases the king, and if your servant has found favour in your sight, that you would send me to Judah, to the city of my

21 If a servant say to his master, I will not do as it pleases you; though afterward he do it, he angers him who nourishes him

18 At his commandment are done whatever pleases him; and none can hinder, when he will save

whom the king pleases to honour; and when this is done, have the prince lead the

is the way that the king shows honour to the man who pleases him!!””

may be showed you, whatever it pleases the Highest to declare to you; And with that he went his way

In Aragon, the king must consult with a body called “Les Corts” should he wish to raise a levy or go to war, but in Castilla the queen can do as she pleases

master is the Devil, and it pleases him to show his rule over them outwardly, while at the

a duty! For “works” are anything that pleases God!

level that pleases Him

and loving Him for the outcome that pleases Him

all the lodges of our tents lie before your face; use them as it pleases you

and call on him to help us, and he will hear our voice, if it pleases him

24 When the elder heard Jared’s intention, he said to him, «Let alone that purpose at present, and come with us; you shall see our country; if the land in which we dwell pleases you, we and you shall return in here and take your family with us; But if our country does not please you, you shall come back to your own place

Whatever Pleases you, Keeps you Back


8 And Abimelech said to Sarah, note my land is before you, place your brother in any part of this land that pleases you, and it will be our duty to exalt and elevate him above all the people of the land since he is your brother

pleases, but what is true

The botillo pleases me,

“whatever pleases you most”, as he had done in all previous occasions

16 If it pleases the king, let him hear the counsel of his servant; and the king said to him, Speak

6 But Abram said to Sarai, Behold, your maid is in your hand; do to her as it pleases you

15 And Abimelech said, Behold, my land is before you: dwell where it pleases you

To achieve the ultimate orgasm, a woman must find what truly pleases her

24 When the elder heard Jared’s intention he said to him «Let alone that purpose at present and come with us; you shall see our country; if the land in which we dwell pleases you we and you shall return in here and take your family with us; But if our country does not please you you shall come back to your own place

8 And Abimelech said to Sarah note my land is before you place your brother in any part of this land that pleases you and it will be our duty to exalt and elevate him above all the people of the land since he is your brother

This pleases me! Open the door and let it land

objects he as he pleases

16 If it pleases the king let him hear the counsel of his servant; and the king said to him Speak

He has taken it for his own and the choice pleases him

39 But wait you here yourself yet seven days more that it may be showed you whatever it pleases the Highest to declare to you; And with that he went his way

Then bird and cane will be ours, to use in a manner that pleases us both

This also pleases the mind-executioner

“It pleases Me to use the pure in heart, those with a sincere faith within them

3 See our houses and all our places and all our fields of wheat and flocks and herds and all the lodges of our tents lie before your face; use them as it pleases you

17 Therefore let us wait for salvation of him and call on him to help us and he will hear our voice if it pleases him

14 Then said Judith to him Who am I now that I should gainsay my Lord? Surely whatever pleases him I will do speedily and it shall be my joy to the day of my death

A man needs friends, as well as a lover, and it pleases him he and Annyeke have become closer

And, if it pleases you, stay and share in this ritual

seek to do what pleases Him

This pleases me and many others

who pleases not only his mother, but also the young woman he is living

“Pharaoh is the son of Ra, he can change the rules as he pleases

She will abandon the traditions that once protected the people and she will recreate our society in a manner that pleases her

This pleases God, for he is happy that people wish to know about him

He doesn’t seem to mind ’cause it gives him an excuse to let loose whenever he pleases

«It is an appearance which pleases me, and one which I thought you could be

But our God is in heaven; He does whatever He pleases

He can steer the dream, or in other words, he can change Emo World in whatever way he pleases

roam wherever he pleases

“I suspect that we will need your assistance, if it pleases your captain, er Rachel, yes

it as he/she pleases

this?’ Thus does ALLAH leave to stray whomever He pleases

and (He) guides whom He pleases

stories to mean only that which pleases our

Its gladness flows into your chest which goes up and down as it (the slaughtered animal) pleases to uplift you to the Provider of the sky, because, by your pronouncing His Name over it you were both overwhelmed with happiness and bliss

and that pleases me, as I hope it does you

Christian: The Child who lovingly pleases his father’s wishes and surrenders to his loving care so as

She will do as she pleases and she will have such powers which would make her more powerful than even our superiors and she will be almost invincible

‘Which means, of course, that Grobut has a free hand to do exactly as he pleases for the next 19 hours and 4 minutes

where it pleases you

My heart melted into a million pieces I pray to do all that pleases

«And it pleases me that you’re still alive, since it fits into my plans

could come and go as she pleases

He is strong enough now to remain awake and to go anywhere he pleases

help us to live a life that pleases Him

pleases and obeys Him

So if you were to make God your friend, to take the time to build relationship with God, to become intimate with Him, to listen to Him, to build a life that pleases Him, to discover from the word of God, what He hates, and what He loves, and begin to love the things He loves, and hate the things He hates, begin to align your life along that path, and make God your friend

It’s faith that pleases God

“Leanne, have you considered single rich women? I think she would need to come and go as she pleases, and a husband would be a bit of a drama to her in her chosen field

The greatest peril of the Established Church in this day consists in the favourite policy of total inaction which pleases so many, and their inability to see that we are in danger

constitution, and it will not be able to govern the country as it pleases

This means we can find, in the scriptures, all the information needed to have congregational leadership which is pleasing to God!

Then I pay and take a slow, weary walk to find my way back to the apartment in the smooth and pleasing early, early morning

Kate relayed her thoughts to Jake, if the lady in question does not find him pleasing, then she would have to be blind

“You have a good body, strong thighs and legs, a pleasing face

She thanked him for a night that was very pleasing, but she told him, he was not the one for her; she would find her mate among her fellow people

The magnolia is in bud which is rather pleasing to contemplate – I love those flowers

They walked the few blocks from the station to the steps of the Main building on Malvern College campus, and remarked on the pleasing state of the grounds, the impressive architecture of the buildings and naturally, constantly reminding Harry that ‘he would do exceedingly well’ on his tests

However, when they were, she didn’t need to guess if she was pleasing, she just knew she was

“This is pleasing to a girl,” she said, “Is it to you?”

“They were careful to get pleasing body contact with her but they were paying more attention to me

His face was more pleasing to the eye

I asked the Lord what to do with this vision and I felt the Lord saying that the man has this same passion in what he does for God and it is pleasing to the Father

The ceiling was made of timber beams, whereas back home, a rich man’s ceiling would be covered with terra cotta tiles, each imprinted with a pleasing image

To write how beautiful it was, how pleasing

whatever death his tortured thoughts produced, to have her entrails studied before he savored them, to have the few scraps that he didn’t eat tossed out for the ravens, to have to bear the fear of it for weeks, until he settled on a pleasing method… it was unmercifully cruel for the Fates to spin such a bitter end to her hard life

Escort girls from the Godly Succubi roamed the halls of the factory, pleasing and teasing whatever man they came across

But there was only the breeze and the pleasing scent of smoke and meat burning

“Carius! Gods be praised!” She leapt right into an embrace, catching the Imperial off-guard but pleasing him nonetheless

Most of the time we condition our emotional feeling of happiness on circumstances being a certain pleasing way

In the time it took for their ale to lose its pleasing chill, a host of new realizations had manifested as reality

This kind of rule is reasonable in a world where pleasing situations make you happy

Without a second thought, she did so and was then able to appreciate his pleasing features

a smiling countenance that I hoped would be pleasing to the little girl

It had a devil-may-care atmosphere to it that was somewhat pleasing

In addition to very pleasing flavours they have relaxing, healing and healthy properties

Aristotle once said that the soothing quality of (mellifluous) music exudes a spiritual quality or essence pleasing to the soul; that is to say, spiritually uplifting

Back in the stall, Jasper’s horsy smell was pleasing to me

His attention to pleasing Elizabeth slowed his own impulses, so that he felt in control when her movements became more spasmodic, and she began to moan and cry out, first softly, then with more intensity, until her pelvis thrust wildly upwards and he sensed she had had an orgasm

“Were I pleasing you as a lover I would do it like this,” I said, closing more of my mouth around her, sucking and licking

What is not so pleasing is that the owners of some of the roadside restaurants catch and keep monkeys on short leads to entice tourists into their establishments

Perhaps my father abandoned his true self in favour of pleasing the outside world, beginning with his father

My forest-green dress heightens the colour of my eyes, looks pleasing with my auburn hair hanging loose

Perhaps this was because she always seemed to preserve that attitude of delighted surprise towards life which most of us leave behind in childhood—an attitude which not only made Rosemary herself seem young, but flung a pleasing illusion of youth over the consciousness of every one who talked to her

The onion variety was a little charred on top, giving it a slightly bitter and unwelcome aftertaste, though the sweetness of the onion was very pleasing

Additionally, such introspection empowers us to be more aware of what we think, say, and do – thereby leads us to change our unskillful behavior, and in the process plants positive seeds in our mind stream, to then experience pleasing outcomes in the future

I sense I do not quite fit in here, although on the other hand I admit it is pleasing to enjoy an evening away from home sometime

I want you to look at yourself and ask the Lord to show you what is in your heart that is not pleasing to Him

neither shall they be pleasing to him: their sacrifices shall be to them as the bread of mourners; all that eat of it shall be polluted, for

18 For so the ways of those who lived on the Earth were reformed, and men were taught the things that are pleasing to you, and were

18 Whether it were a whistling wind, or a melodious noise of birds among the spreading branches, or a pleasing fall of water running

16 Those who fear the Lord will seek that which is well, pleasing him; and those who love him shall be filled with the law

But her beauty and her desire to always be close to the fire, made her more pleasing to the flames

This remark was not pleasing to Zeus

Verses 1 to 7, Paul stops short of making it a law or condition to live a lifestyle pleasing to

joy in the Holy Spirit, these are the things that please God and should also be pleasing to men

so keen on pleasing man that we avoid correcting

because I felt it would not be something pleasing to

pleasing to Him until much later in their walk

was really pleasing Him

not do anything of His own except what was pleasing

faith that was so pleasing to God

And these blessings which went out out of my mouth were well pleasing before that Head of Days

that we should put others first, that pleasing God should come before

26 And Pharaoh, seeing the evil that befell him, said, Surely on account of this woman has this thing happened to me, and he removed himself at some distance from her and spoke pleasing words to her

The area needs to be cozy, but functional, with pleasing textures and colors

I long the pleasing tune of your cheer

All happiness comes from pleasing the self

19 And she said to him, How beautiful and pleasing are all your words; take now, I pray you, the harp which is in the house, and play with your hands and let us hear your words

20 And he said to her, How beautiful and pleasing are my words when I speak the praise of my God and his glory; and she said to him, How very beautiful is the hair of your head, note the golden comb which is in the house, take it I pray you, and curl the hair of your head

What contributes to that pleasing scenic condition is the fact that, under a volcanic layer, rest numerous and abundant deposits of water

Early Friday morning on March 8th the liner reached Chalmers, picturesque and protected entry port to the well-attended and pleasing university-city of Dunedin

Roger definitely agrees for he considers its bay as the most scenic, pleasing and breath-taking he has ever contemplated

5 And when the woman saw the child that it was good and pleasing to the sight, she hid it for three months in an inner room

that the progress I was making was not that pleasing to my superiors

Then she heard it, his outright laughter, a deep, pleasing sound that melted her

An idea came to him, pleasing when he recognised the source of it

Logic is pleasing to the philosopher but not one of us follows it when his own ox is gored

26 And Pharaoh seeing the evil that befell him said Surely on account of this woman has this thing happened to me and he removed himself at some distance from her and spoke pleasing words to her

To pleasing your employer

19 And she said to him How beautiful and pleasing are all your words; take now I pray you the harp which is in the house and play with your hands and let us hear your words

20 And he said to her How beautiful and pleasing are my words when I speak the praise of my God and his glory; and she said to him How very beautiful is the hair of your head note the golden comb which is in the house take it I pray you and curl the hair of your head

5 And when the woman saw the child that it was good and pleasing to the sight she hid it for three months in an inner room

The sight before him was not a pleasing one, but keeping his self in check Morgan made his way to Leora to find out what had happened while he was gone

21 And fear not my son that we are made poor for you have much wealth if you fear God and depart from all sin and do that which is pleasing in his sight

It was good! Together they silently enjoyed a pleasing interval provided by such closeness

This was a pleasing

The Father hasn’t left Me alone for I always do the things that are pleasing to Him

You don’t worry about pleasing others because they expect it of you or because of childhood conditioning

It was good! Together they silently enjoyed a pleasing interval provided

Jesus said to them again When you have lifted up the Son of man then you shall know that I am he and I do nothing of myself but as my Father taught me so I speak; And he who sent me is with me; and my Father has not left me alone; because I do what is pleasing to him at all times; And while he was saying that many believed in him

you are holding on to that is not pleasing to God, any sin that you

«And from the fifth mountain which had green grass and was rugged they who believed are the following: believers indeed but slow to learn and obstinate and pleasing themselves wishing to know everything and knowing nothing at all

are pleasing to the eye—sunsets, autumn leaves, a winter

3 Let us consider what is good and pleasing and acceptable before him who made us

1 Beware beloved lest his many blessings come to be a condemnation to all of us unless walking worthily of him we do what is honourable and well pleasing before him with oneness of mind

By pleasing consumers, the entrepreneur enjoys success

Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will

Although, I have to admit, my start so far with Marc was pleasing

me was also pleasing him

do those things that are pleasing in his sight

The casual atmosphere was so pleasing she could nearly forget

Many of the symbols are aesthetically pleasing

pleasing order to our ears

What the elders saw was most pleasing, but when they got to the present, they were very disappointed

Peter decided to keep the key and glove, which was very pleasing to the elders; it showed that he had character, even though he was afraid to mess up

“Fear not,” he cries to his wife, “for Qusim is pleasing to Allah, and He has called our boy to Heaven, and surely he is well cared for by all the angels there

resulting in effects pleasing to the presiding gods (tutelary or patron-angels)

Definition of Please

to make someone happy

Examples of Please in a sentence

It is impossible to please everyone, so I just focus on keeping myself happy.


She knew it would please her mother to see her in a dress, so the tomboy put on a pink gown just to make mom happy.


Nothing can please the critical man who continues to complain about everything and everyone in his life.


If our service did not please you, fill out a survey telling us how we can make your next experience a happy one.


It would please me to be able to go bed at a decent hour and not have to get up with the sunrise.


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Dictionaries variously define please as an adverb or an interjection. There is also a verb form to please.

You are asking about the following four sentences:

  1. Please?

  2. Please do this.

  3. If it please (you)

  4. May it please you to

  1. Interjection: Please? is a complete sentence that only makes sense in context.

It softens the previous sentence which would normally be understood to be a command by making it sound more like a request. It could also be pleading, as a child to their parent. Can I have my friend over? Please? Pleeease? A child, or someone who wants to be light-hearted might say Please? Pretty please? Pretty please with a cherry on top? The cherry on top is a form of bribery, meaning something similar to I’ll really like you if you do this!

  1. Adverb: You may use «please» before or after any command or request in English.

Please get me a glass of water.

Get me a glass of water please.

The subject, you, is implied because the sentence is using the imperative mode. Here please is considered an adverb because it can be replaced by an adverb: Quickly, get me a glass of water! or Get me a glass of water, quickly!

The sentence may be further softened by the use of would/will/could/can you:

Please, would you get me a glass of water?

Would you please get me a glass of water?

Would you get me a glass of water please?

Using would/will makes it a request or a favour, while could/can is a polite command. Note: in the past Can you…/Can I… meant Are you able to…/Am I able to… as in Can you jump higher than a meter? Nowadays, the meaning for most people has changed to Would you…/May I… with Can you… replacing Would you… and Can I… replacing May I…. You may use please before or after any of these.

Please can we have pizza for dinner?

Can you please shut the door?

May I go out tonight please?

  1. Verb: Many languages use a phrase where we just say «please» in English:

English — please

French — s’il vous plaît / s’il te plaît

Dutch — alstublieft / alsjeblieft

The equivalent phrases do exist in English but are not used nearly as much:

French  - (si) il vous/te  plaît
English -  if  it pleases  you


Dutch   - als tu/je blieft

English -  if  you  please

Here please is a verb and it conjugates against it in the first example and you in the second: it pleases and you please. It is incorrect to say If it please you in most varieties of Modern English because please is not the right conjugation for he/she/it. You have to say If it pleases you instead.

They both sound excessively formal or archaic. If this is the form «please» takes in your first language it might feel more natural to you in English but sounds slightly strange to native English speakers, simply because it is very rarely used. A plain please is appropriate for both formal and familiar situations, i.e. you would say it to your boss, the leader of your country, your best friend or to your child.

  1. Verb, excessively formal: May it please you to is extremely ingratiating or fawning.

It is overly respectful. Since most English speaking countries have lost the class system (where people were ranked into class levels and those in lowers levels were considered inferior to those in higher levels, in comparison to today where there are often laws that specifically state that people are to be treated equally) this form of please sounds far too formal. It would be used by an inferior to their superior but nowadays we wouldn’t use it except perhaps in surviving ceremonial language (maybe used in courts of law or houses of parliament at certain times). You would only use it in the previously mentioned ceremonies or in jest if you think the other person is behaving in a superior manner. Using this phrase, because it is so uncommon, is supposed to remind the other person that they are acting in an antiquated manner.

Your last two sentences would most commonly be expressed as:

I would like to speak to you please.

Please may I speak to/with you.

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